l£Bb^rl0n <^iijana. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." ?0L. XVI, BO 8?3 PLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1897 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR It PROPRIETOR h WATCHES Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware t Wc are lieadqnarters, Santa pnrcliaaed bis supplies from us, but we are like a good well that never runs dry â€" plenty left to choose from. Watch & Clock llepaiiiug in all its biuuches. t W. A. ARMSTRONG ^^5 .aiiiiMi ijGiAreller* %^^«^«^^«/«/»%^^ (^ur business directory aSiisittfuiSi €m\$. M CULLOLGHATOUNa. Ban'seis, MarMale. do a iimtni banking ba»- InosB. Mouoy loaned a* anwonaM* rata. Call •U 119. AS. VANUUSHN. J. P. florkSth Uiv Court, Co Grey Im^ier of Marriaeo Hooiise«. Con»«yanocr, Naf.*"V. I'lilillc Auction, or, Monoy to loan i.t f roui 3 to u«r cuiit. Ch«iii««nmcUT»to. Klbhbbhtuh r. 0. T\GUTS COLLECTED. Tbo nndnmlgnod is prepared to anilortakf tbs collection o( all knulB ot debt.. Not.iB boiii;ht. nocounts colloctod, etc ». N. HBNDBKSON - Fi.B«BKBTON TCHISLBTT • Kler.lKrtOD Btatioo Vootniaster, CoininiBBiouer in H. O. J.,Con- feyancci ; doodn, inortBaRO". loasM and willf 4riiwn. Money to leu.l at 5J per cent, and up- wards. OabU collooted. Charge! moderate- R J. SPHOULK, Postmi-stcr, Kloshorton, Coaimlaaiouer In B. B., Licuused Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A - praiHor and Money l.onder. Ileal Ketato aii'l lUBUiauce A«c:t. Upo<1b, Mon6a«oii. l.easos, and Wills drawn up and Valuations iua.lo un •hortcbt notice. Auction sales attended to in any part of the County. Money to loan at low •St ratuH .if intortBt. Colluctioiis ultundod to Willi proiii' tucss and despatch Cliirnos low. A(!ent (or the Doniiuiou btoanishii) Couipanj. cheap tickets flora Flesheiton to IJvevpool, ajaa^ow. Loudon or any of the British pons. P. rties lnt.iudlng to visit KuKlaud. Scotland oi- Iioland. will p. ease a^k rates before puroliusinu their tickets elsewbore ^Oi'\ ticis. AO.U.W.â€" meotHevorvaiKtanil third Mon day iu eiich mouth, iu their loJKe fooni strain's Hlocll, fieshonou, at 8 p. ni. Prict'T at M.W.; A. M. (iib-on, Ueooider. W I HoUaiuy, flnaco.'er. Visiting Hrethern iuvited. 1>0YAri TMMI'LARS OF TRM I'BHANCK. X â€" )lii(jular Council moots every hist and ** thirl TuoBlav ovoniiiK in each uiiMuh. in Spronle'8 block at H p. ni. Select degioe lusmanoel niuots •nontlily, the Wednesday preceding theSiiud of each uiontb. Hocloty \V0(f SONS 01.' TKMPRRANCR.-This Kioiits in Dr. Christoo' Hall arst nos.lav in each inniith at B p.m. Visitii.o brethcreu iuvited. luburaiiee in couiioutioii. U. H. .\., meet in their hall, Christops ';!r.,.ii t'verv first and third I.'ri.lay In each month. J.J.Brown, W. M., T. Clayton, Bociotiwy. PRINCE AUTHURLODGI!!, Noras, A F 4 .V M, niont in the MasoiMc fTall. Strain's iilook. Klosherton, every Fri.lny on or before the fulhnioon. Goo. Mitchell, WM,WJ Bellamy , secretary DUFFRRIN T.ODGK, No ISfl, I O F. moots in Clayton's Hall ovory Tiios- dav ovoninR at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially iuvited AS VakDdsrn.NO Wm Mooiui.S°* gfttttistrn. r p. maushalIj, L. D. H., M. D. B., Dentist. Visit* Markdair ha let and .trd Wadnesday of aach mouth, 'laaliartouâ€" l£aoli trip on tb« dav (.....wioh. r G. CAMPBELL, L D S, DD 8, Dental Burgeon, Markdale. Offloeover McCuUougb A Youug'a bank. Hours.