SStKJ^i^^ C-r^-^*4v THB FtlSHIli'OM ADtiKCI D. ncTavish FLEBHBI^TON KEEPS ON HAND â- Repairs For Mji9?ayH'irrH, and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm implements. Fteui-y aid Verity plow3 on hand all tlie time, also all kinds of repairs for the «\\a^. Wo manufacture Wagons. Buggies, Gutters, Sleighs, etc. Ilorscs^hneiu;; promptly attended to. bpeoial attention to tender, cou- tract<fd font. Ljg^ing and Plow Cbains constantly on hand. FALL 5ALES . . I ?^^ *9* NOW RUSHING ! '^^^ This is the season of year when you want to buy a cutter or sleigh. I have them â€" heautiefi â€" and will sell on your own terms â€" if they are not all one-sided. Painting and rc-triniming done to order. Don't buy without luokijig in upun my samploe and gutting prices. R. T. WHITTEN %<«/%^%^%^%,'«/%/%^/«^^/%%%,'%/%,'e^^/%/%/%,%%%/%/%^4 ?^^?i^feggg?sgsgfejg^^:fe>5:^a5jgg^sg^^ GO TO J. H. HEARD . IFOR THE BEST^ â€" "^ SrnOIE.S, Wnijijons, Carts, Sprinj; T..oih and Iron Harrows- Frosts .-iiid Woods' liindors. Mowers, Horse Rnkcs «nd Ploughs. Fluiuy Plouuhs, Scuffl.'rs nuA Turnip Suid Drills. Dick's Pliiuglis mill Land R^ilprs. Shares for all kinds of PIoul'Iis. H irie SlioeiMi! 'Uiii all kiiidi of Klaoksmilhing. Wood, Lumber, Cedar Posts Shiiiulus. 89? ^^ .^L. jM. im^ .^fcfc .J^fc iJ^. .^fc i^^ ^Ifc __ ^ -i^- â- ^^' â- ^^ _ f^" -^^ â- ^» - * ~ â- *» _ -^^^ _^^- â- ^^. j^^ .^^^ ^sits>iksiet^(tSiit<ekS>/<iSiksfi- ^t'. •»'^> Jmt- •!% COME THIS WAY FOR YOUR FUDI Photos mm â€"TAKEN -AT THE The Best in Town Ais) BANAVAS, OR.\Nf!ES, LE- MOyS, CONFKCriONERY and every- !thiiii{ io 'ho Uioji Ty line always on Imi.d ttud at uli<.>it|>esl pricbs. A trial solici't-d. Flesherton Photograph I Gallery | are done In tlrstclius style and al £ 4 l.iwest ralen. fepecMal sttonlioii ^ ^ 1,'iviiii to co|>yinu. Babies' photos. & ^ a iipecialty. Pictures fiauied. it I MRS. BULMER I Bagenia Mills AMJ Carriage Works. Cxma^cs m;ido H:;d riepalred, alst Planing and Matching, Band Saw. lug. Wood Turning of every das- •o^-iptioQ. Planinrr and Gram Chop Oingdoas. while you wait, for th" Be iver turiia ttie wheal. T. W. niLSO.^I Mniiaxei- House and Lot For sale. Sclentllto American Agency for OAVBAT8, TRADE MARKS, 0E8IOH PATKNTS, COPVRtOHTS. etc. For Informatf'm ftnil froo jian>itH>ijk write to MUN.S « CJ,. W.I Hli.uLiWiT, NKW YoKlt. Oldput hiireau r»r erciirlng patunu tn America Kvpiy fiifr nt nkdi j.ut l>y uh Is brotiuhi b*ifore ihii i)iiiii[^ b/ u ii<'U('oglvur. freeorcliorgeia Uia lATgt'tX clr'nlntlon of nnv fl<^tPnUflo pupnr !n lh« woilil. Mi.l.nillrlly llluHlratuil, No lutcllliti-ne man lihoiil I iw wltlioui It. Werlily, «i3.«On Kif;»l.Wi;.liin'irilti«, Afl.ll»ss, MUN.N * CO.. â- LBBJUia, 301 llruwlway, Ken York Cltf. For Hftle ctioup and on oasv terms In FlfiRher ton. Spli-n.lid lar((ii, Fiillil liilik ilwellins, with ;ood HtoiiH collar, Hiininifir kitchen and wood- iion«e, hImi Riiiid f'uniti Plahlo, brlpk liiiud. P ii»iiiH».H (contains two larf;o lot Hand Kood yonnff irchiird. bnarinK tloiise and nu>buildiiif.'a are i.Tui-iitionollv well nniHhud and vury tunveni- tiUly laid out. Apply to n.J. SrBOiii.B. Fluliertou. Ua/nj look hero Dill yo ever n'u thn lilie o' ihiit liread ? U'h Bao lioniiy an' wlutu an' llaky, an' I'k jiiist Bs ,sw(!i't lis a nit. It wa'd grace I.i Ijiiiij; Oliiin',''.s lahlo i.'X even o'or niu uiidc Qiiuod'h, mill il8 a pleasure to liake it. Nhh Hoiiilrr Iluiidtrnon said ho wa'd wairuiit it lo inak' gudo hiuHil Onuiliiu' 111) botltT bieinl than that. Vor'o riwht, .Ii'iinir, it doCH alio uiiiie to look at it, lot alant) eating if. Thoy lull nu< h« lm» sonir rail* lmkIu TK.A, an' SUO.