B^HHim mmmm^^ SEPTEMBER 30 1897 TIE TOIISEIP OF HIEKSIll A. mistoia;:y BV W. B CHKI»TOB Tlie ci'iinus of the year 1861 gave tli.' jiopula'ioii III \w 2575. It u niiw iilmut ;<5(K) (it|i|)ri>xiiiiiittilj). The inti-iiayHiH iiuiiit'urt'il .MM, hut n<ivr about 850 TlicKu tiguri-s fhow hnw rapiclly thu tiiwiiHhi]) bfc:iiii(.- >u.>'.rli:d nflm- its iir- i.'aiiiiu<'i'>n, »:iil how rn>ill tlie iiicreiiii' •PICO. (>u Fi'biUBi-y 3id of ihm year a in iti >ii w«8 jiftsufd til take n public vot.- I'H t>) whiittiir H towimhip Imll should br built ii FIfMlieitoii, I'liccvillc oi K'l.'eiiiH, but thu ui.itttir iifvur iiiatiireil Ai ihiK tune an o:)iiii<iii na8 olitniii<-(l fr mi tilt! Cuiiity S'dicitor, on llic Uiil iliiy of Maich, 1864, who adviitd thai the council couhl imt colluct ii.teieat on I'lXes ill Hi'it'iiiK without a Huit ; hihI only SIX jii'i' cent, on unpaid setd loan account. CiilleoiorH were accordingly nlviiiiMl. To rcc ird ercry motion would be uniri erestili.;, but succeeding uiotions Ktnl ui»nr>r»nda Would show tliat uii- I'lodon iblc negligence, both by council- I lis and othoerg, existed, proved by a niitioii at this time that if the reeve and tieputy reeve were not in their plnccn at the next meeting, their set's would be declared vacant. It is sIvaiiKii, iiotwith- fctiiidiiiif such a iiioi'ion, Mr. FlexherB name was attached to the minutes, tin tliou'jh prtjseiit It was a hnbit of the c'erk to attix the reeve's signature, in Ilia absence ; at thi.t meeting hit niiiiie was er»Bod-a si^nilicant proof that he was a delinquent, it would be only re- )>ent'n^ (he truili to say that during thin )>ei'iiKl uiiexnnipled buii^hn existed. 'J'lie township fn'hera were not shiw to Iiaas motions, fearfully loni; ones, too, mc they were of no force whatsiiever in llie haiitU of officer* who disiegardeil iheiii. The end _wa» not jet. The Mp|Hiinlment of Tlios. iMooro h.s collector ni September 18<i4, made niatterH no better, althouLdi l>y iiiotion hi.s rolls were to be iiturned by first February the b'llowinn year, wiili a penalty of one dollar per day foifeit for each tiay's de f.iult. Kuw, this ']'hos. Moitre was a â- nurchant, then doin^ bufiness iu the )o use now owned by Geoige Hannon, He was a tall, coinnianding |iei8*>n, Khrewd and inleiligeut ; but lie proved to he a very bad sppoiiitnielit, .is the Kciiuel H ill iresently ahow. Meantime, Dtcember lOtli, lHt»4, a pereiii)itory le- koluiiou wa.i piused to compel \Vm. Ferguson, K^q , to return hi.s rolls for 18U0 and 184)1 tvithiii one week, with tiio Seed loan balances, othi^rwise the whole nutter to be sued strai;;!!' way. The collector for J8(i2 received similiar wsrning, and alio the one for 18C1I. Their rolls were to be returned by February 18(ju. Mutters had Iteconie txceediiii{ly iiiixeil, aid how those nianly leioluti'iiis were fultjlled will be fuither evinceil. Ill Uicember, 1805, a sum of J25 was giaiittd fi>r inrkkiiig out new rolls, iiielud- ing the .set'd loaii.