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Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1898, p. 4

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V|«' •';jS3.- F'EBRUARY 3 1898 tME FLESH^RTON ADVANCt I eSTABLISHEb f ^Kq Advance rVBMSIIKI) Wr.KKl-Y AT THE OFFICE, 8YD EKUAM HTIiKKT, K1.KKUKRTI.N, ONT., BV W. II. TlllKNTOtl. #1 per aiiniiin strictly in advance Advettising Bates: â- â€¢ Ooiumn, 1 year. S-)0 ; hulf col., 1 »e»r, i2n quarter col.. on« yamr, 915. Tra^iuiit advortisoiiient cliarifed at tlia rate t oaf en iwr line for flrat iiii<«rtioii aniScont - â-  ""^ â-  -^ ** -Ml-nwr 'lent iriKurlion. THE CONTEST Tlie Ontario el( ctioiis will be hold onTniB(lii)', Marcli 1, and now the candulates liavR jnst one moiitli ahead of tli»U) to HiiiiJliiliile llair opponentfi. The ci'utrst will he ghnrp uiiJ acute The \dvauce dors not propose in this contest to take any decided Bland on fitlier Bide. Two of the candidates are our personal fn«nu8 and so far as good ftllowship is concerned we would like to see them both elected, but l! ere are larger nitcrcsts at Htuke ill such a contest than tnero personal graiiticulion, and as liie individuals represent curtain political principles ^hose principles are what should be toaeidcred aud not the individual. Personally we believe the goveruuieut of this province thould be changed- When Sir Oliver Mowat was at the head of affairs in Toronto and the ^V^servalivc party in power at Ottawa ie forced from the Ottawa govern- lueiit many provincial rights which the province would never have secured "•â- -hsti lliere been a Conservative gov- erninuut in Toronto. These things would never liavc been forced by a friendly legislature. This principle holds good lo-day and the pernicif)Ufl eflfCt of having "two of a kind" is Keen to-daj in the deals which are being hastened througli ut Ottawa to the benefit of inenibcrs of the On- tario government at the expehxo of the whole doniiiiion. Our candid opinion is that it will be the height of folly to pel polnate in office the Iteform party at Toronto while Laurier and Tarte rule at Ottawa, but wo will not Qndnly force these opinions upon our I'oadors, aud wo quarrel with no ons fui'|thinliing difTeiently. iu railway deals. Ibe latest is an agreement enteied into with a couple of gentlemen to build I5D miles of a railway from the Stikine river to navigable waters on the Yukon. In cousideratiou of the building of this line the goTtinment gives a grant ouui^'hiof between three aud four inilli(jii acres of mineral lands, includ- ing the f<londike district. In fact it may be said that the company has been gi anted the whole of the C'aiia diau Yukon gold district providing it will build a railway to carry out its spoils. This is an outrage, ai d the baste with which it was pushsd through before ihe country was awaie of anything of the kind being on loot proves it to be so It is a grand thing, of couise, to get ahead of the Americans by building this roud, but it looks very much like cutting off one's nose to spile the rest of his physiognomy. Tiie First Revelation of Jolin There is one matter to which wo wish to draw altention. We do not <ii..doise the a fB una 'ion that all is fair in war. Bunic things are too mean to be fair even in war. It has coino to our cuis that Mr. Bolaiid is cli5ig6<l with being an atheist. To this we liave liie inu.