THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. InUrcitlag Ittoif About Our Own Ceuatry, Orcal BrtUIn, tb« United 8Ute«, and All Parte ol tha aiobc. Coadanaad and Aaaortad tor Eaay Reading. CAJ>IAUtA. A carload of machinery hasi l)een sent FttuWeVt iKTopoBed vi^it to St. P^tega- ifm's hati beckD aUaiuloned. lit it: sa<itl tlui.t coivaljy .horsea are Uuiiie bouKbf in Buenos Aylfjefi !>; Bri- li«<U utS^Dlitu illirui'. Jobacesen, of C(j^)ejihu{[len, baa Itiin-uvetwl final the (effect oi etber OiT t-lilixr^ii'urin oti (ilaotfM iu to mtiJi:^ tbem girow witii extraamliiiary raj^inlity. iKtu^«(ror WjJlioui boacoUJ'ibu.teid ten LlidU^uiid fruxi<» tu tbe (XMniuitlee of the Chu/iilta4j>le Uazaivr, iwho^ work' is Niir itiwiluu ('ktt'liiuil My tjue terri\ble fire ia Hari^ < . A t-tnioMB e«)(;a£iein«nt has taken ^ . , ^ „ .^„_ „„, ulaoe in BecWumaland. Cliiftf jDdo! ture of tbe Mdlouna Paes. Hut the real frLThrGTR'^mrsCrat Brrnt^ H fT" <;aj,rvml and vbjunte«r« I picture oof th« invasion of Th*«6aly was from the u. IK. oar snoi* ai nroni^ a,n,d 70 nai^ves )^^<re ktUAl and ujany SOME HOEMS OF WAR. PICTURESQUE PHASES OF THE FIGHTING IN THESSALY. Slarjr of (he Paale at Larl«»a Ky an Engll*h Vulanfeerâ€" Cowardice ar tkr (irrek Sol- 4lera -Furred Wonica Froai a Railroad Trala to Mukc H<iain Tor OIBecrs. W'e Ibave had tbe luilitary story of the advance of Ediieai Faciha's anuy into tiie 'rbetjealtan plains aft«r the cap- ford to tbe new shops at London Sir Donald Smith has expressed him â- elf hop«fuI that fast steamers will be running U'tween Canada and England within two years. General orders have been issued by tbe Militia Department fur the consti- tution of tbe camps of instruction tbrou4;buut Ontario. < The British tVlu/mbia Government bas forwarded to the Federal authori- ties a strong protest against any change in tbe sealing ret^uiations to impose further restrictions. Alex. Amos was visiting his sweet- heart near Little Current, on his re- turn from a bunting expedition, when bis rifle went off, 'killing him before tbe young lad^y's eyes. The Montreal City Council has voted llO.fHK) towards the ex|>en8es of the Queen's jubilee celebration, and fS.OUU towards i-ntcrtaining the meinl)ers of tbe Uritish Medical Association. Tbe steamers Ruth and Gwendolene, plying between Jennines, Mont., and Fort Steele, B.C., have oeen complete- ly wret-ked in tbe Kootenay River.i This will greatly impede traffic in that dis- trict. Mr. William Ogilvie, the Government lurveyor in tbe Yukon district, in a re- port hroogbt down in the Dominion House of Commons, the other day, re- ports a richness of gold dejiosits that seems fabulous. iUr. MioEachran, Dominion veterinary surgeon, bas been confiscating a numl>- cr of animals which arrived in Ottawa from t he West, designed for shipment abroad. They were found to be suffer- ing from lurap»-jaw. The officials of the Geological Depart- ment in Ottawa have received a stuffed sea lion from Behring Sea. Jt is un- fortunately too liig to he got into the museum, and tbe officials are in a quan- dary as to its disposal. {Three depart nueml. a 1 stores in Mon- tJrea.1 uere on Friilay each fined twlen- ty-five dollarB ota a. comi>Ialnt s\'hich Tirtuklljr I'lhanged tfaei defeindants witJi C30iijilu<-iin|? a dlr^ilr bunineias without a lixennei anil thenaby endnngbtingltlie Iniblia Mr. Cleveland, who has been enlarg- ing the Galops Canal, bus been awarded tbe contract for the north channel improvements on the .St. Lawrence River between Prescott and the Galops Rapids. Tbe wnrjf consists of dredg- ing and sub-marine rock excavation for a di.stance of three miles and will cost ahout three-quarters of a million. GREAT BRITAIN. It is estimated that there will be 9,- 000,000 people in Ixindon during the Jubilee demonstration next month. 