AUGUST 26 1% THE FLfiSHERTON ADVANCE 1 * m BSTACUSHED -/SS/' 1 rUEMrillED WnSKf.T AT THS OFrlCC, bTD- KNUAii srinsET, ;x':snEr.ToN, out., Br W. H. TSCCaTOK. tl per aniiBiii,.s(.ricUy in nd\-rtuce AdveiUeing Rate^: Odo Uolumo, 1 year, $50 ; halt col., 1 yoiir, H qu&rter col., one year, S15. Traoiient adreiliaemont c)]arged it the rato 8 ocQta per liae for first iDsertioD and 3 ccutH each eubsetiueut tnaertiou. ANNOUNCEMENT We expect to begiu next week tlie publicatiou of tlio Lislory oi AiLe- mesia, wiitteu by Dr. W. S. Cluisloe aud auiionnced some time ago. This will run tlnough four or five unm- bers and will prove interesting read iug. Do net miss it. Extra copies of the paper alioiild be ordered a week iu advuncc. England has another Indian re- bellion oil her hands, and one wbicli bid? fair to reach considerable pro- portions, it is among ilie border iiibes tliis time, but as there arc 80,000 fi;;liti!)g Bien among these liiil- men they may make ii inlerohlinL; for a time to." John Bull aud his is- land." But tho Afiidiu will find i. tLu most inicresliug in the long run. Charles Reid, ex-city clerk of •TVindior, eiubci-zlcd «0,()()0 and was Bcuieuccd to four years' inipnson- nient. A petition ii being circulated for his release after one year's con- finement, Iu view of the many cases of this imluio which aie occiiiing thu Ailoiuey General can fcoarcely bo ex- pected to JcsGCU penalties. Tliero are plenty of people in tliis country wlio would bo williiig to unueiyo a year's iuiprisonraent for i»0,000. Wo undcrnlaiid lliul J. P. Wliitnej , M. r. P., Col. Watlicpon, .Mossr.s. Miscampbull and Lit. John aro to Hpeak at Maxwell on An;j;ii8i 3isL in the afleiDOon, and at Maikdale in il'o •veiling, but liave receivid no ofl'icial reiiiiest to announce those nitcliiii,'s and do not know tho hour. Souiciuie has birmdcreci in not haviii-; the meolings properly announced lljroiigh the press. " Man proposes but God disposes," is an old and trite siayiii;;. A ferry and â- eow were rigged up in Toronto to take tiio urchins to the island baths iu order to lessen tho iininbcr of drownings which occiir there every Biimmer. On fianday a numlier of ciiildreii were yjlujiug on the scow when it capsiitcd, pucipitating all into the water and causing the de.itli of four little ones, thirteen otlicrs brfing rescued. Thufi Iho iiistrnnioMt of life saving became the trap of death. Is there danger in aU canned goods ? If there is wo ought to know it. We frequently read of poisonings by tbo eating of .this stntf, and the latest comes from Mount Forest, where two children died and a whole family was made ill by eating canned saluiou. We are told that it was the best brand of salmon, aud tho family ihought it good quality. There seems to be no real knowledge of tlie actual cause of poision, whether it was metallic or vegetable, but the fact runiaius thai it was deadly, two ot the children dying wit.hiu •* few bO(U'3 fitter the attack, niitwitliSiand- ing the eftbrts of two pliys-ieiauF. There sliuiild be an ami!) l-Is (/f Lhis poison so thiii tho public may know its nature. Canned goods are ex- tensively used, and in some cases iliey arc a ueces.siiy, but if liiey