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Flesherton Advance, 19 Aug 1897, p. 5

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THE PLESHERTON ADVANCE AUGUST 19 11^7 mammsm Vicinity Chips CbaractcrUtics of the Past Week fjircfHlly Called for the furious BiuiMeat noti.-iis amoiig locitU will ht + charged at the rate of ten eexta + per line for each insertion. A t reduction will be maiie on con- + traeU for 100 lines or over. A 1(1,1(1 of youii!? people of tlio village picnicked at Bell's hike on Thumday last andspHtit a vtry enjoyable d«y. Inspector Campbell writej uu enter- tuiiiiiig Itiltur to the Durham R(3view fruiu Loudon, where he urrivud in siifety. Arteuieiiii Votvrs' list is iiuw in the hands of the clerk i4::d tlui legnl notice in this issue invitiB the nitepiiyers to ex- amine for orroi s. Mr. W. E. U chardaon, drii^fj'st, has juat placed in stuck a lurje ([uautity of the new Prerbyteiian hymnals. Tliey ran}{e in price from 8 cents to 'M cents. Rev. Mr. McUreyor, of Durham, will prench in the Bupli^t Cl.apel next Sun- day nii'rniiig. Mr. Dairoch will occupy the Baptist pulpit in Durham. We have received No. 2. vol. 1 of the Masonic iSun, published semi monthly in Torimto by the Masonic Publiahing Co. â- t %l per annuiu. There were four baptisms in the Baptist chapel on Sunday morning aLd • nunilior moie are 'inuounced for next Sunday. The nieiubership of this church IS growing fuAt under the ministry of Rev. Mr. Darroch. The town was practically de.serteJ on Tuesday, the Iiix attraction beins; the great latr(.sse contest ut Dundalk between Matkdalu and tjhelbunie lor the penant. Every available horse was engaged for the occasion. Tne followin;^ omis-xious in the pass list havt; teon supplied us in ittlditiou to those piLiited last week. Miss Jessie Gilber^, Kimberloy, passed the High School Piicnary (thinl cLu<.h) and Miss Clara Hurd of the same school secured Part I of Form 2. McFarland 4 Son offer this week 50 dwzeii Hem stitched Lawn Handker chiefs, 1 for 12i cents, regular price. 30 cents; o(M) yard.s Daik Ensilish 30 inch Prints, reijular 12ic for Scents ; 29 Blou.tes, renular 50 Ci-nt lino for 30 cunts. The last of the schedule scries of la- CMsso tames was played in M^irkOalc between I ho Duudalk and MarUdalo teams on Fri-lay last, and was the poori'st exhibition of the season. Dun- dalk got the tirst goal, after which Maikdaledid them up for eight straights. Baron Munohau-sen has taken up his rwidence in Markdale and is at present busily cii'^pgt'd writing up lac-osseniatches for the Standard from a Markdale point of view. His remarks are quite as amus ing and fully up to the absurd siai!dar(] of his travels as published in Englaud 8Hne yciiiH ago. Long live the Baron. McFarland & Sou, Markdale, have gut the name of doing the largest busi- ness of any store north of Toronto. They sold and shiiiped last wot k direct tu Liverpool about 500 tubs of butter containing upwar(.!3 of 00,(X>0 pounds, all bought o\er their counters iu ten week.'-. Rev. Mr. Thorn of this village has the finest collection of choice plants and flowers in this section, consisting of Cinerarias, Gloxinia, rare Bcuonia«, Abutiloiis and a largo variety of other house plants. His outdoor flower garden i» also a tiling of gieat beauty. The Ad vanco enjoyed very much an examination of his pets on Tuesday. The rev. gentle- HMin is also a fowl fancier and hiis tine Kpecimens of the black minorcas, Wyan- dotte and auUaluaian breeds. On the evening of the junior lacrosse match here Mr. Frank McFarland, of Murkdale, underto(jk to carry a little lad home on his bicycle. When about two miles from town the youngster Rot his foot in the front wheel, tearing •ut live spokes and sending the riders over the handlebar. The boy was brought back to town and Dr. Caiter called, who discovered that no boues were brokian. Tbe lad, whose name we did not luara, was. UkeD home iu the wagf^i.'