DECEMBER 2 1897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^tman ESTABLISHED f f»BHSlIKD WKKKLY AT THK OFFICE, SYD' EKHAM 8T11EBT, rLKKIlEUlON, ONT., BY W. U. THUUSTOW. 11 per niinnm strictly in advance « Advettising Bates: naUoluiun, 1 yo&r. $30 ; half col., 1 year.fK c|uarttir uol., one year, did. Tianaieot advortineineut cliarge'l at the rate I oeatB per Hue (or ttrKt iimortion and 8 ceut ettcb aubsequent iufiertion.. Just becaase one Binall const! tnency wag thrown opeu â€" Centre Thronto â€" all Canada lias been obliged to listen for the past two weeks to tlie bellowiug of the party press from day to day, and read pages o politics iu their daily papers or readr uolhing. Why don't th« city dailies get out city editious coiitainin<; the political husli pie which is only sailed to city palates, and not choke the mass into stomachs where its diges- tion is attended with serious results hi tlio words of Joali Billings, We kuo wliut we're eating, cuz its hash, but we could get aloug with very mach Uss of it We tbonght the day of martyry was past, but it evidently is not. His Grace the Archbishop of Kingston at least docs not consider that it is, as he is loudly anuoniicing himself as a martyr. He li;ii on more than one occasion justly been called to task by the press for Lis rabid uttcrauces and bigoted hatred of Protestant iastitu- tions, both civil aud moral. lie con- siders a piotcstant marriage inilmllow- ftd and no better than a heiitlicii rile, and forbids his pariphioiieiH to at- ttnd any protcstant rchgioiisccremony nnder pain of his dire vcngdanco, and tails it a heinous crime from yrluch only liiuself can absolve. These dtarlling anutliciaaa were the cause of much comment throughout the press of Ontario gome time ago, but the incident was supposed to hare leeu forgoitcn, when last week His Grace recalls it to mind by another outbreak of invective agaiuat the Untario press, describing tiie news- papers aa " Bgtnts of satan," and BUUOuncinK that " among thobo two dozen or more anti Christian scribes it is safe to say there is not one who could pretoud to be a gentle- man. Q aking them all iu all they are the vilest gang of outlaws on this western coiitinoul â€" the shame of Outano." These bo atrong words for au archbisliop and a man who pre- lends to be (iod's vicar on tarlh, and oun only beexplaiuodonlhohypothesis that the user of them is anxious for marlyrdoin. Ho Rays ns much when informing lis tliit of himself " more lies and slanders have boon published than had ever been flung again i any prelate at any previous lime in any aountry iu tiie world," and ho gloried in it. Ihis preportteroim slatcuiml may be believed by aoius, but His race ouji'it to think twice bo- re be beoomes guilty of the very thing of wliicli he complains. Ciinld the asiiea of John of Antioch or of a hundred others, but rise in evi- ioiico, what a pigmy showing His Grace's little persecution would make. As for the presa of Ontario, it adopts to the best of its belief the moral code ai revealed iu the Bible, aud above fiferytbi.ig else, ohurily. It nven ilnows this mantle ovtr the irate aiclibiBhop, trusting be will soon find it possible to lire At peace witU his fi'llow>protestaQlB without insultiug (rliem. A. cruel rumor, emanating from the Tory camp, says that Mr. Neil MuColman is an ardent Buppnrter of Mr. Uamey's oinilidaturo on the Independent ticket. Tlit-y HccuHe Mr. McColnian of acting in revenue for beinij so mercilessly turned down at the Tory cnuvintinn. Surely it i» not KO. â€" Tlioriibury Standard. Patrick O'Brien, living about a milff and a ijuurter south of Chepatowe, arose the other inornina, eat a hearty breakfast and wtnt out to feed the cattle and do the chorea around the barn. While do- ing this he was i-iezed with heart diiiciise and dropped dead where he it-tod. A juvenile elopement, the runult of ro- mantic literature, oecured last week at Braufiide. The jjnncipals wero only eleven years old. They took with them a horse and bu^jgy belonuing to the fath- er i.f the 111 tie boy. The irate parents sre hot on their trail. When captured the romance shuuU be spniiked out o them.â€" Ex. Ecoiioiniat : â€" Mr. Frank Durkiu of Bowbiig Green, has ma as high an opin- ion of Hallowe'en tricks "S ho once had. On Halliiwe'cn tnis year, as « joke he re- inuvud the gate from Mr. Isuac Sander- soii'h lane, and a couple of Colts gut uut. One of the colta returned, hut no trace of the other can he had. Mr. Dm km is do- ini> the ri<.'ht tiling, and is sparing no ex- pense or trouhle in his search f^r the an iiniil. If the cult is not fiund he intends to recoiniMiuse Mr Sanderson fur his h>!ia. The .famous DuH'erin county perjury cases will not come up nt the Assizes this week, and the fact in cnumiig a great deid of comment. The five accused are : •John Hainiltou, Reeve of Shelhurne ; John Colemnn of Shelhunie, and James Small, Ailnin Loudon, and J:ihieH Sam- muus of Melancthon. They were ar- raigned before County Jud^e McCarthy on Friday, pleaded not uuilty and elected to be tried by the county judye. The date of the trial ha« not yet been lixed. Thu (ilobe (Toronto) ia inakMi<{a strouK aud dv.setviii){ bid for circulati jii. Find- ing that Ihe reduction in the price of pik- pur and the introduction of typesetting machinery have made it possible to pub- lish thu paper at u les.s cum, the price has been reduced from SOper annum iu$4 per annum for the early morning edition, and the second edition has been discontinued. This should L'ive Mieir circulation list a great increase, as it hriiga within the reach of every pttrsoi) n daily piiiiei that is L;t'nuritlly rucoi{ni/.ud as tiie leadiiii.' pn|>or III Caiiiida. An thero is no reilu'^tion io the size of the paper and every depiirt- ineot iiiclinling the Hatiirilay illustrated edit Hill, kept up to ita prcNoiit hiiih slau- dnri' iindcoiisidorin:; the enormous ex peime that it goes to in order to give all the news every day, J(J was nut too much for il. At $4 pur aniiuni its Hubscription list should Boun reach the uU.OUO mark. Ca.ttle Astray Caiiio totlio pretnisoR of tho uiiforKiRnucl. lot t>9, «'t>ii. IJ Artomi'sia about Nov. 17 laH'. Bevon htia'l of vouufj cattle. The ownov Ib rtMiuostod to provo proporly, i»ftv f xptiiMM nuii takethii Hfiino away. IlCOH KIDDIS, B^URouia P.O. Nov 21. '97. FARM TO RENT OR TRADE liOt .HI, coDROHHion IJ, AvtomoBla. contninia'4 tiiOacn-fi, 40('luitrt (1. A Kao<:l dtock faiiii. noD wiitoruil, paitti 8po(Uh1 to clovor, (iood htw fraiii ) hi> W<itl at dour. Gooil b'vni. and Htal)ltv Would rent txom 3 to fi >t]ai'a Would trado for towu or villami proitartv. J. 11. miADBUUV, Kuuoula. P.O. Nov. 80. BOAR FOR SERVICE Toroiifclil)i'ml FfeikHliii-e Hoar tor siM-vict* en lot I t . con. :i, W.T, it H. ll.,.