% W9m. THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED ./SS/- :=3 I ^Ae Advance rVBLISnEO WEEKLY AT TBK OFFICE. STD- XNHAM HTKEET, FLKHUEUTliN, ONT., BY W. H. TUUK8TON. ft per aiiiiani,strictly in advance AdveitiBing Bates: Me Uolumn, I yeu-, 96Q ; b&If col., I r'U'i *2T finrtar col., one year, CIS. Transient advertisement cliarged at the rate S osnts per line for first insertion aud 9 cent! eaulisobsequeut iuaertioB. Tbrce bye elections were held on Tliursday last, ' iz.: in East Siraooe, Nuctli Ontario aud SoiitU brant. Tlie first of tbeie returnad a Conservatave tboBccond a PatrouRfformei and tiae third a straight Grit. Paj wlunt yoiican, should be the ttotto of every man in these days of moDty stringency and depression. If |ou cannot pay all your debts pay as aiuch ts yott cao of tlitiiu. I)ivid«ni>, kud make luouey ciiculate as fietly an ^BBible. In that way times will he OQade as good as it is possible to inak«i them, and very frequently a portion of a debt will he u source of the very greatest relief to the man to whom it is paid. A convention is called ai Roeklyo afEant and Centre Grey Cosiserva- tiveu. for the l&ih inst. The object of the mccbting is lu select a candiJat'-i for the Ontario Legislature, but it is jubt a little doubtful if this will bt- done. In vaAu it is, we •vunid stiunit;- ly adviiie the coiivcuiioii to select a mao of ttbiliiy and one who will add some lustre to the constituency. Tlie time is gone by when a " yellow dog" itan be elected in East Urey if he is a Conservative dog At least there should be no chances taken on hiin. ^'c devote cout. d mble space this week to the proceucluigs of the county council. Not only is this done as a matter of news, but to prove that iIk' sixioeii gentlemen who now sit at the board are quite as eupablo. and have done ilie busiuess quite as well, as the 54 who in the past have jollied their tin^o away in the county town. On this occasion, too, the work was dune as ezpoditioualy us heretofore. Tlie btiuinesH could have been got through wilh on Fiiday had it not been for dilatoiy reluriiB ofccrtain ofliciuls. furtliorinou'jL up to |zl08. We ftel quite safe ill esliuiiitiiig that the say- ing will amount to $2000. This iaa nici' bit of economy, but wo niider- Rtaiid that other county eipoiiseK have grown during the past yeai' until tliey nave iiiucli more than caien up this !4aviiig, wliieli i» not a mutter for con- gratulation. That Bad Landlord tiut wi I take (itlier uieniia tii c(>iii[>t!l Iniii t<> atick III hiHiigrfi'int'iit. Uejrelting I lie necessity for rliia lijii; cxplaiuitpii, I mn, 8ir, LANDLOHD. Two cases of " hlack quirter " aiiionii e.Mtle in repined fn^ni Aiuarantli. Tli8 diseHUB is Very fal.il mu! infections. M. Richardson & Co The king ot l)enin,in Africa, order- ad the kiihiig of a lot of unarmed British travellers in his coantry not long ayo, and now dares Britain to come ou, intimating his intention to meet \wt halt way. Aa a gonoral rule these "way back" potentates do not know what they are fooling with until llicy are nveiwlu'lmi'd, and doubtless in this instinoe the Uilly Patterson of IJenin will wonder what in the mischief it w is that hit him and will wish that ho hadn't Benin suchu burry with hi« defmnce- It is now possihle to make some SOI I of un cstimalt of what tliu