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Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1897, p. 8

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THE FLBSHIR'^QN ADVANCH I/' h^ MMBraaMB D. ricTavish FL, B S H E I^TO N KEEPS ON HAND aiTS P^r MaaseyHirrii), ftnd Noxon, Fleiiry and Wilkinson farm implenjents. Fiuiiry and Verity plows on liand all llib time, also all kinds of repairs r>r ilid sitne. Wt3 laiaufaoturc Wagons. Bngijies, Cniters, Sleiglis, etc. HorsBsli )eiug pt-aiupUy attended to. tipeuial aitenliou to tender, con- tracted feet. Lo'.{i(ini{ and Plow Chains con^tanily on hand. > %%^*^%'%%%«^»/%^^%«^%^^%%%^^%^%%%%^^V%%% Mk FALL SALES . . ^T-^ ^ ^A^ NOW RUSHING I '^^^ This is the season of year when you want to buy a cutter or sleigh. I have thein â€" beauties â€" and will soli on your own terms â€" if they are not :kll one-sided. Painting and rc-trimining done to order. Don't buy without looking in upon my samples and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN * fr%%^»^%^%^/%%%^'%/%'V%%^-«^%^^%%^%^*^«^»^l^4 LC! '''r^'-^-'-^f-^'-^''''r-i^^-^^i*:^^*^^^ GO TO J.H.HEARD FOR THE BEBT ^ BUOOIES. Wa«2iin«, Carls. Spring T.ioth and Iron HamwR. Fnnts and Woods' IJindiTS, Moweis, Horse Rnkes and Plou»h«. Floury Plounhs, ScuQl<-rs and Turnip Seed Drills. Dick's Ptouglia :iiid Lund ilolJHrs. Shnres fur all kinds of Plouvths. H irae Shoei'i'.! .ind all kindi of HlackHmithin^. Wood, Lumber, Cedar Posts jjN a. id Shioi;le.s. tefi BARNHOUSE The Flour and Fruit Man Wislies to (liaw tlie attention of the public to the fdluwing specialties : DOGSKIN MITT8 and LEOGINGS •«bii6li to oi-der, or » ill sell out of Stuck. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY OYSTERS IN SEASON Try our brniikfuf CEREALS. Flour »f nil i.'ra<lus in slock. Hoot and Shoe buiinesn ulso attended to at U3u.ll. W. Barnhouse, Flesherton Photos^*! â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in firttcInKs stylo and at l.'West rates. Spenial nttention ^ (.'ivoii to co|iyiii8. Babies' photos. jj ajpeoialty. Pictures finnitid. I MRS. BULMER '^iP ^IF =»iF =«<!: =5S?^R= ^K^'W 'iK* ^1^ ^it? ^K= ^ Lot For sale. Eugeaia Mills â€" Ai\D- Carriage Works. Ovrriasjoa noarle and Repaired, alK â- f»la-iiiis{ mid fdatching, Band Saw- la?, Wood Turning of overy das 'rrriptiioa. Planing and Gratn Chop wtn^j'lono Willie you wait, forth' Uoaver turaa the wheel, T. XÂ¥. IVILSf^i Manager BO TSAV â- xpkniInoi. ITENTS 't-^i^iv^' P TRADI MARKa, '^ DMICNt, OOPVmOHTS tie. Anynnp ^piidlntf Anknicti and doBPrtphon may qulrklv a;«';i>rtiiln. fro,'. whiitli«rr nn Invulidoii la prol ' irrtlCMtitlilo. ConilMUiilcnttniis ntrlctty miinilvotinl. (»ilu8t iwenc7 loraecurliiu paliinU In Amcrlcii. W« liava u WMlilnfiton ofllcn. I'lUi'titii liikftn ilirouRh Muiin & Co. "ovotra tpeaal utiUVM III tlio SCIENTIFIC Iwtiiitirtilly niu<«tnited. Inrflmftt ctrcutatton of â- iiy flciuMtlMc Jdiiriml, weokly.termnWOnn »ear; iiJUiix nionClKi. Kpc-clirimi coplnnand ilAMD iSuuK UN PATCNTfi sent fro«. AddruM MUNN A CO., 301 UroadwKV, New Y«rlu AMERICAN, For nalo cliean and on naay terms In FloHher- ton. Siilemllrl larBii, Roliil l>riik (IwollliiR. witli Kooil mone cuHtti, suiiiMior kitclien ami wooit- iioiiso, aiKO (•oral fiaiim Btnlilo, hrick lin«<l. I' «Mii«uH coiitainntwolarKulntBanilKood youn>; â- in.liard. brnriiii;. IIouho niiil oiitbnllrtiiiKii ai« nxi^cptioiiullv wkII fliii,.hml ami very coDvtini- (iitly laid out. Apply to K..I. HpuouLR. PUiberton. Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of fuin pur- chini'd, for which hi^be^t ninrkct price will be paid. Ilomonnada aautagea on hand, kIeo all kinds of meats. Flcajierton Meet Rniporium )I1ICRVILLE AND DURHAM STAOB. Duvlmm atnR" luavoH FloHlicrton Rtatlon at T.iri am., rnturnn iAH p m, I'rlciivllli" atacB l»uveR tlio Haiiin placB at 12. .1(1, ri^t(oinii(; at 4.4-'i. I'^arp toI*rlnBVlllHand roti)rii..'iOcontfi; Durbaiii, lt..')0 for return. 75". Rinplo faro, l.lvery In coic iiuctiou. UrtUriiiia be lufl aieltlier liotnl. A. MnCAUI,KY Vro FR£:£:! ffie:e:!! OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Xs'Jbihio 've]:*y Best i'f.Aoi; r:j Canada to ckt a Tboioijiili Mm Ehcatioi). Take a Round Trip srho,m;ri„o« . .. {',aUt>nn» and C jaf.iorolal l)ti|iartninn(< In (Canada, tlicn vl«lt til ! .So tlierii ll'i'liiOKHflolloifo ; oxmnhui «>yor)f- 4U4iw ^'i >r(Mm1;ly. If wn fall to prodnop ths u It llioraiiKli.oompliito. practical uiul nxton- aira uoiiiHe of Htiiidy ; tho lie^t ooll(3au proinlHna MU 1 tliii hnnt aiiit inos* ooiiipliito ami inont auit- â- itllariiriilturu and ullllancoa.wn will kIvo you • full aoui'iia l''RKt. I'or Annual Aiinouuoe- Ui lUtiS'v'Uo '"" i'artloulara freu, addro C. A. FLEMING, Priucipal Preserve y.^ur eyesight liy having them propi'rly to.sled by W. A. AnMSTHONG, OnicuN BOAR FOR SERVICE I hava a well brrd Iferkiblra boar for ••rTloaon lot ITS, T. 8. R., Artauieola. Tarma f5 oauts. UUT OKU Thirty-three Years Ago Mr. Will. Oily, of Maxwfli, has shown us a litt^rury curiosity in the ahape of a little book of poetry, of 3'2 pages, prin<ed liy S. L. M. Luke, of Durham, in the jcir 1803 tor one A. G. Churchill Tli« little book is a directory of ihu t..wi. of Durham and the S'sge route bt-twien that p ace and CoUiiniwond It will be iiitfresung leajiiig to soine of our resi drnta. It is inierustiuu to note tlmt of all the hotels mentioned only one is a) present kept by ihe proprietorM lueiiii'-n ed by Mr. Churchill, and that Teienn catrrer to the public is Mr. A. Munslmw of ihi? pUce -After dealing for 19 p«s.e- wiih the town of Durham ihe wriii-r Ktarts on his tour to Cidlinvwoud, and of Priceville spi'aUs as follows : Alex. McDonalb, importer of Dry- g(H)d8, Groceries, &c , |>ioprioti>r of a Gnst-niill and Saw. mill at Piicevibe, 10 miles east of Durliain. His saw-mill make.* boards and the urist mill affords The genuine htatf of y<iur lives. And ill hia tine store there's a thou- Fsnil ihinifs more, To dre-s up your dauuhtera and wi vt>s. Keep g'Hxl bfHits and shoes, and line crockery too, NaiU, groceries, dry goods and t lass. Spices, pepper, and teas, that come over the I'ois, Goods, staple and fancy each class. E. B Mi-MklLiIN, keeps Biiiiah Hott-1 at Pricwille, 10 miles east of Durham. Keeps British Hotel, at the ring of the b.ll Hia madeiis will bring on the n>ast Hia porter will serve, and his steward »ill carve, .