i-ro found to liidean iuuidious and deadly poison tliey will cot long hold their place iu gastrouoiuias. Tho meeting of tlic British Kcicnlifio Association in Toronto has given us Home good solid reading in our dailies for tho past week. Tbo or<linary man would require a Standard dictionary at hi.i elbow while ho reads. It is only occasionally in a life time that tliC common people run across e.ioh WU'ds as arboreal saurians, pnltoo lithic gravels, pithccauthropua erect- 08, prolaxis, branohipua stagnalie, and such like. Psrbaps it is fortnn- atfa for our ptaoti of mind iliat it is ooly oooasioualljr ire moot with (bem. Notes on Faitli Cure Noticed Creditoes In the natter ol the Estate ol Rebecca Lever, late of the Vlllave of Plesherton, Jn the County Ol Qrcy, Widow, deceased. Ni'tico it hereby givoii in um-suaiieo of chap- ter 110. section Mot the lovisofl btatntt^'^ of On- tario, and aiiiendiuoritH thnrntn. that all crod^ Itoru and other perKoiiK having clajiiin af/ainst the (!Bt. tu of the above named Itohenca Ijuvar. deceased, who died on or ahout tho 0th dny of May, A 1>. 1H97. aro re |uired to deliver or Koiid by post prepaid to the undir^igned, executors of tho last will and testainout of thu said de- ceased, on Ol before the 15th day of Septeuibor, A.D. 1HU7, their christian and surnann'H, ad- dru-Hos and descriptions, with full |iarticulais of their clainis. a statement of their accn ints atwt tho nature of securities (if any) hold by th.iiu Notice is hereby further giv«n that after the said last mentioned date the said ex(K:utors will proceed to distribute thoasHots < f the s.iid estate amoi.gst the parties entitled thereto, haviOR eni''! only to tho claims of wliicii notice has boeu received as above required ; and tho iaid exe ntoiB will not be liable for the assets so distiibtited or any pait thereof to any pei»on or pei'sou-> of whose claiiuM or deuiauds notice flhall iiot have beou received at tbe tiiue of snch dist. ibuiion. J. H.LKVKU (Executors DatedtbialOtUd&y of AuguBt. A. D. IdOT New r^luriincr Mill Having jnst placet! in posi.iou a new planing niaciiine 1 nm now pi'ejtarod io supply guod Oixfiinti Atid biitin^j ai lowest lua.ket iirices. A riill eloclt of t-liinqlcB, licmlock lumbei, etc. cuuutautly ou iiauti. W. S. BISHOP Kiiiiberlev, Aug. 18, 1807. To the Editor of The Adranee, DkakSiu, â€" Yusi-unlay, fjuiidiy, arrp- ri'seiiluiive of lliis S(<ci«.y nd!.iri;t,f i-d a'l au<huiice on its piiiiciidcH. Q'lm writer lisieiic'd lo one of her .â- .ildrisse.s in the eveain<^, irticii the l.idy diHouuised on Naaiiuu the leper. Oiio tliint! impressed iiiu was, lli.-it hIio l)olieviil tlio «y»leiii, ftuu lliiit, wiiliul, .she wan a gixlly woiimii, hul not very profjuiui in ai;{Uiiient, and iiiiidii herself very much the exenitditica- tiun of her failli. Tho subject itself was iiilerestiii'.; fruni a-i hi.