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Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1896, p. 1

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â- >mpM|f«ifw. iij iiivjijiiian I , j|inR«pipniii>qpni.i,iiii . inpii JFkslrtrtmi Jlteana. TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." f OL. XVI, HO 823 FLBSEERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, DBCSMBEK 10, 1896 W. H. THDBSTON, EDITOR fe P ROPUfKTC" (â-  â-º I'm 5L0W I'm FAST.. OR Is an expression ufteii heard when a man looks at his watcb. Ile'l! not bu slow »r fast if li« cnrries one i>f Ariii«tr(>n::'ii wacihun, Vmt be will be just on time alwiiyn. Our line of good time keepers is extensiTe, all at reasuu- abli) prine^. SILVERWARE A lai'se con«!ijniuent of lieauiifuUy d.'Hi Jmnl Silverware just to hand. For the qurtlny of these (jooda the prices Ki'o excoyiiiniily l.iw, in fiict the uhi-a;n'St tk:it wo have ever kHo jrii Y"U may not have another such a chuucu to buy good Silverwaie at ao low a price. Examine tbeiu. J'f Jiuii anU 2£/»ii jfssortvti Stock JjArouyhoui Give us Your Repairing to do u/, ^» Jirmstronfff ^ jetifeilar (^\LT "business directory ^mwti$ €m\$. ||CULLOCOH * YOUSO, BattHeni, Markdal*. do a seneral baukinR bns- iaara. UoDeyli»DO>l at araasoaabla rata. Call 911 nil. AS. VANOrBEN. J. r. ^ tn«rk 0th DlT Court. Co Qrey iMuer o( Uaniaga Licenses, Comiuissiocer in H. C. of JuEtict, Auctionoer, etc. Flbshbbtoh p. O. TVKBTS COI.LKCTEO. The tinderaiiineit is pmpared to undertake the collecticn of all kinds of debts. Notes bought, accounts i;olIected, etc' U. N. HEKDBRSON » ri.«snEBTOi< TCHISLETT • Flesnerton ytatioo Poatmaster, Commissioi:er in H, C. J., Con- Tsyaucer : deeds, mortgages, leases and wilK drawu. Money lo Uu.l at 41 per coDt.aiid uy- warda. Debts collsoted. Charges moderate. T} J. 8FB0ULB. Postmaster, Plesherton. CommissIoDsr In B. R., Licensed Jiuotlonear, Conrcyaucer, A • pralaer and ilouey Lender. Keal b'state au'1 Ittsuiauce Ager.t. Deeds. Mortgages. Leases, and Wills drawn np and Valuations made on â- horiest notice. Auction sales aitouded to in any part of the County. Money to loan at low •St rates of iiiterast. Colioctious attooiiud to with prom'>tiie.i8 and despatch Charges low. Agant for the Uominiou btcauiabipCouipany. •lieap tickets from Flcshortou to i^iveipool, Ulasgow, London or any of thn Ur'iisb ports. Parties iiiteudlug to visit England, Scotland vr tralanJ.wiU pieasa ask rates before purchasing their tickets elsewhere Jiacilirji. AO.U.W.â€" meets every flrst and third Mon â-  day iu each month, in their lodge room Strain's lilock. b'lesherlon, at 8 p. lu. W. .Walker. M.W.; W..>. Bollauiy, flnanc'er W. Irwia Kooordar. Visiting Hrethero invited. ROYAL TKMPLAR.S OF TEMPERANCE. â€" Uegular Council meets every first and tli*r.l "rueftjav evening in ctn'b luoiuh. in Bproule's block at 8 p. ui. Select decree insurance) meets monthly, the Wednesday praoading the Hai of each month. SONS OP TEMPERANCE.â€" Thin society meets in Dr. Christoo' Hall first Wod nesday In each ui inf!) nt 8 p.m. Visitit-g iwathareu invited. lusurauca lu couuoction. UP. B. A., moot iu their hall, Chrlstos's Block ovarv second Thursda) iu each tuouth. I. O. Brown, W. M., T. Clayton, Sec- retary. FINCE ARTHUR LODOK, No .M3, A F ft A M. moKt in the Masocic Hall, Strain's Block. Flosherton, every Friday on or before the fullimoon. Qoo. Mitchell, \V M , W J Bellam] , secretary ^^ DUFFERIN LODGR, No 1S8, I O O F, meets in Clayton's Hall every Tues- day evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited AS VasDusf.n.N a Wm Mooiui. 