!??^ â- V."i^L ^?T «P Til fLIIlllTOH ADTAROB MTAIILISHED 1881 L„â€" aPI-1f- I JLX ^,- 1 .IL â- i ^As Advance nWUSHBO WMftLT AT TH« omCK, BTB- â- MBAM BTBKET, FUMBKHTOH, ONT., BT W. H. TUVBilTON. IP per aBnuai,8lr>e(ljr In a#vaoee AcfvdrtiBing Rates: 9ae Colama, 1 rur, tSO ; b*lt eol., 1 year, tS7 quarter ool., on* year, tlS. Trantiont advertiaeiuent charged at the rate a( 8 oeotii per Hue (or flnit Insertion and S couts each tubaequeut lumrtioo. Nomination Th« municipal nomination on Monday Miiii aaiuewhat du^l cuinpiri-d with thuit« 'A a.fow year« i>ast, «nJ the crowd of spuctatatrs was-not ao largo. At the com- mencement of tt.o afternoon meeting Revve Boland Waa the only man ocaupy- ini; the pUtforin besides lh« chnirman- Kud he tookud lonesome. Mr. Boland likea company and plenty of it even tbiiu^h he hai lo fixht a beotion of it. Mr. James Brixlie made an excellent chairman. The nominations were : Fur Reeve â€" John Boland, noniinated Vy JaH.. Brodie and Jas. Beatty. Qounuillori â€" ward I.Donald McMillan, Hy Jas. Vause and John McArthur ; ward 2, ThoB. Kells, by Jas. Brodie and Jas. Beatty ; Ward 3, Geo. Swantou by Wm. Wriichb and Oeo. SiewartjAnd Jas. Be»t„ by ThoB. Bannon and John Wright, jr ; Ward 4, Geo. Thomiwou by T. Kelts and W. Sharp. Policd Trustees for the villaito of Flesh- erton, W. J. BelJiiny, D. McTavish and J. H. Heard, nominated by Geo. Mitchell and R. N. Iluudurson. It will be seen by the abore that the reeve is elected by anchtmatioo and that the only contest will be in ward 3, botweeii Mr. Best and Mr. Swauton. At the aflernoua mealing short •peeches explanatory of the work gotie over during the past year were made by Hussre. Boland, Kells and Best. Neither Mr. Thompson, Mr. Mcklillan or Mr. SwantiMi were present when they were called upon, Mr. McMillan was un- avoidably absent out in the county of Cruce. S/L the close of the municipal speeches, Mossra. Ri-sluu-di'm and Wright, County Clouncil candidat-es, were re<iuuiited to tske tlie platform, and iKith delivered ithort addresses. Mr. Wright read a letter written by Miller Bros, of Mow York, which Hated that Mr. Moore, tbu prospective electric railway in- vi-stor, wa« at presunt invaatifiiit in-,; to find out if the schema would to a runiunerative and feasible ono, and (o soon as this was decided satiafactorily ho WAS ready to go on with the aork. Mr. llichanlshn stuted his ]>o8ition on the milway inubter in tterail, claiiniiig that Muatrs. Pew and Rolnljn were ndvciitnrers only drsirous of inakini; money cut of ilie people, and that he ipfiMMd to countenance the scheme on that ground, and the fact that no arcuri t> waa olfered fur the nnmios collected. At 'he same tune no one was prepared to go •deeper into their pockets for any ItfKitimHte enlorpriBelhat wouU benefit the coniinuni ly. The meeting closed at ^n early hour. OBPRRY NOHI.HATION. For Reeveâ€" W. M^tnaghan (accl.) First Dep. Reeve â€" John Clark (acpl.) Second Dep. Reovoâ€" John Hij^son, John Spoitrs, Councillors- John Douftlan, W. H. Guy, Jo!in J. Kattiiig, Andrew HaOirr, Irwin Morrison, Geo. Whiteoak, Osprey