>i. Here seems to be an onlor for a collection of arrears appear- init for each ouiHianding roll. Whether lliiH was c.iiried out doe.i iio| appear, for Miotlier reholulioii soon it|i| ems with iliieclioi.n to sue in Ihu DiviMion Court all hneuison the seed loan. Itut Ktiaogi- ai ii may Bp,iear, ai the vi-ry next ineuiion of coUnell the leeve reported the calicella- tun of Inns iigainst ]i.tiliea indebted on reed loan. These weio the seeuiitie.s j;iveii to I he Councillors of each ituid an pievioiisly inuMiioned ; and was, no doubl, to clear the decks piepiratory to suinii. I'lit the recoril of any sint Ik t ntirely waiitiiiif. it is v.Ty .iiiuMin.', if notniiio more, t^i follow the actions of our iiiuiiiel|iai fathers III tliosedavs. ill tills yeai, lUio, the local Duncan lilll »i>s voted on. It was defeated, anil iti O|i|)oii,iii wtie Very j'lbilan'. Mr. Miiiislinw b. iniithe lion «f.s carried on his fiieniti slionUh rs, witli many ex- |iieN<ioni of sai:>fnit on. Siiliseipitnilly, III lH7<i,the KcottAct was voti lion under a c.iunty liyl.iw. and cari ii'd by a very re- Hii.ctahle oiajiii i y. Hut beiiiii under a Fedeial .Statu e, with the machinery for tiiforoiiig it i'rovincial.and the provincial I oiernnienl heiiiijout of sympalhy witli it, i died of inaiiilion.Hiid at the end of three years the repeal waa olitaiiied by ileiault. Tl;e Wardi!n. who was .fosi^ph Ilorke, Esq., was the le^^al letirniofj of- t'cer, and hull siiciiri;d the relunis from I very niunnipality, and laiefiilly inadii a huiii'iiary of the ivsiilt anil very loitui ate- ly so. tor. haviiii the rolls in his rooni ill the Queen's Hotel; Owen Sound, some whisky niaii or men bioku the lock and ttole Konie of the rolls, hoping thereby to pievi'iit hiiii iiiakin<{ proper returns, nm he f' li soindiuniiit over the matter ilia' he piomp'ly u»eil the summary anil eoiiipleied his letuins. Although Mr. Itorke t»as not an tiiit-andonit temper- ance man, his aition at the lime U'^v') (treat aatisfaction lo the friundaoftumper- ttlioe. A ciri'in custom prevailed in lliosii ila>s, that of i siiiiii< dubeiiiures on the eiei it of the Noii reaiilent Land Fund The I eds wvtu generally u«ed for r ads Slid liiiil«es. At that liiiiu there tvi-re larue secii.ms of Innds iinoreiipieil, Friqutnty llierowneis lived at » tli.i "nice. After iion piiyinent of tii\un for I ireo yi ais tlie land w.is s Id by the toiinty triasiiior. and it fornn d no incon- siih ratile Sinn The ilelient.uioa liforo- •aid wer^' ridoemrd by tli a fund. in 18H<i. VV K. Fie»her wa* ilefen'ed l\r Will. MoMiilhti, Esi,. Mr. MrMnllen Wts II |>'hii, iinosii-iitiititiMS 'jentlenwi'i. n liinner ot nn ant. having liitle or iiuodnci- liiin, iiHVeriheless |(o.'<Husiing more rliaii sveiitgK iiiBiiiion fct>iis», wt h Bftuiid jiiilgiueitt. lie nmdo hi* mark veiy sueeeH- fully Mini kmh Vi ry biicllly usteeiii- *«[, Ii. diod a (t w ^eara Hfpt, lv«rinj THE FLESHERTON ADVANCL w«w-^B" EUOilNIA'S OLDlisT liKSIDKNT The gontloinsn shown ill thB sl>ove picture, Mr. H. McLorii Pitrft>, wan bcrii near Brntkville lilmy 13, 1H::1, aiiit is coiiHeqiieiitly 7& year<} of ng*9. He Qist vit^ited Kugenia in lHo4, and settled there along wiili bis twobrottu-is, Willi iiii and Alexandor, in 18.V;. He w-aii postuiantbr fo 'over HO > ears, a Justice or the peace and coiniiilKt'iniier 111 K.C. of J for many year^i ; he aUor.nc at tl:e townsliip council t>oard for one >o«r. Mr. Piirdy in now somewhat fc-rblo and lives a »eclit led life in (lie hif{b buildiiifj siiowii