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Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1896, p. 1

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fp' ;4 " TRUTH BEFORE FAVC«C*-t PRCNCIPLES HOT MEN." ^^' VOL. XVI, NO 826 FLISEERTON, ONT.. THUISI^T. DBCSHBER 31, 1896 W.fl.THDBaTOK, "'%%*opr.« XMAS GOOD5 PT-a, Tlie same ai'swiT le die sann- to all, buy your Holiday Goods ^ aud Cliriatmas Pi-eseiita fiom the storo that has the criap, 4i& M Btiappy bargains for wide awake buyers. CANTACLAU5 11^ 4^ m Recommends us to the public (Hir Holi» 'li^ "^-^ (Jiiy Aasortiiieiit ih roplf-te witli all the Novelties th^t ^o to make up a tiist olass stock in the Hue of WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, NOVELTIES. Etc. S lecfu.l ex|iri'»iily f<>r you, «nd each Hmult! niniktHi iit a price y<>a cii ntf'irH r<i pHV. L'tiurR mid Kgiiru.i cmiicit trill linlf tlie b^ignio Ktiry. You must c 'iii'S m:il>B your sulev'tioiiH iiiiil Iw ynuciielf t'iie iiid"". VVo kMBW that ore nevi-i- offeiHd nmre for tli« money timii wodo a' th." prcm-nt time. A cloud liurxt of ln'aiiiy, radiant with g.(»dv«lu<'K aiid H|'»rkliiiu with low iiHiifn »waii8 you* iiiH|iectii)ii at .^^ ARMSTRONG'S^*- Eye Tastinx â-  5psclalt)) JEvVELLERY STORE ^ (^UT business JJ)2rsctory gusinfj^ €mH. ^OCLLOCQH & YOUHa, BaiiVon. Mark>«alo. io a iceiwral iwnking but- 1ko<a. Mouliy loaiiad at a raUonabla Hu. «»H A 8.VASDUSKN. J. P. A Cl«rk 5th Ui» Court, Co Gray (NWor o( Mari'iasa Llcaosea, CoiumiMiober in K. C. ot'JuHiaa, AuotioiKor, oto. • Fl.ltiHBBTOM P.O. tEBTB COLLECTED. tl!« «iirt«rKign«id i« prnpared to undertake «M CTilleetioH of all k'lirts of debti. Not«» boiiRtit. tcMHinta oollected, etc M. N. HKNDEKSON > FLEHBr-nTON TCmSLBTT • KluEbertou Stittioo VoBtmaater, Coiumiiu!oi;or in H. C. J., Cou- yeyancor; doods, inortgaRes. leaaee and will» irawu. Mon«y to land at r>l per coot, and up- wards. DobW coll«cte«l. Cbargna moderate. Jrnti$tiiu R J. SPBOULK, Postroastor, Floabarton, Coainiliwlonor In B. R., LioeuBi'd >uctionuor. Convsyaucer, A • praiser and Money Londar, Ueal BHtato and Insurance Agcit. DnuilB, Moitga«u». LoaeeR, and Wills drawn up an<'. Vuluatioim made on ahoituDt noticu. Auction Balen attondoil to in any part of tho County. Money to loan at low est ratcii of iuti.r;.9t. ColloctiouH rfltonded to witU prorni'tuoBB and despatch Chirges low. AgoJitfor tbo Dominion btuuuishipCoiupauy. ebeivp lickoU from Floahorton to Liverpool, «»la»«ow, Loudon or any of tho British porta. I'artiaa intoudlug to visit Knulaud, Bcotliiud or Ireland, will plaaao ask rates before purcUasiug tbeir tiokuts oUewhore ^oei?tie$. AO.U.W.â€" moots ovary first and third Mon â-  day iu uftch month, in thi-ir lodge rooiu Striiiu'H Block, h'lBsbxrton, at H p. m. W. Wftlkor, M.W.; W..I. Uollaniy, ttueno'er W. Irwin liocorder. Visiting llretbcru invited. ROYAL TKMPLAR8 OF TKMPEnANCB, â€"Regular Council meets ovmy first aud third Tuosliiy evening in each iiionih, in Bproules block lit p. in. Select dogieo InsuraiioB) iiiuets â- uonthly, the Wednesday lirooiHliug the itand of each nioiitb. SONS OP TKMPHR.^XCE.