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Flesherton Advance, 17 Feb 1898, p. 8

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FEBRUARY 17 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^ D. McTavish kbeps FLKBHEKTON ON HAND ...REPAIRS For Massey-Hafriii, Nuxnn, Fleury and Wilkimon farm implemoiitn. Floury and Verity pluwK un hand ull tbs time, alHr> all kiiidn uf repairs for the tainn. Wh inaiiufucture WHgonii, Duggien, Cuttern, SlulKhs, etc. Florseshoeiiig proiiipily attended to. Special atluiiti»n to tender cc**- tracted feet. LozgiiiK and Ploir ChainM coustitiitly uii tmnd. df SnrZnlhKitinlnlriiriSin^ ^«= ^!^^ JI&^\K.^H.^I/.»M/«v\ii4!«.^l«. ^{.5»t«.!5lj.^l^:4'<. ^M.*(«.^!/.-.M.!.^'i ^<.:Jl<.^!&»t«.^"i:J'> ^:« Buggies, Carts, Waxons, Harrowa, Plows of tlie best kinds and rt-pairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse liakcs and Coru Bcufllcrs and rcpnirs. Cbains of ail kinds. liorscslioeitig a spuciulty at n John H. Heard & Son's Warerooms Owen Sound, Ontario IS THK VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A THOROUGH liL'SINE.SS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip '„.",?.,TJ;r.„;': â€" ' Collesea au<l Commercial Depart menu In (â- aiiatla, tli«u tlnit the Nortli.TU llmliicM Colleije ; cxatiilno evorytliliiR tborouKhly. If we fail to jiroiluce tb« most tborouKli. coinploto. practical aiil •xtntisive course (»( study ; the bet,t collet;* pruiiiUeaaiiil llio beat auil inout coiupl.te aud mot â- iii'tablo furniture and aupliuncea, we Will Hire you a full course FKI5B. For annual • iiau.ii>.Miuient3, yiviiig full partleular<, free JddrsHi C. A. FLE.MIXG, Principal W. BARNHOUSE Wiolii'H t) drnw the attention of the I'ublic t<j tlio follawinK : noun IN BAGS Uf all nizea and aa Cheap m the cheap •of. i^]>ucial Uitr(;:ti:ig iii 3 and 5 lUirel lot*. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season , . . Groceries and Provisions. boo and COON MITTS and LKOO- IN'iS made to order and on Hhorteat Mutioo. Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton Beaver Planing Mills EUQEN5A Wu uiRTinfuKfliire nnhh. drois frMiios. tl»or< trijC, tiikrtu, Bif'tDK. j'iiitt HhraihiR. vorMi<Uh luatmialH. Wuhavuoii IikikI a Ifti'RQ ttoi^k of â- tftlr turiiiiiftfi, Btalr rail, tiii-ntid uoriicr Itlock*, Imru blockH, almi all tlio fttaiidtinl f^lzuH of flaih %nct ilo >rit on liii'i'l. VVe havti a flrHt elasfl kiln for <1ryiiit{ liiinbnr aii<l will KOt-ratiteu our matiirliila tlioronutily dry. Klln-rlrlo'l lianl vnol tl'jorltift alwiiys ou liati.t. Hrln^ your owii lacibfH- n:i(] havu It kiln drieil aid jiIhikmI hure, Komoiiibtii', you tun no ilbk ; wo will t;uaian'ou lO III J(0 a porfitct ji>b. Our Ki'Alnoliopphi^t i II; la Inpmfrot ortlnr,*n:l In oi-'lor to nli'iw >o.i timt n* ap'irci^laU) tho fnry lan*A trade tliac wi> do I'l that U'lt vo havn (Ifi«:ld«td to riMtncu ti.e prioea of c-liopping liahutt) 4o ptir hti.fl. A Ami claHH bhud for Sonr teauii wiiilo waiting. We tfrind uvory Mrs. A. Wilson, Prop. T. W. WILSON, MANAOGR Winter Goods, In Vogue at the Fliishcrton . . . HARNESS SHOP B^LLS, HLANKETH, BASKATCnKWAN and GOAT ROBKS Vhipa, Ruhbei Knee Rugi, lined and •nlined. Curry Combs and Bruakei. Choloe s OoodL« At rvMosable Prlcoi. Saiiifaekioa guaranteed in repairing. WM. MOORE ||r»«to . - DiMn â- Mfe vMg» jMi. ^fj- â- ^ •&»&• :Mt» Wfr •»'/« -i't- •M<. .»'<. •^^• Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton i Photograph | Gallery | are done in first-rlaas otylu and at £ lowest rates. Special altfiitiun |^ (jivpii to copyinp. HaliieB' j>hotos. jfe ^ a .specially, 'si ?! I'icturea flamed. MRS. BULMER ^??