><luricul pnint, hut if llie principle iu'^ndii'ina of "Failli cuie" ho fitiih hm\ pnnjcr, ii is self cvi- tloiil thr.t no record is iiiaf'u of NHHtnan's piiiyiiig at all ! Noither was ilierc- aiiy- thi.i^ hui n l.'irJy iibedieiiee to the Poii" niiuaU of the pmpliet. The fuel is it w»« IIS iiaicli a iiaiioiial ,-<fi'^kir as nuytliing elii', liriiil;{ht aliuilt by the Kiiii:8 liieli- tuiiu'd ill close cuuuuclioii. It was a very far feloht'd n.';^iiiiiuuk to »up|K>rl the iiiodcrii " fail h cure " a-iHOciatioii . Lib- cTly ua4 ^ivuii lo ((Uc.iliaiiH, ni>d one ol two were iisUed. Oiio was ns >.o tho relation of a banctiiicd person In t]iu hottliiig pr<>r»;.s.s â€" and as uiidersiood by ilio writer a pel soii'm hoily ^llould be a'< Kouhd lis the Hold. The niiswor, in tlio ojiiiiioii of lb« writer, w.vs wi "ppo.sile to iho true leachin;! of UoiIh word that one ni.vrvelkd. Another quislimi w:i.s put, io lufcrcuco loliell.i Cool;. Jiow llth.^ Cook is, liy liio lady's adiiiib.sion, ,'. h:a\\\ Ujiiiii c.vvih. SIiu !i,is been r.lHicti'd iii.i'. I>c(hiddeii Hii' I'liiriy yoai.'i niid iimre ii> ihe ciiy af New Voil., n'.id is, ,li(>u.;'i allliciid .'.ocl cotiliood and poor, ii..'.h in ^(iiyl works, paiienco and faiih ai.d piiiycr, occiipioN bui uue room, yet thou b.ii.da visit her on .ic>.ouii'. of Npirit uatily, ..<> i!i,.i iliey iii;\y Iml c.iU'h a Kji.trk of in r (la lie. Tliiti, by a hist.iry wriltrn l>y licnelf, ofu-.i jir.iyeU for ikliMr.oue, and a culelralcd Tailli curur from lio'itou u:uiiu iu !ier lo^ive her t'>e beiielit of tho .lysciii. Prij'or Mx\ had and she vm â- •vssuieil ilia, ill a^hurt inicrval sho would l>o uiailo well. Itui lielhv Cuok di 'u'l ;;eL Will I Till) tlooior iviii, «o,iicwIiai Hi.- iioyed niid a.trihulL'd ilio fault to lierself. bhe HI, \ply iu(.liud thai hl.o '.nl not ko leai'lii'd of Cliiiiit. Kulla still likcs i.i hur upper looiik ill llio ciiy of Nuiv Vorl . Nort licio a wouLin whuUy oiiae- traleil, :;oid and Ivjily â€" yes, body-- Ihoni^li uiik iiiid p.Uiie.l, lariyiii^' uui all that ii uouiuiiied in the aaui'titicii ion of the lioily by pun and ink anil iiutiiHi^'eiuc.u ill laiiyiiiy oil a [;reai and uolilo work niiiiiK^j die poor a.ui ahio anion;; vim ricl>. 'i'lio hj.eiKur on Sunday, in refuriin;; lo her i.iid thai the pri.fcusor approached her ill a wrung inannur ; he tihuuld have do. 10 so and «i> io have produced (!io lo- ^ilimiuu TChiii.^. tShu was ignorant uf the iiiodii.i upurai di. 1 think it wa.s ...i uiifMrtuniilii mloiis'^ioii. lliiu was a child of Uoil, \\\\o Iiail tho Wold of (iod icarly ai a whole in bur uiiud, wlio waHheverely nlHicLed. Ut>d D< I'.i Cook, h,id tisucd her leii thousand lanes in hur roi'iii, i,.iw liiv liel|ilossnis«, heard hor Hi^i lliiii lo Ui heiilud, lini Ikimumu bliu dul not, auk ill a col lain way â€" fcomo iiiys ori ous wayâ€" ft w:vy proftsncd liy f.tiih ciiiTri, 11 o refused lo heal hoi' t 1 think liiu do voluisof suob a inoiiutroiia coueliisiuii ate to be pitiod. Yet, bir, 1 am a strong,' ho- bevor in tbo itlieieiicy of failli and prayer, Thu hhImUiioo, or rather iiifer- uiice, is that ihuro is a law oiitsidu ml llu!) coii4uoratioii which in absolutely iieoei:> •ary to obtain the results re(|uirud. By your permission I will mention • luw whiuU is ^euDtal lit yaur next iesue. â€"0. h HKIIMAN KSQ. Dkau Kir," Quo of mjr ^i'l^ awoko me Tlie olUei (lislit i^ayiiiR, "Pa, t t'Hti.t pot luv bmattl," I uot up ail,] pi<t sotue Ijiutiluiiit; r'nin Hunter on Kll^al- and uave it to liur.a'iiMu aitueti uiiu utcH Kl;e