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Flesherton Advance, 29 Apr 1897, p. 8

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v THE F L E S H E R T O N A D V A N C E ' f9V * ^ * UA ' . : . m iiJ i iai i jii.] ., x-L ' . iLj.L.uiL i aix i j i . ' -iiaaj le!!!" '1^ ,„ WINTER 5ALES ,_, '^^ NOW RUSHING I '^^^ This is tho Reasrjn of year wlion you want to Imy a cutter or sleigh. I havu them â€" boautifH â€" iind will bcU on ymir own tonusâ€" if they aro not all <ine-»iiitKl. I'ltinting ami rc-tiiininin^ doiio to orJer. Don't buy without looking in upon my wtinjiloH anil gettin;^ prices. R. T. WMITTEN i *^^^^^«y^ ^^^^^/^^-^^ V^-^y^ 1&^^^,V<5^^»/Q.'»'«/^^1Ma^ ^ i>fe J!& **i"5V'> i"' Sk:S^ ^"* "'''• ••""• 5'^^"-' ^"i^V^ 5.'<:*^"' •"'- ."?"- ^"'- .-" '<• ^"'i ;"''• ^^'^ ^''"'i. W^ W'«? vi?'>i?^'>i?':i.*'/|<= W^ •?i^ '/iS- •S'»i' •Vii- W'«,i- -iii- Kii^ttf '.t5- vtv ')kf Vii- '. i^ vn> V»? ^(<» Vi {• ^^ w # m if Eiii Buggies, Carts, Wafrona, Harrows, Plows of the best kinds mid rtpaire. Diiiders, Mowers, Horse EakcB and Corn Scufllers and repans. Cliaius of fell kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms VIS" ak^^^^,^/'' •>"' •s'fe^'fe •>"' >"«• •>'* •'â- V' »•.<{. a!^ •>!«• "i'*- ^'- .<?:«• -^'''' •>'<- •&"â-  -SI'- •>!<• •^'^ *•«• â- JiV^lS' BARNHOUSE Th3 Flour and Fruit Man Wishes to drnw tho attention of tho public to the f'llloiriiig Bp«uialiie$ : DOaSKIN MITTiS and LEGGINGS luiulu to order, i;r « ill Noll out of Stock. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY OYSTERS IN SEASUN Try our broali fast CEREALS. Flour of all ^raJeHili block. Hoot and Shoo business dlso attended ti> a-> usual. W. Barnhouse, Flesherton ^^$i ^'^W^ /»\/ â- ^P I Photos I â€"TAKEN % â€"AT THE I Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first-class stylo and at lowest rates. Siiecial i.iU'ii'i.iu Kivoii to copyinc. Rabies' j)liotos. a .specialty. Pictures framed. I MRS. BL'LMER Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY REST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A TllOROUOH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip "I'LTirin-^'i â€" â€" ~ Ciillt-'tfOll IU)t1 CoinuiHiclfi) t)>'|ifirtini>nt8 In CanutU, tlu'ii vjrtit tlie North' III HtiKiiioHH ColU-KO ; «xnitiln« irvurythitiK thuiuutfhly. If wo full to iirodiiuo tUe most tliurotiuli, cninplut't, prttotical &utl QXtoiitivo couiKu of Htndy ; tlio bont cuUuija yruiuiiHJH niiii tli«i l>est HriU \wuvX cninpUito and â- loat Huitablo furiiitum liiitl iipi'iifinccs, wa will (;ivu yon a full cmuiho l-'UKT.. For aununl ftUuouDcuiiiuiilH, giving full parlicalard, (rue, 0. A. FLEMING, Piincipal BUQENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works Caniajjos niado and rcpairod, also Planint; and Mutcliinf^, Hand Hawiii<,', W()'.)d 'J'lirmng of every det- BCiiption. Planing and d'rain L'no[i- ping done wliilo you wait, for the ilcaver turns tlic wheel. T. W. WILSON, .Manager : : LOOS : : WANTED ! In unlimited qtiantiiiea at the Properties FOB - SALE â€"BY- a. J. SPBIUIE, FIESEEBTOH It YOU WISU TO BUY rilOI"ERTY COSSULT TUIS BPAOS. FOR S.