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Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1897, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE D. HcTavish F L 12 S M 15 I^TO N KEEPS ON HAND Q'pairs Pir M*i8HeyiriirU,and Noxon, Fleiiry and Wilkinson farm iiuplementa. Fidiii'y ami Voriiy plows on hand al! tlie time, also all kinds of rspairs f )r tiiB Slime. \Ve maunfuctiiro Wagons. Dngyies, Cnilora, Sluiglis, etc. Horsesii )eiiit» promptly attended to. Special attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Lo<,'f?ing and Plow Chains constantly on hand. r «%^'%^%^^^^/«^%^«/%^%^%^%^%^^«^%^%%'%%''^-%%^ WINTER SALES NOW RUSHING ! ^v-^ ^i^ This is tho season of year when you want to buy a cutter or sleigh. I have thein â€" beautiesâ€" iind will sell on your own terms â€" if they are not all one-sided. Painting ajid re-trinuning done to order. Don't buy without looking in upon my samples and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN %«^%^«^%%%^^%%/%%''%^%^%^«/%/%/%/%%«^%^%^%%^^ Come and see! OF THE BEST QUALITY Heard's Cutters and Sleighs . . . We have some fine Cnttors and Sleighs to Bell or exchange for ;%^ Wood, Lnmber, Sawlogs or young Cattle. ^i _^ J. H. HEARD & SON FLESHERTON 3 >j ^ _.' ^.i BARNHOUSE I The Fbar and Fruit Man I WiKh'-n to (Uaw the Httentioii of the '^ public to the f'lllutviiig spvcialtios : ,^ i'k.^SStS!U^ii:Sii!.iiii^lU^b^^f:^^>.^^t:</iA^. ^^'A DOGSKIN MITT8 and LEfiOINGS \S made tu order, or » ill sell out of Stock Photos â€" TAKI£N â€"AT THE I Flesherton | FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY i^ PHotOfiCraph t Gallery | arc done in fir9t-clar<s style nm) at |^ lowest rates, Special Hitoiition i§ Kivoii to copyiiiL'. Habien' jiliotos. 'k a specialty. Tictures fmnind. ^ MRS. BULMER OYSTERS IN SEASON Try our brealif ist CEREALS. Flour «f all ^'rades in stock. Root anil .Shoe burliness «lsii attended to at W. Barnhou5^, Flesherton Eugenia Mills Axn Gfirria^e Y^orks. O trria;;es m-i'le aad Uspaired, al'c PI iiiinj; ami [\latching, Band Saw- iii'i, vVood 'Curainjj of overy dva criptlon. Planing and Grain Chop Diugciooo wliilo yon wait, for tli'- Btiaver turns the wiioel, T. W. WJLSO.N itinnugrr BO YEARS' tIENCI. ADE MARKS, COPVHIt;HT8 *0. Anvono BRTnltiiff a nketclt mul ilfw-rtption may 4uk'lilviuii:ort.;ln, fr«o, wtiplhor nil Uivoutimi !â-  IJiutialily paln.'ilnlilo. i'nnilnniiloatldnB alrlrtly citiHiIimiIIbI. <)l(ii)«t aeeiic; forBucurlui: po'lmiU III Arncrcptt. Wi! luivii a \Vii»liliiKl"ii (ilBiM,. PiUi'iim tiknn tlirouidi Muiiu & Cu -ociilT* apuuial iiDliCvt III 1I10 SGIENTIFIG AMERIGftN, brciittfiilly tlhiHiriiOxl, lnr»rr»t clri'itbition of iitiynrleiitl!iij Itiiiiii.U, Wft'Klv,tui-iiiHi;i.i.1i ii year; >i..Uiiii: iji;>iif.hs. t'piv'Inii 11 uupli'K iiMil UANO iJuua ON TA'i'KN'lft .-iciit /rt'«. AdilreM MUNN & CO., 301 Uroudwuv. ^un Vorli. R- %<? ^IP ^iF =ii .