n \u\ittixMX Jltrijatta. A esT^ "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." â- â€" B VOL. XVI, NO 847 Flesherton, Ont., Xlnursday, June O, 1807 W. H. THDRSTON, '^"piiophietor of... itock: Nobby TbinK* for Ladle* and QcnU. Jewellery On hand all the time to chooae from at the Flesliertoii Jewellery Store. Byes Tested Free for Defective Vision. W. A. ARHSTRONQ Jeweller and Optician, Fiesherton, Ontario WELL DONE riAY! Notwithstanding the universal " hard times " buRinciw v/ith U8 for tlio month just enJ'sd is away ahead of oorre»[Hindin;{ nioiith of previous yeai-s. This fiiat is very gratifyin,' iniiHtnueh as wo know that our etfort< in placint! worthy l'ooJh «t close prices befora the buying public are buini; iipi)rL-L'iated. No ruafion why June should not be just as good 11 business month as May ami we intend it shall. AVo'ro never without specials in every department. Sometimes wo buy clearing lots at big discounts and sometimes when lines get broken and only fractional parts remain we put clearing prices on the balan'je. These apply very particularly to this week s oSeriugs. ...^oo^s and ^Ixoes Lot No. I For Infants, Boys and Girls, Men and Women, about 60 ptur in all. We clean the lot at from 'j;Jo to 95c per pair which moans about half aegular price. Lot No. 3 29 pair Men's Fine Shoes, Gaiter or Laced, narrow t9e, are goo<l wearers »nd should be worth fl.50, but our price •rhilo they last will be $1.13. Lot No. 3 21 pair Misses' Lace and Button Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, oild lines, worth variouKly up to 81 60. We clear the lot at 85c and 95c per pair. No pos- sible requirement in footwear is over- looked ill our large assurtmeut and prices nowhere else oo low. MEN^S CLOTHING No young man or older man will do justice to himself either financially or otherwise who purchases a suit of clothe.i without first seeing our niagniQcent a.s- sortment. Our stock comprises about Iwcnty-fivo different kinds in light or dark Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, Serges, Cheviots, Vt-netiaii and Clay Worsteds, etc , ct<;. Prices rang- ing from $2.50 to JU.OO per suit. Hero are two lines of special mention : Gray Halifax Tweed Suits, sizoa 36 to 42, farmer's satin lined, perfect fitters, woith S5.00, but go at $3.85. Dark Brown Scotch Tweed Suits, square or round corners, best trimmings, worth regularly |iO.OO, our price while they last $7 .96. 3OO Pairs Ladies' Fast Black Hose Sizes 8J, 9, 9J, value at 15c for lOo. Another large lot of Black Hosiery bought very cheap, sizes from 4 to 9^, your choice for 4c and 5o pair. Misses' and ladies' Tan Hosiery, fast dyes, lighter dark colors, at 12c and 15c pair. Lady Bauk From our own Cuirespotuleiil. The funeral of the lalo Mrs. Semple, whose death was mentioned last week, took place to Rock Hill cemetery. Much sympathy is extended to the Wereaved husliand and ajjed father, who is bliua. Miss Hattie A. Wallace visited her parents at Port Law last week. Mits Millie Lindley has returned from Collinuwood much improved in health. Quite a number of our young people took in the picnic at Euj^enia and the drama of The Last Loaf Swluton Park From our own curreajMudent. The fruit blossoms are a very abundant crop this season and we bt>pe the fruit will bo as aSundunt. The piciiio on the Queen's Birthday paaeed off very quietly, the day being cold and damp. The tiina was not so ple.isaiit as expected, allhoii<!h the pro- ^•.niit was up to the mark and well rendered, but some wir.i very much dis- appointed, as the water was so high the rafts would not work. However, every- body look.d happy and some prefered a very lonu walk in the evening, but we have not heard wl'.etlior there were any corns next day or not. Mr. Oeorio Kt-rris, of Euphrasia, spent the 24th with frieud.s here. Wedding bell are again sounding. We will give particulars tieit time. Mis3 M. Sciitt and Miss M. Smith at- tended the toucher's convention in Mark dale lost week. A number of sheep are dying very suddeidy this season anJ the cause has not been discuveied yet. Line Town and A E 0j?