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Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1897, p. 4

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m m DECEMBER 23 1897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCtC BSTABU3HED -/<¥«?/- ^Ks Advance rUBI.IHllED WEKKLY AT THE OFFIOB, SYD- KMHAM 8TRE1!T, KLEKHERTON, ONT. , BT W. n. THUKSTON. ti per aiiniiiu strictly in advauce AdveitiBing Bates: as Columa, 1 yuar. «'>i) ; half ool., 1 year,* £8 quarter uol., one year, SIS. Trauaient ailvnrtiaemeiit cliargoil at the rate • cents per line for flrat insertion and » ceiit •acta liiibsoquuut iunertion. Dr. Grant of Kingston lias publish- ed in the Globu a series of letters strongly opposing pioliibiiioD. Some of ti>c Dr 's concluKions are : It can- not be enforced. It would create a state of nioial degradutiuu through transgressions and perjniy. It would outail a seriuns busiiiesa loss to those eogaged in the trai}i<?, and incur their vengeful displeasure. Uur cities would be " ram-ridJeu " and " rum- ruled " and prohibition would b* iaad« a questiou of politics. These are but a few of the Dr.'sconcluaionB, and we will duect attouiion to only twnoftbetn. That it would entail a aeriuUB business loss and incur the enmity of those in the traffic, and that our cities and towns would be rum ruled, appears to our lower order of comprehension as being slightly an- tagonistic hypotheses. If rum uuder prohibition would have the free hand which Dr. Grant .fuarp, why should ihjja wli-jcontfol the traffic be an- tagonistic? And Ahoi'O would pro^ periy interests be jeopardized ? Pro- hibition might not totally destroy the traffic ; neither do any or all of our laws dcslr y crime, and the cost of onfurcii/g these laws is also voiy great. Prohibition would make the belling uf liqnur a crime ; our govfrniueiit by licensing makes it a virtue'. Does Dr. Grant dure pit the miserable outcrop of perjurers and liars who tt;« with uh uow, and who might inuko thnir presence known mora ckarly under pi'ohibitiun, against the thuusandaof blasted homes, brokon-liearled mothers iind falhcrltss children of our country? It id a strange aad startling stand for uny minislcr to fake. If prohibition cannot be (iuforccd and would result in piuctically fri;e liceniio as the Dr. contends, then *.ho bujovvclled saloon keeper, the brewer and the disiillor tliould ccrtiiiiily vote fjr it wLeu the time coiniH, A deKpatoh to the papers B.ays : Li Mting Chung has appdinied «? liisfannly piiy.sioian Miss IIu King Eiig., will) studied some years uj;o in an American nii;dicni coili'ge. Hlio ban d lor souio time as a mil!- sion doctor in Foo Olioo, and has been a Ohiictiiin since her childhood Next year Miss IIu King l-'yug will re- piTSint Cliiiimil the London Cotigreus of Medical VVuiuon. Adding to this the fact that the giL-at secretary haf. been prevailed up Gu to study the Bible, and taking in- to coiihidLiaiion hi!) remarkable synipathoiic IctKr wiillen to liov. Gilbert Keid, tie christian world has good uuson to hope for the beet iu the Flowery Kingdom, and to be- hove that its overflowing millions will }fat embrace Christianity. It must be consoling to our missionary spirits to observe these bright spots of light iu the desert of stiporsiitioii and