-= 'Sl«= ^ SJI? =?i<= •/R' %• ^i? ^i4s -Ji,- Lot For salo. For Hftle clinap ami on easy t«nii!i In FloRhor ton. KplisiiilM lai'Kt', Kciliil liiii k (Iwnlllii):, witli i.'ood Ht inn collar, HuiimiDr kitrliuii anil wooil- IHMIBB, ali-o (;ihkI rrainn Ftalilu, liiiok linoil 1' n'lll'<,'M rontjitllB twohi;-^^*^ Int^t loifluood yomil,' ol'Cliaril, liiarliit,', IKiuno anil iiii>bnikliti»,'a are exi'n|itii>niil)v wull llnUlied and very conveiii^ tutly laid out. Ajiply to It, J. Spboulr. Fluberton. Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskina ami all kinds of fuis pur rliiisiMl, for *hich liixliest market price will lie paid. Hninnniadd vaudki-es on linnd, alse all kiiidH of iiiuat4. int't-lifrlon Mt'Ol iMiipoiinni pUiriaiLI.K AND DUKHAAI HTAOB. I>iniiaiii wtiiR • It^aveH KIft?hrrtnii Station at l.V\ a 111., ri'tiinis 1.4-5 p in. PiidevUlc Ptape li'iivt'K I lie* »-tii».(! )(lai:n tit r2.:ifl, n'tinniiiK ut 4.4.>. Fiiro to 1*1 icevillt'Oini rptnin..'i0ctint9; Uinimn). ^L.tO for ifttiini 7"u. t-infiU! fare. I.tvcrv in con- noclloii, Ovders luu bo left at oiM.PV lintt'l. A. MtiOAULUY Pro r'-'MEiiT. 2 IPr^EJE 2 ! OWEN BOUND, ONTAUIO, Is tKe "irery lEIeati ri.ACJK IN CANADA 'J'OCif.T A T&3ifl-iigli BiisiiiDSS E'lriGalio!). TakoaRouud Trip V.;.:i...:.'i - ('iillu'K.s mi.i fcl,iin'nor(;ial Doimrtinonti in (7aiiti<Ia,tl]bn visit t>i f NnrtiuTti Itiir'ine'iB (!o]1(>K(j ; oxuiiiinr rv«i-y. t^iiii^! Hi»ioii<(lily. If wfl fiill to inoiluoo ttia in «flb tlio:*oiiffli,uoin|)l(!lo, pvaotica) mid extiiii- HlTj 'OiirHoof ;tudv : tlio l)0?*t olliiftt! iireiiti'^efi a<i I tho liuat and moil' ooniplota iiinl most siilt- Rilafurnltnvo a"d nil limiouH.wii will j;Ivb a full oaiii'in FUlil". For Annuiil Aiinoniico- Ul lat, giving full {lartlunlarB froi;, a l.lru C. A. FliEMINO, i'riucl|>ai Preserve ymr cyesiuht by having them proiurly tested by I W, A. AKMHTllONG. Optician BOx\R FOR SERVICE I hav'i n wi'U bred Kuksliiio boar for soi'viun on lot ivj, X. S, B., AitsjKicsia. Ternia 7a ooiits. UI;Y OKU County Council (C/ontiniv^il irmn lt»t wi^ek ) THURSDAY AFTEBNOOS Aftur lounne liosnioiix thu f<dlowiii<> ci'iiiiiiunicaiioiiH «i-r« rMMd^uiii rof« : A|i|ilitiiti'iii from J;i«. Cocliraiie to be ainioiii'c'd on ilie ooaril of jiidiCMl aufhl ; s'att iiK'ut if fxtri mxiiitmi iiiCM of Mu'i foil! bigh Mh..ol, (8490. (it!) fro-n A McK. C.iiiifr' n ; Mpiiliciiion fiom Geo Noble foi' reward fnr ai rest aiid iinnvjctliiii of ii liiMHn thief ; applicaiioii froni Adiini C!:aiiHtoii, a lililid man, for free pedlaiH liceiixe ; iipplicrttii'ii fioiiiA D. Wri',ilii, si'Cieiary of th.- OiiMi io I'illn AshiicuiIiom for a r>-ni-WMl ot t'e f.^raiil of |ilO; b-titr R. Tiiit, local H.'em of liell T.I.- plione Co,, milifyiii-,' c.iU'icil tli it iiol.'