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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jan 1897, p. 8

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^„^>** ; ,«**^'"' FLISHIR^ON ADViKeE n D. HcTavish FL E S H E I-^XO N KEEPS ON HAND Fur Mtissej'll^rrid.and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm implements. Fl«iary an(l Verity plows on liatid all tbu time, also all kinds of repairs for ilie attiao. \Va manafuoiure Wagons. Buggies, Gntters, Sleiglis, eic. H>n'8nsli'ieiiig promptly attunded to. bpeoial attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Lo-^xing and. Plow Chains constantly on hand. ' %%^^^^%%^^^%^%/%/%%^%%'%^<%%%%^/%%%%^^^ WINTER 5ALES NOW RUSHING ! Thi.s is the Ruanon of yoar when you want to buy a cutter or sleigh. I liHvo them â€" boautics â€" and will sell on your own termsâ€" if they are not »ll onB-Hi(lo<l. Puinting and re-triinniiiix donu to order. Don't buy without luuking in upon my Hamples and getting pricuo. R. T. WHITTEN v%^^/%^%^%%%^/%'%%%%^-%%^«/%^^ik%%%%^%«/%^i ]'tprf:^^r:rr^^^':Z^<>.^^^^^ GO TO .^S^JFtrwa^m^mm^ J. H. HEARD FOR THE BEST' *^UOaiES, Wii!;i{<.n8, CiirtB, Spring T.«>th and Iron Harrows. r^S Fronts and Woods' Bindi'M, Mnweis, liorxe RhIci** xnd Ploughs. M^ Floury PlouuliH, ScuftiiTS and Turnip Sued Drills. Dick's Ploug'ia Biid Lund itillfrs. Shares fur nil Iciiida of Ploughs. H'>rM SUOf I'u '>iid hI' kiii(U of Blacksmith ing. Wood, Lumber, Ofdar Posts ^ a. Ill Shiiiulos. •4^.-^'ii«^r^"ii'.\TnsA^ BARNHOUSE The Fiwr and Fruit Man Wisltes to (Iriiw the attention of the public to the fallowing specialties : DOGSKIN MI'lTS snd LEOGINGS nmdu to urder, or « ill sell out of Stuck. VRUIT8 AND CONFECTIONERY OYSTERS IN SEASON Try oar broakfant CEREALS. Flour of all v.radusin slock. I>oot and Shoe business aIho attended to ui usu ll. W. Barnhouse, Fiesherton Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. O i,rci-T.^e3 made and Repaired, alu PI (.iiini^ and Matching, Band Saw lug, vVood Tnrniag of overy dis oriptioa. Planing and Grain Chop Uiu^^iloiio wblle you wait, forth' Bo'-iver turns the wheel. T. W. WILSON Manaerr 80 Y,EAR)B' IXPBinlNOt. TRADB MARM. DCSIONS, OOPVRICHT8 Aa. Anynne sondlna b Akeicli niiri i1r>iii-r1|itiofi inny â- vtoklr uM!»rtaln. froe. wtiotluir nn liiTuiitiuii ig priitiiiMy puforitiihlu. C'oliiinuulcatloiin atrlntlf conttilunMat. OM,^Ml iwmirr forHonnrOi,; patiinU ill AiiKinra. Wu liavo a WanliliiRtiin oHlM. I'atciiti! tnki'U tliruuicli Munn & Co ciwITS spucial notlcu In tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bAHUtlfiillr ItlimrrattHl. iHnK^nt clrniiUtton o( any nclentltlojciuniul, weekly, lormn 1.1.00 a voar J (].Hliilx mniilliB. Hpunliiipii copies and UANO Buoa ON I'A'i'KN rs aeiit froo. AdUres4 MUNN & CO., S01 Jli'itadway. Mew York. Photos **P â€"TAKEN -AT THE I Fiesherton I Photograph I Gallery ^ are done in first-clsKs stylo and ni * lowest rstes. Sjiocial nttenlioii a Kivoii to copyiris. liahiea' photos. ^ a dpeciitlty. Pictures finuied, I MRS. BULMER and Lot Fer sale. I'or Ralo dioap and on aaiiv tei-ma In Fletlinr- ton. Splondid iRrKu, Bollil bi-kk dwelllnn, with ';oo<1 atona caJlar. ainumur kitchen and vrootl- .louHo, »lfo ({mill Jraina utablo, brick lined. 1* HMiixcs eontaina twolai'Rt) IntHan.i^ood younR ircliaril. Iitiarini;. Ilouxc and oiitbiiildiniia are cxueiitioiiallv woll fluihliod and very oonveni- <ntl> laid out. Ajiiily lu It. J. HrnouLB. Fla.ihDrton. Cash : for : H idesi ShoepKkins and n'l kinds nf furs pur chiiai'il, fur which liii^hest msrket price will liH paid. HoinHinnde sausages on hand, alte all kinds of meats. M. IVILSONT, ricHliorton Meet Etupoiium piaOF.VILLK AND DURHAM RTAnR. Dnrlmm «tftK** lonvon Floshorton Rtntlon At T.iri am., intnrnH 4.-I5 pni, Prlcovillo Htaee 'r«iivcH thi\ finniH |>tAu» at ViM, rntn: inuR nt 4.4.^. Khi*^ lorrtcfivillonnd reliivii.AO coiitf : Dui))ain, *l.rrfi for rtttiirn. 7)*^. hImrIo faro. I-ivdi-y In con- lectiot). Urdera uia bo loft at eU))or !