Stiv iugs to this county will be under the new Cdiiiity Council law, Fi^^nies of the cost of tliu liile eli olion foot up to about four hundred dollarH, inohuliiig §50 of an extra nllowunco to the County Clerk. Tlioro is a saving in the Sciliuies of 48 nieuiher.'f, which umoiuiUiil to $10 each at a cons'TVik- live isumatc, for a seasiou, making 8784. The throe sessiona would 1)1 iii;^ this up to $2852. Subtraotiiijr 8100, lliecoHt otaii eloslion and extra clerical work, wott'd leave a clear i^aintotlie county of $i952. And iihould Mr. Moliinnon's motion carry dk^ Uia Jujoe scaaiou the saving^ would To iht Editor of 'the Advance, Dear Sir, â€" Tlmt poor t-iiant, in your last iitsutt, U duly Hiiotht^r â- ample of a purxon whoKe iniscalcula lions and disappoiutineiiC^ lead him to colur circuiiiHtHiiees lo r»<-et bis dwii emrrueucttrs, and I ngret the necetMty t'> point tht<m out. Sumetiiiie early in Oct.>b«r, 1 think, tins pour tciiiiut cnrae to be relieved of his leuau, which had three .tears more tu run ; I acqiiieHced,iipon the clear ui'd>^r H'andiny that he whs to leavf the place about tlie (irHl of No»en»ber, but I hui going up the liikt', Kiiid he, nnd an noon a.s I Come back, will ihre^tu, senlH up aod go myself and family. Tlio liaicraiii then WHS ihat he iiiii^ht Hell ihu Ktraw ir> |iKiaoii8, to fr-ed nil lilt place, providing ir wuK dralt out ill tliH day t'liie, for ir was of no value to me. When lie re tunieil he was Rskid whother his pur P'>se8 reoarding the place wt-re the tame, ami whethet X tuinlit lea.se the j'Uce Hi» aiiRwur was most imsilfvely nffiiiiiatiye. But liaviog Eoiiie douht, ai d beiieviog ilie true busintSH luetliod was to ratify by a written agreenieiit, l>e sigiiiil one, Ki'hout disaeiil. Ht-re i' is : After re- cordiin; <iii loiise th>- $50 seitloinnit. it says, "anil I herel>y teruiiiia'e ihix le.i.se from ihi.t day" â€" Noveiulier 17.1896, un- der whicli his signature waa ptaeed. Tins was int'iely a laiilicatioii of tli.- original verbal nururmnit. How moan then, lo say 1 deceived him V Hire iu Nouieiliiiii^ too funny lo pass ovir^" 1 neter preHS.-d this landlord lo lake liuck the place, but hepirhSed me to keep it on and he would p.iy the iaxe«." It waan'i ao buUfot tlie landlurd ludo that, was it ? The tenant is solely pies»>d lo ihhW- a caaeâ€" call it what he pleases. The f<ui IS, as he »tut«4 hinisilf, hu came to give ii up, a ihiog lie could not do wiihuut n.y coiisi'iit. It [ hud wanted the lease can ceiled, liiH char;^e would littve been likely 4^1UU ! iiui, actii'g from a piincip^u id ayinpailiy and Kiiiilnei-H, I }>ave 'biiii clear upon liie cuiiditiiin of honorable settle- ment and bis own prupu^iiiou lu have alMJUltlie hrst of November, 1 cou'dii't relet safely without his written discharge. I'liu aubaequuiit facts show the wisdoui vf my pruciclure. What lie laibd to under- stand in uiy last was from luid piinctua- ti"n and vvuut of a capital letter It ahi'Uld have read, " The l>alaiicu over J^lOO I paid him. For the second year, howuvtr," vtu. But a paity to the tiaiis- uction sliould have understood. After Uesciidiiig. lor a hpecial line fence be- tween Ttiumpsoii and myself, w here everjtiiiiig was to ho taken from the hwaiiqi, and which was n, ver built, the lea.sc N.iys ; "The lessor agrees to pay ihe i-uiii of ^//fcii ('i?i(.i per rod for build- iiiij a otrainiit fence, or fence*, where i/«- rtctni. 