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Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1897, p. 8

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>'~ TttE FLESHERTON ADVANCE %^/»%^%^%%%%^m^»^%^ »%%«^«^%%^^<ft^»^l ,,, WINTER 5ALES ,,, ?^T^ <^^ NOW RUSHING I '^^^ This l« the season of year when you want to buy a cutter or sleigh. I have thoinâ€" beauties â€" and will sell on your orwn termsâ€" if they are not all one-sided. Painting and re-tiimming done to order. Don't buy without looking in upon my samples and gutting prices. R. T. WHITTEN %^^%^^%%%^^k^^'%%'«^^%%V%/%^%^%%%^^%^^%%^ Buggies, Carts, Waprons, Harrows, Plows of the best kinds and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse Bakes aad Corn Soufflers and repairs. Chains of all kinds. Horsesboeing a specialty at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms ^ BARNHOUSE The Flour and Fruit Man Wishes to draw the attention of the public to the following specialties : DOGSKIN MITTS and LEGGINGS uiaJo tu urdur, ur will Hell out of Block. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY OYSTERS IN SEASON Try our breakfast CEREALS. Flour of lUI grados ill stock. Boot and Shoe buviness «lso attended to ui usual. W. Barnhouse, - Flesherton Photos *^ â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in fSnt-class style and at lowest rates. Special sttentioo (jivoii to copyinn.>i' photos, a apucialty. Pictures framed. I MRS. BULMER Owen Sound, Ontario LS THE VERY BEST PLACE JN CANADA TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip '„r;?«rT]S:in:Ji â€" _â€" _ t'OlIfRoi and •Ooininarolal DopartinenU in (Biisilii, thou »lHit tli« Nortliprn Ilufiiiieiia ColIuKii ; exsnilni! • v»rytliliii( tlioioutjlily. If wo fail to iirocliice tlio ino»t tliorouKli. ooiiiiileto, i)riiill<.»l ami •xtoiinive coiirau of «tmly ; tlio Iwst coIIhkh |irMinl.-4eM and tliu hb»i and mout uoiiiplsta aii<t moat aiiitable turnituru and ai>|iUHiiciis, wn wiil i^vc you a full course l^'UKIC. For annual anuuuaeaiu»iitii, glviUK full partloulars, flue, Atltlruhd C. A. FLEMING, Principal BUG-ENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works Carriages made and repaired, also Planing and Matching, liand Hawing, Wood.TuniitiK (if every iles- Boriplion. Planing imJ <Jrain C'liop- piii({ done while you wait, for tlio J<<j.tver turiiH the wheel. T. W. WILSON, Manager : : I^OGS : : Ppopex^-tles FOB - SALE -BY- e. ], mm, flesiebtoi ir YOV WISH TO BUY PROPERTY CONSULT THIS SPACE. FOR SALE cheap and on easy tcmis, one niilo from FluHliurton, 9k Hcres land and (in which in i\ goiwl 7 roiiin.H frnine dwelling, well and coiiifm'tjilily linishuil Mtoiio celler underneath, and good well and |iinnp in kitchen, gotnl fraintt Htiililx atid driving hoiiNe, h1k» brick lintxl hon house, Hiniill orchard coininuiicing to lK>ar. Apply to It. J. SrilOULE. Flesherton. A DEAD HARGAIN if sold during present montli. Two improved farmn, one a milo from Prioovillti and the otlier Hnine diHtanco from Warcham. Mtiiall payment down, hidanco on VKUY easy toriiiH. Also a hmidi'o<l and tifty acre farm and mill site one niilo from Flesher- ton, princiiuilly ImnlwoiKl bush, 25 ucroa cleared and frame dwelling and stable. Any person wanting a decided bargain apply quick to ahnvo. 