. First class second hand Pearl cooking stove for sale at this office. Mrs. A. M. Gibson received a short visit last wetk from a cousin whom she bad never before seen, iu the person of Mr. Duncjin Muir of the U. S. secret service. Mr. Mu:r has a number of re- latives in this district upon whom he was making friendly calls. The garden party at i:he Methodist church on Tuesday evening resolved itself inio asocial owini' to the cool weather, and was held iu the basement. The affair was very poorly attended, lacrosse seemingly having more attraction. Eat- ablrs were plentiful and of excellent ((uality. The program was really choice, Rev. Mr. Humphries of Priceville being the star speaker. This (^nileman gave an excellent on the relalions of the chruch to heaven. A short audress was also delivered by Rav. Mr. Thorn, Presbyterian minister, and Mr. M. UichartLion. Mu.sic and singing, to getlier with a re.;itation by Miss Keefer, made up the Imknce of the program. The pastor occupied the chair. A despatch from Markdale on Mon- day says : There came to this villaue about two weeks ago a lady aiid tjentle man to work the town for hotel advertis- inir. The gentleman was ab(mt fifty yeaisofaue, and the lady considerably younger. They cama to the villjge on Tuesday, August 3rd, and on the follow- ing Saturday afieriioon the geiitleniii'i suddenly disappeared, leaving the lady (his wife) almost distracteil. The couple had been having; a "tiff," and the hus band left in ani^er, aud his wife is almost beside herself wiih grief and remorse, as she blames herself as being the cause of her husbii lid's disappearance She can- not obtain auy clue as to his whereabouts, and threaluiistu destroy herself if she cannot obiaiu news of Lim. She walks the fl(»ir day and night, and fears are entertained for her rea»on, as she wdl not be cmnf L.rted. Sho wished to leave Markdale for Urtiid Valley, but the hotel people will not allow her to do so, as they fear 10 allow Iwr »<i g« alone at pre svnt. Hor grief at times is souieiimcs terrible : she moans piteously, and cies 'â-  Uh, Jim, Jim , if I could only see you to tell y )U how sorry I am ; I cannot livi- without you." Mu.-h symp.ithy is felt in the neighborhood. PERSONAtS Mr. J. C. Crane, of Owen Sound, spent SuiHlay in town. Miss Scott and Miss Mitchell of Arthur were guosUs of Rev. Mr. Thoiu last week Mrs. Myrick, of Mosswick, it the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Moore. Mrs. and Miss McKini, of Shclburiie, are the guests of Mrs. \V. W. Trimble. Dr. H. Lcitch, of Toronto, w.ifl in town for a few days last week. Jlis.s Minnie Munshaw is visiting friends iu Toronto. Rev. R. and Mrs. Keefer of Lin wood are the ijuests of the former's {Mreiits. M,S8 Belle Gjerdrum is the gueU of Miss Ada Hanbuiy of Dundalk. Mi-'ssrs. A. Gordon and M. Kress, of Djrliam, were in town ThursJ.iy last. Miss Henrietta Kelly, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. (Rev.) J. Mahan. Mr. James Richardson of Keswick, Cumbeilaiid Co., England, arrived in town this Week and is the guest of his cousin, Mr. M. Richardson. Mr. Archie F. Brown, of the Durham Chronicle stall', spent a, few days in town lh;« werk the guest of Mr. Charles Richardson an < other friends. Mr, Toniliuson, principal of the public school, Mrs. Toinlinson and daughter, Vera, relumed on Saturday from their holid.iys. Mr. \V. J. Clark, of the Pickeiit.g News, scratclitd hi* shin while tiding a bicycle. Blood p.ji'^oning set in and l.e is lame but improving. Miss Lena Jacques of Glen Hu'oa, Ml«s Violet and Uatti(j NefTof Singhamp- icn, and Mrs. Ch.adwick and M.i-.ter Arnold of Toronto, are the guests Mrs. Buhner. 3helburne Victorious The lacrosse season ended for this league with the match of Tuesday be- tween Markdaloi and Shclburne, result- ing in a victory for Shelburiio by four goals to three, thereby giving Shclburue the championship. The match was an extra, the two clubs having tied f(jr first place. This was Flesherton's first 8ea8(.