8eo Jrtttiisnif. J p. UABSBALIi, L. D.a.M.D. 8, Dentist. Viaita Utrkdale the 1st and .Sid Wednesday of each mouth, rieahertonâ€" Each trip on the dav c.owing. T G. CAUPBiSLi, L D 8, DD 8. Dental Surgeon, Markdale. Ufllcsover McCuUough <& Young's bank. Hoursâ€" 3.30 a.ui. to p. m. Visits Flosherton the second and fourth Thursday ot each month. OfUce at MuUBhaw's hotel. Tl HEXDERSON D D 8, M D 8. Dentist of Toronto (gold meitalist) will visit Fiesberton protossian- a>ly the flrst Wednesday of each itmutb and Dnudalk the day following (Thursilay.) PKUBT t BATSON Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyanoera, etc. Officeâ€" Next to poa office. Bproule's block FltisherteD,flVory Thursday until further notice, C. A. BAT80N J. W. FEOST LL. B. N. B. â€"Owen Bound offise. Frost's block Poulett St. East. T UCAS ft WRIGHT, Barristers, Solicitors, ConveyaQcers, etc., Owen dound. Oot. - Markdale, Out. W. H. Wbiout. 1. B. Ll'Cas. N. B.â€" Flosherton office, Ultchell's Bank every Wednesday. TUCEEE ft PATTRBSON. Barristeis, solicitors, eto. Molsou'B Bank, Owen Sonnd. Harry O.Tucker O^. W. Patterson MAUKAY ft HATTON Barristers, Solloitora. eto. OfflcHs-.'WPouIette St.. Owen Bound ; and Uain St. Diindalk, every Haturday. N.ll.â€" Alwavs iu attendance at Fleaberton and Dundalk Division Courts. A, a..MAcKiiY. M. A.. W. J. Hatton County Crown Attorney. gUrtiral nu BUTTON MDCM, M P PftB Out, Priccvills Office next door to Brown's store; residence one door west ol Methodist church. Kiuro-Hiit. Office days, Tuesdays and Saturday D.^*^ ABTER M C F ft S Ont., Physician, Burgeon, etc Flosherton officeâ€" Straiua b7ock. Rosidenoeâ€" Munsbaw'a Hotel JOHN A SCOTT U B Member College Physic, ft Surgeons ,Ontsrl Orcduato in Medicine of Toror i University Fellowship Diploma, Post Giaduate Modioul School and Hospital, Chicago. D iseoses of eye ear, uose and throat specially treated. Resi- dence, Maxwell, visits Feversham Thurs'lavsl 1 J P OTTKWRLI, Veterinary Surgeon. Gradnate of Ontario Veterinary Collage. Reaidencaâ€" Nexk door iODkt of Moore's planing factory. Reply to Tbe Batchelors' Sale Yon have heard that tbe baScbalors all nansk be sold, The proceeds to go to construct a railroad,? Pantoca, I think, has a big sobente in view To raise some mora money to give Mr. Pew. Be that as it may. if you're anxious to sell L think the beat place would be Uunshaw'a hotel. For tbe shouts ot tbe crier and cheers ot a score Might be quit annoying at Mr. Hogg's store. And It all those msek batchelors don't some to the tront Pantoca might then get up a sorub hunt. Now girls if you want to pick ont a good man Bring Diogenes lauteru along if you can. They are not quite as plentifal out here, my dear As Pantoca's veraes would make it appear. Eugenia, Dec. 9, '96. Ba'TchsIiOB. midst Mrs. R. Shears. She laa*es a husband and several children U> mourn her loss. Mr. J. Freeman and wife, of Ohio, are j here on a visit to the friends of each. I Mr. J. M. Davis was up to Owen I Sound last week attending the December I ineeting of the county conncil. HURRAH Priceville i'rom out own Correspondeut. Jack Frost has At last asserted his ri^ht to rule, cou8e<iuen>ly plows are hiid aside for the winiur. The fall has been ail e-tceptiimally favorHble one for plowiuij and