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Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1897, p. 8

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<â-  IMMMMillMMi M^ wiiNlliR 5ALES . •^^ NOW RUSHINa 1 ^''^ This is the Benson of year whon you WAnt to buy • oUtter or Rleigh. I havQ thorn â€" hoiiutiesâ€" nnd will soil on your own tonus â€" if thoy are not nil onu-miloil. Painting and re-tiiiiiiiiing done to ordor. Don't l>iiy withuut looking in ui>oii uiy HnmpleH and gottiog pricus. THJt l^LESHiiRTOM ADVANCE hM R. T. WHITTEN 4 V%'»/«^^V«/%^%%^/»tk%%%%^k^^%^%'»^^^^%%^ i i Come and seel OF THE BEST QUALITY Heard's Cutters and Sleighs . . . We have some fine Cutlers and Slfighs to sell or exchange for Wood, Lumber, Bawloga or young Cattle. .... FLESHERl'ON -^n J. H. HEARD & SON, BARNHOUSE The Floar and Fruit M&n Wiiilitn to draw the attention of the public to the f-dlo«riiig apacialties : D:)0SKIN mitts and LEGGINGS iuadt< tu oi-dor, ur will Moll out of block. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY OY.SrEaS IN SEASON Try our bro^kfaat CEREALS. Flour of all $>radeH in sti)ck. Biiot and Shoe buaincui «l!«o attended to an uftu.'il. W. Uarnhouse, Flesherton Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works C*rri/-v?a8 inadeaad Repaired, aUo Pluiilrirj au'.l Matching, Band Saw> lag. JVjikI Purning of every d«8 cripiloii. Plaoiug and Gram Ohojj 01113 '.vlillo you wait, for th" Bawor turns tbevruoel, T. W. WILSON Miiiiaxrr OOPVRI AnT'>n ' nen'JIna b nkptrh and drwrlptton may ^ulfkiriut 'Ott'iln, fri!0, wlH-tdiT «n iiiTontHiii 1« p;nlmbl7 puttintiihle. ('oitiinutilCAtluiiA Mrlt'tlJ «i>ntl'.lelitlAl. (HfiMit iveiicy furiH'ciiTlnii pAHmU 111 Aiiifiica. We haw a \Viij*hliiKtnii (iRlcA. I'ntviili iiiki*n thruuKb Muua A Cu. "eoelra ai^vci;^ u<)ti';H til the 8SIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 4M>»»'-^tlfuUy lthiirrat»(1. Urticiit circtiliitlon of .ar>** •>.;.< til tic l<iuruul,wcnklr,teriiin93.fX)a Tear; fi^fllx nionilis. S|>«r-liiii'n tM^plos and liAHO iioOK UN rATKSTA Btjni free. Addreu MUNN & CO., 3U1 llroadnav. Now Yarlu OWEV SOUl^D, ONTARIO, Is fS-ao "trery Best I'l.Acr, IN CANADA TO (iKT A \\m\^ \m\\\ EiliicatiQii. Taice a R'umd Trip :;;v?«r 11;,:,o^;. .^__ . . Ciillcci'H nml U<iia iiorclfti DopitrtiiiuMt- ill Ciii)Hila.Mi(U) vlHlt %aj >f .i.-(iii<ini •( niiidsft (!i>lliV'f ; tixiiiiiitK! evoiy- fe iti'; tU>r->vi:;lily. If ve fuil to pro.lnuo tlie m»<t ;ii jri)(i:?li. i->iiii»l';to. piactlral am) nxti'ii- t.^fl j^j'-.aif t'lU' : tilt) l>fl«t oolIwRr iirouil -ne ^ I 1 r.hti >i ? it i*td tno«' oomplett! and inoKt huU- ir-»lAf uniitiiro find a| I llHttcoB. Wit will y\\v voti k full S'viriQ KKKl-i. For Annua) \nnoniioe- lu Kit ,liTiui; full partiuiilars free, addro C. A. FLEMINO, Priuripnl. Cash : for : Hides! SheRp'Icini iiiiil nU kiiKln of furo pur «1|«4<><I, f'l- which lii;.'li«it market price will be piid. Hninemadit iiau»ii);u8 on hand, aire all liid* of nioatii. Flofliserlon Moot Etopoiinm se \\i Lot For sale. For ule cheap aud on eaay terms In Ploiihor- tou. Hplendid larp ., lolid lirick dwoniiiK. with Kood Btone cellar, suuiuier kitchen aud wood- house, alHO good frame utable, brick liiie<l. V eiiUHes contaliia twolarse Iota and Kood youni{ orchard, buarinu. JlouKe and uu'biiildiuKn are exoeptiunally well fluiiihed and Tery-«onveni- tutly laid out. Apply to II, J. BraooLS, FUiberton. pniCEVILLE AND DUBHAM BTAOB. Durham tXt^f leaves Klenberton Htatlon at T.l.'i am., returna 4.