iD the foreground. Ilu lias aciciimiilatod a iiiasa (f natural ciiriOf-itieB Hroiind Iiiin iu stone ami » o;j.l. The uiooee bo n â- winch tl:c guiittuinau is fiupiforiine iu tbcpicteru w. ro discovered Ht tlie caves tiear tlio falls. Tlii^ tall buildiiitt to the loft was tlit) AiNt riouriiiij lull] litiilt ill Ktiguiiia, and iis now used as a cboppiug mill and iiasti and duor fac~ tory by Mr, Tiiuuipsou Wilson. scvei"! <if his f tniily,8oiiie*of whom c in- | popular. It was Ihnutht that his zeal to (iiiue to occupy lh-liom'.,"st«ad. So far t'le ' succeed frequently clouded his judii- iiiuiiicipa'ity fceiiiK to have lacked, not ineiit ; inid lo this day (he anallicuia i.s in iiite!!i:ieiitcouiKillor8. hut in foice and ' far fro.ii lieiii:» for.{otieii. Mr. K IU is deteiiniiiatiou ti have their projxi.-iriiins . noi an tdiiciied man, ajcordiie.! to the fultilled schools, Out by persistent. a'tention to Jhiii-b Love BUC^^eedt J Mr. McMulleii mniiicipil iii ttters lie is quite an authority This uciitleiiian still Burvives. on municipal law He is a man of He was a man |M>s^ess d ol nitne tliaii exalteii as|iirHtioiisâ€" is not a popular ordinary ability, a fair scholar, but of â- sjieaker, unr is be always correct in his quite a ietiriii-4 nature. Very few per- | logic, but posHossei an in.loiuiiable sons excel him in probity and sound I courage tobe heanl. He isan emliusiaitic iutlgoinent ; moreover, hi* neighbors agricutuii.st and is at present president atMibuie to him kindness of disjiosition, «>l the East (J rev Agricultural Society ; is geiu ro.iity.aiid the tpialityof an exceilent a geiieKHn,kiiid and valuable ciiizen, and peacemaker. At last Mr. Fh shi r pre- i at this wriliiiii, after being a representative sen led to I lie c dincil ilie roll of scfil loan . t i the Cnuiiiy Council t wo.. r three times, lia'ances, and prcKi ii'ed a hill of §1 1 50 contii.uis a coiincilh>r of his Inwuship. for his strvices, anil agiiii an order is i After .Mr. Kells left the collectursliip iu ihhiied to su • every one iii arrears. . 1878,each ward supplied its own coliecor, In 18<)t( ..n the (itii d.iy of June, Mr. 'and the cliange in this respr'ct succeeded Klesher suggested the pripriely of f. rni- |adiiiiiably. The townshiji's taxes have in^ a Home (iuard. Tlin was tlie year of I been coliectetl very closely, have very the Fei.i'Mi Ka d. Art-ini-ia shared in ' few uncnlleeied taxes returned to tlie the excitineiit The folhnviiu! notice was I tieasuier. Jotiii Hnzzaril was one uf the posted: The council of (he township of j tiist appointed in 187'.', and served for Artemsiii have cnsidereil it exp-dieiu , lifteeii years continuously to organ ze a Home (iuard. I'arties willing to join such an .irgnii/.iiion tn re port t.i the councillor of their respective wards." The jjuard ws« (o consist of Jjj men fortach wan!. -lust think of it, „„ a my of 48 men ! Otli.eis to be e'l'^on by tl'e iinii. Drill was a oondni,,!,, and if i.riiis were requiied they wero In be fu-niilied. The dril' sei icrtiii w,i.s to be p.'ii I 50 cents pi r drill. I hese weie pi-riloiis times, mill .Xriiliiisia vasbiiiiid to .-liow a clean cut loyBlty, li'.u tmiate ly, howiver, there was tin Cojiibut, slid So far as tiie wri'i-r knows, n.