'An a tnemnriiil of fbe Queeniti •dia'- mond jtiliilee. the Amerituina resiidinM «n 'Kn|tlan<l have decided to endow: a bed in f)e>rpct ullty in each of the I'ivs leading Lrnulon h<;bi>itals with the sum otf one thnucanil |>ouD<lfei. UNITED STATES. Mrs. Liihgtry has been gra/nted • idivoiji^ in Cu|rfornia. Two nfgro girls suspected of poison- 1x18 a family were lynched near IIunt»- vilio, Ala. The Saratoga Citizens' Corps will pro- bably a<'ce|)t the invitation to attend ilie Queen'K jubilee celebrations in Mon- treal un .lune 2<lih. Governor Pitigree, nf Michigan, has Vetoed the CigHretln liill, holding that U is the duly of parents and not tlie Blate to correct the l«id liabila of chil- dren. It is re.iorted at Cortland, N.Y., that the Cortlaml Waggon Company has cJowvd a i-ontTHcl with the llrilisn Gov- erniuent for a large fui)ply of farm waggons. Hurry Flynn. age<l 10. was drowned in a luke in Lincoln I'ark, Chicago, he- fore hundreds of special ora. One of the latter, Algert Mattarl. fell dead from tbe exc.ili'inent. Capt. Edwaj-d W. H«»ed of the ship T. F. Uukes. luw been indicted at New York for wilbholdintr food from the nrew of his venue. I on the voyage from Bong Kong fo New York. A.-wislanl' Berj-elnry Ho^^'ell, of the TJniled .Slates Treasury culat«t ihiit the tariff bill hh rejiort- 6<l froin I he .Senate will yield suffl- olenl revenue for the needs of the 6ov- errvinient. Tlw Hell Telephone Company has won thie case brought against II by the Unile.1 Sliile.x (iovernnient to annul the last jVr;iner iialeiit. By the de<> the company lias control of the tele- phone from the ilnle of the lasl patent granted in 1891. The Rpv. .T. Willi4iT Clui,pn)iin, D.D., of Philadeljitiin, lm« l^lH^^eived ai n^all to lrt»vai!(fl the Otiev. Geolrfee IF, Plen'te- coBt, D D., in I he i^wlomi lie of (be M*rylebone Prel>l)yterian chiirch, U>n- rfon. one <«f th,. lalwM and mos't Ifoah- lonable ch'iirrheti in thn we.'rt, end. At Flirt Wayne, Ind., Curt Dawr, •Iia.s ]jkuh\ Kinel, wuh anrelileid on it he pjitadlgte of forgKty anW etiJiezalemeVit. (Hie » wnnteil nt 'Itironto for ra,lsinB |6ch«:kt< iW l.'iOO. ThefiffiKluviits a^rts maile by the Ifcunk of Hamilton and tliie Imperial Hank of Canada. Talegraji'hio miti]iina(i<i«8 f rom thfeNeNv York coiiirnercial apencles of Messrs. Diiln and Brad.slreel indicate no par- ticular change in the general business situation throughout the Kniterl fitates, and the movejnent of trade is not u^) to expectations. In many qunrters trade appears mainly to con- stst of filling in orders; there is liltle speculation of any kind, and prices nsually keep low. There has lieen a slight advance in wheat, cotton, and forn. Wool is weaker, print cloths ore 'wei^ wounided. 'li)it> Ijueen-Uegent of Spain ba«( au- thurized tbe raining of an eigbtrmil- lion pound loan to meet the cost of military operations in Cuba and tbe Phillippine islands. 'I'urkey'.s expenses in tlhe war with Greece are e<ilimated at £5.000,000. wibich Greece will pay a^ an indemnity in annual instalments gueiranteed by tibe Tbe^Halian revenues. all felt that the battle would be lost or won during the night. Till late in the day the Turks shelled our iinfantry, 'which was obliged to withtlraw from its positions. 1 believe \ve iwere 10,000 etTong, the Turks being 25.000. Just be- fore inigbtfall four of us had A GAME OF WHIST, tutd weare in ijood spirits and topefu) of victory, altnuugb quite certain that we could not retain our positions except with heavy luse. In the twilight we received orders to prepare to maTch,and thought we were going to attack tbe TurlM. What a delus.on I AVe had to fall ba<,-k on L,arissa ! This meant noth- ing but an ignoble and cowardly re- treat without firing a shot. " When dartneas came on the re- txeat commenced and for ten or twelve miles everything \v;is ia order. The men w^eTe weary and footsore. The hearts of itbe Itritons were Jiearly broken. They would rather have fought a fight through I he mght .than run away. ._. ,, . ,, , , When we wej-e within a few miles of saly. Down, down they wound, along L,.