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Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1897, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE SEPTEMBER 23 1897 .4, :»(«• Vicinity Chips C tarncteriiiUcs of the Past Week < arefuliy CuHed for the <'urion.s -«*â€" _ Htuinea uoti^ei amrnxg locals mil bi t ch/trtftd at lltt rate of ten cuts + fier Une fur each insertion. A t rediietion leill be made on co/i- t tracts for 100 liit^a or over. T lu tirii; soreM fn^st of !ha suason ar- rived oil MiMKl'iy i.i^hl. House p'ant* fi>r sii'e chenp. Mr»« Defoe, Flp«kei-ton. T . HiU's hiisint-jis h-re » ill be closed up after this wreK . A. new jjjiir i>f bolwlei-^ks with a nood ijiok fiile at ?lo, cish. Hill A Co. W. J. Bullainy ii'id Dr. Carter wer« W'tneH.ei atOweii Sound tliLs week on the Wiitttrsin ca**. An attenipr w;« made It-nt week t" S'art iiiiothitr inoeiiliiry Hre in Shel- burne, but was fortunaiflj nipped in the bud by timely discovery. Sou'h Grey fall exhibiti n will be held «(â-  Durham c>:i Tues.'ay and Wednesday ii«fl', Sept. 28 atui 20. Our thitnks are due the secivtiiry for a ticket. Osprey Ag^iculuirHl Society will hold *heir fall exhibition at Feversham on Fri- day, Oct. 8(!i. Prize lista can be obtain- ed from tlie secretaiy, Mr. J. A. Kernuhau, Foversham. There wi'I be an .iiiotion sale of a large lot of hniist^b'ild fiiri.iture iu Spn.ule's bl:>ck on S:ituiday, Oct 2, the property of Mrs. Ba^ketville. Sale at 2 p.m. See bills for full particulars. The public will be iiiterented in hear- int; that the " Fatnily Herald and weekly Star," of Mi<nrruil, bus now ^he largest circulation in the world nf at>y publica- tion of it!i class. It has gone to tho top by leaps and bounds. McFarland & Son, Markdale, have purchn«cd upwards of ICKX) pairs wonien'.s, man's aiul c!iiUlrou's rubbers and over- shoes, which they have marked at clnso "wholesale jirices" for »peo<ly sale. Be sure and call on McFarland & Sou when in Morkilale. The rouiains of John CampViell of Chi- cago were interred iu Flesherton ceme- tery yesterday. Wednesday. Deceased wasa brother <>f R. and J. Campbell, Col- lingwood, and a son of Mr. R. Campbell, one time township rlerk of Artemesia. We purpose presenting our readers next week with a handsome ph^to- graviiig of a poition of the villa'.-o of Eugenia, with the oldest inbabitiut in the fo'egvuuiid. LiHik out fi^r next week'.! Advance and send it to your friends, l^.il <nco of this year, with back numliers containius; the hifctory, for only 30 cents. The rsmains of Mrs. Alexander Han- nah, who died in Toronto on Monday, were interred in Flesherton cemetery on Wetlneiiday iif:ernoon. In iho absence of Rev, Mr. Mahan, Rev. .1. Simpson of Markdale officiated at the church and grave. D-'ceit'od was a sifter of Mrs. U. Trimble and Mrs. U. Keofer. Mr. A»i;u8 McDonald of Collin-jwo.d itown.ship, who was present at the fa..' as « judge on cattle, did not enjoy himself quite as well as 8(mie of the other spectKtors. He attempted to cro!«s the track near the judges' stand as the runn- ing horses wore coming in, and one of th>.'m stiuck him, knocking him head over heels. The next horse in jumped over him. He lay uncimscious for sone time with his wind clean knocked out. No Icis tlian four physicians were spoedi Jy on hand. No bones were br .ken fortunately, and Mr. llcDonald wasab'e to return to his home on Saturday. While wheeling over from Durham on Wuliiesday evening last Ma-ster Frank Irwin met with wlutuii;{ht have proved a serious accident, Jutt tbi.s side of tbo bridge at Priceville his wheel struck a ilefec-ive culvert and pitchetl him for- ward, striking