-t enii>lialic denial fioin Mr. Jioliind'H own lips. Mr. Boland beliLves ail the great fundamental IrniliB of cliiiHtiaiiity, hut 10 suinu of tl.o minor itaeljingfl of our churches ,^ ^«i takes excepriuM. Added to this he ViiS a uieinbur of the Mithodisl cliuich for jeais. The editor of liiis paper is not a supporter of Sir. liol- a:;d but neither do wo like to see J.iui tratliicid uiid his citizenship in- jured by false sLalements touching his i°piiitual ciinviciious, lie is always ready and willing to prcBeut his •' creed " t') any one who will lake llio trouble to inqure of him. He says he 1:118 not yetiiua a luin with siiQiciunt ( ixiiuge to hhU liiin whi^e he siaiid.^ in liii.3 refjar'. Wv have â- jiirseivi s, f lund in the chill ches 'of lo-day iiifu who aio (inile MS unorthodox as liio Uu- f.uni eandilati:. We give ihi.i expla liuiioii in jusiioo to Mr. Boland, whom wt rf-naid lii<,'li!y uh a man of good Uioial flaniiiia, and akllift taiiie time tei4rol the necessity of doing so, bc- caui^o we think it a sl.uiiie thol a man's relii^ious convic'.iona should be yiijuatiljalily dragged tlirough the mile in a poliiii'ul contest. . 1. -. .SX ^. no aasistunce aVrivod lie drnuged himself l<y his lianda ttcrrmH two flelila and over »h iimny foiices till he rt-achi-d Mr. C. Slmei- der's liMfii yiird and feulii.g tliat he cnuld no no furihiT cnwlod alDnu'siJe a straw Klack whcrx hu Uy nil ni'.'Vit and until noon ii^xt d:iy without being discovered. Mr. Sclu)it;d»M learning of thf poor tnaii beins; there he took him to his liou-<e and •<ent for H doctor. On Tue-day the m - foihiniitu man was tak'-ii to the hospital, lit (JUi'lpti, «t 'h" cxpciis- iif .^itimr tp., by rceva Uiourii and Mr. KchnieHer. While Old'" injury is fuc'i ihiithe is liko- Iv to b" pirnianoiitly crippled. â€" Mount Foreiit R^p PAnHtO: to REltfT llrliip lo Xt, cot). 4. tcwDM. l|t of Artf^mefiia coiitKinink 100 aeruHtuorb or le'tft. N"Vi» fail- iiifj vrtftl. nearly al' clcirerl atfl Wrfll fonce'l ; InU burn and ».table ; wll etitiiatHd ; mmr f^ootl iiiaiket.snil wildiri ^ iiiiio r>f kcIioaI anri prn.t itrice. Tilt) fzoniiil le in kmo'I condition a'ifl whII iidiiptud fo mixed faniifnf;. Price: 6iVXJ. I'ho ttiriu»< ure, '9.'')<H) cat>h, Dm biLlnnco at an cnHv ralf on ooj •ecu''ity. For further par- ticular applvlo IAME8 MAXWKI.L. Port Lisw lyllSS SARAH 8TUAIV. *â- '*• Teacher on piano, jiianoforte. orf;an, etc. KouIj flrat cU-a teacli«r«' certificate In nniKic with lionorR from Alma Cotle^u ; pupil of Pjof. Ht. John H>tt.-nrancli of (!o)iinihap«D, Dciiiniirk. Kepideiice t.ppoHite MatbodiBt chuor.h Kleshertor. CHAPTER II " We will have a hard tight," writes J. W. Pattoii, the county secrulviry under date ol tlie24th, "hut. believe wuh gooil help 'vu can elect Mr.' Diivia, We oir-red Iho Murshiill toe cooveiitniii bui he Would luicept. Hio. Ri)){erB ort'eifd hull hlH clinice of $20U or a fariii if l.u Would run. Rogura aetunlly slied ti>urM when hu could not iiulmu MaiNhnll a> btand the coiweiitiou." - Farm^ra' Sun, Biisnix.d Coriitri>, Feb Wat. Deeb Smith ajj' Mr. Editor I'v tub Suns,-â€" I luclus s clippiii fruin yeour (MiperaH pahtid iibuv wich appeatud in week's ishoo and durm' the cornu uv this episle I will hcv Homethiii' to siiy alniout it. The CKUipan is prouressiii liiiely. Don't bo afearod for my chaiisis. Yeod sounded my praises iiiejuiii well in last week's ishos but Kay do you think you orto hcv let it aout 'bout Roiiera ciyio' cu/. Miiri-hall didn't nit iliu iionirniiHliun ? That letter uv I'lUtton's mil inak [leiiel tliink I-Johii â€" wuz a kinder foilorn hopâ€" a derii resort as the Frencluiiim wuodsa. Koider deiii iu yur nex' i>,li<M> that Ro'iera cried if you kin do so con cenahunly. All' now to bizue.