80 YjAas* illNOI WANTED ! In unlimited quantities at tlio TRAD! MARKai DISIONB, OOPVRIOHTS Ao. Anyone •endlnff anketch ami ilMcrlplion may aulokir aacortsln, froo, whutliur un liivonliun Is iirobalily |iat«iitable. I'oiiiniuiilcatlnna atrlotly confldaatlul. (ililasi aKeix'y fornuouiinK I'atenM In America. Wo liiivo a WaaliluKtoii oRlce. Patanta taken thruuiili Muiin * Co. veo«l»« epeolal uotloa In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bewinrnlly inimtratoil, larsniit olmulatlnn of any BOlentlllo Journal, weekly, a yaari It.tOill monlha. Hpeclmea wiplei and UAMO lluUK OM rATSNTS MDt free. AddruH MUNN & CO., Ml Brea4wBV. Maw Ysrk. Highest CubIi PriccB. 5g Per 13ag Beecroft & Talbot Cash : for : Hides! Rhoopskins and all kinds of fnrn pur- •lia*ed, f4ir which highest market price will be paid, Homemado sautages on hand, alia all kiiidt of meats. FletUerton Meat Emporinm Orangeville Presbytery At tha meeiiog of the OrangeTil:* Preibytery on Tuesday the matter of the union of rriceville and Swintou I'ark odd* grt|tatiuus,the appealsfor proper certificates from Dundalk, Itor. Mr.MorrisoD's resigna- tion and a diiputed aeoonot cf lier. Mr. Weill, lata pastor of Flesherton ooaKretra- lion were the only oa*ea on the docket of any interest te our readers. Swinton Park oonftregatiuD were represented by that stal- wart veteran, Mr. D. McMIUhd, and by Mr. H. UeMillan. The (oimer, ably aaaiaied by Mr. H., made a Tigorou.< appeal for the UDif-n. Priceville waa not repreaeuietf. Proton station, with vhich charge Price- Tills is oonneoted at prasent, was repre- sented by Mr, Neilsoo. Dr. MoRobbie •poke strongly oa babalf of leaving the onarges as tiiey were at preafnt. It was tinally decided a'ter a oareful discuuioo that the union of Bwinton Park and Proton StalioD l>e not iutsiferrod with for the pre- lent. In tha matter of the appeals irom Duudalk the Moderalrr of the Duodkk Besiion had forgotten the seision records which contained the miuutea regarding tha eaotiiaring of the certiScaiea and had also neglected to cite the aussion in order to appoint some one of their members to represent them. After considerable din- caulon it waa finally moved that the irregularity of the iSesoion be condoned and the case be proceeded with if Mr, Uarrison would answer for the seaaion being agree- able with what was done, Mr. Harriion wunn't willing to do this. Mr. McKenzis, of tiraogevilla, couldn't see that the IVei- b^riory bad aujthiog to work on ns the Beasiun might be wi'lin^ to grant proper certificates. Mr. Harruon couldn't aaj whetoer the; would or not. lio said the reason the Bt^iionbad not been able lo have a meeiiog from April Hth to the preieut time waa on aooounl of tha abaeuca of one member Irom home and the sickness nf anothar. Amotion waa tiually can led "that the matter be referred back lo the Sesuion with the hope that proper certificates would be granted." Iter. Sir. Morrison's reaignaiioo to take etfeel on tha lUth lost, waa accepted. Mr. McKenzia paid a high tribute to Mr. Morrison's moral and intallrctngi ahilitiea. Mr. .Stewart rapreaented tlia Corbetton eon- l,'re)(ation. M . VVelU' account with Fleih- eiton uongrfgation Was 81b'2,6i>. The con- gregation ackuowiedxu S117.U8. It was re- ferred back to committee.