«5 p.m. I'ricevlllr Matie leaves the same place at 1I!..'IC. retu: mug at 4.42. Fare to Prlce%'lllH and return. 60 cents : Durham. «1.90 tor return. 7V:. sluKle fare. LiTery In cou- nectiou. Orders lua be left at either hotel. A.MoCAULBY Pro Px>opeirtie8 FOB - SALE -BY- I. J. SPBODIE, FlESeEBTOK VI YOU WISH TO BUY PROPEBTY CONSULT THIS SPACE FOR 8.\LK clieaji and on easy tt-rnis, one niilo fr<ini Fluoliorton, ilj hcuh limn and on which is » giHxl 7 rooms fraino dwuUing, well anil comfortably tiniHhod Ntoi.e cellor undorneath, and good woU nnil pump in kitchen, gtHwl frame Ht.-tlil.- ami driving hoiiHe, hIho brick lined hen hoUNe, Hinall oruhanl comnioicing to bear. Apply to R. J. Sl'ROl'LK, Fleshorton. A DEAD BARGAIN if sold during present month Two iniprove<l farniH, one a milo from Priceville and the other aamu distanco from Wnreham. Small |>ayinent down, Imlancu on VERY easy terms. Also a lumdnHl and fifty aero farm an.l mill site ono mile from FleKlier- ton, princi|ially hardwoiNl bush, '25 acris cleared niid frame dwelling and stable. Any pursnn wanting a docidod Imrgain apply quick to above. ^km m I Photos I â€"TAKEN % â€"AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery 3 are done in firstclasg atylo and at % l.iwest rates. Spocial attontinn ^ t'iven to copyina. Rabies' photos. A a apucially. I'ictuies framed. -«-S9- "â- B!BIH5._JU- MRS. BULMER | I'nvn for your Nnmo on 12 lleHntiful IMDDIO.N NAMh; r Md)-*, lovely plctiirdfi, (ir 'io Iln ihlKiiniu Cailint; Cnrdtf. C'lidli 1 1 V/ with nrilnr. Htnnips takun. 'Vdih.ihs, CANADA CAKD HOUBli. 'InHorboll, Ontario " l-J Farm ani Mill Site for Sale Fur pain vary chnap and on very easy terms. Tinihur farm, 150 auroH, two iniluA from KloaU erton, known an the Wiu. Hof(K sawmill pro- peitv, and oii which Ih en excolleul water power, founi'.ntioii of saw mill, dam and pcnd and watin whenl ill place and all ready for putting mill oil. About t.'i acres olusred,:iri litres tiintier, most oft, balance well tiinborcd.mixiid timber. Tills farm will he ifild at a barRaiu if sold at once. Buull psynieut down, balano* 00 Teiy csy tsrwiL Aiiply to B.J RvnonLB, l'lor.berton,Oiit OnUri* Arlculturai and mental Union. Bxperl- C ».e»ftlv« SsperlMMla Ik ArrlMlliirai Upwards of 1000 varielieaof farm crops have bean tested in the Esporiuieiital DetMrtnient of the Ontario -Ai^riculural College, Ouvlph, within the past rievun years, and six hundred of them have been grown for at least tivejearii in aucces'-ion. Nearly all the Canadian sorts and scTeral liuiidred now varieties imported liy the ExpernueiitHl Department from clitf< rent purts of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the United States have been in- cluded in ibeao carefully coiiilucied oxporinieiits. Some of the new varieties have done exceptionally well and have al- ready bnen distributed over Ontario, thr'>ugh the inodium of the Experimental Union, wi'li very gratifying results. The Siberian oa's, Mandacheori barley, Herixoii Bearded Spring Wheat, ami the Cl'iuii's Early YeUow Dent, Mammoth Culian, Wisconsin Earliest White D.