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Flesherton Advance, 4 Nov 1897, p. 4

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mutm NOVEMBER 4 1897 THE FLfiSHERTON ADVANCE jXU J-Ji" •net â- '*:â- > m ESTABLISHED i -/<?<?/- V ^he Advance rCBLISnED WBBKtT AT THK OFFICE, SYD- ENHAM 8TKEBT, FLEHUBBTON, ONT., BV W. H. THLIISTON. $1 per annam strictly in advance Advertising Bates: â- e Column, 1 year, #50 ; b»lf col., 1 3re»r,»28 qu»rter ool., on* ye«r, SIS. Tr»n»ioiit »dvurtl««nient cliargea at the rate S oaoti poi- line for Brst Innertion and » eeut tach subeequeDt lonerlioD. advocated were revolutiouary and aggttssive. His mont popular work is ProgreBB and poverty. I. B. LUCAS THE MAN, Mr. I. B. Lucaa of Markdale se- cured the nominatioD at the Liberal- Conservative convention at Eocklyn oa Monday. There were four meu in the fieldâ€" McColinan, Gilray.LucaB and Rishardson. VcOolman dropped out on the first ballot, Gilray on the second and the third resnlied in 08 for Lucas and 68 for Richardson Personally, and in common with a great many iuoi«, we think the cou- veution made a misfciko. While Mr Lucas is u young man of much pro- mise, we do not think him the strong- est man of the quartet, from tliK fact that he has Had uo municipal training whatever. However, it cannot now be helped. The die is cast. Let the ti^jlil proceed. Tke Knapp roller boat, built in To- ronto, has been attracting much at- tention of late, from the fact that it is intended to revolutionize ocean travel. The inventor dreams of a speed of from 50 to 100 miles an hour. His dreams, however, are scarcely likely to be fulfilled. Mr. M. Rich- ardson of this place, who witnessed the preliminary trial and had the privilege ot examining the craft throughout, considers the scheme one of the most chimerical of the age, and believes the invention to be un abso- lute failure. Mr. Kuapp is continu- ing his experiments. london's Police A Toronto Jawyer has gone wrong and is charged with forgery and other crimes. This is difficult to undei- stand, but the incident will uo doubt go into history at an evidence of tbe extreme financial crisis this country has juBt passed through. That a lawyer should d ) this is tbe strongest of strong prima facie evidence of tbe money stringency. Vandeleur From our oicji Correapoixlmi Mr Geo. Hutuhinsoii, jr., who had the miHforiune to lose his houao by fire some 'ime agii, lias rebuilt. Mr. Shelton Kiiiglit of Cliilliwack, B. C, ii viBitiii); friends here. Mr. OudfKu acid Misj Lizzie Shannon visited their father and sister at Duiidalk last week. Mr. Geurijo Holloy, whu has been »'urkiii({ near Bohoii for some timu, has returned hniiie. The following fr<nn the Kov. Ladies Hume Jourti»] i» timely, taken in con- junction with Inspector Campbell's tri- bute in lust week's Advance to the power wielded by London's police : "I have Bean the Houses ol Parliament and the Tower and Wcsirainster Abbey, and the World's Fair, but the most iiu- pressive sight I ever beheld is the up- raised hand of a London policeniao. I never heard one of them speak except when spoken to. But let one little blue- cuated man raise his forefinger and every vehicle on wheels stops, and stops in- stantly ; Ktops in obedience to law and order; stops without swearing or gesticu- latiii(( or abuxe; stops with no underhand- ed trying to drive out of line and get by un the other side ; just stops, that is the end of it. And why ? Because the Queen of Eugland is behind that raised lii'ger. Why, a London policeman haa more [luwer than our President. Even the Queen's coauh men obey, that is what makes liberty. I am the most flam- boyant cf Americans, the most hopelessly addicted to my own country, but 1 must admit that I hid my tir^t real taste of liberty in England. I will tell yiiD why. In America nobody obeys any- body. We make our laws.and then most industriously set about discoverinit a plan by which wecan evade ihem. America is suffering, as all republics must of necosaity suff'>r, from libeity in the hands of a multitude. The multitude are ignorant, and liberty in tbe hands of the ignnraut is alwayslicense. " M. Richardson & Co. r yi THE CASH SYSTEH ^ Harlidnie The American naval training ship Yantic, which is now ou its way up the tit, Lawrence, is bound to be a troublesome customer. She began Ler disastrous career just after she passed Quebec by running itito and badly wrecking a Bt. Lawrence stiamcr. The Americans will doubl- les put the Ptory in another way and c^aim that the little Canadian steamer attempted to iiiiik the Yantic. It is thought that after she has passed the Ihousinil islands there will b3 no is- lands left on the Canadian side. Ah for the WcUand canal people, they are shuddering, anl an altoinpt will be made to persuade her into running up the Niagara falls instead. It is also understood that the prime reason for her advent to these upper waters i| that she might casually inn into Navy Islard and knock it out of sight, as it is too close to the American side to feel comfortable. A local wiig 8Uf{!