\R an' otluT (JROCEUIES, an' hix SWEETIES wad niuU' your mouth walcr to look at iluiiii. Hu has Htuuo uudii Trunks and VAI.TSES rale cheap. Tain, a' think it'ill b« to o'or ailvai,ta<{e to patronize him. Yo'ro riuht, .Tonni.*. Tlio under- signed tliankn .lonnie iin' Tnin for their i;iidt) and tniihfu' rucoinnieiid We sell O'tiilvie's Hiiiigaiiaii and Strong Raker's Flour, the best in the niarkut. .0) li/m, jffenderson OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Is tlfie irei^y £Kost PfiACE I.V CANADA TO (lET A TlofOd^li EiisiDSss Ejgcatioii. Take a Round Trip Xrt.rin*" â€" â- C'(»l!»g<>s nini (^- )iii<iU)rciiil l)sp,i.rli;i(Mit<( hi i'liimilH, thtiii vUit t'ttf Sinllievn HiHli)f'4ri Collax" ; oxiniliie every- t iiii'{ th ii-iaiKhly. If wd fnll \o protliioo tlio 111 >.4C (bo.'oiitdi.ooiiiploto. praotlcn) auil e^tun* itive loiino of -<tii(ly : tliA bust oo11<*ro iiroml^^ns ft ).| ^M*^ h'tfit and inon flomplotu and iiio»t suit- % tUfiiniitiirp uii'l n| t tliUiooB. we will give yuu % full ontirso FIIK.-,. l-nr Aittiital Annouiico- lifoiU.t^iving full pfiitioulars froc, Addron C. A. FLE.MINO. Principal Cash : for : HidesI SlioopHkiiis and all kinds of fuis pur- cIiusihI, for which highe^it nmrket price will be paid. • lloinoniade nauiageH on hand, alfo nil kinds of uieatsi. IMC. lAfIi:.S024^, Flesherton Meet Empoiiuni ۥâ- â- (7 an^ District Hsnor Rolla pRIOEVILLH AND DUXIHAM RTAOB. Dioliam atatf." leavoR FloshcYtoii Station et T.l.'i a m., retiirns \.\h p ni. Priiiovillo Ktai'e leave.-* tliH Raine placo al 12.W. rfitiuning at 4 4."). Fare to rrlrevlIlcandrotnrn.fiOceiitp; Duiham, ftfiO for rcdnrn. V*)*). vinfilo faro. I. ivory In ooii- nuctluii, Ordfranm be loft at either liotel. A. MpOAULBT Pro Tke county jail is oversowing with tramps. A VViirton man has a tame cron that can speak several sentenCoa quite distinctly. There are thirteen casas of diphtheria ill Wiartoii, and the public school has been closed. A valuable mare was stolen from the stablo of Thoa. Dowk's, Slielburne,one ni^ht last week. John Rsnsier, Duntrooii, who got his leg crufllied in a hay press, died from the effects, blood poisonini; hiving set in. Au accident cwcurred Monday after- noon at the corner of Place de La Marchand and Pateraoii street, which terminated in the death of Elhel Jrene Brown, aijed six years, only daughter of Mr. J. L. Brown, a tii email on the Grand Trunk. The little );irl,i>ccouipan- ied by two other children, wore playini; around the trunk of a willow tree, which had been sawed off, when it commeuccd to roll. The children at once started to run away, but ihe little Brown child wan caui^ht by the trunk, which rolled on her. It look three men some time to i;et the child from under the trunk, which was very h- avy, and medical assistance was at once called. Internal injuries weru received, inflninination set ill and the child died Thursday morniiii!. Mr. and .Mrs. Brown have the sympathy of the community in the logs of ti.eir dau^httir by the sad accident. â€"O. S. Advertiser. nONEY t MAKE IT Y0UR5eLP.I I have o)-Ter seen anything id the paper atioui the I'Hople'a VViud Mill; we calt it the I'eopIe'H btcnuso the iuveiKur never pateuMsil it, but let everybody n»e it free. Any farmer can make a mill hiin-elf, and all the material oimplet^rill not Cjst over 910. It is aapleudid mill, will pump the dvepeHi Weill, and will Inst lo.