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Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1896, p. 5

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THE riSHllTON ABVAMCfi Vicinity Chips. Vbaracteristica of the Past Week Carefully Culled for tbe Carious. Bi-itnaai noncus . among lucaU iciU be nharfjeil at the rate of 10c per liite for tculi, imtcrtiim. A reduction m'M be tiKtrfij on e-'rUraet» fur 100 liites or over. Thj Djcdmber anssions will open in Owen Souiidon Tuesday, Doc. 8. Chaii. Pya liai been appiiinted post- tr.iuterat Ciarksbuig. Tiie last sessi.iii of Cnuiiry Council under rha "Id ro\;iiiie is in session at Oweii Sduiid tliis weok. Mr. Tiiorp Wright wishes us to cfate t' he i4 u<it hkely to be ia the market this wiuter for the purchase uf elm logs. Thero will bo a concert in Oanierou's schodhome oil the evening of Friday, DucCmbor 11. Adiuisuinn 15i', cnupic 25c, children 10c. Winter appears to liavo set in with us in earnest, iilth>iugh ii is :still u di^ puted (^iius^im m to whether sleighs or ^TiiRODs are the most satisfactory. Taxes â€" after t'le 10; h of the present RontU the unpaid c^x us in ward No. 3, Aricuiesia, for the prisont year Will be placed in the hands uf a bailiff fur col- Icutioa. John Wrigut, collector. Albert Kimear, who fell from a drtd;;e «t Albany, mentioned in last week's paper, was from Muxnell. not Maik<1u!o BS the d-npatoh stilled. The funeral t^ok jilice at Maxwull liist week. I have llie following farm implenicnts which I am wiilinsj to exchange for wood: A iiew borso or hand power straw cutter, pu'pur and slicer, steel head gang plow and cominou b'.pcI plow, all Wdkinson irnke. Wai Strain, Flssherton. For Sole Cheap â€" One cabinet Sunday Sobuot org:in, four large (bronzed) six lamp cbaudclivts with 24 lamps co.iiplele and tin huge gotbic church win'b>»s. with ataincd glass margin Apply to Win. Claytoo, or to M. Uichardson, Flesherton. Millinoiy ! Full Millii.cry ! ! The orders still cnnie in briskly at Mrs. Trimble's Millinery Rooms, more ordcia in each week (hat we can execute, a cafe of very cliesp hats just arrived, great bar);aiiis ready f"r each day. Next door t» R. Trimble's store. Mr. B Hislop has had his Sensorial omporiuui touched up by painter Beatty. It has been done in three nhadtts and now presents a co y and coiiifvirlshle ap- pearance, and adds greatly to the pleasures uf a scrape. The young nn n who proposed growing whiskers have now postponed the uiniter iiidetjiiitely. On Thursday last the B.-tptist congrega- tion of this place hospitahly entertained about twenty of ihoir Pricevillo brethren in tho chapel here. Supper was pro- vided by the ladits and a prouram wa-s given of readings, singini;, recitations, etc. Mr. J. E. Mnoro acted as chnirninn. A very plea'<eiit and prohtable evuiiinK was sirent. The union Thawkssjivioi; service in the church on Thauksgiving Day was well attended. Rev. Mr. Ciozicr, of Grand Valley, Pieshyteriao iiiiniscer, oc- cupied the pulpit, and preached a Si.'riniin very appropriate to ihw oceas'on, and one which was very much appreciateil by those present. Mr. Cros'/er is an earnest speaker and presents his facts with con- siderable [lower. A cici/.en informs us that no report, of the lite improvements to the Methodist church and the reopeiiiiig services has yet appe'irod in the offioial church paper, lie thinks thij strnn^je and wonders why this " tbusness." Perhaps it is because no official reporter was appointed and those who worked so haid are too modest ti> talk about it. A lady sends us tho following receipt for making bread in from fo. r to five lours. She has herself tried it and pro- nouaces it good: Boil six l:irs;e potatoes, pour the water over two cups of tlour to which has been added one heaping table ipoon of granulated sugar and one of