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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jan 1897, p. 5

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THB fllHlirow. ADViNCB a?- M <c<>Mu«i«MMi c ^ ^ Vicinity Chips. ^aracteristtes of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the €urion«. Bti.iii«M nottC'.$ among UtcaU wiU be rJiarijed at the rate of lOc per line fiiT each vuartiaa. J red^u-.tion will br maile on cmtruct* for 100 linen or over. Great c|uniitities <>f wood and timber »re btriiiz niarkered. Mrii. Rmd of Winnipeg in t'ne thegueit Of Mrs. W K. Fle«her. ilr. B^rt Finld of St'hoiuherg, is^pend- inii a couple of weeka at tbe parental home. Jusl reci'ivMl â€" A i»rg« (|uaniity of Tiirkiali dvi-s â€" 70 8liiwles-~alB« a full '«iick of DiaDioiidDycs. W. Richabds'N. Ml ney â€" giod money â€" and plenty of il til Nan at five, live aod a ImlF mid six ^«r cfut. A{>|>ly to A S. VanDusbs, Flehheiti n. L i^t, a Ui-owii P.i<a!ey nhiwl, on Tueii- day iii^lit, betw«eii Beit ii!"» c irn-.(r and flealiorc >ii. Kinder will o'oli^e l)y l<jav- >n^ it at this ollics. Alout tifiy iiiriinlvoii >if the Linwood ilethodiHt cliUt'ch greetud iIih Kev. R Keefer and hrid» on their return from the weddiiiu trip, Hnd a pK'Uant ei'vnin^ vaK 5pi-iit. Mr. J.)ha T. W^lltoe of Tliessalon i-> visiting (ri»'nd8 in tliis vicinity Mr. Wallace toll!' Ui tli<tl the iiiiMtii<j boom hasHjan struck TheHfialon, and ihnc tlie old Opiiir L'Old iiiirip, which hns laiii idle fur yea i«, id u/uin being operated. A concert will beheld at W'areliaiii oii tbe evening of 27, Maxwi-U on .he :)Sch and Fevfr»liaiii oD tbe 29th, under the auspices of bt. Mary's church, Mhx- well. The program will he au enteriain- ipg one, eiiibrticing the seivicta of Mr. R. C. Foaice, a uiuaC »ncceii»ful vmitiiloqumt. Admission only 15 cents iK«e bills for further p»rticutHia. Mr. Alfred Ward, un old aiid well kiK/Wn reai'teul of Una tc/Wnship, died on WcuiirHdiiy morning of laat week at the ii){e of t^i,allet apioloiiited ihices. A few HionthH ago he iiiovt;d to Duiidalk li bo ueiir his pnjMician, out iit-ver lallied. The tuneral tixk place to Flesherlou cvnn tery on Friday IukC and was largely atteniied. y>o have received a letter signed '' Tenant," purportuig to be a repiy to Lanuloid's letter iu last iuaue, but an nu liauie acci'iiipanitH it as a uuaiiintee we will not uui'.ertake to publish it. It ini^ht be fcuiu th» tenant or it in ght be from anybody and nobody respoiiiiible. The nauie of the writer must accumpuuy Miy uianusci'ipt before it can lind a place in these ooluinua. With rej^ard to this {tsrilcuUr ca^e, we do not tlnnU ai.y good can leoult tr<'iu iheie peruonal rccriniiu- stious in the public preiM. That is our private opiniv>n. (.if couiso if the tenant thinks otherwise and wid supply ua with Mviueiice of Ins identity, we will print his â- rticie next week. One of the moat 8uocei>Hful eiiteitain- weiits ot the Hvaiioii was tliut which was held ill llie Baptii<t church Monduy last. Considering the inclemency of the weather (ue ait> ndence on tins occaaion was very ;(ooU, mid everybody, young and old, Ihorouthly enjoyed tlienii»elve». Atter doinu justice to ihcKood tliin^tH prepaicd by the ladies, the chair waa taken by Kev. Mr. Darioch, B. A., who presided rn his usual uhoeiiux iiiHnner, the school â- intiinx the opetiin>i piece. Misst-s Kent and Wickeiis R»n^ sweetly, Miss Wickeiis )daying >n the autolia>p, «lii<.di wa< followed bv a storiuof encore and prompt- ly rt-Hpondi'd to. Mr. H. McLeati, of I'ricevilli-, and MitaCook, of Fleshrrton Station, each :i»^'i> a recitation Hhicli was well received Canada some day inay look fi>r a i;rea^ uiator in the person of Mas'erUenoe, who is a reciter of great lalent. He uave two recitations which were li.Hteiied to with pleii!