(5ycy soo2?,s A nice line of fancy summer Dress Goods, double fold, excellent value at per yard 12^. Another better line in Tweed Ef- fects, pretty patterns and cblors, will be fast sellers at 16^. A splendid assortment of Plaid Dress Goods, all the oowost colorings, at per yard 26c. A clearing let of Dress Goods, worth up to 25o a yard for lOo. In Dress Patterns we are showing by far the largest and best assortment in town and as usual at lower prices than can be fuund elsewhere. From our oicii CiTropoitdeni Tho24lh of May paSfed olf very quiet- ly here. There was a garifen parly at Mr. George Hutcliiiison's in tba even iiig which was quito a success. Mr. W. Steveiisou has moved to the ninth line to Mr. Geo. Btatly's farm. Mr. William Coorper is busy at present, erecting a straw house ami shed for Mr. John Uoland 011 the twelfth. Most of the farmers are throU'.;h Seed- ing except some who have low, flat land, that the continued wet weathur has prevented them from workinij. Mr W, Heath took advantajje of the excarsion ra'es on the C. P. R. to visit sumo of bis friends in Grin. Mr. and Mrs. J. Irwin of Rocklyn visited Mrs. Irwin's mother, Mrs, Loinas, on the Quean's birthday. Diphtheria had made a raid on Mr.H. Wyvillo's family. Two of his ohildran have been afBict"d Mr. James Brown, Jr., and Miss Adeline Ward wore tnarried on Wednes- day, the 26th of May. Congratulations to them. â- n » n â- Maxwell. From Our Own CorrenponJcnl We have been having some more cold, wet weathtr. Several commanders of the rod were noticed passing throuyh the village last Thursday morning oti their way to the teachers' convontimi in M.ukdale. The C. O. F. held their monthly meet- ing on Saturday night and decided to help with the picnic Jubilee Day. Several Fiesherton bicylists were seen pushing their wheels hoinewaid from Collingwood through the mud on Mon- day. Mr. Mcwhinney attended the teachers' convention in Markdulo lust week. The boys roijret they did not attend the Monnonite baptism at Shrigloy last Sunday. Wo are sorry to report that Miss Af;aie Strachan is not improving. Milk was received at the Osprey cheese factory for the first time on Tues day. Court of Revision for the township of Osproy sat in tho Orange Hall on Mon- day. Fiesherton Station We want all the Butter and Eggs you will have lo sell, and about 60,000 pounds Wool and are prepared to pay the very highest price. F. T. HILL & CO. Markdale : : Ontario From our otvn Correnponde^it Miss O'Melia is visiting friends in this place. Mr. Geo. Cousbuio spent Saturdoy with his pareiitii. Mr. Mark Cairns and Miss .Juniilo spent Sund.iy with fricn^J in Durham. Miss Henderson of Thorn bury visited Mrs. F, Cairns. Mrs. O'Melia is very hiw with in- flammation. We hope to see bor around soon. A brakeman fell from a freight train Sunday morning at tho lake andVas bad- ly shaken up. Mr. and Mrs. Thiboaudeau of Mark- dale visiiod friends here on Sunday. Mr. McGill has treated himself to a new bike, also Miss Coiishiiie, Renlem^tMâ- the lecture fn the Orange Hall next Monday evening by the Rev. Mr. Mahaii. I'uiinty and District Pricevitle From our oitii Correspondent ' Perhaps it is not generally known that it is illegal to interfere with the wmtling of a public noiico either by adding or ei-asiog a few words. Vurbum Sat Sapiuiiti. Tho following pedaeoguos from this district attended the convention in Mark- d.ile last week : Misses M. Derby, M, McCamiell and G. .McLeod, and Messrs. ! R. Scott, J. McLeod, W. Nichol and W, \ J. Blakeston. 1 Misses Lizzie Scott and Lizzie, Mary ' and Sarah Campbell left on Tuesday for 1 Guelph. Rov. J. S. Humphreys was at (). S. | lust Thursday and Friday attending the | district meeting. Mr. Mathe.ion, a student of Knox! Colleg'.', will supply th"! pulpit, cf the Presbyterian cliuieli for two iiionths. j Mrs. D. McKiclinie of Georgetown is | visiting friends in this vicinity at prcsont. Mrs. Tuck and Miss Nurii.a are visii-! ing ,it Mrs. Wright's, who has been very ill of late. W'l- are pleased to learn that Mrs. D. McLean is in a fair way to recovery after a veiy swrious illness. Mrs. J. S. Hiimphreys spent a few days of last week with friends in Murk- dale. Markdalo Fiom our own Corrtspundnxt. A most succsssful hcIioaI convention was that held hero last Thur.sdiiy and Fiidiiy, at which a large number of teachers assembled. An "at homo" wa:i the feature of the evening of the first day, and was well attended. A iiio.st en- joyable evoiiing was spent. Proceeds over 8.'i0. Mr. Cliarliu Sparling, who met with an accident in Hill's factory by Imiing got asliviT run in'o his hand, wheeled over to Collingwood last week. Lubt Sunday a number of our bicyclists woro ready for a 25-milo dash, but the elements interfered and they were com- pelled to post|ioiio the excursion. Mr. Ed. Craig Sundayed at his homo in Thoriibury. Master Normnn McCrao spent Sunday in Durham. Mr. (.'. W. Rut.ledgo was in Ownn Sound last week aa dflegato to tho dis- trict meeting of tho Methodist church. Largo posters are out for the great demonstration to be held here on July 12. It announces Markdale band as one of the attraotiona. Don't see where they will got a band hero if they don't soon start practice. Get to work, boys, Epping From our own Correspondent. The 24th was oulebraled at Rocklyn. Although it WHS a miserable dsy still there was a fair crowd. The ino"it iiiter- esiing feature was agamc of ball between Mcaford and Rocklyn. Tho score stood 18 to 2 in favor of the latter. Miss M. Gilrsy had a few friends on Friday evening last. Miss .Jossie Ball of Toront<i and Miss Hattie Atkins of St. Vincent are at I present visitimj Mrs. Jno. Mnthewson. Mrs. J no. Bat^m has had a severe' attack of throat trouble but is recovering, j !