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Flesherton Advance, 14 Oct 1897, p. 1

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% u. yitshtvian Xb^mtt. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL. XVn, NO. 865 Fleslaerton, Ont., Tlnursciay, October 14, 1897 W. H. THURSTON, ^""'JSuA PHOPKIETOR i t ^U^edding "^resonts,. The selection of a wedding present is often a difficult task, but all that will he Dverciime when you exaiiiino our large and extensive stock. Here you will tjnd uverx thing that i« uHually kept in an up- to-date Jewellery Store. June is a niotith of weddinga and wo are prepared for it with a beautiful display of \V adding Gifts. Purchaaers will tind our prices very low. Every- body is going to make their aelection at W. A. ARHSTRONG'S Eogenia. Jcwtller and Optician Flesherton. Ontario F. T. Hill & Co. MARKDALE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ New German riantles c < New German Capes Qx:cry QavTnent Jflado No reason why you should buy an out-of-the- stj'le Mantle when one of this year's newest may be had for so little money. Ladies .Jockets.dark navy beaver cloth, deep storm collar, .'{ large buttons, silk I â- titchud, (eam;! bound, perfect fitting, I >•*.•... •â- â- â- . ...... .•••••â- â- .. . 4^0.40. I Ladies' Capcrt. brown and black frieze I cloth, 27-inch, deep storm collar, 5 rows Bilk stitching, double stitched seams, per- i feet tittiug ^.4i> { Ladies' Jackets, heavy Frieze cloth, gieen tiut, deep st(.nu collar, 2 large buttons, flaps and butti'ns on jjockets, throat tab, silk stitched, seams Ixjund, perfect fitting.. J15 5,, Ladies' JacketH, tweed effects, black and garnet and black and brown, 2 large and 6 small fancy buttons, sdk stitched, seams bound, perfect fitting . ..$5.50 Ladivs' Jackets, lUauk Nigtterhead cloth, deep storm collar, 3 large fancy buttons, plain sleeve, silk stitched, seams botmd. perfect titling 83.75 Ladies' J o c' s dark Navy Beaver cloth, velvet collar, velvet on cuffit, 3 large buttonH, tlaps on pockets, perfect fitting ?3.95 Ladies' Capes, Irisli Frieze cloth.detl^ sUirm dollar, 4 rows ailk stitching, strap- ped shoulders, fancy clasp at throat, per- fect fitting « fg 26 Ladies' Jackets, black or brown As- trnohan cloth, deep stonn collar, 3 large and 5 small fancy butUms, silk stitched seama bound, perfect fitting $»!.60 Ljidies' Jackets, dark brnwn Frieze cloth, deep velvet, 3 large buttoiiB, throat tab, pocket Haps, seams bound, silk Rtitchetl edge, perfect fittini^ .84.65 Ladies' Jackets, plain h'.'avy Frieze cloth, deep storm collar, 3 lai'go fancy . but(on.s silk htitched edge, seams bound, perfect fitting 84.90 Ladios Jackets, black or brown Frieze cloth, 3 Urge button.s, .silk stitched,, scams bound, perfect fitting 8(5.75 Ladies' Jacket.-*, light brown Frieze cloth, pocket flaps buttoned, double cuffs, 3 large fancy buttons, silk stitched, pock- ets, cuffs, flaps and edges bound with velvet, perfect tittinsj ,86.90 Ladies' Jackets, black or navy beaver cloth, deep storm collar, 3 largo buttons, | silk stitched, seams bound, perfect fit- ting 84 95 I Ladies' Jackets, light fawn Fiieze cloth, new storm collar, 5 medium i>earl buttons, piicket flaps buttcmed, throat tab, silk stitched, seams bound, perfect fitting . ... 87.96 Lgdies' Capes, black Irish Frieze, double capes 27 and 17 inches, 5 row.s silk stitching, double stitched seams, deep stotni collar of velvet, perfect fitting 8*.60 Ladies' Jackets, light brown Frieze cloth, 4 rows silk stitching on edges, col- lar an<l pockets, straps and hirgo buttons on cuffs, double stitched seams, strapped fnmts, 2 large pearl buttons, perfect fitting 88-75 MILLINERY AND DEESS GOODS Are showing the success which characterises our Mantle sellintT. New Trimmed Millinery on view this week to take the place of what suddenly disappeared at our successful opening last week. F. T- Hill & Co. ^ARKDALE From oitr ottm Correiip<»ulent Mr. Bannermau of Orillia is talking of ' putting in a good supply of logs and run- ning the veneer factory this winter. I Mrs. Riiwland Hill of Maiiitoulin I Island, who was vioiting her sister, Mrs. j Jolinstijn. has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Kuthven of Allislon 1 have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Hogg for the past two weeks. Mr. Herb Johnston has gone to the I Suult to work. Miss Ruwiitree of Collingwood is visit- ing her cousins, the Misses