\LE clicnp snd oii easy terms, ono mile from FIcKherton, \\\ acres land and on which In a j;i)od 7 rodins frame (Iwelliii;/, well and comfortably linisheil Htone celler underneatli, and j;(if)il well and |iuiiip in kitchen, good fntiiie htable and ili'ivin)( hotme, hImo brick lilie<l hen houHe, Kiiiall orchard cumniei'cingto bear. Ai.plytoR. J. SPRorLE, Fleslierton. A DEAD RAROAIN if hoIiI .luring present n\onl4). Two improved farms, one a mile from Pricevillu and the other same di.stanuo from Warehani. Siiiull puymeiit down, balance on VKitY (!asy terms. Also a hundred and til'ly acre farm and mill idto ono mile from Kleshor- t.on, principally hiudwood bush, f o .icrea cleared and framo dwelling and htablu. Any person wanting a deciUe<l hai-gain apply quick to above. ^tglicst Cash Prioes. CHOPPING paly 5o l>er Bag Beecroft & Talbot TRAD! MARKa. DE0ION8, OOPVRIOHT8 Ao. Anyone «ondlnii b uliotrh •iicl (Icnorliitiin niny quick!; uourtuln, frcu, wlmtliiT nn InvomiMu Is priilinl)ly pntotitablo. <\uuniiliili'att(iiiH utrtctljr t.purMmitlal. <Jl(l(Wt nKcmry furHefurtiiK patouu til Aniurloa. Wn Imvo a Wunlilniil.m i.ltli-u. I'liiunti tiikuii iliruuiiU Munu A Cu. "ooulra Bpuulol notloo In llio 8CIENTIFIG AMERICAN, bflkiitlfullr llluntrntml, InrRmt circniritinn of any mluiitino Journnl.wriikly, terms I^IIXl 11 yoor) Sl.fiOBlx m(HitliB. Hpuclmon oi>|>loaHn(l UAMO buuK UH i'ATKNTn aont freo. Addrou MUNN & CO., 301 Uroadwnv, K«w York. Cash : for : HidesI Shropskins and «11 kinds of furs pur- aha'ifld, for which highest market price will be paid. Homemndii Muitgei on htnd, alte kll kttids of meats. M. IVIZ^SON, Flcc!iartoa MefttBmporian Ran 10 Allies r/lth Na CIctliinK On Except a Shirt. From (hn Clu\-hji J^ieel'rrM On Monday of lagi week, (itmy Miller of Guelph cume to wurk at "Tli'iB. B'«iuiau'« saw mill on 8lb con , I'JKierelie. Tli« etlirr tiirtid liHiids at Bearnian'H ilioiigtit thai Milloiwai Boti. ami set to wovk t> fiijjbttjn him. Xlify told miller that oiio of the lired mijnwhomadea iiratice ci KetliEg np iti his sleep often to ik a r»ii>r an I at'.enip:ed to cm some ot tlie hired nieu'H throats. Befcre [•• iiig to )»'>l Ilothain. cne < f the hired lnuiila, procctilrd to act ilie ptrt o: the crii?,y mau, and tnking oiu a butclicr kbiicb'Kan to sharpen it. Aiinthf-r oi tlie gBii>; drt- «• n pi|)c ami preteiiiihijj it wai a icvolvor poinltil it at Miller sud ihrOiitened to Kh'ioi him. Miller w)io was very ba>rl.v Bcaml rushed into Mr IJeftrman's ro: ni and ii^kod Lis proteclion, hill Bearinau only laughed at lii^- employee, who returned to where lis tiyiiuciitors* wcic. A pecor.d time Miller was (riahlenel and nguiu hou^ht Bearmcn's pr.iteciion, hut witti the time re«ult. Aitir Miller bad gone to be i Hotnam again appeared on the (Cone, this tin.e with a lantern and knife. Tue objrct of lloiliam, AUxauitur and the rest of ilie gang was to drive Miller itto Uearmikn's room when the former was in an almost nude condition. This tiim! Miller who was se:ired almost out oi his wits, yelled at the top of hia vo C11, and w^th no clothing on but his itliirt left the hourte and ran down the ccBce.