•A'. -^ ' TCUTH BEFORE FAVOR. " â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VCL XVI, NO [46 P^lestierton, Ont., Xlnursciay, XIqv ^O, 1807 W. H. THURSTON, ^^y£?p5xET0B ^-'^ IL I3IG of... stock: Resurrection Qanti. Jewellery On hsntl all tlie lime *o chooue fioin •t the F'.tslierroii Jewellery Slnre. Ey«i Testeti Free Jor Defective Visioa. Nobfcy Thiosa for W. A. ARnSTRONQ Jeweller and Optkuiat 1 Ccriucbianti 15 : 2L TbefaiUng Sowen Ihe fal ia;; tsara'. The KraTea wherein loTuU forms aro laiii. The hetirt tliat ia iUeodutjss grievaSi TBe tearful tribate softly paidâ€" rciu &1. these tbioca that vo.^d we hear %Vliicb ylaiulj- telli us duatU U aear. And mortals skrialr wltb fd elint$ strange ' Fi'OBi all that u in death toarlied : To pass throtu^h that myscari )as chao^te I Tbj bravest S'pirii ueedt a i^vilde. Tbe ligbt we need .rom Him id sbed I Who roae trioiupbaoi fruoi tbe dead. All glory to that wuadroasaama Our grateful hearts deligtit to give: Flestief^OHt Ontario To us in matchluis love He camo â€" And^a' e His fife ibat we aiit{Ut live* forever be His oaniu adored , All pt«lf « to Cbiist the risen Lord. Xo longer need we blindly grope, Xor bo the slaves uf glooui and fear : V,'e triumph in a glorious hope; Tho resurrection day drawt near. Tbiut:<h n-ui who doth iu glcr> itUSi j^'o 1.1IQW that ve shall rise sga;n. ro:i)Oti:L-. April. I6W. T. WiTfeOil. rrotoB Statioa From (Jiir otrn c<>irrsvviiJr)it, We hive B"W discorered the cause nF Mr. VV. WiUwii't giutlcs. Juat ano'Jicr Mr. W. Th(inipjoa of Knyx College â- Markdalc, M-iy 13th, 1897. jPrcwhcU here laatSund.iyevenios. It is now an understood matter by all who know L ^* week -W- *.,rki..g R>- Mr he values of diflFerent kinds of mcrciiandise, and liave ,,, ^j, ,^, .^^^ „ ^,^ ^^ i, „„, had the advantage of comparing our GOODS, and i,auii,£ »re«r. Uu the following day Mr PRICSIS, with what they have heca accustomed tOjFUherofthesime wiing received a bad pay elsewhere, that we are ; cut just boinw lUe kuee. ^^ ,^^^._^ I BdvW DiAkiug is ab«>ut to begin h«re *,,,^oadQT.s in ^cio prices, Bdck ouce m-'Fe. Mr. D. McDonald if Piieeville is _. , . /• 1 â- • 1 • â- ! p'astei iiiit in our tuwu ar present. Our present system of buying m large quantities,, j,,-. T. L«.k^ ha, p.rcL«cda b:ke. McKiday a pur shown oil custon^er, and makes such values as these possible. paying spot each, for every purchase, and selling' only for j y.jur cor. cash or !arm produce, justly protects the interest of every :hana»..me delivery v.in which is bJiUg I erected by Me«.-irs. BUir and Howell has been luade Co order for a k>e.iC!e< , living ill Parry S«iuiid, but ; deaiKDetl for that uurthcrn inetru(>oti8 vr i hot I cauoat say. It would do buaorto ! any c'ty mercautilo bou^e, as it docs to the ItiilJui:;. whatber Mr. Stter, Harkaway. has purchasc«l a By means of raised ai.d b.'!»u8 ordeia licaaae from the Markd.tle cuuocil Co aud fnrgt: I endorsements, .). R. Docds, peddle meat, and now oomea to Markdale *ecreraiy c.f the public sch. ..I boiird of three tiiues a week . f ^"'V^*' f 'a?iJ^^r'"/«''^*^ ""^ "â- '"'"' funds of #184. The debcir wa.