>iire. Miss Cook, of HU'sherton Siatioii, Siing very R ccptahly. One of the special features •f the eveniri'/ w»,s the framing of letters fnto the words, "God is love," Viy nine little girls, each siii^ins represenlinB the letter they carried. A handsome Bible was presented to Miss Millie Crossley, for recularity of nttundance, she iipC hav- iim missed Sunday School for four yeara. Tbe proifram was brought to a cloae with |)>U(ing by the school. County Council ia in >«.i»inu »♦, Owen Sound tbia Week. Our fiVst sleighing arrived on Thursday lust and since then websvehad a genuine t*»tj of wild weiithir. Slielbuiue had a very had baptinm by fire early on Tuesday morning. The cnii- fls;!raiion starred iu Hannah's hardware store about 3.^0 a. in. and spread to the large dry unods store of Berwick & Co.. Sa-^yor's boot and shoe store and Feu- wick & Gslbrath's jewelry sti^re. A iiuiiiber of nflices were iu these buildinL'S, alao the Masonic hall. The town hall cnUL'ht tint but was extinguished. The total lofs is estimated at $100,000. It waa tliouitlit at one time that the whido town would ("o, aa there was a very high wind blowing, but throe struamea of water from the efficient waterworks "ucceedeil in staying the flames, which •ere extiii{!ai.<ihed about 8.30 a. in. The alleged hiebu.'s now on trial ill ShelbuiH* seem to carry flames with them, aa an aitenipt was made last week to fire one of the horels. In this case the oriKiii nf the ti-b iaaniysiery. Annual Meeting The annual lueeting of tbe O^prey A'.'riculiurai .Society waa held in Fe^er "hum on Wednesday, the 13th Jan. Tiie liiiancial report preHented to the s<icieiy sliowed all liabilities paid up in full with a bnUncp in the treasurer's hands of 2100.50 The f<dlowinK ofliceis were elected for the year 1897 : Pi-esiilent, S Ottewell, V. S.; Vice president. J. Elicklin>2. Directors : W Duncan, .las. Buckii.ghaiii, G. A. Miller, R. Uawton, J. Ganiey, J. A. Kernahan, J. Dou'.;laa, F. Irish, R. Y. Curk. J A. Kernahan, Sec. E. Q. Ae'l Society. The anniuil meeting of Grey Agri- cultural soc:ety wiui held in the Town Hall on Wednesday of hist week, with the president, M. Richardson, in the chair. The secretary's report showed the finances to be in a better condition than those of most of the societies last year. While many paid their prizes at 50 cents on the dollar the pri/.es here were all ptidin full, iUi was all indebtedness, and a balance left on hand of f 123.39, and this notwith- st:indi]ig the fact that a large outlay had been made in iiiipn>veinents to urouiids and buildings. The actual IhiUiico un hand, after some payments since the re- port was closed, will be about $90. Ttle totjil expenditure for the year was $1221.72, and the reccip's, including bal- ance carried â- 'ver from last year, $1345 11 There is also a laiger inciiiberHhip than ever before, and altogether the society is on a most satisfactory footing. Officers were appointed for the current year aa follows : President, T. Kells.Vandoleur; 1st Vice Pres., John Boland ; 2nd Vice Pres , Robt. Ruthvau ; Soc.-Treas , R J. Sproule, Flesherton ; Directors, R. J Sproule, A. Muir, Geo. Mitchell, A. Munshaw, W. J. Meads, Jas. Stuart, W. J. Shepheidson, D. W. Clinton, John Abbot. Auditorsâ€" C. J. Leitcb, W. J. Bellamy. Diamond in a Tooth Dr. F. A Thur»t»n, of Chicago, and formerly of Kiml>erley, is winning a name for liiins.-lf in the Windy City. Two ol the Cliicagi. papers have been received giving lenthy accounts of an operation pel formed by him un a young man's bicu.