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Flesherton Advance, 19 Aug 1897, p. 4

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AUGUST 19 1897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE -i* i J m BSTABusneo -188/' HUDLISIIED WEKKLY AT THE OFFICE, BYD ENHAM 8TKEBT, FLKHHEHTOM, OOT., BY W. H. TaUBSTON. (I per aiinnin,sU'icUy in advance Advertising Rates: %fM Columa, 1 year, $50 ; half col., 1 year, (27 quarter ool., one year, CIS. Transient advortlaeiacnt charged at the rate 8 cuuts porliue for first iuiiertion and 8 cents each subuequeut insertion. GBEAT BRITAIN AND THE U. S. dition of affairs at tl epreaeul momenta we quote from tliu Loudon Spectator as follows : " We are obliged to write m we never dreamed of beiiiK fortpd to write about « country only Ie<ts dear to as than our own. Hut we should f»il in uur public duty if we did not point out in the stroiigeHt luuniier the urave risks which are likely to entiuv froui this attitude. Unless the United StateH at>.sumH a very ditftreut toae, tlie gravest crisis is cer- tain t» ensue. Public opinion in Eiiy land haH greatly chanucd during thu last fuw mouths, and even if Lurd Salisbury is anxious to iunore politely 8ui;h ind'; - creiions as Sucrtttary Sherman's, thu pooplu would not permit it, and here- after, American dciniinds, if urued in unfriendly laniiua'ie, will be resisted uii iminiously by the nation, no miitter what the risk may be. If Aiuopita d les not keep u better watch over her pnriticians, they will hurry her into a conflict with this country whereof tm one is able to see the end." Tile better class of papers in liig- laud, Canada and the United States li'cat present discussing tbe possibility of war between Great Btitaiu and (iLe United States. Some time ago Gliauncey Depew made the public Statement that war was bound to oomo batween these two countries within the next filty years. Since khat statement was mado thinking men have been studying the question closely and have come to the cou- alusiou that there is only too much danger that tbe prophecy will be ful- filled long before the tifty years have passed. England has looked upon ike United States with motherly affection for years past and her states- man have scorned tbe idea of any serions complications with her, owing to closeness of kinship and financial considerations. If genuine Americans only were to be dealt with this logic would answer, but wc fear siifBcicnt weight is not attached to the large foreign element cf the United States. The attitude of the Ariucricaii govern- ment in their subserviency to this foreign element for the past few years shows the importance which they at- tach to it in the governing aflaiis of the country. This foreign eleniciil, fcoj, is intensely hostile to Britain and British institutions, and herein the danger lies. War does not always depend upon a governnu'ut'p actions. Ucan bo drawn upon a couutiy in same eases by the hot headed action of a few evildispuued men, and that beyond the power of recall. A governinent may go to bed with eveiy- tliing calm and peaceful and awake in the mainiug to iinJ tbe people at da^'gci'S drawn. Such things have been. The recent Sheiman inuidoiil lias opened the eyt'S of Engluiul us she never expected them to bo opened. Shu has been slioping in the past ii: blissful ignoranco of thu iniulily uudeiCMironl which has been llowiiig on and gaining headway in Ameiiuan politics ; listening to the sootliiiig assuranuo of the wi^e men that "blood is thicker than water, "and no^^ obsutv- ing for herself that the blood is itself mostly water. The Youth's Coiiipan- i on of Bo.itun deplores tliii fact that "'there is Imvdij a ncwppaper in tiie world which fails to put an unfavoi- nhle interpretation upon tlio conduct of the United States." This being the case there must bo a good solid i"cason for it. Tho newspapers of llie world are no hugu coaibine to crush Wio republic. They are each and every ('iin an independent entity and they read h«r character by her con- duct, for " actions speak louder than words." Her lepiuliaiions of treatieH, liur biaggaJocioand her Hhcrinaniauiil shoutings have given the press of tlie ^vorld good cause to put an unfavor- able interpretati on upon her actious, acid .she has nothing to grumble at. Should those peculiarities conl.iiuio and land the United States into a war of annhilation tho rcniuar.t would sttill persist that it was a martyr, and allowing to a miscoiicaption by the world ut largo of its aims and actions. Aji Au «vid*uoe of .