salt; mash the potatoes and add them to the mixture with four quarts of boiling water. When cool enough add 1^ yeast eaket*, prepare it in the morning, and when raised set it aside, and when you Mfaiit to bake take the (juiiutlty yuu uoed. put in a tin reiuel and set it in • pot ot hot water. Stir briskly till warm enough then put it into warm Hour and keep in warm place and it will rise in an hour. Mix I wicc and put in pans and when light biake. Half the quuntity might be used At the Deceniber Sessions, to be held in the county town next week, the fol- lowing casus will be tried ; Queen v. John Crate, burglary and theft ; Queen V N. Kelly, seducing and having illicit intercourse with a girl under promise <.f marriage ; Queen v Adam Holley, three charges, two of stealing and one of assault and wounding : Queen v. H. Cook, theft; Queen v. Wm. Allan, illicit carnal know- ledge with a girl ; Queen r. Sarah Jane Allan, aiding andabetting her husband in the preceding case ; Queen v. Mrs. M, Boyle, shouting. PERSONALS Mr and Mrs. Mahan speut Thanks- giving holidays in Tor<>nti>. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. OtlewuU spent Thanksgiving holidays in Queen City. Geo. M. Rutherford, of Ru';herford'a .Sons, printeis, Owen Sound, died last *etk". Mr. W. Iiwiu spent Saturday in Dur- ham, looking over his future field of JMuriial^stic labors. Mr. and Mrs \V. J. Douglas, Colliug- woimI, visited the lat'er's parents here, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. VsiiDusen last week. Mr. and Mis. E. Thompson, of Col- lingwood, spent Thanksgiving Day with the former's mother here, Mrs. J. Thompson. Rev. J. Mahan attended the opening nerviues of the Methodist church, Shel- turtle, which has been uiider!/oing re- pairs, on Sunday. Tbe pulpic here was tilled by local talent. Ainoni> the Thanksgiving Day visitors ill town were Mr. Wes. Armstrong, Lucknow ; Mr. Bert Armstrong, O. S Col!.'giate ! Mr. D. Clayton, CoUii.g- wood, and Miss Meda Henry, Markdale. Married st Buffalo On November 11 at 3.30 o'clock, Miss Nellie Josephine Deck, daughter of Mr. and Mis. A. M. Deck, of BuflWo, was mirried to Mr. Herbert H. Burk, of M;ixwell. The Rev. C. Krick seeker, of Grace Episcople church, performed tho ceremony which was witnessed by rcl.v lives and intimate fricndn. As tho wedding march played two little maids led the way, Ethel and Grace Deck. Miss Mary Deck, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. Mr. Nelson Uurk acted as best man. The bride was dress- ed ill ber travelling costume of novelty goods and carried bride roses, while the maids carried carnations. The house wa^i decorated with ferns and cbrysan- tliemuiiis. Directly after the bridal dinner Mr. and Mr.^. Burk left to spend their hoiioyinoon, followed by a shower of rice and old shoes. They received a number of costly and uncful presents. Mr. and Mis. Burk on their return will be at home at 28 15 street, Buffalo. â€" Buffalo Evening News. Buried Alive Dui-ald Curiiu of Egroniont, living about three mdes f I cm Mt Forest, an old and hiiihiy respected resident of the township, was buried alive in a well on his farm on Saturday last. About 10 a. in. a mar. whom he bad envraged to clean his well bad completed the work, and Mr. Currie placed his foot in the loop of the rope and descended to see the appearance of the well. When about 20 feet down the well c.ivod in, precipitat- ing the earth and stone curbing upon the unfortunate man. Willing hands at once .set to work to remove I he debris, but owing to tho Idriro quintity of earth and stone they did not succeed in reach- ing the body until the next forenoon Evidently the poor man had been killed iistaiiily. as his head w:i8 b idly bruised* Mr. Currie leaves a widow and grownup family. He was about, 56 yeai-s of age ai'd a nitive of