Council The oouncil of Urprey met in S^Mwell on Dto. 15th lost. All the- aitMDtiers prisao'.. The It«eva in th< ohair, Minutes of last nieciiug raa.l apd sigosd. Oommnuiratiuna were read-from Molierly and Ciimpball re fence on tawn!l<ia Uolliog- • bod and Oiprty ; froni Osprey Milling Co.MF'°7 vtBtsmcat of aocount 81^, Hour liiraUhad to Ulackweil by order pf conauil. Oenifioata (mm W. Barle, Pathm«s'er, I hat' John Ilanaoo had performed his maliia la>or. Fr«(n W. if. Ouy that £. I.inlay had MrfMwed Ills statue labor far 1880. Prom 3% Bx«wai.l;^t Jd». Orummoit bad par- farmed kls bMm U.-rter IWt, Yttm J. Uanwy, TrMM. Lli. tS U. axpsMtt* O^an So«ad wiiA Co. lalMMid disjbut •u khaqusa. ai'>on M. D. MaKiiwon biU •2.fi0, olsik'a postage. Clafkâ€" Monaghan -That Wm. Sontf b* paid 13.00 lor putting st«aa in bsi of Mad KiTir, to pisvent water wasbmg uudar abuMNCDt. C'arnsd. Monogitm â€" Speersâ€" Tuat Wm. Scult be paia 114.1 ior work oa B<<a>er hill, lUiii side r. ad. <Jarrivd. Al.auâ€" SpaeiBâ€"Xnat Jas. Ijougbead l>a paiu tl'i for work ou Tumrnliua Oeprey ana Motiawaaaga as a^uivaieut to uouuty grant. (Jarriou. Ajlenâ€" Speers â€" That Nail MuLtau ba pain ti l.du tor repairs tor 4tn line bridge, Carriao. Ailscâ€" CUikâ€" Tnat Jas. Sandland ba paiu tl'J lor woi k ou SUtii side roau, cou. 3, & I>. U. Cairied. Cl.rk -Allenâ€" ILat M. D. McIUduod Im) paid 92.50, eUrk's posiane. Carrietl. Ciark â€" Aliuu â€" Tlikt tb« oo'l<ctor receive llie taxes ol Juo. Urnuimoit, iota 13 sua 14,. van. 6, b. il. ft., laBii IS oharitea aa sutin lauor ana u<>w purturuieil. Carried. Muuagiiiui â€" ^^iNsers- Ta»l .Maloum Cameruu be laiuuueU |a being aiuuuut paid , oy una. lor siatue lauor aua uow periuruieu. Carried. daik â€" Muuaghaoâ€" Tna« Mr*. Siooka be gruuted VS as cnaiity, auu i). K. Prcsioa lo expend tiie aoiounl. o^rned. Jitouai^hanâ€" tip««rit â€" iu*i the oolleotor reooiva tne taxa* ui Vi. L.uiey, lot i, eou. 14, leeK(3 uburged as •tulue labor aud uow porioimeu. Cairieu. Muungiuu.â€" Allen â€" Tua; tb« colleoior reoeivu ibs isxns ui DoUaid Mclntyre, lot 'll>, eoo. b, lets %l and isxss o,|^Joiiu Mo- Iijl>reJot 24, uou. 4, I'liii 8 .60, b^lug ainouiit cnaa^ea as a.atue iaoor and uow perioruied. Carried. Allen â€" .Moiiagnau â€" Taat the Inll »( 0<prky Milling uonipu>y lur 9l-.ll to* Uuur luruisi.ea liUckwe.l Uiuiiy kiucejuiy laat be paid. Carrieu. Alien â€" Mooagux: â€" That- the tbl.o»iDg pariit:! ba paid fur om uf ball u«ea lur euuocit msetiuga : Dr. Sooti, 93 ; Uy. tiaiimau, Vi ; U. W«ir, 9l ; Net. .UoLeao, Vi ; Tb. s. Ucoti, tl. Curried. Uuaaiibaiiâ€" Hpearsâ€" I'bst J. Gainer'! bill •t.l4 eipoiitee with Co, rate aud dltcouut be |*aiii cai. luU. Clarliâ€" Mouagbanâ€" That Tboa.Boott be paid •8 tut asuiBtiUK treasurer to iiepare U«c. 16tb •tateiaeui. Carried. Uyiaw no. Mi to appoiot dvputy returuinn oUiceri aud pulliug Ouotlia and bylaw No. Ml to pay tuHunl ip oulceri aud uouuty rale weie duly pauHnud. Ou uiotiou tbe reeve vaokted tba cbtlr and Mr. Muiiaifuau waa appuiiitud. Moved by Mr hixotn aecuuuud by Wui.ClarIc that a^oui oortliV roevui-U. «L. Freatuu, bu decido'l tu