AUGUST 19 1897 THE F-LESHERTOK ADVANCE IMMMUIU M|IBIiU|UiUiUVVtWllMUliMIBIlu;MIIMIW^^ D. flcTavish kf.^? FLESHERXON ON HAND ...REPAIRS Fur MaMey-Harris, Noxon, Floury and Wilkinson farm implernoiitB. KU'ury and Vurity pli>w» on Imnd hII the time, also nil kinds of repairs for tlio name. We inaiiufacturo VVagnns, Buggies, Cutters, Sloi^hg, etc. f-lorsushoeiiig promptly attended to. Siiecial nttoiitii>n to tender cc^- Iractvd feet. Iiougini; and Plow Chains constantly on hand. d^AniniUlniUiiinAimAJtrulnJtnnnimiftnitrUl^^ 4!i ••>(«â- ii Si Buggies, Carts. Wasons, ITan-ows, Plows of the best kinds and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Ilorso Kakcs and Corn ScufBcrs and repans. Chains of all kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty at $ John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms ii«. 0'/- ^'^ v^'<. .^t«. ^tf, .iix. ^fi, .?'«. ji»'« .Mi. jii. ,>»«. .St*. ^". .jt«. »««. .jij!. ^r/i. v»'^ ^t<. .M<. v\t<. vV-!. ^"j -^ •»t«.^i2. â- i',!. ' Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY TJEST PLACE IN C.\NADA TO GET A THOROUGH 1USINE.SS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip Comiii-Tc'lHl Df'partmnntB ... vl.sit till! Noi'thfrii llutiiiesH CoIIiiko . â€" ~ cv«iylhin»; tlioroiiKhly. If wb fail to (producn tlin iiioHt thorouKli. coniplotH. prftctical aii^l extoii?ive coiirBo of Btinly : thn l»t*st collutfe preiiii«oii anil tlio hi-iit ami mo«t coiiiplf tu anil nioiit Miitahli) fiiriiiturn ami appiiaiiuus, we will qivo yon a full cnurHo FUUK. For auiiiial anuouiicuiiientx, givinc full pirticulara, fre. AdilrMKti C. A. FLEMING, Principal and view all . otliui- ItuulnehB â€" Collo^oH ami in Cntiaila, tlitni exaininu Summer = = Fruits, Plants ' Garden seeds Flour, Feed and Grocurics of all ^Icilids. g"^ ISioakfust bacilli, Roll bacon. Pork nidi-s. Everything Nice in season Boots â- mil Shoes attended to promptly and in the neaicKt niiiniiur. i:\ EUGENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works Carriages made and repaired, Also IManin;^ and Mati^liiii;,', Band Bawitif,', Wood Turning of every des- Bcriptioii. Planing and Grain Olinp- ping done while you wail, for the Beaver turns the wlieel. T. W. WILSON, Manager : : Z.<OOS : : WANTED ! In luilituiled qnantilics at tlio Miii iii-illS Iligliust Cash Prices. cMOF>piNa oiily 5c Per Dag Beecroft & Talbot S^t'.S!iiS!t-S!i::^ei<!l!ii:^<i^(i :i'^ ^'^'«• 5*'<-- Jf't' *!«? I Photos ^i I â€"TAKEN f â€"AT THE I Flesherton I Pliotograph I Gallery! 2) are done in firstclnHs style and at 1^ sf, li>weat rates. Special attention jF ^ Kivoii to copyina. IJaliiea' photos. % ^ a specialty. Pictures framed. j, I MRS. BULMER I ^ I? Px*oper>tles FOB - SALE â€"BYâ€" â- ' I I. mmi, FLESHEBTOII ir YOU WISH TO BUY PIIOPERTY CONSl'LT THIS SPACE. FOR S.\LE cheap and on easy terms, one mile from Flesliortuii, iU acres liiml and on which is a ){oihI 7 rooms fraiiu' (Iwolliiig, well and ciiiiifortiilily liiiiKlied stone citllor undeineath, and piod well and pump in kitchen, goist fi-anie staMi' and drivinji house, also hrick lined hen house, small orchard commencing to hear. Apply to U. .J. SPltOULK, Fleshcrtim. A DEAD liAUGAIN if sidd during present nnmlli T\m> improved faniis, one a mile from Prireville and the other same distance from Waruhnm. 