â€" ThLi sotloty meats in Dr. Chrihtou' Hall first Wed iiosday iu oaoh uiontii at .s p.m. Visitiiig bretbcreu iuvitod. luburauce iu couuoctiou. UP. li. A., moat ill their hall, Christoe's Hlook over, second Thur8da> in oaeli mouth. I.G. Brown, W. M., T. Clayton, Sec- retary. PRINCE AKTHURLODC.K, No .IJW. A F & A M, meet in the Ma8oi;lc Hall, Btrain's Block, Floshortoii, every Frl.-lHy on or before tho fnll.iuoon. Qno. Mitchell, W M, W J Mallau)) , secretary DUPFEBIN LODGK, }>o IM, I O O F, moots 111 Clayton's Hall every Tues- day evening at 8 o'ctook. Visiting brethren cordially Inriied AA VakDcsbk, NO ( P MAH8HALU V ^ ,*^-V • L. l».B.,M.l».'8. Dentist, Visits Markdalr "Ikshertooâ€" Bafib trip on tbalnn^ i...uwing. r Q. CAMPBELL, L O B, DD 8, Dental Burgeon, Markdale. Offloeovor McL'ullongb A Young's bank. Hoursâ€" S.JO a.ui. to G p. m. Visit* Floshorton the second and fourth Thursday 01 each mouth. Olllcaat Muusbaw's hotel. â- n HENDERSON D D «. M D a, Dentist of Toronto (gold inaitslist) will vinit Kiesherton profession- a'ly tlia tlrst Wailnt-Ndtiy uf aaeh muutb aud Uuiidaik tbe day following ri'bursday.) Â¥mi PUOST « BAT80N lifirristers, Solicitor*, Cnnveyanaors, ete. OfHo*â€" Next to pos office, Hpronlo's block FlLshortpn.every Thursdny until further notice. C. A. BA'tSON J. 'W. FBOST LL. B. N. B.'â€" Uwen Boand olSco, Frost's block Poijlett St. Ea.-t. T UCA3 & WRIGHT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc., Owen Souud, Ont. - â-  Uurkdale, Unt. W. H. WiiinHT. 1. ». Lucas. N. B.â€" Fleshurton ofBoe, Mitchell'* Bank every Wednesday. 'PUCKER * PATTKKSON. ^ Bariisteis, Hulicitors, eto. Molsoij's Hank, Owen Hound. Harry 0. 1'ucker Qan. W. Patterson MACKAY & H.VTTON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Ofncosâ€" SOPonlclte St. Uwon Sound; aud Main St. Duudalh. overy Hatur<lfty. N.B.â€" .-Mwii\R in atteiKlanco at Flesherton aud Duiidalk Uivifion Courts. A. G.MacKav, M.A.. W.J. Hatton County Crown .attorney. PetUral D ,R HUTTON MDCM, MPP&S Out, Priceville Offloo next door to Brown's storo; residence ouo door west o' Methodist church, Kinross st. OlUca days, Tuesday* and Saturday D U CABTI'iB M C P <t S Out., Physician, Burgeon, etc Flesherton olHce â€" 8traiUB b'ock. llesidenco â€" Muushaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT It U Member CallegoPbystc.& Sargoons.Ontari ' Graduate in Medicine of Toroi- University KoUuwsMp Diploma, Post Giitdnote Medical School and Hospital, Chicago. Uieeasesof eye ear, iiosa and throat spncialty iroatud, Resi- dence, MaxwsU, visits Fovorsliaui Tbursdaysl-i J P OTTKWKLL Veterinary Burgeon. Oraduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Retidonoe â€" Second door •oath on west *id* Mary street. ThiK.atnbt run* loutb {rem PreebyteriMi ohuvKb. ff^ritten for The tdvance. Through suuiiner's flowers and winter'* snow Tho wheels of tiui* move slowly on : Aud plainest indication show 'I'liat 011H more yeatf is almost gone: The'uUock i^^ynr cadence tick* IU low faraw»If\»Vate^-siz. While we with minol*d feeliug* turn The records of tbi»4ilosliig y«ar. May we its leBson* -Ol^ely loam And be in all oor>aims tincere : Thaukbglviugs witb^regrats wo mix | Ami say farewoll to nin*ty>six. , Though soon we may ^called to tread ! Those pathsftnat Dow seem stvep aud blgb, We know wu shall he tsfely led My Hiiu who dotli our neeiis supply : Ha Willi diiects all