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Flesherton Advance, 10 Feb 1898, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON AD V Af CE FEBRUARY lo 1898 mmm Vicinity Chips Ca«ract«rtKtics •f the Pas Week Car?rul(y Cuiled for the i«as » â-  Utuiiiest uolices amoHjf Imnts ic4ll 6r ' Y charged at tke rate •/ *-en ( »ts 1" f*r KtK foir eatk itiserlton. A + rcdnrlion tcUl be made on coii- + trticU for 100 lines or over. The .Advance hi;-] Fariuers' Sun for rally gl.30. Wild weathei i!urma the pist wee's resuhKi ill :i thaw Tuehd.iy whiuh is still im the boiirdi-. A f"ot of snow would iiut be iiiiitHcd. F< r salo clieAD. 1 aitl ito>>d single 4iivii g hiiri'ess a'moftt new. Apply lo R. J. Sprol'lb, Fleshertdir Wai.tvdâ€" 2CO,000 feet nf soft elm lour 10, 12 ard 14 ft. Imig. All l"i;8 luuttt b« clear of kno'i; and ria'j shake!<, *t Sl< ail's saw mill, Eugeiiia. Sream HaW and sh ingle for gsU tunipKte »iid in gmd runiiiiii' order ami in g' od locality, on ri-asunahle tejuis; froci'f all «rncunibiHnc*-8. Apply to E. »jk.>8, Lndy Dank P. O. Fur moiify at 5 per Ct nt. per aiiitnum, tin faim p-'ifMjrty, apply toO-n. Rutlitr- find, Shvlburne. Get his terms aiid statement of exponacs befuni going else- where. Rl^tor GlcniMnninj; of Diiiidalli iiitt rith a heavy los.s last week by the biiru- ing of h H poultry hoiwe and stalile. About 70 choice thori>uglibrert fowl wert roasted, feathers and all. » Wanted at the veneer niiil*, Eugi-nia- 600,000 flit if soft tlm I'las. .K'\ loc.s niuit be fretj of knots and ring shiike*. and cut 10 ft. 4 in and 15 ft. C in. lonj;. Spit casli paid. \. S. Baxsermas. At the rc'j;ulMr ipiartcrly board meeting iif the Mttlu d:8t chu'ch held on Mouday afternoon lii>t Ucv, J. .Maliau wat invited to remain on this ckarje for a f mrlh year, subject to the Siinction of the st»- ' tioning committee, A laree numb*. r attended the Ep^oith League coi.vcntion in XlHrkdide Tuea day afternoon, and lepott a iiiuct I'HCces.'iful meeting, with jiacers of nioru ihui oidiiiary interest and iiicrit. A re port will appear next wtek. McFarland and Son, Markd»!eâ€" 100 pieces Ci uni's Eiijjlih prins Iwst K""dn marked 12i cents; 03 piojeiC lna^iaIl, from 5 ce. ts ; 630 yards blouse bi'ks, 19 Cen's, regular 30 ; 72 Haiidsi.iiio Window xhadcs complete, 25 cents, vali;d 40 ; 10 pieceH 42 inch dro.-is ginids, 14 ceiit.s, re- gu'ar 23 cents ; 13 only ladies' luauths, half price t<i clear. McFailand & son, for baryain". The Owen Sound papers speak in glow iiig teriim of the ability of our latly elo- cutionis!, Misa Annie Rich4rd«>'n, who appeared at a concert there under tlie auspices of the Kings Diiuijliteru. The Sun say* : " The vast innjoiiiy were de liijhtetl with her porfomwuce Her bear- ing in the btaae is ni-aceful and self cojiti I'eut, she is lemarkably hsiipy in her ges ticulatii'n, which is simple and yet eC". ct- ire. Toomsny clocutioiiists, a« we all know, are somewhat exttavaaant and « rained in the use they make of gisture . Hiss Richardson cert.-unly does in't make this mistake. Have you renewed your subacriptinn (or 1808 7 Ue are in a position to kaow that a large number have not done so. Now don't b.1 b^ishfid. Coiiio iii without kni'cknig. On the 15th of thu (•resent month we have payments t.i make and rely on sub.