\rl.'Unisia. PoiUiiroo on aj'plicatiou. Tonus dl. T. tjNKLIj, I'roii. Nov. ;iu,W. Ilunilro.t acre farm uituKlcd on tlio Toronto it Svflontnni i-oa>l,in tnt)towiiHlii|»of .\vtmiu!f!ift, l^niilot Hoiith t^nst of KltmlKuton. On th« pit'ini.ittH (Li'oti K'ooJ Iji tok Itoiiiii and a fitui.u bam. l>'ur ttiitliMi- paitiutiliivs apiilv tu JuUN VVIIIUJIT.HU., PlonUertun. \X7ANTFn A oxporloncdfl ranvaRBor to v;^ nmiutl travel ami Hiipoint aRimta. No ' ranvuHftinR. Salary and expounoH paiil. TlIM lilUIII.l'.l-liAUIlKTHON CO., Ltd., Toruiiio. Jl BArnardo h«>y enKaiiett by Choi. Wat. •on of York lownahip cuuihe tonuuaouti bf a horite ht jras driving biuauiio the aiii- inal harl m hahit of putting the tongue out. The hnraM waa ahot, bn^ nothing «a« done In the boyâ€" wliu drMTfed a AMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE The iindnrRi^nnd haH a thoroujilibrnd Tatn- woi til lioar tor service ou lot l:i» aO, T. and H.U., ArtniiKiHU. PKllKUtKHâ€" llrntna, furrowort May lOth, mn llrud liy .loliii Hull, Anibur, Oi't : xiiti Dorobentrr Moro, 567 (bred 1>) U. Hutherluiid, jr.. DorcliiHttor Htation, Oiii.), dam Aftftivonrt Qnoeu 061 (brad by W. i. Uayniond, AKinmurt, (ir.t.l, by AlKortuiii- fi7rtâ€" (l>rod by J 0. Nicbol, Aubrey Out.) MiHK K8nn«dy-4iW-bv Hansorâ€" iW-Mld- dloton Mliiiulim (Imii )â€" lB-^(:iHS8. by MMilleloii M iiai'vb lUnu, Mi.UUutin Mab (VJIUi,) by The Bmiiru (OtW Mnldlutou May (toiM). T.eriii9â€" $1 (or tlio Boation, FllKD lUlOWJ*, Vroprletor. Vt ABIilAaP. LlCRNdKH "^ At Uavernnient (irlnaa ofthuiu: how Ver«lnu olaaa : U, 1'', and Jnhllo* BlNULBiMiriiou, iu PA[H3 at a tiuu. R. IfClilAK PnilOT, IMVBR, doaent Flrit For Or Blx KUOINIA. UlSa 8AHAH STRAIN. , Taacher on piano, pianoforta, orgaa, eto. Hold.i flrnt cla-H tttaonttrn' certlflnatA in miiaia with honora (roui Alma Coll«|ie : i<upil of Prof. Ht. John Hytkenrauoh of Oouoiinaaeo, Donmark. Raaldeuoa (.ppoilt* Mitboaiit qtoaor.t) eiMli*«t0it.. I want you to See This COLUMN. You Watch it Next Week and any one that sees it or hears of it Jâ€" i-«. if they will tell me I will show it to them. M. Richardson & Co. THANKSGIVING ATTRACTIONS or »*»â€" " â- â€"^ff-fl Close Buying for Spot Casli We want to emphasise the iact that in every depart- ment our customers benefit directl) by our close spot cash buying. . We always endeavor to serve their best interests and are constantly looking out for opportunities to purchase lines of cheap reliable goodS, not trash, that we can olfer at prices which compel quick sales. This week wehave concludeJ Sduo .spacial purchases of sewjimbU g >>ds iai our auiiouiiCL-inents are iif exceptional imereji. ^ Special riillinery Purchase fi,,,, G^p^h Casli Deal in. Felt Mats Wehavo j clwired out a line of saniiil.'J of LADIES' FELT HATS for tWm DepariinL-tit, lit a ratu ..n the Uolhir. All the latsit o l.