-nt, and Salzer's North Dskota varieties of corn, which are now beuoiniog so popular in Ontario, were imported by the Experi- mental Drpartuietit and after being tiioniuuhly tested wvre distributed in small quantities. The presenf system of co operative experimental work in agriculture was started in 18!K) with 60 ploU, which were situated on twelve different farms in Ontario. Since that date, however, thr work has iiicreaned from year to year and in 1896 there were 11,1'?4 plots, which were situated on 2,260 farms. We are attain prepared to distribute material for CO nptjratlve experiments with f>'rlilizen, fodder crops, riHits, grains, trasses, and clovers. Interested pers(<iiR in Ontariv who wish to join ill the work, may select any one of the ex|>eriinenls for 1807 and inf,irm I he director at Hiice of the choice made. All m-turial will be furnished entirely free of ch.trge to each applicant, blithe will txi ex[Mtctud tu conduct the te.H according to the instructions sent with the seeds, and to report the result ui his test as soon as poeaible after harvest. LIST or â- XPIIUUENTS POR 1897 1. Tes ing nitrate of soda, superphos- phate, muriate of p<itaih, mixture, and no manure with com. 2. Testiiii; nitrate of soda, superphos- phate, muriate of potash, mixture, and no manure with mangels. â- 3. Testing six leading vnrieliei of Kodiler C<irn 4. Orowini; three leguminous crops fur Green Fodder. 5. Uriiwii.g three mixtures of (train for Green Fixlder, 6. Testing four varieties of Qrasscs for H*y 7. Testing four varieties of Clover fur Hay. 8. Testing three varieties •( Buck- wheat, 9. Testing four varietioa of Spriag Wheat. 10. Testing lour varieties of Barley. Testing five vaiieties of Oats. Testing four varieties of Peas. Testing three varieties of Beans. Testint! live varieties of Carrots. 15. Testing five varieties of Mangels. 16. Testing four v^rieiios of Tuniips. Material for either No. 1 or No. 2 experimuiu will be sent by express, and for each of tlie oihera it will be forward- ed by mail. All fertilizers and seeds will be sent in good time for spring seoding. providing the applicaiions arc received at an early dale. The supply of nmterini beiiiu limited, those who apply Urstwill be surest of olilaiiiin^ the desired outllt. It might be well for each applicant to make a second choice for fear the lirst Could nnt be eranted. Particular varieties iiecd not bo men- tioiiod ssall the kinds to be distributed are tlioBn which have dono excuprinujlly wi II upnii the trial pk-ls in the Expori- monlal Department. C. A. ZAVITZ, Director, Atjriculturid Colletje, March 22, 1897. 11. 12. 13. 14. Mr. Win. No:horcott, a farmer, near St Thomas, met with a peculiar mis fortune a fuw days avo. It seeinetl Mr. Noibercot borrowed a pot from one of his neiubbors, and while carrying it homo he carelessly (ilaceil it mouth downwards upon his hond, apd while jumping a fence the pot was forced entirely over his ears, and ticing a conical shaped imo it could not be removed without causing great pain, owinu to the resistance of the hair and ears. After many unsuccesiful at tempts. he tried to make nif may homo ward. After wanderini.' several hours, through the woods and fields, he luckily came to Mi. J. V. FaulJs, where Mr. Faulds, assisted by by Louis Watterwurth succeeded in removinir the pot from his head. But the article had tu be broken, and, iinfortuiiatvly, the noise of the transaction partly destroyed the hearing of the loft oar. 'WOOD'S raoMPBOoxvtjg. Vk* «»Mi»« aBaibk BMs««r. MiiltMtaVM SaorcMMwl to pronptijr and pennaaeBtlr enra an tom* of A'crtxnu WMkiMSS, An<M<ofM,^perm- ttotTlt*a, /mjMlcaev and all <r»f* °t -Ahut or Imoeua, IfeiUai WoTT-u, exoetlvt «m Tt.^^y.