^criptioni lo n>»!;ii t'lein. T:ioso who cau find it convenient lo ri new before that date will bo fjriito- ful'y renionibereJ. Tell y ur noiuhliors, liv<, that they can have The .Vlvance the I'slsnce of this year on trial for 75 cents (>r better, aeiid or Ir'ngiua now sub SCI ilier along with your own and wo will Miakca special reduction for the two. The late Geo. Coutto.of Osprey. whose decease was referreil t'> by our Maxwell â- Or. laat week, came to this couiitry from Abeideeiishire, Scotlainl, in 1857, se'tling in Pickering township, and came to Osp- fejr in 1862, where be resided until the time of hia destb.oD the 29th ult. The de- based gentlrman leavee t wife and a fani- |lr «||welT«, only two of wh>m rfiu«ia ^btmrn y^. unmarried. All the children attended hia ; fuiu-ral and four of the sons officiated an ; [mlllieareis at the funeral, which took ! placd to Maxwell Presbyterian burial trouiid on Wednesday of laat week. De- ceaaed h;id 1 een a member of the Presby- terian church for foity years and was muih respected. He leaves his childien to the ^)U^lh cAiieratiun lo mourn his lotss% Apolojfy We the undemiiined, bavioic learned <hat a s'a'etnent is attributed to us, to the effect that a young woman phoced a p. lis- TOUR drug in a cup of tea served to tho undentii/ned. Ribert Swanron, at Fri-d Brown's threshing last fall, for the purfiose nf poi^nini; him, hereby de- clart? each for h'mself, that no such siHt«>nieut was made by us, or eitht-r of U'<, on the icci^-ioii named or at any other time. And further say, if anything said by us, c^r either of us. gave such an in.prc8.'<iou, Sind was the cause of a r>^ port of that sort, we treatly resret it, and hereby tender Mrs. Tlioiras Pallister.aiid her family, »n apology fir tho annoy a!'Cti and inconvenience occasioned t)y the currency of such report. G. SWASTOS. R. G. SWANTON. Fierherioii. January 24th, 1898. Sudden Death Mr. Gilbert McCannell, tax collector of Pmtoii t«wnship for the past eleven years, WAS suddenly culU-d away by the lian-t of death on Wednesday last at the early .me I'f .33 yearn, Icavii'g behiud him a famdy of five. Mr. McCannell was visitinu at the home of Mr. Jas. McDougall when the suinni'-ns csme. During the past fall he was treated at Toronto hospital for cat^mli of tUv Bl.iiDach, and retu'ned home in cured. His heart was exceediiiijly weik aiid this wna the direct cause of dea h. He wa.t s^'Und and out of doors in the forenoon of Wednesday last, but in the aftiTooon comp'aiiied of pains in the stonuich, and hot cloths were be n^; ad iniiiirtervd nheii bis alttndunts noticed that he had e« ased to bteath. Dece-ased wa-s a nieuiber of the Presbyterian church and the fuiieral took place on Friday to the Swin:"ii Piirk cemelary. PERSONAL3 Uev. J^. J. Darroch, B A., of Mc- Masier university, officiated iii the Baptist chapel on Sunday, and administ- ered ooiiimunioii to tlio largest number that ever parti ok there before. Mi-s. W. Moore of Owen Sound canio down on Saturday tu attend tho bed.side of her mother, Mrs. T. Leitch, who is critically ill. Mr. W. Mooro also drove down on Sunday, returning Monday. Messis. Piico Teeter and W.U. \Va ker will .attend the A.O.l'.W. grand bdge in Toronto next we«-k, the former as lep- re»eiitin;{ the FK-shcrton lodge. Miss Belle Gjcrdruiii is spending a nioutb with frieiids in Owen Sound. Mr. D. ClajtoM, Culiii.gwood, drove over on Teusday- . â€" •^^^ â€" : Feversham Cheese Factory STiTB.MKNT FOtt 1897 Totai lbs. nf milk received, 676,230 ; total lbs. of cheone madc,64,U07 ; average lbs. of milk required to lu.ike one lb. of cheese, 10.50. Toial amount "received for ciieese, |5.266.85. The total .i- pdtiditure inciuuiiig inukiu^, drawing ano nosC' llaneuus exrionsua was f 1,253 92. Tne 4verH!;o amount pnid fur dlawin^ pei cwt. of milk was tS.oO. Aveiage puce per pjund uf cheese, 8.22. Average valuo of milk per cwt. ^or season, 59 34. The following i>Clcer'< have been eleci- ed for 1898, viz.: Richard Hawton, President ; Wm. Dunoan, Vice Pres.; D. W. Chtiloo, SiHi ; Wm. Hudson, 'fi'ttaa. ; Juo. A. Kernahan, Sidesman ; Geo. .