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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1898, p. 1

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slr^rt0n ^bbanre. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEii NOT MEN." VOL XVn, NO. 878 Flesh-crton, Ont., Xtiursciay, January 13, 18Q8 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR 4 PHOPHIETOB XMAs o?Hms Eugenia. I h;iV_ fast added to my already^-st<i(5ijT-aLi3r( /iamond anJ (3pal Rin"-^, also an a-ssotmc: ous Dufber H 'inpclen fj-id I'iiled Ca?e,L: iacludinijti-.e small: st '.v.uch v\c.r fn-u^^jisO new line of â-  and Optu:al Goods, nfl" of which 1 j^oing to se..!l, not be.ow cost or at cost, but very little cost. Ciii! and f^cc my prices belore purchasing. liae ol' ove Wtiteli Repairing- a. Specialty, VV.. A. ARMSTRONG. BT-^a G3 ^ * v'-'iPl iJ33 /^l A R K D A L E :^'J^'^ji^^iS^r^^ffJZr,':^'^^^:rr/:^^^ 1897 M^ifas Sone . 1898 is With 7/s We start the year with very special values in every' dcpaitmeut. You may judge intelligently our en-, tire stock by these few items = Dres5 Goods = Amiion Cloth. Dark C'lor, IW iiiclies widi>, speci:il per yiird $0 14 Plaid Drois Good*, 5 patterns, twillod, vory prurty, special per yard 8J Heavy TweuJ Drugs (jIoikIi, J8 iiichus wide, woith 250, Mpeciul peryaid .... IK Tweeds Hcivy All Wi>ot Twutidii, splendid raii;;e uf pnttenis, unexcelled value*, at por per yard " . . . . Heavy All Wnol Tweed Suitiiiiis, would begi>od value at $1.00, a big lut to ctuiube from at per yard ^ been under the weather of l«t*, but at year are : Prei , Duiiciii McAulay ; present he is iiiiprovijiu. 1st vice, .John MoLeod ; ''ud vice. Mi(» From- Our (Hon Correspomlent. ^ ple,u=aut event is to lake place on M. Derhy ; Cor. Sec. , Mia. Emma The Klondike fever has re«ched this the 8th line this week, of which J..lm»ton. an.l ha» ..ken -.ff two of our citi- ^j.) ,.„ ^^jj ^^^,„ : The member, ..f the S.O.T. pres. ntod /.ens. Mr. Daniel Mc.\Iollen ..n The cncert i.i aid of PreKbytenan Miw Gertie McLeod vrith an addre-s and Thursday h«t and at VN innip.g he will church lure, which waa held i.i the a handsome wo. k box in rcognrj. i. of meet W. Gillilaiid and cigefher they Will Onihgu HhII lant Wednewlay nu'ht. proceed as soon aa possible t.i. that won- w...-. n .lecided success. rouia, ...ild j de.fullandof itoA. As Mr .McMuUeii weather and pn.specth of ){...«l tiniea j intends oact. aa the Klondike reporter br.u^ht .mt lar.;e iitimbBrs, so that wben t.irThe A.ivauce, we trust s i to hear M.s« Hichar Is.m ap .oa.ed she was giv«t- | g od reports, and I km-w The Advance od bya cr..wd -d house. Addre-sses were ' readers •ill enjoy hi* letiera and wish do ivere 1 i.y Ujv. M. Fleium.', R v. them both bUC;;e«K ill their HOarcli for iiidd, Mr. Leiralo and Rev. .Mr her Ben'ices an (lri'HniH^ <'.f the Division. t m • m Lady Bank Llivlsay of A great many readers of y..,ir valuutde u,i,r,;ter. Tlvj jhoir furuished excelVnt paper. .Mr. Editor, are smmiiers t-i tbe fact that really good ripe oranges can be '.jrown in this part of Canada, yec they eau. as the o:au'.!0 y<>u puUud for me and handed me in your otUue last week was a really tine, riiiu fruit. I mention this