»â€" "H THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 9MB J= ESTABLISHED -/SS/' ^h.e ^civance «l' BUSHED WKEULV AT THB OFFU;!!. KVH- ENUAM HTllEET, FLKSUERTON, ONT. , BY W. H. TUU1WT02I. $1 per uiiiiiim.strictly in advance Adveitismg Kates: Oao Coluiua, 1 year, 850 ; balf col., 1 yoor, ?27 quarl&r uol.,oiio yoar, 915, Traniient adTertiseiueat charged at the ratb 8 oeutB por lino for first InBertion aaJ 3 coiita each 8ub3ei|uuut iuHertlou. fallows, etc. If suoli \a done after tlie hot season is entered iipou.tliat would probably be looked upon in a court of juatico as an act of carclessuess and ikiuages woule doubtless accrue to ibc party whose property, if any, was destroyed. The Municipal Act allows township councils to pass by- liws regulating the placing out of fires, but this towDsbip has never acted upon Its prerogative in this r(- aaid. THE NEW TARIFF The new Fieldin;? tariff,supplicd us last wetk, would, if the GioLe were to Le bflicvod, create a golden era in 'tbis country. The Globe announces it as 'the death of the N. P.,"' a "rebuff to high protection" and says that "adaj of freer tiade dawns at last." "Freer" trade is a qualifying tortn used to let tha party down easy from the straight fiee trado policy «\hich has been its priuqipal plank during the past twenty yeuis. Dur- ing that time the Conservative party Lave continued to make changes in the tarid where necessity demanded. This is actually all that is done under the new Liberal taiiff, only that iu â- order to redeem their pledge more B'.veeping chai.gOB have been made. Ill Older to do tliix, liowiver, the welfare oi home industries liive been lemcQiboivd to a considerable degree, though not suffiiiifiitly in our esiiuia- tiou. Tiio barb wire iudnstiy, fjr iiirftanc'j, appeat-ii to have been «?C6troytd under the new tariff, while coal oil, the price of which lias been a continual complaint by the Iteforni l arty, has been reduced only 1 cent a gallon, bucaii.sc "it was found tiiat the industry could not stand a farther re:luc'ion." We quote from the Globe: '•The Ciovtrnioent felt tlmt to go further would be to destroy I'otrolea and its indiiHtiicB, and that this was a responsibility that could not bo lightly assumed We have foiitcred â- ihese indnntries on a prottctionist baKis under Liberal and Conservative Govcrnm?nts,aud it is bard and even perilous to sinnmarily force a binu- iicss 80 established down to a free trade level, and especially so in the teeth of the great Standard Oil mono- poly." 1 hat is a stong a admission tor the Globe to make â€" it is an ad- mission that free trade is and always lias hern a nightmaro.an impoHsibiliiy ijo the party is consoled by calling it â- a "freer" trade than that which the country enjoyed under a Conservative tariff. Wliiro the freer trade coinos in it is diOB^nlt indeed to understand. Tiierti has been a reairangiiig of the tariff, with the duty on soiuo articles reduced and added to on otiiei's, but it . still remains on tho basis reared by the Conservative party in 1878 â€" that of protection to native indii.stries. That is no doubt tho reason why the London Times cabled a mo3;mgo of Congratuluticni to Mr. Laiirierâ€" it was glad to discover that he was a pro- tectionist, something no one hcietu- fore thought poBsiblo. The electors of Toronto will vote on Batinday, May 16, on the question of whether streetcars shall be run iu that city on Sunday or not. The Sunday cars have been voted on before and defeated, and a aiuiilar fate no doubt awaits them on this occasion. Latest reports from the seat of war indicate that the Turkish army is on a victorious march through Greek territory, and that the Greek forces aie fleeing before them in every gen- eral engagement. This is sorrjwful news to ua all. It is not likely that tho war will last many days longer in its present form. A few days ago Canada and the United States were engaged sending donations to