uiost farmers in this ooiiiiiiuuity were not sluw iu taking a<Uaiita^e of it, hence morei (ground has been turned ovei this s>:u8<in than usiial. One day lost week as one ef our pruiniiiL'iit yuuuK men went tbrouvh our busiest thoruui^hfareiii an old fashioned cart, the pin holding tlie b>>x iu position became drtuched, the box described a circle, and U. H. w»s noatly, cleverly but rather uncereniouisualy janded out at tbe rear end «f thi vehicle. Ltst Tliiir<d»y one of oar uimrods celubrated ThanksL'ivinit day byshiHitinif a tine eat bekinxing Co a west end resident. We wouM advise him to give die tuwujine a^ wide berth for a few weeks A l>evy of pretty itirls (fathered at (ho residence of Mr. John McArihur'8 III the capacity of a quilting b«e. Of course P. F. was all suiiies, aud no wonder. Messrs. John and Robort Psrslow, who purchoMed the Burnett farm, have ,ilren>!y begun work on the newly aoi)uirid cKbitu. The boys are hustlers and will no doubt make a aucccss of tbi-ir Hjiecul.ation. A very Inrue congroifstion took part in the union Thankngiving sHr%°ice, held in clio .Methodist church last Thurttilray niuruiiiit. The Rev. Messrs. McLeod and Iliiuiphruys delivernl appropriate uddrvsses ftliss Sara Henderson returned to Toronto Last Tuesday. Miss .MiiL'gie Dei by spent Thanksgiv u\)l day with friends in Mnruiaoby. Mesbra J. D. Brown and R T. Gfier, Dundalk, spent Sunday In this burg. Mr. Bert Fatiun, who has been resid- in<( in Middlesex, is home on a visit to bis pitreiits. [The .tlxive items were received aftsi goini.' to press lost week and this week's budj^et has not ariived up to dateâ€" Ed j Moant Zlon. From our own CorrMpmidetU. Mr. Geo. Tboinpson's sale was well at- tondfd nnd thiogK stild readily but prices rt-alized were rather low. We are glad we art* iiot losinij: Mr. Thompson from our midst but lir>pe he has still many days to spend anionic us. Juduiiig from the hustle some of our ynunit bachelois art- getting on they will not med to he put up at the Euvenia sale, although we have a few still who niiitht. Bom â€" On Monday, November 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. James Cunifield, jr., a daughter. Mr. Jamos Cornfield, sr,, has been visiting Ilia son Joseph in Action, who hiis been laid up with hluod poisoning in his .trill, got by a cut un glass. Uo is, however.uettiiiK better. Mr. PHiitlniid of Kimbcrley held service here on Suiidar in the absunce of Rov. Mr. Balfour, and insured for biui- self iv full house should he return. Mi.s3 White ot Markdale spent Suuday with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Taylor, Jr. Mwaei Uattie ilaiiey, Annie McNevin and Mary Jainiesoii hare gone tu thn Quoeii City. We wish the girls success. John VVntjon, Blacksmith of Kiinberley, spent Suuday with old acqunintaiices hare. We are sorry we have lost John from our uiidst.bub our loss IsKiinberley's gain, and we wish him success in bis new home. The anniversary >â- Â«Â» splash in oun- nectlnn with the Sabbath school here ia tn be held on tbe 21st. A good time ia expected. The offjcera and oiembera of the Sabb»tii school are aa busy as bees preparinu for it. Miss Elsie Brodie is viaitinit on the Meaford Rtiad. At the last meeting of the Foresters of Yaiideleur Court, the following were elected officers for the coming term, viz: G. Pritchard, C. R. ; W. T. Kells, V. C. R. ; G. Wriuht. R. S. ; D. Graham. F. 8 ; G. WarliDg, Treas. ; W. J. Hutchinson, Chap. ; ». Gilbert, S. W. ; S. WarliuK, J. W. ; B. Carruthen, S. B. ; R. G. Warluiif, J. B. ; J. Bolaud, P. C. R. ; Dr. Ego, Physician.' For Boys tnd Girls, Youths and Maidens, old Folks and Children. Proton iitatfoB Mild weather, and everyone looking forward to the holidays. VisltiUK : Mr. and Mrs. Howell with friends in Kimberley ; Mr. aud Mrs. Hiiwell of Warehain with friends here ; Mr. Harry Freeman of Buffalo with his brother of this place ; Mrs. Alf. Mo- Au'ay with acquamtancua near Badgerua; Mr. Neil McLean with Messrs. Small and Wilson, Toronto. Messrs. O. Slieraon and T. Lockhart are home from the west aud report an abuiidant harvest where they were. Mr. John white has almoei disposed of his herd uf bicycles, believing ibis north- ern clime too severe to winter over such animals. Wood bees have been boomine for the past couple of weeks with the usual ball I ur kissiuif plays at night. Mias Maggie Hales, who has been under the doctor^* car* recently, ia ou the mend. Miss Maggie Patton of Hamilton ia ' home for the hohdays. I Don't forget the Orange soiree oo the I8th iiist. in the hall here. I9TE got presents for yoo all and 1 intend all shall get them. Old Father Kmas is on bis rounds ajjain and will be sure to loadnp at Richatdson's Drugstore M he always has done for the last tliirtj years. Well, to numerate lome of the many things I have got, we will begin with X)oll Rubber Dolls, China Dolls, Nigger Dolls, Dolls Naked and Dolls Dressed, Dolls with real Hair, Dolls with imitation Hair, Dolls without any Hair, China Dolls and Chinese DolU. Kid Dolls and Dolls in carriages tb^i kick their beats and hold out thcic hands to be taken away from )m6. Kppins Frotn aur own C'orre.'tjjunJetit. Bills are out for the anniversary ser- vices to lie held in the church here on Sunday, Dec. 13. Rov. W. G. Uuwsoii of Meaford will preach twice, at 10.30 a.m. and 3 p.m. On the fullowinu even- ing a tea will be given in tbe basement and an excellent program provided. Mr. Joe Wright saihi for Enitlsnd this week, where he will remain until sprinu with relatives. Mrs. Wright ia visit inj in Arteinesia this week. Dame Nature is very stingy with the beautiful this season. Nh s<ioner dovs she send us etiouuh tu make an excuse for getting out the sleighs than she makes the south wind blow and alas ! the fair dream of merry steigh bells is doonied,lu reniHiii unfulfilled. The now nail carrier, Mr. Sherwood, has, we believe, secured board at Mr. Clarke's. FIcshcrtoB Station i Town Line A and £ From our own Oorrtat'otuient, Mr. A. Sewell has baen adding to bis real estate, having lately purchase fruni his brother his half of the old hmuestsad. Death visited this neighburhood a short time ago and rcuiuved ivom our From uiir oio ' corretpmident. It is our sad duty this week to pen the (leatk of Mihs Miiiiiie Lawrence, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Lawrence, who died un Thursday morning at eleven, of heart dLseane. The deceased wa« 24 yuurs and nln« months old. She was a iiienilier of our Bible class for some years, and left a full asaursnce that all was wed wiihhersoul. Many prayed and «tng with her from time to tune at her request. On her coftin were placed by friends several wreaths of flnwerv The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon to the Flttsherlun cemetery. At the Methiaiist church,the Rev. Mr. Mahaii preached the funeralseriuon from the fourth chspter