blind ignorance whicii has embraced China for BO many lung ceuturies, and to eouibat which but comparatively feeble attempts have as yet been luude. The Monnon church is by nomaana mf, a standstill, aad latest statiatios fhow that it is even very mnoh on the forward tuaroh. The N. Y. Ciiriatiau Advocate ( Methodist ) makes this ^ttement and giTci &et( to ^mIc U »«!WHHH up. It Esyg that tlie Mormons have " about 1000 missionaries at work, mostly young or middle-ttged men, all of whom travel without aalary or al- lowance from the ciiuroh ; for the chuich permits no minister to receive a salary, but to rely on the hospitality of the people." Ilereiu lies, we be- lieve, the very esdence of Mormon success, and wliere it will eud is a question worthy of thought. MiirHliall, the alledged Melaiithim fire- bug, was -Mirrittl at Omiii'.eville last week. The jury diaai-reed and the the case nill Colli u|> a<iuiii next spring. SHINGLE8 FOR SALE A quantity of shingles for tale at mj- aiill, lotSB, cuu. 9 Artein«t>ia. Also Bhiugleecut on BhuruR, wuuld exubange a span uf Unmea for •bingle timber. J. BICKLINQ, Uaxwell F. O. Fai^xn for* Sale For Bale obos))â€" Lot 37. Con 12, Arteinesia. Apply to R..;. Bl'KOULE, Kleaberton KleBhorton, Nov. 10. 180T. To the Electors if Ward 3 Ladies and Oentlewan : ProBRtire baring been brought to bear upon me to allow uiv uauiB to po before the electors as a candidate for councillor for this ward. I hereby publicly auiiouuce that I am iu the fluid anil would renpectfully ask for your votes and influ- ence. D McTAVISri Flvsherton, Nor, 2S, "OT, Stock Fop ^Service Tlie niiileralxncd has a fine yonng thorongh- bre<i Herkshire Loar for tervicoonlot 174,T. & H. it.. Art meflia. Terms. 75 cents. I have also a part Polled Auuus bull. 1) years old, weiKbing r.50 lbs., for aorviob at 75 cent. Dec. 7, V7. W. O. OKB, proprietor Municipal Notice. To the Electors of Ward 3, Fleaborton Ward ; Ladiks and Oextlembm,â€" Having been re- queHtod by a large number of ratepayers to allow my name to go btfore the public as a cnudirlate for Councillor for Ward No. 3, I hereby publicly aunuuuce that I am iu the fluid and respectfullj ask your support in the comiuij election. JOHN PKDLAU. .\rtuniusia, Dec.0, 1897. TENDERS WANTED R»«1i») tenders will be roc< Ivod by the undei- Higncdup to Uoo. IHth. inst . lor 40 cords of (j-oon aiid maple wr>Od 2leet long, plump, to bodulivurud at the school house, i'lesbor- ton. on or before the 15th of Tobruary, Htm. AUoan offer for 10 cords of dry wood, to be dellveiea at ouct. W. 8. CHKISTOE. Notice to the Public Noficn is herpby (;ivon that no person is authorized by nin to collect moneys owing niu t"r thrnshing, nnd that all piiyniijiit.4 munt bo lu adt' to tliu utiilorHiguud diiucc, utherwiHu no credit will be given . R. WUITTAKER Aitomcsla, Doc. 4,1857, Fnrni to Rent or Sell The nride;-sl;(i.el has fur rent or Balo lot 179- IKO, »i. 10. T. Artuiii.isia, containing 100 acren. TbiHu^'ood furm and will bo leiited low at a Builiiblo teuaiit. Apply to W. H. iliown, btaynur, or .lOII.V HUOWN, Plcshetton ,P.O Klehliorfon. Dec. 1. 18J7 VILLAGE PR0PERTY~FOR~SALE I'ttik lots ill the Village of i:ui;iii]ia, i-oiniiris- inj; iCJiieres in two blo,'kH. Ou tUo»e are erect- el a Iriimo and a big liouKe. Theru is a gcxj.l cellar, urubnrd, two b.iru'. etc. .