the suffering victims of the Turk. Now tho donations are going to the Greek coffers to help that brave little country to whip the Asiatic blood sucker. A dcspalch horn London says : The war has opened wide the purses of tho Greeks abroad and quantities of drafts from ii,h to £00 aie coming from the United States and Canada for the Greek difense fund, I'lobably close upon i" 1,000,000 has par.sed through London for Greece duiiiig the past three weeks. A prominent London banker said : " Wo only represent four United St.rtos and Canadian bau1((! from which thenc pinall drufts come ; but if these rcprestnt any- thing like a fair projiurtion of the suni.^ forwarded by other Amcrcian banks, whicii v/o think is undoubted- ly tiic cafee, the total amount of money sent to Greece from America is already very close upon a million pound sterling, liesides these Amcii- can conlrionlions, tbo Greek merch- ants of London are forwarding large subsci iptions of money and material." The Daily Clirouicle and Star have opened fynda for the wouiidcd and tlie amounts f-ubscribed will bo sent to the Crown Priuocss of Greece. Everybody ..READ THIS.. CHANGE IN BUSINESS Tho uiulersignod wish to annnunce tu t!io people of thiM section that tiiuy Imve purehimed tho tailor- ing business conducted by Mr. C J. Luitch in Flesheiton. We tru.-,t the very liberal patioii- nge bestowi'd upon our predcce.ssor in the past will be extended to u» in t!ie future. We Don't... Occupy this space t* do a little blow- ing, Vjut to intnxluco ourselves to the public. We will iimke our work do nil the talking, and theruby holHj to giin tliu goinl-will and patronage of the people of this section. Wo guarantee ym a pi;r- fect tit in the latest stylos of tho art. BAKER'S OLD 5TAND, FLESHERTON S^roctor d ^ilan f<o iu a i^'joil causo. A(Mre>-s JAl'.RZ GALIX»WAT,|Toronto.Ont. kQEHn \ am just fitarting 'the best tiling fur inohoy malting voii have Heoii for many a d'ly Yniir unino at.d address will \ixv\^ tho {;o:do-i ii.formatioii. K.l'. GLASGOW, 'Toronto. Out. ID H yTrn lo-lastriotie persons of either box n UU 1 LIJ "'tliROOd cbiiraeM.r and common hchool eiliirntinn, can obtaiji ouiiiioyiUBatfor twomontliaiu thieoommuuity. B. M. FUT, Toronto, Out. PUFTING OUT FIUE A correspondent asks the Adv.incc to give the law regarding putting out of fire. There id no law, other than common law, on this question. Any person who caroleBsly putsout firo in tho summer, or without using oidiimiy precaution to see that they do no damage, is, however, liable for damages resulting therefrom. It then fcocomtsa matter of personal inter- eat when fartiMtfl tliftU burn stumps, The Toronto Newi has this to say of the new tariff : " The absence of coiiinrnctivo stateBinanship in the Liberal government has been illus tiatcd in a very brilliant manner by the provisions ol the new tariff which lias just L«pn introduced. Tiiereis not a new feature in it. The whole Btiuc'.uio was the woik of members of tho ('onseivalive party. 'J'his is plainly â€" even chceifuUy â€" admitted by the Globe. An ulliged cartoon hIiows the prcniii r and John Ihill standing upon a pjatfoim, and Mr. F(/ster on the ground, Mr. Lauiier n marking, 'Como up and j(>in our lia))py party, Foster ; you built the platform yourself, and ought to share in our loyal rejoising.' Ilow are the mighty fallen I Under the manage- inciit of the lata Hon. (leo. Brown, tho Globe had dlniiions that wcro not changed simply to hold office. When he laid down a line of policy it was lived up to. The Liberals of Mao- konzio's time wore content to suffer defeat rather than stultify their rcc- oida or swallow their convictions. 