â€" Herald. .. ^ I â- #! â-  â-  Klnberley From our oicn correipondent. The weather in this vicinity has been very favorable for the week and the fariuera are making good progress with their seeding, many of them being nearly through with it. Last Satui-day afternoon your cor took his fishing pole to go down the river to fish. He was walking down nisin street in a rather predccupitnl state of mind, but was aroused from his reverie by the merry chirping of birdi in thp direction of the scho(d yard. lie looked around to locate the songster, but in a moment birds and sangit were forgottou, for such a strmge sight met his gaze. The school yard seemed as if it had really been trana- formed. The woodpiles, which for years had decorated the front portion of the grounds, were removed from their usual prominent positiim to the north side of the yanl. Thegroands were thoroughly cleaned and flowerbeds were arrantfed in front of the s:liiiol. Several trees had haun planted and altogether the place presented a neat and taaiy appearance. Your cor. found himself humming a line (if his favor ite hymn,"Le, what a change in (me short hour !" He stood for some time feasting his eyes upon the scone till the six o'clock whistle reminded him that he must hasten on his way,but he loft the Bcliool ground with the rcsidvo that whenever bo grew wenry looking at the dvlapidatcd sidewulks of our vilbtge he winiUl uomo and rest his eye by viewing the orderly play^ound. Messrs. W. Uurston, W. Pamhc use ^nd (i. Wiokens wheeled down from h'lesherton nii Sunday. They ftund the road rather rnngh. Ilev. Mr. B'osler of Teias preached in the union hall both Sunday morning and evening. Mrs. Baker of Bay View ia the 2t>^'><t of Mrs. A. Hull. Miss, li. Hnmmoml, has a fltio new bicycle and we believe nlhern of the youn g ladiea are also thinking of getting wheel!!. Wiiy certain parties in Kiinliarlry smile : Mr. T. B. Carruthers, hecunae the naw addition whiuh ha liax built to Ida bnaaa makes such a decii<t>d improvement to it. Mr. Armatroug, becanio Arbor day was anob a aucceai at iho school. Mr. Tburaton and Mr, Knott, because they bad a snare in helping fix op the grounds. Rev. Mr. Balfour, because navigatiou is open, A bill was passed at the recent sesnion of the Leuislsturo with regard to hi- oyulistH and bicycle riding which is of considerable Importanoe. Hereafter a wagon on the highway must giro a cyclist roam to pnsa on the right. A cyclist overtaking » person driving and being desirous of passing, must give audible warning, and psas on the loft aide. Privers of vehiclei on the highway mnnt nllow sufHoient room of the Iravollod highway for oycliHis <o pass on the aide the law allows as tbove denned. The Markets. CareruIIr Corrected Earb Flour $>3 80 to Oats Id to Wheat ^,...... . 80 to Harley 20 to Peas 37 to Butter 18 to Eggs, fresh 8 'O Potatoes bag 'ib m Pork .. 400 to Day per ton 7 00 to Hides 4 00 to Bheepskins 25 to Geese 5 to Turkeys. 7 to Chickens per pair 20 to Ducks per pair 40 to Wool 17 to Wreli $5 2i> 17 8o 30 37 11 8 25 4 75 800 500 60 2o 30 20 Time Tabic GOING SODin. Markdaleâ€" 7 35 a. m. Fleshertonâ€" 7.48 a. m. GOING NORTH. Flesherton,â€" 12.07 p; m. Markdaleâ€" 12.20 p. m. 4 40 p. m. 4.52 p. m. 9.18 p m. 9.30 p. m. FOR 5ALE A quaDtitr of Khlnglea for (ale at my mill. lolilP, COI1.8. Artomeala. Also ehingleacut ou sliare.'. would axchauge a span of Loraes for sbiuule timber. J. HICKXiINO, Maxwell P. 0. FARM TO RENT Good farm to rent, two uiilea from Fleshcr- ton. Apply to JouN Whioht, Jr. Wfi* WINT tobandle eatablNbed trarla In nU n Alii this county. OanaJiKa stock ARIrN'pQ guaranteed to life. I'ermanent AuEiiiiO poHitiou, wholfl or part tiuie. Liboral terms. Vou can uiake t^n dollars a week or belter with us, for every wcuk you work. No eiperleooeneceBsary. Brown Brothers Cofnpany, ContiaoutuI i^nrseiiea, TOR JNTO, OST 15 Ueb. Karm for Sale Farm for sale cheap. 