â€" 8.;J0 a.:n. to 6 p. ni. Visits Flesherton the second and fourtli Thursday ul each moatb. UfDco at Muusbaw's botul. 11 BU.NDlilBBON DDK, M D 8, Dentist ot Toronto (gold mei'allst) will visit Flesherton protftsHiou* a ly the first Wednesday of each tnontb aud Uuudalk Ibttday following (Tbureday.) gmi pUUST A BATSON Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyanoers, ete. Omceâ€"Next to pos ofSce. Spronlo's block FUslierton.every Thursday until further notice. C. A. UATSON J. W. FUOriTLL. It. N. H. â€"Owen Round ofllce, Frost's block Poulett bt. I'^ast. T UCASiWUIGHT, Barristers, So'loitors, Conveyancers, etc.. Owen .sonn.l. Ont. - • Markdale, Out. W. H. WnidiiT. 1. H. LUCAS. N. B.-Flesherton oUlce, Iditubell's Bank every Wednesday. TUCKiiU A PATTr.:usa,\. Harj iHtt'is. snllcitora. oto. Mo]R(/n's Itaidc, Owen Sound. Harry O.Tuoknr Geo. W. Patterson M ACKAY & HATTOS ninr>«tors, Solicitors, etc. Omonfl-;(0 ronli'ttt! St. Owoii Sound ; and Main Sfc. Uiiiulalk. L'vtjrv Siii.iirflav. N.H. â€" .\Iwii\H III AiUMxliuicoat Flosliui-toii and L>un<1(ilk Uivisiuii t'oiirta. A. G. MacKay. M. a.. W.J. Uatton County Crown Attoruoy. ^UnUral nit BUTTON MDCM, MFP<S:S Ont, Priceville Oilico next door to Brown's store; resinencu oue <loor west of Methodist church, Kinross st. Oillce days, Tuesdays and Saturday Eppins \K CAKTEB M C P it B Ont., Fbyplcian, Burgeon, cto Flesherton oOloa â€" Strains b'ook. lioaideuceâ€" Munsbaw'Bliotcl JOHN A SCOT T M B Member Collppe Physic. A Surgeons, Ontsri Graduate in Medicine of Toror Univorsity Fellowsltip Dii)loma, l'o:;t Guidnate Medical School and Hospital, Chiea«o. Diseases of eye ear, nose and throat spooiaily treated, Itesi- douoo, Maxwo'.l, visits Fovorsham 'I burs'lavsl-^ T P OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon. Oradnato of Ontario Votor'nary Collogo. Boaldeuooâ€" Second door south on west side Mary streo This tkroat ruu« louth from rrssbytetlan obureb. 'â- rom ottr own Oorrf.^puii(/«nt. It W4H II great sliouk til r.liH o*iiiiinu>iity when it wag liuiucd Sunday uuek that Mr. John BrocklelMnk liiid <liid a) out iiiiiiu. It WHS kniiwn that \i» was ill a.id tliiit his illnoss vnut seriuu-*, never thxIeHa few wefH prepared fur the news of hin diiilb, after fu Hhort an illiiesH. Mr. BniuklulMiik ch.iiiu to resido in this ueiuhliorhoud almut four yuHiS a^.i, and WHH an iuiiiiNtrioUH young iiniii who had won I ho ie>p!-ct of all who knew him. He was a iiieiulier of ihe MothudiHt ul.uri'h. Hia pnrenfs and friends have 'he syinpaihy of all in their audden bereavement. The he'.:iiiiiiiii> of his liiiie-a waa innaiuinatiiifi of the lunifB, bui his iluaih was due to heart failure, auunivafed by a aoi'ere at'ack of inflain niatioii of the lunifA. Deceased wnHason •if Mr. Win. Brock, Ibaiik uf Ci)llin){»'iiiid tiiwi.Hliip. He w»8 luiitly to have bueii mairi d. The fiiiieial took ptuuo mi Tuewlay to Tlioriibury ceuieleiy, and a uiemoiial aerrice was held in the .Meiho- i disi uliuich here, of which deceased waa a iiiuinliHr, on Sunday inoniini;, wlieii Rev. .Mr. Waas preacliKd an ajipropiiatu aer- nioii ii> a lar'.;« conurciiatioii. I On Tuea'Jay iiinht of last week Mr. I