^nd tht hostler you find at the post. Your team he will lead to the water anu feed, Hill bar holds g od brandy and wine, Where the people can joke at pleasure and Binuke, Hia lodttiiig.s are luvely and fine A. McAkthir, keeps the W,.llini?toii Hotel, 10 miles east of Durham. Tht) hostler will tend and the landhird will send Your choici) of all drinks to your room, His sifting Moms Hue, and the rooms where liny dine. And lodgings like ro^es in bloom, Where the fanner with wheat, and the merchant will meet, The trader, the drovt-r, and all, Its the trtveller'a home, and the sports lUHn that r.iaiii, Tlio Member and clergy will call. -\. N YEOMAff, Postmaster and Issuer of Marriage Lcenaes. IIu will charter in fact royal lovers to act At the altar of aolemii decree. All men that take wife cr get married for life, lie will Itconac at once for the fee, letteis iliai's ipieer, he will mail to your dear, Nawspapj-r and letters all kinds, Six mails in each week, if sent and you seek, III hia oIKc and you will certainly find. Aaiion Munshaw, keepi the Flesherton Hot'l on the Durham road, at the croaaiiig of the Toioiito line, where there is a mill, inachinury, and twi stores. It's an excellent stand and the hostlcr'o on loud To watt-r, to curry and ffd ; Toliaceo, ciyar, he koep.< in his liar. And cliarininsji(o<<d lii|U.<rs indeed, Hia lodgings are clean and tit fur the Queen, Thehn.iiess hervelf will appear. Will you lake tea or cotfee 1 nays she. With cream and white sugar, or clear. R. lUtiKET, keeps the Beaver Rirer Ho- tel. His hostler indeed, will water and feed, His driving shed's open to all. Uivu tlie landloid the wink and he'll bring you the drink, Seleciiiig iliu kind that you call. Good lodiiings liken iae, and table supplies And all that once call call auain. Youiix guehis of the Imll, wedding parties and all, And great business men will step in. [Mr. Hutiket was the father of the Hus- kets of Markdiile. His Utile hosielry was a log building live miles cant of Fleaher- ton, and stood within a few rods of where Mr. Pbiliips now haa his tawniill. â€" En. Advance.] J, Maswkll, hotel keeper and postmas ter. The oliice is kipt sepiiiate from nllo'liei liiisiiieKN, niul i^ situated be- Iweiii Ciiliiiigwood mid DiirliHin, at tlm plaeo of c.teliaiigi) of .stimcf, light Ireiuht, mails anil pis eigeis, where tbern is one cliurch imw buil(liii|>, one Ni hool house, one stiPie and ono lliick.snntli ship The people liavo o.stiililislnd tlio title of ihii plaie. Maxwell, to iin- nioital;ze the inline of the ubovo iiien- tioiied landlord, who keeps a good hoiHo well fuiniahed. Ill centre of farms and grain growing oliartn«, Wheic the brond giavcl road gios along, Where two sUmes meet and pasbengeia preet. His house i^ a home for the throng. Keeps attendants to wait on iiobility great. The fountain of banquet his bar, Hit table's a feast, tit fur lords of the East, And his lodgings tell volumes of uare. BBlBgWBeLU L , a.lJJ J. Gamet, Treasurer of the Townohip of Oaprey, and County Ci:n»ta>le for Grey, Worshipful Master of the L^yai Orange Temperance Lodge, No. 108.1. In these annals of fame is recorded bis iiaine. That oihers in future may read,. The silver and gold of the township, untold, Hh holdd foi safe keeping indeed. And witliout neglect he muet tell arid Collect, And sumnionaes serve in his ride. To i;ive himordue intlieUrant>enndblue, He's their worshipful ina.