^n?=5!P^ie'?IF'!R==5R=W'*?'R!'^fi-"7it=»/A- ^iTst CiassT/fapie AND BlUCU E* ImO O R I I^ C At a Bargain tor the ne.\t 30 days. Save your orders for sii a i MS -AT TUE- FLESHERTON Beecroft 6c Talbot DO YEARS' EXPERIENCE iiTENTS Trade Marks 'TfTV^^ COPYRIQHTS Ac. Anyoiio aohdtnn a akctch and rtiwcrlntlon may qulf^kly ainort.itn our optnlon free \Yhi>thc>r an InveiiMon iHprnhably patonUMe. r<>mniunlra< tlons lit riclly rontlilon t !hI. ItftnilhonV on Putenta uenl fr*H^ OMt-«t nif(>m7 for pciurunf patents. I'titnnlti Ukcit tliri>iitfti Miiiui A Co. recolfe fp€c(/il fu^kc, wrthout c lmrg ft. in iho Scientific Htnerican. A ^janflaomely I11ii«*tr«tcd wookly. I.nrK*«t pitv ciitallon iif Ally itr>enLitlii lounial. Tt^rinn, |3 a yoftr; fonr monthii, |L tkAd byall newndealors. SUNH&Co."'"-"-" New York Branch Offloe, fW r Bt. Wubloston. 0. 0. Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of fuiH pur- chased, for which highest market price will bu paid. Uoniemnde sautagea on hand, aitt all kiads of nieati. Iwl. WILSON f leaharioB Meal Inporinai Renew your Subscription For 1808 ^^ 3i»t Battalion Tliu annual meeting nf tho ofliuersof the uf the 31st BattAlion waB held at the Queen's Hotel Fiiday last. Tliere were pruseiit in attendance Lieut C«l. Telford, Lieut. Col. Bnxlie, Cnptain.i, Spencer, McDonald, Massoii, and Lieutenants Mac- Kay, Tucker, Frost, Lavorty and Searg- eaiit McCallain. After the anniul Ue^i mental dinner a busini^ss ui«i-tini{ was held, at which the following aonnnittees were appointed : â€" Rei^iiucntal Cuniniittee â€"Lieut, Col. Telford, Captains, Mc- Kniglit and McDonald and I.leut. Frosc ; Mess Committee â€" Capigin McKuitjht and Lieut uuaiits &lcKay iindChi»holin ; baud Coiniintteeâ€" Capt. Cleland and Lieuten- iiiits lluiitor and McKay. Citpt. McDoii- uld was re eli'Cled Sec. Treiu*. It was decided to hold the annual Church Purade iiiimediaiely after the Itogiuient Koing tu cunip in June next. At the close of the liexmienial Dinner a mretiii>; of thd Slst Urey Battalion UiHe AsKociation was held, lit which the foUowin;.; oftioeis Were elect- ed :â€" Hon. Pres., Capt. bpencer ; Pres., Staff Sergt. McCallum; Vi,;e. Pres., Cupt. Cleland ; Sec- Treas., Lieut Col.Telford; Auditors, Capt. McKi.ight and Lieut. McKay ; Committee of Management, Lieut. Col. Telfonl, Captains McKnight and Cleland, Lieuts. Frost and McKay, and Staif Sergt. McCallum. An import ant cliangu was made with reference to the holding of the annual Uitlu Matches of the Association. Instead of tteini; held at Owen Sound, Flesherton, Mtaford, and Thoiubury as formerly, each comp- any will compete at its own company's ht'ad(|uarteiH, and Lieut. Col. Telford and one man A each coinpapy will act as Range officers. Thootticers of the Rt-gi- nient are (juite enthukiikstic and elated with the splund.d standing tho Battalion has made for the {)o«t number of yeant nliile ill cauif) at Niagara.standiug second to none in the whole brigade ; and they are ipiite confident fnmi present indica- tions that at the June camp their Battal- ion will be in better shape than it ever was. â€"Advertiser. Osprey Farmers' nilllng Co. The sni.u-.d nieftitig of the O.-iprey Milling Co., was cuccntly tield. The iiiinunl statcmtiit which presented rt'iowcd the net eari.iii.'.s of the lo be %\tftl.'i\. The total earning] during; LH'.)7 were !?7ft!l2 3I. and tho diaburse moots {:C5l'4.97. Tho items of the lat- ter were namely : Millers wayos, %S^X> ; ttsRi tint's, 81iJ0 ; odioere, fUO; Ira H. Perig./s nH;;e.