L"uis Uoniieliy, son of Mr. Thonia:! Don j nelly, passed away after a prolnnged ill uvea. His death diil not ciiiiie aa a aur prise, aa it hail been known that hia re- covery waa iiii|MMt8ilile fur s une lime, hut ' was, iievttitlieltwa, Siid, iu that he was yiiunu â€" just outeriiiK manhood, beiiiK niily 20 years of aua. Hia funeral took place Thursday, alau to Thornhury. i The coiiifoi table aud pietty home ot Mr. and Mrs. Win MoCunncIl was the HCeno of a happy gatherinu on the ovrii- itig "f \Vedne.iday, Feb. 10, when their aecond dauuhter, Annie, was married lo Mr. Herbert J. Reid, olJust son of .Mr. Uanh Reiil. The little bride wore a be- itoiiiinK gown prettily trimmed with lacu and ribbon, her niaid uf honor, Mi>8 Mau'ttie MuConnull, also hoini^ i>owned in crt am. Mr. H. J MjKnight acted as liest man. Rev. .1. B. Waas perfurined thu interestiuK ceremony, which ehanuud into a matron one uf the sweetest of mir inaideiiH, in the presence of about fifty I'Uests. When all had part.tken of a dain- tily eerved supper, the eveniiiK waa de- voted t<i the (ii.joyment of mu'«ic, itanies and social couvi rae The yoiiPK couple left by the early train Thursday, followed by the good wishes of a host of friends, and will S',iend a fortnight with friends Oil tliia and ilie other xidu of Ihe lino. Mrs. Reid was ihi! reeipieiii of iiiany Ix'aiitilul and c.stly ai.ts. Mi».s Uooill'ellow and M hs i\Ic.\iislanil lotiuiicd lioiiie la.sl Week .ifter a|>ei.diiiu a week Willi tlicTiiuii', Mrs. W. .1 Hbtuk. Mr. Alix. .McCoi.nell of Touj. to is vi.sitiii'j Ills uncle, Mr Win. MoC'om.ell A ft w of our youiiL' people are in the . huliit 111 g'. ill.; over to R'.cklyii evoiiini,"> | to erjoy the skaiinu, as Rocklyo Ims nr rivod at the d.uni'y of a link all it.s own Euuciii.i. From o)tr oica Currennomlmt. Fine weather and excelleii'. nleiuhini; This wiiitr for S'l far hits ',oin so very' mild we cannot realize that winter i» so | far 1/1 no. Mr. Scott of Toronto wis up the past week buying a i^rert quantiry of luniher from Mr. Walker Sloan. A cute gentle- man from Toront'i, naiiicd T.etor^ recently boiiL'lit a cm' load i^f lumber from Mr. Sloan, and was to piiy for nsiiio when culled ami loaded on oiii-f, but aa .soiu.isho got it all ready he for«ol to send Mr. Sloan his money. Ho got on a fivijht train and .starled for the city, Mr. Sloan followed on the next train and fortuna'ely found his hiiulior at tlio station ill Toronto. Ho has not found Mr. Teeter yet, but his lumber is not friends in Toronto for sometime past, billed for a lecture here on Tliursday cv- has returned hiMiie sliijhily improved iu ening la.st, but failed to appear. health. I Mr. J. C. Buchanan, who has been in .Mis.H Hislopof the va'ley, 18 viaiting Oregcm for the lu.st two months, has re- friends around Flesherton the past tinned home. Uia brother, Mr. Saiiiuol week. Buchanan iu>d wife, accumpaniudhiiB. Mrs. Donald McK.