--\ NOVEMBER li 1897 THE FLESHERTON A D V A N C t I { M ESTABLISHED Â¥ f (^he Advance rUBUSHED WBBKLY AT THl OFFICB, 8YD- £NUAM 8TKBKT, KLKHHEKTON , ONI., BV W. H. THUHBTON. $1 per aunnm strictly in advance Advertising Bates: â- • Ooluma, 1 yoar. »iiO ; half ool., 1 jrear.tas quarter col., one year, $1$. TraDsient advertlaoinont charged at the rate H ceutii per Hue (or first iuaertion aodaceut eaob aubsoquont innertioD. Munisipal matters have beenmncli talked over during the past few days, uud have developed to a point where Bomethiug more or less defiuite can be announced. Ad will be seen elsewhere l)v. ChriBtoe is again willing to under- take the reeveship. Mr. D. McTavish of this place, also informs The Ad- vance that he is a prospcctivs con- testant. Air. Kells at one time lliought of trying it, but we believe he has about decided not to do so. These are the only names which have beeu brought to cm ears. It would make a nice little contest between Dr. C. and Mr. McTttvish, and prove very inter- esting. Wo believe th« present councillors will all be up for re elec- tion, and some of them, at all events, wiilh^ve opp.Eition, but no names c an as yet be mentioned. There was u fair sited war scare in New York last week and the stock market became panic stricken. We do not believe that war will come be- tween Spain and the States on Ihib oc- casiou, but the U, S. gorernment ];as for year.8. heen travelling in the ducction of a gi.od sound thrashing i^umsome of the powers, and it is bound to como sooner or later. The L'liited btatos is becoming more and i.iore like the proverbial hoy with the tMpoii his shoulder, and it canuol lany this amunJ forever with im- pui.ily. It will have to get the chip knocked off and a punch or two iu the Vila before it can settle down to a Dcilate place among iho powers of the \.oild. Its polyglot population.drawn i'ioi;i the worst element of every nation undjr the suu, makes it a sort of an Isl.niaclite on the earth. Its best men recognize and deplore thisfact u;id feur the inevitable consequences. When thid foreign element beoouies BO strong that it will control the two i;ieul legiblaiivo halls the time of iwckouing will have arrived. And if the signs of the times are read aright tiiiii perroJ of time is not fur away. 'i'Lu iitock market is thu pulse of u uittioD, and its sudden and abnormal litiCluatiouB i!idicato coming disaster .i plainly us do the fluctuations of the Juumuu pulse denote serious disturb- ances iu the anatomy of mau. Arteuicsin Council Ciiunoil mt:t on Siitiirday, Nov. G. Mu...buiH nil pruNunt, tlio Kcere in the chHJr. Minutes of Uat meeting; w«roread II ml coiiiiriiiml. Tlio report cf committae upp"iiiiuJ to look into oxpuiidituro on tuwii hnu .Vrtvniesiii and Prit^oil waa pro- bcUU-U ui.J I'uitd, Accounts ua foUoWB Mcjo K-iul, \iz., U. 1*. I.,e|{iktu, for lumber fuiiiihliLd uvuiReer, $12.4(1 ; J. C. Adanis, ii:4i.o\ ini{ KtonuH fr»ni rond, $1.50 ; Jacub 'iliDiiijiHoii, woi'k oil rmul, 97. KellB~Tlii<iii|>Ho)i~ -That the Iruatoea i,( till' suveral .sirtiool Nuutioiia of the town- bliip bt! (mid tliu uniouiit loviud in each f>uctioii BH piT bylaw [»iH.ied fur that pur- pose, u'.ho thu proportion of t;eiionil U'hool rate ; and lliiit tlie hum of $150 loiiiitsd A^'hoid sociion No. H bo deducted I'riiin uiiiuuiil luviud in thut auhool soo- liuii.- Oariiud. 'Jliunip.'foii-AIcMilliiii -Thab F. VVho- ittiU l.u paid livts uolkira for work on i|uwn lii.e, buing an etiuivaleiil: to that ^nei>t b^ the townabii) of Oi<prejrâ€" Q'«j-^i,ed Thompsonâ€" Kelliâ€" That ten dollars bo oipuiided ill repairing road tu 8. Turner's (arm, by ooniinissloiii'r No. 4.â€" Carried. Thompsonâ€" -Kellsâ€" That ten dollars be granted and expuiuled by commissioner No. 5 on Hideroad 35, con. 8. â€" Loat. Hostâ€" McMillan-That the foilowinsj acGouuts fur gravel, as certitied by ovur- seeii, bu paid, viz. : Samuel Hawkins 97.50, John Cuuiiinghuin 92.95, Kobeit Oliv«r $2.50.