-i cisciiver- It seenm that Markdale la not aoing to gU two or three weeks .wo by the board have any sports im the •24th. Why don't and au att«ni{,t made to rt-oivt-r the you call a meetinij. bovs, and get bace- nioney, but the downfall of Dodds was .so ball organized.' Lasrobse will ntrer do <=• °»P"=fe that restitution wa« inipos.s,KIc- , . except at the expense of fneiid.s already mthiatown. robied and ruined by the defaulter. Uu We reuretto repcrt tho death of Miss Wedaesdav, April Uth. Dodda bought a Mary Etta McNally, whe died May 12, ticket for Chitaao, and the place that has »god 24 years, 3 nionth«, from the diread- '•""•" ••"" "* ^""8 ''"'" •'»•"' ''"» ^ J >â- â- „^ more. CO disease, cotisumptioQ. The remains were taken to Owen Sound for inter- '^''V*; ^"^'"i ''^ Melai.cthon, was ar- ,. T-u u 1 .. .1. u re.sted by cousUble fekeldihtf en Fiiday ment. Ihe bereaved have the sympathy ... ... . _ ' of the whole coomituuty in this their trying affliction. A taffy social was given at tha tebl- The bereaved have the sympathy ]^t_ ^h,^,^, .j.^ ,„ ..^^^^ ^„j^^ ^^: l!<2 of the Crimnal C"Je of 1892. W.ir- de!l is chanted by Wb». Morby, of tb« towusbip of Aniain.iib, with the srduc- tioii of his dauuhtrr. Eiuily .\nu Mi-rby, a girl under the aee of tighretn ye«rs, ur.der the promise of ni«rriii;,'e. TLo ciiso WDs heard by aiagiiitrateK Falconer and R. l/crisoxi Fruhty afteruuou, with cUsed J'jors. Warddl was committed to htai^d his trial *t the next court if ooui- l>Eteut ju I i; diction, but was $nbsei]'.:et.t]y admitted tu bail iuruinht^d by hiokielf and '[ ba father. â€" Econoiuist. f A*riteriuthe Nonh Anietican He- i Titw. An bur Mark Cuiro>inL:s. under tbe I bcr.di: g, 'The Death Iiittiotin :;niii)al3," I'ives a case of wliat aeeius to have been '•trat-bfi;rei ce of thought" between a cow .i;»d her calf. He aays : " The farmer who owned them kept the calf in the bam, but dr< ire tho cow to a distant pasture every morning with the rest of dence cf .Mr. Joe. McC'ullotigh, under the aiLtpiccs of tlie United Bn;thn;u Church, and was wcH attended. Quite a number of our young t>topla ictuml si,iug to Holland Centre nad ohclburnu for the i4th. They say, â- So stcrt Si-ing on. iu Markdale. ' dark etc.. (^cuhle Fold â- (^'ess G-ocds Serj^'-s FhDcy Tweed* liijht nr €olor», in checks, tiiiuret, stripi'S, at 12i, It; J, I'J, 23, 25o, per yanl. (X>ress (PatieTTis A complete assortment >A all th-it iit fhfibioiiable i» alHwsi every shade and r<i!<iiiiig, no tKo alike at from ^.i>OtQ ^.75 per dross. ^ZacJc ^ress G-ocds III Cashiner'*. S.'njes, Crepons, French S.ttinettes Htuiietas, Figures, etc., at 18J, 23, 25, 3o. -12, 45, 49, 50, CO, 75,78, 4>5, 90c per yard. CPaTdscZs Our nsaortiuent of I'aiasbls nerer be- foie was %<i citnipleto kuJ ai tlle^o prices nev.rso i:<x.d, 48c, 7oc, $1.00, ifl.15, SI 75, $1.95 each. Laoeo In Whit«3, Cre^m, and Butter color, fri'ni ono to Un inches wide, at from 2>; to 10c (K>r yard. Hosiei-y JP'o-noJ/ Chamh-rays Floral pattern', color 600 ya.ds at ^tr yaid, i (^TCSS Grcodi Floral pattern', colors fast, worth 10c. 600 ya.ds at ^tr yaid, 5o. cu Lot AH suumver '.Voith frotu 15o to 25 wvightM at pir ji»rd lOo. Cations Grey Cotton at 3o, 4e, 6c, CJo, 8c, \0c. White Co tv n ll" inches wide at 5c per v.'ird. Bctt.