'J'lio Liberals of I.jainier'a time are willing to do anything to hold on to otlico. That ia tho difference between tho party as it was and as it is, •WOOD'S I»HOSl?ITOr>rVE. The Great EnKllxb Remedy. Six Paokaget Guaranteed to promptly and iiermancntly cure all forms of ^'trvouM Tl'caJmeaa, Emis»tona,!iperm^ atorrheat ImpoUncyand aH everts of Abuse or Excenaca, Hentitl Worry, excessive use â€" , - T A j^i o/TnlMWco,Opiumoryttr:u- Before and After. ^,„,, ^, ,,,, ,^„ ^^^ ,„ j^ flrmity, Jnntnityt Coiummption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over '.',:, yctn In thoiwaoiltf of ctucs; Is tho only Feltab:i' and l/onr*f Medivitu: infirn. AjkdrugsUtfor Wood's P:io>phodlae; If b!? offers so.nio worthloBS jni'<!lclno la jjIuco of thU. lucloso price In Icttcr.and roMlU send by return maU. PrlcB, one packaK", Hi six. »j. Ont wi.l plecte, eia wtU wttrc. I'lunpUlotA f tuo Ui any u.'.Jrc<fts. Tbe "Wood Cumpanjr, Windsor, Out.. Ca;iadE. Sold III Floshertiin ar.d ororywl.ore in CaiiaJu by uU rokpontiblu drujxiat;. 1 : THB GRKAT ma Pi[ 111 tPrince Arthur NO. 1,853, Y. C. n. S. In:iportcci July, 'Oi2 Tlio T., 11, Sl B. atation at Hinith- villo was HtnicU by linhtniim and burned, A reniaikalile oa'o is reporli-d by Mr. Jolni T. I'erry, of West Ijntht;r, who has n well-bred Bhott horn heifer one yi ar niid liftoun days old, which gave birth this npriiig to a prnpurly leatured calf wliieU is living and doiii^ well. M. Richardson & Co .SEASON OF 1897. Description and Pedigree I'lllNCK AUTHl'K is a pare brod Yorli«lilro Cnach liorHO and n^KJnterod iu tho Yoikshlri) ('oiii'h iiorKo Society of Clrcnt liritain and Ivcland No. 1,HM. Color, bay ; black Io(;«, manti and tail, and porftsctly frcu from while, H(;cd Syiars, Btandu IflJ Imiuls hiyh, woluhs I.IOU n»i., ha4 tho boat of action and is outiruly trco from blcniinh. I'UINCK. .\UT11UII wasbrodby Henry Wat- son, llumiitun, York, Knfjland. Foalod IMHl). bito, I'rIucB victor No. 270 ; R. s., Prince of Wales, !!71 ; p. g s., Kuiperor, IU, p. ^.g.s., Ilurod, UIH; K. c. U. K. s., lOuiperor 1 11 ; t;. t;. 1;. «. (!• a.. Mentor i!W. Oaui, ('muit,isd of Wilton, No. M, t:. n S. II.; o dnni, by Kldins IHus, No. \j:\*l\ K. R. dam, by Wundurful Lad, 014 ; (j-K'h!- ilani, l>y Master tioorge, il9J ; fi. g. g. K. dam, by Kuriiuby, C7U. Winner at tho World's Fair Chicago, Now York and t>ttft\va. First at 'roronto Hiuinfj IMiow and KwccpstnUim for bcHt Stallion anv aijc, ia'.i:i KiiBtanil Silver Medal at Toronto luduHtrlal, lbu.'l. t'iiat and KwttopHtakuH at Tor<iiUo SprinK Show, mil. Firnt I'rizo and Silver Mtidal also SwcepRtakcit for bout Htiillion any af.e it 'roroiit(j lndu!«trtal, IHu*. I'rlnoo Arthur ronintorot' No. I,8.VJ V. l\ H. 8., No. UKK) A.C. II. S. I'nitud Stateu Stud Book. Import- ed, J;ily IS.IJ, byThos. Irving, Wlnoheater. ""â- '•'•" - MONDAY, May :i, will loavo lot 18, con. 10, ICuplirai^ia. at noon, ano piocood by way of nth line, Kuphraxia and St. Vinm.nt, t" Kilhoiirn WhltiiH lot S, con. 10, St. Viuuont, for ylKlit. TUKHDAY. win proceed by way of liiiy Viow to Woodford or noon, thence to Wavrilow a hotid, Owsn Sound, lor ni^ht. WKDNKHIlAY, will j>roceed by way of IurIo'h KultH to K))fl>t)) for noon, thoncu to 'rara, (iuy'H hotol, tot- ni^lit. THlIllnU.^Y, will proecBd by way of Invvrmay to Mr. Hinetalr Ijo^k'^. lot 25, con. 1:1, I':idi'rHUe. near Dtibtnuinn, for noon, thence to Shoemaker's hotul DoHlxiro, for nii^tit. I'UlltAY, will proceed to WilUani«ferd for noon, theiu;e to Holland Centru for iiiMht SA'ri'KDAY, will proceed to l-ia own Btabhi where ho will lemaiu until the followinK Mmtday noon, im •-"""â- â- To litHiiro a foal, #13, to bo paid iNt .Tannarr. IhW, tor the tteaiion, 81S, pnvable the thst two romtdH Hiufilo leap tflO, to bu paid at) time of service, Insured ut-tres iiuist be re- turned rounlarjy to the borne dnrluM the Rea«on or they will be rhnrfiod full hiHurancit, In foal or not! I'ernons ir>lnR uiare'i to the horMan.t nt't tt^turuinc them will bii sharKed for tho season. THrtTes din)iOi4lnj (if their mares l>c- fore oollectiUK time will bo rrspoii.'ibin for insnrauee. All acoMantn lo uiarex at riah of owners. Ovooro's fses lOe in advance. Our Millinery Opening weeks have