-nioii as faet as ho ccnM to Win. Orr'a, about two miles distan'. Ho awoke Mr. Orri ikI Bsked to be let in. Mr. Oir, tceii'); tbnl the man had only kis shirt on and U'at he :i)ipeared to bo crazy, refused tho stranger adiuittuiice until hia Klep-aoi:, .Mr. Jae.bpcr.cer, caiue down alairs. Wiiile Mr. Hpencir wan cominp down stairs, tho dogii bepan burkini! furiouKly, and tb:s BOH'-ed Mil'cr, who starteil off at a rapid pace towanls tnc cciin'y line of Uruce and (•ley. Mr. Hpeu^'ercailtd after the yours man, but to BO effect. Mider'i uext run was about four miles scrcsj to I2lli c^ii. of Sullivan to AugUiilOoborl"«. He awalc'U'd (iobd t ami askeii him for a pair of paiUs. Gobeit ihou.'iit the man v n» cra.'V and threatened to shoot him iinlxss he left the preuiiee.'. This was nbont .'{ o'clock a. ni. Nlillcr unit strnck out for 10th ci n. Sailivan and landed St the home of Chas. Such, jr. Charlie waj .•iwiikiiied and allowed the aliucfl frozen unn to come in- to hirt liouae, where ho was provided with el'j'liing. Mr. Such sent for County Counciilor Anderson, who ordeied a con- stable to have Mdler arrested ai a ra^jrant ami the Mngiatrate committed him to Owen Sound gaol for two months and the same d.-.y Miller was ttkoQ to the Raol. When Mr. .\nderBon h'aru;>d the true state of air«iiiB,liow Die young man had been abused and scared., he made application to the county judfe to have bis convictions (|iiu>hed and the prison r was released. On Tuesday eoiinable Gray was iuformc<l of the crciiiustances, and proceeding to UearmBu'a n.ill arrested \^ eslev llotham and hia p<d das. Alexandrr, The former nppeara to be tho dare-devil uf the gang and does not seem to lake the matter teriously, but Alexunder appears to be extremely penitent for the part he took in a ionl plot to frighten a Toung man and nend him ou a cold ni^^hi a ilisiauoe of 10 miles in such a pitiable condition, lie aNolaya the burdin of the Mamie on Rcariuan for allowin|{ suoli conduct in his house, because he was aware id what went on. and this was only the ulimax of o'.her acta sonHVihst similar in nature. The feeling of the peoide is strongly against DearmaD for allowing a sort of terrorism to be carried on in his honue and Ilothaiu aud Aloinuder will un iloiiht fiid the la^^' deals severely « iih cases uf this kind in whieh they wero the prliK'ii>ul actors sud what they cnn»idered us a huge joke on an itinoceut chap Kill uot likely be eonsiiierod in the same light by the justices before whom tho oasu iii tried. On Tuesday llotham and Alexaudei appeared Imforu Magiatralea Halliday and Elliot and wurerolea.^ad on furnishing S.'iOO bail each, t'or.stablo tiray who is acting: in tha pulilio interests as prcieeutor will see that the rascality ef this kini will not be allowoil to go unchecked at Itearman's mill or anywhere elao. To-day (TniiiH.iay ) llothaiu-aiid AloxauJer will reeeire their preliminary trial before Mtgiatraies Hallid:ky and ICldot. . . Spring iPoetrj/, . If usetl in connection with proper siibjicts and haiidliMl in the right way sliiiuld bu just us interesting as Kiininier or fall pootry. Ordiiinry poetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT of this sketch. It is Bomctliinx mom viilimblo. Something tho pooplo c^tiiiiot do without at this season of the year. It is Marnows iii\(l FL\rrn Siipj^lic^i^ I claim to keep in stock tho best gootla to bo got in tho lino of liorso goods, Kuoh »H h»riu\')«, bugijy dtiHtors, axle groaso, sweat pads, hoof oititiiiont, 'vlii|is, rubber lap rui;a, lined and uii- liiied ; dnHh aprona, and |ineuiiiatic horse collars. Always up to-tu-dutu in uvurything The POETRY of the THING Comos in tho immenso Hntiafaetiim ymi get in uaing our goods and tho rooaoiiablv prices yuu have to pay for thuin. 'ivivi. iuioore: Harnessmaker - Flesherton Farm for Sale Psrm tor sale chssp. Ot aeras. well watered 14 iiiiles east ot tills viltoge, koowu as Ibe rsB wist fum. Apply ta M. M«)iar4io«i, awi^nM tiio CjIVe Ti,e only food that will Luild up a weak cons- ^ tifutJon gradu- ^ t Chance any btu surdy is { ; t I I Cardinal Food:: ♦ a simple, scientific and highly § nutiitivc preparation hr infants, ^delicate cliildrcn ani invalids. ^ KCR.tY tVATSOn & CO , rneemsToii*. A MONTnCAL. Baby a ana Martin's F'ublic ]N[oticc NOTlCr; is hereby giyon forW;lilir:p uof person or pcr.-ions troBo aaci tif{ on i>r ciistirig, Intorferiug with or reinovio^' airy timber ofiicM SI, en t'uo IHh anil KVh conreshj-Hi. Arteruesia. anil lets lU. IMavtl US at nuy amt a I penuns doiuij bO will bo irrneeated aceorihuK Co law. R. J. SPliOFLE. A|;*ut, flkskeoSMS. Dscriuber, U, "Rl. FARM_TO RENT O. ©i1 farm to reat, two mi^es from Flesher- ton. Api^ly to JoH.s WaiiiiiT, Jr. FARM TO RENT OR SELL Lot 170. 2n.1 con. N. K. T. & S. It.. 03 acres . (iooil frame huu>« ; .'O acres cleareil. Kafv tei-ua. W. A. Al'.MSIi.'ONO. riaebertott. WR WANT '«'"•"<" "^ " â- "'' A ti,i, ctuinty. Cnnailian cstabliaheil trs'ls in . . titock AfikNTS l-'iiaraiiteea tolive. Permannut aux^lliU |ioiiiioii. whole or part time. I ni.>ral teniii. You ca i uiaka ten liollara a week or belter with nn. for erury week yon work. No experience irecossarv. Brown Brothers Company, ('luitlaeutal Nurseries, TOBONTO, OIW l."j Meh. I^TOTICE hVlic* is herobr given that P. Bolger.of the vilhive of I'rieerille. lias uufle a|iplieatioii to the iloanl Gt ('eiitro (irev f jr transfer of license from Jos. MeDoiiald totlie sai.l I'. Dolnor. t'iowu Hotel, I'ricevillo. FOR SALE A quantity of shinRtos for salo at my mill. lot SS, con. H, .\rlei<u'!iia. Aim sliliicleHcut ou Sharon, woulil onchauge a siiaa of tiorbca for Hhiiiulu timber. J. BICKLING.Uaxwoll P.O. irrUTf "Tlie Best Topnlar Life of Her flULn 1 a ""Jasty 1 liavo ever seen." write* Lord Lorno. about " Queen Victoria." Bales iinprocedontud. Kaay to niakn lira dollars ilaily Hi)- commission. Outfit frea to canvassers, THK BhAULKY-aARRETBON CO.. Toronto. Teachers. Barristera.I'hTkielans. ami utiiars of a similar training. 