-r nullities at tw, 7c, Sc, iOc, aid 12^0. G-lo-ve3 avd Our stock of Gloves and Lace Mitfs is ni-coMia ly large, silk, T.tti'eta etc. in Black. Tan, Cream, White, ttc, at from L3c to 50c [jer pair. ^csie-ry bli'. k or Tan iii perfectly . fast dye al 5c to 50c per p.iir. Q^ahZe Lin ens 47 inches wide at I4 ,:entt«. 4S inches wide at 10 cents. 54 inches wideat 24 ceiit«. 58 iiielieii wide at 20 cents. 00 iucbvs wide at 3y conts). 04 inches wije al 38 cents. 4 piiirs men's cutti.u h^>»e, 25 cents. 3 paiis men's Union Ho.<o, 25 cents. Men's wool cr black cushineiii hose 20c. Mi-n's Sweaters, 1!) aud I'S cents. CcKHty sud Pfstrk-t .\ C w i ,.I..t;.;: ^ to V.'iu, r..jb'> ».f Troy gave lir>h iwacalf with ol« t..a,I, fouroan, tno^budies, and eight lugs. It H&3 sent to Ton.'Qto to be set up. The present year, 1S97, beijan on Friday, wi I eud on Fridiiy aid has the herd. She go«in became n-conciled tilty-three Frid-iys in it. Superstitious to the arrangement, and was accustomed people believe that this is ominous a id t^/t'-'J 'tuietly until it was time to return â- , ,. , ,, _ c ui 1 • to her calf. One dav the farmer killed ar« holdiLg for all s..rts of lerrible things n,ecalf sudlle-ily an 1 pam'esslv. There to «cur. such as the Quebec elections, was ii.> .'utcry ; no chance for the c « ti» for iiis'.auce. jsee the deed. She w»» atadistance fmra ! the f;irn, which apparcutly precluded tho .V uiare belonging to Sir. John Rus p. s^ibilitv of her knowing what be. n sell, con. D, P.otou. irave b rth tiie past doi;e. Yet no .sooner was tho calf dial week to twin aijtti, and both are living than she left her jrarins? with the rest of and doll g well. This is a very rare the h^rd, and cume up to the bam 'lowing occurreiKv, as in the few JMstunceskiiowu and showini; every riympt- tu »f ui.eafii- uf twill f.-al.s one generally die«, but U'l- i,^«. There she staved from tioi.ti tiil less s. lueihiiist ui. foreseen bappi'hs Mr. milking time, moving abtjut restlessly as KUSK..11 Will rawa Loth colts.â€" Mt. Kor«»t she had never done before. There was "â- ^l*- no Communication p<j(^ibles.> far as human Alexander Amos, of North Keppel.had »••»>'« culdr perceive In-tween niothT ni.d been out bear-huiitiiiaai.d called at the •^n-Pf"^ '• 3^' •."*'"^ "* '"' 'l""''' "»«t th- A Few More Good Values Heavy Cott(.>u«de (special) 18c. Men's Siiit.s, $2 oO up. Ladies' lUme (.iraiu l^aced B-.'ots, stan<Kird scn-w (special) 08c. <.ient's Kino Shoes waiter or lacetl, Si. 13. lltce Ourtaius per jmir, 25c up. Heavy Tweeds, 26c up. Azure Silks, 10c yaid. Lioller r.lituU, complete with pulls, oil colors, 25c up. Nice Prints 5 and 6c. <iiuyham.i, | retty patteni.s, oc. Oatmeal and Cintile T» iu-b«r Soap, 5c. Sewing Macliine Oil, extra largo lK>ttle8, ItVv Light Siigar.28 lbs. for gl.OO. Best Gninu'ateil Sug.ir. 22 lb., for *1.00. Glass Tiuublers, largo size, 4oc per dozen. Kinkort Uiacii Tea, 2oc lb. 3-ib. hir S. ap, 10c, K co, 4c lb. stna SOjOOO lto». wrool R T. HILL & Markdale - - CO Ontario ISavweU. From our own VonttpuHtUnt. Fishiii;; is bein.; iudulgeil iu by >iuite a number of ourcitizeiia these d.tjrs. Mr. Thtniai Cuy having tented the Co^an fiu'ui uii the 4ih line intends faruiinij suoie this seii.s<>n. The Osyrey Butter and Cheese factory is iieariog couipletioa. Last Frday leiiig .