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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1898, p. 8

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<«w I wnuiimivNmfif.'Hffj' wiwi y ' JANUARY 13 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE D. McTavish KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS Fur Masaey-Hariis, Noxon, Fleory anrf VVilkinson faitn impleineiitn. Klciiry ami Verity i>h>vm uii liniid all the tiiiiK, rIko nil kinds of rupaim fi'i' lliM KHiUH. \Vm iiiiiiiiifacture VVHg..|u, Hiiggii-x, Cutti-m, Sleiyhs, fttc. lI'M'iMHlioein^ priiuiptly atti-ii<led to. Mpecinl »tioiiti"n to tender co- trii«NMl foet. L(iL'i;iim and I'l^iW Clmiim cmibtttntly on liaiid. a jtfc «/, ovtu. ^v:. ^t^ ^i'> ^i^ iVy. ,y«, ,jt/> vM/. -txt, ^u, Mt- j*t ^!«. »v«, vV«, ^i^f;. ^S&^'(- ^t*. jk- jt«. ^«. W vi? rt? '/i\« -«? â- *i? '/iP '/i<? ^i'i? '/J? W w •siP^/if %•! ^i9W W w'Ji? 'w '4? WW -iif W m d'& â- '•5: ^t? â- 7ii' n^ â- â- /(:• -^11 f 11 13ii;ji,'iefl, CartB. Wau'ons, Harrows, Flows of tiie best kinds hiuI ri'pairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse ItaltcR and Corn Scnfllcrs and repairs. Chains of ail Kinds. llorseshoGing a specialty at, f; John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms ^t. â- â€¢/. Hi, ,•!<, .\it, ^t(, ^'t, ,\f^ o-«. ^»A -M.^'^ M!, s't' ^^f- .>'«• .•^'«. •^!'•• Jf{. -^f^ .J"^ ^•«. Jl^ ^'^.O*'- ^% ^1? '. iv" tt? '»? •Si'? 'ii? ^i? '/i^ '/t? •};? W vi^ -/i? W •il^ ^/i^'/iS- '/('? ^P ^li? '<(? â- ?i(?^li? ^ ^»'' VS" 'Sis* â- Â»Â«â€¢ sir*. $'% •S'4{' Osvcn Sound, Oiitario is the yeuy hkst place in Canada to okt a thokough IJL SIN KSS EDUCATK jN. Take a Round Trip „t„„ ,„.»i„„,. Ciinc^rtH anil foiiiiii'ncU' l).«|i»rtiiKMit!' in L'ainidn, tlion Ti«it I'ti ) No't'.i'iii Ilusiuiiiti OolliiKo ; oxoTiiliio •vurv'.'i'nii til >.oii;;lily. If wo full to i>r'>ilin:e the iniMl tlKi-ouKh. coiiiplfta. |iriuaii:«l ami BXtdcinno coiii'ite n( wtmly ; tlio l)i'>t rolleK. pruiiiU"!' airl llin l>i>st aii'l inoBt omplfto ami most M:iil* lU' l.irnlnira anil iiip|iiliin.i>». «e win nlvij v'li a fjll i:oii.;<u FKKi;. Koranniial •iiiiou'iniiuixiM. H'tving full i<»i«lcular», tree /d<lr0H3 C. A. FLEMING, Principal ^Vfe..Hfe:afeiIfe^^!fe^y«•.dMl^a&t^'«•.•»"'v^"-vM<.!S^<. i Photos 7»^; m -TAKRN -AT THE W. BARNHOUSE 'Vi,l|,iH t> dn>w Iho iit'uiitioii i>f ' • PuMii; I'l ilie fiillottiiij; : tLlUR IN BAGS Of 111! «!.:•« nnd m Clionn n« thn clieap est. Spj.M.l KaigaiiiH in '.