(he serious cou- It was thought that the days of the duel in Europe were drawing to a close, but the recent battle between Princa Henry of Orleans and the Italian Count of Turin hos once more placed it on its feet as the favorite amusement of gentlemen when ihey feel their honor touched. In this country we believe we have the better method. Wo " touch " our malig- ner's pocketbook to the extent of a good round some for damages. And the peculiarity of our method is that it has a more deterrent effect than the letting of blood. Forestry in Ontario Notice ? Creditoes In the Hatter of the Estate of Rebecca Lever, late of the Village of Plesherton. Jn tbe Ceun4y otQrey. Widow, deceased. Notice it lieruby given In piireuanoa of cliap*^ tbr 110, Bection :iOo( the loviHod statutes of On' tarlo, aud ameiidiuentH thorotu, that all cru'i- itors and other pertionti haviiif^ Rlnlmn a;?ninst tho eBt« te of the abovo uauiL'd Uobocca l^ever. (lecoaBed, who died ou or about tho Uth day of May, A D. 1HU7, are re lulred to dulivur or mud by poHt prepaid to thu undcr-u^iitid, uxecutorH of the last ttill and teft<rainent of the naid de- ciiasud, onoi before thu ITith day of Koptumber, A.T). 1H07. tlieir christian ami BurnamuH, ad* dru-sen and doauriptionB. with fiUl partiuularB of their clainiB, a statement of their acco ints and the ijuturu of securities (if any) bold by thu'ii. Notico ifl lioreby further (jiven that after the said last mentioned date the eaid exenutora will proceed todiiitributu theansetd < f thu b tid uMtate auiOL^Bt thu parties entitled thoret<^', haviiiK rt'j;ard only to the clainiB of which notice has been received ae above required ; and the auldexu utorH wilt not be liable for the aHHuts HO diBtiibuted or any part thereof to any pur^ton or peraon* of wliosu claims or deiuand't uotice Bliall not havu been reuuived at tbe time of Buch disti ibution. W.J. HKLLAMY \ p,„«„*^^ J. II.LKVKK } Executors Dated tbis lOtb day of August. A. D. 181)7 M. Richardson & Co. NeA^ PlanirifiT Nlill Havliif> just placed in posUion a now planing inacliinu 1 aui now prt-pared to supply goou tlouriiiK and BiiiiuK at lowest tuarkft prices. .\ full stock of t-liiiiijltis, hemlock lumber, etc. constantly ou bautl. W. 8. BISHOP Kimberley, Aug. IS, 1897. The Bureau of Furestry of Oiitnrio lias juat issued its annual report, wliich pre- Heiits u clear view of existing conditions in the province as regards thu forests and the timber supply, as wull us iiuiuh prn.t- tical iiifurnmtion for fariiitrs on tree- plantiiit; and preservation. The report details the considerations which led to tho np|M'iiitiiK'nt i>f tho Forestry Coiii- luisbioii, which is now at work iuveHiii^at- iiig the question of replanting the waste land.t with '.iiiil>er. It |>oiiits out that Ihd problem hiiH uiittred upcn a new phase, since expeiieiice and olmcrvation have conclusively proved that t^ie pine forests which aru so iiiipurlant a source of our provincial wealih will lopruduce themselves in perpetiiily, provideil only that tho rav.nges of tiro can bo proventad. The impruiision wliiiih has so long aud i>o widely prevailed that the pine when cleared away will neccRsarily be succeed- ed by Woods of an inferior character, has beeu proved incorrect. This only occurs nlien Hie destroys tho younu Irers nod the seeds iu tho ground. The iinpiirninco of Airestry bo the farm- ers ii ui'j^cd, and tigures nie ijiveii, cuui- pdod from tho statistics of llio ISureau of Industries, showing' the extent to uhich deforestation has been cairied in nia: y of tho older Bottled districts. The results owing to tho