Gordim. Mrs. Fen wick has gone to Victor,N.Y., on an extended visit. Miss Lizzie Cameron has gone to Mont Clair, N. J,, for the winter. We are sorry tf) hear that Mr. John Armstrong is very low. Rev. Mr. Neilly li Homings Mills preached in the Hall Sunday afternoon, Mr. Thom being absent. Miss Artina Carr has returned from Emerson, Man., where she has been vis- iting with her aunt, Mrs. Wright, of that place, fur some time past. Kimberiey .From onr own correapondent [Held over from last week.] The harvest is past, the summer is ended and the chirp of the grasshopper is duccaedc-d by the cjuibined hum of ihresh- iiiif machine and the fall instalment of aiosi|uitog. On Tuesilay the members of the Ep- worth League had an eveninu with "The Wesleys ' Several essays were reml on the lives of these authors, and theso in- termitted with hymns and quotations from their writings formed the program A very profitable evening was spent. Mr. Robt. Stewart is on a business trip to Powadsen for a couple of wet-ks. Mrs. -â- Vrmsircng and Miss Burritf, who have been visiting in Kimberley and vi cmity, returned to their home in Goder- ich on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Walter Rorke of Heath cote spent Sunday with Mrs. S. Statt'ord, Miss P Keman of Angus is the guest of Miss Jennie Graham. Mrs. Jas. Thnrstou is spending the week with friends in Flesherton. Miss Ada Burritt, who has b'een home for a few weeks, has returned to Toronto. We understand that Miss Wright, teacher in U. S. S. No J, east, has re- *>i:jned her position. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Faw^ett visited .\cton and Trafalgar friends recently. Mr. Coulter of Eugenia occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church here on Sunday. W9 are always pleased to hear Mr. Coulter. IMaxwell. From (hir Own Correnpondeiit. The world's fair at Fevershani is now a thing of the paat. Considering the pt)or quality of moat of the fairs this year, the promoters of this one are to Im* congratu- lated on the very creditable niea.sure of succcKS attained by it. Too often such institutions are made iho tool of sporting men instead of a meens of encouraging hnuest competition in agricultural pro- duct<i. Mr. Robert Wellar has secured posses, sion of the empty dwelling standing on the old Snijohn farm, now owned by Mr. Henry Guy, antkmored it down to form an addition to his house. As the situa- tion is excellent, when all is completed Mr. Wollar will have one of the most commodious farm residences around the village. There was no service iu the Church of England here last Sunday on account of there being harvest home services in Dundalk. Next Sunday similar services will be held here, both morning and evening. Quite a number from here attended tha corn social at Mr. Wni. MoKee's ou the 4th line \wt Thursday night, and report having had a good time. Rev. T. Lvftate attended the district \ Epworth League ccmrention at Creim rj la-'it Tue.sday. Miss field of Ravenna is Tiaiting with her aunt, Mrs. Field. Our fine weather seems near an end and the long delayed fall rains are to all appearance near at hand. Mr. Hector Hay, merchant of Badje- ros, and Messrs. John and Ed. Taylor of Maple Valley, visited friends in the vil- lage un Sunday. Mr. Scott, ar., of Mclntyre, is the guest of his son. the Dr., for a few days. Miss Kelly of Maple Valley visited friends in the village on Sunday. A certjiin young man from near Mark- ilale leeins to have been seriously afl'ectad by taking in the Osprey fair, by his ap- pearance in town Sunday. Miss Mabel Strachan has returned home after visiting friends in Alliston and Duiiedin. Prirevllle From </«r own Correspondetit Tuesday and Wednesday of last week wore the days chosen by the directors of the Artemesia Agricultural Society for their fall show. The first day was all that could be desired, but Wednesday was the very opposite of an ideal fair day. However, nocwirhsiauding the drizzling rain and cool atmosphere, our little burg was the objective point of a number of residents of the locality and of sijrround- ina villages and towns. The exhibits, with few excvptioiitf, were up to the usual standard. The entries in dairy pMducts ahd fiuils were not so nunierous .'is on former occisions, but the c(iiality of the articles was good in nearly every case, in fancy wc^rk tliere was keen competition and the judges no doubt hiid no small difliculiy in awardini; the prizes. In