^lister and Andrew Douglas, .\uditors. The board of Directois have re-engau ed T A. Hutchinson a.n cheesu maker fur the cuialiig sea.xoii. D. W. Cu:tj.v, See. Address and Presentation The following address was roc. ntly road to Mr. Sanvster Hemphill at the Station, Mr. Huinphill replying in suit- ablH terms : To -Vr. S,ing»ltr BemphiU Dbam Pbikhi) AMDnaoTRBH-Vanr aasooistaa aud f^iauiO in tb* oburcb ami SuDtlsy aotarol have aaseuibled io your quiet hums thin *T«n iDi{ on a aiiuion of peaca aud Kood will to- ward yra and your*. Wl^ bavs recoftoiiad your uiany nood qaalitloa as a citiiaa.a friend and obristlaD, your kindly maonar in danllu^ wltb all. year out~goiDg and Inccmlngbava baan ao atan and aonataat ; jo<tr aiaillni bappy taoa^ ^oa fenfal, (aaUa M«aer Hn won to you maay Irieuds at Fleabertoo Station and in tbe •unroundiui; country. Your pra- aeuceandpatiuDce iu tbe Huoday school, your faith fulneie and (Idelity. your love an I seal for tha i{oQd ' f tha voung aud lalvatiou of all, have uucoQKiuusly iugr.liated you ioco ttia faalinga aud affautiooa of all with whom you taaya met and miugled. We tharetors think that we ou4{ht lu noma alight way to recoguiza tha flerviciiyou have so quietly and unpreten- tiously reudered to both church and Sunday nchoal. For this purpouo w.- invade tha quiet preseuce of your homo. We auk you in tha naoiiiof your bretbarn. sUtera, frienda and WJll-wiehera to accept this Bible and kymn book, ao that when out of one you read Uod'a t. uSli and cut of the other sing Hia praises, you may cbeiiah tbe memory of tbo-awboara wi hyouto>uighs Bi^nud in behalf of your aaaociates and friends, loan 1IAHA^ , Pastor Flaahertou Station, Jan-^W. aepLT Dear friends aniTfellaw workers in tbaebarcb aui Sunday school at Flesbeiton Station :â€" 1 now take tbe opportunity of thanking you again for the kind nesa you have shown me, by tba preieutation of a beautiful copy of Ood'a Word and alao of hia hymns of praises, and f r your words of eueouragement i.i tne eddreea. Worda ' ail me to azpress my besrifelt gratitude for the kindness )Ou have bestowed on me. fbere is nothing I would bave appreciated so much aa tbe very beautiful Uibla and hymn book you have given me, and my prayer Is that while I road God's will thjrein, I may be guided tlisret y in all my words aui actious and ever I e[o> mber tbe kind frioiids at Flesberton sta-. tiou. I feel my unwoitbinesa while accepting this kin mesa, for I have been well repaid for my feeble atfortb to promote God's cause, by tbe bleasinga 1 bave received from bis t)ounti* (ul baud. I pray that Ood may bleaa us one nod all. may we be mure 'ailhful followers of tue lueek and lowly ./«aua, so that when done with eartb and earthly things we may all be gathered home to be with Christ, wUieb is far hotter. I am yours in love for Cbnst, S. Hxarn!.!. Honor ttuIU Fleaherton Public School Honor Boll, for Ja nuary, 181)8 FOKJII V Class - E.V.TomliDson, I. Gjerdruin, Ethel Trimble. IV Classâ€" H. Stewart, W. Swanton, T. Smith, J. RichanUon. Ill Sr.â€" B. Baruhouse, H. Smith, M. MuiiHbaw. III Jr.â€" R. Vanzant, W. Crossley, C. McCalioun, M. Muure C. Sullivan. J. ToMLiJiso!