<ntpl. A.Mr.CAUIiKY I'ro OWEN SOUKD, ONTARIO, Is tlxe ^srex^y IBest PIiAOE IN CANAIM TO OKT A \\m\^ Business EdDcatioD. Takoa.Ruund Trip ;rh"o. tle'-'i CollaKua and \tj II Dopartnianta In Canada, (hoii viatt %\t .Sortiioru It'isiiinaa CalluK« ; nxainina oTery- I <iii j t!i >rniiKh1v. If wo (ail to produoa th« HI S' t'i'>rnii|i1i,noiiii>lnto, praatical aud aitun- •tra aoirasoKtU'lv ; the liaat oollone prenilaes tk<\\ the haat and nio«- complota and uioat luit- A'ala'uniltnroaadailliahoaii.we will elvs jrou • (nil •oiira* Vox Annual Annoano*- at»«l,XlrlBt(*Upartt«alan (raa, addr* 0. A. FLEMING, rrtacl»al frbe: ! FiixsE: i x TXSSTXATO Preserve your eyesiijht by having them properly tested by W. A. ARMBTRONa, Optician BOAR FOR SERVICE A Temperance 5ermon I bSTt a well brad Borkahire boar for â- â€¢rvioa oa lot ITt, T. S, B., Artomuia. Tamil rS eNiM, OUT OHK Bynopsis of a serinou preached by Rev. J. C. Humphreys, of PriceviUe, to the Sons of Temperancs. Rev. Mr. Humphries said "Before I announce my lext I want tasay s few words to the noble iiiHlitution I'f The Sons of TenipcrancF gatherud here to- day. You believo the evil ef alcuholic intoxicants as a beverage is two-fold. It fxpnses every man to danger himself and ia a stumbling block iu thu way of others. Yiiu are not olhcially cin.ieclfd with aiiy piiliiical paity, but yuuare Imni'ed t<>- itt^tliurto educate the popular mind with tlie duty and advantages of toiai nhstinence, and to overthrow the diink- ii.g usagus of the country. You beliete iiluoliolicdiiiika to be the etirmy of body, iiiiiid and bi>uI. . You bt^lirvu if ev' ly man and wntnan took a similar plt-dutt to yours tho pcoplu Would bo hnppicrnud the couditioii of socieiy veiy much ini- priivfd. The gokumnieiit would bf able to diabaiid a great many of her police fo'C, close many of hi>r jails and the milleniuiii ooidiliun nould l>e prefigured. You believo the drink demon to be ten- fold more a curse than tho slavery of the nuL'ro because it luaUves tliu brain, tortures the cunscienCc;,rohs the chi'dren ef the comfort of home, and breaks ihe mother's heart. It loo often loweis the body into a iiaupets urave and sinks the soul into the pit of woe. Becauae of this you have come loKctlior as an or<;aiiization, and for this purpose you stand, and I pray that until yi<ur liones turn to dust and the death damp ^atheis uii your brow you may refusti to lake or ^ivu that which has been tliecur.^e of s<i many thousands. I welcoineyou to this church because you seek the good of our common race." "And Noah drank of the wine and was drunk en." Tho lirst fall was by eating, the second by drinkiiii;. After the first fall God acted judicially. He swamped the oaitli, l)ui water cannot drown the evils of sin and passion, neither can fire burn ii. Ihe trouble was wiihin. It is a poor substitue for regeiieraliuu to give a man a new hat, boots and chtths. TIih old man is there atill and he will go through .tal. ' '"^ There stood upon tho new world new Adam and we wonder what the new histiiiy will reveal. Nosh hwl a betier chance than Adam. He had the history of the past, but calamity does not always make men belter. Hanging does not annlhllHto ruthanism. Nouh was deliver- ed, but he disgraced himself in a very diagiisting faahiun. The tune wiki wlien all the sin of the world was encl'ised m this one siiifu, wish of Eve. God Ktamp<:d to'. 1 P'ohibitioii upon Kue tree ol the gardei', out the siuful wish Ixicttine the iiiUulgtd act and the woiM was oursud universally. But let him wlm will count tho woes of the second full. From the earliest hislmy clown til the wife who this ni'jht will wait for the tottering rtepa of a drunktii hus- band, like a HUirii'g current of wild hre intempeiunce bus sped tbrou^di all the veins of humanity, and tho earth has heard and groaned aiid travailed in pain toyotlier until now. There is a political, scientific, social and moral side to the queeiioii, I ut ihorHisalso God's side, who sees the toars, bears the groans aiid ^irievea over the blighted bloasoiu of youth and the nil fruits .if riper years. Samson