on his face and arm. For »ome minutes he was powerless to move, IMid was picke<l up by a gentleman who WM ciimiux over to the 8tati<m. The wheel was not damaged, but Frank spor'8 p dibcolond optic, a badly bruised arm ^d was cinisideraVIy "rnked " V-th fore Uttd alt as aa*ilor would say. The bahmce of The Advance for this year only 25 cents. Markdale fall fair enjoyed the pink of fair weather yesterday. The Advance has to thank Mr. D. Mc- Cormick of Priceville for four very fine heads of cjiuliHower. We have some correspon<lents on our liNt whom we have not heard from for a long time. We do not bke t<< cut their n^uies off our list, but the arruntiemeuc as now running is somewhat one sided, and we propose to quit sending them the news if they will exchange couitesies. Let us bear fromyou.geutle men. Mr. Win. Bieadiier, who lives near Rocklyu, was charged on Tue^<day before Mngistrate-s VauDuseu aiid Richardson with cruelty t> a steer which he delivered to a buyor at Kimiierley last July. Wit- noiisos swore that the animal was biul'y bruised and its knees woru to the bone, while its heud was cut around the horns by a rope or chain. ilr. Breadner ad- mitted that he was obliged to use rouiih meth'ids to i>et the animal along as it would not drive, but claimed that these methods were aneceasity. The magistrates hdve reserved their decisiou for a few days. Church Notes Mr. Barber of Hopeville preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, in absence of the pastor. Rev. Mr. MauwixKi of Aithur will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church for the next two Sabbaths. Rev. Mr. Tboni takes Mr. Ma^woid's work. Rev. Mr. Trollope of Laurel preached two excellent .sermons in the Methodist church on Sabbath last, to large c<>n- vrek'ations. The Township Vindicated It will be remembered that some time ago a Mrs. Waterson of Barrie sued the township of .\rieinesia for dainai;es for an injury sustained when driving north of this village by being thrown from a vtauon, she claiming that the roitd was in a dangerous condition. The case was to have been tried some time ago, but was postponed at the request of plaintitf. It c.inie up for hearing in Owen Sound on Monday before Judge Boyd in the High Court of Jostioe, and after considerable evidence had been taken the learned judge decided that the township had not been criminally nesiligent and diBmis.sed the, each party to pay its own costs. Lawyer Lennox of Barrio represented the plaintiff, and W. H. Wright cleverly handled the township's interests. PERSONALS Miss Fritchard, of Toronto, is the guest of the Muses Moore. Maud ahd Rira Irwin are il e guests if little fiicnJs in town. Mr. D. Clayton, Collin^wood, drove over to the fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rev. J. Mahan spent the past week with friends on their last cir], cuil in Caledon. Mrs. A. McL'i.m .-f Fairport, Ohio, was the gneot of her brother, Mr. .\ . Wickcns during the past week. Mrs. H. J. Middangh and Mrs. Haven of Durham .spent Sundsy with the family of Mr. A. Munshaw. Mr. Jos. Strain of Minot. Duk., has been spending a few days at the p'xrental home in town. Mrs. Biiskerville cnnie up from Shjl- buriie M-jnday evening and is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. Trimble. Kx-pedagogucs Irwin, of the Durham Chronicle ; Ramage, of the Uevinw ; and Glendinnin<;of the Dmubilk Herald t>ok in the East Grey fall exiiibilion on Friday, Wr. R J, B:wkerville srrived in town Monday from Duluth. He has resigned the principalship of the Gran I Rapids school, to wliich he had been re elect c.l, and enters the Detroit medical colle>.'e this fall