-nzie of the station »â- »•â- â- « • Priceville From out otCM Corrrspcnideni, Last week »lr. A. broke a bench in his sleigh. He gral)b> d an axe, wont out to the wood-* and hewed a atick of timber has been visiiini! her daughter, Mr*. ' Wm. Uislop, of the valley, for some time. Mr. John A. Feiiwick has rented a farm at Edeialieaiid intends to uiova ; his family there shortly. ' Thu tea-meet iiii; and focial hold al the I '''8 enough for a small mud aill to replace hail the past week *a» a succejii, con- ""^ 'Token [Wirt aud then he brouuht the sidjrii.ifthe hard limes. Mr. iMeldrum *''"'*' ""^^^ ^' t'''« ''"•¥ f"r repaira. But occupied theciiair. The siniriti.; by the " "^"' I«»"""'f " bobs " caught his eye and now a Htreuk uf red dazzles the visual organa as Angus aoes flying by. Look out for some more jolly sleigh rides to Flesliorton. We omitted to mention in our items Malcolm Cameron choir was tine. Recitations by Miss Miiia Meldrum and Misa Mamie Hogg were well received, also instrumental music bv Messrs. Carr and Pedlar. With speeches and readltijjs a yeiy â- pleasant eveiiin;; was spent. A ipiarti tie i '"*'' "'-''''' ''"'^ '^'"*- of colored bre«hern entertaiiiud the "'"' «"""»"»ed U> Toronto lately as a audience with ijood mu.Mc. The pro- ^ »â- '•â- "'â- «» i" » eas- between the Tonrnto cecda amounted to twenty d.-llars. ; "^r^^* railway o<mipany and a neweboy. Iter. Mr. Ha.ris.ni ot Diiiidalk preach- '"''"' ^"''f'^'' "'"" ''""^ '>>' tbo «• net cars last edat the hall on Sun.lay last. Owing to f""' ""'*"• "^'â„¢ Cameron wiuj on the car the storm and wind that day there were few present. Flesherton Station at the time of the accident, ahe was a very im|Kirtant wi iieaa. The Rev. Mr. Harrison of Dundalk oe- cup.ed the pulpit of the PreshyteriaD cbuit:h last Sabbath evening. H s clear- Fromoiir oirjt corrfspi.ndfiit. cut, practical disc.mrse on "(Jiving' waa Mr. G«M. Ciishiiie of Holstoin spent lisU-ntHl tu by a largo and attentive cun- Siimlay hero with his mutlier, .Mrs. gregation. Tucker. i Saoiameiital services in the foregoing Mrs. R. Wright of the Orange Valley* church were ounducted in Gaelic last Sun- is spending a few days with her pai-ents, i day. Next Siblmth similar services will Mr. and Mrs. Legato. take place in Rnglish. .Mr. aud Mrs. Sncll of Holland visiUid The funeral of Uie late friends on the west back lino last week. Mr Connor of Dundalk is visiting at Mr Egaii's for a few days, Mr J. D. Morgan hiui been busy lo:td- iiig poles the [Muit week. Mr. A Vhittiikor, of this place, haa gone to Kimberley to hew timl>er. .Mrs Martha Fergustin uf Detroit, wliose death we mentiuned last week, to.ik place fitim Flesherton Stati -n liwt Weiliiesitay <m the arrival uf the niMin train. TIio re- mains worn taken to the Baptist church, where the Rev. Mr. McLeod preached a very suitable seniion. A large number Mr. MeFarlan ami Mr. Burnett of ' of friends was present. Durham .spent Sunday with Mr. Cairns. Mr .1. Warliiigand family have moved to the Meitfoixl lioad. It is our soriuwful duty this week to chronicle the ileatli of Mr. Colin McAr- thur, which occurred in Detroit last The remains of Mrs. Forgusim of I Monday. The late Mr. McArthur was a Chicago, f..i-morly of Pricevillo, came to this station last week and were meet by Pricevillo friends. Lady Bank From our own CurreapoudnU The ravivsl uieetings here hare been a lireat success. Between forty and fifty base alreiidy pr f>-«sed cnveision. Rev. Mr. Campbell uf Rivi una took chaige of the nieciiiiu on W'eilnesd <y last. Mr. F. Brownleeis eariyii.g on the meet. uiij.