>", 18!l7,$oC3.80 ; miscellan- euus ace .unlK, 5o42.;i.") ; p.iid f'T whctt, t!L'700.01 ; iu books (^lint mill) lu.nt audit, 81001 55 ; in hocks ( n/ill) l«i,t audit, »7-'2.!iO ; St.'tk in grist mill last audit, $300,00 ; stock in sawmill l:ist audit, $30. Thu tivft«uro''H si.itemcnt showed the receipts for 18it7 to be $o7ir>.- 7ti, and tho expend turo 9S511 liO, leav- ino a bs'anco of »204.10. The liabilities of tho conip'iiiy are : Balance of inon- (.'ago to Mra, Palnn, as at November 1st, 1«S»7, *18(X).00 ; interest on mortgage 2 mo.i.;it 6J%, J1'J.60 ; Ira U. Perigo, sawyer, f 105.46 ; total, $ly84.SKi ; the a.--i*ets ate : Cash on hand, <214 IG ; book itcconntj, griiit mill, 81195.80 ; book iiccouotH, saw mill, $7&2.37 ; stock on- hand in grist mill, JWJO.OO ; stock oiif hand in saw uiill, 930,00 ; nmouiit uf coini>rtDy'« proi^^oity (o»liii.ated)Â¥8000,0Q'; total *10, 842.33 ; amount of aasuts over liabilities, |«Sn7.38. County und District Will. CiiiT, a native of Tliornbnry, was frozen to death iu tho M>chi;:an lumber MoodHroconlly. Ho was 30 years of age and marrii'd. Mr. E. Route of IlolUiid Landing was dragged 20 or 30 foet with n horse on top of him. Ue was badly injured but may recover. Tlionias Sanderson an erstwhile Shel- biirne cattle dealer, was charged by Mary Anno Irwin, of Stanton, with breach <J promino and she wanted %'2X)ld damngt'S. Judge McCarthy held court and tho un- faithful Tom, ni'gh'Cling to put in an ap- licnrance, was mulcted in the sum of %WS and costs. Here is a paragraph from The Munici- pal World which sbuiikl be framed and hung ill every inunicipal council chambur: " The Munioi]ial Act provides tliat no Council shall aanunio to make any ap- (Miintmont to oQIce or any arrangement for the disohargo of the duties thereof by tender, or to applicants at the lowest remuneration. The daeire of every ooun- eil should be to secure the nio^t etB«ient •duiinistration uf muncicii.'til»^rMni. This «»n only be done kj appnintlKy nood men at aalarlM for wbiek tkvy eau aft>fd to pr<»perly p.;rform the duties cf their «f- Kco. A poor man is dear at any price. Otticers of uxperiuncu whoii<! services iilivo been 8atsfaoi4>ry should be retaincil, no m.ilter how many personal friinds of th« Councillors may be demanding recogai- tion. Continunnce iu odice should bo a reward for etJicifntseriice. ludependont, capable, peritiHUent otfir-ials are a ity in every muuicip!ility." The report of,the Orand Secretary pre- sented to the Tetnplar srand coun- cil at the annual meeting held in St. Thomas <.ii TuBtday showed tba*, owing to a bolt of three councils in Lanark county to the Sons of Temperance tho Miissiiinary work of thi-year had only ru- sulted in a gain of seven mo:uber«. Tl;w Royal Templar luenil erHhip lu Ontario uii Jaiiuaiy 1, 1807, was <)074, and on Jan. 1, 18S)8, tK)81. Har.ild the three yinr idd ion of J. Iin MorriNon, eij^ht concession of E^reuioot, vras Ijad y injured by a vicious dog. The aDiuMtl c.vUL'ht the l:ttle foHow by the right eye and made an u;'ly gash from the eye across the forehead toiho scalp. Tho boy was thrown down by the di-g and to.