\ and b Rirrel lota. Fi".ut3 and Con- fee d'Jiiery, Oysters in Sj-i3on. ilroceries and Provisions. DOa.ndOOOI MITTS and LEOO- INllS iniulo to o.dor and on Shortual Nuticit. I Flesherton I Photop:raph I I Gallery | ^; aro dono in tirstrlnitii Riylc and at {^ ^ l'>w<'iit ralcM. Spuria! nttenliim j^ ^ tivoii In copyin'j. Ual'ieH' iihotus. jfe ^ a .ipt'cmliy. I'ictiiifK frninud. t I MRS. BULMER | ]Pr»o p e r» t i © s FOB - SALE -HY - B, J. SPBODLE, FLESEEBTOll Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton EUGENIA Mills and Carriage Works Ciinia^GS inado and repaired, aIso Planing and Matciiing, liand tjawini,', VViiiid Tnrninj); of pvory dos- Soripti(ni. I'lanin^' and (jr ninChop- piiig dono while yon wait, for tli' IjCiiver mills the wiieel. T. W. WILSON, Manager J^ Ts^ Class 9Jfaplc AND l^lKCll At .1 Bargain J r \\\c \\z\\. 30 days. Save your orders for Oil FLESHERTON Ueecroft & Talbot IF Vor WIMI TO liuy I'lIOl'KRTY CONSULT TIMS SI'AC'E. FOR SALK cheap unci on cnHy terms, ono niilu finm Flesliuiton, ilj nces Ian' and (111 which is a yood 7 rooniN fraim dwulliii);, well and c'lnforliihly linislicil Htiiiio culler iniilcrnoatli, ami good well Hiiil piiijip in Uitclii'ii, ^ihkI fraiiio Htahl and driviiijx Ikiuki-, idso hrick lined hen lioiiKii, Hinalt orchard coiinnoncing to bear. Apply to II. .1. SPHOl'LE, Fleshorton. A DKAD 15AIUJAIX if sold during present month. Two iniprovu<l fariii.H, one a mile from I'ricevillo and the otlicr same diiitanco from Warehain. Small IKiyment down, halaiice on VKUY easy teiiiis. AIh'i a Imndnid and lifty acre farm an.l mill site one mile from Flesher- ton, priiici|ially haiil wood hush, 25 acres cleared and fraiii • dwelling and stable. Any i>erHiin wanting a decided bargain a[iply quick tu alMivu. Pradc Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. -^^yon â- Â» noivlltiK n wVolrh ninl (livirrlptlim mny qiilrklv fis»-Hrtntn our eptiitnn freo wln-thrr nil ttiV(>iit!''n IH |troli:>l>l)r CrtloMlaM*'. <'<>iimiunlri»- tti>niif<trlollr(^i»in<l<ii\tl:il. lIiinilhiKikon I'ntonU Bunt fro*i. otil«pt nupiicy for stM-iirUiK paletttB. l"iiti\iil« tiilidi tlirouith Muiin A Co. rucelTS ri'rt-liil iwtlce^ w 'th(t,it utinrcH, In tlio Scientific Jimerican. A Ii'inf>omo!y l}Iu»trHto<1 weekly. 4'nifitlini of nnv »«oipntirtp Ifninml. ' . Hoir " I.nrirojit c!r- Turiiis, %'A a id b7 all newniloKlor^ ir nioiittm, $1. _.'&Co.'8'B~«''««'- New York lUanch Ofil.:e, G3t F Ft., Wa>hlnataii, U 0> Cash : for : Hides! ShoRpfikinR nnd nil kinds of furs pur* chatud, for wliich highvst market price will be paid. Homemada lantagu on hand, alia all kinds of meats. M. WILSON fltihwtoa MMlBaforifia AllUon ContessM Jaiiii's Allison, the young man who was found niiilty of inurdeniif; Mrs. Orr st Uerlin last (•!!, has signed the fidlowing written confession, which Was publiBhtd ill Saturday's dailys : " 1 want I his 10 lie at once mnde pub- lic. 1 told it to the aulhoiiicK Sfiine time time ago. 1 never at any time made i iipiiiper pioposals to MrH. Orr, I had made U|.' my miii'l to uet even with tie Orr» fur thin;;s they said and did to ni«-. That ni'irning 1 yut mad because they wnnld not lei iiiu go to Niaunra Fulls