^'i they slgnu'l a coiitra';t to piy $25 per year for IIiTimi yutirt, f'^r the ii-lcpli'ine in ihe court hoiiao, the iiiHiiunit'iit wou'd Im removed ; aiiplicatioii from SfOifiaiy of the Livw Association, and from judi;e Ureas'r, for .idilitioual n!pU'!og for bool<s ; also a .lUiob'-r of a'couii'x. Mr. IJ iiiiie prrseiited lepmt No. 1 of tiiiaiicti C'liiinitlH Kcoiiiniciidiiig, tlia> •foliii A. RoImikoii, of Bl 111 tyro, b« irivfii 'lie lir:^t ^Mciiicy as county Htudeutat the Oiitaii'i AL'iiciiltiiral clle'^e ; tbat tin- couii'y triasiirrr's Bia'eiiient if noii • esiclKiit laiiil fund and ilie report of judicial aiulii for 18!)(> lie priiitt^d in llm niiiiuius ; 'hat a d.-iailrd siaimiient of Hiipplios purcliiisu'l for tliii be biid b.' foriilbe c'lUiioil ; and thattio followiiiij a'C'iUiils lie paid : Jas Stapb-s, o: (iU'iK'l]!^, for U days work re supply of wood for 8 â- uili(ir.-y registry oHlet-.Jj-4..5(f; tifasuior of BuTidiick. i-xp«i,si-s of re- 'iii'Vinj lunatics, 8"J3. 80 ; ireasurnr of Kepp' I, exaininii".' ao,l removing lunatic to Owen Sound, S17.60. Mr. .McD"nild pesfutcd n-port No. 1 • if County Pr.perty coiniiiir^ee recoiii- iniiidliig iliat llic jailer !ie rnpliri'd !â-  ki'Mp (I day bodkin which to eiilerall ariicles of ri'iiairn and time in;eiip>.d in iilHCing sum ', and also that all cast ott hardwaro bn Binned on |iiviiiUes and sjld in i|uiiiities lis it acouniuhitcs ; that ex cepting in cane.t of real cuicrijency in the pill chiiso of supplies or when tbe cot'. i< of a minor cliaiacter, the chaiinian ot County Propel ly coinuiitiee be consulted; ilnii a sum not to exceed $7 be exp<nde,i lor Howurs lor couit house lawn ; ami thai the foUowiir^ accounts be paid : U.iii Mc.\uUy, Wood tor S. (Jrey rc;,i.s.rv ollivc, !#i;8.tJU ; D. Riley, siiliitin-.; and jdiiny s line, S(j.50 ; Ryan liros , coca niiiltiiig for S Crey r^-g siry olhje )81.7l ; .Ino. harnsuii, luiiitier, ifll.l!) ; A. Wil- »..ii, cliairs, 48.50 ; Parki-r iV Co. . paints iiid oil, ll^l^.Ti") ; T. 1. Thonip.ioii, nap- pni:j hainnier, i^lt.o'J ; R. P. Uu'.uhart tV: liio., xupplirs and ivpiirj to coumy iiuddiiUB, Sf7l'.fiO. Air. liiiliop i.ieacnted leport of special loniinittLe In coi>,tider aeco'.ilits of iidiiiiiiiiiii;^ iilKeers. V'^J ecomuiUi.deil il^al ihu (ollowiiig accounts bti paid ; Uivisoii No, 1, Tli'i,s. Uonuni, Jlo ; No 2. >^ 111. Reaton, \li'i'.i.'oh ; ^o. 3, Ui;or^e Rus->oll, i>"JO.(i(i ; No. 4, Ueorgo Hopf. vl!t40; No. 5, J. W. WaiUe.l, li}2J tW ; .>io. (1, J. liwiii, 4>2O.i>0 ; No. 7, Ueorj;e .Vliioiy, ii'^'lbW; iSo. 8, Jas Oalbiaitli, «!l(i.l8 ; tiiut ilie accounts ot W, .). bell, «i.), ai.U Jas, CiHiiioii, <<-l, for dcliVeiiiii; imllot boxes i.i c ises wlieru no muiiicipai eieciioii were held, bu paid. Tlie com- niitleu also recoinmciided payuieir. ot deputy ruiuriiiii;.' idUcers in cmes where no lo^al municipal tlcttions were hel I, as loliows : 11, D. l>y.ioii, ti L. Laiiuier, lieo. Wailing, Will. W alsou, fO. 50 each ; .K. Mel heraoii, Ji>lin Munro, .ioiin ilniiiKioii, U. Wongei, If7 each ; W. J. WnrUeil, $10; tliu eoinnnttee hUo ru coiHiiiundid pHjiuent of the county clerk h .tccount, for laliotsand oiher foiiiis pro cuieii >jy bill! una for expre^a diaries and posla^ , ftM 81. Tliey allowed So or services ui iioniiiiatUiK utlictrj ex- clusive of conveyance or mileage, but c.itild not recoaimeiiil payment lor extra .