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Flesherton Advance, 12 Aug 1897, p. 4

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AUGUST 12 I8(j7 THE FLESH ERTON D VAN C H 4' 'k â- 'â- V % ,v.. 1^ : L '«« I i m CSTABLISHBD -/<y^/- tVBLIHIIKU WKKKLY AT THE OFFICK. 8VI) ENUAM HTUEKT, FLENIIEUTON, ONT., BY W. U. THURSTON. fl per aiiiiniUtStrictly in advance Advertiaine Rates: Vne Column, 1 year, 950 ; half col., 1 year, (27 qaarter col., on* year, tl6. Transient advertisoment cliarged at the rate 8 cents per line (or flret insertion and 3 ceuta eacb subHequeut Innertion. At last the joyfnl time Lai come when tlie daily press no longer dishes up its usual moi-iiiug slice of Turko} with Greece sauce. Let us liopc tl)e neglect will contiuueâ€" at least until next ThaiikKgiviiig Da}. A pultciibcr at Wabigoon writes : y \Yliat in â€" Wabigoon â€" has become of my paper ?" etc. Now we do not wish to cast any reflections upon Wabigoon, but would like to ask the vrritcr if be means to insinuate tiiat it 18 synonymous with the other bud place ? The electric disturbance of Tues- day ippears to have been general over Ontario, reports of contlugrations coming from llanovsr, Bipley, Port Elgin, Paisley, Clarksburg, Peterboro end Lindsay. The storm was a phe- oomenal one. Tliis is a plicnomeiial year, anyway, and, so far as we know, science cannot satiBfactovily explain the causes of such seriously changed conditions from year to year. Last year it was a drouth, this year we arc nearly drowned out. There is one gieat consolation left us, however ; coutiuued rain is sore poisou to bugs and grasshoppers. coiitirmed. The IkIIo" iiig rtccuuiiU, cuii- Far away fiulds are still green, Thonsandc of longing eyes ai« now gazing towards the fro/.eu north, and thousands of feet ar« carrying their owners towards the wonderful Klondike. The government has established a postoQico service and police patrol in this region and will exact a royalty on all gold mined to pay for the tame. No man can go into the region now unless lie catnos with him a year's piovisions. Pro- spectors are pouring into the couiitrT in a manner that reminds one of the famous '49 California stampede. There appe-irs to bo no doubt that the inducements aru qiiile as great as were those of California, but the hardships to bo encountered arc ten- fold, and only those of exceeding (obust constitution should dare them. Premier Castillo of B[iaiii was shot by iin Hnaichint on Siinihiy in revenge for the death of the Durceluna bomb throwers. Aimrrliisiu ami boinblhrowiiig aredisUnlly Kuioiieaii institutions which are not dctinible Bhruhs to Iraiispliint to tbis coii- tiiicii'. Tlio anurcbi«t is to be found here, however, and ho tried his little pastime of hoinb lluowiiig at the liaymarkot, Chicago, a few yjais ago, when ho was tiat upon so suddenly that ilie ijaino has never been re- peated. This particularly poisonnuH fungus should bo cniHJied in a fiiniilur way ill its native land, \t present noiihtr president, prelate or king, ap pears to bu free from duiigor, but llio recent execution of about twenty anui'oiiibis at Barcelona and the extinguishing of tliis liend may go a long way towards ridding Eerope of l^p rest. 4f teine«iaT«wn«hip Cuunoil met in the Town I|d1I oa Saturday last, all the ^^emben ptMent, the Aeeve in the uhair. ^^K^e •( l^Mt sitVfioa ^»n read and inuiiicutiunH, etc., were pri'Htintud ai^d read : Thaniaa Atkinaoii and 31 otliero,- putilion fur chuii)tes (M buuuduries of s.s. 8, i) iiiul i;{, and to furni a new school Heclion with scliiiiilh(yii8u u.i CidHnKWood road. Tli« County Clerk, atatenient of county rates for 1897. From ilie follow- ing sclioj) Sections, tlieir rates for 1897, viz,, NoH. 1, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, !>, 11. 