'I'be lesnor will furiiitili the neces- sary wire." No'liius; could ba nmri* ex phcit. The titt'ecii c>-utk included nil charges. Yet, althoUi<h not a foot was ordciid aiull, previous to Rcitlvinent of Nov. 17, bo I'iils iini with $50 (iiicludinu a teiico bo wtyn I saw, (mill for his o»ii per^i'iml beiU'ht that he iuiL.'ht pasture ihe hush â€" a loucu I never divamed of paying for) with cliKnjes about 25 per •;i-nt nbiive the price ,is al ove slated lUit it vsas all allowed, for peace sake only, ll sliovvh h'^w far astray this ten- ant i.s when bo siiys I "Imd my own way." Up to Nov. 17 there was no chungo of purp' .te oil bis part. Hu was still uoli <• ^^(>lllewlleie, and it matured lu Muskoka as tliii apiit. Everything, ahiUKt, in p' epKxtKiii ; catiU Kohl, u<io<ls )>acked, and fiiei.da bad gone tlio previous even- ing r>r a farewell. And be siys hinoe'f folks know he was going to Aluakoka, but liedcli H persons to prove he was Uavini.' claiiilestiiiely. I slmulil be gl.iil indeed if It wore true, hut I confess thinus looked rather auspicuiuK, and when charged with it putsoiially, in my ofheo, at tlie first eetlli'iiieiit, ho did not deny it. I?ui those, with oti.er citeoior>'nn cs, pre- vviiled this tcniiiit leaving oall, and wi h It ciiue the afieriiioU'iht, born of iiece-* BJty, 111 still keep ihe preniis. s " to feed the straw," he says, iind the hardship of payinsj for a ye.'u with possessmii only of "iiiiKi niont'iH." These C'oinled for no , ihiii^ whon I consented to take the placu bafk, nor even the day before I took iiiiaiiHto uet my piy. Now. hud this toeaiil asked me civilly to viant him leave to occupy the premises, iiider the uii plea-ant ciiciiinstiiiices J could eot have sad uo ; Imi the place ia re leafed witli the verl al iituler.-l.'Uidino of po8ses,sioo nt any tune, anil this tenant is dici.'odiv Hioi.g ill holding it 1 wi-<li t.a refer to Olio a.s.sei tioii of his, that be "did worl; 1 rufified to p:iy liim for," I cave hitii « cpo iiil job lo axsi't him oiit of his d'fti ciiliy--l".^7 rods of old fence m sttiiieb'cii - the lease pijce was Id c.iiils a rod ; nod as ii r.eeii. covois evetythiig. but lifter allowing ".T per cent, over the 15 cents per rod, lie t>ille:l ine with tliree ibiys' woik, whioh 1 rrfu«ed to pay I could have cot this Woik done for SI5 by sev- eriil, ye', ho hud no Kcniples wlr't''ver. Thi.i tenant went in for Irutnns, nnd kuc- ce (led except in (his case, I will do Ibis ton;iiit tbo justice, however, lo sav that during many yo;irs I have neyor he;ird of di:>hiiiiesty at bis liatids. which n<ukes this case the nioru surprisiiit( I slnill not again refer to him or his cass publicl;^. Clubbing List Advance aud daily World $2 80 'â- News ] 80 " Montreal Herald 1 60 " Witness l.SO " Youths' CompHinwn 2. .35 " Weekly G^lb•^ 1.55 " Sun . , 1.40 Pays for your Name on 12 Be&ulitul HIDDIvN NAMF. CAUtls, lovely pictures, or 20 RsndsotDe Calling Cards. Caab _ with order, btauips taken. Address, CANADA CAKD UOUSi:, Ingersoll, Out ario Qpen Air Rink I llEST OPEN AlK BINK in the countyâ€" 5)il:i0 ft. Skating- Monday, Weilnesday, Frida; even- ings and Saturday afternoons. Admlaaioa only 5c. Wednesday eveningsâ€" Ladies and children free. Hiiik back of