1 JI ' Iforhiuh class solieitlni;. Will llll I I'ay forty dollars weukTv and nil Ll/riiilvay faro ou demoUEtration of ueeesHary ability. Tho Hiadloy-Garrotsou Co., Ltd., Toronto. WANTED Men asd Women who eau work hard talking and writing six hours dall). for bIi r1«y» a wgek aa* wUl ka cnuteut with ten dollars woekly. Adilscss, NKW IDEAS CO;, Hranlford. Unt. ni Lot for Sale. For snln cheap and ou easy terms In Flesher- ton. Knlendiii large, solid hritk dwellinR. with RO0.1 Btxno collar, sumuior kitvhen and wood- louHo. also Koo.l f'ame stable, brick lined. I . emi-les eontaiiis two largo lots and cood youaB orchard, beariui;. House and onibnlldiucs are eieeptloimlly K,ll ilniahod and very couTeni- tutly laid out. Apply to R.J. Spboulk. Flsaherton. Farm and Mill Site lor Sale For Halo very cheap and ou vorv easy terms. Timbor larui, l.W aeros, two niilen from Fle»h orton. known »» tlio Win. Hour sawmill pro purtv. ami oil which is an e.xcellent water powor. fnundaiion of buw mill, <lain and pond and water wheel in placo andail reailt for piittinii mill on. Atioiit l^acves olonuHl.^Hiacrea timber, most oiT. 'jalanee well timbered, mixed timber This farm will Iw sidd at a barsain if sold at iineo. Small payment down, balance ou very. Uksy torma. Apply to B.J, Bpnot;i.x, Flesherton. Ont The Markets. tarcfully Corrected Enrh Klour f4 f)0 to O.its Ifi to \ 80 to Hurley 20 to I'eaa ,.,. 37 to Ituttor 10 to KgKa, fresh 8 ,o I'otivtooa \><kff 2i) 1 o I'ork 4 00 to Hay por ton T 00 to llidos 4 00 to Slioe)>.skins 25 to Onoso 5 to Turkeys 7 to Cliiolteiis per pair 20 to Diioka por pair 40 to W(Kd 17 to Time 1\\ble OOINO SOUTH. Marlcdaleâ€" 6 40 a. m. 4,40 p. m. Fleshertonâ€" 0.53 a. m. 4.59 p. ih, 00I^a NOBTR. FlMrhvTtonâ€" 11.48 m. m. 9.17 p. ro. MarV>*)«- 18.04 p. m. 9.90 p. q). WocU $:> 46 17 85 30 37 11 8 26 4 75 8 00 5 00 eo 7 » 90 â- am " I II «u^^ ej*Erv=T.'f5râ- yâ- 3» :â- ''-» ' , a ta Bimmp M [^ â€"I UttOVOU it YOCNO liailkers. .^iarklaia' Do aji^uors! b*uktr;i( buslnnsB. If^onoy at a roasoi-.tble ^ate. CUoaus. y-,- X- K fi VAND!''--FN. J> • ' " Cli^rb 5tli D;v Ooin-t. 6o Grey Isfuer of Mrriir>co LfcelMrs, OonvfTanccr, Nota.-y, I'jbhe. Ale timi«Br. llmcv to loaa af. from 6 to Spsrceat. C;i.irg9s taoJeca'o. FiKsns.'rroji p o D F.J>T.i COLLECTED The uuilur.'i^aed -parM. t.> nnilcrtake tho cullS'!tio.i of all kiiit.i of ilubijv Notes t«>usht, accouiita ccl'ecteii, o:c. • '*- It N HENI>i:.i;B<JM, ile«bovlo:i. TCHISLKTT Flesberton Btatija Postmaster, Coraiijissioaer in IT C J, Convej** ancer. Deeds,^ef.. leases mjtf wili.« iira'.vn. Moiiej to I*„nfi at 5i i>CT ce.'it an i up* watils. Debts cullcstsd. Ch.k.(iM aio>ut.-at«. RJ SPBOtT.n I'o^nmast.r. Fleshertoa ron.mi5Sioner in 1) U, Licensed Aeclioo»er. Conveyanc-r, Ai^lirai.^cr ai:l Money Lender, Itea] Lsttito ar;d liisur.anea Aiynt. Deet?3. ne>itK»Ke». leases aii't wil".* ilri.Wn np- »ivt va!uiii«p.a ciaUe en hhoit.*.4: uri.:e-. Anttii'm saUs attended to In any part i,f theeountv. Mcre> to loan at lo»e.-t lates of interoft. Co'l leeii..ii4 a^tc;lde•-l to vith piou^u:c.-t.8 ai..l devpattfh. ClinriUH low. Aceut i,'r I'< uilo:. n Steamship I'.oii.tauy. Cheap ti> ket j rcn> Fiei,bcrt<*n to Livt-iuonl. <jlR,grw. I^oD 1 1' any ol tho Jlrilitb "| oris. I'nrii.s iuiecc'ii e to vifit >:i<uian<t, beitluLd or 1 e^an.i, t.t 1 pUaro aek lates before inieliasicg tltcu- ticketa elsewhcic. <|oci'tifjEi AO U W meets every Crrt and fbird Monds.v in each Lionth, in their Ijripo rocni K' rain's biock, ^'lef-nerton. at H p m. i*iicd Te'iter. W M ; A M (;i'>J.)n. KeeoidBr; W ./ Bellamy, tiiiarci;r. Vit^iiinfi brotbt'oe invited^ PiiiNCK .