to pursue the study of medicii>e. Mr. P. Creigliton, Mis. Ciei. h^ai and son of Tot onto wheeled through town en Friday on their way to Owen Soun', Mr. and Mrs. Oreigluon are pretty well up in years ard the trip for the latl er was ijuite an undertaking, but was successful- ly accomplished. Priceville From our outt Cumapondeiit Last Sunday a harvest home service was held in the Mechixlist church. The sac- red tditice was very artistically decorated with the products »f the tield and ganlen. The choir rendered some choice selections and Rev. J, S, Humphreys preached a very impressive sermcn tvnn Gen. 8-?, Tne thank olfering Ls tu be devoted to some charitable object. Diedâ€" On Monday morning, Sept. l.'i, after a long illness, Mrs. McDonald, wife of Mr. William McDonald, of the village. The funeral to<.)k place on Tuesday after- niKUi and was largely attended by friends and acquaintances. We extend our sym- pathies to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lawrence of Sain- ton Park visited at W. J. Blakeston's this week. Mr. Alexander McMillan, sr., arrived home last week aft^sr a pleasant sojourn of four or live months among friends in the prairie province. Mr. Alex. McMillan, jr.. came home from Montana this week. Mr. Wui. Marshall raised a neat little bam last Thursday. The Presbyterian Sunday school intend holding a harvest home social in Watson's hall on Friday evening. Mr. Leopold Grier left U.*«t week to take a posits 'n in Mr. i. D. Brown's store in Duudalk. Mr. Alex. McDonald of Toronto at- tende<I the funeral of his mother this week. Aqianltv ofshiiid'fls for "Oo »t rav "lill. lot S8, con. 8, Artomosla. Aluo aluu«l0S 'Ut on •hare", woiil.l •xobaimea «p»D of ho «•« lor â- binsleUiut>«r. .. .. ^ " J. HICKXJSa.MMW«nP.O. Fall Fairs Si. "Vincent, Meaford-Sept. 30 to Oct 1 Proton, Dundalkâ€" Sept 23-24. South Grey, Durhamâ€" Sept. 28 29. Dutleriu Central. Shelburue â€" Sept. 28-2S Monuments, Urns and Vases T. Hill & Co FLESHERTON Just Four Days And we want to sail as much as possible. IDpes Goods, a few lines left at COST PRICE! Boots and Shoes away (Jowd. Note the following : Dress Goods, brown and blue twoed, 16c yard. Cashmeretts, 3t)c yard. Nuns Veilin.g, 15c yard. Prints, So, 8c, 9c, 10c yard. BOOTS & SH0E5 Tlie undersigned has secured tlie agency for the new Metallic Plate Glass ilonuineiit, manufactured in Toronto, one of the finest mouumeuts ever presented to the public. It is prononuced by experts to be the best monumeut in the market. The iu- .scriptioii, which is pateuted. will last for ages, and will be as perft'Ct iu a hundred years as the first year. Au luscriptiou iu gratiite or marble, when put ou iu gold, silver or painted, will last only a short time and then have to be done over again, The old need not put on their spectacles to read our iiisciiptioii. These mounnients are of bc>auliful designs, gianiteized in ltd or grey, and are within the reach of the poorest. An caiiy call sohcited Wn. HENDERSON Vgent. Residence opposite the Pres- byterian church, FlesUertou. Xew Planirifif ^^ill Havini; just iilaceJ iu poiiioion a new pUninsi mautiiiie I am now ))« imriHl to b'.iiii>1> ijooO UooriliB ami biitiiiK at lo\v»i.t market pnies. .V fuil stock ot â-ºhint;le8, hamlock lumber, otc. eou.'^taiitly ou banu. Kiml>urler, Aog. IS, isn. m m 11 H. HIUTM.