V" i^iiiaita. dr TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. " â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." FlesUerton, Ont., Tliursday, February 17, 18G8 W. H. THUBSTON. EDITOR * PBOPBIETOR ^M Seasonable Goods Vandclenr 'H I have T'uSt ad-.ioti to rr.y already large stock a new line of /^"iamoncl an.i Opal Rings, also an asso- tment of the fam- ous Dueber Hrmpdeu Gold Tilled Case.Ladies' and Gents', ir.cluiliag the smallost watch ever made in Annerica. Also a new line of Silver\V.ir^: and Optical Goods, all of which I am above FrotH Our OwH CoiTttponaetii. Mr. James Souiera had a very success ful wi<ud be uu Thursday last. Mr. Wai Alcox haa been laid up with lappreciaied ment. Rev. Mr. Pluukett tilled the chair in hi:i uaual happy manner. Mlas Christoe presided at the (vntaii. The woi)d bej at Mr. Go^irge Uaw's, «h.c!l WM followed by a party . Mrs. Teasdale and daoschter of L:>to- iudrrumental luusic by Messrs. R. J. well, are the quests uf Miss Hargrare. Pedlar slid A. Wardrobe was highly ' Mr. Turn Hustoa is gone to UlcIc Sam's The proceeds only amount- doiuaiiis. foifig to sell cost. not be.ow cost or at cost, but very little Call and get my prices before purchasing. AVatch. RGpairing" a Specialty. W. A. ARMSTRONG. -^ a sit^ ^-t^Saa Hill & Co, lunibajjo for some riu-.e, Mrs. Alex Carson of Priceville visitsd frieiiiia here a short time ago. The Foresters concert, held in 'heir hail here ou the 25th of January, was a com plete bUcceSB aiid was pruuouuced by many tu be the best ut the season Proceeds amounted to i20. Mr. J. Christie of Owen.Sound was the guest of Mr. Ihos. Kells a short time ago. Master Earnest Stillcox is visiting at his aaut's, Mrs. Geonju Pritchard's. Mr. John Alien of Gleneli{ is visiting at Mr. J. Warling'j. Miss Lillie Pricbard is Uid up with bronchitis. MAUKDALE Proton StatioB <V%. m â- ^H4- # m EH m EH < m EH p5 REMNANTS REMNANTS Twice every year we make it a rule to clear out all short ends of g"oods--the pruning of our stock as it were. Original cost is scarcely considered when we prepare for remnant selling- and shrewd buyers are never slow to take advantage of the small prices niade poss- ible in this way. Scarcely a line ot goods but is represent- ed on our remnant counters, varying in lengths from 1 to 10 yardsâ€" to see them is to buy and save money. As announced a few weeks ago. all winter goods.are being sacrificed while the improve- ments in the store are being made. Hi NEW SPRING GOODS Wrma, a\kT own QorrttpmulAt. The Orsniie coucert held m the Orange hall on the 10th was a decided success. The hall was tilled tu its utmost extent by an appreciative audience The program was the best ever presented to a Pmton audience. The chair was taken s.Sortly after tJ o'clock by Mr. John Lyons of MarkdiUe. Music of the highest order was supplied by the Park Bros Sinking, humorous, seutiiuent.il and othcrwi^r, was supplied by a number of perfocuieis, ueariy all uf whom have made a reputa- tion here before. Addressi;s were given by the Rev's Vlahan, of Fleshertou, and Fo.lis t f Duudalk, both of whom inaiii- tiiined their rrpuutinn as vood platform J I speakers in a way thiit delighted the audi- ' J eiico aid will secure for tliu rev. gcnile- \JJ. men a hearty wclconie from any Proton I 1 1 Station audivii're iu the future. The pro- cAJ I cetds of the evening amounted to about hij j forty dollars. |_^ j The Orange society hare haa proven pS|' itself to be a pn'greesive b<-)dy, havim; wi'hin a obi^rt time bui!t a neat hall, largely increased the number of its mem bers, havinjj already taken int j its circle the greater portion of the most ii.telli- gent and induettial members of society within the radius of its influence. Mr. and Mrs. John Wiight of Durham , jiaid a visit to this place this week. ^^ I A reference was made in the Duudalk U^ j Ueiald recently t> the danger of Presby- '- ' terians backsliding becauise that in Proton Station there is no regular pnstor now. I There is good evidence that the working portion