*, Teacher FOllM II Sr. IIâ€" Millie Crossley, Ida Sullivan, Clara Sponce. Jr. Hâ€" .Maniio Sullivan, Lily Baker, Charlie McGrullier. No. Vâ€" K..y Flesher, Edna Peillar, Statiicy Thurston. Mo. ly-Willa Wright, Charlie Mc- Taviah, Eva S^p-jiico. F. I. Iewis, Teacher. Honor roll for S. R. No, 1, Artemisia and Euphrasia. Names in order of merit. Primary â€" Eugenia Humburstond. P. S. LleaviuK â€" May tiuiubursione. 4.h class â€" Mary Brauilf,Netciu Martin, Fred Martin. 3riJ sr. â€" Carroll Humberstcne, EUa Braniti. 3cu jr. â€" .\lina Humberstoi.e, Edna Bratlbury, Mattel Sinitti. 2nd sr. â€" Jutinnie O'Brien, Varna Gor- l--y. 2iid jr.â€" Sherwin Bradbury. I'art :Jâ€" Ciiailie Marun.SUn ey Smith, W^illie McLuod. il. L. Shokb, Teacher. Honor Roll for S.S. ^o. 10 .^ritmesia, lor til" inoiiith of January. IV Cla.'.s â€" Cairie Kutledge, Willia, Gordon McMullen. Ill Ciaasâ€" Walter Hemphill, Euait Waiisbrough, .VI ijgio iMc.\uley. It Sr. â€" t'ro Idle KutieJgu, Laura Piper, Ina McMullun. It Jr.â€" Jon. Hiinphill, Ida Jones, Roy Waii»biou.<li, R y P., er. Sr. Pt. ilâ€" Otiio lucner, Wm. Hawke, t reUuieChisiett. Jr. I't. il -Sianley McMullen, Lizzie S.iig< ut, Euuic Ku(Udi!<. Pi 1â€" .Vlinnie Hemphill, Ida Rutledge, BluiK'h. Ja.ksoii. '' Average atteiidanoe for the month â€" 41. A . I. Cl'SUMK, Teacher Local bu' glars i operated in Dutidalk last week, secuiing three shot guns and st;Veral pairs of mitts. The residents of Conn and vicinity ate great eiy excited ovei the mysterious dis- appttiiance of Mr. James Giahsm, of West Luther. It appears that on Satur- day last Mr. Giahain sold 100 cords of shinute bolts tu Mr. W. Foster of the Conn saw mill and received $50 in part payment of same. On Sunday night Gra hatu left his home to goto church and af^erwardo, ahout 10 o'clock, he g' t a ride home with Georne Perry as far . » his gate Since then he has not been so n or heard of althongh his nei;{hb< a i.ave been seiCrching every whera for him, and a strong suspicion is en'^erlained that Mr. Graham has met with foul play. Up to Tuesday nivht no trace of the miss- ing man had been discovered. He leave-i a wifu aud three children.â€" M>. Forest Rep. Farm to Rent f>p!i^isS'TZK<ir^^:h:?^A^ A Large Stock . . . ... of Footwear In Ladies' Mens' and Children's B<M)ts and Shoes, also Rubbers, Overshoes and Fell Boots Custom work and Repairing attended tu promptly at CLAYTON'5, - - Flesherton. Agent for Degunion Money Order Express February Notice OF- Klesherton Kurniture Warerooms We are still slashing away at the prices and though there are SDDie rare bargaing to be had in complete BeiJrtom, Parlor and Dining rooom Suites, our heaviest cutting oi all will be on a number of odd pieces â€" comprising : dressii^g cases, ^^^^»^be:ds, etc. Mostly parts of Suits that have been broken for con- venience of easterners A very fine line of pictures, Medallions, Hall Racks and fancy Reed and Ratian CJiairs to be closed out at once at in some cases less than half original co st price. We have a nice line of pure White Curtain Poles in all lengths up to 12 feet, very nice for Art decoration FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER J^ OCTQ jf/so Jffaadquariers for !Piciur9 ^raminy and Repairing. The Markets. VarerullT Corrertcd Each Week Following are the market quotations for Flesherton for the present week. Corrected up to 10.30 of \Vediie>idMy : Klour #4 70 to $6 00 Oats 26iw 26A Wheat, white 80" to 82 Wheat, red 84 to 86 BHrley 20 to 30 Peas 65 to 5ij Butter 14 ':o 15 E.;«s, fresh 15 to 15 Potatoes bag 60 to 50 Pork 5 75 to 6 00 H.'