<n for lacrosse, and only two or thtoe of our . playgra had before playeil i.i auy kind of a lacrosse game. It was seen after the first game or two of the season that our club would have no chance with the stronger clubs at both ends of the line. Notwithstanding these discouraging conditions our people gave the game an enthusiastic reception here and tiiok the greatest of interest in it. As for ourselves, this paper has attempt- ed to dejil lairly with all clubs during the whole series, but as luucts cannot be said of some of the other papers. This results, however, from the players re- porting their own games, a condition which all newspapers shouU avoid as far as jxissible, or insist on ar accurate uccuuiit. Indiscriminate bandying of charges and counter charges is something which should be avoided in this con- nection. The two teams which waged battle on Tuesday have given us some exciting matches, but there would have been much more in theiu to praise had both kept their beligerent instincts a little more in check. Both teams are mostly old players. Iu the Markdale team Campbell, Stephens, Armstrong, Tuck, Mathers, Potts, Coleman and Hunter have all handled the stick be- fore, and therefore were in a position to cope with the old playars of Shelburne . As for the piwr season's showing made by Dundalk, we are at a loss to ac- count for it, as many of their Iwys were also supixwed to be adepts at the stick. But the fact remains that they kept up their end but little better than did F'eshertou, only having won two games during the season. The match of Tuesday on the Dundalk grounds was attended by a host of peo- ple from the four towns. Shelburne brought up a special train of spectators. Craig of Fergus, President of the C. L. A., refereed tbe game and would stand no nimsens e, therefore it was the cleanest game of the seasou. Mathers of Markdale was sent to fence in the first bout for deliberately striking his check, and has the honor of being the only man so treated during the season. This had a most wholesome etl'ect on all hands and the play proceeded with smoothness throughi^ut. There were, 700 spectators on the ground, the gate receipts being $100. P.ay was startetl at 2.40, Shel- burne securing the lirst goal, after which Markdale took three straights, Shclburne following with three goal.') in succession, makirg the score •! to 3 ui favor of Shelburtie. Aud thus ends a successful and interesting season of lacrosse. Time in onler of goals â€" 1st 7 minutes, 2nd 30 seconds, .'Ird 4 minutes, -ith Uh minutes, 5th 15^ minutes, lith }> minute, 7th 32A minutes. Markdala Venus Flesherton Junars Lovers of lacrosse had the opportuaily of witnessing the prettiest game of the season on the agricultural orounds be- tween tbe juniors of Maikdale and the home team on Thursday List. Although the score is somewhat one-sided the .Markdale boys nevertheless played a stiff game fioiu start to tinis!i. Our youngsters on this occasion put up an exceedingly good game considering the little piactice that they havu had, but our little fellows were detfrmiiied that I hey Would surpiise the seniors by winning their first match. This they did in good style, aud are now ready to run up against the soi>ior.s. The teams lined up as follows : M.IUKJ'ALB. KLESHERTO."*. Liitlejohns Goal U.» uilton Bariihouse Richardson Watt Bellamy VaiiZaiiC Gibson LeGard tilbsoll Sullivan Caiiiis Litlli'joliiis Inside U. Strain The first pauic started with a rush on the Markdale flags and a few pretty shots follovted, but Markdale's goal keeper was in his place ai.d the ball was sent down the field where some heavy chocking was indulged in. The ball was again sent up on the M'vrlidalo flag.s, and Gibson securing the ball passed to Vsn- Zant who scored. Time, twenty minutes. In the second game h mors were pretty evenly divided, but in seven minutes Flesherlon again had put the ball be- tween the Markdale flags, VaiiZant scoring from a neat pass from Gibson. The third game was scored by Gibson v'ho caught a pretty fly on defence and passing three or four men scored in sixteen minutes. In the fourth aud fifth games our home got in some good combination work and Strain scored in tweaty and seventeen minutes respectively.