oiler biH euivicu aacuuuty couuoiUur uuuer tbe new Cuuuty Couucii Act, tliereby t«riijiu%iiu^ biu asHociatiou wiib tliecouuuii board of tbia tuwuatiip Wo wiab to expieaa our tiocuie regret at luoeiUR auca an eunuent uieiuber ul tbia council boaiil and we wiho to louder biiu our tbauka (ur tbe kind, court- eoua aud yeutleiuaulv luaiuier wblcb be has alwaya abowu wbile pioaidiuu over tbia couucii board. Tbe reeve belug aflan called to the chair thaukod tlia couucii for tbu mauy kuidueaaes staowo buu. Couucii adiournad sins die. TUUH. 8C0TT, Clark. ['â- ' Annual Meeting Feveiaham L. O. L , No. 1086, held their annual nicetii g en D«o. 16ih. There was a large turnout of members, also a i{oodly number of viaitors from Maxwell liNlgo. Bro. S, Taylor, District Master, occupied the cliair for the even- inn. After routine business tlie olectinn of ofliceis for the onauing year was k"Do through with, the falh.wiiig buing the result : Jainea Sprert, W. M. ; John Ellivtt, D M : Andrew McOirr, Cha|>. ; Samuel Colquett, Rec.-Sao. ; T. Park, Kill. -Sec ; Hy. Hnitinan, Treat. ; J. Oritfin, D. C ; A. J. Conron, Lect. ; Committeeâ€" S Park, Ira Peri;<o, J. Barlwr, 8. l^)bert^, 11. J. Colijuott. After tbe Iodide was closud the brethren sat down to the annual oyster supper. Short Hpeeclies were uivun by Bro A. McOirr and Hm S. T.tylor. Thie Lodge is in a fluurinliing condition, havinu about lifty niuinbera. The auditora' report nhowt t45 on hand. S. CoLguKTT, Ruo.'Kec. Presbyterian Entertainment The Sunday School anniveraary was held in the PreHbyteiinn church laiit Fri- day evening. Tea was servucl in thu liaHeniont from five tonight o'clock, th^ children having the precrdt-ace and diNiig ample juHtice lo^t.e uoinl thiiius nio vinfd by the ladiea. 8h<a-ily after uiulit u'clink the entertainuii'nt proper wiin commenced in tho church, wliich wna I enuiifully ducoratt-d fur the occasion. Mr. M. RichardAiiii occupitd 'he chair and carriud through the loii); and vsriid pi'ouram with a pionipineso that dniB hint credit. The aitforent items wer«t4i<, numerous to bo inonlioned here in de tail, but it muKt bo said that for the moat jMirt they wore appropriate to the nc- OKHioii, and were received with favor hy the audience. The children and young |n-ople wbo tiMik Huoh pains and apuiit so much time in prttpwaiiidi ore bi> be cnn- grutulaied on the suocesaful issue, Mr. R. Martin, thenluKioal sludunt, coniii buted not a little to the pli^aaare of ths' eveiiiiyt >>y rendering thre^ si. los. He owns a baas voice of gi»id culture. The pr«icceds amnuntod to a little aror 9&1- Election. Notice To Ihe Elcelort 0/ Dutricl Ao 5. Grntlkmbn, â€" At the request of a larjte number of ratepayers I Im'v^ coiiBented lo liecome a caiiilidate fur County Coun- cilhir for this district. Having consider- able munici|^al experience and a member 6f the. county council for the latt two yeai^ I feel conildent tliat I can serve you satisraclorily in that oapncity. Should you hi^SMr mm with your conHdenue, I will do my utmost, to nioi;it the ssme. Yimr vote and interest respectfully solicited, i ' Yuur obed't servant, dSO, WATSON, Swiiiton Parjt, Dec. 7, W, COME AND SEE THE B.