After breakfxst I left my loaded gun in t e woodslii'd I did eonie chores. Mrs. Oir wit's 111 lining about I weiity feet from the I Went into it and fireo at licr t'lr'Ugh ihe door. Slie fe I olflui It' nt, and never II oved again, An iixc lav near her. I took it and struck her on ti head wiiliit. I had (he grave in the awainp soino :liys before, bu it was lo fi.r iff, so ill a hurry, I made thegit,iiu in ti.e c irn jiarch, and diajgeo her to it In th.- hand and buried lier. J hid the gun and ral.ed up tlie Irscks wiih the fork, af trl got back from Itairios "Tins is till- truth, 8u htilp nio Ood. ' ( Signed ) •• .lAAlES ALLISON. " U.-rliii Jail, Jiin 7ih, 181)8 " Tliealioie ennaiciioii lu.idu vol unlarily, im piussuro wliativer having uet-n brougiit to bear upon him. The Endeavorer in Church Life Tl.e great nvijunty of our Endeavor host beioiig to ihucliurcli, and iliey shou u niako tliuir iiitlueiice feh hy theii dovotiiHi lOiiSHoik, by their regular attendaucc upon the Sahlalh setvicea, ftnd mid week prayi rineulinu, liy theirallendnnce in the ."^iui.dity nclnol, ai.d hy tlieir eiJiitri'./U;ions toull the chur li Kclieines, their i>ri>wlh lu spiraual knowledge, and I lieir Chtiatian aetiviiy hhouid uiiti>getlieruithe(| 8 up They bhould seek to l>e exaniplen ol %> nl and eons steicy, hrin'y attachul to tlKii own congregaiiuii, always in tlair place, and theieloiu a source of tiKourakreineul lo their pastor and of atreogch lu then church, liow many Cliristiansare of no value whatever I ecnusetliey are unreliable'. One never knows wheie to find them, Hiiylhiiit: now canieH ihein away hku stai Ijaves. Be not hkn lo them. UKLI-S 1>- OUK CKl'KCU UWi The Comniunioii of the Lord's Supl>cr is an occa.sion of great moiiiei.t, and lo l>e a woriliy [i.irtaker one niust ajiprnacli to the Lord's table intelliKeiilly. An exceeding- ly liul|iful aid to tliii has l>een is.sued by F H. Hevell A- Co., Toronto, under the title " The Lmd's Table," from the p«ii of that spititiial writer Andrew Murray. rhi« will give food for ihoULtht, sud will guide '.hu youiiu disiples tu a proper iin derstuniliiiK of ordiiunco which is So often iii!8undeisiooil and abused. We are the senMkn:s<>f (iod, a truth which we do not .sutUiiienily appreciate, and we are might- ily intlueiicud by the examples of good ui 'U. " Example is better than speech, " aiiil so the life of a great man stirs us like a trumpet, and next to our L ird stands the gnat AlH>stle of the (iiuntilea, on Ins lifu:k beautiful series of (liHCuumes has iH-eii pubhshid under the title uf " Paul, a servant of Jesu.t Chriat,"by F. IV Meyer ot Lonih II, It is published by F. H. Re veil of Toronto. This is n book for a young ihrUtnui to study and it is a rich ftiiist of the ni'st prescious truth. WH.tT SHOI'LIl WK .SKKK IN THB NEW YEAR A giHid