-pid, in which the dentist inserted » diamond by a-ay of tilling und in inder to preserve it, it being a licirliKim handed down from the young nmii's great-Kieai great Kialidinother. When the owner :«mile8 the little i^em sparkles, and hi" friends have cunsiilerable fun out ol him t tying to make him smile. They liH' e hiul so much fun with him that his sniilo IS now said to resemble noihiiig bu' ayrin. The Chicago Tribune describe-* the process of se'ting the gem as foUows : "A hole was diilled in the front of the first upper bicuspid tooth in such a pos • tion that when ilie diamond was let it would sparkle in plain siglit whenever the young man smiled. Yesterday the .setting was completed. The cavity was drilled tound, but the stone had been cut with one large facet and many small ones. The hole waa only deep enough to admit a part of the s'oiie, the remain (It being allowed to project from th-j tooth like the sottiou: of a ring. The cavity was fnally tilled full of tooth couieut, \ud tile diamond wits pressed in- to it. The l.irge facet was left on the ou,tside. Then the dentist took a small uiallet and a bit of wood and jioimded the diamond into place, just as is custom- ary in filling leekh wi h gnli',^ VNIiea ^ tbe pounding was complete the setting of the stone waa ended, with the el- ception nf scrapiBu away the cement from the edges of the diamond, which will l>o donx laier. It re4|uired the miisi careful handling to keep the diamond from net- ting losr. Wlienever it dropped out of the cavity duKiig the fitting process the sparkle wns all that enabled tlie dentist to tiiid it. Once or twice it dropped t>i the floor and the owner of the diamond and the deiitist had a h'Og search for it. It is 8»id|ihiH is the first caseofa diamond being used in Chica<.!o a^atooib lillirg. The pxperimeiit has been tried in New York in one or two instances, and in Europe, but there is no knewn insiance where a gem with the hiHtiirical interest of this one has .been set in such a tjueer place to preserve thj stone and not the tooth." Presentation and Addresa A number of teachers and officers I'f the Methodist Sabbath scIiihiI gathen d at the residence c)f Mr. and Mrs W ni. Claytini oiiTliunKlay evemug of last week and presented Mr. Clayton with a valu- able easy cliair, and Mrs Clayton with a liandMonie rocker. The preseiitation was caused by the fact of Mr. Clavron'it resignation of ihe office oflihiarinn of the Rcli<H>: after a faithful service of 25 year», during which time he made a record for himself aiicti as few librarians haeu made ill punctuality of attendance and preserva- tioii uf the books under his chiirup. It was als<i the 3tfth wedding anniversary of >Ir. and Mm. Clavtioi Hi^ reC'Td was, seveiiieuii times absent dnr ing 25 years, and of the hooks under his chartfe only ten volumes have b.-en un- lurcounted for. The address, which we uive behiW, was read by Mr. M. Richard- son ana the presenialion made by Mr. Barnhoiise, superiotemlent. Mr. ClayioH thanked them kindly in a neat little reminiscent speech, riinl Mrs. Clayton al.-.o expressed her thanks Messrs. Riclmrdson and Bariihouse each express ed ihe hi. h esteem in »h;ch .Mr. Clayton was held und ilieir appreciation of the valuable services he had rendered the school. Rev. Ml. M::hau was also present and addressed a few Holds to tile /atberiuit. After this the iiatheriug pro- ceeded to enjoy :beiu«e Ixes with k(aui<8, and later on a sumptuuus repast was lerved by the ladies, who had brouulit tiieir baskeis. Tlie gathering broke up alrour 12 o'clock, all having ihurouulily enjoyed the evening. FuUoaini; is the address : To Mr. IViUiam CZoytotk UHAll Ssltt i.M) L>Bi 'TmR,â€" We have lakeii ille bneity to in>adu your hoiin loniKht, but with ini hoslle inluiit. Our m S8l->i> isuiie ot irii-ntisliip and ^oodwoi, >\ e have loll;; been y<>ur ilebtois t<ir }OUi unwearying s. rviues a» liijiariau of our oaobaili scnui.l. l^'-rtbe past twtjiiiy tiv. >rais y<'U have iitely and uiiitrud,;iiig- ly servt-d the scliuo. aiii the comiiiuni^ J.I huge in tliai. ca| uuliy, and dunii.; nine have laiely â-  ceo alrseUl liooi youi , ost 111 an t..e duiiea puitainiog to the u .ice we have noticeU )<>ur kiiidnen- ,>At.eiice ai d c urttsy, uiiu your ililiuei t Cue in ei.dtatouruii< to meet the »«nts . f iHith teaclKl'sana schoUis. We regie \our iiiahiliiy t- retain the ofhce f librarian l-'lixer, lint l<-el assured w.- wn stil have a si.U'O of >"Ur coiitinueu i.iterest 111 "ur sclnwl's p^>.