for the beiielit i>f Adv.iiice readers in ither parts of the woild who tlitiik our C»ua- diaii vlniiale a vuiitabld Klondike for fri>Bt, but without the i;old it is not ao bad when iiraiiu'es can be inise«l. .Mr. Uannerinait lias rented llu' veneer i'aciory it Eugenia and will bus'.tii us. music, and aa for tiia uhairmaii, M. | Kicliaids n, why. evervone kno>i8 ho j always performs his duties well. All' weni home well pleased with Fleshei- i tons t.dunted elocutonist. The receipts ] Su„j„y J^ Mr. A. Fe-g, of the eveiiiiii: amounted to a little tiftyonu doUa:s. F«vrr<ihain. Frmn our omi ('(rt-r?»)>on<fetif. I LoU',' hair and new moustaches are the t soon start order of the ('ay. i Sew Vearw passed off<|uietly A nuin- | Messrs. Joseph and Richard Walker ber of the yoaoi; people took in t he tea- ; ^"°,,"' '" meeting at Providence Church in the ev- Fmm onr oirii ( orrefpiimlent Tlie teaoieeiiiigon News Year's night was a ^irand sucies«,as wan alsn the soeial on Tue^day eveiiiiii;,tlie priiCeeds;in.ount- iiiu to 9V1. Mr. \V. Uavidsiui i.f Auincmt spent Cliiiatmas at .Mr. iiml .Mrs. F. \\:.. well's. Miss M^ry McMillan is visitirij; at her aist-Ts, Mis. W.heinple. A slo'gli load fniiii Kimherley sp.-ut â- soil's. "*'''^: Miss Gladys .\iinstroiig has returned !' fioiu the City and ii visiti g her frieiida Mi^B Aniiiu Fisher froui S ayuer rpent New Yean wii h her aunt and uncle, Mr. , and .Mrs. Wheivell. ADDRESS AMD PRESEXT.XTION The foUowing addresa ai>d piesentalion was iu.«de here rrceiuly to iliss Uuctie "f Manitoba are vi.siiin'4 their sister, Mrs. J. C. Mrs. Beecroft has rol uriied from the anee. also .Mia ci y and is the •'uest I'f Mit-s Beecroft Miss Mariun Bell uf Toronto is home pleasaitl tini â-  was sprut. on a vi'it to her iiiuther. of Mr. and M the p<i8t week. Samuel Pedlar during from Toronto. ,, . , , , , We, the memhers i>f the Ei'W^irth!. Our strn.g hand w:« in attend- LeaKue. w»uld like m s,.ine way to snow Francie Paul and -M'. A. our appreciation i>f your earnest, eiier- J. Conr-^n uavo suitable recitations, a *»"'"-'''*''â- "'*• '"'th aa presiiieot uf our ; League and supuiintendent of ihe^ui'day ., „. 1 .f o . T> â-  sciimd. We <lo not want y..u to thiiili Mr. l..m and Miss barah Per.RO are ,h»t because n..thinrf is said that we do Mrs Edwin and Mr. Win. Cleiidin- visiting friends in Turonio. not notice y<>ur untiring etl'ort.s, ai.d wo ing and wife of Pickering were the i!uest« Miss Jennie Bruce liaa relumed hnme ' f""' '""P"'*^ to iinuc eiieigetic service* by your noble enaiuple .^ud luiw we », u ., . «.- « . . *'»'' t" I'reseut vuu with this Bibie as a Mrs. U. Heu man .spoilt New Year, with :t„ke« of iiure-s.Jein and re-peci tor voa. her mother in Honey wo'«l. | The book itself is only ..f smnll intr'iisHS I). K. Prealon aid W. Whewoll are ^'"'"e. hut its deep hidden truths are in- bimy auditinit the the book.-! of the t). F ,^'"'""'''''-, ^^ " frav 'Ij"' »"" "lay l..i g .,'1,' ,, be spared to labor Hiiiong us taKiiii; tMis Milling Ci'iiipaiiy. , ,' ... . j " ' â- ' , (look as a lamp unlu your teet and a Mr. Thos. .Madden. .f the eighth hue, liuht unto your path.'' Signed on b»> died suddenly Friday aiterniMin of latit balf of the members, week, I ALLIK WuirwgLL n„'p,,l,^l. , 1 .1 1 . .X »• I ClURLOTTIi UlTKWlSU, Vr. I arks liaa decided to start pnictice here souq. Kwiuton Park 25 Unbleached Table Linen, ^'icu quality, pure, linen, special per yard 14 Bl.'ijhi.'d Table Linen. "2 iiiohen wide, levular ^l.OO goods, special per yard ... 