wuH better aud blujil laonufUy the re- uiaiiKier Ol the iii»;ht. 1 oelieve it to be tliu beut iiiorliciue aold for c oni*. cougiis, cotds, Boi'O throat, fiprainfl. bruises, ticaltlB, old 80ies. ctitH. etc. Lightiiiiiu pain Hunter cur()H ho inii.iiv diseases tlia' alniost every one in tilebe pat ta u OH it. 1 believe it to he the bust me i- ciiie iu ti.e worlii. aud t write thiii that of ers may l< now what it lias 'lone for iiie. I always i^eep a bottle in the house to be reaiiy fut au euiurgeiicy. YourK truly Mas. (i.Wni^notK, Peversham, Out. Above isoneof the uiany Imndrod tastituoni- als potiriui; in, tolling of the curative powers of LiKlitiiiiiK Tain Hunter. Korsule in Flesliertoii at Dr. Christoe's Mrilical Hall and at Fleshertoii Station bv .1. IJ. Ki;an, yoiiond store. OKLY 25 CENTS A BC>TTLK Voters' List illuiiU'ipulif r • of • Artoiuesia Notice is hereby given that I hAve transmtt ted or delivered to *;be pt^rsons mentioned iu secuous a and G of the Ontario Voters Lirtt Act. lKt49. the copies re<|nired by said Hvctions to he so transniittod or doUvered of the list nmde, porntianl to Kaid Act. of all perHons appeauiiu nv tho last revised aHsessnient roll of the said niouicipality to be (Uit'tleil to vote in thu said luniiiciptiiitv at eloctlotift for meiiibers of t)u> iji-KisIaiive AHHombtyand at >iiuuii:ipal Klec- tiotrs, auii tiiHi Hnid list wat- Hist posted iin at my otiice at Kleshoi tiujon the iL'ih d»\ oT An;; list, 1NJ7, p. nil i cinains tlieio for in peutii u. Kleuto.H arv catletl upon to eXHuiiiitulie •â- aid lib* . and if aiiv omissions or auv other iiIoin ate found liieibiii to take luinieitiale p< occml - iu^n to nave tbo said ttiioisca -eet'-d Hr<-nit)iiit; lu law. W. J. BELLAMY. Clo; k Munioipilitv of Aituuieaia Dalod Aii;;ust l-j;h. t:"J7. UILi TI/AN'p toliK -die osLabli'^hed trade In TT Jj Til .11 litis (.•onnt.y. Canadian sloik APhN'I'^ *^'^'" All ettd toUvo i*crii»aiietft iivLiiiJ MOHltio'i. wnoto OL* pari lime. Liht' nl t(i nn. Von ca i tiKike ten dollasa wet'k or hv tin* with Uh, fa.- every week >ou vro U. No e\'>i" i * ice ii -fiivKinv. r>rown Broihers Company, Tontineutal Nuvseiies. TOKONTO, ONT 15 Mch. Slock for Service To nil who are inte-oHtort in ROod stock I would say that uiv sUn-k imi). l,ri».d ItaU'o, i-< as »*n.-o hs over. I have nlso a iioavy boned Yorkshire ho^ for service at 75 cutris. A.JOHNSTON Vaudeleui'i Juuo 18, '97. Im Cattle Strayed. Rtravod 'rom the iienilnea of the imde.*- Hi-;iiod, (Hio liei'ec 2 ytta>«o1d, some whi^e on fftoi'. ft'ul rtve voR 11 -ig hei or calvos, "mh neavly all while, til eo led with some wliito an<l oti'e vod and wh'te. In'ortimUoii an to their wheio- aboutH will bo lliaukrullT vooelved bv CIlAb. 8TAFF0RU. FleshevhOU. JulyUl. 1((&7, Wanted M. Richardson & Co. M«n and woM^on wlto oaii wovk baM ia*ki.>B and writing six houra daMy, To. six dnvs a wrok. aiid will be content with ten doliais weekly.