of the Piesbyteiiaii church Lh not in very immediate danger of ftJling from Kraco in the fact that a well or;;anized Sabbath school with an attendance verg- ing on CO, even on stormy Sundays, and a collection of over 50c on an average, also an increase in attendance iu spite of t!io absence of a pastor, as well as the keeping up of the regular church services, without any loss in atteudnnoe. Can the Si "A CO ed to ten dollars. Kever mind, boys, tMttter luck nexr time. Politics are all the go at present. Mr. Boiau d has held two very enthusiastic Miss Alice Parsiow, mLssins her step fell down a cellar, a distance of eight feet, but fortunately without any senou.s in- jury. uieetingii here, aud we are all on tip toe • Revival services are being cunductud waiting to hear what the other candidates by the Rev. J. S. Humphreys iu thu have to say. At some of the quilting Methodist church here, bee - held recently, the Udies havo dis- j cussed election matters in a most eloquent I manner, and they know ho" to do it. ' They ought to have a chance to vote aa well as the men â€" so they all say. Markdale I'he miid weather cf the past we«k induced the crows to leave their winter quarters. On Sunday they were tiying .iruuud, very happy to be with ua again, and every one was pleased to welcome tbeui back to their old haunts. The dear old crows arn more faithful than some of our friends. Our Toronto visitors have all gone back to the city. Misa Sorih Pedlar returned last week. Miss Mary Williams this week. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Liwlor are leaving Eugenia and goiii); back the farm. We are sorry to los<« them from our midst, aa Mrs. Law lor is still a great favorite with the people of Eugenia. Mrs. Klijah Paul is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. R. Bentham, jr., ai Fleshertou. I Thursd.iy eveuinc was the occasion of a very pleasant surprise, when a number of friends gathered at the h^me of Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury and spent a very plea..ant evening, when the following ad<lress was ' read by Mr. W. Sloau : â€" ' Dear xa. and mks. BEADBcaT.â€" We ' bavu met here to ntght to enjoy an hour or two wuh you belom you leave tho uei^hliorhood, ai.d hope you wUl accept this lamp as a small token of our regard for you aud hope you aiay live many years to enjoy the use of it. Sigued ou t<ehalf of your friunds, j MSUl. W. SLOAX, I MRS. A. sxixa. I BEFLY I Dbak rRiKSDS.,â€" Thisis from Oi»r "irii Currapondfiit. ! A .jasket social was given iu Uaskett's hail under the auspices of Christ Church last Friday eveuin.;. A toothsome lunch- eon was served, aftur which the evening was socially spent in ttauies, el..-. Tho crowd W.1S not large, owing to the inolem' eut weathjr. There was to have been a hockey match her* hut Thursday, but owing to the thaw it had to be postponed. Markdale curlers spent an encouraging week at Owen Sound. The thaw pre- , vented them from linishinu the matche^', ! therefore they will have tu go up again. Mr Will Bell of Eugenia was iu town last week. Mr. Thorp Wright «jf Weston viaited^at ; W. U. Pickells last week. I Mr. M. Armstrt uu is in Toronto at- tending the .\. O. C. \V. giai.d lodge. I Mr Rudd Mathews of Uainillon spent a day or two in town last week. W. Lush, late photograph'.-r here, now of Regioa, was in town ou Monday. lOtb Line. O^pnj The roads are very bud on account cf the thaw. Some bridges itave been wash- ed out and stup[>ed the teaming. Mrs. J. E. Buckingham is visiting friends iii this vicinity. Mr. T. Davidson has returned homa from visiting friends in Toronto, also Mr. J. Ueud.-rbon has returned home from tho city. A lady detective visited one .'>f our poN , . â- , .!â- . iticid meetings in Fuvershaiu, and nabbcil pleasant surprise, and we assure yuu that ° ' we highly prize the friendship aud itood '!>«« of our young men, but made a sad wijl which has btvuicht yuu here to night, mistake iu the men. aid that we will treasure the beautiful i ^ » » â- »â- ^ pri.