D. UcTavish's blacksmith shop. F. DEFOE, Proprietor. "QUEEN VICTORIA, HER LIFE AND REIQN' ftreac historic work, sells ou sight to thou- sands. Lord UulTerin introduces it to Canail- iaiiB in glowing; wurua, Kasy to make C*J0.0Ou week, some twice that. .Many make more n. pare time than during r ay at regular employ- ment. This year's Great Sex igenary Celebra- tion are booming it. Hooks ou time, r'roapectut. free to cauvasseis. Territory going las. The Utadley Oarretsoo Co . Ltd., Toronto. Ont. WE CAN QIVE POSITIONS Otock^Uakinff otock^ua/cin^ Before our amiiKtl 3tock-Tafting we hare decided to reduce our winter stock to the lowest fiofisibfe hmit, and to tliLs end have CUT PRICES right down on all Winter goods to clear. We don't intend to carry these linea over t â- ne.tt auaaon â€"THEY MCST GO, and at these figures will go quickly. smii MS 11 lii m\ Topursonsof all Kradut of ability. Agentt* book«keupers, clorks. farinurK' sons, lawverti, liiuctiaiiici}. I'hyaiciauH, prfcaclmm, BtudeiitH. inairteU and Hinglu woiutiu. widows. Poslti()lt^ are worth fruui 440010 t2.0O0 per aunuin. Wi* have paid suveral caiivafuers f 50 wevkiy fui >ear)-. Mii:vhAV« Hiaitvd poor and become lich with us. Particulars upou application, aud i( aitisfactory aud necebSary.a pyrHotia) iitturviuw uja> boarraotied. 'fhis ix au hunest dveiti uuieut. and if yuu want to better youi pottition, write hefore yoti sleep. State ealarv t:xpucted. NeitUer lo*foni uor tipplors uoe<> apply. The Hradley^Garretson Co.. Ltd , Toroato Outario TT7|n WAMT tohandle establlsbed trad« in nun ilil X this connty. Cauadian stock AfrhNTSl t^uarauteed to live Periuauetit ilu£<liiO position, whole or part time Lihitial ti-riiis. You caJ) make teu doUarb a wut'k or beitwr with us, for every week you wuik. No fxpcri "iict* iitJcaHsary. Brown Brothers Company, Contiaeiital Nurnfrles, TUKONTO, OKT l5Ucb. .- WANTED Young women aud men. or older ones If stilt vouiig iu >^pi it, of undoubted character uood talker, ambitious and IridustriouH, can dndomployutent in a Rood cause, with $tiO per mouth aiii upwarla, according to ability KeT.T. H.Liuacott, Torouto.Ont. Tenders Wanted Sealed tODdori for the erection of a school house fi>r soctiou [5. ArtemeHia. Flans aud BpuciflcatiouH may bu seen at U. St. A. Niilsoa's istoro. Fiotoii, after the 9th of Feb. aud up to 12 o'clock a. 111. on Feb, SUth. Lowest tenders or uo tuudar ii icossarily accepted. Address Secrdtaiy bchool board. Proton Htatiou. The uuilersifiiiad has a thorouKhbrod Heikuhire Hoar for service on U.t 9. con. 5. township ot Osiirey. Ternii. 7j cents at time of service. C. W. CKOFT, t'ro.>. GOLDEN 0PP0RTUNIT8ES for - - « FEBRUARY BUYERS I ! ! I MEN 5 WEAR . . Full Cloth Pants, regular $1.75 selling fl.25 Corduroy Vest, regular ?1 76 selling (faahiunahle goods) .. 1-26 Astrakhan Cajis, regular 55c sellinsj .-.»»s •• -39 Hare Seal Caps, regular $1.60 selling ...... . .... 1 10 Beaver Oiipossuni Caps, regular $3.00 selling 2.25 Lined Overshoes, regular 81.50 selling 1.2fl Heavy All-wool Drawers (a special drive) regular 75c selling ... .49 Heavy FlanneletteB Sliirts, regular 65c selling ... . 