> further ne id of this (irnnd Army. It 111 ly he .Slid in inssni^ that follow- ino veiy rliordy. a company of voliiiiiciTs was foiiind - ('oinpaiiy N... (I, of t'leJU.st I5iillall...ii~ with W. Iv Flesher as cap'ain, who r a'U'd such f.ir many yeaiK. John Fields, i.nw deciMstd, was segc ai.t. but was raised to the lieiileii- aiicy. I'lesher's iinmeili ite siiecu-'sor as captain wi;s Uicli.iid (..Viipliell. Es(i . now r.siilirg in the tonn of O.dliiigwood, |1" 'f**^- "'" '"»'"« "' ^â- •'••^ O -> I .1.1. I .. I UU'I 1 wliii WHS one of llie Volniiteer.s to the He Was an xcelleiit peiisinaii and rather prided hiiiiHclf ill his I'Hice ; wits prompt in collection, yet often Icuiuiit uiiil merci- ful; 181)4 was li H likst appoiiitiiieiit. Uis enil was tragic and sudden. In the sumo year Wm. McLoiigliry was appointed and served in ilnit capacity for three years Jiilin Hig.:iiiuhotliaiti w.isaUo oue of the lir.t iippo.iuiiiei.ts imd s.rveJ for Ii e years, lie was a brother inlaw of the late 'I'leasuicr Arnistiong. He fi.- nioved to llie Noi tliwest. tie was like- uiscn luiy tiu.sty man, and execiitid hia otUce exc. etiiuoly >>ed. J. iM. Websier was iippiiiiiud at tlie MiiiiH time, lie idier.taoU remove I to Uiitisli Ctilun.bia. llewaaa lust f.icidl ol li^-eve hitckey, and was one of tlio:,e men, I'A'her snntrt, IIS one wnulil say- hut bis own esiiina tiidi of it could scarcely bu uie^k.suicd by oriliii.ii) rules. 188U touiid W.S..McKee as a collector, and so (lit 18Ki lie h:ut since been an a.sse.sior, and so recently, ih.it his cliar.kcieii tics are well ki. own. anil likevMsu lor 188Lt and â- man 1884. ippears, In 188 J the |{o 1 relu'llioii J. H. islo.m was appuinted, and coniiiiues lie WIS f..:lcive.| in tlie captainship byJ'" the pro-cut tin.e. Evoiyhdy know lis brother, Aiiilieiv, who ,n Kirn was J-lS-f"""" If *">« '8 goveined by thi followid by liii In phew, C.i par Spioule, | Esq. Dr. Iticlninl^ion is llm lieiitenaiii .It present, and JoHipli Kie'il-., (.erm'aiit. ] Andrew t'aiii|ihe:l i^ no» an lioiinr major i hut fulliiliog the dipics of n hilly ; eqiiipp'd major. Of coipo as there are three. Hist, M'-. Wilii.mis, of Eiiijenia setoiiil, Maiiin I'hi ios Hiid third .l..hii 1 1 North West dii I! e relnins lit the lespectiie lolls. Ins ward, its a rule, is the mo^t uiii>uno(u.'tl nf all ; and whether true or not, it alwajs gets that name ; and to KUccced without putt- in.; cost nil the iHte|uyers, he cvilainly stands tuy liioh as a collector. In the .year 18.S4 John Wriglit, 8r , had Ins ap- poininiciit, and reinaitis collector to '.his liuleH.TIiose.liic. rs>t..inlvuiylii.iliiiiihei''"J- K.xaciness mid puncuiaUiy ere haliall. Corporal II lis tells me -hat' '=""'l""'«"l|>»'i»"l his nature. Nev.r ihe company never sii.iul so etli,i,i,t j,, | 'tl.ii-iVB or ol.irn.Mvo, but in a veiy quiot drill as when he had ciintiol of the imn, i ^^'''^ he succeeded m Ins codectimiB, and and thinks it a pity that the law mnkes ^^'^ "â- «'1"'''"0' "*,»'''" '"'•o' urn Ins i-dl it iinpeiMtive now lo alieiid a m lidny ful'y ooneclid, lit- is one of Aiteiuisia » school liefort proinotioii to ti osu more ileva'ed otlices. It viiiiially sliut-i oB' iimbitious mvu who cnie not for the sc'iotil. On Noveniher 