^ri»9a an alarm was given in tie rear th«! zigzags of Milounaâ€" horse and foot ! fhat the Turks were, and many lacking. Mr. Stevens, a London news- papeif correspondent, supplied it. It ia the finest bit of desuriptiou that baa coime from the front thus far : " Yesterday was only a reconnoio- saurue ; to-day \va;i the invasion of 'Xliee- au'd giuis In a stream that looked as If it would last foreverr and choke up The aen-ret struggle at the Russian ,^ . , , . „m. , r .. i t «l ill ««ilin."s. CBunt MKiravieff, ""^ ^^'^ P'*'"- ^^^ ^'* "^ '^'"^ "•'• Cour the l''oreign Miui'J.ej', who has abso- lute influenoe over the Czar, resi.sts the influence of tjie Dowager Empress. whiere there in a little lawn between tbie bloclchouseB, was the startiing point. The lawn was blocked with regiments Mr. Tom Mann, the English labour, I ^f i„fa„irj. tjome had piled arms-prop- leader and agitator, who was to have . , '^ . ... piiug up, lour, one against the other, as if they w&re gudiug to roust meat â- giti delivered a lecture in Paris on Fri- day night, was forbidden to do so by the police, and was given twenty-four hours in which to leave France. Ninety earthquake shucks have lieen exiMsrienced in South Australia during three days. The disturlian es were par- ticularly severe at Kingston, where buildings were damaged and the inhab- itants are living in tents for safety. Paremier Comi' Ito, Jti|;;an's mtttt famous states who controlled the recent wlur wi lina, is a jia.ssenger on the Eim{!ire,>. ut China, whicit iia.H jusL left Yokoliuona. lie \s cm bis way to England to r«(piresent Jbpan at the diamond jubilee. It is Ritated in Capei Town that Pre- under them. Others nursed their rifles lovingly. Some siood, others squatted on the grass ; the lawn and the lower slopes were dark blue and red with th«m. In tbe, intejvtices of these stood the artillery boree.'^â€" e,x in a team, giay and bay and uljcstuuL, with the pecul- iar look of patieoice im their eyes and began firing tlheir rifles. 'Then began a terrible panic. Cav^ airy, artillery men, horses, wagons, and mules all rushed helter-slcelter along tlhe road and thTouah the fields. Capt. Bijr;h ordered the Englishmen into a field and about a dozen wiho heard the order obeyed. We made an effort to form into line, but were soon carried away by the wild ruih of fugitives. I saw that it was a case of every man for himself, po I tJirew away my blanket, wate-rproof, Bword, and cartridge pouches, only retaining my rifle and cartridge belt, with sixty rounds of ammunition. I oould not regain the road and had to run over rocky ground and ploughed fields. I constantly fell, but was nevertheless making fair pro- gress, till within a mile or two of lAr- issa, a horse knocked me over an em- bankment Ifeito a dried up river. I tbe set of their heads that only ahorse 1 knew 1 was injure<l, but to stay there can neally a^jsume. They were waiting 'meant to be run over hy « K"" "f f^„ ,,, ;, „„_ 1 .u â- I,. 1 J trampled upon by men and I fan thwr guns, and their guas blocked | m.inaRed to get to my feet and dragged the whole road tui the 1 urkish ascent; 1 niyseilf along to Larissa, K)p«4s Uailed out before them, waiting I " Here all wo-k confusion. I was *.i. i.T( t>t.t»bc:u n^ \.a>j/vi iii/TTii \,iaa\> m- ^xr^ ^ â€" ^_~ .. â€" ..^.^ w«a« â- -'â- .â- ^u^b ^M^^t.^*, viwtihUQ i ~~ • . . . , - Chamberlain's not« is defiant in tone, an<l ttiat imstead of ie,;iealingi the Ini:- migrution Att he wants to submit to "arbitralioin wl.fcliher the measure isi ullria virrs of ihp lyontllLin ronventionj A |de*^tc|i Hrnhi Auxe,rre. the cen- tre of tne w1n)e>grow"ing district in France. Kxytt ttiere was a sudden and general frofrt on Wednesday evening and the night liefore, which destroyed tftie «ro{> of vineis, fruits and vegetn<- bles. The amount of damage is esti- mated at twenty million francn. HOW JAPAN COMMEMORATES. Tbe Kxlrnvnsanl Way la Wlilrh Tliry «>le- brale Vlrlorir* In That t'liniiliy. The military revival of .Tapan, which began with the conquest of ed itself in the various wnyu the great industries of the country celebrated I he heroic incitlents and viotorie-s of the war. The tny-inakers sent out legions of mechanical toys representing the flight of Chinese soldiers, the storming of Port .