^csts that the captain bo bribed to tuiu his ram on the Hardy goveru- inoiitibut his consent would be difficult to obtain, os Mr, Hardy is too good a (rieud of the U. iS. lumbermau. From otir own Correnfumdeitt Operations on the now rink have be- gun, hut the linnds are now standing idle owing to the bad weather. Six n\ore electric street lights are to be put iit in the near futuie. Wo are also to havo a free library in a short time. It is tj be taken in charge by tliu town. Mr. Ja.i. Pendleton hn.s purchased the drayio!.' husiiiens froiif Mr. iteurU. Mr. Cliupniaii has a now covered 'bus. It's a beauty. We see the Standard has mad > a change in its foreniiin. Mr. Victor Kes- tur is the new incuinlieiit. Mr. McKeinm loft this week for Thorn- bury, where ho has purchoaed a livery business. Mr. Itoht. Bons'in is this week in To- rf)nto. We do not kimw wimt ho Ls do- ing, buthishoUHe ise.>inp!etud. Its not too soon to say that our new method ofconduct- ing business promises to be a decided success. Our customers know that we have always given them the best possible value tor their money anl have co.i.i leace that every effort we make to place our on an up- to date basis will be to their advantage. Some iPn'ces that Speak for themselves . . . # .tlnplr <>rove Another of the terrible consequences of over-iudulgenoo in strong drink oc^ curred in Toronto on Monday, when a father, crazed by intoxicants, stab- bed his son to the heart with a pair of tailors' shears, killing biin almost in- stantly. The father is held for lunrdor. What about the man who sold the liqaor, and the government which legalised its sale, and tlio peo- ple who ac(puesce in the legalization ? Is there not a modicum of responsibil- ity resting on each and all ? It is in crime of this nature that capiltil pun- ishment does not fully meet the case, an J even the penalty for manslauglitur is more or less mijust in its applica- tion to the direct criminal. Henry George, the great apoatle of Single Tax, died suddenly iu New York last week of heart failtu-o wh ile conducting a campaign for the mayor- alty of KewXork City. This man was Qne of the greatest thinkers of his day, ^nd as a writer on social pi'obUras ^as more popular than even Herbert Ipen^^r Li,mBel4 ^h.9 j^rinpi^les lie From Our Own Vorreapondeut The weather in this vicinity has been highly favdiiildo for jotting up roots and now f,ill plowini; is the order of the day. Stewait Bios built an extension to tluir inllior extensive barn accommoda- tion this past week. On Saturday the contractor, D. Campbell of Pricevillo, got his block and taukls in order and pro- ceeded to raise on the nowest principles. Wo are pleased to know llmt the raising was a tlioi'ough Kuccetis and speaks well for Mr.CaoipboU'a abUity. Our bicyclist friend was present at Stewait'sraiKinij. He has evidently dis- carded the wheel for the hammer and Haw. Hope ho will be as successful in that line as he was in wheeling. A rumor was loing round the Grove that one of nur young sons of Erin had taken to himself a wife, hut it was with groat dolght that his young Indy friends discovered that ho was Htill in the market. Wo areinfonnid that a fowl supper WHS hold at tho Queen's last Monday night. Tho Grovo was represented by Messrs Wil.son, Harrow atid McLnuch Ian. They are reported to have had a good tiiiio. Miss M.iry Conkey has letumed from her visit to Osprey, much improved in health. Mrs. Jos. McDonald, who is at present visiting wilh her mother, Mra J. Uonry, sr., intendb taking a trip to Guelph for a tiniu btf.a'e taking her departure for Manitoba. Mrs. Richardson of Chataworth, who has been viviiing at her son in law's, Mr. A. McLean's, returned home last week. The company threahing machine has been meolint; with bad luck lately. Xhruo breaks ii'side nf n week does nut look nor pay well. Bo a little more care- ful, boys. Machinsa don't grow in th^ bujib.. We have rend i>i Maud on a suinmsr day who raketl, barefi>oted, the new mown hay ; we have read of the maid in the early morn who milked the cow with the ciumpled horn ; and we've read the lays that the poets sin^, of the rust- ling corn and the Howorsof spring ; but of all the lays of tiinfue or pen theie's nauglit like the lays of the Kanuck hen. Long, long before Maud raked her hay, the Kanuck hen h:ul be^un to lay, and ere th>' milk maid stirs a pe.;, the hen is up and has dropped her eyg. The corn inuU ru-^tle and llowors must sjiring if they hold their own with the buniyard ring. If