\UGAINS WE ARE GIVING IN riantling Cape Cloths Dress Goods Overcoats Ready-made Clothing Hats and Caps Long Boots Etc Etc Ma Richardson & Co WE WISH ALL THE READERS DF THE ADVANCE A Happy '< >' New Year And thatik our friends and patrons for tlioir siipport dining the joar j'uit' closing. In spit<» of the Kcneral coinpUiiit of liani litnc.i and low ptiw.^ we have enjoyed a steadily increKsiiia; trade, 8ii(« it. will iw 'lu;- Mnstaiit aira itinl" endeavor to meet eveiy r(>a9or>ablo rtqiiireinrent of our cii.stoiiierfi aud thoii tiierit a 80Dtiouiu«e of their confidouce aud putrona|,'e in the year 1897. NOW FOl? ISUSIISrESS J^antles J^j^antUs J)f]^antle& EXCEPTIONAL BAI^GAINS . Wo are clearing ont tiie bii'Vinee oitnnr iraiUle aVtei at pt'oes nttfltly re^ird* less of cost. This is an oppoi'.uiiity ihtit you ».iu:iot u£fji'd lo luiss. Black Clolli Mnutili ...re^jn'ar pi ice. s«oo sellin-} for $toi HcttW Clotll MnntU; ...le^joUr pi I'^ft, g'J.TS scliin',' for tlQO Ladies' Cloth .laekota .. re^nliir pi icy, $!5.(iO selling for t-lM Cloth Jacket, ti.Min:iie>i Astiacliai) -. . iigiilai- p: ice. 8<."0 selling' for $>M) Heavj nine Gloth Jackets . refjniiii puce. «t 50 selling for ti.50 Black Clotll Maiitl.i rc;;ular puce, $1 50 aeliiiig for $2.75 Braided Tweerf Maiit!o ..icmihir price. $7 50 selling' for $2.9S Ufavy Navy Seiue ff.intlo . regular puce, $7 50 selliii;; for $;i.0i5' Black Cloth Mantle, buicnf ..regular pi ice. «5.35 selliiiij f.jr $3.8S black Braided Beaver Mantle. . ... ...regular price. $7.25 selling f.ir $5.25 For the balance ef this month we will give you big reduc- tions in prices fur cash. B. HcDONALD Ppopertl* FOR -SALE BY- B. J. SPIOILE, FLESIEDIIH ir TOV WISH TO BUY PRUPEnTY CONSULT THIS 8PACK FOR SALE cheap and nn easy temm, ono mile from Flosherton, 9^ act us liitid and on which ia a goinl 7 rouiiis frame dwelling, well and comfortably finished Htoiio celler undornuntli, and giHHt well and pump in kit).diej), giHKl frame Htable aud driving huuiw, xlso brick liniMl hen liuuHO, Huiail orchanl commeicingto hear. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Flesherton. A DEAD BARGAIN if sold during pruaont muntb. Two improved fnnus, one a inilu from Pricuville iiiul the other Hanio distancu from VVHrohiini. Sinull payment down,, balance on VKRY ea-sy bernia. Also « hundred niul fifty acru farm aul niill.sito ono mile from Flesher- ton, priiioipally hardwood bush, 25 acres cleared and frain>- dwelling and htable. Any person wanting a decided kHrgaiii apply ()uiok to above. AUCTION SALE â€"OF- Valuable Farm PropertY â€" IN- ZTAe Jjownsht'p of jfrtemtsia Uqdor Slid by virtue of ths iinwor ol ksIo In a certain innitgaRO (lom William riuiiry Mariiti to tbo Vuiirloi-8, which will liu protliioed at tlino of KaU, and on defnult beinR iiiadu lu payno'iit of tbe iiionovn tliorubjr eeuuruil, tiiore will be offered for nal« by public auotian, by A. 8. VanUuaoD, auctioneer, at MUNSHAW'8 HOTEL â€" IN- th& Village of Flesherton â€" ON- Tuesdaythe 5th Day of January, 1896 at 9 