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Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1897, p. 4

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maar r^^OF! i NOVEMBER 2$ 1897 THE FLESHfeRTON ADVANCE i J GSTABLI3HBD r-a J^f xl ^/SS/- PPiaiSlU;i> WF.KKLY AT THE OFKICK, 8YI) ENDAU STKEKT, FLEHHERTON, OST., BY W. H. THUR8T01C. 9,1 per annnni strictly in advuuce Advertising Bates; â-  8 Uoluma, 1 year. toO ; half ool., 1 yettr,»2rt quarter ool.,oi)« year, tlS. Traaslont advertiHumoiit cliarRed at the rate Acent^perlliia (or Ar»t Inoortion and il cent each •ubsequeut iDnertlon. The resignation of Mr. Louut in Centre Toronto lias cieatcd n largf amount of passing wonder. It was almost impossible for tlio ordinary poliMcinn to uuderBtiind tliat such a move could be made from disioterest- ed motives only, and a jndgsbip was 'â- (lip smallest prize at wliicii lie was aiming. But not so. Mr. Lornit ex- plained Ills motive iu plaiu English when he said ho was not wealthy and vonld not atTord to be a politician. The indeniniity offered by parliament, thouf,'h so large, was insufiBcicnt to JniJuce iiim to iiegleot his bu»inc«8 for ilio business of the couutry, aud lliis was his sole motive fur resigniug. It is iut«reptiug to note that lliisistho first instauoe on record of a perfectly lioneet resignation of a scat in the (Canadian Parliament. All others that have gone before were for the putposo of crawling' into a softer b«rtli. Was it in all sincerity, or was its ns a hyocritical weapon used to obtaui power thai the Liberal paiy have for years pasi advocated free trade as the chief item in tht'ir political coufcBsion of fdiih ? 1 hia is the pertinent qius- lion now being askrd by thousands oi electors who have always cousidertd themsclvcE orthodox Liberals. The change was raado. Tiio Liberal lead- ers were given a chaiioo to fullil their pledges. Ilavo they done, or tven attenipttd to do it ? In Centre Toronto the Liberal cnndidato is an out and out protectionist. In this conueotion the Farmers' Sun, which is strong in rditoral la'unt, says : 'â-  Ithau long bcci) SDRpi'ctcd that the Libcralti hud tipped the wink to the luannfacturcrf . Mr. Geo. Bertram, u accoptii.g tie Libd'ul noniitiation for Centre loronlo, declared thai the luiiff Ehould be taken out o |.ohtics,aud that llio present tariff sliould Stand unchanged for 10 years bt least. From Mr. IScrtram's posi- tion in tlie party, it is to aiaiuDO' tl'.at ho has not made tliis declaration viiliout the approval of his superiors, 'ihc Liberal surrender to prote oliou is thvrc'foie, con<plfcte. The Idachiug of \ib years, and the lolemn pledges fjiron prior to the general election, are (iii'.iiictly rcliuquiilied. It isaaid that the ConscrTatives heiitatfl loop- pose M"'. Bertram, bccauso the pro- luclod interests are now in the Lib- eral camp. The farmers who fought fjr trade reform under the Liberal flag have beon betrayed," I he County Kates ami 1897 I »n""'d certainly knuw the inciHot the CHso. I would say at the (^urset (lint uU the reeves and deputy reovus wlio Bat in the council of 1890 could hiivu plainly explained the matter to the riitepnyurs of the municipalities if tliey hud taken the tniulde to do bo, hb thoy knew j)fcrfoctly well M the Doctm- bur st'S»iou of 18!)B that there was a de- ficit of ^900, mid in the face of thin tlie Council voted an additioual liability of a graiit 10 tlio volunteers of ttie 31st bat- tiilion of 8999, making a total of lt!5!)59, which deficit wa." left as a louHcy f'lr the present Council, and for which every memtier of the previous council was re sponsible. And to make the evidence of my statements indiHputalitc I will publish herewith a lutti-r fr 'in 