\rthu'', and the fight of tbe Japanese flag-ships with the enemy's ironcJada. Artists commemorated tbe nation's txiuni<i>hs in porcelain, metal work and Iaoc|uer ware. Designers |iortraye<l lliem on the dresses of men, women and chil- dren. Tobott'o-pouches. sleeve buttons, hairpins, coml)8, and even chopsticks, were covered witJi representations that eipre«e<l the war spirit. " Bundles of toofhpicks in tiny cases were offered for sale," writes Mr. llearn. "eai'h toothpick having en- graved upon it, in iiiicnwopio text, a different jioeni about war," Gallant deeds were dramatized. The fatal courage uf a sol>li»r who «iile<l a raiiipnrl and opened a fori reus ?;aU' to his <'oiimiile« ; the heroism of ourtoen troopejn who held their own against thx«'e hundred infantry; the successful charge of una,rnie<l coolies up<in a battalion repro- duced liefore thousands of spectators. Me. llearn uientidns one incident wiiose reiilistic portrayal must iuivo Ihrillivl taiM audienceâ€" the death nf the Ijuglar, Shinikami Ge.njiro. At tlw Imtlle of .SonR-llwan, this Jap- ane«e bugler was or<lercd to soumd the ohorge. He had .sounded it once when a liullet iKissed t bmuoth his lungs t.hirowing him down. Ills comrades tried to take the bugle away, seeing the w<iuiid was falal. lie wrt-.sled it from Ihem, lifted it again to his liiis, ROun(le<l the charge once nuire with all his strength, and fell liack dead. soldiers and obtained some resinato wiw. Leaving the shop I went out in- to the street, and, seeing a door open, entered and lay down in tiie passage COMPLETELY EXHAIT.STED. When I awoke I found that I could not move my injured leg. Fortunately I saw an English correspondent standing in the doorway and he went to fetch a surgeon. Shortly afterward he da«h- e<l up on horseb.ack and .said the Turks were coming and I could not stay there. I hung on to the neck of his horse and Ihu.s mtide my way through the street till w« met another Fjigli«h I correspomlent with a bicycle. He plac- borsevs and no twelve could ever have gut them up those hopeless, rolling, screes. " Down, down, the army of Turkey began to wiad â€" sometimes slowly, sometimes bent -backed at the double, according as the di.stances lietween bat- talions ope-ned or closed. If you are to get fifteen or twenty tbou.-uiil uiSn down a pass in a morning, you cunnm afford to waste a si,ngle yard of ground. Even the dozen pock homes which carry the frugal baggage of each battalion ' eTnTT^iTtte" miu'hini?. "which I worked I w-orks only three hours a day. and the PROMINENT PEOPLE. SOBie Nalei oriBlerest AbsM ilreat Fslks at tke World. In her gentler moods tbe late Prin- cess de Caraman Chimay amuses herself by pouiring milk over her courier. He is suing her tor the value of suits of clothes spoiled by her. Count Ernest Paul von ETugel, who married tbe Duke oif Teck'a sister and was thus distantly related to the Eng- lish royal family, recently blew hT» brains out at Graz, in Austria. R. L. Stevenson, Prof. Qenry Drum- mond and "Ian Alo/claren" were class- mates at tbe Edinburgh University, and not one of the three won distino» tiou as a student. , Jose Echegaray, Spain's greatest play-wright, is 64 years old. Hb is an engineer and a mathematician and was once a minister of state. Hb has writ- ten fifty-two plays. King Leopold of Belgium ia very fond of going about incognito. Whenever he finds it possible to go to England unoiM'ompanied he strolls around the streets like an humble tourist. Swinburne is quoted as saying, "James I., was a knave, a fool, a tyr- ant, a liar and a coward, but I love him beoau^ be slit the throat of that blackguard Raleigli, who invented smoking." Miss Marie Hassenstein recently re- ceived a principal's certificate as tea- c(her. the first ever given to a woman in Prussia. She purposes to