earth and beavan Will guiueour roaise tbrougb niuetyxeveo. Through all this higbly ^yorrd land May fruits of rlgtau-oufbess appear, Forbluskiugs couutless M the sand Shall. doubtless Mpwu tfi* coming year. May wisdom, straiSlh and gncti be given Fur all iliH day* at uinuty-aeveu. Colborne, Duo., I^. -T. Wa-tboh' V|«i8tlo^ -\v From ^<^9tnt toi A few of HiWCjiiiger^BreMcnt last Sun day to hear tlij|^riiioii5>roaoli>-d to the cbildrt:n of tho Vabl«llifictiool were Mr. ' A.;iiuw, Mr. U. B<>bi«is4uvMr. and Mra. j J. Aehvaoii, M^. and Miii; Ma^^get. { Mine Kraiik Kixire sho has btfen in ' Uwvn iSouiid vikitini^friBuda and relstivea | foraleimthuf liqie, plumed la«t Satur- day. Misa Kdith Armst^iiMi leift last WMk ' iii^^tlia wiiiliT with lu<tA>M|ML- ^Vnu ifuijte Juhiisun von hs7 tendinis sclioul in Owen Sound for the past lire iiiuiiths, is at presvnt visiting hor parents liero. Wo are sorry to wport that Mrt Gardner who has been aihii|; far iK>m« liiuu is no bettor. Mrs. J. Uust,who lua been on tho sick list, is, we lire pleased to report, recovsr- iiig, also Mis* B. Nickulls is able to be out again. The Sabbath Sokmil aiitertuininoiit which wii) lirtid 111 tht) oliurcli here .Mnn dny evuiiiii^ wasaa naunl a ijrand au(n»s<i. The evening waa ve^ favorable for the ucoHSiun. At'tur tua wjui served in the hall, the people tJtteged the church whore they wore uiTlertaii.ud f<»r some hujm by the HcliolitM of the sulioid. Ruv. Mr. Fnllis occupied tlio uliair. The oiganiHi, Mixa Leaft HulchiiL-ton, had chnrgn »f the singiiiffrand Mias Meenagh, Mis R. Achosoiiaiitl ^ixiKlia Johustoii, trained the children,, Evurythiii^ pas'ied off very nicely and litl sueiued'to enjoy thoiiisulvus. Frocenicla of the evuning about thirty dollar*. The follon'in.J addveas is sufticiunt tu 8how the hii:ll respui.'). in which uur school teacher, Miss Meu^aKh, is held in tins .teclion. '^^ DBAS, Teaciibr,-^JVu, tlio {lupils of thia school, dosii'O to .show our Kiaiituda to you for the wicjr in which yuu have tauijiit and advanueit an in our studies during the two yuarajruu have been with us. Your teaching lina been very much Kppi'ecia'ed by us and We rtigret that you are ;!oiiig to leave ii.s, but we wiah yuu success in your iieW sphere uf l.ibor. We, tbercfori', beg of y,,u to a<M:ept this "pocket book' and "ring" as a slight token of our gratitude. Signed on behalf of the school. A !tHf B SUK AKDOWN, MiN.NIH LUDI. >W, May Nhuaion. Priceville Fiotn OKI ottfi Correipondetii. Litat Wednesday evening a tea ine< t- iiig was held in tho Pre8by<oriiui church in oonnootion with tbe Sundiiy huIiooI. A very interesting program wan rendered nnd on the following evening tho BC4th.u. dift Sunday schixd gave an enterttljih meilt. A gaily d*ehed Chriatntas trM, ocoHpie<l a prominent portion iu Uie ohu{ich and was the cynosure of the eye* •f l|^ b()ya ani} tfF^*, «M* ih* •*iitM ol ilttnction for the older people waa •elections from the gramophone. One day latoly three uf our citizens entered a stote in the east end and asked the clei k For au empty barrel. Now it «m so happened that thnre waa only one ^trsl left and the foreman couldn't de- cide who had the priority ef application. However, the difficulty waa soon settled as one of the party quickly slipped out to the storeroiiin, and luguod the -cylinder up the Ntreet where he left it on the sidewalk. It caught the eye uf one of 'the applicants and uf courae he goon ahuuldered the article and carried it to a blackainith sliop fur safe keeping. But that liHrrel never reached the tuwnline as a fourth iMrty, seeing it, concluded that he ne«-ded una and dumped it iuto his tleigh and took it home. The heusehold effects of MV.. Wm. Irwin passed through this burg laai wo.