live St 'ck, draught horses and thoroughbred horses were at a discount, while grade cattle were there in abundance. There were about GO head of cattle iin the grounds altogether. In single drivers there were nine entries, and Messrs. Cairns and Burnett, the judges, look considerable time in selecting the lucky animals. Sheep and pigs were scarce. In poultry the entries also were few in each class. The concert at night in Wat- sou's hall, under the auspices of the soci- ety, was a decided success, financially and otherwise. Messrs. liensim and Duiidas of Markdale entertained the aud- ience in a very creditable manner. T. B. will be httncef(>rth a welcome visitor iu our burg. The Rev. J. S. Humphreys met with a painful accident lately. In jumping from a tree be stepped on a round stick which suddenly rolled, resulting in his ankle baing very badly strained. It will be some time before Mr. H. can walk with bis usual sprii^htly gait. Mrs. Wni. Henderson of N. T. State and Mrs. Mcliines of Cheboygan, Mich., are visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. Bert Arinsln>ng, principal of bLi'uberley P. S , supplied very accept- ably for the Rev. J. S. Humphreys last Sundsys. Mr. Arnutrong also occupied the pulpit of the Proton »nd Greenside appointments on the same day. Tlio Methodist chui-ch is undergoing repairs in the shape of a new roof. Mr. R. Rt'ily ha,s the contract. W. J. Blakeston and Miss M. Derby, the present teachers of the P. S , have been eiig<<gcd for 1897. Messr.t. P. Watson and Bros, of Farewell Corners arc putting a new roof on the Commercial hotel. Mr. Robert McGowan is niakinR extensive repairs on his mill property. Mr. William Reid of the O. D. R. in- flicted an ugly gash in his foot last week. The cut extends from the lower part of instep to the sole of his foot. Mr, R. will have to take a few days enforced holidait llonor Rolls Trimble, I. Gjerdrum. IVâ€" J. Richardson, A. Ashdown, E. Bellamy. Ill ar. â€" F. Thurston, Bert Barnhouse, S. Vaiiilusen. Ill jr.â€" M Moore, M. Thurston, R. VanZant. t J. T0MLIS80N, Teacher. I Form 11, month of Sept. II sr.â€" Clara Spence, Ida Suilivau, Percy Trimble. j II jr. â€" Lottie Moore, Charles Mc- Grurhors, Harry Sloan. II pt â€" Rny Flesher, Edna Pedlar, Eva Loucks. Illâ€" C. Bellamy, E. Sp-nce. i IIâ€" F. Bellamy, R. LoGard. i Iâ€" L. Mitchell, L Boyd. I F I. Ikv*lx , Teacher. I Honor roll of S. S. No. 10, Artemekia, ! for Sept. IVâ€" Carrie Rutledge, Clara Cook, \ Gordon .VfcMullen. III.â€" Maggie McAuley, E. Wans- boruugh, Walter Deadnian. II sr. â€" VV. Connors, E. Lawrence, Beatrice Lawrence. Iljr â€" Kuy Wanabrough, Thos. Mo- Cauley, Robbie Tucker. Pt. II sr.â€" R-.y Piper, Frfd Chislitt. Pt. II jr.â€" Ottie Tucker, Will Hawke, Stanley McMullen. Pt. Iâ€" J no. Mc.\uley, Lizzie Sargent, Minnie Hemphill. Pt. I sr. â€" Jessie McAuley, Cecil Legate, Maud Ueuiphill. A. J, CfsHHiB, Teacher. I Report of S. S. J»o. 9, Artemesia. Tliree of the highest standing tu each class. IV-Wra. EiiKlish. Ill-M. Murphy, M. MiUigan, M. Haidey. II sr.â€" V. Phillipi, L. Milligan, Geo. Paul. II jr.â€" Stanley Grainey, B. Russell, J. Magee. Pt. 2â€" B, Magee, G. Phillips, W. Fisher. Pt. 1 â€" B. Jamiesun, C. Hanley, M. Fisher. J0H.N CouLTBK, Teacher. Report of senior form of Kiinheriey public school for the months of .\ui;nst and September, the first three in eaciv •.laas : Primary â€" Elwuod Abercrnmbie, Nich- olas .\bercrombie, Lucy Cooper. P. S Leaving â€" Wellinotoii Graham. Fourth â€" Saul Fawcett, Charlss Stuart, .lasper Gilbert. Sr.:!idâ€"Eula Scott. Ella Hurd. \YU- lard Gilbert. A. E. Arm8TKon(i, Teacher. Time Talkie COINO SOUTH. Markdale â€" 7 35 a. m. Flesherton â€" 7.48 a. m. OOIJIO NORTH. Flesherton â€" 12.07 p. m. Markdaleâ€" 12 .20 p. m. 4.40 p. 4.52 p. dAA n 9.30 p. nu m. m. Caixn.e Es^tvay Camo to the premises of the unilorf^iqiied lot ,'10. coil. 10. ArtumnRia, about tlio uiiddla of ./uly, one ram. Owner will plen»e pav ex- petiBes', prove propurlv and take thr Hiiiiual away. b. KO\. It is imposdble to sapply i>pae* frr mire than thr*a a^iiwi in ta;h olau in booor r>ll> â€" Kd. AaTA.<«cB, Flesheiton s;honl honor roll for Sap Yâ€" CU» St ain, E. -V. Tomlinson, K S^rocior ^ The Tailor Will supply you with a nobby suit for fall. AVork- manship and fit guaran- teed. Stand â€" Iu Clayton's Brick Block, Fleslierttm. ^ iProctor <5 The Tailor i\ r r «w.+.

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