-ierviccH of dupu'.^y rutuiniui; othcers. All th>i reports were auupled without nnxijilment. Council went into cominitlee of the A hole on bylaws 528 and b'M to appoint lUiiltors and iiieiiibeia olllie board ot jiidiciiil audit for 1807. Tlio waiden a[)pointed C, A, Kleiiiiig his auditor, niul tile council oil ilie toni'ili liallol ap|ii>iiiieil 1/'. (iraliain, of Uundalk, sahny $40 each, C. 1(. Niig Hiid Jidin Chislioliii were .ip|ioii<ti'd iiitMiiliers ot the judicial audit il «tl p.r day alio mileage. CMiiiiiy clcik Kuibeitord made applica- tion foi an increase of Ins salary fioiii StiOO to §(iOO per year. FltltiAY AI'TEllNOON Oil mniioii »f Mi'sis. Iliuii'e and Uordoii, Mu HrH, .\iiiler«an, I'lualiiii uud tie inovci Mere itpp' iiitod » omiiniiilO'', lo examine 01 o t e.t.'U ci's aiueiiea sud report at tie lltXt FObicll. Tliti t\ar' ell read a a atomeat of tbe expen- ili lire ( f t'hil i'ji,'« Aid SHuleiy funtla, Irum 'lev. Jiic. Li'ili rd, Mr, liiiii le jat,'ented ropcn No. '2 of fi II' lie« eon m.tlee i< ci inltiHDdir.^ tl'iit, the pplicaiii II ul ihe county cleik for increasi- (ti biliary be iKit eiuei ta.iieit. but he i.e pii'i 8.'>0 fur his extia neiviots as reiuni- iiiH ( nicer lor the oouniy iu il.o county I oniic I >di:C'„ioiiB ; that thii eniiity tieaBUi- iiVaa'siy lio leiiueed lo Sl'iCO instead ol %\\' us at piesent ; tliat no ae. iuii bi; uiken re the hreat of ilio Dull T< lephone Co., 'o tieir imtruiueiil from tlie iiiity hiii. (lings : tl at i. Maniierow be U'anted lio loliAl!; on pe.dlar's liceiiae ; anil Jus, Uaibia.Mi ?'"> relmto on unotiou e'rs license ; that Adam Ciaraioii be (jranied a true pcd ui'hI ceu'e ; that Sin be prantcd the Oiitar o lliHe As'iicuiiion ; that tho ao- loiint ol .1 1'. 1 1 are, clerk of lleliaiid, $10.18 lie not paid; Ifiat tbe I.uw ilmunal bo £ot luliHe.rilied for; Hiid that il,ii fnpowing go- ciiunts bo paid; Bain Eook and Stjitionery Co,, f<tr bl erilT's fee I ook loid express thore- Oii, 87 K.i; Ii, 8. Rap, for iinifuriii for biiili cooKthblo, Y(\y, oouniy tieasnier'.s ueeomit (or nosttti;* >""' poatofnci> box; and iliat the nppiicnlion of tieo. Nobie for reward for arrest and oimvictioo of horse thief be oot eatertaiuod. Mr. Kiclurdaeu iireaent-jn rfport No. 1 uf t^'lueaLiou eijiuiiiii tee iecoiiiineiidin^ thai oAVe lii; ^ran ed to hold tf.uell> r*K lustilllt^ .iirei:i..« on l'liiiri,d..y« »u . Fi iduv.^, m no- Ciirianj. wiln renul.iiun 9' ai Ednea.hiii U.'Pio '.ineui; ihol tne bilnia owi ^ Meaiord liii^ii ae<:uol uin: Oa'. ii -noui.d cdl^^l'iie in* i,Hiuie(» «uiiSPJ01.4.);(ur extsa main, leuauce, bu ).a <i; ami liial tile (luouc so n'Ci mri^cior O' Niirtn Guy lb leiluiied tu iar- ui.-li r»-purii-if fit leuey o i<:achu,t< to ili. tcbo >1 bo.iriin iiu, l.