of Anius and twelveih verse : "Prepare to meet thy God." Tbe cortege was a very large one, there being over some seventy vehicles, which testified to the high estoein lu which deceased was held. The bereaved family have the entire ayinpathy of all in their sad bereave nieiit. Mrs. E. Sergaut received a telegram •II Saturday from north Orillla stating that her father was dead. She left ou the oveuiiij train to attend his funeral. Mr. J. Hodtrson of Hornings Mills viKilfdatMr. Chislilc's this week. Ml. aud Mrs. S. Stewart visited Maik- dale frieiidK lewt week. Mr. White of Creetnore is visiting his •inter, Mis. Cairn.s, this week. Miss Maggie McDonald of Durham Road is the guest of Mrs. White. Mr. Little and Mr. Jordan, Banda, are visiting at Mr. Granger's. We are glad to see Mr. George Snell around once more. | Mr. J. Carson ef Ihuham called on friands is town last wsekk I I have stoves with dliings, Wheel- barrows, Carts, Waggons, Drays Carriages, bleighs, iSkyes aod Cot- ters, Horses, Cows, Donkeys, Goats, Nonkies, Cats and real live CaU, Dogs real aud imitation, Wool^ Dogs, Iron Dugs, Trotting Dogs ia Carts, Barking Dogs, Cats, and Guns to shoot the Cats and Swords to cnt their heads off. Pistols and Pocket Knivei, iSteam Boats, Canoes and â- Sail Boats, bteam Engines aud Trains, Bicycles aud Trycicles, Trauks, Banks, Boxes. Mouey Buxep, Surprise BoxeP, Puzzle Boxes, Glove Boxes, Haudk>.'r- chief Boxes, Music Boxes, Pill Boxes, Necktie Boxes. Work Boxes, Tool Boxes, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Iron Boxes, Wooden Boxes, Paper Boxes, Celuloid Boxes, all kinds of Boxes. TIN HORNS, Tin Trumpets, Tin Whistles, Drums and Fifes, Picaloee and Flutes, Fiddles, Fiddle Strings and Fiddle Sticks, Carpet Swe«t>er8, Sad Irons, Cruet Stanils, Clowns, Clocks, Watches and Wax Matches, Caiidlrs aod Holders, Cups and Saucers, Ink Stands and Shaving Mugs, Shaving Soap and Looking GlaiMes, Noah's Arks and Hatchi'ts tu smash them. Ladies' Dress- ing Cases, Geii'tA Dressing Coses, Mani- cure Setts, Travelling Companions, Jewell Boxes, Writing Desks, Widking Sticks, Smokers' Companion, Pipes, Cigars, Cigar Holders, Pens, Inks, Paper and Pencils, Rings, Pins and Bracelets. VASES A handsome lot clearing out at less than cost. Tea Sotts, Knife .'tnd Forks and Spo.'n". A very select lot of Iwauti- ful Photo Album and Autograph Albums. Perfumes in bulk or bottle and Caster Oil the same. School Bags, School Com- panions, Shopping Bags, Paper Bags and Grain Bags, and some other kinds of Bags. Christmas Booklets. Birthday Cards, Christmiis Cards, Visiting Cords, and that other kind of Caros. Day Books, Toy Books. Bibles and Hymn Books, Poets, Dialogues. All kinds Recitation Books, Pocket Book.s, Purses and Card Cases, Machine Needles and Oil, Mixed sweets from 6c per lb. up, Oranges, Lozungers, Lemons, Sweet- heart, Cupid Whisijers, Nuts. Filbert Nuts, Almond Nuts, Pea Nuts, Wii 1 Nuts, Brazil Nuts. Nigertoe Nut.«, Pea Nuts, all for Christmas crack inu.and after Christmas. We have Pink Pills, Liver Pills, Kidney Pills, Salts and Senna and CssteroiKaiid all the inediciiio to sal you up again for another yeor. With the above bill of fare I hope you will bo satisfied. Wishing you all a very marry Christmas and a happy New Year. I uui yours to serve, W. E. RICHARDSON 1 1 ave |;ot things a litt's mixed, you oatk ipiok 'them nut yenrf'dVM.

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