\i;rnTr. Lri^<}:5, No a-.i. a p * .\ kl. :2!eets in tho .vta'^onie beil. Riraii.'x block. Flesherton. every Friia.* on or botoro the full mooo. Ueo klitchell,' W M ; W J llellamy, bocretary. ScntiiStiii T P MAaSlULL «» L D S. M D 8. Dentlat Visits Mark.lale the ist aud 3rd Wednesday of each luout'o. b'luahortouâ€" -eauli tiip ou tUo day following. L6 CAMPnEIL L U s, V D S, Doutal Bnrceon, Markdale OiUo over SlcCullonsh A- yenrc'a bank. Hoira-aaO am to C p lu. Vfsita Fiesbeit-ia tho second aud fourth Tburfiiay cf eaeli uiuntb. UfSoe at Muusbaw s botol. THiSJJDFl'.SON D n S, M D 8, Pentist cf Toronto iCioll ModttlistI will visit Flenherton pro- fessionally tho Urst Wednesday ot uacr. luoosti and Duudalk the fullowini; day (Thursday.! ?f8«I •lOHN W FBOST, L L B " Itarristcr. Solicitor. Convrysncer. efi Cnicaâ€" Neit to postufllco, SprouU's block, KU>.<bertoD. e7erv Satur lay aud court day^. N H- (Jwon Bound cILce, Frost's blocif, 3Q I'oulett street ea»t. LUCAS & WBIOHT llarrlsters, Bolicltors, ConTeyancers, etc Owen Sound, Oat Juarkdah', Out W H WUIQHr 1 H LUCAS N nâ€" Flesherton office. Kitcholl's Uauk, every Wednesday. rUCKEB A PATTERSON Darristera, Bolicitors, etc Molsou's Bunk. Owen Sound HAKRY G TUCiilOt UUU W PAITkJtSOM MACKAY A It.VTTOK ilaiiiiiterb, Uoliultore, cto OU eesâ€" :.'0 Pculott street, Owen Rouml : and .Main stieet, Dumlalk, fvory baturday. N il--.Mua>H iu atttit:dui)co i;t Fie^hdrtoQ ' ^iiid liuudalk UivUuon Courts. A (I M.\OKAY, MA W J H.\TTOX County Ctowu Attorney iunuiu DIt HUTTON MUvJM, MPPftS Ont, PrlcoTlMe. Odice next door to Itrown'a store; leaidonca one door webl of MotlieKlist church, Kinross .iruot. UUicu days, Tuesdays and Saturdays. DK CAKTFU .14 CV it 8 Ont, Physieian, Surgeon, eto Kleshertun nfllcuâ€" btiaiu's block, Ituaideuoeâ€" .Vluusliaw'a llutal. TOH.N A SCOTT, M B w Wemlier Colli;;* Physic. & Surgeons, Cintario Oiaduatn iu Meilici'ie of Tuionto L'nivorsily, teiiowsbip i)i)ih>um, ri»st tiiadu- atu Mod.eal School and llospdul, Chicai:o. iliheaaea of e)e, ear, nose aud tnroat spt-cially tieated. tie tidet ce, Maxwell, visits Fevcrahau) I'iiursdyea Lâ€" ij T P OrTEWELL V Votenuary Surgaon (Iraduato of Ontario Votorinarjr CoIlsRe. ite.'^idoi ceâ€"Secoud door south on west siue .Murv street. This streets ruus south from I'reshvlorian chuieh. JRlCEVttJ,BAND DURHAM STAGR Durham stoRs leaves FUniherton Station St 7.15 a.m., leturns 4.i.t p.m. Frioeville staf,e loaves tho same place at lU.W, retutnmit at Hi. Faro to Pricevillu and rvtnrn.OO cents ; Duiham, *1.50 for return, 7'io. siniilo ti^re. Livery in cou- uectiou, Orders may bo left at either hotel. A. McCAULKY Prop Pavs for yonr Name on I3t lleantitnl HIUDKN N.^Mi'. CAHDS. lovelv pictures, or i!0 HaiulsomeCallIng Cards. Casti with order. Stamps taken. AiMresa, OAMADA C^tO U0U8K, lugursoll

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