8111111! payment down, lialanco on VKllY easy terms. Also a lunidred and fifty aire farm an.l mill site one mile from Flesher- ton, priiiripnlly haiil wood Imsh, 25 acres cleared ami fiami> dwtlliii); and stjilile. Any person wanting a deoidu<l bikrguin a|iply quick to aliovu. BO vjiab;*' TnADZ MARK81 DiaicWs, OOPVRIOHTS &0. Anyono Bonillnff aBkntch ami di'Bci-l|<tion may qiilctov lutcui-tHln, frtsu, wliother an iiiviinlloii Is iiiohnrily r>atonti4lilu. ('iiiiiiiuinltiittnnH Mrti'My oiiilliluiillal. ol.liMl njiency f.imciuirliiK I'uliiiit. Ill Anioni-A. W(i hiivo a Wnslilhiltnii iifflcn. I'HliMiM tiiki'ii tliruUKli Mmin ii Co. -ouolr. â- pouiul notiiM III tlio SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bflw.'tlfiilly flliiiTratod, InruoNt cInMiUttlon nl Riiy HHeiitino JiMiriifil, wooklr.terniHfa.tKlit jrenr; tl.fiOsix uioiitbH. h|)(?riiiit'n euplnti aiut UauO luuK UN Pati:nt» ftuiit fruo. AddroKt tVIUNN & CO., 301 llroailwav. Now Vork* Cash : for : HidesI Shonpakins ai-d all kinds of furs pur uhased, for which hi^licKt market pri o will be paid. IToinemadi! sautages on hand, alto nil kinds of nieats. Fleshertou Moat Emporium How to Make Ba4l Roads Th.r* ii an ahaurd idea gaining ground bare and rlnewhere that bettsr roads would 'j« advintaijeou., and that th« pre.-ent method of bnildiUB and niaintainiog them are out of date. In every ag<» and m every country there haa been a claes of agitators, d igruntled, dUaatiefieJ, endeaTorini; to overthrow cxialiug conditionH. In Itussia there are Nibiliiia, wIk- rebel agaiunt tlie tvrauuy of iba Cyar ; Spain is at preaeat dUturbed by Cuban patriots ; in Canada there are road reformers. The lant me tioncd a'e turbulent, obnoxious and aim at a state of anarchy. Bad roads are in every way desirable. They kill lime. Varmera have too mucii time hanging on their hands. They don't know what to do with it all. Time is money. Faimiri have money, usunllv, tliat they can atlor^l to kill time. Tutv have time to burn. Uut tbey don't burn their mon^y â€" just time. We have enjoyed the benefits of bad roads 40 loot; tbai if tbey were convened into good roads we wiiulilu'r know bow to use tliera. Kvery farmer would be as uu- comtortable as a Fiji Wander in » new suit ot clotiies and a fur (.vereoat. How the}' Would perspire t in tue meaulima the horses perspiie. Bad roada kill horties and help to keep up the price. Good r.>ads encourage lust ilrivii.g, and would ttierefure encourage cruelty to horses, l-'ast driving is veij' immoral. •Vith good roads every farmer's nou would own a nice tup bcfjgy, and would be able to keen it clean loug eiiouob to drive Into town ; ami they i ouid w.tut to spend half tlicir tiiue iu toun. Bad loads keep them nt home. Ihey have to " stick to the farm " because tbo farm nicks to tliem. Tnese arc a few of the reasons why wu want bud roadd. But it does rot compltte tho list b} any means. There are many 01 her matters resp cting commerce, society and civilizuiioii, wnich we liuve not space 'o even auggeiit. Ot coarse, ii they have been applied, id principle, to other matters bosiiles roads, <ve would still be witnout the I'liuiing press and steam railway. We l;e without reli); ous and educational iiistitutiins. There would be no p.ogr. ss, no civilization. The savages of Central Africi would Hi lid imnsiinaries to us. Kll 1 it iH ovidebt tuat we want bad roads, lu UMCing them the tirat point to observe is that water ahould be kept in the road aa moch as porsible. \)tt^ trenches along each Side of the wagou tra.k, but do not provide a tall or outlets, to carry wa'er out of the triucbes, otnerwise they will be drains. Tii*'M trenches should hold water and per- luit it to soak into the roadbed, keeping it soil. It the sun ace of ine road shoull by auy means get dry, the lires of the vehicles will easily break tUiou^h the crust and sink i iio ihu soft fouudalioD. The ilirt from thes<i