8. .J Piirkor,EH(j , County Treasurer, which was hainlod to the Wiii'den and was read in open council during the Dfceiuher session rf 1890. I trust this Ntnteineut of facts will ennble to place the bluiue fur ioci easing the cniinty tate where it belougs and ii';t charce the present Council will putting the burdeu upon tjKm aij an act of their own. C. U SING. County Truasurei'.s Ofjice, Owen Sound, Out., Nov 30, 1800 To the Warden und Cuuneil of the Connty (if Grey : Gb.ntlembn, â€" In view of the prolmble re(|UeKi at the present NOKsion for further Kiiiiits, I deem ir iiece»Niiry to draw youi Htieutioii to the Htate of our tiuances at '.he preHeut time. For several years my estimates have re- cited more or leas pruning, and tlinf tvithout a currcHp'iiuliui; diminution of the expenditure, toBultini; in a ur.idual (>vi-r-hip|)ing of our acvounts, so that the r.ite provided for emu year liaH been en croached U|h)ii to meet the deficit of the previous ywir. Today w-e have in the l)iiukH and on hitiid $1105, and expect iu n few d.iys SH40 from the Ontario giiveru- nient on account of criminal justice ex- penditure for 3rd iiuai tor of 1890. Our piubnble |>avtueiilH for iho m"nth of Ue CPiiiher, uiidi-r every head, will augreunte the sum of $0905, lenvitu: an unprovided Imlance of 81900, which nius' he met out of the tale provided for the oxpemliiuro j of 1897. Any grants your council may nuke llrssoHsim Will iiiarcase the deficit by the amount of said *gr«i.f.i I roicain, t'eutleinou, your obodiotit Bervfti.t, [Sgd] S. J. I'AKKEIl, Co. Trcwurer. •NnTKâ€" .Vt llio Docomlier •ossinn of 1830 tlio Couiitv (!(>tiiifil maitii uf^rAiit of ^<-KfJ to tlut list HattAliuii, which. a.Mo'l to tho <lua .'it as sltcwu by the Vruanuror, uf fllAVJ, n^ulU niiUo the Uo- fioit 9'Ji'M. 1 certify the f.irogoing to be a (run Copy of (he letter of County Treasurer to the County Council at Diet mier ne>K.on 1809. JNO. KUTHEUFORI), County Clerk. To (/«â-  F/Aur (if 'the Adran(^e. I.K.MiSiit, â€" 1 understand thata uiim- Icjr of peo|;lo are iindhig fault with tlie |ir ML-nt County Council fnr nllowitig the eotinly to ho incieiiBod tluH year, to a laigor sum than hmt your. In faet, 1 \MV\i I eon iirtked Ihii (lueKtion Huvernl liiiijs, nn.l for tho purpn.Hu of making the mattiirphun to the ratepuyoisof lliusev ('I'.it luuiiic ptiitius ctf tho county, I have oiisidjred it only fair to p'anu the xtatu of the finuncial coikdilion of ihu uounty at t .0 end of 1890 lnjfoio tl.o public. And its I wuk A iiioiiiber of .he coLDcil of 1886 a rap at the outer doot of the jail and Kelly arose quickly and tilrned the key in the luck, thuikiiiK that the peraoD* he had ex- ucoted to meet had arrived. No couiier had Dm opeeed the door tliau ihe mob ciowdrd into the Hiniill jail oiriiilora. Ail wore iiiaiiked and the IvKdcrs carried Daw ropex, puicnased for tlie occasion. Kelly a unce real. zed that tW« mob had ooine alter big priaouors. The lynchers weie quiet but d^terci.iuud. Tlie leader presened a revidvcr at tno iiead «t the d.-ij. utj Sheriff .lUil told hiiD th y wanted his priaoneri, viid driuanded that h« open llie o,eil» iu wh.oh they were conUn«d. Kf.liy I. emurred, hut the leader of the mob lo.d him timt tliey de.iireii to g,:\\n access to the cells, and while they did not wivh to harm hiiu, ii was ii8el»i>s (ur him to ri-si-t. Kel;> saw t at resisteuoe was ua less and un- lui'key the ce Is. Twi ut the prisoners were couGued iu one ce 1 and the other iu a separate cell. They had beon arou-ed* iroin sleep by th.