*pplv to II. t U.N Wick, klngenla. Eugenia, Deo 0, ie!17 'i iio 1.I.NSU0TJ: Company, ToroDto. ("(tmo to tlin preiiiiai!s of the inu'on-ignc.l. lot jy. <on. la .Arteoiesia alii.ut Nov. 17 las' hi-vimi liciui of voung entile. '1 liu owner is rpi;uet<ted to in-ovi' piopcity, pay exjicM-oB nui t.ilkj It i; sume .iwiiy. HUdii Kluni i, I'-ugeula P.O. Nov 21. "07. FARM TO KENT OR TRADE I.ot :U. concos.lon IJ, AitcMnoslu, mntnlnlnif b«lHiir. H, lUclonr d. A good farm, wel waiitrod, paita needed to ciover. (iood ntiw fi-tnij li.iut). W.iU n.1 d >o.-. Gio I blrn. and stable. Woulil vent from 3 to ."5 years VVouhi trade for town or villngu property. J.U. llUAUnUny, Kugeuio, P.O. Nov. .10. BOAR FOR SERVICE Tornufthbi-iid Rork^hire Boar for servico on lot ll.coii. .H.W.T.A S. K..Artoniei'ia. Pedigree on application, Terms $1. T. HNELiL, I'rop. Nov. :iO,''J7. F'fa.x'nci to Reiint Hundrai acre farm situated on the Toronto & Hydeniiam mad, in the towntihi|>of ArtnmuHis, 11 miles Boulli oast of I'MeKhorton. On the ItreniiseH urea Knod brii;k liuiiie and a fiau.e laru. Fur further partioularn apply to JOHN WltlOHT, SK., I^ioshorton. \Tl/ANTliin A experienced eanvanser to YY •**' ^"" travel and appoint agents. No oanvassing. Halary and expenses paid. The UHAiiLKy-QAHUBrsoN Co., Ltd., Toronto. ,li l J_^ JL JJ- -m. saiw "^ " n â- .â- JywBiiii wftii* w*i'i****!|<NW| TAMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE The undersigned bas a thoroughbred Tam- worth boar foraervieu ou lotlilH aO, T. and 8.11., Artemesla. I'KlUlUUBK-llrutua. farrowed May 10th, 1RU7 Hred by Jolin Rell, Amber. Ui>t.; sire Dorohestrr Hero, Iifi7 (bred b> «. Sutherland. Jr., nnrobester Htation, (Int.). dam Aginoonrt Qneeu Mil (bred by W. J. Kayniouil, Aginconrt, Oct.), by AI«ernon-B7;i-(bred by J 0. Nichol, Aubrey Ont.,IMiss Kennedy -4117 â€"nv Rankerâ€" S!Hâ€"Mid- dlaton Mimulus(imp )-lit-HflNiW. by Middlaioa MxDarelt (llfll), UliIdlatoD Mab (iUM,) by Tfc* flqnlr* (049) Middleton May (IMk TMnuaâ€" f I t*t lb* •••â- oo, j^BBD JittOWJI, VravrUtor. 'i»;*i>;:»'..Tk.jTi.c^â€" :^rr^r' . â- Â»- '-v- -v. -«- â- :}Sf^-^. Christmas, 1897 Fribwdh, Couktryubn.-^ " I'm with you still, I hold to y<ju the hands ye first beht-lJ thirty year<i »uo." Spohihere or Sumehody else. I've got it inix'd again, but tunerate I have not the biggest lot for old SanUi ClftuB this time jou ever saw. I'v ({ut BweetH, nnd nut.s, ontiiK^'x and suckers, hearts that ar« swecit and will iiialie the kide Bweut all onr ; Cupid's whi.spt-r-i Hud spring giiiia. air fioua and pisiolR, h •rsesâ€" horses arey, horses hay and horses black, horses with wagons and Imrses with sulkies, horses made of tin and a( iron and t'f S(.|iiethiiii< elsu. Do);^â€" ^wuolly dogs, N-ewfuuiidland ilog'4, niostitf dous, cidlie dovH ; nnd oMier makes of d»):a. Enuinea from Gu up to any price, and if you want a reid C. P. H. engine I ran t;et it for you if yuu have the dust tu put lutu it. Trains â€" Yu» ; tin trains, iron trainis bhlbst trains and passcnKur trains iiiado of iiintd strong iron. 1 have cups and saucers for the kids and lea setts for theynuiiK ones Shaving inngs and tra pots, wateiing cans and horse whips. Tin horns and liddles, autoharps and tin, flutes, picolos, mouth