-k en route for Durlutiii. ..The pfoprietor brought up the rear. We wish W. I. cuntinued pnwperity. Misaea Fanny and Jennie James, of Metx and (Slavering respectively, are B]>ending their Xinaa holidays at home. Mr aud Mra. Innis, uf Markdale, H|H!nt Xiiiaa with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys. A number of our eiliiens attended the nomination in Fleaherton on Monday. This ward i« well satisfied with its pre- sent representative, Mr. Donald Mc- Millan. The restdooee of Mr. Alexander Mc- Lean waa the aoeoe uf a quiet wedding on Xnma Eve, when his second youngest danuhtet, MinaTena, va»«nited ingnar- »rY. The Rev. Mr. MoLeod tl nuptial knot. Mr. R. B. Reilley, of Hamilton, ia •pending his holtd*ya with hi* psrunta. TO ALL And every one, singly nod oolleotiveiy, mnrried and single, rich and p<Mir I wish you all a ^ Happy and Prosperous New Year And I thank you all from my for the very liberal patronage you have bestowed upuu me for the {Uktit thirty yi ars. I am nut running for any office, O nu, but I am running lo make an hoiieat Hving aud I can't do without you. Trusting you may next year have a very proaperous year all through and that next 3iBiaa I shall see bright smiling faces with purses well tilled with momey. I am yours tu Morvu, W.L Successful Social Oatherinc A very iiiuvh enjoyed tea meeting waa held ill Proton Methodist church on Monda; week, Dec 24th. The huildinu wae well lillud and tbe audience very approciattvM. The chair was occupied by the paster. Rev. Humphries. The Drnmore choir waa in attHiidaucu and gave some well reudered appropriate music Mibs M. Scott gnve, with full effect, the beautiful recitaliou, " The brave Scuili^h maid." Mr. M. Richard- sou of Klesheiton, gave giHid service in a speech, which emphasised " the right view oflife." There iras the Fatalista view, the PeH>inii>tic. tho Opliniisiio and the UoliuioUH, the last of which uavo the deepest of saiisfactiun and the highest of realized joy Rev. Mr. Mahan duliveiud part of his popular lecture on " Mains and woineo " or ''Eng.igemont and married life '' This received the usual well di'Hurved applause. Ruv. Mr. Marshall f Conn and Mr. Hiiickster, the Pieabyioiiau student !<upplyifig dui- iiig the holiday at Swinton Park, also leiidur.'d guud services to the tuccess of tlin enloitaiiiraeiit. The procemis were 92(i.50, which will aiiaiii be augmented by a social on Monday next. A Surprise Party There waa such a lively jingling of sleigh bells, and shouts, and merry laughter at Mr. J. IJickling's door, 8th concession, Artemesia, on Christmas Evv, that the household thought Santa Claus was surely making his appesrance oarlior than uKiial, but instead it proved to be a number of their luigbhors, coming tu surpriae Mth. Hickliiig