o'clock P. M. the following property, namely: the esHterly SO aorea of lots uuiubera t a»'l S, both in eighth coucobbIoq of aald towbahip of Artemeais' This property ia altaatod in a Hret claea fanning dietrict. TBKMfl: 10 per coat, at time of sale, and for the balance torina wttltie liberal, and will ba made known at time of sale. For further partiaul$rs.appl j to nELiLAUY it HKNDKB80N, Floshorton or to M08H, B AltWlUK A FKANK \ „ . . . Taiidora Bolloitors, Toronto. D*t^ ;th dsr of Dae., ISM. FURS FURS Wc are offering some cplendiJ value.s in Ladies' Furs. Bead our piiccsâ€" Ihiuk over tlietu â€" oumo out and see tlic goo!.iii and you'll repoat rritb us that tli^j ARE splendid value. Ladies' Astraohan Mantle, 38in bust regular $35.00 gelling fci $37.00 Greenland Seal Cape. .MO-iu long regular $32.t)0 selling for $25 00 Greenland Seal Cape, 32iu loug... regulai $^5.00 selling for $28.00 Block Oppossum Cape regular 118.50 selling for $13.0# iJlack Hare Seal Cape . regular S 8.7."* nelling for $ 6.00 Black Uare Seal Capo regular $ 7.75 selling fur $ h.iXS Ladies' Furs, MnfTs, Boas, Btonn Collars, Ruffii, &c., &c. at corrcBjwudingly low prices. Overcoats . , ~~~D Great induoements offering in lliis departmeut. Prices made to insure qoick â- elling. Every line quoted is ver) special. A litailed uumbor only avail- able. Come before they go. A/e/?'5 IviBBd Overcoats-Tweed Lfned Regular $ 6.26 line selling for $4.60 Bcgiilar t 5 76 line selling for $4 50 Regular $ 8.25 line selling for $5.60 rij /Ci Regular $ 8 76 line selling fur $5 75 s^ ^^t Uegular $ 7.2b lino selling tor $5.76 C« ML^ Regular $ 8.(K) lino selling for $5.85 Yi jjr^l^lx Regular $ 7.75 hue Celling for $6.00 \\ P "-V / Rigular $ 7-25 Jinfl selling for %ii 00 vi V°'l£'''^ Regular $ 8 -.^5 lino selling for $3 50 ^ **» Regular $tO.G0 Hue selling for $8-25 HAm^lAfARE: I>EI>ARTlVIEKrT • e a ONCE nORE ... Wo liRTo stiirtfd on a fresh race. Last ye.ir we had a wonderful increase of busiiloeg. This year wo intend to in»ku it a ijreat deal mure if getting our prices, down to the sume basis at oats will do it. We Have Sold 47 X-CUTSAWS and nearly 140 AXES this fall. All are giving satisfaction. We bought them very cheap and are selling very cheap. Just Think You can get KiUy's Flint Edge Axe_for7Bc. Ronton Lanoa Tooth Saw for 50c foot. Come along at once as only a few arc left. Have You A gooil TEA KETTLE ? Wo have just received a largo shipment of theiii. They are Niokle Plated on copper and have a seamless body. Only 26c each. I A Comfortable Home I You cannot have unless yo« I liavo n good Cooking Stove. The Crown I Pearl, the Good Cheer, and tfhe Regal I Oarland are the best made. Come along j ai,d we will give you a gootl deal on one." I A nico line of HEATING STOVES aK ways on hand. She Laughed When she heard the price. Only 12c for a Jananese Tea Pot. 25o for a covered Vegetable Diah. $1 a doz. for large blue Cups and Saucenh 15.76 for a 97-pieced Dinner Sett. " They are very cheap," she said, l6 wish }0Q all the same-OIii: Uestnot-a vsr; prospsrins liw Tear ^.JMtu^. M. Richardson & Cq y iMH SIIiii