^'S. I notis that shall wuz oferd his cliicu uv 20U dollars or a farm if he wood run. Now I hev a furir. - howsoinevcr it is puity well groii over with Imswood bushes but its good tnuf fur iiiu 1 don't uku it much â€" but the 2 hundred I cud yuso rii{ht ofTd'Hi't yoou think It orto be planked down niiow if it itiu't the chaiiaiN ain't ho uood. A::d luiuther thiiii! 1 want yeour advis on. This ain't no mutter for a corkus or I'd call one. I want to kiio if I'm to bu conliiied to my own taowhship of glorus fani iu this ct'iitts and do no Hpaoulin' iu other distrieks. .Sum uv u>y frens tells me that 1 must stay to hoiu an' canvas only on my (dd lasturâ€" that is Eu|iIiriRy CU7. I . dtcMiroy my prcupicks if I nitemjited to debut in oratorio Kinerally thruatiiir iho ridin'. This ain't ace >iOin' to uil idee uv ti.e litiiesa uv etanial things (iiid tlie po.s.iibilitius uv mo Ji hu M. to iiiuke a improxhun audit hurts my self respeok and its humiliatin' to mi cniiset ;tnd it makes mi bilu liipe In think I can't lu'V a fluv.{ at iltu other fellers. I call it aoiipruKliuu. Rnt mi deer Smith ef yeou say it goes u» ens I'll spend all mi lime ill Euphiiiky the liiowii.ship wich can ap- presliyate gonus tro .l.v giat. Pk'S lul iim kno hi leiurii po^tuOts ciui', I'm loiiuing tu lot the pepi I uv the hull riding sec mi H|.ankin' aoutili uv bays an' hits auoiaiv oil cconomifiils to the wniun iiuiltitiid. .Siiiilh III ye 'ur report uv the Miirkdale coikus wy diiln'i yeou print ny spoch still II v MarKhall's he lives in another caouiity. I wuz the cnnilyda! an' 1 s; uk Hiiil yeou kno ii ciiz yeou « iix thar ai d heei ye u priitcd M»rsliair« Iriill B|iocli and not a word uv mm naow that's not actio' >(\w\r to mo .lohn hut yeou slick in a snopHia uv min^iiiXi week iiiak ii elo- quint an T will iieter sa nulhiti more bciuml it y. iors truly JOHN Pn;iiii -I'ts ri' Iv (,'i-is toseiil elji-ek fer that 2 hiioilred pa\ l>l t<< me only as I iiiusi liev it. foru licuahun iuk I had a roveliit on in a ilreini > U' arterm im. up in mi hay iiinow to iho elT ck thet if I did lit jit it litanatiiu lection is 1- :»> t.o ui and y n h nooly wnuld le oui. n pocket vthich I do,.' |.r pos shall ha^i^iii if I kin pervoiit itâ€" JOHN \TAKUIA(iK LIOKNfHH At Government P' ieoa ^'ttbuirt : New Version ela-n: 1\ I . and .Jubllea SlNdlJJpcriion, in PAIUH at a tiun . R. Mcl.EAS Pc-Bi>y. Imvrn doKnnn First For Or Hix ECCiXKIA. STOCK FOR SEWiCE [ w:<;lsTKHED j One Durham Hull. Onf IlerkKhiru Jlrmr. One Vorkxiiire Hoar. All for sorvico on lot 29 and .'0, N. V. K., Arteuie«ia. 'I'ei uit one dollar. W. UK ADS PriceTillo, Jtu. lO.'US. YullToWJerVige Thnrondlibrod Durham Hull " UaKiiuui " (Xo.aiI.13)for kervicuoii lot too. '.ind llaugo W. T. *S-I{. rtcuietia. Toims-fl. .MAKR bTKWABT, Prop. ArtcnioHia, .Ian. 17, 'US. COL'KT FLl-;aiimiT()N. t. O. F. ueeU in Cliri8to«'s Block the laiit Friiia> «vei>lu« 111 each inontli. ViiitliiK Forcnters heartily welcuine. T llonry. Chief Baugur, W. A Arm- tt.oug, Sec.