work of the Bureau in pre- vious years is |U'olly well known. TI.e freipii'iit tloods and drcjuths sit iiijinious to a'^ricultuial pvospirity are clearly traceable to this causo. The coticlusioi s long since arrived at by scientific observ- ois as to tho highly injurious etfocls if over clearance upon cliiiiatu nro re- inforced by later obsorvationa as to tho effect of windbreaks in itreserviii); the moisture of tho soil, Home of tho most coiivincini; of which are given in dttail. farmers are slronyly advised tu plant tho waste land with desirablu varieties of treis, with a view to future pi'ulit. Ah pointed out, many vani'tles of timber are continually growin,; scarcer and diaruras tho siijiply becomes exhausted, while the drniaiid for commercial purposuB is con- tinually on tho inoceuse, so that thu. f.iuiii-r who prcsorves or jdants limber jinticioUFdy adds nmterially to tho valie <'>f Ills farm aud provides a future source of revenue. The report comprises papers on thft study of nature in tliq schools, urging that tho idoa carried out to somu exl-.-nt on Arbor Day should be uuuo thoroui^hly instilled into childieii ; on the nianiifaoturo of charcoal, .^iid on in sects injurious to trees, busidea mieh other valuable matter. Thosu who nro ilitei'oslcd can obtain a copy by writing to 'I'hos. Soiilhwortli,l!ureaii of b'onstry, I*4rli<iniei)t liuildinxH, Toronto. Dftiiiel Spry, tho well known postotlioe inspector and proniinent Ma.sou died at his homo iu London Inst week. AI/v. Orr, |« farmer's wife living near Oalt, was foully uiunlured a»d her bi dy hiildon last week. Tho body was sinuH diHcoTortd buried' in a corn titld aud datuotive* are. working ODthe^caae, which presents many puzzling, mysteries. H.lli;iT.MAN, Ksg. Dk»r Sib,â€" Olio of my girls awoke me the otljur uiKht Haying, "Pa. I ran.t gut mv breath," I L'ot up and put soiiiu Lightning r'ain Hunter on uugar and gave it to her, and in fifteen uiin- utoK Kbe wab iLietter and ulept soundly tbe re- iiiainder of tlio night. I oeliuve it to be the bi)Ht uiudicine sold for c oup. coughs, cobls, sore throat, s|irain8. tn-ulses, scalds, old sores, cuts, etc. Lightning pain Hunter cures so many diseases tha*. almost overy one in those parts u es it. I bolievu it to be the best nio. i^ cine in i|,e worlii, aud I write tbis that ot^'ers may know wl'at it done for nio. 1 always keopa liottio in the liuiise to be ready fui an ouiergoncy. Vunrrt truly Mas. (i. WuiTF.OAK, FoTorsbam, Ont. .^toTo is one of the many hundred tastimoiii" als pouring in, telling of the curative powers o( Lightning Pain Hunter. For b«1b in Fleslierton at Dr. Christoo's Medical Hall and at Flesherton Sta'ioii by J. B. Ki-aii, ueiierul store. ONLY 25 CENTS A B(»TTLE. Voters' List .Vuiii«'i|)aliTy • «r - Arteiucsln Notice is berebv given that I have traninilt- tod or delivered to ''.he personH nieatlnned In KfCliouH .'> and 6 of thu Ontario Vutern Liut \^^^.. l^rtt). thu copiet r«'(jui)wd by said scctionB tn bo HO trnnHmitted or delivered of the liHt made. Cursnunt to hniil Act, of all pernonB appearing y the laBt revised aBsosHmunt roll of the said municipality to bu entitled to vote in tho Haid nuinicipality at (ductionH fur nieniberti of the la-KlHlutivu As^unibly and at niutiicipal Kleo- tionH, and that Raid list war tlrHt pontud ui> at my orticu at Ktoshurtunon tho Ifllh day of Au»;unt, IK)7, ami lomaina there for in^pouticQ. KIuL'tora iire called iipon to uxautine tbe Haiti IJHt. and If any oniiHHiuna nr anv other orrorH ai<> found thtiruinto taku iininudlate pioct-ed • ii);^Hto havu tbu said err')iBroi rurtt^l arcutdinK to law. W. J. BELLAMY, Clork Mtin ciptility of Aituiuo&la Dated Anijusc 1-Jih. 181)7. WI? WANT *^"^"*"^^'*' 08tabli»hed trade in nU WiinithiH cminty. Canadian wtock AH L WTXJ ^'luirantt'ed to Uvu, remiancnt AUf/iliO- position, whole or part time. Libural turmn. Ymi vf^x niikiiu t«^n dollars a wi'ok or liottiT with ns, for every week )0u work. No i*x|it»il('iu'p lui'uMhary. Brown Brothers Company, Contiuoutal Nuriories, TOUO.NTO, ONT 15 Mch. Stock for Service To all who are intoruHted In qood Btock I would tsay thivt my stork bull. Lord llalro, Iri as ituru ikH uviir. I havu alno a heavy beuvd Yorkflhire bo^j for Barvico at 75 centa. A. JOHNfciTON Vandolour, June 16, '07. Im Ca-ttle Strayed strayed from tho premiaot of tbo nndor- di ;uim1. otu» hfifur 2 yum ft old, Rome ivblte on fac*', and rtve ydavlliijj hi'ifor calvos. -tno nearly ail white, three red with some whiiP and one red and white. Information ni to their wheru- aboutH will be tbaukfullv received by Omas.btakforu, Flosborton.JulySl. 