- Gibson, Sullivan, 'VanZAnt.and.Cairna. Hill Point Scott Cov. Point Rie 1st. Def. LL-tJard 2nd. Def. Richards 3rd. Def. Pie wis Centre Uic'iards Sixl. Home I'.ush 2iid. H. 11110 LiiiNis 3rd. Home .McRiie Outside H. A Straightforward Statement ^^^ We are pleased and our citstomers are pleased with oDr cash and ti-ade system. We save our trade discounts by {laying cash. Our custoni'-rs save 5 to 10 per cent, by paying for goods when purchased. It is not our intention to call yotir attentiim to a few lines below cost as baits to catch your trade. The purchasing pubUc will find our whole stock selling at exceedingly low price. Oi/r Stock is Verj/ Complete We have added new lines in Dress Goods, Prints, Sateeu Prints, Rustle Linings, Table Linens, M(j8<|uito Netting, Muwlias, Lawns, all over insertions. Embroid- eries, etc. In onler to increase the sale of Dishes by the sett only we will give 10 per cent, off for 30 days. Don't miss this opi>ortunity to procure a cheap sett of dishes. Hides, Sheepskins, Butter and Eggs taken ns cash. â-  Flesherton • - Ontario FULL ASSORTMENT OF ! 5UMMER FOOTWEAR In Ladies', Gent's and Children's wear. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to at - - - - CLAYT0N5 \ % Agent for the Dominion Money Order Express. ^^-J^ t2r?c;j Our Jubilee .sales have stimulated us to keep up the rush through the usually (piiet month of August, and if prices will make anything yo, certainly our .\iigust s-iles of Fuinituiv niiist be the largest of the year, for wo shidl cut everythim; down to the very lowest notch. In order to inti-oduce our new Iron Bedsteads we have decidetl to .sell the whide of first consignment cou.sisting of throe ditferent grjides aud designs at just uet cost. These special iiiducement.s are for August. :;^fi^ J. E. nOORE ^^\f\ The People's Home Furnisher m "^ â€" M 1^ and Undertalver ^'^^ All kinds of repalrln];, uphii^vterlng anU picture framing dunti s*^ put up a star c-iiiie for Fleshorton, while Hill and McRae played well for Mark- dale. The Maikdale boys speak in glowimr terms of the Iroalmeiit received at the hands of our boys. The return mat:h will be played tins week, when we trust our kids will give a second good account of themselves. Colmnan, of .Mukd.ile made a satisfactory referee. NOTl.S Hamilton is a star in goal although ho is lacrosse-eyed. Flesherton just let Markdale shoot four times. Wasn't it mean ? The gate receipts were like the players â€" smallâ€" S5 75. Billy Alooro acted as coiiitable and had his hands full when he tackled Jimmy Sullivan. Everybody seemed to enjoy the game and pronounced it as the best of thu season. Premier L,iurier is expected to arrive in (Quebec about August 28. A graid nceptiou is being prepared for bim ly the citizens of Montreal. JTrn TE.^CHKRS ali(" othor bright II 11 men fur vacations or Pbnnaiiont- Irllly. tu Holicit for " Canaila, an 1 1 II ^ntf>polope(Ma of tho County, in I LI/ tlvu roynl quarto volumes. No delivoriug. Co-nmission paidwcoklv. THK LISbCOTT C0M1'.\NY, Toi'outo, Out. I oan pay ton iullars wookly to -WANTEID alaily of maturo age, iBQunieut and taut to speDduor time in a R<>od oauHG. T.ja.LIN8C0TT,' Torooto, Out. . . Sprt'n^^ iPoetry, , If used in c*«nn»etion with proper ' subjecl-s and handled in the right way should be just .is interesting as .suniiuor or fall poetry. Ordinary poetry JS NOT THE SUBJECT (3f this .sketch. It is something morfi valuable. Something the people cannot do without at this season of 1 he year. . It is Harness ancJ" Farrq Supplies % I claim to keep in stock th'> bej-fc goods to be got iu tho lino of horse goods, such ns harness, buggy dusters, axle grease, sweat vid«, hoof ointment, •\hips, rubber lap rugs, linetl and un- lined ; dash aprons, and imciimatio horse collars. Always up to-to-date in-. everything The POETRY of the THING i Comes in the immense 8ati.<;faotior get in using our gotxls and the re" prices you have to pay for the' i HVTki Uck â€" I •rj' ciikes twice ft mrusmr

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