01 acre*, well waterod S) IpMua east of Ibis villaj;e, kuowu ae the Feu wick farm. Apply to If. Blctiardaon, aasigtee IPryTf "The Best Popular Life of Her MIIPH I J Majesty I hava uver seen." write* Lord Loroe, al>out " Qiiet-u Victoria." Sales iitiprtM^oiieuteil. l^aay to make Ave dollars daily iiig commission. Outfit free to cauTasseri*. TUB liUAULEY-QABnETSON CO.. Toronto Teaobera. Itarriafcors.PhTsiclans, and others of a aiiiiilar training, for liii;h class ttolioitintf. Will , par forty dollars weokly and railway 'are on domoustratiou of nuceHsary aliility. The liradley-Qarretaou Co., Ltd., Toronto. WANTED Han aad Wnmeo whoeau work hard tilkhiR and writiai; six lioura dail>. for six ilaTs a week aa4 will ba aontent with tan dollar's warkly. A4dreaa, MEW lOEABCO:, Hranttord. Dot. Hoiisi anil Lot for Sale. For B&le cheap and on eony terms In FleMior- ton. Hpltindiil laiK«, Holid bWtk liwelUng, with food •t'jnit celtar, Muuiinur kitcliea and wood- louise, also ^*o<>d fraiuv ntHliIo, brick lined. FioMiiHes contaiui twularKU lota and jjcxmI younj,; oruhard. boariiit;. Houho and ou*buiMiri;fi aro exc«])tionally woll finibhcd and very vouvoui- 4Utl> laid out. Apply to K.J. SpBoci«Xa Flesherton. Farm and Mill Site lor Sale For Dale very cheap and on very o»s»y terros. Timber farm* 150 acrefi, two tuilrs from Flosh erttin, known as the Wni. H(H;j;tiawuull pro- i>uvty, ami on which ia an excellt>nt water power, [oundntion of taw mill, dam and pond and watvr wheul in place and all ready for putting mill on. Abont 15 aorra oloi^rrd. JKi acres timber nu^t ull. balance well timbuvtd, niixud timber. This farm will bo aobi at a bai'};aiu if bold at once. Hinatl payment down, balance on very •»ay teruia. Apply to R.J. Sphoclb, Flesherton. Ont If used in connection with pmpcr snbjoctH and handled in tiie right way should bo just as interesting ns Kuniiner or fall poetry. t)rdinnry poetry IS NOT THE SUBJnCT Of this sketch. It is something morn valnablo. Some thinij the people cannot do without at this season of the year. It is Harness and Karrn Supplies 1 claim to kcf p in stock the best gomla to ho got in the line of horse gdixls, such Rs harness, biigig' du.stois, axlo grt-a-Mo, Rwent jmds, luH)f ointment, •vhip.s niblier lap rugs, limxl and uii- lined ; dash aprons, and pnounituio hiu-so collars. Always up to-to-dato in everything The POETRY of the TMINQ Comes in the immense satisfaetion you get in using our gotnls and the reasonable prices you nave to jwy for them. B&rnessmaker - • " Flesherton %\\$x^tn €'ixU MCULLOUOH * YOUJfO liankera. UarkJale Do a gauaral banking business. Money loanad at a reaifonable rate. Call on us. A 8 VAMDU3EK. J P Clerk 5tli Div Court, Co Qrvi fainer of Uarriace Liceusee. ConveyaDcer, Notary, Poblic, Auctioneer. MoD<-rto loan at from 5 to 6 per cane. Ciiargea raoUerate. FliEBHEBTOS P O T\EBT3 COLLECTED *^ The unilarslgned is prepared to unHertaka the eolliMtioa ot all kiixis of ilebts. Notes bough), accouuta eoKectbd, etc. K N BBNDESSUN, Flssbertori. TCHISLETT Kleabartou Station Po.Ktmaster. Coajroirtsioner in H C J, Conrey- anccr. Deeds, ujoitgHKci*, lea»4?s ami wiUs drawn. Mone} to lend at 5^ pur ci nt iind up- wariia. Debts collected. Chiu:Kt>4 niudtirat*. Rj 8PnnL^J^ l'oa£uiattt«'r, rieshartos roinnri3»iouer in U K, IJconred Anctioe^cr, ('ouTcyancor, Appi-aintr and Mo'jpv lien<*er. Heal Kbtate and lusnraiica Ag.iit. De.