treiiclie*, composed of sod aud clay, ahoiilu bu thrown into tl e centre of the road, so at to secure a goo.l di'pih ot mud. By keeping tbu roadway Hat on tho surface therx wiil be little danger 01 aulm^i uraiQHge to any extent by the greater height of the centre. The sod, too, will dec.'iy, mil is rteelleut to keep the road in a muddy coi dtliou. If gravel must be used on the road choose a ipiali y containing plenty of sand and ctay. This will rctalu moisture and will yield easily uiiiler the tratBc in wet wea- ther. There should be plenty 01 big stones to roll around under the feet of the horses and the wheels of the vehicles. A rotten culveit, standing a foot or so above the roa IS almost necessary for making a bad road ill us ideal slate. Tliey break the mouotfluy, carriages aud bor^e legs. A road-grader Is a good thing with whicli to nink- bad roads, although in the hnnds of an uuacrupulous person it inuy also bo ninployo.i in making gooil roails. Care hhuuld tie taken to olipose an operator who doe»n'l know bow to make a good road, and the chances are that he will bo succesa- fi<l in producing a bad one. Do not keep one man cousiantly employed on i:, but puss it aiound fur everyone sod anyone to iiy their hand on. It is just like a plow in iMh rtspect. Po not get an experienced man in the tirat inatnuoe, acil tee that no one gets auy experience. When iis'ng it on a gravel road always tmn the dirt and mid from tho shoulders of the read, and the ditolii's into tlia centre of the road. If gravel can l>e covered by this means let the maker ot luul roads wear a blisarul smile. lie has ci'onned his ellints with success. If the gravel road wai proTiously good it will lie ruined by this treatment. Use unrrow tirOH. Wide tires have a fiidiney to keep the surface smooth. Nar- row tirci cut into the road and are harder for the bor8?8 to pull, but the man who has the inlereat of bad rnads truly at heart must not hesitate. Iluuiles the horses have to no the puliiui.'. The driver can sit on top of the load aud ainoko. WhiU use are good roads anyway ? We must have lime to smoke. If these few principles are carefully fel- liiivtd out our roads will remain pretty mnoh as tbey are at present for a nmulier id yettr8.--Munic;iial World. Hand grenade*, the aimplest form of fire extinKuisher. can be inado at home cheaply and easily. And it U well to have at hand a simple contrivanco for exIinguishinK a small tire at its start. Take twenty pounds of common salt and ten pounds of m1 ammoniac (nitrate of ammonia, to be had of any drugi;ist), and dissolve in seven ijallons of water. Pro- cure quart bottles of thin Kla<i.<i, such as are ordinarily used Viy dru^gist-s. and fi 1 with this, corking tightly and sealinc, to prevent evaporation. In case of fire throw so as to break in or near the flame. If the tire is in such a place as to pre- vent the bottle from lireskin?, aa in wool or cotton, knock off the neck and scatter the content;). The breaking of tlio bot- tle liberates a certain amount of gas, and the heat of the fire genera' es more, thus working its own djslruction. Tirae Table aoisc; SOUTH. Markdalcâ€" 7 35 a. in. 4.40 p. m. Flesherton â€" 7.48 a. m. 4. D2 p. ni. OOINO NORTH. Fleshertonâ€" 12.07 p. m. 9.18 p tn. Jlarkdaleâ€" 12.20 p. ni. 9.30 p. m. The Markets. Mil Lily Clugston of St. Vincent was thrown out of a cart aud was picked up HiicoMscious. The young lady was se veroly ii.jurod about the head. On Tuesday murnino last, between 2 mid !t o'clock", tliu laitio frame barn ai.d stables belon<;ing to Air. Isaac lliitt.p, iietir ercliiirdville, were struck