â€" Cnrriifd. Tlioiiipaon â€" McMilliiu â€" That as this Council lb niakiuj; a deep embankment in front of Mr, Adam iii^iupe lane, which prevents hiiii from getting on the' travel- led road, and as Air. Uislop, in come ijuence of this embankment was necessi- tated to make a road in older to get onto the travelled road, it is hereby resolved that Mr. Uisl >p be paid $3.5U for such work. â€" Carried. Bi'st -Thompsonâ€" That Wilham Love be paid 81.26 for repairing 190 side road in cou. 2 northeast.â€" Carried. Kells-- Best â€" That thu following sums bo paid and cliar^ed to Ward No. 2 : W. McLouyhroy, repairiiiu culvert lot 112, 2 N.E., $1 ; Thomas Irwin, repairing road lot 110, 3 N. E., 76c ; Wni. Purvin, building culvert on Toronto line, $C. 50. â€" Carried. Bestâ€" McM»llenâ€" That Jacob Thomp- son bo paid as follows : Repairing cul- vert on Meaford Road, Jl ; Three days' work, man and toum on road, ^. â€" Carried. McMillan â€" Bestâ€" That comniissiuner Ward 2 be paid Jl for lotting and inspect- ing three road !ob<i. â€" Carried. Thompson â€" McMillan â€" That cmnniis- sioncr Ward 3 bo paid bslance of his com- mission to date, $7.50, and two days' working road machine ?4. â€" Carried. Thoiiips-JDâ€" Kellsâ€" That the account of U. P. Leyate, ?12.46, for lumber sup- plied pathiiiaster at Kleshurton Station, be not ]iaid as the expenditure was un- authorized .â€" Carried . Th'jnjpHon â€" Kellsâ€" That the committee appointed by this Council re town line matters, 'Artemc-sii and Proton, bo paid two dollars each for their services on the coil) mitten. â€" Carried. Kellsâ€" MeMiUan-That when suffic- ient funds are in tlie hands of the treas uror, tlie Police Trustoes of the vill«i;oof Flesherton be paid the anmunt of thrir levy lUid statuto labor for lH!t7- Carried. McMillan â€" Thompson--That thcKeove, the mover and seconder of this resolution and the Clerk aru hereby appointed a Doiiimitteu til meet a coinniitteii of the Council of Euphrasia nt Eugenia on the lii'^l Monday in December next with a view of adjusting e.x|ieiiditure of ni'moys and statute labor on the town lino be twecii this township snd the towiLship of Euphrasia, for the past live years, as near as can bo done, and that a, copy of thia it'solution be forwarded tu the Council of F^uplirasia. -»-Carried. Kellsâ€" McMillanâ€" That the report of committee, appomtt'd by the Council to confer with the Council of I'roton regard- ing Biatutu-lubor and other expenditure on towii line Proton and Artomesia, dat- ed Oct. 211, 1897, bi) adopted and tiled, and that the argnnienl submitted by the CMUimittuo in connection with this report bo agreed to by thiH Council, and the Ilecvo and Cleik, on bulialf of this Coun- cil, to execute the samo, the Cleik to for- ward said agreenient to Proton Council to bo adopted and executed by them. â€" Carried. Bost-McMillan-That J. C. Adams bo paid $1.50 for romoTing atones off do- •uRtion 150 sideroad, con. 2 S. W. â€" Carried. Bestâ€" Thompson â€" 'I'hat the Roeve, Clerk and a.isessor bo paid 94 each, se- lectin); jurors 1897.â€" Carried. Thompson â€" Bestâ€" That .Tames Corn- field bo paid one dollar and fifty cents for repairing the Baugeon bridge, back lino east.- Carried. Council adjourned to meet on Doc. 15. WHS still fierce, were the two survivors of the wreck â€" one the second male, the other a deck hand, Willinni Oill. After trying in vain to reach the ex- hausted sailors with small boats, and finding that the boats wuuld iVot live in the sea, Captain Frank D. B(«)t of the Mariposa tried to rescue the men by throwing lines to them. The etfiTt was vain. The mate had not srength to seize the rope, and Gill's amis had stitl'uned around the nmst. Then Captain [loot worked the Mariposa up to the spar and dragged the sailors ab.iard. The Mariposa came into purt at 11 o'clock last