<yiuri tlicn., lu coiniiiiiue ol lue wliij,e report No. 1 0[ i|ie till o.uc ciiiuniitue, Mr, Bibli,>p in tie uiiair, tUern m»« a warm dei-aie on tlii- u auae uriintiiig Isiioi, G.luruitti u rebu e uii his uUwi 'uuVi.r'b 1 eeiiBC because hd iiiid uoi' ii«.d it fur a .* hue year. Tue Citui8>- WiiK f ruck o II. Tneie w.,s aisu a di>Cii.i- iion 111 itgaal to lUc couaty tieasurer's .sa • HI). Uii niLlioii ot .Nleosiu. .Mcl^oimsD a.,u ti iiiou ti.e cuiue Wi^a referied onc^ o eua le itie ijuai.c.1 lo get lUilber irfuiiui.. Llt/U, Air. Riunar !aoa lu ruouced byUw 530 lo appu.a u iniBice lur ttie OAeu Suun,i a., - le^iala ii.btiiu e, auu i.yiaw oiX to a(|ioiiil a trustee for iiie .i.C'^iuiu liigu aciiool. .Mr. McUouaii inlr.'dueed bylaw u'ii lu uppoo.l a u.rcctoi tur t e cuiiiiiy eu tfic buara u tI.e loruoLo, Orey au , iiruee ruilw»y. in cuii * uiitcea Liiu i.yrdws waie tilled Up wiiU ili< uauK h Ul Kuut. .McKni^ui.'ri Oi. McKer o , ikuu W. A. tiisUop resp -ctive.y . 'l\iiy Aer«i tfcil re.d a till; . liiiiu t.iid tinaiiy pu^scu >iov«o oy lutlb^rs. Siii^ aiia xliuwru .lia ills County ire.>burHr i.e requested lo lui- 11 ah a ol.ALt]Uieut suoWlIiij l,,e luoebteoiie^s •ii auy ol uie muuic.pbtu'.es lu tiiia council â€" U.4r<ieii, Mr.Pieatua prcaemod report No. 1 oi ,;omtuiciett • u Cu'iiiuuuicaiiui.s aud memori- .os, ri-C, m I. ending liiat IDu pittseuimeiit ut tut giaUiLjuiy Utt ti.ed; tiu aeti«u be laaeii on t,.a pctitiuus ul me euauly eouu- cl! ul U'cuiwuilli tor ainui'iiuieuta to the llegistiuliuu A.t ul \H\y\ aud tuu Geuerul Uuu^i t^uiiipauieb Ae ; inal no action be Lttleu uu II. e lueniur.Ui ul the W.C'.T U. re piiouu rtluiiii; mat uu aCtiuu be laaeu an ilid ftiemui:..! ul ii,e cuuuty cuuijcil ut .'s;m- CiH;, atan.g liie Lei^ia.uluiu lu plau« the 1. - duatciul aeuuoi at uu a iiiut* ii.^ lu liie Uuiariu reiorniaiury lur boys ; me uiemuiial oi tor euuiity cuuucil ul LaiubLuU bcekiug lu bava rul.waya put ou me eanie lui.liu^ aa utiier pioperly uwiicr^. be siloed by liie warueu and clerk aud f r- waracd tu viie piopei uuthunlie ; out thai Du, u be uao uu tbe u;emurial uf tu« same re aud btrect crusa Xi^ ; iit«s iiieuiuiiui ul the cuuuiy couued Oi I'rauteouj aakiug puniameut lu ^laca un li.e fieeiisi, crude uii, cual oil, V ire lo lenumji aLii all raw muteiial wiiicli we c^d- iiou iurL,isii K'l uwu Ub«, be «udorsed. 'I'ne repurt Was ad. pi U a» lea.i. .vlr. MuUuu,iia I'rcsuuled report No. 'Jul lliu C'uuuiy prupeny euuiiinilce, iccuiii- lu. utiitiK :. Ul an ai.oiaunal buok u ae be [Hit inlu iiiu iikw Horary in accoruauce with r. (jueal â- >< Law Aaauciu luus ; that a bio., case l>o put luto lu.i^e t/ruuSui'a utiice in uccueaance Willi bia leipievl ; mat tau rc- puil act p.uua ui VV. J, i:iurr'.ui{ne8,si,eiim nealiug export, re heuiiug apparatus ol tht bull Uug>, nad i>.eu under cuub,d«rut.uD, auo tliw.. tua uiatLsr bo laid ovcr tin ine Juuu aea&luii,aud loat the cbairman ot the cuiumi.teeejii.mauioto nuh llio luspeotui ul regiaiiy ulUees to aicecUui wbut cnau^es il any wi.lbu ( eriuiiteU ia tne re^lHtry i.tliccb beluiB muaiiig auy changes iu ti.e ay .