-ttury. "shingles for 8 ale~ M. Richardson & Co. T^id Winter ^ress Soocis Saio , . , This sale presents rare fipport unities of securing bargaitis in s"asonab'e Dress C^ocds We have heavy importations connin-? in for Si>riii^ and ti> make room for them we must clear ofTthe stock on ham]. To effect a speedy clcara:i(;c, prices will be out in nvins' lines 20 per cent, belo.v co t, uiid in all cases iar halu'.v n^- ;!;'ular figures. Come in and see the banirains \vc offer â€" it will be intercst- mg to know at what lowprccs goodfj ta.n ba purchased on an occasion like this. Fancy Tweed Puttei us, rejtohir 20 ceot-i, r.<».t«(»d to. Ifj I'alicy Roiicles , reijular S.'i Ci D'.s, rj inutrf (*> .. •. li.^j .â- Kma/.ou CI ths, regular ;10 ceoihjit.lii'cd to ... £1',^ KiKured Mehons. revnliii ',\') cent), reiiu >ed lo .'.... . . jife All WiM.l Ni vy S«ryes, r-};ular 4.'i ceiitN. recliicml ro 3f;c- Kiiicy Figured Co.stii lie (JiMids, lefular 4.J c-ul.-i, ridiic.d to . ... ;i'o Fancy Soled*, ro-jular iO cents, reOnced 'i» 35o Fine Caimi t<, re|/iiUi %\..'JS>^ rrduc-d to .. . A di.scount oi 12>1\ P^'f cent, cifeicd 0:1 ary Millinery ia this depirtmcut â- while the stocl; lasts. The balance of our stnck of Ladies' Fek liats will bo cleared at .1 discount <»f 50 percent, from rcqul r prices. A few nice ones sale prices. M A N T L E S leit « • - ive ofTjr them, at losi than whole- A quantity of nhiaiflGa for >alo at uiy ciill. lot.<N.c»u. U ArteineHla. Also (hiiiRlcs cat uii sliarun. woiiUl excliauit« a apau of linrana for sliiuda ttiuber. i. HICKLINQ. Maxwoll P. O. Fa,K*m tot* Sxiile For sale cheap â€" Lot ;i7. Con I-. Artomesia Appiv to K. .1. MPIIOULK, I'loshorton Flosluirtotl, Nov. If., ISOT. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE Park lots in the VlllaKoof KiiROnla, comprU- ini! lilljacroa in two bloelts. Oil tlienu aro eruct- o I a lianiuaml a Iok Iiouho. Tliuro ta a koo<I collar, orchard, two b.irni. etc. Apply to H. FKNWICK.BuKeuia. Knj'enia, VH.f (!. 1HU7 TAMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE The Tinclersiyuod han a thoroiiclilired Taiii- worlli lioar fur service on lot IIS ^ T. niid 8.B., Arteiin^*^i.s. PKIiKillEI';â€" Itrutus, firroweil May 10th, \wyi llrurt by John Pell. Amber. Out ; aire Koichentrr Hero, 'M (hreil b> K. Hutberlaml. jr., Uorilioater Station, lint.). (lam Acinconrt yucen fJJMbieil liv W .1 llayinonil, Auinccurt. i>Lt i, liv Alt-ernoii- D7-1- (bred bv J I'. S'ioliol. .\nbroy Out .111 (â- 'B Kennu'lvâ€" 4*7â€" by lUiiter- 28â€" Mid- illeten Mimulu* (imp 1â€"14â€" i-iS-S br Ml.ldlatou MtnarchlUlll. UidJlct.o Mib (JOJI.) by. The S>piiru(t>ej| Mi.ldli'loii Mav (15'jr>|. 'roimsâ€" *1 for tbe senr.rtn, KtlKI) imOWN. Proprietor. .TWEEDS. A SPECIAL CA.SH PUKCMASE Laat Week we concluded a spuc'al puruha«e of now Tweud Bui;tn;:.s. Buyimj the in on caMli terms weiecured some exceptional liirj^ains, ui.iiiy of the linos buiu;; i3/'*}.<<i; mill prleea. By n special arrnn;;ement with our tailors Wo- cm ode.