-iter and tuide. [We would remaik here thiit Mr. Gaiiiey still ocoupi< s tne poaiiion of honor and trum that he did in 18(i3,â€" En. Ad- vance ] W. Gl'Y, blacksmith, irons ciirriaues and niakt s all kinds of fanning tool*. He heata in the iiie, sjis sleigh shoes and lire, Makeo wiishcr, bolt4, linch pins, and iikeina, King bolls with ViroaJ head, wheel bar luwa, bob sleigliH, I'ins, device rings, staples aod chains. He c^.n sliou kicking na^s, hteeis, oxen, and Kta'.'S, Marcs, grhlings, and stallions, and mules. Makes wedges and frows, bars cam h'luks aiiiH hi>ea. And every description of tools. SuTBERLlKO & BoWB.s.kcep general «toie Groceries, Crockery, Dry g.mds. Hard- ware, Glas^, Ac, in yreat vailetioH ai d in great abundance ; all kinds of c<iii.- modiiies bought ami sold heic,aiKl wi 1 pay more than Collini'wood prices for wheat, barley, oats, etc. Not to quote further from the rhyme, we will give a few of the references to men and places. J. Lkopard, master builder in Osprey His adilress is Arteuiesia, 2.'d line eaat of Toronto Line. •I. UoLCViE, statre driver from Colling woo'l to Maxwell's, and H. T. Warner drives from Durliam to Maxwell's where they meet to exchange pa.s8engeis, tlie 'oriner driving a span of roans and the laitera npan of hays. J. Campaign kept the Glencore hotel 7 miles from Sinuhrinpton. A Bell was then, as now. Clerk of the Township of Nottawa.'.aga. Tile description of Singhampton of tha< day would answer well ihe description of the place to-day. In Memoriam Line* CD tha Death of ths L4it* Mlnnl* Lawrence Minnie haa left ns for a while. And -in eahos gone wsmibsher amilr, Har vbe-iful scl-, nor ruaiy han.l. To utlp wbo.s'er love made demand. Rt-r patient apirit here on earth Kt'pt kI »om sway, aud oft 1> ought mirth, When thoaaleaa patient woiiia u.ow sad, Nur bUiuK life huld augul to make glail. ThouRh weak in frame, and oft depresaed With eaiii, which waa a frvquent Kueat, Yet tier brave heart it faltered not, Ifut bore It all aud muruiurod not. She cnoeo iu life the better ps't, Au(t HtrovM to beep it iu tier heart ; And tliuB likuluuutai • bubbliUK o'er. We aaw it iu tbeamiloashe wore. And knew that dhe had happiuaa. And peace and love that lew poas 6.13, Aud i.tbeiii felt the power ulie had To cheer tlieiu up whou they were aad. Oh. parentu, Hirtera, bro herx, fiieuila, Vou fuel thetitiiiu that death e'er lends, IiHt lift your head, aud drv your tearn, Uiapal your doubts, aud i hiiau your feara While she waa h^re you tried to eaaa Her ev'ry pain, and to veleaae iter fruin ditttresa of ey'i\ kind, .\iid keep bei iu a peaceful Diiud. Now aha hac gone to be witli thoso nriijnt kindred apiiita in repuae. Wbere real the pure and true of uarib. To wait the reaurectiou birth. Bo comforted aud from her life Taku coiirttf{e now to maot tbe atrifa that all in life, uiuat battle ttiroug'i, Aud oocquer, if ttiey would prove trne. â€" SlAaoiK Campbeix. in stock WP WANtP tohandle establlahed tradi njj TTJinithiH county. Canadian e A/lbXtrO guaranteed to live Fernianont nUI!il>iO poaition, whole or part time Liberal teruia. You esu make ten dollara a wuok or better with uh, for every week you work. No experience liecSHHary. Brown Brothers Company, Coutlaeutal Nurseriea, TOUJNTO, ONT 15 Uob. Px*opex*tie s FOE - SALE â€"BY- 1. ]. SPBODLE, FLESOESTOK tr YOU WISH TO BUY PROPERTY C0X8UI.T THIS 8PACB FOR S.