-tsed about in atuiiibte manner. Hud his .screams not attritcted help there is little doubt thitt Harold would b.ivc been killc<l. Medical aid was summoned and it rrquired fouvieeu stitches to ch>iie the wound. Thedo'{ was killed. Last March Goortte aud Percy Ho'.deu, sons ot Mrs. lloldeuof Tori-n'o, former- ly of Hvatl.cotrt, were killed by an explo- sion iu the factory of the Gutia Perchn Coinpiiny at Toronto where they were employed. Mrs. Uilden sued for $15,- OUO damages. A verdict was brought in last Friday holding the company liable for the death of the y<>uiii< men, and awardi-ig the mother f3,000 in the caeo of Percy and $2000 in the case of George. â€" Stuiioard . On Sunday last when Mr. and Mrs. .Tames pattirton returned from church they fimndh heir dwelling houae burneil to the trro-jiid. Aa it *a» some di-)t:iuci' from any neigblM)is, the fire had, before hein:; d!sco\eioil, beyond Control. It was imp'>itsiblo to Have ov<>n the furni- ture. Only n very few 'hitr^n wore saved. It is sui'posed to have cnught from the pipea. Mr. ami Mra. Patterson have only very roctntly been inarrii-d. Tho hies of their home to thiia will be very much felt. Mr. Pattel-son wo believe in- tends buildiuj; a^ftiii in the sprius. â€" Dundalk Herald. Eilitors are the fnst lo hear of gossip or liC tndal, iiid.Hcretions of moii and women, thin;;* uiitit for publication, intig'ues, claiiduhtiiie meetiiitis, night buggy riding, young girls gouo astray, ttiitktons if married women, amours of men, and in fact all luirih'jorbood scandals. Editors generally know all the nai»j;hly doings in a community no matter how secret. If uno half they hear wcro publiuhtil, di- vorce suits would follow iu some ci.iln.stracism inolheis.shot ;;uuiand gore, de4plHte liomeH, shame, humiliation and n]|fco>y. The editor hears much of the shams and by pociisy of life, and it is a wonder he believes iu auythino on earth and hereafter. People who abuse tho editor tho loudest some'imes owe thitir standing iti society to his forbearance. All exchange givoi the foUowinii in- structions how to tell a young fowl from an old one : In llHi> g up the wing, and pushing asldo the fca.hera of tho sides, you will lind in ihc case of tiyouir^ hen, a long down lit;ht c!»ae, airanijed regu- larly bet neon tho other feathers which cover ihoau pairts of the body... Through tho shin, which is of a delica'.u and rosy tissue, the very small and blue veins will bo apparent. -I|) a lu-ii more than a yrar Old, the down a^ th<> reins will have dis- appear< d. the skm is of dull whit', a'.id dry, li'ss smooth, and somowhat farina- eeous looking. Thn smooth leg, with fine bright ftcales, i.i alto one of the best indi- cations. A hen that has laid has the atius VI ry large, one that has not laid has it very straiuht, and tikis ori-au commen- ces to stretch when tlio pullet bo;;in3 to lay. Soinubody who has been studying tie almanac writes aa follows ; This year be- gan and will eiitl on a Saturday. It will have six eolipaia of which only January 7 and DocemWr 27 will ho visible to North America. The (jueon's Birthday cotnrs on Tuesday and Dominion Day ( July 1 ) on Friilay. Ijibor day will bo Monday, September 6. Thaiik.'giving pr>>bably Thursday, November 24. First Sunday in Lent, February 27; Puln> Sunday, Ap- ril 4 ; Easter Sunday, April 10 ; The Hebrew year, C069 will begin at sunset Friday, September 16. Tho four 8m»iiu will bi-gin on tbes* days in 1808 : Spring, March 29 ; Sumiuer, June 21 ; Anttunn, Bepteiuher 82 ; Winter, Deoeiubcr 81. Tkwe are dye oomet^ lobeduled for 1898. imuL-W-a MBftjeag Su5ittrj55 e»til4 ffcULLCLOH 4 YOLKG "• Panlieri, Mstkdtlt Do a ceocral buiikiuf businoii. Uo.-ier loeQi-d «« • rca<oi:a!>li> r»i». Call ai. us. A 8 ViNDUSR.V. 3 f " Clerk 6th Dir Conrt, Co Qrei l8tui,r •f Marriage Lic«BM«, Cnnrcyanefr r^ourr. Public, Auttioueer. Money to leaa at troui S t« « jie/ ceut. Cbargen molarate. FLESHEUTON T nEBTS COLLECTED J . , "^^l* nnilernigned is prspsred to iindert«ke the coiiecticii of ail klucs of debta Aoles bought, secoums eol'feted, etc. K N UE.NDEK80K, FlaahertTu T tHISL.