\yperton 5 00 to 6 00 Hides 7 00 to 7 50 8heephkins 25 to 60 Geese 6 to Turkeys 9 tc 9 Ch'ckens per pair.... 20 to 30 Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Wool 17 to 20 Farm for Sale Farm for sale cheap. 91 acres, wull watered 2i nnlui east of tiiis Tillacc Icuown ae tho Keft wick turn. Apply to M. Ricbardsoo. assiKnes Fl ESMERON SHAVING • ^ 0.t\o T . Ji, jC»yard - - zPropt^otor Hairdressing in|t':ie L.atcst Sty I SCISSORS SII.\RPENED and RAZORS UD^iED first class style. ty Agent for I xilstin's Laundry and Parker's Dye W^^rks, Toronto. I.t>ts IC, IT and IS, oou. .j N. D, B., Artcmesla iro 1 rm., J olearvd. Rood buildloRS. will rant tor a tarii) it ilvmer Ave yaars, Aipljto Bbllutt a RsHDaaaoM f t«hsr*««, r«b. »V> H Rollex* Floui? £i.n.d Sa.'w mills To the Fiirniers and residents of Priee- v'lieandsurroiindingc >untiy and villages: Having Ie:i8ed tho above nulls f'T a toriii of yeais, 1 would respectfully S"lieit a fair sbai-e of y ur custom snd pntron- i<»o. Hoping hy fair and honest deal- ing; to retail! all old and new customers of the mill. ^y-Best Brand of FLOCR. CAT ME.\L.t;R.\H.\M FLOUR, CR.\CKED WHK.\T, also all kinds of Keed kept constiintiy on hand. Hisihct Pi icea paid in cash for any quintitie* of _whii«t. Pluiiinu, .Match- ing and Sawiiiij done to order, S.iw L'gi purch;».st>d. Special reduc'ion on 4aiid5bairel bits of Flour. Farmers brino your ^rist and chi>ppinf{ and t(ive usa fiiir trial and we will be .sure to use you right. Chopping done every day at So Pep loo lbs. G. H WAI^TER PriceviUe, Jan. 25th 1898. Publio KOtloe ] Tb#> (>nb]ic &r« rnquMtod to take note of tbe fo*loi»|tii{ : That nuoii6 N ant horiao'i by me to receive uroolltMjt an V of my acoouuts, &nd fur- tli-^r tbiit [ will not Kt* ruf^^DBible for any debts contracted in my name, by auy one. AH indebt- ed to uie must settle tbetr accounts at ooce. Signal- DAVID WOODH Fev^nbain, Jaa. 94, '98 F*a.x*]3A to Rex&t HuDdred kcre farm tituftted on ths Toronto ti Bydenhaiu roa<1,iu thetownshipof Arteuiesim l|oiil«s toiitli fiaat of Flesherton. On Uia i preoiiaw are a good brick bonea and a trai^ para. For fnrtner partleulara apply to * Cook's Cottoa Root Ccmpound Is tbe onlv sale, reiiabla monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and tUnc of need. Is prepared in two degree* of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicins knowa â€" sold by dnigt;!.»'s. one Dollar per bo«. No. 2 for .-.pccial cases â€" to degree* stronger â€" sold by druggists. One box. Three Dollars ; two boxes. Five Dollars. No. I, or No. 3, mailed on receipt of yrice tnd two 3-ceDt stamps. Th» Cook Company, Wlwlsor, OatarfPk Snld ill Fle.'.herti>n aud eveiywlieie ia Canada by e'l re^p.â- nltilde dnm^'int.-.' Lto^s WAxnted 400 maple logs waiitod at PlosUert^n St.atl«« â€"from 11 to l6twct lun^ luunt Ih* *.Vord:t iiA 1 ee in tliajuute: . b<>ard iiieatiure. l*rie« #7 |i«i- M. ^1 rock eliu logiâ€" name length, iroiu 151iicb- SB upwanlH. Trioe $7 pet ^• LoRtoaii be delivuied either at Pvotou o« If ictboi tou â- tation. F,»ARU.STt ♦♦»»»»•»♦»♦»♦•*»♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦ j UlVe The only food -J - that will build D«r5y up a weak cons- â-  titution gradu- \ Chance »ny but surely is \ Martin's Cardinal Fo] > a limple, Kientific ! fiutritive preparation 'delicate childreo hly {ianta. \ \ invalids. a (HAY «*T««ii * MOMTI ♦»»tl>l<»< MiSUi ^.^i^- «<- «At.-.-£^ ; iiU'i

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