10th, 18(ili. nppenrs fur the first lime (he nanie of 'I'honias Kells, who is Kti 1 BcliVi! in ininiieipal ma'tnr.". He was then a c 11. i tor. and wits direcl- .dlo return Ins roll by the first of Fob lUaiy following. In this > ear .Mr. Flesher a'.ftin becMiiie Keeve. On i''( brum y, 1807, Thomas Kells twinhneil for lie • Ifiee nf as ess. .rat if 100. Of Mr. Kells it iiniy be said thai lie possesses gr. at oiier..'y nf chii'acler. lie came to the front when an ems of taxes and veeil loans « tire re tiiiiining unsettled, iiotwit'iSiiindiliL.' the inii ly liiaio lesolnliiins, No niHii, pre- vio'isly, was found bravo enough to act under time in urminill resolutions until Mr. Kells iiialerlook tlie "ork Fr the his'oiy at recoidel, it may bo rejieat oil that Ilie ColloctoVH and i: mnoillors we'e t Ml coiiipiss onaUitii en force llie law. an I it tvas plain Ihe people ha. I lenrned it to perfeetion, and the iinincil fell in line. It was no marvel, then, that in d s haying an oner dn duty like this, • itli di lerininati'iii sulHcieiit to enforce the law and collett tliusi old aiores, many iiialidi'tio f wonld foil w. And •» it reim;te<| ^Ir, Ke Ift beoauiv v ry un s tally settlers, ai d highly estetiiicd. In 1885 ^he name of ,1. Il Aiideisuu uccura, and lie served live years. He removed lo the Nnithwest. lie was known as tiie celeniaiuil Seoioh singer In 18ti9 Win. lilair wa^ appointed and is still in oitice. All are niid were elli.ent olhceis. The assessors of the towiisliip, are compara- tively few, IK ar as my _iiienioiy serve', s'.iice Thumas Ivells, \* o have liad Joiin \V4iitby, who was assessor for several years, hut t'.ep'irted this life several years a.;o. Hewilji Ills suciessor. Win, Mc- Ijoiijiliry, were eoiisulcr..Hi men of good jutlnliieiil. both Wereveiy much esieem- ed aaolhcLis, and both wnud have been conliniieii it the ceuiicd eouiil have tnid their dj iio, AKxainler liiown a-si ascd the tovtnsliip for one year, but assessed It so low, it eitnsod Ibe eouieil much iroulilo - ho was pnstniastei at I'ricovii e tor .so vend years- he died u lewyeais ago. lie was veiy geiiii.l and every lady's Ineiid. As ineiitinnod botoro, W.T.Mc- Kei! wiis assessor for two years, hillowtd by .lohii Whitlen, wlio to this point has Suoii as^o«Bor for an illier t.vo years. An asseas dship is oneuf the otHcea ihat re- tjuires sniind jtadijiiient and iinpurtiality. Novices are of little use. >iut let me bh}, m jualicu to any HH.sessor, lliaiitia u Cuutittutd Oil laat pajjt M. Richardson & Co. Fall - Millinery -Oiieninjj OCTOBER 6 AND 7 With a general millinery stock of more than ordinary merit cornint^ to hand^ we are going to put forth a special effort to make our Fall Opening Display such as will put all our former efforts in the shade. As previou.