oruans, fifes, Hurdygurdy's diunig and liunes, syniphoiuionsand jt^ws harps ; full Igiiids Gtted out in musical instru- ments, buildin){ blocks and tools, sleighs nnd and wngiins, bureaus and sideboards, banks, puzzles, gnnies, caru tiaiiius, Xnias cat ds, New Year's cards, birthday cuds, nircl those picture cards, yuu know. I have L'ot doiuiiiuL-B, and checkers, h tio nnd liackganiou, Cheville, TriaiPilct, Oar>dn and Ciokinole. Tops that spn with strings, and tops that spin with 8prin;{». Chirping canary birds in glass Ciif^es, flyii'g birds and chmhing monkeys. A man with ii balloon waving his litile flag. He says he has bocn to the noitli pule and saw the screaming uaijU on tlits lip top of it. He has been Ihuru for » long time waiting for Huinu one lo bring him the Star Spangh'd Huniur and he will pro- claim' the whole world beloni;s to the U. S., tliut's as 't ou;.;ht to be, by jini;o ! Full fctopluri!. I've i^i.t foolscap paper and false facofl, note paiHir and rod ink, envehp's ui.d ointmentH. ( (), mixed again I ) Wtll, 1 got the liiiuKt hit if. aiitoi.'iii|ih slbuins and phutiio'ai'h all uiiis yoii uvur stw in a long time, and so chtap when you see them y.:u c.m't leave them. Mittt have one. In d. lis - Got them V W'l 11 1 .should unile ! I have tlicin fr> 'in one inch to thirly, with ha^r or without, Chinn, .lap.mse, kid bi>dj», juintid, fiom Ic Hi Coine and \;ot a creeper for the ;;irl. I've got combs and brusht-s, staittrs and c'ltehuis, jvatcliew, chniii-i, riniis ami pins, pens and penoil.H nod p.iints, purse.i, pookei books, millets, sjiichil-', school l).igs,!8acliniowdiT, perfumes, the (iiiest ever shown hole. I have Soott iV' Sic .Milieus' pcrfinni.% Canadian ; Syely's per; t'liiiio, Aiiieric.i.i ; Liihin's p.'rfunio, Paris, Kianeii ; Atkiiiaon's peifunie, Ijoiidon, lOiigiaiid ; the very l.eit nialiers if peifiiuiK. 'I'hen I have Imoka, toy bo..ks, A. n. (.' Ixiok.-*, P. S. houk.s, 11. S. lioiik, Bibles for olil or youi.g or family, bibles w:tli PiVhbyfrian now hymns cmbined, hymn books, poit.s, novels, all the way up to Murk Twain. I have liniu hodk.s, lilank hook^, minute iKiok, daybooks and led,'e;s,iiUMno bi.ol;s, indo.^ books, bill lioijk?, bl mk wills, deaths, losses, Rgieomonis, hill of sale, bond to convey, chatttis nnd other mortgages, blank nolo funns.wax candles, chiinos, lanlorns, ciicuhir coiiil«, todet soaji, shaving soap and lather hr-'shes, medicated sonps. Any who can enjoy a good smoke I can supply him wiih a real good Cigar that Won'', make him sick Pipoi ! I have from ten cents to a good doeent, respectable wooden Brier, Sterling silver mount at two d'.llara and dfty cents, and all prices between. You will find all these and a great many more at the geat Emporium of 2u, u. i^icharcison M. Richardson & Co. POINTERS You are thinking of your Xmas shopping â€" where to !.^i>, and what to get^ and so on. Let us give )'ou a fe".v pointers â€" we have one of the best stocks of seasonable goods in this district â€" we buy on tb«? spot cash -system â€" we gve our customers every aovantagc we obtain by our up-to-date business methods â€" we sell re- liable goods at reasonable prices. Why not do your Xmas shopping here ? Xmas nillinery at WholesalePrices Pa few days Mince «o bou-iht some dozsiui of Liidies' Frit Hats at a iiouiinal figur-" lor sp-jt ca.