-sei:t yuu have presented us with, not A patrun of the Paisley creamery with al< ne for its own value, but as a token of three cows for 5ve .ind a half months la.-it the neighljorly kindness tl<at prompted , ..„_ . . „„ â- ^. . j... j,, . ,„â- , _ , â- - , ' i_ , .'^ . season took out in ca.sh coO.tiU besides the gilt, aud wherever our lot may be ,,.,., cast we will remember this evemng as one keeping the family m butter and cream, of tho plcasantest of our lives, made so by Another with four cows in four and oue- you, and pray that Gtd will brighten your third months took eut $64 and kept the lives sus you have endeavored to brighten ' j^,, ^^^^ ^^ ^^,,^^ j^^ j,,^ j ,^^,^^ ours this cvenii.g. ogncd ou oehalt ot ; myself aud family ioa:s K. BRACsraT, Swiaton Park in the creamery system. Doii't lo^e au opportunity to put in i«e, and plenty of it. It saves itself. â€" Paisley Advocate. New Prints New Staples New Clothing New Dress Goods New Shoes New Carpets Gigantic preparations are being made for our spring trade and this season will add scores to our list of regular customers. From week to week we shall keep you posted on tlie prices you should pay and those who have traded with us in the past know, that goods are always as ad- quantitie-s advertised and at the prices vcrtised, in advertised. the F.T.HILL&CO. HABKDALE, OUT. j editor of the Uorald say any more for our I Oundulk brethren.' Mis2 Harriet Uolines of Crcemoru is i visiiin;; her sister, Mrs, Felstead. Miss Buskin of Markdale is visiting at Mrs. R, Clark's. Mr. .\. Clark, our new tailor, is wear- ing a very pleasant :^ suiile. Cause : A little daughter-jUst arrived. Mr. W. Wilson's littlo i;irl, Bella, hap- pened with a severe accident the other day by fallins into a pot, of boiliiig water and scalding her leg fn>m the knee tu the ankle. Mr. W, Parks had a very successful wood bee on Monday, after which the youi>g people made merry until the " wee sma hours. " Mr. and Mrs. T. Sherwoi-d have moved temporarily tu near Eugenia. EHXciiia. From Ovr Own OurrtspotidcHt. The Orange concert held here on Fri- day evening w.'ts, owing to the weather, a complete failure. Very few (>eo|:lo found it impossible to ci>uia out. The few who were fortunate enough to be present were d«li||ht«d with the •vening's eutertaiu- FioHi Cur Otcn Corrffpowdeiti. Wc are sorry to chronicle the sudden death of Mr. Gilbert MoCanne.l. The dece!u»ed ^eutleiiiaii was widely known throughout thii k>o.ility, being lax col ect- or for several years, and had woo the love aud respect of all who knew him. His remains were laid away lu the Presby- terian cemeiry here the following Frid.\v, when a lar^o number of friends gathered to pay their last respects to the departed. His wife and children have the deep sym- pathy of the coniuiuuity in this, their aad hour of bereavement. Mr. Wui. Plester, one of the oldest i settlers of this section, p.issed away Fbb. rtb, after a short illness. His remains were laid tu the Methodist cemetry tho following "Wednesday, by alar;.4e number of friends Tho ci<mmunity exteuds their sympathy to the bereaved ones. Mrs. Joseph B^ack, who has beeu seri- ously ill for some time, is reoovcring. We are soriry to learn that Miss Anoi« McWiUiani is seriously ill at present. Miss Rhoua Uicks, who haa been visit- ing friends here for sometime, returned to her horns iu ilie west lately. Thu^tea meeting and social held in the Presbyterian church, were fairly well at- tended, although it was very stormy. Tho procveds of both amounted to 945. Last Tbun<Uy Afternoon tb«to was a %^'W%^« ^WINTERSUITS! 'K^TlxG Tailor* Made up m the latest s'yies with our new syst\?ni of cutting. THIS IS A GOOD IIME_,<>' To get your tailoring done, aa it is a slack scisoii with us and tiniti does not count fv)r as irucli as it will later on. .\U our work IS guaraniiecd satisfactory. Give us all opoortui.ity to prove our veracity in this respect. Cuttinji" to Order i3r--VT LOWEST PRICES-^a mi CLAYTONS BRICK EOCK S^roctor " " \\ - - The Tailor 1| ^ â- ,.â- i,'^.ii \«