has been deprived of his stren^jth and given to the Philistines for apnrt. Thoie are men to-day who will sell their birthright torttm..ssof pottage. Oh how it has left men at the last. CliTayineii wilhont a cure, barristers wiuluut brief or business, fathers withiut children, husbands without wivfs, sons without |iarenls, men with scarcely a friend in the world, sons without h<>p,iâ€" all awnllowed up in the niaelairom id drink, but look here â€" aud here the Rev. gontloinan took up a glass of water. Water , Slid ho,"puro, sparkling, crystal water with no wido.vs' grief, no orphans' tears, no iiii.sery, ciinie, wre'ehediieos, woes, but ccol, pure, bright sparkling water Uod's diink far man opposed to the vde deadly acid, aecuiscd alctdiol." Sims of Temperance, rich in all that make men v-rt-at with high and noble ambitions, stand litin, htrike haid, and victory shall be oui'.«. The battle may he fierce and hiiig, but right shall prevail, and when yoii conie to tho groat otmsummation of life may the dour of heaven awing open to you with all the kindness of a mother's arms to welcome you in, and may you be able In reply to tho well done of the Master, *' didn't 1 Ka<| Ihem straight f" A Little 5crm«rt Arithmetic with the oth<-r branches of mathematics, in very useful ii> stdving a great many difficult problems, and it is almost a marvel what results cnn be reached by scholars who are noted for ability along these lines. But, clever as men are in getting anawera for questions where figures are concerned, there are a couple of questions in the Bible which have never yet and never will be answer- ed in a satisfnctory manner. We dare say, with all revennce, that God l.iinscif could not answer them. Tii-y yet are tiied and worried over by m.iny, vtry many, of the people in this world .tt the present time They are found between the two covers of the Bib e and re.^d, " What shall it profit a man if lie shall gain the whole world a^ d loeiiisown soul, or »ihat shall n. man give in e.t- changt; for his soul ? " They .ire really undeniable astiertioiLs put in the form of ({uestiuns. In these tno p.-wsagc8 G< d lays before men for their conaideiation, the relative impirtince of things earthly or temj)orai7, and ihiugs heavenly or eternal, aud, strange as the course of action may seem, men try fiften to 1 <y hold of, not the wor:d, but a one bundre<l acre farm and Ic.ivo the affairs of their souls without any attention. They nri-, as Bunyan illustrates it, like men raking in the dirt for pieces of gold, and, in their eigerncKS for the pieces, they neglect to notice an angel .-bove thein with a crown of gold in his hand, ready to bestow it up .n them, if they .so desire. Now, why is it that men cnn so readily attend to earthly affairs, and as readily {wst over, wdhout attention, the things of the B'ul 1 It is merely there is a great evil force working against them and blinding them to all the liest inter- ests of their being, and excuses raked up by the enemy of souls |ias.s with men ut many thiAisand times their real value There is, however, a time coming when all things shall apiiear in their true light and when those who are now countctl foolish on account of their carefulness of life, shall bo accounted wise, becauso " They have washed their robes and made them white in tho blood of the Lamb." The leading question is, " Who is now among the number?" J. C. •QUEBN VICTORIA. HER LIFE AND RE ION' Great hiatoric work, bells on aiftbt to hou- aanda. Ijord DufTarin introduces it to Canada ia la oi KlowiiiK wtirui. Easy to luaks S'JUOOa week, Bunie twice that. Many niaku uiotu iii i>aio time tiiau durniit < av at rt-^nlar employ- in-'iit. Tbia year'ri Great Boumcnary C<'lcb<-a- tioD are buowiiis it. Uookaon time, x'loapectua ..ue to canvaaaora. Torritory aoiug (aa. The Bradley Uarretauo Uo.. Ltd., Toronto, Out. WE CAN aiVB POSITIONS To peraona o( all gradea o( ability. Agenta. bui'k. keepers, clerks, larmora' sons, lawvura, ineohanica, I'h.vaiciaii?, preacbert, atudonta. uiart'ied and aiiiiflu