\rbor day the Kchuid ciiild werj found busily at work planting trees and making dower beds. Seeding is progressing idcdy 4iow. Tbe fall wheat is !o.'kiiij(#ell and gi»c.» pruni'se '>f a i(U<d cr>BJL|i^ Quarterly service fq^lpnnectioa with the Method »t church was held last Sun- day niortiiiig at the Bethel appoiutmei.t Aai>ther notice ii|»peared in the paper last week rc^;urdii'K th^ Uuron & Ontario Electric Ufiihray. We think out chance for the r.iilw ly tliroUith iiur buig is as liood as any other viiUye yet. We have a thcusimd dollar suLscripticu for tbe company as soou-as '.he r<«d ia com pleted. Mr. Th(.>8 Bum rose left for up the lakes on Wcdiiesday. Eiery success Tom. Mr. Lathau llamliu <if St. Louies spent a few days ill t>>wn with his mother, after which he took Liis departure for Ireland on business. A "-«'i"«;;V3 hcdd U;. Jed^^^^^^^^^ ,..,^,,, ^ ,.,,,, lUteruooii to let ino ura»i"K^' t «... on tho d.ir.jre..troute.s m co...ioc.i.^ u .... ....w iiuiit-r factory. the Osprey cheese and t u j The, b..ys I"""'' »-«-ir>--*l » '"^'t <>" 'â- VVli»t â- '« ('â- » ui^ittor with ori^aiiiziiig a club tbiH season 1 !>â- â- you not think you cm uphold the g.md name of tbe "Uuzz-rs"! cow h.-id some dim knowledge, aud tbar she .'uffoied n.cre ih»n the calf did. ' &tr. Cumuiings gives a couple ofothtr insiaiicin if « hat he calls tho " dtaih instinct " in animal*, one of whicii set m.s t« point to "transfereifce â- f thuuyht ' between a man ind a tortoise shell cat La was about to kill home of his sweetheart, to whom he wivs to have been married on Thutsdav. While leaning on his riHe, talking to the young lady, the gun exploded, killiiii; hioi inslantly. The ball pa»»ed thn u.h U«l» hands entering his head near the left eye aud patising out uc toe tup. .\lx)ut noon on \VednesJay a thunder shower pu.s,«ed over Wmr'.ii and Colp^ya Bay towardt the northeast. A man naiii- ed We.ley Warren, woikng for a farinec ' named Loiiey. near Uxendeii, w:is I.Msn- mg ogidnot tbe Corner of the barn, wlicu' ho w.-w struck and received a Severe sliock, one side Lei;. gst: ipjK.-d of ilotliea' from bat to boots and the tiesb lernbly , b'lrutd. He is still uncousciou.) aud Jt 111 'i very critical state. i One of the l.ir.;e«t fish over cnu.j'** '•' tile tirand rivr in this neish'x^ho. d WHS booke«l and sjifiiy landed W -^'ex. McQue.ii, of Galr. It io.;i^u-*n26 in. In ieiiath and weighed 4i p«jnvi». The luc'«y angler b.id .i ^tron.; pjl â- "' *! t'l" ti.-h cracked it and lu-ar'y etf' >-t«!d its own is_-ip«.