and to pieaent her with a boiuitiful silk plush upholster- ed rocking chHir, accompanied by tho following address, which was read in a very plensing iimiiiier by Mrs. W. C. Hniiley and tho chair wak presented by Mrs. J. Jamiesou. Artemesia, Deo. i34, 189(1. Afr». Hickling : Dkau Fkirnd,â€" Wo all, as Christian people, have been brought ap to look upon ChriHtiiiiis Day as one which we should all keep, not in a dreary way, nor •ittiiig in sackcloth and ashes, but in a jojiful way, and one i>f thanksgivinu for ihflgreat yift of • riaf»n Saviour. Wvll, 4^, %ivD«^ it i» v^t^ (Hi»sP ^*» 'o these that h»a fiKiinpted » few of your neighlsirs to take posaestiion of your home-like home this evening, knowing that thruugh your inairuinentslily and skill under a kind Providence the hidden and unseen have Viecome the joys uf uur huuneholds. And now, dear friend, we would ask you to accept thia chair, hup- ingy'>u will be spared many, many years <d useful happiness amongst us, and when the great Father see* lit tu call yuu, we fuel oniiident that " Well done, goo^. and faithful servant," will be your salute at the pearly iriiles. With many returns of this M|qnr J^hristma* Eve. - Mas. Jambm McGbb â-  â- 'â- ' ''j-J,.-- "i/hm. Wm. HorPKR Mhs. Jambs Jamiesou Mas. John Benson Mrs. W. C. Uahlby Mr*. Hickling was â- â€¢ completely taken by surprise •• to lie unable to do more than t<i thank them for their lieautiful present and their many acts ot neighboily kiiiduesa to herself and family, after which a very enjoyable evening was s|ient with vocal and instruinenthl music until a late hour when they departud witli many wishes for a merry Christmaa and happy New Year. T«wn Line A and E From our own 'Jorrf^poiuitnt, The annual tea-meeting in cennection with the Ebenxer church here was held on theSlat iiist., and waa a most duoided success. The usual program of dialouuua, recitations, music and speeches waa rendered. The proceeds were Komethiiig urer 927. Destli hassKain invaded our borders. On the 17th inst. Mrs Jaincs BMwn p»8sed away after a short illness. Sha loaves a husband and family of small children to mourn her loss. Miss Elsie Richardson spent Xmas iu thia neighborhood. Addre^ The'foUowiiig address waa presented t* Miss (Jilray, feacher at Vaiideleur, at the MiHertaiiiitfeiit repoited in thea« ooliimiia last week : Dear Miss Gilbav : â€" We the inentbBrs of your schuul, take this opportunity of expressing our good will towards you. We feel that we have in you not only a teacher who is intnrested in ua, but also a friend. Notonly do you lakes kindly interest ih us in school ns.piipils, hut also out side of school. We feel that you are interested in our welfare As a slight token of our esteem and alToctinn, we wish you to accept this watch case aud vase. We trust that success may alwaya crown your labors, as it has done since yimr o<iming to uur 'school. Wo feel assured that it will, for '"nothing succeeds like success. " Signed on behalf of the Nchool. Katk Davis, May Douqlas, % <♦»-• â-  ' â-  ClubbiriK List Advance and daily World $2.80 News 1 80 •â-  Monlrual Herald 1.80 " Witness 1.80 '" Youths' Compsnion. 2.36 Weakly Globe L«6, S«ii .... ... Ii<

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