12, 13, 1 A. and E , 15 A. 4nd f. Bylaw 538, to levy ratuH, and No. 539 lo appoint col- lectors fur 1897, were introduced and read a firHt and second time, to bo read a third time and passed at next session. From VViii. HosjK, Iflter re taxes on part of lots 141 uiui 142. 3 N. E.T. and S. R. Ac- countsâ€" U, McCowan, luinlnTfnr bridgo, S5 40 ; J. A. Williaina, re|iairing scrapers, 60 Cents ; W. E. UichardHun, stationery, 82.25 ; John McIUe, rep»irini; scraper, 35c ; D. G. McLean, repaiiin!.' scraper, 30c ; R. McGruther, gravel, §0.50 , Art. JohiKsloii do., ^2.80 ; John Shores do., 83.i>0;Tho8. Ki.ight do., g3.00 ; VVm. Davisao.,?9.00; J. A. Thompson do., $5.05. TIiks. Kulls, comniisKiuner ward No. 2, prcKeiited a detailed report of ex- penditure ill his ward in 1897. Tli()mp9on--Bo8t â€" That 810 be (^ranted and expended hy Mi. KoIIh in repairing briU(,'e over ttiu Uoaver river, con. 12,aiid in repairing Grahain'n hill, sama road. â€" • Carried. Bout â€" Kells â€" That the commissioner of W.ird 1 be jiaid $16, beiii;; lii.scoininis- Hion on !j!250 expend, il by liiin in re- building brid;;B al I'riceville.â€" Carried Thompsonâ€" .McMillanâ€" That the fol- lowing accounts fur gravel, as certified to by overHuer», be paid : J. A. Tliomp8<in $5.(j5, Jiihii Shores $3.80. ThoH. Knight $;{.t)0. It. McUiulhor8C.50, L. Duckolt ^5.35, Will. Davis $0. â€" Carried. McMillanâ€" Kolls-That R. McGowan's account, 85.40, for plank used on Dur- ham roud brid;>e at i'riceville be paid â€" Carried. Best- McMillan-That S. P. Cole be l>aid $2..')0 for one diy's work with team on i;rudoriii J. Thiinip.iou's ruid divia* ion. â€" Carried. Kellsâ€" Bestâ€" That Samuel Millar be paid $1, being half cost of repairing cul- vert at lo>, lOti, towiiliiie A. and U., the township of (iletielif to pay an equal amount. â€" Carried. Beatâ€" Thompsonâ€" That W. J. Davis be paid $1.50 for one day operating grader in Jacob Thompson's road divisio'n.â€" Carried. McMillanâ€" Boutâ€" That D. G. McLean be paid 30o and .lohn McKae 35o for re- piiirs to road ){rader as per bills rendered. Carried. KelUâ€" Thonipsonâ€" That W. E. Rich- ardson '.s account for $2.25 for stationery fiirniKhed this Council be paid.â€" Carried . Thompsuiiâ€" McMillan â€" That Uichard Geiioe bu paid $1 for repaiiing washout on mountain road.â€" C'arrieil. Thompsoiiâ€" McMillan- That $10 bo granted, to bo suppleinented with $10 from commiiiHioner No. 4, mid all ex- pended on the hill north of the bridge over the Beaver river at Eugenia. â€" Carried. Kellsâ€" Thompsonâ€"That Arthur John ston's account for (gravel, $.3.,'IU, as oorti- ticd by overseers, bo paid. â€" Carried. Thoiiipson â€" Best- That J. A. Wil- liam's account for repairing sciMpers, COc, 1)0 paid.â€" Carried. McMillan -Thrmipson â€" That the reeve bo paid $2 for inspecting work on Price- villo brid^^e. â€" Carried. McMillan -Thompsonâ€" That T. Kella be paiil $2.32, beiii;; halnncu of cuininif kion on Bpeciiil work. â€" Carried. Best McMillan That (i. Tlionipson be paid $5.30, beini; coiniuiisioii on $ti7 expended by him ; alno $10 50 {or snvon d.ijH supervising work with ro'ul machine -C iriiid. Bosl-Tlioiiipsonâ€" That as one John .FaokNon of f'loton Stiitioii, iii iiuligcnt, who WHS a:iNist-«l ly tliiti Councd some time ai!o, wli i t.ieii considered ho could provide for hiniaelf during the summer, but having been unable to do ho it is hereby rcMolved that he bu jjiaiited ?4 per iil"nlh until further orders. - Carried. Kellsâ€" TlionipHoiiâ€" That the comniia- aioner of ward No. 4 have the timber ro moved from th!»t |)art of Mie valley road lhronj{li hit 25, con. li, aiid also 25 feet nil each side of I ino of said road as pro videil by bylaw of tliia to\vii«hi|i, between this time and the lirst day of September next, th* expense of so doing to bo a special grant. â€" Carried. Tlionipaoiiâ€" Bestâ€" That a deviation on lot 104, con. 3 N, K. T, and 8. U., ea- tabliMhcd by bylaw of this towjisliip when â- aid let was owned; hy, one McGsuiihy, but liiioe parohased by Juhn,I'«dlar, said deviation, Ml far as can be ascertained, qeyer having been (M\id.f9(, it if )(fipj>^ re.