by liolit- iiii g and conndotely destroyid, tiv.'eihur with tho oimteiits, which coiisisrod of about thirteen tons of hay and a quantity of fall wheat. Tho is partly covered by insurance. â€"Chronicle. During the hetvy raina of Tuesday morning tho barns and outbuildings of Mr. Alex. Mc(»iiwan, of Ravenna, were struck with lightiiitig and were totally destroyed. Nearly all tho iiiipleniVnts were destroyed, toi;otber with a largu quantity of grain and between two and three tona of chopped stuff. Mr. Mc- Oowan's crop of fall wheat had been gathered and h'lusod the pn ceding night and was also destroyed. â€" Enterprise. €areiullr Corrected Ea<-h Week Flour ^ 80 to $5 20 Oats 18 to â- 20 Wheat 80 to 85 Barley 20 to 30 Peas 37 to 37 Butter 10 to 11 Eijga, fresh 9 to 9 Potatoes bag 25 to 25 I'ork 4 00 to 4 75 Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 t.. 5 00 Sheepskins. 25 to 50 Oeese 6 to 6 Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair.. . . 20 to 25 Ducks per pair 40 to 50 Wool 17 t« 20 f*OR SAIL.£: Aqaantity ofHhinRles for salo at my mill, lot .IS, con. s. .\rtenieaia. Also ahiiigleacut on aharei, would axcbauKea spaa ot horses (or khingle timber. J. BICKLINQ, Uaxwoll V. 0. F'arm for Sale Karni for sale cb«a p. 01 acres, well watered '2) ni'luB oast of this village, known as tbo Fen wick farm. Apply to &I. Richardson, assigLoa Farm and Mill Site for Sale For Bale very cheap and on vary easy terms. Timber farm, 150 acrt^B, two mik's from Flesh oitou, known an llio Win. HoKKsawutiU pro party, and oii which in an excellent wfttor power. f(inn<!Rtion of fiaw mill, dam and jiond and water wheel in placo and all ready for ptitlinft milt on. Ahoiit iriHcrus climrud, ^ acres titiiber, ntost otT, btiUiice well tiu)t>ered, mixed tiiuter. ThiB farm will be sold Kt a bargain if sold at ouco. Small paytneul dowu. balanco ou very ua»y tenua. Apply to R.J. SpRorLK. Fltisherton. Ont WESTERN FAIR T.ONDON SEPTEHBEB 9TE to 18IB, '51 Canada's Favorito Live Stock And Agricultural Exhibition The most complete Live Stock build- iiv.'S in .\nierica. More imiirovemeiits and extensive additions this year. Kvery Steckman, Agiiculturist, Manufacturer, Dairyman, Artists and Inventors, etc.. etc , specially invited. Entries dose Sept. !lth, in all depart- ments. Success assured. Sie Hassan Ben Ali, the Arab Prince Has been si>curod to furnish nnd superin- tfiid the staye attractions Auction sa'e of Iiiuuha and Piivilenes .^us;. loth on the grouiuU at 2 |).iii. For I'r.ze Li.sta, Programme an-l maps apply to Lt. Col. P. B. B. Leys, The*. A. Browne, I'reesuloii t. Si ciitary FLESBEBTm SllVIIG PMlOa ./*. jCeyard - - ^Proprietor Hairdressinsr In the Latest Style Scissors Sharpened and Razors Honed in first class Style. FARM TO RENT OR SELL tint 17n,2nd eon. N. P.. T. ft H. K., t«l acres. Roni) frame house ; M acres clearnd. Rat-y terms. W. A. ARMsntONO Flesherton. Jujjinf?? (Kardjji Jjf CULLOUOn * YOUNO "* Bankore, Warkdale Do a Booeral banking business, ilonev loaaad at a reasonable rate. Call on us. A .S V.\NDUSEN, J p *»• Clerk 5th Div Court, Co Grey lapner of Marriage Lioenfea. Convevancar from 3 to 6 per cent. Cbargos moderate FLESHERTON V Q JJEIiTS COLLECTED „„i , , ''"'i" undersigned in prepared to ^otes bought, accounts cor.ected, etc. H N HENDERSON, Flesherton f CHISLRTT * Klesheiton Station rnr^^'n"'',*^"-'""'"""""' '" H « •'. Convey, ancer. Deeds, ujortcaKos, loaaes and wijU w*a"aB- UahT.^ '?, 'f|at' 54"r\e„Tand*np1 waids. Debts collected. Charges moilerate. P J SPROtJLE "• Postmaster, Flesherton rommtssionur in B Ii, Licenfcd Anctioneer £-L'ri.."