7» O'U' stock of Linens has no equal either in quality or price, the ass£ortm(Mit also is perfect, and every yaid as good value as these. S^OOL THREAD Feat qaalily Cotton Thread, .-us usual 2 for . Very i;ood quality Linen I'liread, lilack, Oray or White, each 31 lbs pure riw Sugar for $ 1 00 Dingmau's Elee'no S'Bp, special por Biir â- . 4 JapauTea, uncolorod, special tJ Ilia, fnr 100 A clearing price in every 3'ver'OOa't, every ]M[a>B:itlo, and every Fur Ga.x*XK\ent in the store. Any day this week will be a {,ood time to buy 2^1 o»n Cur Own Vorret^-iudmi. In announcing the proceeds of toameet- in-.; and social, Mr. Editor, you made n mistake iiistitiiig the amoiin', as it wau f'iriy-live dollars instead ot liiteeii. Kind- ly correct it this week and oblige. Two sliegh loads of young people from Price\illu and Si'ulh Line gave a surpriEe party to Mrs. J. is. Fcrrm and family Thursday evening of last week. A few Very pleasant hours were spent. Mr. Kobt Knox <:a\e a party on Friday evening last. Quite a uuinl>er were pre- sent and enjoyed theluseives tripping the fantastic too." M;s» Ray Ferguson is visiting at her I a,..,„ i,„._„ i.. kj . i â- > o Army liarra.ks bunday evening. parciitid home here. Lovely weather at present. Mrs D. McGregor and Mr. J. Camp- ( Miss Jennie Bruce is at present \isil bell visited friends in Gleiielg last week. I mg the parental ho Misses Li7JSiu Campliell and Kacliel Ferau.son are visiting friends in Durham this week. Rev. Mr. Hartley of Palinorston spout a parr of Friday and Saiuiday with Mrs, J. Fen is and family on liia way to (.irand Valley, where he is lahoriiitf at present. Miss Ma.'gie Forri.s of Iiiislioge is this we.-k V is;tiiig friends here. Mrs. Hardy and family attended the M ARKDALE P.T,HiU&Co. i'rom old- oiPM ('r)nT.<fK/n<ff)if The Priceville public school gsve a very succe8.sful concert in Watson's hall on .Monday night. The hall was packed to the di.urs by a very intero,sted and en- thusiastic audience The program was : II- f \i ij I u 1 . .^ , a very enteitaiiiiog .mo, hut space for-: weddi'.g .if iMr. Hugh Hardy of Ospri'v, . • , i â-  â-  t,, • . ,. i , , ", , " â- ' ' • ' ! bids description. The reci'ations, dm- ' Wi^ek bofor.H hist. I , , . , , • ,. _,, ,, , ... higues and siiiginK wore rendered lii A fllrs Thos. Mi.'hnr attended the fun- i i. , , m t .i ... , , .. ,.. .. ^ very creditable manner. Two of the oral .!( hei f.ither, Mr. Wm. .McDoiia d , .. â- â€¢ . i ' ' most attmolivo numbers wore a hoop of, who died vory suddenly 1,11.1 .