-oived that t'le original alloniii oj for road is here>7 eiven !.<> John Pedlar iu lien of said iteviation road.â€" Can led. Kells â€" Beatâ€" That the petition of Thomas Atkinson and 31 nthers re forin- inij a new Rcliuol section out of |xirts of sections 8, 9 and 13, viz. cons 4 and 5. lots 28 to 31 iiiclusive, and cons. 6 and 7, lots 24 to 40 inclusive, be received and tiled for future consideration. â€" CarrieH. Best â€" Thompson â€" That the Clerk no- tify Proton Council to expend ^30 on townline cast of Proton Station ai equiv- alent to amount expended by this Coun- cil on same place. â€" Carried. Council adjourned. H. Hill .VI.\N KKQ. Dkau Sin, --One of tay girlA awoke me tlic other iiiKlit Hsyini;, "Pa. f rHu.tKet iiiv breath." 1 L'ot up ail J put tiunie ljit4htnin)4 j'»iii Uiuitur on KURar and ({ave it to her.aiifl lu fifteen inin utoK Hho waH betttir and alejit BoniiHly the re- inaiiider of tbe iiif^ht. I oelievo it to be the boKt modicine Bold for c oup. coiifjlis. coPU, sore throat, Hpraiiis. ht-uit^es, iJoaldH. oM sores, cuts, etc. Ln;htiiitif^ pain flilllter carps en uiaiiy diseases tlia*' almost every one in these parts u es it. 1 Imlievu it to he tbe bent ine i- cinuiii *he worl.i.iui'l 1 write this that otiers niity know what ith&s done for ine. I always keupa bottle in the house to bu ready foi au emergency. Yuiirs truly Mas. (1. WHirF.o*i,Fover.sham. Ont Above is one of tbe niaoy hundred t istinioiti- als pouring in. telliug of tbe curative powers of LiKbtninK I'ain Hunter. Por sale in Flesherttin at Dr. Christoe'a M'diciil Hall and at Fleslierton St.-i'ioii liv J. B. ICnaii, aeiicral stiira. OSLY26 CENTS A 1J(>TTLE Voters' List .niMCIPALITV - OF • O.SPREY 1B07 Nuttce itf lierobv eiv>-n that I hare tranHiuit* ted or ilulivorf<l to *,he i^trsoiiH iiieiriouod in m>c;ionH 5 atii) fl of th« Ontario Voters List Act. IHHU. tliu co|*ieH reijiiirud by Kaid Hections t<> bu HO truiiHuiittud or dbliveroi of the liift inadu, piirHiiaiit tu ^aid Act.of all iiur^oiitt appealing uy thu last reviitrfl attscHHUieut roll of tlit) ttaid municipalitv to III) uDtitlud to vote in tbu ^aid uiiinicipality at t'lectiuiiB for iiiuiiibvrs of thu Lt'f;ir«lative Asstiiibly atid at iiiuuitipal Klec- tiotiH. and that haid list wa^ fliKt posted ui> at myohicti at Mcliitvr» an thu aut day of July. 1HU7, and reinairiH there for in yuctiun. Kleetora are called vipoti to uxauiine the naid liHt. and if any omiKHiotiH or any other errors are found thureiti to iak« luinicuiate procercl • iuK^tu have the said errorttcorr«!cCH«l accoi diuu to law. TMOS. SCOTT Clerk Municipality of UHprer Dated July 3Ut, 1807. RUCTION SALE â€" OF â€" Valuable Freehold Property Iu the Towusliip of Aj-tuiuoala iu tbo Couuty of (irey Undnr aud by vlrtufl of the power of Kalo con- taiueil in a rertaln luortf^aKu to tlie Wndortt whirh will b» produced at the time of nn.\e, tlioro wih be ottered for sale by public auo- tiuu ou HedflBday, Illli tQpst; 119? At tbo hour of tnoo'cloek in tlieafturuoon at -IN THEâ€" VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON Ht Kobiut J. Sprnulo. Huctlonocr, tbo foI* lowing valunblu freehold pruinirtv* All anil Hin^ular thono certaiu parcvlft or trautH of lancl and preiiiiKeM eitnaitt lyin^ and bein^ in tbo Towu'ihlp of ArteniCHia in the Coiiuty of (Iruy, aud provincoof Ontario, be- iii^; roinp*>t*t^d of lotB uniiiberB m and VZi* In the Hi'cond rAn(;i> noHt of tho Toronto and Syden- hnui nmd. in thu Huid towudbip. coDtaining 100 acred nioro or le«H. On tliiH proportv tsBa(d to be erected a log dwollinu and fitable, Thu property 1r Raid to bo in Rood condition. Tho proporty will be nfTorci«l