^^•^^m^m yksJj^rl0n ^irtiana* â- B ei * i'i3 '!f "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"•• PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." VOL. IVI, m. 830 FLESHERTON, ONT., THlM)AY,, JANUARY 28, 1897 W. H. THURSTON, EOITOR * . â- a â- ? i i WATCHES ' Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware J We are headqnaitcis, S«Dta parcliased liis sapplies f:cm lis, but we are like a good well that never ruus dry â€" plenty Itft to cijoose from. Watch & Clock iiepaiiiug lu all its braucLcs. W. A. ARMSTRONG Je^wellex* Flesli.ex*ton. (^ur ^xisiness j[)irector^ gtt$ittfS5 Carcb. H 'CCLLOUGH *TOt;NQ, Bfta<(ert, Usrk><al«. do a UBuaral banking ba»- iiie>«. Moaejp loanad »t » reMonabto r*t«. C»l â- so us. A8. VANDU8KN. J. T. Clerk 3th Uiv Court, Co Qr«T '.Bluer of M»rri»Ke Lleenres. Coii»eT»nccr. Notnrv, f ubiio Auction' er, Mooey to lorn nt <roui o to 6 per coal. Charitesinodeiate. muBBHToH P . O. tvehts collected. The undt^rtigned is prepuwd to ondertake the collection of all k^nrta of debti. Kotoa bouKht. aceouiita colloctod. etc' U. N. HESUEKSON - ri.E»B«»T01i TCHISLETT • FlesnertoQ Station rostmaster, Comniisalouer io H. C. J., Cou- veyancer; deeds, tuoilssRea, loa»« and will» arawii. Money to luu'l at 54 per cont. and up- wards. Debt* collected. Chargw moderUe. R J.BFBOVLE, VoBtuiaster, Flesherton. Coaimiaaloner in B. R., LicoMned /uctiooeer. Conveyancer, A - prai-sor and Money Lender. Ueal Estate au-l tnsnrance A«(n«. DmOa. Uort««i;cs. Leases, and Wills drawn up and Valuations made on shoiteot notice. Amtiou sales attended to in any part of the County. Money to loau at low mt rates of interest. Collections attended to with promptness and despatch Charifes low. Agent for the Dominion htoaiiiahip Company. oUeap tickets from Kleshortou to Liverpool, HIaiguw. l^ndtn or any of the British ports. Pjjrlies iuteudiuB to visit Ett«laud. Scotlaud or Ireland, will p:ea.su ask ratea befor* purotaasing their tickets elsewhere ^ociticuJ. AO.U.W.â€" meets every first and third Mou day in eiich month, lu their lodge room Strain's IllocU, Flesherton, at » i>. m. W. . Walkei, M.W.; \V..). Hellao;y, ttnai'c'er W. Irwiu Uocorder. Visiting Hretbeiu invited. ROYAL TEMPLARS OF TEMPEKANCE. â€" Hefiular Council meets every first atid third Tues luy evoniuK in each uiou.h. lu Sproule's hlock at H p m. Select il«j!rm insurance) meets •nouthly, the Wednesday praeeding the t\l\n\ of each mouth. SONS OF TEMPERANCE.â€" This society meets in Vv, Christoe* Hall Srst Wed ncsday in each mouth at 8 p.iu. V'isitii,g brathircu invited. Insurance in uouue<-.tlau. UF. B. A., meet in their hcill, Christos's I»look ever\ flrst and third Frirlay In each month. J. J. Brown, V. M., T. Clayton. Mecretary. PRINCE ARTHUR LOD<iE, No .-WS, A P A A M, meet in the Ma.soi.ic Hall, Strsio't Block. FloshortoB, every Friday on or before the tulUmoon. Ooq. Mitchell, W M, \V J Kollaui} . secretary ^ DUKKHHIS LODOR, No 186, 1 O O F, meets In Claytou\ HaU every Tues dav evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting hr«thr«a cordially iuyltad AS VanPccbm, N a Wm Mo<taa.SM gcutijtnu r P. M.UISHALL, L. D.S.M.D. 8. Dentist. Viaiti Markdalp '.heist and Jird Wedneaday of each niODth, "ieahartoaâ€" ISaob trip od tha dav CwWiait. r O. CAMPBELL, L D B, DD 8, Dental Surgeon. Uarkdale. Ofllceover McCullough A Young's bank. Hoursâ€" .