establish a school for girls at Charlottenburg. Herr Cuffey, a German expert sent to Bombay by Eniperor William, has arranged for an animal hospital for tbe purpose of studying the plague poison. H<e intends making extensive experiments. Henry Labourrhere, M. P., the pro- prietor of London Truth, complains that he has spent £40,000 in success- fully defending ve.xatious actions for lible brought against him. A. prize of $5000 has ijeen offered by King Leopold II. of Belgium for tbe best treatise to be written tiefore 1901 on "The M^'tary History of the Bel- gians from the Roman Invasion Until the Present Day." The Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heif apparent to the Austro-Hungarian crown, intends to build a magnificant palace in Vienna, which fact is taken as an indication that he contemplate* matrimony. Zola, bt«9y as he is supposed lu be. seemed almost space wasted. On one spiral or another, the head of the gig- antic column appeared, winding, WINDING EiNDLESSLY. Then the bead was lost, and nothing with one pedal and so reached tbe rail- first hour hardly counts. It ia ucuall/ way .station. Here the Englishman left between 10 and 1 in tbe day that be me ami wisiied me luck. writes. He is growing stout, bis voice '• In the cijr«-umstances. I had good ig weak and high. luck indeed. Di-sabled as I was, I suc- ce«<ied in getting into tii'ie train. The station wn« a .scene of the wildest con- 'My brethren," said Dr. Boyd Car- penter, Bishop of Ripon, England, in a recent address, "1 beg you to take hold of your own heart and look it straight in the face." Bishop Car- penter is an Irishman. Admiral Canevaro, in command of tbe left but the tailleet. body, f^eseutly the ! fusion. Boldier.-* and civilians, women head crawled out again at the very I *"'! chil'lren. "ere struggling and cla- iw^>i...» A.I.- i,„ _ 1 . . imoring madly m their efforts to en- bottoim. Adar kmass l*gan to form, j j^^ till train The men behaved in a to enlarge, till it rapread all over the 1 cowanllv way. T .saw women andchil- _ rich, mol-st-lookiug green below. Still I <l""n drappe.l out of the carriages to ,,*;^ of th^ ."'oweTs off "the "coast the blac'k descending line wius unluxik- ^ "^"^^ ^""> '"'' """"•*""• ^^"^ ••^°'*'"'" â- â- • • â- " • â- • • • â- -^ en, only now cbai'gerii going <iown, auu tiiou gund . .. were harnessed, ond began to follow ' "" '" '^•' '^°"^ °^ '^^? ^'arriage.s. Their them. A gun is a meek-lookiug crea- , who were ordere.l lo puard lilt? .station I ol Crete, is a South .\nierican by birth, It was <lappled, gray instead of remaining on the platform j having been born in lerut of aOeno- down, and tliou kuiu ! and keeping some sort of ord«»r, leaned I ese father. lus brother is Leruvian - - â- â€" â- Minister to Italy and trance. tuiX! ejiougli when it is luuliered up, and the descending Intteries looked curiously graceful by tlie side of the uuLiniliereil, short, peppery little dev- ils, ixrotecting their posilion from above. Gun after gun, battery after battery, â€"then more cavalry, then more infun- tiry, men and men, borse-s and horses. companions who could not get up fired on them. The firr- wa.s reiurnjel. and thie train left the station amid a hot fu- sill.ade. It wa,s a terrilile scenie. and the agony of those left liehind was heartrending. Their lerror in^rea^ed as firing was lirard in the outskirts of the town and tlio Turk-* we'-e believed to hi\ near. Most of the officerM and sol- The Duke of Connaught, third son of the (juueu, bas been offii'ially appoint- ed by the British Government to take command of all the troops assembled in London on the occasion of the cele- bration of the Qut-en's diamond jubi- lee. Count All)ert De M'un, the leader of diers in the train got out a Velestino in : the Catholic party in tbe French Cham- order to proceed at Pliarstila. When we arrived at Volo we found l,('Ofl persons gulu^ and guuB â€" u world of living eu- I at the station anxious to <iis.