*, NKW lUl-^A CO.. lledicrl lit lUUni;, Tovouto, Oni TEACHERS If von wait to niako M."i0.00 divltigjnlv and Aiv!u**i', in a good cause, r/.iia or uie uuiukly. T.n. I.iNSrOTT, 'I'oionto.Ont FAEMTO RENT Ott SCLL TiilS \^13EK ^fecial ^TivQS in ^hoos Men'.s Don^ola Oxfords, regular §1.50, selling at Si. 25 Boys' Buff Oxfords, regular $1.25, selling at 95c Women's Polished Buff Oxfords, pat. leather tipped, regular $1.00, selling at 75c Women's Carpet Slippers, all sizes, 25c Misses' and Children's Oxfords at less that cost to maka room for new fall goods DRESS GOODS REMNANTS 51 LK REMNANTS PRINT REMNANTS TWEED REriNANTS The close of the summer business sees a lot of odd lines and cut ends left on our shelves â€" some are a little short of regular dress lengths â€" others are a little over. We have cut prices on all these lines. Come and take them away. We want room lor our fall importations now on the road and this is your opportunity â€" don't miss it ! Imported Dress Goods Our first consignment ex R. M. S. " Umbria " is just to hand. Special values in Black Cashmeres, Black Soleils, Black and Colored Satin <oloths, Black Diagonals, l£tc , Etc. 1 his is our first importation under the new Canadian Customs tariff and we can offer special values. Specials This Week Ladies' Hem-stitched Cambric Handkerchiefs, 5c Fringed Linen Towels, 42x^^, 30c pair bringed Coiton Towels, 42x24; 25c pair Heavy l^acloiy Cotton, 34 inches, 6c yard Heavy Giey Sheeting, 3O inches, 8c yard Heavy Clash Towelling, exlra w-de, 5c yard I'.vlra Heavy Figured 'Jable Damask, 52 inches, 20c L.stra Heavy Figured Table Damask, 58 inches, 30c Preserving SUGARS E::lra danulatec), light and medium yellow. Demeraia Raw. Get our quotations. mLRiy\SlAHBl J3£Pil.RTAi:£:KT T.ot iril, end coil. N. nmwl f.aviio lio'iso ; tei i.n. v.. T. ft 1. J:., II I Hd es. ."id lices eier erV r-'asv W.A. Ai'.MHV ON(l, .011. ^on ^Kousand "founds of finder ^loino Pon't 8Lj\y long with us. Ii,'s going like hot c, kea, gimply hccAnsA we Imve Uio best v.iluc on the lu.irkBt. Our KKD TAG MANILLA TWINE at (Uc knouka ihaiit all uuc. Come quick b«foi'u ii's all Bold. <JUA(N CRADLES, eiilior full or liaK mullev. CRADLE FINGERS ond Bailoy Forks. See our youBjj buck TANNED WITTS at 25o pair. THBESHEES SUPPLIES Wo .Tie vi:ht In lino for mpjilying everything to threshers at botttim iirice.s. XXX Miichiiie Oil, liiito Leather ami fioltin;,', Babbit aud Copporine, Nutt.s and Oilers. A O K N TS .. .^^ "'' ""''â- 'â- " o'lit:. ^^noeii Vioto'lft „ cxlim "tl' 1. .Ii'Mlpo Ki'ii'nii O'l i"»«<(. Vcm iilBtnrv of il'pi.iiiriMi mil X'lconn'i Kia iirMI-li- el 'j'lio oi.'/('R'm'l >n work (icce|ilo\ iw Hn- MAJosrv. ^«lo^ nuncceileiile Iâ€" ktioi'l* lie hottoni'ont o'all cfo ii». ('hiivj>""P .< •coo] * i": 111 '.lonov. Kveii Imvi andri'U apll Itfanr, r.i.i fcm.uipaio » o- 8*v«iL'iifc wpoVlv saUrv aftiif trial tl'i. nilADLKV-UAIiBBTBON, lO, Mil., Toronto, Oil... a1ft<1v 01 mature %(;*, roAniDeut aod taoi to •uenJ ber lima lu a k"0'I °<^><"e. I. H.LlNSrOTT, Toronto. Out, ,ytnot/ier jCot Of Ihoso nico GRANITE PRESEUVIXa KETIXES, S,woe Pans, PuiUliug Dishoa, Cups and Simonre and Tea Puis jiiHt to hand. Prices awtiy down. Catch prices Our p.-ioes on FRUIT JEMS seem to catch everyone ri^;ht, as they aro aelliiig faa I quart Wine at 800 dozen, \ gallon Wine, 91.20 dozen, 1 quart Imperial at 91,00 dozen, \ gallon Iniiierial, 9I-36o. Cheapest pkoe to buy Qlassi^aie, Croekery or Hardware in the ooonty. -^^t^^ % ,»