maud is iiecdii.g a I. at aud gown, she doesn't luiKtle her hay to town; she goos to the store and obtains her suit wi'li a basket full of fresh hen fruit ; if llie mikniaid'H buau makes a Sunday call, she doesn't feed him on milk at all ; but works up ogis in a custard pic and stutfx bill! full of Ik chicken fry ; and when the old innn wauls a horn, does betake tho drugji'^t a load of corn ? Not much ! He simply robs a nest and to town he goesâ€" you the rest. lie lingers there and he talks, perchance, of true reform and correct tinance, while his poor wife stays at home and scowls, but is saved from want by those self sttine fowls ; and while thd husband lingers, there, she gathers eggs, and cues she'll hide 'till she gets enough to stem the tide. Then hail, all hail to the Canada hen, the greatest blessing of all to men ! Throw up your hats and make Home bowl for the per- severing barnyard fowl ! Corn may be kin<.', but 'tis plainly seen, that the Can- adain hen is the Canadain ijueeu. â€" Ex. HukIi Shaw of Orillia has a new inven- tion for a steamboat. The model is built of tin, is shaped like a cigar, and around the cylinder is a spiral Qanpo,which when ill motion, sends tbe boat through tho water at a rapid rate, the cylinder re- maining stationary. It is propelled by a spriiiL;. Inside the cylinder are tho state-rooms, cabins, enuiue room, etc., and above is the hurricane deck. Mr. shaw hiis great faith in his invention, and and is forming a joint stock company in Orillia to build a boat 75 foot in length. An unfortuna'o affair occuried at HorninjjiJi MilU last Sunday morninL;. Jas. Hamilton and W. J. Tairgart, of Melanc.thoii, attended the Methodist church harvest homo services, Hamilton's rig waSHtandin^ ill tho church shed and TagKart's was standing behind, but facing llio otiier way. They started to back up their rif^s about the same time, and the collisiiin that occured caused a collision of tenipers as well. Taggart, however,' succeeded in getting out to the road firs*, but was followed closely by Hamilton, when there wasanuthrecolli8i(m,Taggart'B hursea running awoy, upsetting the rig and throwing the occupants out. A dautihtor of Mr. Tagt>art had her arm broken and the other members of the family were more or loss injured. The rig was also pretty hadly broken up. Mr. Taggart went to Oranijeville Monday morning and caused a writ to be issued aiiainst Hauiilton for 92*000. Mr. Eluiu Myres, Q. C., is, T«g£[art.'s wlicitvr.â€" >npiii^t,. iSriyht Sfeltow Suyar 26 Poouds $1.00 Tbe Best Yet I f^vn't ^alAirk Cap* 50o S^iann«l«ties Special for Quilting 3 l-2c An extra heavy line iu dark colcrs 7c Heavy Wiutei colors and sizes Weijjhts, assorted IV'^ular 75e line. Woman' a J<!1 Woo/ J^oie 18c Heavy weiijiits, ribbel, assortml sizes, seamless feet, fust colors. ^on'a Winter 'Underwear $1.00 SUIT Every Thread Wool: Ribbed plain, good weights, blue, grey licsli color. 7/neoiored ^apan "Uea 20 Pound Caddies $5.00 Packed specially for oorselves. Kvery pound gnaranteed. Sroy i^lan/cets §2.00 PAIR Weight, 7 pounds ; Size, «0 x 80. A limited quantity only. Seamless Srnin SSays $1.90 DOZ. This is a special price for a large and tellable bag. Tf/en'a J^riere Overcoat* $4.95 . Blue Frieze, storm collar, tweed lined, latest finish throughout. Very special I fl^en's Waterproof Coatt $4 95 Fdl size, check lined, stiched lap seams, any size. HARDiafARK OSPARTMElN'r On the Ground Floor through We are right away down with prices. A look the following H.sts' will convince you. New BnicpK extra valu«,at % 50 | Boot and Shoe protectors, card.... 10 New Butcliers Knives, Hodgers... 25 The Handy Microscope 3& Heel Surporters pair only ......m . . 10 Matchless Metal Polish 5 New Bazurs, Elliots best at 1.00 I New Koading Glasses, 35, 5& NEW TINWARE Daisy Tea Kettle 15 Cake Turners, wooden handle. ... 10 1 (J»l. Feed Bans 20 Covered Kneading Pans, only 45 White Granite Wash Basins 25 Copper Bottom Teapots, onliy 85 Square Pie Tins, each 5, 8 Rd. Story CakeTins,fake bottoms sett 25 Sq. Story Cake Tins, false bottoms sett ,30 OranitH Tea Pots, each 45, 60, 65, 75 Wire Toasters or Broilers 15 Cov'd Self Basting Roast Paus, 7-5c* 8a DO YOU KNOW ? jii - â€" That we can supply you with everything in th« Stove Pipe line, and save you money on it. We keep Damper,, Pipes, Tee Pipes, Taper Pipes and Round Elbows, Parti- tion and Chimney Thimbles, aU sizes. Barclay's and Standard Stove Pipes. OUR STOVES , . Are HANDSOME COOKERS, GOOD BAKERS, and SPLENDID* HEATERS. They consist of MOFFAT'S PEARL, McUL.\RY'S FA.\1- OUS and STEWARTS GOOD CHEER. See them. A HANDSOME LO I of new Lamps, just opened, alao a lot of nice GlaBsware, Crockery, aud Wiudowshades to baud M. Richardson & Co, \\ I

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