-over lower, and also pig iron and steel bil lets. Tea is selling higher, owing to changes in duty; sugar is weaKer. There is nothing to note in the move- ments of traffic. GENiaiAL. (W ib unnoiumxsd that Preeixlant nMiA-e's iiropoeed viflil to St Petets- I'^RENCII WO.MRN, The first rtniferenee by the Ladies' C<«nmiilee of L'Union Cent rale des Arts Decoraitifs has just been held in Paris, France, II was held with a view to interesting women in French art in- dtistries lo ai range exhibitions of wom- an's workâ€" in fact to establish an Ecole Superieure des Arls de I'Alguille. Lace making will receive especial attention. Mine Fevrier, wife nf General Fevrier, is President. The Vice Presidents are: The Prinoesse de Hroglie, the Marquise de Nadaillao, Mlm^e. Jules Siegfried and Mine, Chrietofle. Among the nieiubois are : The Ihudiesse d'Uzes, Mine. IJe- mont Breton, the artist; Mine. Pailler- on, the finest amateur needlewoman in France and numerous others. DLSHEAIttt'ENED. Have you no heart? Pale Iwt teiiirlcis she ^tood before him, and Jooked him wjuarely in the eye. She wnh iioori, Iviit proud. Adverse fortune hail reduced her wardrobe to a calico bntiSH, driven her and her only BtUrvivinB molher lo the Inp flat of n liJOK-k t^lBPet liouM^. and lianloned the ilines ab'iuil her si ill Iteauliful moutli, hut ill cou,li(l nt)t dim tb-ei lu,ste!r bf her l)(lu»-1>l«ck eye, nn»- tame the uncoti- mierable sjiird* IJvif animateiil/ pvery filler of hej- lissoni form, stawlingerer.t wii h iinconwinus glance, iimd aAvaiting his answer. , You lia*> n«i hewHI? she rtyieal ed., â- No, iiiiBB, rt'iiiiftl the Initolmr; (but we have got some misrhty nice liver. Will tbat do jaalt as well If e.ig^' aivJ mechanical force poured il/- selt ^lowly, but very remor.selessly, down into Greece." ViiriouN uccouiit^s have benu given uf tbe insane panic among the Greek troops and civilians on tbe road lo Lar- issii <luriiig the night folUiwing the bat- tle of Mali. A vivid description of this event, and of the e-\perience of the Foreign Legion on the (J reek side during the meiiuuable forty-eight hours before ami ufler this incident hm been fuinislied til the T'ime.s by an KnglL^h volunteer who wa.s injured in theslam- IH-ile. He tells t Ui.s story: "the Foreign Legion wa.s .stationed in barrackti at Lori^sa till t li«i night of WednoB<lay, the L'lst ilist. They had been at Uiri&-a fur a week, and" wore beginning to feel impatient at the de- lay in moving to I lie front. T'he or- de.r to march was given at midnight, and all set out in high spirit.s, little knowing was beUire them. The niaivh wu« a terrilile one. The road wa-s rugged and covered with stones 4 of all sizes, and there was nut a man in ttlie Legion whoso feet were not blis- teretl. .\I;iny weie left by tbe way as they could not walk another .><lep. "When dayljglit cunie on Thui^day tiliey had arrived at a point on the left of the Greek position at .\laii. THE TlliKl.SH BATTKUIE.S. whether their friends were wounded or dead. I wTOs taken lo the Red Cross Hospital and words cannot express tbe kind tTealment 1 received." 1'I6HT1N& IN THESSALY. DESPERATE Et^COUNTER BETWEEN GREEKS AND TURKS. The Flghllnx La>ilr<l til Uay-AI Klxiit the 4>rrekH Orrnplrd i'oiulii of Vanlnxe. 'Afleir a brief cessation of the clash of arms, attention is again dire.-ted lo Thocisaly by the latest despatches fri>m Arta, which report a serious struggle lietweeji the Greek and Turkish forces. All day desjierate fighting was in IMXigre.