-.ger than any n.iU I ever bad. Any pt-i.iou on get diayrami aud Compete direciiuus free, a.i I .liil, <>y B n.lin^ 18 two-ceot stamps to pay p-isiuge, etc.. tu Francis CaacT, St Lonii, .Mo ; He B> lli pumps also, aiil when you gel yuur wind mill goirg would be glad lo srli yon a pump it you need it. I", is ct^rtainly uielcKs to psy t,'>(lorl60 Jor a wind milt when you cau make one just as Kood lor SIO. 1 think there could be big iQouty made putt. us these tiii U up tbroueh the couLiuy as ev(ryl>ody would like them. A Be/oir. Will Tuck, sou of R. W. Tuck, of the Royal Hotel, Shelbuiiio, had a narrow escape on Sfttuiday lait. He went out fhootini; alone and had entered the woods near Mrs. J. B. Doddh' reaidence and was Htunding looking around when all at once he got a charge of shot in both legs. Young Colley, aoii of (ieo. CoUey, shot at a rabbit and missed it and it happened to be right in lino with where Tuik was standing. The injured boy was standing with his left side towiii'ds Colley and the shot entered both legt, 8<iiuo of I he grains v.ow? clean tliroii;,'!) the Heshy pait of the thiuh and calf of the liR. Seventeen grains in all entered his legs, and one grain struck him near the heait but glanced off the rib. He was brought to Dr. Norton's olHco and put under chloroform but only two grains of shut were extracted. The wounds bled profusely. On Sunday another •.'lain was taken out. If nothing Serious takes place there is gooti hopes for his recovery. A Chrun That Churns inOne Hlnute I have been m the dairr business a 1 my life and have many timea churned for au hour before butter would appear, *o when I heard of a cbnrn that would oliurn in a minute, I cou -bil -d lo try it. Kvo'y day lor .t week I imrd it, aud not only could I ehuru ill a uiinuie, but 1 got. more and better butter than with the couiuion courii. Tnia la Very imporiant inioriicatiou t" buiter makers. The churn works etitily nnd <vlll ohuru an ordiDsry churing in lexs tiaii eixiy aecoodii. 1 have sold two dogeu (if theiie churns In the past mouth. Kvery bi'ttermaker that has seen mn churn in le i than a minute bou>;ht onq. Y iii oin obtain all desired iiiforin«lion regardiu^ the ohutn by addrenring J. F. Cas«y & Oo. , St. I.uuis, Mo., and they will givo you prompt aud Courteous aiteuiiun. A Daiuvhan. A preaclior was disturbed by the talk- ing nnd eiKxliii!; of seme of the junior members of his congregation, says the Evening Wisconsin. Being a man of tat, liu paused and said : Some years at'o there happened to sit right in front of the pulpit a young man who was per- petually launliinj; and talking and niak- nn silly faces. 1 stopped shurl.aiid took him severely to task. At the close of tho service a mail stepped up to mo and s.iid ; " Sir, you mndo a great mistake ; thai youn;; man is au idiot." "Since that tliuu I have not ventured to rupri- niaii^ any persons who bthave thciii- stilvcs indeon'ously in church, lest I should repeat the same mistakn, nnd in- flict censure ujion an idiot." There was exemplary silence during the rest of the lervice. Report of Flesherton Puldio School for October. V Classâ€" .John Hill, Frank Irwin, Eva Rutledge. IV Class-Ethel Trimble, Ida Gjerd- rum, Amy Kerr. Ill Class Sr.â€" Willie Swanton, Mina Beattie, Emerson Bellamy. Ill Class Jr. â€" Stella Loucks, Bert Biinihousu, Clara Bwittie. II Class Sr. -Ethel WidtUn, Willie Hales, Fred Lever. II Class Jr. â€" Id« Sullivan, Maggie Moorehouse, Geo. McGruther. Pt. II 8râ€" Ella Bamhous-, MUlio Crosbley, Kate Taylor. Pt II Jr.-Stella McCalmon, Lily Baker, Uarry Sloan. Report of the Piiceville public school. Cla.'is 5â€" Frank Reiley, Mai.'gie Mc Lachlan, Edith James, L>ou.-\ld M. Mc Leod, Annie Hiiiiarth. ClaiH 4â€" Lottie Tryon, Myrtl i Mc- Artliur, James Sullivan, William Uedey and Nathalie drier (t-qu^l) Edd e Watson. Class 3 sr. â€" Hennaii McLean, Mamie McLean, Ina McDonald, Gerta Nichul, .Jessie Marlm. Class 3 jr â€" Heury Watson, MauJ Roiley, Allie MjLean, Bjatrice Conkey. John McArthur C1.TSS2 sr.â€" Eliih Wats.di, Christie McMillan, B.:n McKinnou and Jacob (cqusi) Class 2 Jr.