\lms Maggie Black spent Sunday at; home. Our Sunday school has been reorgan- , ized with a good staff of officers and ! teachers. 1 [Tho above items should have appear- i od last wook but were delayed. â€" Ed. : Advance.] I ^ â- . - Honor RulN. The two Grand Valley papers havof been purclia.',od by Mr. Logan Craig, of Fergus, nephew of John Craig, M.P. P., and will be amalgamated. A tramp who was confined in tho Woodstock jail was surprii^ed lately at receiving a cheque from England fox 8()77, a part of his share in his mother's ehtate, which was in the court for settle- ment. The governor of the jail took him down to the bank and had the cheque cashed, when the tramp paid his fine and was liberated, and he at once entered up- on the easy task of getting rid of th« money. The other day for some infraction of the rules of tho household, a littlo fellow of Smith's Falls was about to get a whip- ping. Just as the father was about to commence operations, tho child asked if he Could go into tho bedroom for a moment. His father told him that hu could. Tiptoeing to the door tho man with tho snitch in his hand ^aw the little fellow kneeling at tho bcilstdo and heard liini say : "Oh God, if yoa ever did want to help a little boy, now's your time!" The pi ay er was answered, and tho whipping was poslpi'ucd. "The mist subtle and deceitful hope which eror ex'sled, and one which wrecks the happiiipss nf many a young girl's life," writes Qvani.'eliHt Uwight L. Mooil}', in tho June Ladies' Uoinx Journal, "is the common delusion that a wonittii can best rufortu a iuhh by marry- inu liiin. It is a mystery to ine how people can be so blinded to tho hundreds of cases in every community whare totter- ing homes have fallen and innocent lives I hiive been wrecked, becausj some young girl has persisted in marrying a scoundrel ! in tho hope of saving him. I hare never 1 known i-ucli a union, and I have seen i hundreds of them, result ia anything but sadness and disaster. Let no young girl I think that she may be able to accomplish I what a loving muther or sympathetic sihtcr hate been unable to do. Brtura there is any contract of inarnagft there should lie convincing proof that there has been real and thorough regeneration." A painful accident happened to Walter, the twelve-year old son of Henry Collins last Saturday noon. He ami a younvrir brother were sot to clean out a h.-iy Inft and the more easily and thorough- ly to accomplish tho work had removed the floor of the loft. A pigeon coop at the peak of the gable was to be taken down and with axe in hand Walter clinibud upon it and the first blow ho stiuck brought the coop and hinuself to the ground floor, resulting in the break- ing of bis jaw bone, the jacged edue of which protruded through tho flesh on the inside, a large ugly wtnind under bis chin which required several stitches to bring it together, besides severe bruises un his nrnis and body. Just as he was falling ho said "goodbye, fellows" to the young lads who wore with him and in all jiro- habilily ho will not doany talking for a couple of weeks, owinu to the necessary tight bandaging to keep fractured bonte in their i)lace. He is nourished tlirouyh a sinall opening between his tLClli, Ho fell a distance of sixteen feet alighting upon a couple of barrels and his escape from a violent death was miraculous. We are pleased to learn that he is doing nicely under tho circumstances. â€" Chats- worth News. :^^S^r^-:^-^-^-:^-:$3^^S. m 9} iProctor & Lilian Honor roll of Port Law sohnol for tho month of May. Sr. IV â€" Annie Thompson, 949. Jr, IVâ€" Mary Chard, 849; Wm.Chard, 839 ; Fred Pedlar, 800. Ill -Robert Blackburn, 829 ; Vina TliNMifison, 828 ; Susie Thompson, 82li. II sr.â€" Tropsy McKeo, 888 ; Louie Thompson, 888 ; Ida Simmons, 887. II jr. -Clint Pedlar, 870; Salena Thompson, 809; liobert Cornfield, 803. Pt. llsr.â€" iMabel Chsrd, (394; Reko Pedlar, 600 ; Ed. Watson,593. Pt, II jr.- Mamie Fisher, 639 ; Ida Fisher, 623 ; Geo. Haney, GOO, Pt. I sr. â€" Maggie Siminnna, Milly Fisher, e((ual. Morvyn Blackburn. Pt. I jr . â€" Sadie Tliompson, Roy Pedliir, Elber Cornfild. Averago attendance 66. J. L, Wood, Teacher. \>U ^ vl/ FOR 1> J} Good-Fitting 9\ 5UIT Latest Style xriY iHt % >ia iProctor % Oil 0^ iHf iit i6 \^ \^ \b ili t Luke Madigan, contractor, Mt. Forest, ' ;L has secured the contract for tho erection '\^ ijw of the 8100,000 breakwater at Go^erich. ! v'^:^^:^^^|^^^^:^»« •5- V