â-  »i 1 i .. .ni /-. ' ^ : drill by twelve li tie u'rU i.nd •' The Co- 1 of a pani'yiiu stroke. i , , â-  n ^ , . , ~„ "^ ' lumbniti drill by nx'eon u.rls. The ' "•"•""â€" graceful nn'V.nients of the peif..rniers in ' IKqXWcIL both these exorcises elicited very favor- able cominenta from onlookers. The Fiom our otint rorrf»»«>»<feri*. | "b. ys' I.mss band " laiiie in I'nr a fair .lanuary weather hvs moderated and sliaie of a(,plause. Every conceivable! now we are enjoying good .sleighing with- iuBlrumoiit, from a toy horn to the big' out the extreme odd that so Oi'teii no- diuni, wiis biMuubl iiiro reipiiBition. The | companies it. ! were of the medley typo. Al-i Mr. Thorton Gamey, «ho has l)»»en fur though the admission was only 10 cents,' some lime in the Wevb. is visiting fiieuds the pioccods amounted t'l iihont $10. I and relatives in this vicinity. Diedâ€" On Jan. 5, after a week's ill- Onr t.iwnsliip rouucil held its first neH->, Jidiii, yiuiige>t son .pf Mr. James mcoiii'K for the on Monday, Jan. McDonald of the South Line, aged 17 10. Our little election d'd n..t result in yeiu-s. The d^cea^od was a steady and any ohang.', so 'our genial counoillois. induslrious buy and a favorite with his I Morri.xtin and Guy. still hold their cnipani'ii*. The funeiiil co:t>-ge wss i aea's. ; over a mile long. The Rev. Mr. Hum-' Rev. Mr Campbell of Ravenna 's ox- phreya oon<luoled the setvices The Ihj- i pec'tKl to occupy tha pulpit 01" tb«» Method- reaved family have our heartfelt sympa- iat church hern on Sunday evening next, thy in thvir very .sudden affliction. Mr. D. R. Flaiiiinoiid of Dundolk was The annual business imeting of the C. I in our village -in Moiidny last. R. of the pTesbyterian church waa hold Mr, Clark, Sr., we njosorry tn say,hA« lai>t week. The vlficera for the ensuing [bipltJ A Urtlo boy fr-.m Msrkdale treated the! To the members uf tiomjtnce E/.tiorlh boys to .some Si.iigs, Such a«( )ld Kentucky ' Lemyuf : Home, and others, on Friday evening, ' Dg.ui Fwxow Worker-h. â€" Please al- we,-k. ' 'c >ue to tiiuok you a^ain t-ir youi l>eau- TI...11.. \t^ n .. .u.ii f D I ttful present an.i auUnss. V\ oi-d;. lail 10 ilie nci-. Mr. Campbell of Rjivenna in- < _. ., . » 1 1 <â-  i r 1 . j , ^ : expr »8 tliB graWitsde I feel f-r such kind- tends preaching a Alis.sionary seriii.iii ai uew. Your words of eiicouragenu lit have B. tliel. Jan. l(5th. in the moriiiiii;. helped lne^o iiiu.^n. There is nutiung 1 Mr. (Jrittin 11. tends brickinn his resi- *"""^ '"•"•"•Pl"''^'''"^"** """'«''>»" '^ "'"P" deuce next summer. .1... Mr. .I.ihn Paul. "/ ^,"|'''' ''"'> ^ord and I assure you 1 ; shall treasure it as loiit; us 1 'ive. not A great number atre-ided the Salvation j only »»U,e BiM.k of B..oks, but in teniem- bnuice of iny dear friends at Providence. He who kn.'ws all hearts known iioiv dear you all have been and are to me. I have been blessed .so often by ilic way you each have trieti to do your part. To Uid be all the jiraise. 1 «ni onwoithy of the blosbiiig tie has so freely b.-H.'owed up .n >ue. 1 pray tliMt Hniiiay blesa ,\ou a I, and I am sure wliei-ever my loi m lii-j may be cotit 1 shall always hiok bncK to 'hi.« ohurcli as my boiiie. iiy U-.o's grace I will end. avor tt> tie iiinre faithful to mm and to his work here T.mrs :ii ('tiiist'a work. HaTTIB \. W.^LLU-B. Priceyllle iProcior ^^ O The Tailor Will supply you with a nobby suit ftir fall. Work- mansh ip and lit guarau- teed. Stain l- -In Claybin's Brick block. Flesherton. ^ Proctor The Tailor ^• w i*

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