-'/Tt * t'ii-iiherfou Suttcn P'«tina»ter, Coniiiiiasioiirr in IT C J, Cccvrf auciT. Viry.Af>. Kioi tKHKeo, ii:««»i> ana willj ci-s-.tu. ^^OIl.l> to lend at 3i per cr.ot aud ui»- waras. Dtbje colletled. Cbi^uts Dicrttrala. D 1 SPKCLLK " I'uatnis/itci, F^c,eh..itun < nini.,iK.ici;,-r in II. f. J., .l:>eiica«tar Cm- IW. I..:*t. ,„u !i.>..,»Dte .â- .f.-i.t. I>?,s' uii.rts«!,e.,, l«Kji,, n,.| .»ii„ (,r,ft:lly urnnu ?,''„„''" i "'"»"oi"' ni.d.,.,„ ,i.oiteb Lctlte. Won,, to io»i, si li.ft(M ratt. u l,.t.i..t. \"' Uctl.u. attended to *.tli l.,<.„.p; lUfc bteanishiy Company. A call M.liciud. ^orirticsi A U W meets every 8ri.t and third Uondsr t irlstoea block, Flestiurton, at S p n, j„' '''^•'•v, WM , A M Gi^.„ W Hellamy.Vmacciar. Visiting brethren inYU«J. pRINCK ARTHTB LODGE. No XB. A F block i-i' ."'".*" '" ••" Ifaionic hail. Btraia' t 10 full luooD. K ilcUill, W M â-  w Uellani>, becretary. " »• . »» Jfttti^trt} T P MARSHALL " M D8, DD8. LDS, Visits Fleeherton the 1st aud Srd Friday a< each uouili. T O CAiXPKBIL •" L I) S. D D S, Dcnto! SurEeon, Varkdate u"" V-^ McCullnu^h 4 YomiB'. banlt. Hoiu»-t...i» a ni tog |. 111. Vtiit. FiP^heifa thn Bfevn.l and fouitli Thursday ul mwJL luonib. o»ee at i Lute) •p nSNDFRSON *â-  D U S. SI D 8. Dentist of Toronto (GoU lle.lal,»tl will Tisit Flehhertoii pra. and UundsU the fullu«ia« ^'.ay (Thursday.) %m\ TOHN W FRONT. L I. B " Bariiater, Solicitor , I'ooTfytncer. etu Omcâ€" Kext to |wtoJJ!ce. S».roiik'a fclo»-» l-leiiliurtoi;, every KaturJky auil ccuit da«^ :< li-Owen Wound oCce, Frosts block JO I'ouicit -t ee» east. ' T UCA3 A %\1tlGHT •" liaiTiEters, Solicitor CoDvetsncera.'eta W H \mUiHT I B LtcA« N ll---Klesheitou office, Mitchell's Bank. every WeUuesJay. "••». fUCKKB it PATTERSON * Barrister*, bolicitori, ete Uolsou's Bank, Uweo Bonud HARBY Q TUCKEJt GKO W PATTKRaOS A G. UACKAT. M. A. â- "• liairiatem, Solicitors, Notary, C0B> vevaucer, etc. Ciowu Attorney tor Orey. OUicet-30 Pculott atreet, Owen b-ouud ; an<1 Main atreet, llunrtalk. SaturUajs from 5 v. u. to V p. m., aud ou Uivisiou Court days. ^Uiliral T\U nVTTON iJ MUCM, MCP48 Ont, PriooTlHw. OtCce next door to Itruwn's itore ; rt-Ridenoa o^'puiile at tliu old post olhoc, teaideui-e of laAi A.ux Hrovrn. Otilce da\ aâ€" 'i'uei>days auil SataiB daya. nn CARTER " M C P * 8 Ont, rhvBlciau, SdrgeoD, •«• Heahertou cfllceâ€" Slraio's block. Beaidoneoâ€" kiuushaw's Hotel. TOH.N A SCOTT, M B «* Member Collego Phyai*. 4 SurgeeOs , Ontario Orailuatu In Me<Ucine uf Toronto VniTomily, Fellowfbip Diploma, Post (Iradn- ato Medical School and Hospital. Chicag-.A. Uisuasi's of eye. ear, soae and throat apeciallv truAled. Heeidoi.ce, Mux well, viaita Fevoish a ik Tbursdyas 1â€"8 JP OVTRWELL Veterinary Burgeon Ora<1nate of Ontario Veterlnsry CoUe|^. Itvuidenoeâ€" Second door south on west sidk Marv street. This streets runs south trett Preabyterian church. P lOF.VUJiK AXD DURHAM 8TAQB Durham stage loavoa Flesherton StatiMi * T.IS a.ty.', r«tnrns 4.«S p.m. Prlceville sMB le»ciitbevHi>i3 place at 13..W, returuinii at 4.4K Fave So pTicevtlle aud retnrn. ao cents : Dn> baia, •l.SO tor rethru, TSo. sinRle fare. Livery Id e«W' aeothin. Orders may b« left at either hotel. A.MoCAULHY imm Pava for your Name Baantiful RIDDRN NA1_ OiKDa. loTeWpfetare*. eel RandsomeCaniniiCardt. with erder. StaisBS ' Address, QAIIAQA QABp â- OOH, la •nlarlo, I ,>.,

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