-ih. We can sell the Newol .Vlitliiiery at wholesalu prices whde they la^t. Don't miai the tti!»p of the season ! Ladies' Jackets % Several large purchases of M UltleS at » reduction of 6<)% to ^'t^J^ fn in re- guiiir tindu prices enable u.^ to oft'c r prices for December. Our stock eo-nprises the latest and must fashionable uarmenls. Prices : JS2.75, S3.00, «3.60, J4.00 «nd up' wards. Hen's and Boys Overcoats ftlnr special Frieze Overcoats, with Dee|» ^torni Collar, double siilched seams, wool liiieil, well trimmed. Men's sizes S-l.Ti). Our assortment of sizes and tjualities is very complete, and we make a .spi-tiaity if rehablw goods for Men's and lloy's wear. Winter Underwear ^We are clearing out bal*:»iice t>f a manu- facturer's stock of .Men's CnJerwear at 25% below ie::ular piiees. Our values iu Men's Heavy weight goods are unsurpassed. Don't wait fir soii^e one elne to pick out the snaps. Come yciur.self ! Silk Hdk'fs Ties Mufflers ^Embroidered Silk Hdk'ts fiuni 10 cents. Gent.i' Si!klldk'is in Cream-t, White* and Colors. Gents' Ties in the new- est shapes and most or: is: ic colorings. Silk uiid Wool Mufllero ut special pri-je.s Xmas Groceries (New Se.i.son's Kaihiis ai^t Curiau'.-*, Candied Peels, Fiys. l''ri!ih arrival* of new Saliinni nnd Canned goods. Wo I ave made sjit^cial nrrangenients in thi.-i dept. for Chri.-itnus business. Kvei> thing i» new uiul fiesh mil briuht. Quality tist HiLRI>^Sfi?J?LRB D13I>J3LRTM:JaiS^T T^IiiLT iLBOUT jCm as Presents ? ? We are busy as nailers opeiiin.n; up beautiful new good.s and we can safely sny that we will have the nicest assort- -mcnt lo choose from in the conncy. Fancy Otip* and S'anctrs. 10c each. J'' owir Vft-is at ,5 10 cints tach. Faiuy China Muus ai ">, 10 ami 10 ceuts. Chin I .Shaving .Miijjt at 1.5 and 2a cents. .ViKht Lamps, a l.finily at l.i ceuta. Pretty liunU Mirror \\\ •_',") (•cuts. ('hina Chee.sfl Dishea at 50 Of uls. Fancy Kg;; S.-lts, only ;).-, cent.-.. Oliina Cream I'ltshnro, 10 and SO cents. Cut Gla«s l-'riiit l)i(.Kps at 15 eonts. Tea Seita fiom 52 To lo ?8.00.'i'ttolo Soils from 'H to 53i oanti Iu. fact we bavo htaps of nice things froiu 5 cents each up. = OUR $L20 = Vase Lamp is a beauty. See it and get one r_?<p^_-y_-VL.-*-. J'T.-.-^r-â€" :t:-:;t'â€" â- ^'-3r-.--T::„-< Good Silverware CSieap Pickle Caster with Uuby Glass, upecinl at . . « -n A 1 Plated Suyar Shell in Plush Box at ' o- Bisciiit .lar, China Ituttom with Silver Top at. ....". . i 05 Child's Sdv.r Sett, Knife, Fork, Spoon, King and Muo at " * ." ! ! 8S Dutter Knife, A 1 Plate in Flush Box . ?? 5 Bottled Silver Caster, only , ^j Silver Soup L-tdle in Plush bos \^ Gold Lined CaKo Knife, cheap at g 00 GOOD MAN Don't you think your wife would smile sweeter on you U you bought her one of our nice looking Cooking Stoves, that bake and heat to perfection. We have also a' nice line ct Box and Parlor Stoves. Stable Brooms fruin 10 tu 60 ceuts. Indian made Matts, 10 cents. Crosscut Saws, best makes from |3 00 up, all warrantod. Best Axes you ever saw at from 66 to tl.15 each. Ould Blast Stable Lanterns at 75 cents now. 8aw;Sett8, »lf kinds, Whitinga UniverMtl, Lincoln and Maple Lpal. M. Richardson & Cd • s

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