^t«lll. Ml. Kiuuio preteuied reporl of special C'liiioiUie tu eL.<juue iuto trrasurer'a suie- tiea, Mbich iiiey luuud tu be euiiiely bSlu- .ae.ory . bolii tiie repiii tb were adopted. C'ouiiO i i^ain Heui into cuinmittee of the wiio.e ou lepuii Nu. 1 ut bliauce eummilite .Mr. liiauup la tue cluir. Ttiu cla .>o re- uueiitg lliu cuuiily ireusurer'a salary being under cunsidaiatiun, iVir. I'arker, wiiu vias oresent, wa« cdieu un luuaureaa ibo couu- co, aiid at tile euiiciusioa ot wbteli it ^as luoved, fecuuded aud earned, lliat the c ause reducing tiio treasurer's balary i.e â- .trnek uut. Several lueiubera spoke in i.igliiy ceiuplnuentary leims ot the etlic'.out barvices lendered by Mr« Purker. SAIUKUAV M.B.SISO Tbe tiiiauciai HtaLemeui of tbe South Giey .Vg: icaliurai Suciety waa read. .Mr. ijtuuiu pioseuteu report No. 3 of libauue eoiiiiiiiLtee reconiinendiuK that the Biatsiuent uf me guveiuir e( jail re moury expeuuuii f'>r a u \.i duouaigeu priauneia be li.ed, aud lliat a furllier turn ui S'.T) be grained lor that punuise; aud tbat the autiual lepuri i f tbo Suuihttrey Agrieultui- ul .>oeiBty ue Hied. .Adopted. Mr. Mo.'enald presenud ropori> No. 8 ol County Property ouinmiiiee recomD.>uiiiug li.ut tbe ubuirinan be given auiborily ii> procure aullicioiu quauiily uf loe lor the coiiuiy buiniiu^N, aiiU tu procuie fuel and I a\o ban. e Weighed ; also lo have Judge t^inaa r'a loom papeieii, and lo have me iiidiuary aiiio>.iil uf small icpuira mude. Adupt<;d. i\xr. SiuB presented repert No. 1 oi piiniing o.)min;iteo reo imineudiiig thai tne follow lug bCCuunls be paid : J. II. Kutiiei- foro ?l, .1. a. Little Jl, C. J. Pratt f;il.:il, aud liiut ihe Iluooala lltruld bo awardei t:ie viutniK and aliveIti^illg coiilraci for IS^T, its teiioer lor aauM being lowekt Ad ,p ml. A upon from county tr aaurer Parker waa lead showii'g t;,ui ilie IciKowing local muliiu pa itii's uie in.leited to tbe eoim y 'or llio iiiOiitMi.e.i Sims: Co;,iuuw id, Soisi ; Kiiplirasia, SI8S3,GO; Osprey, i 5-'t).o0. Tlie tepori Wl>s ordered lo be li.ed. Ml. McKiuiiou gave uolicn that tt tho Juue bO-siua he wuuhl iiiiive to do a<vay w.tb tlie Deceiaber ssaiiioii of tho county council. Moved hy Mr. Biniiie, aeciuidod by llr. Sdienk, thit tins eouncil lUeluoriailZB tho le(.;iblature to Bo aintud the AssensuKiil Act as lo allu'V rural uiiuiicipalitics tu have thoir asscpsineiitH niadiolming the siimmur nion:lis, eacli nRseHMiient toreina n in Imee for thiee years, and all chai.ges ouniiu il at linie to be iiiaie l>y tho eou t ot tovisien. Tbo motion j<ave rise to a loni'tby d. bate, in which Messrs. (i.irdon, ToUn, Andfli- soo.MoCidman, Bishop, tinaucu and Biuiiie look part. On the vote being taken, it was iouiid ihat lliere was a tic ^Slr. Sini,' bcug ab.ieiil) wboiiupou tlio wacd':n g4\c hia easting vote in favor of