$.ja a.aD. to C p. oi. Visits FlesliertoD the s«cond aud fourth rhursday ot each mouth. OOlce at Uuusbaw's hotel. â- p HENDEBSON D D 8. V D S, Dentist of Toronto (gold medalist) will visit Flesherton profesaiou- a>ly the first Weiluesday of each month aud Duudalk the day following ^Thursday.) gcgal. PKOST A BAT80N Barristers. Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc. Officeâ€"Next to pes offico. Spronle'e block Flfcsberton.every Thursdiy antil further notice. C. A. BATSON J. W. FROST LL. B. N. U. â€" Oweo Sooud ofBce, Frost's block Poulett St. Eaiit. TUCAS* WRIGHT. Barristers, So icitors. Conveyancers, etc., Owen dound. Ont. - Markdale, Ont. W. H. WiuGHT. L B. Lucas. N. B.-Plebherton offlca. Uitchell'a Bank- every Wedne&'day. â- rUCKEB ^b PATTERSON. ^ Hart iKttfis. solicitors, etc. Uolson's liaiik, Uwen Sound. Harry 0. Tucker Goo. W. Patterson M ACKAY A HATTOS Parristors, Solicitors, etc. OfIIosa-:IO roulette Rt Owen Sound; and Uain St. Duudalk, cvury Saturday. N.ltâ€" Alwa\s in attcu<lance at Flesherton aud Dundalli Divistuii Courts. A. O. MicKAY. M. A.. W. J. Hatto.s Couuty Crown .attorney. ^cdiral. D'^ HUTTON MDCM, MPP&S Ont, Priceville OITlco next door to Brown's store; residunoo one door west o' Methodist church, Kinross st. OlIIco days, Tuontlays aud Saturday D U CARTER MCP4 S Ont., PhvBician, Snrseon. etc Fleshertou ofUco â€" Straius b ook. BeJiidence â€" Munsbaw'sHotal JOHN A SCOTT MB Mcuibar College Pbysic. A Bargeons.Ootari > Graduate iu Medioiue of Toror* University Fellowship Diploma, Post Oiaduate Medical School and Hospital, Chicago. Diseases of eye ear, nose aud throat specially treated, Resi- dence, Maxwell, visits Faversham Thuraiavs 1-i J P OTTEWKLL Veterinary Snrgeou. Oradnate ot Ontario Vatariuar; Collage. Residenceâ€" Second door •outh on waat aide Uary atraet. This straa run* whUi troa l*r««bjtarlaii cbarab. .MaKt>ell Pnreville The Melancthon Fire Case From our uti- II Con espotuient. From out own Corrfspondetit. Mr Harry Uaen leit a week at!u last Tlie Baptist coiiijrpi;:<ii<iii of thit burg Tu«»d«y fur bay Wi,U. e.it.rui.HHl the Fle.hert-m fnendn btst i '=' ««ti8»ti'>" i«>W the Melancthon tire. B. n..-0.. J..,u,.ry 17, t<. Mr. and Friday evoni..^ at Mr John McLean* of 1 T"*^ her« to day and pr«nu»e8 to !.« Mn. \i ,. .1 i! r 4 I . 1 the jrreater part of the wetk. Nearly IN. IJuiialcl Cameron, a s-iii. rlie M. L. A very uleawiiit time was the or- j MiAS Uaml|lin letumed hmne last week result, after ^isllllii. at iUrkUiile. A special meeting of th« ratepayer, of i Mr. Freil Fwl.l Itfi l«8t Tuesday for U. S. S., No, 12, A. and G , was held j U.iruiii^s Miils, wlitre he intends to laat Satui-day in the .school house to cou- j lean. Ui bo a miller. j^ij^.^ ,[,« .dviaability of leas.nt; a p..rti.« boinâ€" On Jaiiu.uy 16, to Mr. and of the sch<«il uround to the Aiteiiiexia j Mrs. Ben Uarura. e, a »..„. Agricuiiural Society. The prus and cua i '^ Tha |»e..pie ..f St. iUry's church are of the scheme were freely, aud at time.-! I i . i. i. i i â-º i -n. .„, , <;•"/, <•â- •». o.. •.tuio.T I p^igj t„ be hiizhlv senBHtional. The yioiixn to naiv a c^iriv-vrt on Thursday warmly discuaaed. The luajonty present _^ , * ' , ,; „ „ „; ,, .,a,u i .., ; I- 1 lA â- . . urpioscui. luuineut the court opened a sensation «e,«n,.the^8h A.i.u.ss.on lo aud 10c : were m fav.r of granfu, the «H:,e.y th« ; „^ .