- so'iie tempting pricci on Tweed Suit.i, made t<i order in the beit style, well trnuiued and tai iirud Ihrou^'ti- out. Fit giiaranteo<l. Jjweeci Ouiis Uo Order : ^8.50, |\>.oo, $9.50, $, ^10.50, ^11 50, $12.50. Thes: figures are good for a limited time only. Place good for a limited time only, your order now. I^ARDIWARE i>E:PARTniiE:irr = CLEARING = AUCTION SALE -Ol-'- [ i Pfii SALE - SALE ! Our Ottawa jjoTcrnmeut is sliow- jft|^ iUelf to b« a lightning operator Auily Wlii'ef"nl, the old » oil d ggtr, known to no irly Hvcryhndy mi thi.s necfc on, had a totrille i xporien:e this xee.U. Aa hu Whs walking a!oiiL> a sidero id in Arthur towa 'a thu Minto an I .\rfhiir lownliiip, ho slipped and falling forward fpliiit^eitid one ot his ttieo cajis. Heinx i.nahlc In iiae ho l»]r for an hour iu hopes that somooiie qiigltt^ooino along, l)ut »• Sn iho Tjownsfiip q.f Stonaiy, j{rtsn*esia arid Osprsy in tAe County of S/oi/ There will ha offered lor tale by publii- auction on Monday the 2lst day of February, 1898 at l.;i(^ u'clmk ill the afteriicoil at v/funshatu ' s J^olei â€" IN Till'.â€" VILLAGE OF FLE5HERTON Hy virtiio of nowoiH of mile fiontaiin d in iliH tulo t);p ft'liuwin;; propuitio^. PARCEL I tiotft.'il HHil&.JiM t)io '.Jiifl cpneosfltoii North of tiift Durham Itoad in TowiHWp tif U tuol , t Mtjtiihili'« toKctlii r l»)0 noros moru or \k-vs%. The following; iniinovcuu-ritt* ait* said to !>ri on Mill pK^uiiKUH : About Hi) ucr^'s rluKrud li'ivin^ tiru^tetl tliuioun a traaie dwellinK. codar Ioi; bui'U, PARCEL a LotQ.1 in theOlli uoiioohsion. and lot Sliiitlid lUlih coiicOHf i^ii, both In the ttiwusliiji of Artu â-  iiiusiti 4tiil CQuiiduiiiK U-gt^tiiui Mk, ak:r n t:iore or lertbâ€" ri'HO. viri;.i \ luifcout. bowiiVor, ih nna fm*. luiblio ht^'iwrt-VH lUdt â€" a lino of lua'I [ chum ui to piittsihK ttiioui^'h biflh said I.-U iroiii K:>nth to Dorih and kiic-vti n» tbu Vuilu. Itoa I. n> uunt)â€" kiiottii â-  OIL, t also ( (-l)ai'i wi<U> coiit- iix iicihRoii V'V '' > theily liiiiii of lot nutiibui )W ill th'fli 10th ^6tiLc â-  i<Mi afortiHatii uii t at lis- t.iuco of r>rt links Ka-toviy f.oui tie nortli wt.ijt- erly ftn«a»'i)f Huitl iot thtiicn ims^iiit^ diiv:'»imllv o lot to tYlf bhfiith caHterly thrott^h !ia u ] linu Hep- o^aling tiiu Hirm.i f.oiii k'fJ.'i afur haid a. id coa tl.utiiK partly oti r^itl liiio and tMtv. •tiaj^t),ially aci OS6 luuubuis %\ lui -J4 into thu Town plot of f-Uiu--iita. PARCEL 3 I.otl'lln Ibo 12th eonortshior' of tho Town- Rbit' oiOopvoy, coiitattiinH 100 a. r^m ntoio ur Itihft. 'llie following iinproveiiiontsaro 8«.cl tojbe on thi prviiiiAt'H : About H'ici-jarud TURrtS : 15perc.«iit of the varoh\ae luonev to ba p!ii(t down on thu <lay Ol bnii-. hor bal- ancu tci ms will bi< iiiado known at tlie halu. For furtlinr particulars apply to JOKRH MACKNN/aU ft LKONABD holioitorit, '^ovonto. Street. Toronto, or to Ii. J. Sfbovls, Fleaberton. Of odd lines in wall Papers and Window Shades at prices- which will astonish you. This is a chance that no one should miss, as the bargains are very big. i Doulilo U'tllH of Wall P,ip3F, I^'cly patteriis, lot for :^-')c aiwl 25o ^1 l)..vil»li! Holla Pnpur, just tiv»ii|^li f"r hciirooni, loi,^;v30u .-ind IJoe. 4 tiouMc Rt'lls P.iptT, onoujjli tor Siiiiili l*.ir!or, lot for 35o nnl 40c. 5 Double Hi^ll.H I*-ipi^r, eivnu'li fur la l;h -oom^ i< t for 45c ukI 50o. (> Dnublu K'>lLs pHpur, enough for very Imge room, lt»t tor (JOo aud 76c. /Remember these Papers all cost 20 to 50 cents a Double Roll. iifiiiiiPiaiffl FOR 2()i5. COOK BOX STOVES PARLOR M. I^ichardson & Qq^ ^m

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