nnderstanding of Ihe Word of God, of the Holy Olio,t and likoneas to Christ. On Friday afternoon Dr. Orton of Des- boro wtH found dead in his bead. H>' s'ep*' above his dru;< st<>re twuf not huvint; been SHen anmiid in the foienoon, afanncr wi nt up into his room only to ti:id the Dr. lying oil the bed dead. ^s his side was a »«).' ution of chloral, a narc *ic puV-li, and a< he was in the habu of takli g t'lia dru:.' toprixluce bleepafter a prolmged dtbaucli, the cause of death vas qnilrt evident. Dr. St^'wart was telephoned fiT mi.! on an ex- amination of the p'lis'inous K lu'i'.n, he found that Orton lad careles.^ly taken an iiveido^e and never wakened. Dr. Cam- eronofOwen S .uud, cortmer for Grey w..s tt^lrphoiied to, hut on heading t).u e.\plan- ation from Dr. Stewart and km.wins' (Jr- mn's habits, hi consitlerudan in(|Uust was not necessary. 8ih>iio dri ik lia» now laiintd another victim. Dr. fJi ton's rci^ atives were tehgraidied for. The deail man was a member o' the Oran^.' soci>ty. Uii reiiiaina were brouglii to ChesWy on dondHy and sent to Uuilph. He wh« Very popu'ar in De»boru ana v.ciHi.y â€" vJliesley Enterprise Eenew your Subsc.iption £'or 1898 Last week a Jubilee christening took pi ice at t'lo homo of Mr. Win. AtL-hcsoii. S :Vin of his grand children were h.ipiized- Sis oM' of the »• veil werj born in the .iubilee year and one on Jubilee day, June 2'J. T!;e happy pareiiis have named her " KeKiiia. " Three iJf the seven couple were iiiarried in JubiKe year in the s;iine iveik Tl.eic were lifty guests present ine'iiliii.' th.- chi'dren. A seven story fruit oilie, one f>r eieh b bo, d - corateii the I'.ible. 1 huAtclio.Mm family .n\o cert-iinly done their | art toward co'iinieinora'ing our Maj sty's Jubilee. â€" Duiidiiik Herald. Thai'tiob Ol Ar 'n- H 'Ti-y IMIam liy Mr. Cladsioiie, in lli- New Year's nnmbi r of The C.iiii|iiinioli, is ono of tlie most faciimliii ! litrv.ny pipers ovof writ •pn by tho oreat Kn'.^li>h Statisinmi. It C'l'rios one bai'k to a pa'»t full of charm. T e ri-nniiiirior of this number alxiuiuU in i rirosl. TliBiHi is t'le boginii'iig of a now s al 8'oiy bv 0. A. Stti|iIion.s, a g 'od B iry of a reporter's intorvio * with the ktel3iiip.< v D > n Pelriof Orasil, torer- .1 oti'orsh rtHt<ries of ezceptioiisl merit, lid t iH uMUal rar« selection of miMllanj, Time Table GOINp SOUTH. .Markdalc â€" 7 35 a. in. 4.10 I., m Flesherton â€" 7.48a. m. 4.52 p. UI OOIXO NoHTK. Fleshertonâ€" 12.07 p. m. 0.18 p m. Maikdaleâ€" 12.2Up. m. O.iJO p. m. Advance and Weakly Ghibe. 81.55 Mad. 1.45 " Farm sua Fireside. .. .. 1.45 All three above for. 1 811 Advance and daily World. a ti.) Globe 5.0- Nsws 1 80 Slar 1.05 ' and MontrealStar. 180 The Markets. t'.