^, ^^e \tudience by Mr. RorscnHtcatT ocl..ck. concert cue ' PI^^'^-^^J jf""^"** '»• ''« "»' â- """« iaJL^eaJ^l^l f,, the pri*,nef«. who ' " asked for the removal of one of the The villauers are showing their ' Justices, on the ground that ho man sympathy foi ihe pour sfarvina HindiMw, binaed against one of the prisoners, and ,,.,„,, ,, , ,, ^y subeiril.ing liberally ro a fund for ! was himself oharu'txl with a criminal of- Mr Alex Clark and family moved truni I ,K..., , .J. .( â- ri. . 1 1- i i . -.j . . ,-. > ,1 ,, . , '^®'"-'- ^ ""* 1'"'''"^ school cLildreB ' feuce iu connection with which this pn- iiiuianipton recent y. i '"«'*1*' actively enjjau.'d in raisiu^ money ! gj^^r was » wittjeas nuainst him. The We are S'Try to lienr that the lUr.' ^^ Shelbume, Jan. 25. â€" The preliminary IW witnesseii are here in connection with it and the inquest into tha death of Mr. i EM. Fenton. The matt, rs to be investi- t gated will cover the whole series of in- ' cendiary fires and frawluleut trail suctioDK which are chargetl against the prisi«n«r« ' and their accomplices A number of new â- witn^-sses will give evidence which is ex- menciiiK a 7-30. Mr. Johiiatun Wijiid , teaclier of Port Law school, vLsiied heie a week ago last Saturday. Mr. Hudson is ill. He wns not able to t.tke the pulpit for the p<ii>t two weeks. Mr. Wiu. McWliiiiney took charge of ihe sei vice latt SuiiUay evening. Mr. Charl.e Heron, Mr. Win. LInley and Misa Alice Field spent last Sunday in Ravenna. The Pret-byterian people will have an entertaiiiioeut on February 12. wae a witnens ugainst hinl. for the 8uu.ebeiievoleut purpose. Kveiy- j praoners were brought fnmi Orani{eville body 11 helping. I j„ ^ ^,^,^ ^j^ij the temperature below Editor, or rather ex-editor Mitchell zero, of Durham, was in town lajit week. ] The interest taken in the case is great- 1 he S. O. T. are preparing for n grand ! «"" "^en tl.:ui w:i» eipecte<l. Iii.stead of enieruinmei.t to bo held iu their diviaiju ' l-'W farmers cominj in from the sur Bucrnia. room. Some time in Febawiry. Farmers' InUtitute Flesherton has a'.ways taken a d«iep rounding country there are nearly 3,000, and the village streets arc its crowdeil a» they would be on a fall fair day. The charges which will be investigated are :â€" J.ames E Corbelt and .\lonzo D. From oyir <noH < orresvotiiient Winter has now set in with a will, with priirpecta of lumps of snows, and some times that is worse thnit none, liut we uiuai learn to ha O'ntent with whatever Coinee. W'h«n we read of fauiinv and eartliquakea and sickness iu other pars of I he w»rld, we, as a people, have great reason i i be tbai'kful that our li't is cast in such a favored laod. If liints are a trifle hard, Ktill there is plenty of food for man and beast aijd{ii'i serious sickneHs in this coniniuiiity It is not as othern years, when la grippe was so prevalent iiinong^t US, so we have a tiehr to be thankful for the many mercies we enjoy. Mrs. Walker of Toitenl^am is visitii'g her aistor, Mrs. Henry Fenwick. The children of ihe public 8cho..l here, assisied by their teacher, Mr. Hanna, sro prepariiis a treat for their friends on the evening of Fetxunry 19. .