\I.iE cheaj) and on easy terms, one niile from Flesheiton, iti aces land and on which is a good 7 rooms frame dwelling, well and comfort«bly linishod stooe collor uiiilenieath, and good well and pump in kitchen, good fnniie Htable and driving house, hLso brick lined hen, small (U'chnrd coinmeocingto bear. Apply to U. J. SPROl'LE, Flesherton. A DK.\D BARGAIN if sold during present month Two impn)vod farms, one a mile frmn Priceville and the other same distance from Warehum. Small jiayment down, balance on VEUY easy terms. -\l80 a hundred and fifty acre farm and mill site one mile from Fleshor- ton, principally hardwood bush, 25 acres cleared and frame dwelling and stable. Any person wanting a decided bargain apply quick to above. Time Table OOINO SOUTH, Markdaleâ€" 6 40 a. m. Flesherton â€" 6.53 a. m. ooiNG North. Fleshei tonâ€" 11.48 a. ui. iVlaikd:.le- 12.04 p. ni. i 53 p. m. 9.17 p. IK. !).30 p. m. w.j»~^MrmjOOv^ -^mry» « 3 la i _ Si m : Colds, Bron-^V»«'^-'| i chitia, Sore I throat, etc. t KERHV. WATSON* CO , ^eaFB.rToM. I ji VowTarat. I j g e n e rw loec^cecoceojceoaacoo.-y^arer* y t *.*.»rsS The Markets. Carcl'ullv Corrected Kavh Week Klour 44 80 to i& 40 Oats 16 to 19 Wheat 75 to 80 Btrley 20 to 90 I'eiis 40 to 40 Butter 11 to J2 EsiiiS, fresh 15 m Jfc Potatoes bag 25 lo £§ pork 450 fo hW Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 ' Hides 4 00 to 5 Sheepskins 25 to &0 tieB**e 5 to ft Turkeys 7 u. 7 Ch'ckei's per pair 20 to 85 Oncks per |iair 40 to 50 ^Vool 17 to SO - B Farm and Mill Site for Sale For vale very cheap anil on very oasr term*, riiiiber farm, ISO acres, two inile-i' from Plesn eimn, knowr ad tUe Um. HonKKuwuiill pro- perty, auil on wbicli l« an eicolleiit water powai. fouiiddtion of aaw will, riam an>l pond and water wlieol in place and all ready for patting mil on. About 1.5acie» clei-red.aiacrpBtimtwr. uioBt off. 'jalance well tiniberert.niixwl timb«r. tills farm will be sold at a barxaiu if sold at once Kmall paytueut (lowu, balance ou vaiy e-Hy teruia. .-tpply to B.J. BrnocLX, Fleattertou.Oat Now is The Winter Of Our Discontent Savs Shakespeare. There will be no discontent if you ueal with nie, and Shakespeare won't b« in it. TIIVIELY GOODS NOW ON HAND : Sleigh Robes, BellK,Blankel8,CircinglM, Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes, Cow Chains, and everything iu hariiessmakers' goods. An elegant GOAT ROBE from 97.50 to $9, other robes higher if you w.Kit theiu. Coi..e and look at my ihinijs, anywiy. Always glad tu quotv pi ices. Dry cordwood and stove wood take in exchange. IVIML. MOORJB Harnessmaker - - - Fleshertoa. : : ILtOGS : : WANTED I In unlimited qnaiUities at th« III â- Â« Highest Cash Prices. CMOI>JPING only 5c I'cr Baj^ iimm i TiieoT Ho^ for 9ea:*vloe Foraervi^on l«t1.'M, T. and 8 )<,. irlemeaia. a tbcronffbW'od refiiateved l!uik>bl|iv Vfai' TeruMâ€" tl aitiiat -f service. i ? 1 > ^ * i L> â- > i V

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