for Halo in oue parcel aiibjuut to a retturved hid. ThepurihaHerxtiall at tho time of aato pay tea por cent of hid purcbaau inuiiey <n caHb. The terniH of naynieut of the balafico and all dtliur cniiditfottH of Hale will be made known at the Hmo of nale or on applloation to Koln-rt J. Hproulo, ^»il, Motdiurion. or to tho undersigned HOWLAND.AUNOLUt A JOHNSTON. Von.;orH' Solifitorft, liM Hay St. Torouto TT/El nr AN'P tobandio etttablUhed trade In »U VYiinitiiirt cMinty. ranadlan HttM-k APjiM'pQ muiriiutfO'l tolivo, ri-iiuani-iit Au£iniV3 pnriitioii. wluilu or part time. biliiHiil tcriiiM. Ytiii ca'i makii tun dollarH a wiiuU or bulti'i'with us, for every wuuk you wui'k. No t'Xpi'ii Mico ni'ct'ssary. Hrown Brothers Company, Uuntinoutal Nureeriea. TORONTO, ONT U Midi. Stock for iServicc To nil who avo interohl'Hf' t» cood ntock 1 would Bay timt mv Ktiuk bull, bord Maluo, is liH cure KM ovor. I havo also a hoavy bouud VorkKhlro bog for Hervlcu at 7* ceiitB. A. JOHNSTON Vandoleur. June 18, 117. Im M. Richardson & Co. DRESS GOODS REMNANTS SILK REMNANTS PRINT REMNANTS TWEED REflNANTS The close of the summer business sees a lot of odd lines :ind cut ends left on our shelves â€" some are a little short of rej^ular dress lenj^ths â€" others are a little over. We have cut prices on all these lines. Come and take them away. We want room lor our fall impoftations now on the road and this is your opportunity â€" don't miss it I Imported Dress Goods Our first consignment ex R. M. S. " Umbria '* is just to hand. .Special values in Black Cashmeres, Black Soleils, Black and Colored Satin \..loths, Black Diagonals, lite , Etc. 1 his is our first importation under the new Canadian Customs tariff and we can offer special values. Specials This Week Ladies' Hem-stitched Cambric Handkerchiefs, 5c Fringed Linen Towels, 42x22, 30c pair Fringed Cotton Towels, 42x24, 25c pair Heavy P'actory Cotton, 34 inches, 6c yard Heavy Grey Sheeting, 36 inches, 8c yard Heavy Crash Towelling, extra wide, 5c yard Extra Heavy Figured Table Uamask, 52 inches, 20c Extra Heavy Figured Table Damask, 58 inches, 30c Preserving SUGARS Extra Granulated, light and medium yellow. Demerara Raw. Get our quotations. HARD^WARE DEI>J=LRT1VI:EKT Cattle Strayed Btravetl from the iircnilRen o( tho niiiter- Hlt'iioit. otiM hoifor U vttam old, rouki white nn tii(ii>, mul ftvo v"i>iIIi>kI><'I><»' onlviw, Olio noitrly all wliit". tliroB viil with sninti wliltn tiud ona roil nml wliitB. IntoriiiatiOD ft' to tlioir whore- abuuttwill bu thankfiillv recoivoit by «JllA8.8TAFKORU, Fle^liortQO. July ai. 1897. Wanted Men and wpin»u wlio can work hard tkl^ng and writing all houri dally, for alx dMf^ a weok, and will ha content with ton donara waakly. A'ddroii. NRW IDKA CO.. M|i!)l9al.Unildlu|. To^roi^^, Oa^ ... .. ...... ..'Vi7-' • - -' ^TLQ thousand "founds of finder ^xoino Don't stay long with us. It's going like hot cakes, si'nply bucaiis<t we linvp llio boat viilue ou tlio niatkit. t)ur RKD TAG MANILLA TWINE at OJc knock.s tlioiu all out. Come rjuiok buforo it's all gold. GRAIN CRADLES, either full or linlf mulloy, CRADLE FINGEUS ami Barley Forks. Suo our youni; buck TANNED MITTS at 2oc pair. THRESHERS SUPPLIES Wo are right in I'ne for supplying everything to threshers at botU>n» l>riccB. XXX >tachino Oil, Laco Leather aud Boiling, Babbit and Copporitjo, NullH and Oilcra. Another jCot Of th Kso "nico GRANITE PRE-^SRVINO KETTLES, S^uloe Pans, Pudding Dishes, Cups and Saucers and Tea Pots juat to hand. Prices away down. Catch iPrices Our prioM oQ FRUIT JE.MS seem to catch everyone right, as thejr are telKiig fajt 1 quart Wine at 85c dozen, \ gallon Wine, 91.26 do(en. 1 quart Imp«ri*l at fliOOdmen, \ gallon Iinp«rial, tl-35o. Ch.Mkpa.t pUo« t«t. tmr^ Qj^s^ar*, CkjioV^cj or. Qj^dw^* iu th« ooiMitl^s â-  ' ^ â-  ...

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