ni'.;ht, bringing the two men, both in a state of roontal and physical collapse The mate went at once to his boarding house, leav- ing neither bis name nor address with bis rescurers. The Idaho left Buffalo at 2.35 o'clock last Friday afternoon, laden with paek- age-freiirht for Milw:;ukee. The gale cau^dit her before she reached Long Point, but Captain William Gillies de- cided he could weather the storm. So, instead of .teekiiig shelter east of the Point, the Idaho went on. It was not until slie had passed the Point by a dozen miles that thu Captain saw his folly. He tried to head the Idaho fur a place of shelter. In turning the old wooden steamer careened, and a great wave buru^ over her deck and ({Uenched her tires. Caught iu the trough of the sea and help- less, tht) Idaho sank ste-n first. The crew, heedless of the the captain's orders to go into ilie hold, da-ihedfor the lifeboats at the bow, but another wave swept th.:m and the boats into the storm, and they faied no better than the sailor whom they trampled to death in their wild rush from the bunks to the deck. The two men who live to tell the story were at the bow when the Idaho began to sink, lowering the anchor. The second mate took in the situation, and, as the bow rose in the air he sprang for the roof of the dt'ck-huuse, calliiiK ti Gill to foUow him. From the deck house roof they gained the spar and scrambled into the crow's-uest. And there the Mari- posa found them in the morning, Tlie Reevesliip ,T() the Eitor of The Adwmce. Dear Sib, â€" Would you permit nie to say that I have received S(di:italinns frimi the ratepayers of eveiy ward asking me to ai^ain become reeve of Aitemesia. The work, they say, is lc«Nened since the chaii-je for county councillors, and to one so nullaopiainted with municipal routine the labor tviuKI be diminished to a mini, mum. What 1 lave to say is this : If the township be in real earnest for econ- omy by curtailing expenses, oiid elect councillors to cairy out that detiro, then ns one who has a laii;e interest as a rate- payer I shall suffer myself to be elected for that purpose. If the township find a better man, however, no harm can arise. -W. S. CIIUISTUE. Horn LrOABD-At victoria, N. Y„ ou October 31, to Mr. and Mrs. F.. D. LcGaid, a Hon. A Steamer SInlcs And Carrie* Nineteen of the Crew ta a Watery Qrave Buffalo, No. 7. â€" The steamer Idaho of the Woslufn Transit Company, caught in the lioroo sou'wester of Fiiday night, fcMindered in eight fathoms of water at 4 50 o'clock yesterday morning, twolvo miles above Long Point, which juts into Luke I'h'io from the ('anndiuii shore about C5 miles west of Butlulo. Twenty-one men were aboard the Idaho when she went down, and nineteen of them went down to death. Eight hours after the disaster the steamer Mariposa of the Miniumota Ijiiie sighted the single spar that marked the grave of the Idaho. Clinging to that npar, chill- ed and starved almost U> unconsoiousness and lurdly out of the reach of a tea that Vf AKKtAClF. l.ICK.NCES ^'â- ^ At Uovernnioiit jiricos Do tens nftlieiu: Now Viireiou First clB«fi: U. K. anil Jul>il(^a For BlNGLKiiurson, in I'AIUS Or Six at a tiiu(. B. McIiKAN PeiuiT, IssrvR, ECORKIt. MIBS RAUATI BTRAIN. Tuachor on iiiano, ot«. IIoM.4 llr«t clft-a teao^iurH' onrtiflcAte iii itntHic with lionorit frnui Alma ColUt^'e ; pupil plaiiofnrto, ordaii, lOlU uf I'rof. Ht. John Myttunraucli of CojH)ii)ia^on, Denmark. UuMldeiico Lppuaitti MuthuiiiHt chucr.h Fleshcrtuu, M Richardson & Co Sensible Sentences C ^ Buy your winter things now â€" don't wait until the snow flies and the nr^ercury in the thermometer tries to hideitselt in the bulbâ€" buy them THIS VyEEK] â€" buy them NTOlfiT and be prepared for the cold weather. ueaaonabie Sooda Sfeasonable !Prices Uusbrinkablu Military Flannels in Stripes, Checks or plain colors, regular 40'.; line, 25c 'i'-tv- and .... Heavy All Wool Grey Flauneh*, 20c, 25c and Ht-avy Union Grey Fannels, 8c to t Men's Union Under-vear, very special, the Suit Men's Heavy Cotton Underwear, oxini value, the Suit. Men's Heavy Loch Lomuod Shirt'* .Men's Cardigan Jackets, KjHjeiul line, ?1. 