\S, KSQ. Dk*k Sih,â€" Ouo of my Rirls awok6 nio ibe otuer ui«Ut»ayiiiK. "Pa.l oau.t Bet mi- brentli," I iot up ftu.lput some Li«btiiiu^ I'aiu llu:;tci- oil suaai ami «ftVo it tohor.aiil in Ufteeii lain i.teA sho was butter and slept soun.ily tho ro- inainder of tlie niulit. I oolievo it to ba tlio best uie'liciiie sol.l toe c oiip. couglis., Horo throat, apiaii's. bruises, scaKls. out soiu», cuts, etc LijjbtiiiiK! pain Hunter cuius so iiiauv diseases ttia; almost over.v oao in tbesd parts u 88 it. 1 baliove it to bu the best mo. 1- cinein 0.6 worl.i,aii.l I vrito thi« that of ors iiiav know wl-iit it has ioiie for uie. I nhvsys koopa botlla in tho house to bo ready foi an cuiorgeucy. Yuuis truly Mas. li. \Vhiteo.vk. Fovorshaui, Out. \hovo is ouo of tho many buudreil testiiiioui- Ms iiouriUKiu, tollints of tho curative ijowors of LiBhtuiuK Paiu Hunter. For sale in Flesberton at Dr. Christno's Medical Hall and at Flesberton Station hv J. H. Kuan, <;eneral store. OSLY25 CEMTS A BC>TTLE Lou? Boots, whole stock. 82.00 pair. Men's Heavy Laced B.N>ts. 95c, ?1.25, 81.50, |i SO pair. A few lines of Meu's Felt Boots, ^1 50. pair. t^^ Call iu and see ue before we go. . â-  j ... N'OXICE. All accounts tJue the firm must be settled belore the ist of October. If not, will have to be in other hands for collection. : T. HILL & CO. ^ FULL ASSORTME^ I OF S SUMHER FOOTWEAR ^ Iu Ladies', Gent's and Children's wear. Custom work * and repairing promptly attended to at CLAYTON 5 5 .â- Vgent for the Dominion Money Order Express. •WOOD'S I>ITOSI»IT01>1NE. The Great Bnettsh Kemedy. SiJ! Ali-Vaaca CJmiranfccI lo promplly ami pennaaoiitly euro alt forraa of Kcrvnat Wcaineas. Kmt»s<on.<,Spcn»- o/orrhtid, J»»i>o/<mcyamI aU •:ffKla'if Abttsc or Sxix$ms, JfCTidU TTorrt/, elKcmiiD km ^ 'T' ' "^^x»"' o/ToioKO, Ox>*vmor Stinu- Before ana After. ^„^ „,;,,n ,ootK fcod to /n- Jtrm<t V. IntanUv, Cof%*VMftior\ and on ttirly <im\t. Has boon prescribed over 35 years In thomaihls of oases; Is the only KeUabia ani Bo neat Jfu.licin* known. Askdrogglstror Wood'* Phaaphodlae; K ho offerg iomo worthless moJIclno ia flaco ot tlxjs, Incloae prico In letter, and wo wlU aend by return mail. Prlco, ono paoliage, |1; alt^ »0. Om »«! ptooM, aM w<B o<ir«. Pnmphleufrpri toanyaJilreaa. Tke Wood Company, Wtnilaor, Ont, Caaada. 8"M i'l Flesherton and evcrywher* ia CaiiAda by sU r«ap«nuble Jru^iau, Jfurniiuro cl/are rooms 55.*^ Our Jubiloe sales have stimulated us to keep up the rush thniiigh the usually nuiet month of Angu.-it, and if prices will make anything so, certainly our .smiles of Furniture must ie the lanjest of the year, for we shall cut everything ...^^^^ down to the very lowest u^itch. In order to introduce our A^JF new Iron Bedsteads we have decideil to sell the whole of tirst c^>M consignment consisting of three diH'erent ijradts and designs at Mi just net cost. These spouial inducciuen:s are for August J. E. nOORE ^^1 The People's Home Furnisher "*^ and Undertaker Alt of repairing, urho fCering and picture framing done WANTRD a' .^NVASSEKSâ€" "Quoon Victoria: Her late and Hjoigu,*' has cavturod ttio British Empire. Extraordiiiacj tustimouialu from the (;rcat uirtu , send for eopv fr»-b. Marquis ol Lome »»ys, " TUo best p ipular Ufa of tho Qutioii I have detiu." Hor Majesty seuds a kind letter of apnreaiation. Selliufi by thou^ saudi: divea eatntisiastic satisfactiou. Cau- vawers makiUK #lj to $40 weekly. Pmapaotut i free to uaata, Tb* BradlovQarrataon Co., • Lltd., Toronto, Oak. njinyFl* Meu and women who oan work â-  An I tu '"^''"alliinK and writing six hours â-  Ull I ItW daily, for six days a week, and will b« content with ton dollara wi-eklv. Address, NUW lUlil.^S CO., Medical Tluil.liug 1*oi'cuto, Out. IflBM'pQ I am just starting the b»t thing AUJail.lO for money making yon 1ii*t« ^e«u for many a day. Your name and addreaa will , brioatb* Koldeu information. S. r, QLASOO W. ToTMlKK OBt^,

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