-i III the alisenco of Mr. L.gnto. Mr. llioftiiloe i»ayouii'j man (,f gio.it pro- niiS'. Mr. K. Uud on of R^tve-iiia p.i-aolieJ an intere^iing serinon on Sun- day Iroui the wohIh : "Yea, I havo lovi d thee wild an eveihistinu love." Jor 31 3. A fow of our youog inoplo Httended ilie s..ciiil ai Eiig.oiii on Friday •-veiinig Inst iiiid lepoit iiiivi.o b.nl a 'jooil time. Mr. V\ il, Linley lia.s tioateil liiinself tu a new cu'ter. | Mr. W. Whewcli took a bii>ii.«8s trip tu S'ayiier list week. Miss .Alice Who- i Well is visilii.g friends in St.ayner this week. ] Mrs. Kirby of Collingw<M)d is visiting her sister. Mrs. John Linley. respected resident of this village for a number of years. Mrs Goo. Tryon and Mrs. F. McKinnon are sisters of deceased. The beroaveil family havo imr symiMkthy. Mr. Henry Hogarth left for Whitby last Thursday Henry will be greatly misHad in the social circles <â- ' " r huiy. where he WHS a geuenil favorite Wo wish him Vandc^cur From our oiiii Vorrrxjtoudent. .success. Messrs. M. Riley and James VVatson attended the Conserva.iie conveiUiou at Rock yn ou Tuesday. The lion and Ihe lamb have surely lain down together this time. Valentines wore conspicuous by tlioir absence in this buig this jear. By the way, ho\vu\er, wo aliiio.-t forgot (hat a I 'â- beauty " arrived fro'o the Queen City I for une of oui popular young society men. Wo were pleased to iiieot our old ; friend, iVlr. Neil McMiHan, lust wick. ' Neil is still a lusident uf L'nclo Sum's do mains. Dame rumor suith that he will not return to Abiiitiuia alone, but that is nuiio of our concern. At the cjittle fair Inst Monday very few animals were ofl'ered for sale. Wo aro glad to st4ito that prices are much im- liroved and there is every indication of " belter times " in the stock line. Farniei's may as well make up thci minds to quit raising any more horsi s than they need for farm purposes. Lii t hist. Mr. Walton Williamfi spent Iho past weik visiting friends in Toronto, Mr. Alex. Fci'L'uson and sister of Lady Bank paid a short visit to Eugenia the past week . Mrs. Funwiok, who has been visiting Mr. ,101111 Warling of Flesherton St.v week a large drove of tine looking horsiH lion has moved (;o our neighborhood. pasised Ihr ugh hereon route f..r Marl Mr. and iMis Joi'vi.'« Alcox and dmigh- dale, b.il, as iiiiyht bo expected, nearly terof Moose .).iw visitcil tlieir uncle, John the same number returned. (Jats may bo Alcox, this wook. 1 cheap, but there is more tie iiey in selling Mr. and Mrs. Kiifiis Wickcns of Kim- oats at 15c a bushel than in feeding them beiley, with a fow friends, spent a pleas- to horses nnd then giving the horses ant evening Monday ,it W. Hutchins'. ' away, or worse Mill, keeping the aiiinia's Mrs. Melvor from North 15ry and her until they eat their heads off twice i r si.stor. Miss Rose Ferris of Beavordale, t irce times. visited their undo, Mr. J. C. Buchanan, j • • " last week. I The fruit-growers of Ontario ti« Mrs. Boyd of TeniplS Hill visitoil her threatened with a now pest, a small sister, Mrs Marshal Board, lately. , insect called the San Joe Scale or Bark Mrs. R. G. Wailing, who was on the Louso. The insect has lately spread sick list, is some better. throughout the niirseties and orchai-ds of A phrenologi t named Duncan ww» Ohio and New York, doing gr^it damsg*,