60 Unhiundered White Shirt*, regular 55c selling .35 Heavy Suspenders, regular 15c selling .10 Heavy All-wool Arctic Sox .20 Heavy All-wool Sox .16 Lined Kid Driving Glsves, resular 75c selling .... ... .45 WOHEN'S WEAR Felt Overshoe", regular $f.50> selling ? .96 i<'elt Boots (foxed) regular $1 75 selluig- 1.50 Lined lUibbers, regular 55c selling 49 Cardigan Rubbers, regular $1.50 selling 1.20 Misses' Cardigan Ilubners, ic'gular $1 25 selling 1.00 Lined Kid Gloves, regular $1.25 selling .. .63 Lined Kid Mitts, regular $1.00 selling 60 t^ WOOL SHAWLS. All colors, d ifferent sizes, at bargain prices to clear. \yiNTER Dress Goods 3C-inch Double Fold Dress Goods, regular 16c selling % .12i 40-inch Doulile Fold Dress Goods, regular 20c selling 15 42-inch Double Fold Dress Goods, regular 30c selling 22 C^ All WINTER DRESS GOODS at clearing prices. jyj^ANTLES We have sold Winter Mantles tht» week aa low as $1.00 each. We have some yet that cost us (6, $6 and $7 each, all selling at on* price now $2.95 RUCTION SALE »iLRI>12VAJRE: DEPARXlVISNrr IN THE TOWNSHIP OP ARTEMESIA IN THE COUNTY OF QREY THKllE V.'ILL BE SOLD ON Monday, Feb. 23rd, '97 AT 11 OX-LOCK IN THE POKENOON AT nUNSHAWS Hotel, in the Town of FLESHERFON V>y virtue of Power"* of Sale coutained inn ccriuitJ Mort:,'am) which will bo piodaccd u. tliu Mtilc, ttto fullowii-g I'lopovty : Ij'*ts 18U ami UlO ill tbo fust conerssion, north <uist »f tlie 'I'oroiito iiwX Hv'loihaiti Uom), ill thta eiitl towuHhip f Atttniusia. cutitainiTi.'i 10(> acros more or le<i^, nava aii> except oiin acio sold fo» Kcbdol puvpoatrt. Tho foUowinj* iinprovcu'ciitfl avc ^aili to It- oil tiio pi'PiniMes ; AlKmt, 0.") nerc:i cI* mt/d liov- inuoroctctt therooii airanit* couu-t'tti <lwnlii..y ati'l frame bar;.. The lund aiy waturcd by Hiniill (i|U iiig uroL'k. TKltMS : ],". per cont. of iho furchaso money to bo paid down oti tbo day of salo- KuV biiluiico tui ins will bu made kuowu ut the sale. I'nrtnrtbor purtitulurs apply to JONKH, MACKllNZU^, & LKONAUD S(dicit(ir«, 'roroiito St., Toronto or R. J. sriKULifcl. FlosheUon fliiillli Ui 5T0CK=TAKINQ SALE This is a genuine sale. We have too many goods. We want tho room for our spring stock. No trouble to show you the articles. 1 [ I'atty I'aiia, regular 10c dozen for .$ . 7 Window Shades, regular 50c for 39 I'iiit Tin Cup.s, regular !>c for. 3 L gal. Milk Crocks, regular 13c for .10 vVhite Gran. to Wash Biisins, regu- lar oOc fur 20 Bedroom Hand Lamps, regular 25c for 19 L.irs;e RMckiiighaui Toa-Pots, regu- liir2(X! lor .- 20 Tin Wash 15a.sins, regular 10c for. . .5 i2-iiie(;id Dinner Sett, regular $10 for 6.75 Firo Shovels, regu'ar 10c for \ Clothes Brushes, regular 1.5e for. . .$ .10 Gravy Pitchci's, roguhir 25e for 10 Slate Pencils, regular 10c box for. . .7 Granite Pudding Dishes, regulnr 20c for U Black Prince Razors, regular 50c for 35 Cuspidores, regular 20 for VZ Sad Iron Handles, n-gul r 20c for. . .13 Fancy Dlack Tea-Pota regular 30c f'..r .10 Imiiroved Chaiiipion X-Cut-Saws, couiplete with Handles and File, regular S3 for 2.00' ^aJs / ^ais / HOW ARE YOU OFF FUH MfCS ? We hnve tho best tnips- for theiu nuuUv It ii< not siii-o death at forty rod.s, but it KILLS when they come iu sight. IT IS CALLKD THE Oui-'O^Si^hi / Open Tueaday, Tburuday and Saturday even- inr,. U|ien i» ticketlioKlsrs anil loaruerBou Fridny (rsin 3 to 4u>. ni. W.J.HOWAUD, Trot Wo include STOVES in our Stock-Sale su if you need ono COME ALOiSO and we will give you a bargain. M. Richardson & Cq ^ .* V V â- J f