1MI7. Wanted ^fecial "J^rivQS in ^hoes Men's Dongola Oxfords, regular $1.50, selling ak Sj.'i-5 Boys' Buff Oxfords, regular $1.25, selling at 95c Women's Polished Buff Oxfords, pat. leather tipped, regular $1.00, selling at 75c Women's Carpet Slippers, all sizes, 25c Misses' and Children's Oxfords- at less that cost to raaka. room for new fall goods Mon and women who can work bard talking a'nl wiiiing six bours daly, for six i|!i\sa w.'i'k. anil will bo content with tioi dollars wofkiy. Address, N K\\ WFA t"0., Medical Hiiili ing, Toronto, Ont. TEACHERS If yon want to make i&iriO.OIl dHvinfj July a" d Aii);ii!>i, in a t>uo(^ causo, write or wivo mo ipiickly. T.n. LIN8COTT. Tor:'Uto,Oafc. DRESS GOODS REMNANTS SILK REMNANTS PINTS REMNANTS TWEED REHNANTS The close of the summer basfness sees a lot of odd lines and cut ends left on our shelves â€" some are a little short of rtigular dress lengths â€" others are a little over. We have cut prices on all these lines. Come and take them away. We want room lor our fall importations now oa the road and this is yoivr opportuaity â€" don't mis* it L Imported Dress Goods Our first consignment ex R. M. S. "â-  Umbria " is just to hand. Special values in Black Cashmeres, Black Soleils, Black and Colored Satin Cloths, Black Diagonals, Etc , Etc. 1 his is our first importation under the new Canadian Customs tariff and we can offer special values. Specials This Week Ladies' Hem-stitched Caiiibric Handkerchiefs, 5c Fringed Linen Towels, 42x22, 30c pair Fringed Cotton Towels, 42x24, 25c pair Heavy Factory Cotton, 34 inches, 6c yard Heavy Grey Sheeting, 36 inches, 8c yard Heavy Crash Towelling, extra wide, 5c yard Extra Heavy Figured Table Damask, 52 inches, 20c Extra Heavy Figured Table Damask, 58 inches, 30c Presreving SUGARS Extra Granulated, Demeraia Raw. Get our light and quotations. medium yellow.. HARDIWARE: I>EPil.RTAIE:]KrX Cook's CattoQ Root Compound la the oulv safe, reliable monthly medicine ou which laJies can depend in the hour and timt of need. Is prepared iu two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar inediciue known â€" sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. a for special cases â€" lo degrees stronger â€" sold by druggists. One bom, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Pive Dollsrs. No. I, or No. t, mailed on receipt of prict aad two j-cent stamps. Th* C«*k Company, WlwUor, Oolwlo. Sold in Ftos)idrtuT> and evrerywhoce iu Canada bj all responsible druggists. > ^on thousand "^oiinda of "^indar ^uoino Don't Btny long with ua. It's going like hut cake.s, simply becausn we liiivo llin lust viihio i>ii the iimrkct. t.)ur RED TAG MANILLA TWINE at tSjj ktr.) ks thom till out. Como quick iK'toro it's all sold. GRAIN CRADLES, either full or half iiuilley, CR.\DLE FINGERS and Ciirley Forks. Soo our youuy buck TANNED MITTS at 25c pair. THRESHEKS SUPPLIES We are right iu line for supplying evurylhing to threshers at botti m prices. XXX Miichiiia Oil, Laco Leather aud Belting, Babbit aud Copperii e, Nutia aud Oilers. J^nothcr jCoi Of those nica GRANITE PRESERVING KETTLES, S.iuae Pafts, PuiUliug Dishes, Cups and Saucers and Te,» Pots just to hand. Prices away down. Catch iPrices Our prices on FRUIT JEMS seein to catch everyone right, as they are selling fas 1 quart Wine at 85c doien, \ gallon Wino, fl.20 dozen. 1 (luart Imperial at |1. 00 dozen, ^ gallon Imperial, 91.35o^ -. Ghbap^t place to buy Glasa ware, Ctookdryor Hotdware ia the eouuty-^-.

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