women, widows. I'oaitiona are worth from SlOU to t'J.900 per annum. We have paid several canva^aera $.V) weekly tor year.. M,evhava ataited poor and become rich with ua, ParticuWra upon applioation, aiitl if attiiifactory and ueceHaitry,a pat senal interview nia> baarransed. Tbia it an honest dveitl ouient. ami i( you want to be'ter your ptjKitioii. write before you aleep. State salary xpeoted. Neither lo^fera uor titiplera uee<l apply. The Itradley-Qarretson Co.. Ltd , ToroDto Ontario WR WANT'"'""""* eatabliahcd trade in nu nmu i this county Canadian atock AfrhNT^ eiiaraiitted tolivo IVriuaiiont auX'iilO poHitiiin. vliole or pai t time Liberal terms. You cau make ton dollars a week or better with us, fc>r every week you wuvk. No experi'Mice necessary. Brown Brothers Company, Conliaoiital Nuraories, TOUoNTo, ONT 15 Mch. Pi:*ope]?ties FOE- SALE -BYâ€" B, J. SPBODLE, FLESBEBTOI IF TOU WISH TO BUY PRorKRTT (X)N8VLT THIS SPACE FOR SAIjE cheap and on easy terms, one mile fix)m Fiesherton, 'd^ acres land and on which is a good 7 monus frume dwelling, well and comfortably linishud stone oeller underneath, and good well and |)ump in kitchen, goial frnnio stjible and driving house, also brick lined hen house, small oruhanl commencing to boar. Apply U. R. J. SPROULE, Fiesherton. A DEAD BARGAIN if sidd during present month. Two improvetl farms, one a mile from Pricoville and the other sitine distance from Wureham. Small payment down, balance on VERY easy terms. Also a hundred and fifty itere farm and mill site one mile from Fleaher- tcm, ()rinci|>ally hardwood bush, 26 acres cleared and frame dwelling and stable. Any person wanting a decided bargain apply i^uiok to above. Time Table ooijio aocTH. Markdaleâ€" 6.40 a. in. 4.40 p. lii. Fleabertouâ€" e.53 a. m. 4.63 p. ii. GOINO NOETH. Fieshertonâ€" 11.48 a. m. 9.17 p. 4. Msikdale- 1W.04 p. m. {1.30 p. A. eeeeeee»<»e»»»«>eee»»eeee UlVe The only food X the , .,,,.,, X gj - thAt Wl:l build ^ Da fJj up i. •neak cons- '. ^ ^^ - ' titution gradu- I Chance aHy but surely is Martin's Cardinal Food a simple, scientific and highly nutritive prtpi^aiion Ajr infant!., delicate children va\ invalids. * KCR;1V WATSON a CO , l>»opa.cTO«a. * m MOMTarat. m eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^eee^ T he Mark ets. i'areruilv Corrected Raoh He eS Flour *4 50 to J^S 4h Oats 15 to 17 Wheat ... 80 to 85 li"rley 20 tu a|i Peas 38 to SJJ Butter 19 'o \\ E^ias, fresh 15 m ]6 Poiatoes bag 25 wo \^ Pork 400 to 4 7'. Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 (« Hides 4 00 to 5 (*| Sheepskins 25 to M Gee*e 5 to \» Turkeys 7 tf, 7 Chicljens per pair 20 to V> Ducka per pair 40 to W Wool 17 lo i» Farm ani Mill Site lor Sale For sale very cheap and on very eaev terras. Tiuil>er farm, ISO acre:-, two miles from Fleali ertou, kuuwr aa the U in. liotyjeawmill pr«- t"«rtv. and on which ia tn excellent water puwer. roun<!atiou of aaw mill, dam aud pond aud water wheel in piuco aud all ready for putting mil on. About ISacreaelesrod.^acreatinibar, moat off, balance well tiniberid.uiijeil timber. Thia farm will be sold at a bargain if said at once Kuiall pavineut down, balance on very terms. Apply to B.J. SrsocLK, Kleahnton.Oat How is The Winter Of Our Discontent Says Shakespeare. There will be no discontent if you aealwilh me, and Shakespeare won't In* in it. TIMELY GOOOSe^ NOW ON HAND : Sleigh Robes, Bel Is, Blankets,Circingt«s, Whips, Ouiry Comb.s, Brushes, Cow Chains, and everything in haniessmakorti' gotids. A'l elegant GOAT ROBE from $7.50 to $'.), other robes higher if yott want them. Con.e and look at my thliiL's, anyway. Always glad tu qu<il« pi ices. Dry cordwood and stove wood take in exch.uigH. Harnessmaker - - - Fiesherton. : r^OOS ; : WANTED ! In unlimited quautities at tL« II Highest Cash Prices. only Se Per Bajr BEECBOFT t TUBOT Ho^ fox* &ie«*vioc» For ssrvloe on lot l.Hl, T. and 8 B,. Ari«m««ia, a ths>oa«bbrad registered Berkshire biliar, TariiMâ€" eialUmed service. â- * ^»x.

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