*! near Grilioro, on the rowl to Phillipiaili. TVo brigades of Greeks, with many guns, two brigades ofSaji- phires, anil a squadrun of cavalry, at- tackeil the Turks, who are aliiUKst with- out artilleiy. Tho Greeks forced the fiiist 'lurkisih line of defence, but met with a stuliborn re.sistanoe at the sec- ond. The fighting continued until 9 ber of Deputies, who bas just been elected to fill Jules Simon's: seat in the French academy, is a great-grandson of Helvetius, the revolutionary jihiloso- pher, and ai grand.son of Mme. De Stael. The Queen of England, tbe Duchess of Connaught, the Princesses Charles and Alljert of Prtussia, the Empress and Empress Itowager of Germany, the Em- uress Dowager of Russia and' the Queen Regent of the Netlierl.iuds, all occuiiy tlie (Kisition of Honorary Colonel in the German army. ' Sir Isaac Pitman, the shorthand man and vegetarian, who died a short time ago. was peculiar in his habits. He arose every morning at 4 o'clock .ind went to his de«k, where he worked w ith short pauiiea only for his simple meals, until 10 at night. On Sundays he preached in tbe fcwedenborgian Church. Prince Bism.iixik was able the other day to go oul of doors for the first time since January 2. He drove for nn hour and a qu.irter in the iSachsen- Wiild, and is stated toi have experienced little (lifii,.ulty in entering and leav- ing his carriage. On his return be tui.t a short walk in his garden before re-entering the house. Pope Leo wishes to he represented at the Qui-en's celebration. He is one opened fire siiortly afterward. The For- o'clock ol night, the Greeks having oo- ! of tbe few Popes who have ever met eign Legion, however, was ptwtcd in 1 cupied variou:i htighl.s in the neigh- L.y^^r^'^'i.^-','";'*!!'"" ''t'l'!!"' some rocky j bourhood. 'Iw^'iiily tour Greek offi- c<',rs and four hundred men are hors de comliat. Ibti diplomatic side of the question hi'igliUs, the Turkish shells passing over the heights and falling some <listance to the rear. The artillery fire on both siiles continued all day, Phe nuiuberof Graek officers killed astonished me, " WluMiever we bad six or seven men killed there were always tme or two officers aiiioiig them, 'rhursday's bat- tle wius entirely an artillery "engage- ment, not a single rifle being fired. an English sovereign. Many ycais ago when he was Mgr. Pecci and papal nuncio lo King I.eojxild 1., of Uelgium, he traveled expressly to Loudon to see the young Queen, who made a very ple;isant iinprejssion on him. The late Cardinal Hohenlohe left the Irulk of his vast fortune to his ilerical still wears a very gloomy aspect. The Sultan, in resiKinse tu tSie request of the Auibassidors for an armistice to enable the powers to disi-u^s the ques- i , ». u . . • >• tiou of pe.ioc, says thai he will not i se:-rettiry, who had Ixen in hi.s service discuss the queatiuii until the condu- Ii"' many years. The Villa d'Kste, one sion <>n Sumliiy of the fe;i8t of Bairam. | of Ihe finest residences in Italy, in tlw! Turks were altax'king our infantry Tlve fimt engageiiieiit wsus short and siharp. about 'JO.OId rounds of ammuni- tion being expen<lud. Both times the Turks weae driven liaek, and in Ihe morning (Friday) there was no allor- aliion in our respective positions. " AL aunri.-e the artillery recommenc- ed operations, the Turks doing very little damage. In the afternoon Ihe Turks succeeded in establishing them- selves on the heights opposite ua. We saw IxKlieK of cavalry advance and re- tare, liut could not dejirly distinguish their movements, owing to the <li.stanie. 'I'lie Turkish advance lo thf,.se heights was a most serious thing for ua. AVb ly master of Thessaly, Sultan will occupy a stronger position in presenting his dein:inda for heavy concessions from Greece beftore con- senting to peace. From the double aspect of the c.ise, the feast of llainiai has assumed unusual interest to the Christian world. A NATURAL OONCLUSffON. Sammyâ€" Oh, mamma, diijd you kniow our \'in wuB deaf* i .Mammaâ€" No. What makeis you thi'nik so? .Sanunyâ€" 'CVuBe I can't make (him bear 'lejis I poke him with a sticat. EVIDENCE. The Sulmrl'nnitc â€" It is iplain tliat Shakesipciire did not apprtove of living in the .suhurlis. His Wi/e â€" Hoiw do you know? The Suburbnniteâ€" Don't you remem- ber that PoJonius snya: Nen'or a bor- rower nor a lender lie. A SUBSTITUTH. Tommy â- went to dine with his umile. Did you atk a ble-ssiug, dear? a^-ks pious nianima. No, mamma, not exactly. But Uucle said, Ijlost tbe pookl when we sal do^vn.