- eiiiranee of ti c men, and sal up half awake an . truiulding with ter- ror Hi ly Track and Ireland were dta/ged from their heds, rope.t were fantened about their necks aiul tney were draj^ijcd oui, of Ihe jail i>uil<iiug, being told to prepaie fur dealii. Ti:e lUoh had more coaai 'ela- tion for Coudoi, since me other two had couiesbed their crimen, 'lUt. Coudot hi>d ml, aud the mob deaiied to leikru from him whether two other:) who are under arrcii lor the criui" vrore guilty. Coudot was sl- owed to V al.A. He made slight reaittaiice but It was fu ile. Tuere are no iiees m the viciiiiiy of the jail anil the mob wis first at a Xuta for a scaflo d. Tne lueu were huriii-d to au aujrieeut we, I and an attempt made to hang them to ttid curbrng, but it proved impossible. Tney we^e then dragi^ed to a lok; shack near t.y and an attempt was ma le to hau|i them irom tne euda oi the projeci- iiig lo^s, hut this ellort also proved uii:i v iling. A huge beef windlass, which had bten erected to suspend the caiciues of slautihtsred beeves, ihcn oSereil the uienus sought for, and the nifu were dra^;gcd tu this and sti uug up ou a cross btaui. A Dakota Lynchlnj A friend has Bcnt us a copy of a S'. Paul paper containing full particulara of the lyiicliing of (he murderers of the Bpicer family, who were at one lime rusidcnts of Duudalk. Ono of the self coiifrRjod iiiurderora had been found guilty and Bcntuiiccd to be hung, but a now trial was granted on a toclinioality, und the people wore afraid the criminals woidd escape juntijo. There were five Hiijiposud to be iiuplickled. Two are now in Iti^marck jail awaiting trial, and as the three which woro lyucliud wore relied on to give eridenco agaitiat tho other two, there can he no conviction in their case iind they will bo set free. Thuii by an nltenipt to provont the nuMcariiauo of justice, justice has been partially thwiut- ed. Tho crime for which these men Huf- fered nt tho h.iiids of an enraged jieople was coniniitted on Feb. 17 of last >eai', iu which the whole Spicor family, connint. iiig of Tlius. Hpicer, his wife, a uiairied daughter, a Mrs. WaUlron and two babies woro hrstally nuisBacroi'd. .lewellery be' huigiiix to uiouibur.* of tho huutehold was found III possession of Hoine Indians and two of them made a compU te coiife-Hsiou of the cruiie, iniplicatiuu tivo bad charaet- urs. Tliruo of ihesio have lioen Hiimuiar- ily dealt with and it is probable that ihe ol her two will have justice meted out to them in huh.) gi im furiy. The St. J'aul Do.siiaicli yivuH tho following ucoount of the lyiichuy : Tiiire wore about fjrty men concerned iu the lynuliii.|j. U'lKy rudu into Wiilianibpari on lioiseliiiok lata at night and tutnereil ttirlr horws a short disisnc.! from the city, that they ii<i|;lii SI cure tluni Mguiu aa speea- ily as iiiceSHniy afior 11. e ileeu was done. The jail III which tho piisoners were con- tilled is a »ulisiaiitiaL utuue •truuinin, and tviis HI clittri;c of I'uputy Hocrill Kelly. Sii.uo the uoijtini meni. ol the prmoneis, so ^real iMshurnt.e four ih>\v luiuhl escape lUat (.nil iiNVii lias niai lined nil iiii^lit wtiliin the jiiil, ar.d >S.aariiay niKht wa^ ou waicli. I'liere was a mcniing of the Ind^e "f Woodiuou 111 a biiildliig mar the jiil, and ui w«8 a mtiinber, ue expeoled to mo.i some of the luuinbcrs oi the lod^a after tne iiitie in;; hail atijuuruLd to Oi.nsnli. with ihciii aliiuu Buina uiatlers uinler ouusidera- tiun by the lodge. Tu wnile away the tiuu Juiiii^ tl.o night honrs lie was playing ho iiaire at a l.ttie tablo iti fiontuf tno (tolls iu whiuh the inutdereis were ujutlued. About 2 u'vlock iu tuc luuruitig tlieru wjk County Council The report of the special committee re the testing of sugar beet s was read at the Thursday afteriiuuu session and amused coiisiderahle discussion. Mr. Stephens thuuixht that with care 30 to 40 tons per per acre c<iuld Imj raised . Mr. Siii^,, who repruscutcd the eastern sectiim of the County, had appointed Mr. Win. T. Arthur, a pr.ictiokl farmer, who reixirttd that ibc pa*-hei VM?!) ho osrtmhica yielded 17 to 24 tons per acre. Owing to poor cultivation and tmd weather the crop had not been a success, but the in- dustry would, bo a good one if well at- tended to. From tho combined report it Would soem su'.;a.'