••perlly. be li'Viiig you deaervu a well earned res-. We present you with this ca<y elmir aa i ineineiiio of our re'.:nrd an i esueiii. Al-o o your wile we piusem this ch.iir on tnis anuiverwtry of y^ur weiloniu day. Wisi.- II g you boih niaiiy hapi>y days und y-ni> til winch lo enjoy them. On belialt of ilie Kcholais, teachers and officers of the Flesherlon Methodis Sunbuth School. Ho^ fox* Ser*vice Tbo undoi&iciierl )ia« t thorouftlibrod Botkobir* Host tor neivioe ou 1< t 3. con. S. tuwiiHliip uf Usprvy. TeriUd. 75 oentM at time of ttflrtico. C. W. CUOFT. INo •. SKALKD TKND:*:hS ftdJiefsml to tho umler- t<ji;ite4l, and eiuluibVLi '* rundeif* for Owun ^uuutt \Vurl(," «ill b« loctiivud at this o.iiott until KridHv, tbu .)tb iliiy uf Kubiumy ittrxt, iti- cluhivijly, fur tho cuiibtruutioii of '^heut piiiiif; at Ow»n M^utift, (>ru> Coiintv. Ontario, aceoro- iiig to a piHU iiml fpeciflt ntioii to bu kvou Kt tht< olUce ot tilt) t'uwii Cleik, I'Wtfti Sound, tiud at ibu Uupattiiient uf Public Wuikn. (jttana. TuudcrK wilt not bu uuitHidiuud uiiIorh niiido on the toiui KU|tpliud. tiiiU si^tiud witli the &:'tu»il si>{UHturoH of toitdu ern. All acueptc » buiiH chequo, pavftblo to the orditr (if tho Miiiihtor of Public \Vork«, fi>r oue thou-atid Uvti buuilrul r ollurd i.i«l,AUU.OU). iiiiiRl acoompftiiy oa<;b totUrr. 'I hU cbetiitu \v>4i bo forfuited if thu party declitiu thu ountiiu^t or fail to coiiiplfite the wuik coiitiactod for, and will bo tuiutijud iu uaRC of Duu-accei>tAuco of tend or. Tbu Dopaitnieut do«H uot bind itself ia accept tlie lowutit or any tender.. I*y order. v.. bV E. kOY. 8ccrvt&ry- Popaittnent of Public \Vorkfi, 1 Ottawa. 3Ut Dec, IHM. i Newei>aperii insertiu^ Ihifc^ adTAriUeiuanl wilhoui authoritjr (rou Ui* X>tpwrtiu«u% wiU wot b« ifaid lor i«.. Our Stock is Qoing Fast ! But our Great Bargains are Still with us. Our Genuine Clearing Sale is 0ving the people of this section such opportunities as they seldom get. It will not be wise to forg:et this point. We still take TRADE or CASH and have put prices away down. Come in and Participate in the Good Things Going It is useless to quote prices as everything is so far below usual selling prices that everybody is more than surprised. We beg to thank the many customers who have called upon us and would re- spectfully invite others to come in and share the bounties. T. HILL, FLESHERTON (^LAYTON laooT and SHOE Dealer MAS ON HAND A LARUE ASSORTMENT OF Rubbers, Overshoes Boots, Slippers and Seasonable Goods S«ll^nr very Clicap. Custom Work to Order. Repairing Promptly - tcnUed to. .^l(,.{t^ 'f^^^<i?^i«^/i^'5if */if ^ W- "Si? '/«• -a*" •»!? -sk" '4P W^ •»- '<j^^v^?W^ -w gTOCK-TAKING - - - Sale of Furniture SIXTEEN i6i DAYS' SLAUOHTERINQ OF PRICES ^Ut liruvioUH to SIOCK-TAKING. During this siilo we have cut olF i?!fe all pntiUs. Think what this inoiiUH to you. we EVEKYTUING II? our large aad well a-sMortud stock of ^'1 Furniture cP ncrrUES. ^INDS, CURTATN in ftwt evurythinK noedd in tho lionic '>f rich or {oor, from thu kit«hen U, rho most artiHtio arawing-rooin re<juisaus, at absolute cost for Iti days or till February 1st wliou wo commence to take utook. '/I? O". E. l«OORE Tho People's Mouse Furolther, Picture Framcr and Undertaker ; 3 Public Notice I SOTK'K is hereby Rivon forbi<l<)iiif; tny perai>ii or v"'»on» trtwpansinK on or ciiltiiif;, uitwrfcriiiB with or reiiiuvoip miv timber off lotH 'P, oil thu lltti and loch uunotiftAioii. ArtoiiiOHta. km) lotH ] t'l. U4 aiiil l4.~<Hitany and a' I iiumoiia Uoiug HO will be ^iroaMtiuteU accordiU|{ to law. U. J. 81'ROL'Lii:. A|aut, ITlwtiutea. D««emb«r, U, fit. i: Knal Rock uliu logs iiro n» (olliws in uniall und and out 11 'out, W foot. U Jeot aiul 10 toot. I'riei. $,"> par 1000 foet. loKB 31 iuolioii auil upwardii. Small w teet plamp. Trico ot up»plat 96 p^ Casb paid ti r logi' Loy« Flwhvwn Stuiioit,,

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