tho motion. Move.llyMr. Richaiilsoi), seconded hy Mr. Watson, tbat the juil surgeon ba order, en to stop all supplies uf toliacoo and whisky or other spiriluom liquor lo^ in- mates of the jail, exoopt iu eases of extroiuo ui:ce«sity, (It where iu the opibioa of the j. il Biifiifun tiiev are iu i.peuob.e as me ioinea, Carrie,!. Moved by Mr. Bishop seuoud.d \,y Mr. Gordon, tilt lb 8 coOi cd niBioorial zi the govrr. mei i o: 0<it~rio to I ass an act le- ^:Uia.iiig tbe w dtn o iir is o . ve;i^le, ii ajijoitlance wi n me weighi ot lo»J. Car- ried * On moi,ti'>n, tho mesbeiig r was ordered to be paid ?5 for hU noivic a at tide BcSxioiI. council adj'iurupd to ireet ot tht court Mouafi on 'Mou'iay. .June i-l h, a^ 7 *• i:.'. ♦♦♦♦-»♦'»♦**«*♦'>*♦♦'>« J-** ♦'.i ♦ Give 1 the The only fuod % that will build - DtlD^ up a weak cons ^^^ * titiition gradii- % Chance aHy but surely is | Martin's I Cardinal Food! a simple, scientific and highly Z nutritive prejjaratioiv Ajr infants, % delicate children anH invalids. ♦ * KCnaV WATSON <k CO , PaoraicToaa. * m MoMTNraL. ^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The^ Markets. Caretuliv Corrected Eju-Ii Tl rfk Flour $4 50 to J5 40 <.>:ns 15 to 17 Wheat 80 to tb Ibiiley 20 tu 30 Peas . S8 to "8 Ruttcr 1ft »o 11 E'^iis, fresh - 15 co 15 Potatoes bat[ 25 ,,0 35 I'ork 4 00 to 4 75 H.iy per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 {}0 t^heepskiiis 25 lo £0 (Jee.te ... 5 to 6 Turkeys .... 7 to 7 Chickens per pair 20 to 25 Ducks per pair 40 to 50 Wool 17 to 30 Farm and Mill Site lor Sale For ^:alo very cbi^np and on vory oasv terma. Timber larui, IjU acres, two iniles' from Kleali erton, known as tbe Wiu. HogK^'awmill pro. I''loii wlileli l" an excellent water power, foundatiou ol saw mill, dam and pontl and water wbeel in place and all read v for puMiui; iiiio on. About I.-, aeieacluiired. JO acres timber, uioat olf, balanee well timbeml, mixed timber, rliis farm will be aold at a barsain if sold at unco biuall payment down, balance ou very terms, .\pply to R.J. Hvnoii.*, FIcbbeitOD.Out Now is The Winter Of Our Discontent Says Shakespeare. There will be no discontent if you aeal with me, and Shakespeaie won't be in it. XIMKl^Y GOODS NOW ON HAND : Sleigh Robes, Rells,6lankets,CircibgIe«, Whips, Cuiry Combs, Rrushes, Cow Chains, and everything in hariiessinakure' goods. Am oleyant GOAT ROBE from $7 60 to $0, other robes higher if you want them. Coii.e and look at my thiuits, anyway. Always glad tu quute pi ices. Dry cordwood and stove wood take in exchange. ^innvi. iv[oofSL£: Harnessraaker - - - Flesherton. : : r^OGrS : : WANTED ! In unlimited quantities at tho 111 ii-m Highest Cash Prices. oi"ily i3o I^er Bag" BEECBIFT S TALBOT •rlS'^ 1^0^ ffor Sei?"«ric© For service oti lot i;t4, T. and S H,. Arieiuooia, a tlKirouMhbreil roKiatored Burkbbiro bvnr. Termsâ€" $1 at timo cl Bcrvlce. JOS. CliABtt^ X^ '

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