*da, uiortgatias, Uaacs and villi f'triKu up so-f valuaiiunb matlu on fhorttjKt nrtico. ALirtiuo Kales attended to in any |-art of the coabty. Money to loan at lunei^t ratea u( iiit«r«>t. C*l- loc-ti.'iis attended to aitb proiupiCL-p)* aii.) despatch. Ch»r(!t.s Itw. Agent ft r r.omiiiicw Staamthip Compaov. thrai> ticket, rotu FloshertoQ to Liverpool, U'asKOw. Lugron tr any ot the llriti&b iicita. I'arrie^ int-€Udji>(( to vitit Kuxli^iid, Si-ntland or I eland, wi I please ask lates before pnicbasing tt><.ir tickets elsewhere. <^Dri1ifiS AO U W n^eets every Bret and third Uoaday in each month, in their loiipe room. Strain's block. FletljerCon. at 8 p ui Priua Teeter, VV M : AM OlMon, Kecomor: W i Helluuy. Finanaiar. Visiting bretbtac iuTited, PniSCE ARTHTR LODBE, No 3SS, A P A A M. -.neets iu the Ma^-oniu hall, S'talii's block. Kirslierton, every Friday on or befet* the full moon. Geo Mitchell, W .M ; W J BtiUaiiiy, tjacrwtary. J^fidl^tvy JP MARSHALL I.DS. U D8, Dentist Visits Uarkdalo the 1st aud Srd \re<1nHHar of each mo'ith. fleahertou â€" each trip ou She day following. LG CAMPBEI L L O ri, D D S. rental Snrgeon. Iilarkdato Ofllco over McCallocfEh A YonrR's bJank. Hoursâ€" S JO a ra to p ni. Viaits Klcrheit^a the Kecond and fourth TUttrM^ay ot eacls month. OfBce at Unnshaw a botel. THENDFRSON D D S. M D 8, Dentist of Toronto (Gold .Mpdali!.tl will riait Fleslicrton pro- fesaionallv the Crst Wodneaday ot eacL mntk&h and Duudalk the fuUowiujt day (Thursday. J ftpl ]OHN W FUOST. L L B ^ Karrister. Solicitor. Conreyancer. etc Oflloaâ€" Next to postuifice. Sproulns block. FieKhertou, every SaturUy and court day*. N B-Owcn Sonnd oBice, Ftcst's block, SO IVuIutt street oast. LUCAS ft WRIGHT Rarristera, Solicitor*. ConTeyancors, ate Owen Hound, Cut UaikOale, Ont \V H WUIOIIT 1 D LUCAB N n-Flosherton ofDce, MitehtU's Rack, every Wednesday. rUCKER ft PATTERSON Rarrlsters, tiolicitors, eto MoUon's Rank, Cwen Sound HARRY O TUCKER GEO W PATTEIiSOS MACK.tY A HATTON llariisterx. Solicitors, eto 0'!!ce8â€" SO PcuU'tt rtreet, Owen Seuid ; and Main striet, Duudalk, vvery Satuvoay, N H- Always iu attei:daiico al ticshertoa aud DiiU'Ialk Division Courts. A li HAl'KAY, MA W J U.XTTON Cuuuty Ctowu Attorney gtfdiriil DK HUTTON U O C M, U P P * B Out, rrlceTtllo. Uttice next door to Bionn's stoie: residouce one door weft of Mvthudwt church, Kinroas scicet. uthcu daye, 'luesdaya aud oatutdays. DR CAicTI.R M C r ft S Ont, rhyeiciaii. KBrjjeon, elo Flesherton cUlcoâ€" btraiu's block. Retideuee â€" Muushuw'a Hotel. JOHN A SCOTT, M B Meiubei College Physio, ft Surgeont, Ontario Uraduato iu Mediui!,e of Toronto I'nivursitv, Fellowship Uiplouia, IV^t Gradu- ate Ve<tical School and Hoe<,dtal, Chicagx Ui(;H of eye, ear. uu»e and tliroat si>«oially treated. ResidaLco, MaiweU, vidil^i Feveraham I'huradyas 1â€" il JP OlTEWKLL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate cf Ontario Veterinary College. Itesidunoaâ€" Second ooor south ou west sido Mary street. Thin streets ruus south from Fresbyterlau church. JRUEVILLR AND DURHAM STAGE Durham stage leaves Flesherton Station r* T.lo a.m., returns 4.4^ p.m. I'riceville stage leaves the same place at lii.80. ratu: uiiisj at \V>. Fare to Price vllle aud return. SO coiits ; Du{ baai, *l.'iO for return. Tio. tlni;lo faro, l.lvery iu cou- nectiuu. Ordors may be left at either hotel. A, .MoCAUiiEY Prop Pays for your Name on 13 RB«\aitul HIDDKN NAME C.\R1),S, lovely pictures, or 80 H:\iHl9onieCallinKCards. Cash with order. Staiupa taken. AddrvHti, CANADA CARD UOUW. lugetauU Ontario. . ;u.^'.u^<L.iv.. ^

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