- heet.-i are plviit^l in almost every distr ct ; that all land except what is to heavy is well adapted for the production of sugar bui.ts ; that the best results arc ifot from sowing lui the level, aud that the farmers are will- ing to give it a fair trial. It was moved by Mr. McCobnnn, seconded by Mr. Blown, that 'he clevk bo iiiHtructed tu. prepare and have print- ed 3000 copies of the tabulated ataio ment regarding the niunieipal grants mado for indigents and that these state ments be sent to the variiuis cuuociU for distribution. Carried, Moved by Mr. Watson, seconded by Mr. Uichardsin, thit tho cauncil in- Htruct the County Treasurer to have Hat of lands liable to bo told for taxes, ad veil ised in one newspaper in each i;roup of inunicipalitieH throughout the county at least one mouth | rjvious to land tax sale in each yoar at the expense of this county council. Carried. Movod by Mr. McKinnnn, seconded by Mr. Itichaidsoii, that Messrs. Mc- Coliiian, Anderson, Quniico, Uiehardsoii, nishop. Sing and the mover be appointetl acominitteutu prepare a statement in- cluding the statment prepared by tho clerk, also any furthiir inforiuatioii that may be reipiired ro house of refuge. Carried. M. Richardson & Co, THANKSGIVING ATTRACTIONS ^ ^^.>----"--«arC4^s»»--â€"-.^^^f -In- close Suyin^ for Spot Cash ^"=««W^ We want to emphasise the fact that in every depart- ment our customers benefit directly by cwir close spot cash buying. We always endeavor to serve their best interests nrd are constantly looking out for opportunitips to purclia>e lines of cheap reliable goois, not trash, that we can offer aC prices which comiel quick sales. This weuk we have concluded 8 une speold purcli.-iBOs of sewonablj g 'odo aui our amiouiiceiuents are of exceptional Special nillinery Purchase jafcâ€"^Spot Casli Deal in Felt Hats Wehaveju.stch'iired out a lino of anui'de^ of LADIES' FELT HATS for thi.s Depart ment, at a rate on the dollar. All tho latest o.-lor^and most stylish ahipos ill this season's goods are included in tho nuiiiber. Felt Hats Walking: Hats Fedora Hats Sailor Hats Feathers Wings etc. While they last Ihey will lio sold for les" than the regular uhdi-Mdo priAS an I ciinnot be repeated. This is a splenJid opportunity, don't luiss it u;)ou any consideration Speciai iff an tie !Purchaae L.\ST WEEK, our roouUr stoik was as full and eom.ilute in ita .•vwortnient as usual â€" every week sin^e tho coinmeucuineiit of tho sea.iK)n, had seen fresh arrivals of new goods -repast order* aud novelties, THIS WEEK, wo had a chance to purchase a Job Line of Newr German Mantles at a substantial reduction for cash and are showing a 8|)lendid assortment of elegant s'yles. at chise figures. Wo have all sines â€" can fit any fii;ure, and our values are 8im;dy wonderful. Some of the Snaps ! 10 Heavy Grey and Hii-ither Tweed Jaok.-tH, high storm coll.-vrs, pbiiti or trimmed Velvet $2 75 6 Heavy Black Twee<l Man'lc, N*|> finish, very stylish 3 00 C Rlaek IJj'aver Mantles, double hre asted, heavy weights .'1-50 4 Green Beaver Mantl»-s, double breasted, new collars 4 93 4 Myrtle Beaver Jackets, deep storm collars, trimmed with small pearl buttons 6 60 I.Adies' Black Beaver Jackets, irimmed Velvet, back and fnmt 6 60 Ladiu-s' lilack Beaver .lacketx, Satin lined throughout, trimmed with buttoua and Velvet . Very stylish anil how '. . 