-riaiid most atylish sh.pca epari ill tlii.s se>kiiiii'8 giM,da are includud iu tho uuiub«r. Felt Hats Fedora Hats Feathers Walking Hats Sailor Hats Wings etc. Whil« thny last they wi'l be «"jld fur les« rhaii the rei< »h ilesjdo pricc'S »nJ[ ciinni.t bf repeated. This u s s;>loiidid i.iipor'.uuiiy, don't misij il upon any coiuiderutioii Special 7/f anile ^Purchac^e L.AST WEEK, uur regular stock was as full and c<)iii;iU>te in its KRsortnient lui usualâ€" every week 8iu"e the coniiiieiiceiueiit of tho !<«astin, had seen fresh arrivals of luw goodsâ€" repi it orders aud nuveltiet. THIS WEEK, we had a chance to purchase a Job Liue t'f New German Maiiilosat nauhatautial re<lucti'>ii for cash and are sh(>wiu>< a splendid a^>>rtmunt of elrgriiit styles, at clioj tigures. Wj h-iv./ all auos â€" can lit auy tiijure, and our values iiro sui^'ly wuiuK-rful. Some of the Snaps \ 10 Heavy Grey and Hoathor Tweed Jackets, high storm collars, plain or triiumed velvat 6 Ho>ivy lilack Tweed Mantle*. Nap tinish, very stylish 6 BliU'k iti'avt'r Mantles, doulilu lire usted, heavy weights 4 Oreoii Beaver Mantlns, duuhlo breasted, new odUis 4 Myrtle B'tavar Jackets, deep storm collars, trimiiied w^h sniall pearl hultllUB â- Ladies' Black Heaver Jackets, tritnined Velvet, liack and fMnt Ladies' Black Beaver Jacket.'^. Sai in lined throughout, trimmed with buttons and Volvet , Very stylish and new Ladies' Heavy All Wuul Curl Cloth Jackets, large pearl buttons. Elegantly cut. .... Ladies' Myrtle Beaver Jackets, braided seams and pockets. Very handsome back. A most stylish garment 52 75 3 00 3 60 4 9d 6 50 G 60 8 50 8 60 950 (hir third aiiecial cash purchase this week was a line of Tpkvellers' samples of WINTER UNDGKWEARâ€" all new and perfect goodsâ€" at a third loss thau re- gular Trade iigures. These will arrive in a few days aud we won't have to sell them, as we shall mark thein at prices that will sell themselves. Come before they're gone. 2^« <r» i^icharfkon. -LOOK AHEAD ° We have bought .for Xmas, at a very low prices, some of the nobbiest things in S Iverware, China, Glass and Fancy Goods that are produced. Our stock will be complete in every way with goods to suit every one and at easy prices. NEW ARRIVALS Large Feed I'ots from 75c ut). Scrub Briishs at 5c, 10c and 13(.- each. Dai,<y Tea Kettles at 15c and 25. (Jraiiiui Wash BasiiLs at 20c and ;.'5c Oriuiitt' Pudding (lislies at luc and 20c. (Jooil liiiad Toastem at 5o C»M Halo Stove Pi.kers at 10c. Niflkle Plated T. Kettles, special, $1.10. tJaiue Traps at 20c, 25c and 40o. Horse Brushes, special at 5c to 2ric. Self Bi.stiiii! Uiiasl Pans at 7oc and 86c. Lanterns at 20o, 36c aud 85c. Bargains in China and Crockery 44 P.ecod Colored Tea Setts, regulai If:;. 25, for |;2.75. 97 l^ii'ced Dinner Setts, nice Poiceliin, regular |7.oO, for 16.26. Pieced tailored Toilet Setts, only 81.45 sett. 12 I'ieoed Deep Blue Toilet Setts, worth $S) 00 for f<J.75 B>muliful Ni'.'ht Lamps at 15c, 20<',2r>c and 30c euch. Lovely lSai>quet Lamps, now, at l2.2t) and 93 50. - - A Thing of Beauty - - All our stoves are tha^ Both in looks, Heating or Bak- ing qualities. From now until Xmas we will give an extra discount v)fr all our Stoves, cither Heating, Box or Cooks. X[ PRICES RIGHT ^ On X Cut Saws, Axes, Files,, Saw Setts, Cattle Chains and Kopes, M. Richardson & Co. ^ \ â-²