-irerallv Corrected Each Week l<'ol!owing are the market iiuntaiioiis for Kleshorlon for the present, week, curected up to lO.W <if SVednenlay : Klour <4 70 to $6 to Oits 20 to 24 Wiieat. while 80 to 82 Wheat, red 84 to 80 Rirlcy 20 to 30 Peas 48 Co 60 Hutlor ' 16 Co 10 E,'«s, fresh 15 to \a I'olatoes bag 50 to 50 Pork 6 75 to 6 25 Hayperton 5 00 to BOO Hides •.... 7 00 to 7 50 Sheepskins 25 to 50 (ieese..>. 6 to 6 Turkeys 9 to 9 Chickens per pair.. . . 20 to 80 Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Wool 17 t« 20 Give »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»â- Â»â™¦â™¦Â»â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦Â»â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦Â» y ♦ '\^ivv xj,e only food \ r>*''2 that ^Till build > » n Baby up a weak cons- \ \ ^ titution gradu I Chance any but surdy is ; \ I Martin's 'Cardinal Food:: la simple, scientific and highly < > ; nutritive prcjiaration A)r infants, * 'delicate children jinH invalids. * Kcn.1V WATSON 4 CO , PKOPioiroa*. i MoNTwrsi ♦♦♦'i »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»♦»♦♦ Winter Goods. In Vogue at the Flesherton . . . HARNESS SHOP r.ELLS, ULANKETS, SASKATCHEWAN and "GOAT UOr.ES Whips, Rubber Knee Unas, lined and uiihned. Cuiry Combs and Lrushes. CHoice Ooods At reasonable Prices. Satisfaction guaranteed iu repairing. \VM. Harnessmakir MOORB - FksJierton giwi^ciJiSi fifeu; |U'ci;iii,ocon ftifoPKo â- " Hsukwrs, li«i|di>.,""« Do a geiisrsl bsnklng bniiiu-Bs.' Moao» loaui.* St a rcu-mablu r*te. â- Â»>» i.rti. A 8 VANOt'SRN, J !• -• .V " tlmk .Oth Diy Ooa*t, Co Grfy it?,,, !'•/"'''•«â-  ^''-^'ooeur Money to man «* fLfiliHEUTOS P O u,i<lo.f,k. ,i,« collection ot .11 k i ufTi^J 'dfbt^ -Notes bouijht, occounU colicteil. no. """!^- , K N HK.NDKBboJ*, Heshottoiri T CHISLETT â- ^ '''Ifr-hliurton Station rcntuiast.!, Coriiuilnsiniitr in II C .J Convr''- iucer. IJfM!<ls, ino,t.s,i^tf*, )ea^^ m.d v\\S~< orawn. .M011.1) to itii.l at H I'Cr rent ii:»(i *=• warus. liebts collocted. Cbai'i,«e uiUuifatb. P J SfeoUI.E ^^ " Posiriantrr, Fleshsrton ( ommisKion-r tti K 1:. Liie.,.«rt An<tioi.,.,r. ConT«ja„,.j.r, A;u.ruisr, ai..| Money l.^Lo.r, , .iio.tKo,;^,,. l„i.„. a,,i ,i|„ »:..iKu ui ai, : i«luatioi,i, ,,,i .i.oif,.',; ^, ci-e \lti , saluH ttuem-e-t *j in a!i> ,.,t M !>cci>.;r>" >l..ii«5 to/o,n at loKcttiste^.-J ,j (,.,â-º1 « ci •ic>l'.>t.cli Ui»rp. slow. Aunt fr,r!.;. >«hii> Ccuipany. ( l.eet. u. Uf ,om. . fo^V^ '?" V'"""'. '""="â-  i«'-i« liiteMnLr'- tu viMt I'.inrlao'i. ScoUiii.d or Ire «i. • », 1 l.l-.«™ .»k .at«s belcra ,i,icl:ab:,.g'tii.t. tlcl«.'ts eisewl.crc. . c^oci til A O U V meets trerv flrtt an<l tbfrd JloRtTs v in each miiiith. In their !o. Re lecn' iitiir. W M; A M Ui-Ji^on, Rfco.ccr; \v .