\ frex eutertaiiiuient will be uiveii at the school house, con«istiii){ of vocal and in- strumental music, dialogues, recitations and readiiiKS. A lu'tnernl g' od time is eiI>ectod, to which all arc cordially in- vited. Mi(S Mina Meldium of Flcslierton is visiting her parent? at Fairfield Villa. Mr. John Flesher of Parry Sound has spent the past week around Euacnia "'"»-â- *' ''dniired havi. g hiH farms in the vulley surreyed. Mrs Johnston paid a week's visit to friends at Ventry recently. iuiereai in the Fatmem' Institute, and , Smith for setting tire to a bam, the the meeting of Wednesday last *aa no j property of Jamee E. Corbett, on Oct. except iou to ihe general rule. The de 1 2, 1894 legation on this i>ccasioii w,<s cmuposed James Ballml of Melancthon for con- of Messrs. Beadle, â- â- ne of the oldest i spiring with H.-unilton Tiwlale and John nurserymen in Canada ; Bliner Lick, uf ! Charteris ti> set lire to a certain building. Osliiiwa, and Mr. )lun>;o McNab, a â- the property of James Ballard, and a prnciical sheep raiser and farmer, of the ! mill, thepropeity of John Trainer. Lake Erie district. Each of these n>en j David Ballard and Wm. Reiil. for set- were thoroughly up in their own uepart- ing lire to Ballaid's bai-n in November, menis and were liateind to with the ' 1894. deepest attenlioii. Questions by tjie score Were tired at them and satis factorily answered. Mr. John Irwin, of CVllini>wood township, president of the Institute, made a very saiisfactory chair James Ballard and David Ballard, for setting tire to the bam of James Ham- mond. David BaUard of Melancthon for in- citing Will. Seymour to feloniously set man. The subjects discussed by Mr. ] tire to a certain dwelling house, the Beadle were iin fiuit growing and how ] proi>ery of James E. Corbett. to deal with the insect euoinies. Mr. i Alonzo S'oith, for setting fire to hi« Lick spoke on corn urowitig and stock hou>e'and Uam on June 4, 1S94. raising. Mr. McN'ab dealt with the I J;mie8 Corbett. for settinit tire to a inanauenieut of sheep and boys on the i house and bairn, the property of Hamil- farui. The de!et;atioii was very much i ton Tisditlo. surpris. i at the quality of fruit raised m j David Ballard and James Corbett, for this district, and said that fur color and | inciting to commit anioii. ((uality no other disltict iu the world | could raise better, and in southern Ontario they could uot begin lo c>nie up to it. Mr. J. 1. Oraliatn, t he secretari , had a tine display of the different kiiuU of apples raised here and those were Mr. Beadle i;ave several Osprey L. O District Lodgd The L O. District Lodsre of Oi-proy Mr. Herb. Johi.st..ii, recently with I "^"'â- ouahly until it came into liearinu, af ter 'vhich no crops should b« raised upon it. H.' Lought Wood iiahes a>id scattered about fifty huslieU to the aero to supply potash, which w,.s the main chemicid ah- Moibi-a by apples. This is a pi>iu -n which our faruiers are very negligent, thiowin« away or selling for a little so;ip one of their most valuable fertilizers. met at Fevershain on Jan. 12th, and electee! the fi'l:o«ing officers for 1897: Wni. J Mo..as:l>aii. W. D. M.; Jos. H. Siiiison, U. D. M.; Josiah Ganiey, Chap.; pointers on raising an apple orcha.d .p„„^ g^.