--Eloni iixttg''*- T'"' E.t-; pre.18 foigels to ttll us V^ '"''' " '^'''^ * a lad lira inud cat./'''"' marvel all uepeiii.Unp.iii this cj^-^l'""- Mr. John Ch.y*'-. "'4^' about. CO who Was fori^ly l»riii.iial if tbe Walkeiton puslic sch. oi a..d aiso captain . .If .iv ;.mnttercom|)any wus lau-ly com- ; if used in counection with i>ro|--r luittcd to ja,» .^i a vi.gMnt. t'liambcrs jubjccta and hi.na'i.d :.n tho »w:ht wxv Public Notice NOTICE is hareb. given tbat a hvlaw was paiised by the Council of the township of Ar- teBie»iikoa ».*:. Fiist d.iy of May, .\. u IHW, provUbau for the l«uo of debeuturcs to the a-pouui of »H<;o, for parpoaes of Vnioa Scliool *ctiou .No. 13, .Atteuiesia and t'roton, and la.!-. such bylaw wa* registvrud in the Sr^;!*!.;.- Office of the ecuch HidiuK of the. cuuut.v of Giev 00 the t'oaitii Uav of Siay^ A.U. isur. Aav motion to qaasb or set as. Is the same or any part thereof mu»» be luaile witbia three moathe from tho date of registration a d caauot be made theicafter. W.J. UKLLASlY.Twp. CUxk. Dated this Ulth day of Uay, 1807. . . vpn'nf; SPceiry, , shoi;Id be just L-r fall poetry. -< " *>'i'«Kttng MS .suuiuitr ( In ajary fiietry IS NOT THE St'BJECT Of this sketch, ft Symrthiuiitbc , ; It i:^ Mcirno«=is ''jimetliiDg more cannot Vfar. il-a Markdale 9^ *^ fVtm Oiir Gicii Currtspomhnt Nineteen ratepayers were up befoiv magiatrats llac on Saturday last fir| »iolation of the dog bylaw. A few ca-scN were tried .iud tho court sdjeurncd until I Moud.-ty. Iia.s a tiist cliv^s ceititjctie and wa.-* avc: successful leach, r. Fe 1:11 ve up leucta; several years ago ;ind Oecuiae un^cU-i % coiueyanccr and iu...jrHiic« a;:e.<»* !;.;[ v;radu«lly bis tusinos fc" away and iit tho end he becumo cia^^;/ desritute. He asked to be c.«.""''^'V?J T'^,'*rKr '.*"': wa.snoth...4fft»- '""""" â- "^'' "' * • "s'm. >.'»e.«K^ »-r- T. A. Wat^jn. ; laT vfinisioAii, coiiceiveu '.lie tu a; • in I t!ie matter of sights br rifles.-ujd uui-s, ' Ho tl'.crcuion set his inventive ucuus to w-jrk, ami fr>iu which he evolved a si^h^ that sp-jieitrs to meet all the rc<.p.:iiUineiits ot the marksman. It is a co:ubiiw.t>on albiir, ai d e.n braces a globe and .iper. ure sight for target sbooHi'g as well as larg-v' aud small g 'Id ri|> sights for hui.tin.! purpoDCs. 'I'lie dilf.rout sights can b« ' adjusted iu a moment without the least The POETRY of the THINQ trouble or loss eif tune and may be used on a.iy ku.d of ride. Those who have al- , Comes in the iniine'use satisfaction yon. ready used ih'.ui pronouno j tiiem pcrfec â- get in u.siiig our geHnhs ami the rutt8<mable tiouand have Ivtn enabled to make paces you have to pay for theuu much better slio.'tins! I ban ever before.' Mr. Watson h,i.s hiul tho inveiltie>u' __. __ Patented and we hope that it will be ih-j j IZl^Bde Ed^JO^T^E iiieins of making hiiu bitriel^ i.f lU' noy. -crceuioro st.;r, Harness-Tikei - - - Fleshcrtta 1 claim to keep in stock the bewt goods to be got iu the line of horse golds, such as hameH*. bugvy du.sters, axle greiiMe, sweat paths, hoof'oiatuicnt, •vhivw, rubbe-r lap rugs, lineil ami un- liu^-d ; (la.sh apii>ns, and pneumatic horse collois. .Vlways up to-to-J:ito in everything *ii^.:M- ^3S^ ' â- I'l hsitfi lW">M>^'<<*. '