Scotland. Clubbing List Advance and doily World $2 80 News 1 80 " Montreal Herald 1 80 " " Will ea 1.80 " Youths' Conip.ii) oi 2.3» " Weekly 1.60 •' Sun 1.40 The County Councils Law Tho Government are in receipt of nu- merous letters of inquiry on several points in thin bid, as follows : (1) Aro the teovts and depu^ reeves (who will not have seats in the County Counc,l)«f towns and townships still to be electe<l I Answer â€" The law upon this point reiuaiiui piecisely as it was. The act makes no change in this respect, and therefore they are to be elected oa hare* tofore, though they are not to take teata in the County Council. (2) Who has the power of appointing nominating officers during the present year ? Aâ€" The warden of the county ; in future years the County Council. (3) Can a voter divide the twq^ votes which he is authorized by the act to give, or must he give both to one candidate I A. â€" He may divide them or give them bo h to one candidate, as be pleases. (4) â€" Are nominatious t-- bo held on tlie same day as ordinary municipal uomiuu- tion, or the week previous to the ordin- ary nominations I A. â€" The statute is plain on this p. int. They are to be held the week previous, but the vote is of course to be taken on the same day as the vote for municipal elections. The suit of Ed. Kennicks, of Laurel, against the C. P. R. for damages for be- ing put off a train by conductor Troyer is still being pushed, notwiibstanding the settlement. Mr. W . J. L. McKay, of Oraiii^eville, is acting for the plaintiff. Electric railway matters do not appear to bo aliogethir dead. Tho Walkerton Telescopes says that letters are ariiving thick and fast from Miller Bros, of New York, urging the directors of the propos- ed electric railway to hurry up with the information which the contractors must have before proceedine further with the negotiations. Money they say is very plentiful since McKinley's election, and capitalists are just piii'ng away for an opportunity to invest it Dr. Rolston is on with his suit against the directors, the directors are making it hot for the engiiiuer. and old Pew is cursing all and sumlryfir not rushing mailers quicker. Now that the Grand Trunk has reduced its service, the need for an electric railway has become greater than ever â€" Telescope. CAME ASTRAY Camoto tbe prrniiKes of tlia undersiRtio'l, lot 3U. con. 8, Artemeaia, one cov ^lvil>^ uiilk. Tho owner is requoste.l to prove property, pa^ expeiisee aud tuie the auine away. J.\8. C.iRSON, Eugenia P. O.. Nov. 30, !». Election Notice I Pl'BLIC NOTICE is ber«by fdv«Q to (he Mutikifft) KleetOTfl of tlii> FffUk County Council Division of tbo County of Grey, ttint a iiiuetinR of aid Klectnrii will bu hultl in Victoria Ha.'l, in tbe ViDa^e uf Dundalk, on Monoay, tlm 'ilst day of Docuuibcr. A. D.. IHUu, atone o'clock p. ui. for tbe furpotie of uoiuinatiiig camlitlates for the oUJcea of two Conuty Councillors for the said Fifth Division of the Couuty of liroy. If innro than tbo necussary number of cautliilatoe are proposed fur tho said otticcR a poll will be cpciieu ou Monrlay, tho 4th ila> of January. A. D.. 18<J7. in said Hall com- nionciuK at nini) o'clock in the forenoon and clotting at five o'clock iu thu aftoruoen uf the 5f.ixio da). Datrd at Vi!lft«o of Dundalk, In tbe County of Grey, the iUtn day of Noveuibur, A. D.. \W6. W. J. WARUIiLL. ^vouiiuatinu Officer. Dissoimioi OF PMTEEeseiP Notino is hnrobv Riven that the partnership horotofore exintlns between Georiio Lawlor, of tho villfiKo uf Miixwe!!, in the County of (irbv, and -TohoRon Litde. of tho same place, blnok^ smith. haH this liav been by nmual conHont diHro'.vrid. KM >tci:ontite due the abovo flrni niuHt bu paid to >tr. Lawlor by Duo. 1. lH<)t>, M'ho will also assume the paymout of any debts cou'> tracteU by tbe said firm. GKO. LAWLfiR .TOHNSON LITTLE, Dated at Maxwell this 5th day of Nov. l»M. Cheapest and Best Reading in Canada THE SITN l9 the Canada Farmers- Sun re-orfi-anized. ...» It l;-i slriclly Independent, and a Bystander" is a regular contributor- to its columns. .