8 BO Ladies' Heavy All Wool Curl Cloth Jackets, large pearl buttons. Elegantly cut. 8 50 Ladies' Myrtle Beaver Jackets, braiiled seams aud pockots. Vevy ha ndsoino back. A most stylish Karment 9 60 I^XJCK IN OI>I3 KrUMBERS^_^^ Our third apocial cash purchaie this week was a lino of Travellors' samples of WINTER UNDERWEARâ€" all now and perfect goodsâ€" at a third less than re- gular Trade figures. These will arrive in a few days and wo won't have to sell them, as we shall mark them at prices that will sell iheaiaelvea. Come before they're gone. HARDWARE I>£:PARTMUBNT^ FciK*xn. to Rent Hunilrotl acre farm flitunted on the Toronto i^- Hviliwilmni roAd^x Uiutowiihhipof Avtumusia, 1^ uilUis Hoiith oiiHt i>f Kle^lifi ton. On tlie jHutuifieH are H Kood bricU Imu^n aii.l a fiAii.o baru. 1^'or fiirthor particulaifl apply to JUHN WltUaiT. bU.. FIoBherton. W/ANTTT.n A nxporlotiopil ranvafifter to »/V^ illl vuii ti iivol ami uppoiiit iv«tniU. No ciinvunftliin. Salu'v aiul uxpt'ii^oit patd. Till: UllAIiLKY-QARFllViROH Co.. Lul., Toroiito- AMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE Tim uiulorHlfjiinil \\k\a a thorottRb!>rotl Tavn- wortti Itniii' \ox iiurvicu on lot MS :)U. T. und S.U., Artmin'sia, I'KDKHtMnâ€" P.nitufl. firrowo.l May 10th, 1897 1 roil by Jomi Hell, Ambor. (.)nt; tiro I)iit(ihti»trr Htiro, 507 ^brt^il 6> U. Sutlinrluii I. jr., Dovobostui' Httilioii, ('Hit,.), dam At^fincourt Quoon 6t)l (brod by VV. J. Uaymon>l, AK'iucourt, dtt.), li . \ii;nriionâ€" .'73â€" (bn^l by J O. Niohol, Aubrav (Ml .1 Misa Keimodv â€" Iii7-b7 lUnyerâ€" il8-Mid- rllotiui Mliuiihifl (iiDji )-l^-(:lM28. by Mi-lcllotou M iKindi (1101), Mittdloton Mab (i!0:Vi,) liy Tho Smiire ((110) Middloloii May (IJJfl). TurHiBâ€" 81 for tbo BtmHon, FUKD HUOWN, rroprietor. VTARUUOK LIOKNdEH ^'^ At tlrtvtTiunont prioea nftbein: Inow V'orftloa . o1a'>rt: \^ K. and Jiil>iloa HlNULGpuraou, In TAtllri at a tiiiu. U. MoLhan Vcrdt, harHR, - LOOK AHEAD = We have bought for Xmas, at a very low prices, some of the nobbiest things in S Ivervvare, China, Glass and Fancy (toocIs that are produced. Our stock will be complete in every way with goods to suit every one and at easy p'rices. .£^SEam RennemTbe]:* Tl^is NEW ARRIVALS ^sfe,^^ Daisy Tea Kettles at l.">o and 2a. (â- raniie WiiHh Basins at '20c and 26c (iianitel'iKhliiig dishes at 15c and 20c. (iooil Itri'iid Toasters at 5c Cu'd IlilUi Stove Pokers lit lt)c. Nicklo riatcd T. Kettles, sj.ecial, ?1.10, Ijirgj Feed Tots from 75c 'OP. Soiuh lirushti nt 5e, 10c and 13c each. <iamo Traps tit 20c, 25i; and 40e. Horso lirusht^, special nt 5o to 25c. Self rnatiiii: llnast Puns at 7i>c and 85g^ Lanterns at 2tK;, 35c and 85c. Bargains in China and Crockery 41 Pieced (^dored Tea Setts, regular $;!.25, for «2.75. !»7 Pieced Uinner Setts, nice Porcehiin, regular $7 50, for §fi 25. (i Pie oil Colored Toilet Setts, (uily $1.45 sett. 12 Pioeed Deep Kluo Toilet .Setts, worth * 00 for ?o.75. H'lautifiil Nljht Lamps at 15c, 20o,2.)c ami 30o eacli. Lovely ISai ipiel Ij:iiiip!(. new, at ♦2.20 and S3 50. CO«r>ni Klrst Vat Or Six Buoas'it, iilMioforte. uMiiirs' rertilU-Ate MISS SAUAU 8TUAIN. TiiRcli.u" on piano, eto. Hoiil.4 llt'st elft'H' luii^io with lioiiorn from Aim oM'iof. St. JoUh H.vttiiui'suuli Doniimrk. Residence tliiiusito ilutUoil oliucr.h Kleshertou, organ . 'Ate ill ColleRo ; )ni,ill of COJHIIlllAetlll, Kitbt On X Cut Saws, Axes, I'^ile?, Saw and Kopes V - - A Thing* of Beauty - =• All our stoves are tint. Both in looks, lleatinii; or Bak- ing qualities. From now until Xmas we will p;ive an extra discount off all our Stoves, either Heatin<:j, Box or Cooks, r' PRICES RIGHTS letts, Cattle Chains, A.',*>, M. Richardson & Co, (

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