?'r''' -^irraiser and Stone" LcnSt'" Real hftttto am lusmaiite Ase.t DeBd.' mo.tK«tes, leases and wills diam np ln<i va made on ^boitoat Errico Anr-t"h sales attended to in any lort if theconntv Monev to lo,u at lowe.t LL of kt est ?o{-- aes.;-.''l, *";'"'*â- '' ^° "'"' l>'oa:ptne«B febd UeM.atch. Cli.rsfs low. Afem fcr Dominion hteaiiitliili Ccu.pary. Cheap tickets rom Flosheiton to Liverpool. Gla-sow. London ot Sa°^i°./po i"";-" ports. P«*i.,i;., rCiUn« to vmlt EiiKlanil, .'irotlaud or I:e'ani wi 1 S-s el?e''wl!e\'e".' '*"'^« P-chasi„,' tbe*i ^J3cii1ifjsi A O U W meets every fln.t aud third lIobdAk ^,•-1, " K,'"''i "'?"»'>, in their lodRe rooiu, S.iaiiiB block, Flesherton, it 8 pm. Price Teeter. W M ; a M Oibson. Uecorder; \V J Hellamy,Fiuaucier. Visiting brethren iuvitod, pitl.NCK ARTHTR LODGE, No 33.1. A P * f, i""''*" '" "'« Ma'Ttc ball. Strain's block tIeshertoD, every Friday ou or befora the full moon. K iloGill, W M: W J uellauiy. Secretary. Jcntistvii T P MARSHALL «* M D8. DD8 LD8, Visits Flesherton the Ut and 3rd Friday of each month. T O C.^SrPPEI L " L D S, D D 8, Cental Surgeon, Markdala Office over McCulloiiRh * Yonn«ii bank. Honrs-8:iO a m to p ni. Visits Fleshertcn the second and fourth Thursday of eucb mouth. t)fflc« at Muuabawa hotel •T HENDEKSON ••• D U 8. SI D S. Dentist of Toronto (Gold Medttliatl will visit Flesherton pr fessionally tbo first Wedncsrfav ot caci uiODt and Uundolk „he followiuR day (Thursday ) ffgal JOHN W FROST, L L B f Barrister. Solicitor, Conveyancer, et« OfBce-Ncxt to postoftice. Kproules block, Fleshoitou. every Saturlay and court days. N B-tJ»en Sonud office. Frosfa block. aO Poulett street east. T UCA8 .* WKIGIIT â- " HaniBtors, Solicitor*, Conveyancer!, ato Owen Sound, Ont Markdalo. Out W H WUUillT I H LLCA8 N Itâ€" Flesherton olBoe, Mitchell's Bank. every Wednesday. TICKER & PATTERSON * Uarristers, Solicitors, eto Uolson's Hank, Owen Sound HAKRY a TUCKER GEO W FATTEBSOK MACKAT A HATTON ^*^ Uarristers, Solicitors, etc Olllcesâ€" :iO I'culett street, Owen Sound; and Main street. Uuadalk, f very Saturday. N K- Always In atteLdauce at Flesbertoo aud Duuilalk Division Courts. A G MAC KAY, MA W J HATTOK Couuty down Attorney Pc(Ufal D K BUTTON MUOM, MCPftS Ont, PriceviJIe. Olllce next door to Brown's store : residence oiposite al the "Id post othce, u-siilenco of late .Alex liiown. OtUea dayaâ€" 'I'uusdays aud itetur- days. DU CAr.TKK U C P ft 8 Oiit. Physician, Suigeon, eta Flcthirten olVeeâ€" btiaiu'a block. Ke^sidcnceâ€" Muiiiihaw'B Hctel. JOHN A SCOTT, M B Mrni''or CVIIeRe Physic, ft Snrpeona, Clntauo Ctiatliiatu in Mei^lvinu ol 'I'orcnto t'liivcisily, Foliowsliip Di>di.uiii, Pott diadu- ate Medical Sehool miil HoHpitul, t'hicauo. , Diseases of eve. ear. uosi* cml tnvoat i-ptciaTly treated. Ueiriidoi eu, Ma.\wi.'ll, visits Fevei aliam Thursdyaa 1â€" 'J JP OrTinvKLL Veterinary Surgeon Civadiiato cf Ont.iiio Vctiiinary Collece. Itesidoi-eoâ€" Second door sortli c.ri west side Mary sti'oot. '1'1'iit: btreets runs soiitli from I'l'usbyteriuii chuioh. )U1CEV1LLE AND DURHAM STAGB Durham stoR.? loaves Flesherton Station at 7.l."i a.m., vetuins -l.-io p.m. Prtcevillo atof;e leaves vhe -anm plane at 1:3. ;Kt. retiuiiing at AAK Faro to Priot.>villi' and roturn, 50 cents: Durham, ;?l..'ii) f»ir lotion. T'le. fiiiKle fare. Livery in oou- ucctlou, Urde' s may bo left at eiUiftr hotel. A. SleCAUoF.Y Prop Pbvs for vour Naino on 11 V.eHiitKul HIDDK.N NAMIfl CMIDS, lovo'v pickures, or JO Handsoino Calling Cards. Cash with order. Stninii« taken. Addresa, CANADA CARD BO USB, Ingoreol) Ontario. •â- >» I -r? -<r* I. > ^