-.,,, It.., nmrket rf.port9 are acknowiedK- ed to be t.he fullest and most accurate :>uA>il»lved In Canada. It elvvs the best farmers page !n She Doininion. It cont.ajr.'ii a short story from Lon- lon Truth, weekly. It gives an average of iO columns or brtg-ht rcaJIng In ea<?h Issue. a Ills pjipor will bo®sPnt to any in Ctiiinda (untstde of : oronfo) to the end of 'i)7 for "><) feiits. Thxee copies will 'bo .<»ent to any lhr<>e aJdrtesea (outside fhis otty), for the same pcrtod for a dollar. 111). >uii iinl Weekly Glob; combliK-Miwill be sent to the end of I«i>7 tor Olio DolUir. A(l'-'.re«8 all orders to THE SUM PRINTING COMPANY, ltd. T RiNTO. Aeen^B Wanted. Write for terms, and h«e.r how to secure a gold watch or parlor clock, without the cost ot a dollar. Sneclmcn copteg free on appHcaUoiv^ •%%/%^^^%%^^fc/»%^%^>%^^%^^%%^'%'%^'%^%^'%^ AT THIS SEASON Of Ihe year liealth and comfort demands that you should be well shod. No one cau supply you butter and olieiiper than we can. We have a lot of BOOTS for fall that we are selling cheap. Also RUBBERS and all FOOTWEAR. Custom work and repairing promptly done at ^CLAYTON 'S^^ Agent for Dominion Express Money Orders I T. HILL . i. jf^ ^e, ou. .><^ -iv- â- s>t^"!j^i GREAT CLEARING SALE THROUGH NOVEMBEll AND DECEMBER FUR CASH. WE WILL GIVE FROn lo TO 40 PER CENT. OFF DRY GOODS OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN Men'a and Boys' Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Cl^ithinc, Men's and Boys' Fur and Tweed Caps, Men's and Boys' Rubbers and Overslioes, Wumeu's and Misses' Rubbers and Overshoes, Mantles at half price. Groceries we Can't be Beat 33 lbs Bright Sugnr Syrup, $1 00. 40 lbs. Bakins Syrup. $1 00. 5 lbs. 25o Tea, 91 00. 4 boxes .\xle Grease, 26c. 4 boxes Matches, warranteed fjood, 30c. 55 lbs Corn Meal, ?J.OO. 9 lbs. Germs, 25c. Clothes Pius, Ic dozen. Louck's Flour always on band. Cash or Trade for Hides and Skins. Kindly Call ou T. HILL m â- Ms, vis- vi? SIk •At- Mt. ^r^jcjyi Another Eye Opener LaHt week we cleared out a lot of stdeboatds. We have still a few more than we ought to cany and shall coutiuue to sacritice for a few days. Sio.oo for $7.00. But our greatest run this .reek will be iu Bedroom Suites and Bedding Includiu>< those liigh grade flatresses and Springs fur whicli tiii.s slore ia noted. Remember we do not keep a low grade matre!<s in stock. Ours are all standnrd grade aud guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Nothing low about these goods but the PRICE. Our UiMlertaklns Departmant as usual should nscesslty demand our Service. We shall render our best. RESIDENCE : J. At rear of Wareroouis. e:. ivioore: Furniture Dealer & Undertaker juuiiutitnininxutruv I Big Bargains WEEKS AT g^ s?^ ^1 J^O£farth's Store STATION ' S Come and gfet a slnare wliile tlicy arc gfoii^S" m CORDWOOD taken in EXCHANGE ^ CARDINa House to Rent I have pnttlio I'rlcoyille csrdin^ mill into flrs't olHsa lepftir aiil aiii rniployiug a ROoJ cardor. Good work dona proinptl.v. B. MuGowKS. Pricovillo. Jnbo2,'96. FARM FOR SALE Lots !«, 149 and 150, 0011. .1. F. or Toron»n and SydonliAin Rosd, 100 acres, 80 oloarod : good urchnrd and woll watered. Will bo Rold on ensy torm^. For further parUotilars apply to Fleshsrton, July 10, IHoi. BEECBOFT & TALUOT. Qood brick bouse and lot tu loiit in tbe vil' laga of Flushorcou. Applv to Wm. H. Hm.k Sop. IT FiBsberton P.0 The Advance FOR THE BALANCE OF THIS YEAR WILL HE GIVEN FREE TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribe Now;

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