been a grent success and promises a largsr trade t'lan former seasons. Our cu':tomers find our prices adapted to the times and our large assortment of Hat-?, Flo-wers and Kibbons fills every requirement ni those lines. Dress Goods Our spring purchases and inipoit- ntions are tdi KiliiMtion. Wo have an iniiuL'imn range nf now (iootl.s in correct styles and b8:'.uiifiil colorinja. Stilei.did v.ilncs in fa.shiiiiinhlo go ids- Silk and Wcol Noveltiis, I'er.siini.H, Fancy Mo hairs, Silk Shot Lii.siriK, Sicilians and Moliaiis, Silk and Wool S^;otch Plaiiis. Till tans and Ch.cks. A wlmle range of 48- inch Dre.s.s Tweids in » v^riciy of ah.id.s from 28oâ€" 38e per yard. Special bargain â€" no bctttr valuoH anywhere I Prints and Cotton Goods' f g'>'-d? we lia'o I 8elcc;lo:'3 Tn th'B tl.id^ exercisrtil nrj;it eare in seUctlor's ami a re<nlt c?ii oU'er a c<<!lettioii of the ha^t j valuBS, nexre.ir Jesiu'oN and l.ttesC co'oir. I iiig'i thikt chullengea cmiipp ition. Eai.;- 1 H.^h, Caniidini and A nericio Prints, iDcl'ioes, Mu-.l;nr, CrojioiiH, L^wn, Uing. , hams, Gulat-aa. Co:ini''rays, C!i«l;i.-«, i etc. Our liiicH of Uhmie and Wain ' goods must he seen â€" wa can't do justice i in dcsuriiilioii. Carpets and Curiams This is the time that housekeepers think of a new Carpet or Kug, new Curtains or Draperies to bri^'htc^n and de- corate the home. We have just what you want and at prices th..t you have not been accustofiied to sec. â€" TAPE.STHY CARPETS from 25o per ya-d â€"WIDE REVERSIBLE UNION'S from 30j per ya d â€" BHUSSELS from 55;; per yard - L.ACE CURTAINS, 25c, 40o, 50.! and 75o per ^ir Clothing We are just in receipt of a largf and varird C'in»ii.'niiie.it t^f Ready Made Clothing suitable for spring, purehatied 1 at especially low figures. We can â- â- suit any person in quality, culor and â- style fridn our largo assorrinent at , pupular pricus. When you want a tailor iiiade suit come and st-e our stock. We guarantee sati^ifaction and make a specialty of rdiiihlo clothing. We ctrry tho best stock iu the district of Worsteds, .Sergo.<, Venetians, Cheviots, Scotch and Canaillim Twee^ls and Tr-mserings, and a , tull line of Gout's Kuriiishiiiys suitable fur tlie se:i.'«iii. Boots and Shoes V/e're enthusiastic over this branch of our business. Our now stock is more complete and varied than ever. We can fit anyone in any stylo and qu.ility. Every description of seasonable footweir required by man, woninn, boy, tirl or baby at ri^ht prices. Special values in LaJie.s' Fine B.)otj and O-tfotds this S'.as HI. HATS AND CAPS All our new I-TTI-iT goods just in and ready to disphiy. Lifost styles and r.li.ible gi oils from tho beat maker>i. As the st'as'n ad »atiCBS we shall show ;v vi ry fine and complete ranj;e of STHAW HATS in all qualities. louse Furnishine's Grocery Dep't R.'liablo ijoods at ]> pular prices a special feature. Stock always frish as wo have a large turnover. We are doinii Wc are offering unexcell.'d valu>\s in .s[,|eiiilul business in TK.VS. Go'.d vaUi^ CARPETS and L\CE CURTAINS i is our fi!.«t cou'sidcratinn -you can roly and devnlo .1 large show room to thi-i de- \ „„ „ur TE.AS givinif satisfaction Wu'ro paiMmont. Our sprii'g display iiiviies j selling tlio best 25o tea on the matket and «ill repay inspection. I lo day. Try it and be convinced ! Vv'c have a stock now that cannot fail to please every custom- er. Tweeds at 40c, 50c and 60c that arc new in style and finer values than ever before oflered. Suitings HARS'Wi^RE: I>EI=iiRTBaENT DON'T FORGET US mmiSM YOU \lZ^iiNT JA5. BRSKINB, Prop, * Callector. J. nANARBV, nanagsr. Cut Nails Wire Nails Black Wire Barb Wire Spades <Sc Shovels Carpet Felt Building Hardware Alabastine Prepared Paints Wall Papers Window Shades Crockery Tinware Woodenv/are Our prices are tho very lowest and the goods tho Very best. Got our price on Factory Cuns before buying. Agents for Bieyclo Repair.^, TiroH and Sundries, M. Richardson & Co