« ite.lauiy.FiuaceIair. VwiUbb br.shrec iuviteil. pitrXCE ARTHTR .t.Or.Ul;, No .m:i A F 1*1 I "» *'-,meet» in (he Ma-uiiie fcail. Uraii' ii|o..k Jfosluirton, e-rrry,> on r.r beter t IB tint moon. U Jleui-tl, \v ,\t w liellamy, Secietary. grnti^tii! r V MAK8H.U.L " M US, DDS, I.DS, ! Visit* Fleshertou tho lit saii 3»d Trida; tl «*acb moutb. I a CAMPBELL " L D b, D D 8. Cental SurgeOD, MarkJale _>t!ict over McCiilIotiKb * YotiPK's bank l!ouis-SJO am to (i ui. Vi;.its Fl'.bsH's iho arconil and fourth Tbur>.ilar o| aaca i..citb. Olllce at Munshaws hotel •p HENDERSOK '* ., I> D S, M D S, Dentist of Toronto lOoU 51i.,lali8t) will visit Flei-herlon nro- tenuoually tlio Or-t Wertnendtv ot oaci mouth aod Uaadalk tliu tollowiug -lay (Tljurvuay | fffial JOHN" W FltOST, L I. 11 Kanikter, Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc Ojlloe-Xext to I'oMoflice, Spionlo'. bloc*. Hesborton. evury Satur lay au<l court aa»». N Hâ€" (Iwen Souml ollice. Frost » block '» Poulett street east. ' [ fCAS * WKICiHT " lluiriitters, Solicitors, Coiiveyaneers, eC« .„ .V^.t'L .**,''!'.'"'• "•" Mark.lale, Out W II WKIGHT 1 B LUCAI* N Hâ€" Flesherton office, UitcbsU's Bank. every Wedussday. i'UCKEU * PATTKBSON * Barristers, holicitors, etc Uolaon's Hauk, Owuo Bound HAKRY a TUCKEJi OEO W VATTtBSON A O. MACK.\T, M. A. "â- ' llarriaters, Solicitors. Notary, Con- >t'>ftncer, etc. Crown Attorney (or Ciruy amcoKâ€" 3u I'culott stipct, Owen huuud; and vlain street, Uuuiialk SnturnaMi (r nii luV 11. lu., auU ou Liivisiou Court uays. iUUiinl D B HTTTON MDv-'M, MCPA8 Out, Pricevills, nice next dooi to Browu'i store : rosidenc* .(ilioslte at the ukl post otbcu, resilience of lata .iiA Iti'owu. OUIcedB.vsâ€" I'uenJay^ auilSatur- . u> a. ,R OARTKR •-> M C P & 8 Out, Phyaiciau, Suigeon, eta . lyiiliortou oll!co â€" Striuu's uJcck. Kubideuve â€" .tiuusUaw's Uiitul. JOHN A SCOTT, M H ilcmbur College Pbynic. & SurfECoys . iiutarlu Ciiailuatu iu Mi-ilici'ie uf Turoiitft t'liiversity. Kcllowsliip LniiJviiiS. Post dradu- nle ^iocUqaI School aiul tlofpital. ('hicsa-:>. Diseases of eye. ear, noso and throat siitciallv ti'eiit«'l. Keuidei ce, Maxwell, vi»its Feversba lbs Thursdyas 1â€"3 T P OTTF.WEI.I. ** Veteroiary SiirReon CfVft;liiate of 'Dntario Veterinary CoOe». Koside ce â€" Secoeii door south ou weiit nio** Marv street. This streets ruus south frOtM Presbyterian church. JRICP.VILLE AND DVRHAM STAOK Durliaiu stag" leaves Flesherton Btstlos a 7.15 a IU., returun 4.4.5 p.m. Prioevil'c sti^ leaves the same place at 12.:<0. returning at i.46. Fare to Priceville aod return. SO ceutb : Purbalu , ♦ 1.30 for return. 75o. single fare. Livery In ««â- (< neotiou. Orders may be left at either hotsl. tl\ /^fllTfl PsvR for voiir Name m» yt 111 lil IllU KcteHfnl RTDPFN NsMit lli I Fnl \ OAUDF<,loTirvpictnres, ore* III III Hill Hs:idBon<eriil1!rK< "><<"' ''ofk lU vLUlV'with oid»> strvnTpa tsk«<i. AAitrsii*, CANADA CARP HOVbK. lM«>rs«)t Outario, W

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