-ly announced, Miss Kline will pgain take charge of this department for the coming treason, ani we bespeak from our lady customers a continuance of their generous patronage. On the opening djyi;, Oct. Candy, we shall sho'v the latest ideas in I' all Millineryâ€" Trimmed Hats, P'elt Hats, Fedoras, Walking and Cycling Hatsâ€" the newest and most fashionable effects in Silks and Velvets, and cordially invite the ladies cf Methcrton ?nd vicinity to be present. NOVELTIES in FALL DRESS GOODS We have made special picp!iiatioiis for onr Fall Dress G00I3 ti'a(3e and onr display of Fall Noveltica is ol special merit. We aim to do the Dress Goods trade of this Si'Clion. We bny and import direct from tlie place of prodnction aud confidently invite comparisons of designs, prices and values. A further shipment of Fancy Dress Goods froiu Kylands & Sou?, Manchester, is advised to arrive lliis wttk â€" tlieir tLircl coiisi<;iiiueiit this season. Some 7)rGSS Soods Opecials 48-incli Heavy Dicss Tweeds, exctplioual valoe 28o 40-incli Fancy IJoncle Drt-ss Goods, fnll line of colors '2.-io 40 inch Diajjoiial Dress Tweeds, in two color effect '23(5 4U inch Fansy Dress Tweeds, mottled effects â- 22c 86-iiieli Tweed ElTiCt Dress Goods, four shades 17c 40-incli Repp .Meltons, in variety of olors 17c 40incli Siik aud W:o! Tartans 56c 27 inch Printed Fliinell.is, very pretty cfifects, most suitable for blouses. ..10c 2T-incli Tweed Effect Dress Goods, suitable for children 10c Dress Ends prisiuR the latest novelties in Sills Twe.;d3, boucle aud Fiucy Effects. We have an unequalled display of Dress Ends, no two alike, in the most fashionable fall goods, com- and Wool mistures. Fancy llepps, Prices from 55c ^ard. FAI^L. SUIXS SUIT TO ORDER -Well inude and Iriiunutl, a gcmd rouge of piittoms .... S 8 50 SUIT TO ()RDt:Râ€" Well made and iriiuiu.d, selected ttveed putterns .... $ 9 OO SUIT TO ORDKUâ€" Well iiiade and triuinied, heavywe'ght tweed, new and seawiiittliK, effects 810 00 I'ANTS To OUDER-Spiciiil values, latest dcsigiis. well made and triniined ^'.75 til f 5 00 Cist* Sugar Special â€" £0 pounds I'uie Ye'low Cine Sugar $1. ^^ ntici'patin^f ^our "TjQants % Tinned Steel Tea Spoons, lOo dozen. Tinned Steel l)eneit S|iii(ins, .'5 fur 5c. Steel Kiiive." mid Furks fur i duzen 76c. Kxtru Seel Knives and Fork's fur J dozen 91.25. (hiod Steel KiiiveH only for i dozen 50o. Argi'iitiiie Silver Tt-a S|ii'iinK !H)c dozen ^ SilVer I'lirk", " M lUoli-irds..n k Co " at §2 dozen. TABLE CUTLERY Crockery and Glassware '•^1 tloz^ii Cu|jH aiiU Saucer', o'll fHsliimi- ed blue at 75o diiz. li) dnzeii Cups and Siiucer.s, light hlue and gray at 75o dozen. C-piectd (ihiss Sottj*, wor h 40c for 2rie. Cuvored Vegetable Di.shos, worth (iOc for 25o. ^3' Wo will lave on sal- after Octohtr 1st, 20 dozen White Cups only, wheat [uitten, 60c di'zen. 20 dozen White fain Cups and Saucers, at 75c dizcn. Aluo ({leat ili»plny of Latiipa imil Cliiiin Sftt.s. 9^: â- ^iniJOaTO ClTlCt Solid Copper and Tin Boilers. 91 25 to $3.00. 8() only Safety Lanters, complete, 25o Good Tin Dish Pan.s, 15u t. 25o. 24 only Stove'.t tienuitie Lanterns, at 3.'ic. (Jraiiito Presorvinj; Ketths, at 35c to lH)c. 72 Cold IJhiKt Liinterns, won't Mow out and nivo more light, worth §1.00 for 83c. STOVES & P!P2S IVettiost St.'ve Pipi^ EUkiw made, only 15c. Stard»nl Patent Stov Pipe.', at Oil Uarolay's Patent Pipe tits any piiie, 10c each. 28-in Swin^ Top B..X Stove, 95.50. 27-in Mar's Doiihlo Heater, only ?12.00. 26-in ilustlcr WoihI Cook, only $12. Good Chiier, Mtxiel and Pear Stoves 011 hand. Headiptartera for Reaping H'>oks and t'orn Kiiive.s, Ounn. Revo' vera, P'wder, Shot and Loaded Shells, M. Richardson & Co. > < i t -^