^^ A*t^ tf Tobacco, OiHun or Slimn' Before and After, j,,,, ^^^,^ .oonUadtoi*- /trntUy, IntanUy, Omtumftion anA an early 0rcyy. Has bsea prescribed over 35 years la thousands at coses; Is the only reiiahls and Jlonegt Medicine knovn. Ask druffgtstfor Wood's FhosphodlnetU he offers some worttalow me<: Iclne In place of this, Inclose price In letter, and we will send by return mall. Price, one paekage, tl; sli, t^. On* wW ylco-ts, fto io<B eiirs. Pamphlets free to any address. Tlie Wood ConipaBr, ^Vlndtor. 0:it., Canada. 8»ld ill Fleiherton and e^erywliore in Canada by aJl re>p<>iiiiUlo dru^jitiats. : : i:.<OGS : ; WANTED ! In uolimited qnantiiics at the Highest Cash Pricca. CH[OPI>I]MO only Sc Pen Bag lEECBOFT i TtLBOT ♦ UlVe The only food i Da Dy up a weak cons- 5 â-  titution gradu- X Chance any but surely is I Martin's I Cardinal Food * a simple, scientific and highly % .iiiliitive preparation Air infants,. » 'ielif ate children loA invalids. i> Kta.lY WATSON 4 CO ^ asoMTasaL. Pnoenitvooo. i > WANTEO-IKUELLIQENT HEN With iiood education, who want to t>etker their poftilions, and would be content fO' a year with S400 and etpenses. Write \\%, with duiicriptioii and uvciipation, and we will make a proposition for now or the futuie. Also needed, reliablu lueu for Australia. Write to- day, for wu are In a hurry. The Maua«Hr, 4U Uluhmood St. West, Toruuto, Out. Clubbing List Advtiise and daily World $2 80 News 1 80 •• Montreal Herald 1 80 " " Witness 1.80 " Youths' Comp:inion 2.3o " Weekly Globe 1.66 Sun 1.40 WANTEDCANVA5SER»,"Ql)EEN VICTORIA, HER LIFE AND REION" Has captured the liritUh Kmpire. Kstraord- liiary tiititinionii*lH from the i{rt<at iiien ; send for cop) flee. Mitrniils of Lurnesays. "The iHjht iionular Life of tlio Queen I have seen." Her MaJeHty seiiilH a kiiid letter of apprtcla- ion. Hel iiiK by thousaufU ; ttivoH enthUHia.^tic sntiHfactloti. Co-4t a mint of money, but larne Lirculatiunii ju»tittea low retail, •:!. l.o's of lii-itorie illuHtraiions.^e bookâ€" over all Ii.\i'4xl0i I'icheH Men and wnaiuii of Rtandinu ill tlie ufniinuiiity uiakliut #15 to i^4') a week. I', xciusive terriioi y. t'p'HpectuHfree to auu ntn. Hooks on time. THK IIUVUbKy aAltU k.T- SON CO., Ltd, Torouco. Out. The Markets. Curerullv Corrected Each W«'ek Flour 14 60 to S5 4e O.t's 16 to 17 Wheat 80 tu 86 ILirloy 20 to 30 Peas 37 to 37 Butter 10 to 11 Eggs, fresh ........ 9 .o 9 Potatoes bag 26 1,0 26 Pork 4 00 to 4 75 Hnyperton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepskins 26 to 60 (ieese 6 to Turkeys 7 tc ' 7 Chickens per pair JO to 25 Ducks per (Mir 40 t^o 50 Wool 17 tu 20 J^COLLOUOH m TOUNO, Ban<cers, Markdala. do a general kaaklng btff^ ine'<s. Money loaued at areasoaabl* rate. C^ on us. TiiTie Table OOINO SODTH. Markdaleâ€" 6.40 a. in. Fleshertonâ€" 6.63 a. m. OOINO NoatH. Fleshertonâ€" 11.48 a. m. Markd»le-12.04 p. m. 4.40 p. m. 4.63 p. ni. 9.17 p. m. 9.30 p. m. A 8. VANDU8EN, J. P. »* Clerk 5tlj UlT Cou rt, Co Orej >soer of Marriage Meensss. CoiiTsvane4h Notary, Public Auction er. Honey to loau* from S to 6 per cent. Charirsi nimlerate. \ l-X stB aaroii P. O. JJEBT3 COLLECTiiD. ~ The nnderalgned Is prepared to sadertalb the collection of all kinds of dabts. KotM t>onf(ht. accounts rollscted, etc R. K. IlENDEKSON . FxassraTMl p CHlSI.F.Tr * * FlesQertoa Station Postmaster, in H. C. J., Oo»- veyaucer ; deeds, mortg iges leases and wlifs drawn. Money to Innd at S.J per ceut. aud nyw wards. Debts collected. (Jharfes siodcrai*. D J. sritOULK, Poslinagter, Flasbarton, Comoiissioner In ».. K., Licensed Auctioneer, Couvsyoucer, A - praiser aa.l Money Lender, KmI Kstate au« loBurauco Ageat. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and Willi! drawn up and Vaiualions nia.iu Oh nhortett notice. Auction sales attended to la any part of the CooDty. Money to loan at low- est rates of lutoreat. Collect-ons attended «• with proniTitnesa and despatch Charges low. Afientfor the Dominion Steamship Company, cheap tickets from I'IcsUertou to Liverpoul^ OlasKOw, London or any of the British por>«. Parties Intending to visit England, Scotland ar Ireland, will p. ease ask rates before p>irckasi»t their tickeU elsewhere ^mtXm, AO.U.W.â€" meetaevery first and third Mo*, day in each aioutb, in their lodce room Strains Block, Flesherton, at 8 p tM. PriceTeeter, M.W.: A. M. Oib«on, Kecord.fc 1 ited "â-  ''"•'='^'""- Visitiug ilratbs<B I_JBINCE ARTHUR LODGE. No MS A F a AM meet in the MojolIc Hall. Strain's Block, Flaabarton, tMfore the full wooa. BeHaui} , secretary every ' Friday ou a* Geo. Mitchall, W M, W.l - â- nUFFERIM LODGE. IH w 4^BS ,V '^ im. I O O F. meets ta ,&g ^^^-IK^ ('lavton's Roll every Tus» ^^^k ^^^^^V lay eveninic at • o'clock. ^^â- M^^^F Visiting brethrsD cordially ^T^^* Invited » ^^^A ABTABDesiN. N'« ^ ^ Wm MooBB.BaB SftttiMijj. J p. MARSHALL, L. D.B.,M.D. S, Dentist. Visits Markdala the 1st and Ard Wednesday of aaob wout^ . Pleshartouâ€" Bocb trip on tha dav ci.uwins. T O. CAMPBELI., L D 8. DD 8, Dental Burgeon, Markdale. OfilcsoTer UcCullough A Young's baok. Hours â€" !I.;I0 a.31. to 6 p. lu. Visits Flesherton the second aud fourtk Thursday ot each mooth. Offioaat Uuushawli hotel. Tl HENDERSON D D B, H D 8, Dentist of Toronto (gold me<(aliBt) will visit Flesherton profossioa- aly the tlrst Wetlneaday of each month aa4 Duudalk the day following (Thursday.) w^m\. JOHN W. rH08T,Ii. L. B. Barrister, Solicitor. Conveyancer, aSa. Officeâ€" Next to post office. Hpronle's bloak Fkshertoo.avary Batardsyand court Jays. N. B. â€"Owen Sonnd office. Frost's bloak SO Poulett St. East. T UCAS A WRIGHT, Barristers, Solicitors, CoDveyaocers, aks.. Owen riound, Ont. • • MarVdale. Onl. W. H. WniGHT. 1. B. LucAi. N. B.-Floahorton oli'ca, Mitcbell's Baak every Wednesday. TUCKER * PATTERSON. Bariisteis, solicitors, etc. Mnlson's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry O. Tucker Geo. W. Patter**! MACKAY * HATTON Barristers, Solkltora. eto. Ofllcesâ€" .lOPoulette Rt. Owen Bouud ; and Uaki bt. Dundalk, every Saturday. Nilâ€" Always in attemlauco at Flesherton ami Dundalk DIvibIou Courts. A. U.MacKay. M. A.. W.J. HATTVa County Crowu Attorney. gilrUical D K BUTTON MDCM, M P P&S Ont, Pric*vl»a OfSco next dnor to Brown's store: rosidenaa onedoor west o' Methodist church, Kiuross SS. Onice days, Tuesdays aud Saturday D R CARTER M C P & S Out., Physician, Surgeon, eta Flesherton ofllce â€" Strains b'ock. Itesidenea â€" Munsbaw'B Hotel JOHN A SCOTT M B Member College Physio. <& SargoonB,Onta>l» Oraduate in Medioiue of Toror University Fellowship Diploma, Post Oiatlnato Medleol School and Hospital, Chleogo. Diseases of aya ear, nose and throat specially treated. Resi- dence, Maxwell, visits Favorsham Tbursdarsl-I J P OTTKWKLL Veterinary SnrgeoD, Graduate of Ontavto Vetarlnsry Collage. Hafldeoceâ€" Second doOf •outb on west sids Mary slrea Tbls ttreat w soatb from Presbyterian sbur«b> •» .,.

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