00, 8126 Men's Blue Derry <>vuraris,heavie8t weight.s,a'l sizes, 76c Men's Heavy Working Braces, worth double . Heavy Wei({bt Union Tweeds, special wear resisting quality All Wool Tweeds, extra weight for thu season, 40c 200 yards Six Cord Thread, 2 S{)ools, 1400 yards Grey Cotton, usual 5c line Crash TowellLng, good widths and weights, 4c, 5c, . All Wool Grey Blankets, CO x 80, 7 lbs. the pair. 37i 28c 15c 95c 50u 5(te f 1 50 8oe 15a 3Sc 45c 5c .$2 00 Winter Dress Goo<ls, a special line in good dark 8e.a.sonable colors, Emiiiontiy suikablo fur children's wear, 40 inches wide, 17 and. . . . 18c Heavy Dress Tweeds, a good range of fatihiunable and seasonable shades 50 inches wide . 28c Eider Down for children's Clo.iks, 6 different effects, from 46c I jidies' Fancy Knitted Wool Olovesf, alt colors 28c Children's Fancy Knitted Wool Gloves, all ddurs 18c Latlies' Cashmere (ihives, heavy weight', lilieil 18c Liulics' All Wool Ribbed Hose, wint _>r woiifhts 18o L'idi's' C.'ishinei'v) Huso, sea.sou»blc line .- 25c L:idie8' Vests, special for the seasnn, 15c and 75c Ladies' Extra Uaavy All Wool Shawls, largo size, selected colors ?2 76 LiKlies' Mantles and Jackets, new line, 83 00 9 75 SUGAR! Genuine Granulated, 22 lbs., Bright Yellow, 28 lbs. - - • $1.00 $1.00 Use P. £joucks' Floux* £t.]:-B.cL Gepxxia. For I*or»r»idLg© Hornc Knit Ts^Iitts and. Socks. BriniT tlien:i to us and gfct Higfli- est Prices. Fa.x*]T& to I^ent llimdrmi ncro fariit Hittiatod on the Toronto fi Hydonhain roaO.in thtUownitlilpof Aitnuiottla, 1} nilloB mnitli oast of Flo^hfrton. On lh« •rtiiniHVR ani a ^ood brirk hoti<y and n (rao.o m a K( ^ baru. For fiirtliur partieutars apply to JOHN VVUIOHT. SK..F10I Hhorton. WANTED, AGENTS J'^S?-" ^^^t^:^- Band coploH Hold. Tlireo thousand five liiindrvd onluriid from ^UPtralia ; Ur^'o quantity i;ono t'l South Africa ; going like wild~ftro in Can- adn. Lord Lorno, Hur MnJoHty'H nonin-liiw, KayH : " Tho hunt popular life of tho Qnooti I havo KPtni," uud thounandR endorne tho HtatA- intuit. Outfit froo to oauvAHHtfra ; exclustvo territory ; boi»k on timo; e«yy to makti '%'i daily i Kotuo ntako twice that. Th« Uradley-OarrotBon Co., Toronto. Agents sell ••KlondlkeQold Field" LIko a whirlwind, Kxporiencvd oanvnH'torn roa^ilnt; thu rluhont hnrvuitt of tlifllr Hvoh ; new bouiunurH doliiii wt>udorH. Ntiarly ovvrybody RuoHcriburt. Oho youiit{ follow on a funu at # .^ a mouth ift tnukin^ »7r>. . A Inly tvpo-writfi" nt #H a wnuk Ih clitaiiuK i^lt- A niocluiutc wl.o tind earnod i9l.:iO a day in cloavint; i?,'i a 'lay. Wo want more affoutB. ranva*is.inK outflt Wc'*".. worth •!. THK lUlADLUY-UAKUKTSuN Co., litd., Toronto, Ont, «-« 7 ANTlPn Aexporlonoed oanvaRRor to VV **^ *^^' tr»vol and apiwint aftonti. No ^ ^ oanvaailng. Salary and expouHos paid. TuHBHAXiLHlc-OAAlkSTaoM Co., Ltd.. Toronto. LOOKS LIKE WINTER !!! Don't you think you will ueeJ a uew Cooking or Heating Stove We have some of tlie very bjst on baud aud at prices that are siiro 10 please. Come along and price them. Diamond 5tove Backs That can be made to fit any Stnvc at 75o each; Stove Pipes, Elbows, Large Feed Pots, aud a full line of Tmware aud Grauitcwara for sale Cheap. JUST OPENED Our new Crosscut Saws and Axes. Tho Saws are made by Shuriey & Deiirich of Gait and R. H. Smith of St. Cuthurines and every one of them ure warranted. OUR AXES Some are raadf in the United States others are Jaiues Wariiock's of Oalt and others are Dillion's Hand Made. They are all good aud very cheap. Saw Setts and Jointers are cheap this year BEST PLACE To btiy any kind of Crockery, China ani Glasswito. Largest assortment, lowest prices. M. Richardson & Go* M. .< V .- y wmm^