„jj^ Rec. Sec | A. J. Conron, which should be wo.th liold to our g^,w.J,,„,;,^^.. ;^ il^^i,,^ Treas.; Joe. ers. He would cultivate a youi.gurclmrd | ^||,„„„, p. „f C; Jimes Mullen, Lect. Mr. ML'Donald uf Flesherloii, is now at home. Our Toronto visitors recently were Miss Saiah Orow, Mr. .Joseph A. Fen- wick and Mr. Luther Pedlar. Mrs. Henry Fenwick has gone lo visit fi lends in Toronto for a few weeks. Mr. John McCalluin ot Mtnfi>id road is visiting at the £uL;eiiiit House. He advised faiuiers to form con; Thelodowinij letter of condolence was appioved <«f by the Dist. Lodae. i'o the ReUttivi^s uf the late liiM Kfrnahan We, the District Orange Lcnlye conven- ed at Feversham, desire t<» express our Jeep sympathy at the loss ol our late lamented aod hiiilily esteemed brother, Kobi. Keri.ahaii. His patrio:ism and uprightness, as well as his h^yalty lo our panics I i^|,,y^j uider, has endeared hiin in a their tea-meet ing an the tenth of February More particulars will soon be i;iven by p slers. The Presl.yteriaiLS are preparina for ' •""""« il'emselves for marketing M'eir i .^^^ ^p_^.,^, ,„^u„^., ,„ t,,„ j.^^r,, „, gH fruits, appointing one nmn '•' '""k after ; ^,^^ ^,^^,^g^„,^„ j,, this district. We, a» the matter. Faimers in this disttict are j ,, ^)^„,„„^„,.^^„t that such a pillar only begunii.ig to awaken to the kti.-w- ! ^^ ,,,^ ^^^^ ^,,.,^,^^ i,^ removed fiom Iecl«e that they have a valuable inherit I ^,„„„^,,t ^s, but aie willing to submit t« aijce heie in the <|Ual,li.atu ns for fiuit,^^^ ^^,, .,f , ,,g ^5,^,,^ ,^i„„,„ „f .h^ laisitii,. and Mr. Beadle's remarks were ^^..^.^^se, who in his divine wisdom has so beioft you and us. Signed on behalf of the lodge by Tho»> Scott, F. J Ball, Jos. H. Siinson. Thos. Scott, Rec. -Sec. EppiiiK Frotn our own Corre.fpoH'Unt. I most valuable and timely. News is absolutely not to found. ! xhe turn out of farmers waa not so Eppini; is at a stand still, election matters i,,r^^. ^g ^,„ f^.m.cr occiuions nor su large have settled down. The new County ^ i,,^,„ ^^i^^i,,^ .^^^t,,,,^^ ^^ t„„^.|^.j^,p Council meets tomorrow, but, alas!' „,.,„,,, ' wiu I aiii>. Euphrasia ia not "m it " tins time. How- ever, e.xperience leiichefl f . Mr. W. J. Shore attended the funeral of his brother Wednesday of last Week. There will be 110 service 1 n the church next Sumlay, its there will be quai'te.ly^„^ .^^^ j;-,^^^ Christoe. Beecrv.ft and •"^ir^!:i"n':ui meet at Mrs. ! ^- ^ â- ;»""- ^ We a^ .orry our space The evening mectiuit was presided over by Mr. Irwiu and was most enjoy, able. Music was supplied by the Flesh ertoii Glee Club, composed of Messrs. I .'uUieTbT'-'v^-^U-i CABl) iiovsE, 'iugoreoll B»rnh,.u,se, A. Beecroft, Dr, Mahan. I O"""" Pavs for vour Name on 13 Menutilul "HIDDh.S N\MK C.AUIW, lovely pictures, or SO Hnndsomc Calliu^ Cards. Cash with o»ler. Stamps taken. McCort's Wedueeday afternoon. , oQ this occasion will not admit of a Mr, Thoi. Gilraj is in the city thi* lenijthy synopsis of the valuable address- week. ' •• given. WANTED Yonng women aud men, or older onoa if still young luspii it, of undoubted cbaraetaf good talker, ambitious and industrious, caa find employment in a ipxkI causa, with »<» !>•' month au 1 uuwarls, according to abllit* B«T. "T. 8. LiUBCot*. Toronto, Opt. vLk