â€" Mary Halpenny, Annie McLean, Martha McKechnie, Ma^-gie McLeod • Pt. 2 â€" Dan McKiunou, Cathoriiic McLean, David Henderson Pc. 1 sr. â€" Jane McLean, D.inald Gillis, Minnie Halpenny. Pt. 1 jr. â€" Bertid Au>sum, Janio Watson, Mary Mc.Vrthur. Pt I (B) â€" Magijie WuUon, Willi. Cameron, Donald DcLean. Pt. 1 (.â- V)-Lousiii Watson, Bert^. Moore, Johnny McLean. Another Smart Woau.i My husband is poor but proud and h> do:;s not want me to wnrk ; as I havi uotbiug to do I K*>'' restlei>a, and aflei reading in your paper Mrs. Russell'-^ experbnoe Belli g teif-beaiug fla'.irnna I Ci.ncbide , I wou.ii try it. I wrote to J. F. Catey A Co., St. I.onia, Mo. and they treated me so nicely that I felt very much oncournged. As soon as I got my tainple iron I started out and sold 8 irons the firit day, cleariD^ 912. 1 huvi not sou) less thau eight sny day since, and oce day I sold 17. I now have VHib clear money, aud mv husband does not know I have been working, hut I am afrii i he will be mad when I tell biin. Have I done right or should I quit work and have hi tu struggle alone ? Ax .Anxious VVifr. You are doing just right, your husband should be proud of you, go tight aheai and show the w or. d n hit an energetic woman Otin do. That iielf healing iron n;uat be a wonderful seller, as we hear of so many that are aticceediug selling it. Edivard Rennicks, of Amaranth, re- cently putchascd a ticket fer L-trual at th« 0. P. R. station at Oran«evillo. The conductor forgot to stop the train al Laurel, which is only a flag station, and Renuicks was carried to Shelburne. He was told by the conductor to coma back the next morning, but missed the early train and did not leave Shelburne until evening. Conductor Troyer was in board this trip aud refused to pass Rennicks back to Laurel. Rennicks tjudered the price of his fate when Troyer pulled the bell ropo to stop the train, bat ho was pul off nevertheless Now ho is suing the C P. R. company for $.5,000 damages. T|ie casu has sineo been settled by the company paying cosIb and a few dollars damaiies. THE NEW HOOK SPOON FRLE TO ALL I real In the fhrlstlan Stai.rtavd that Mi-s A. M. l-'ritz. Ktatlon -A., Ht. LoniB. Mo, wen d f^ivo an eloftaiit platot hook hpouu to anyone sending litn- tun li CMiit HtantpH. I sent for one and found it 8o usofid that I showed it to niv frtenls, and made ^i;i.UOintwo honrn, taking ordure fur the spoon. The hook spoon Is a household neoesHity. It cannot slip into the tlihh or cooking vuRsel, btdiiK hold in tho t^laeo t>valtookou tile buck. Tho spoon Is eoine- lliinK ithat liousekoepcrs liavo needed evor since spoons were ftrsl invented. Anyone can get a sample spoon by st iiding ten 'i-cent stamps to Miss Frits, This is a sploadid way to make money around home. Very truly, Jsamnkttes. MAKRY THIS OIKL QUICK 1 saw In your paper that a 1:^ year old boy iniide ^\Xt tile ili'bt hour lie work<>d selling the P.jiroc.tlon Metal Tip Jjampwick. I mderoda sAntl>le and went to w<irkand the llr^t weik I ideaiod »10, the second week I cloavel ilj, I expect to run up to «25 s week in the near fnturo, as tlie l*erf«ctiou Metal Tip Lanipwick inukbs such a tteauti ul white Heltt nnd docs sway with smokey ohitunoys and had odor and save oil, it is easy to sell, tt yon wliti to try it »ond 111 two cout stamps to Miss A, M. Frits, Station A . Ht. lj'»uis. Mo., and sl.e will send von u sample outfit, this is a (,'ood way to make money around homo Miss Tina W. HAKE YOUR OWN LANTRRN Your home is iiicompIo»o without it, and tlie price Is within reaoli of sll. I ordered one for my ( wn useâ€" and It was so bendy and eon^ veniotit I went to*takinu tu-ticvs for thsni and sold fd in one day inakine over *;5 clear. It eivos a Iraautiful white lis'ht, chinoiey never breaks from heat, it Is always clean and reody. I-'runcis Casey, St. l.oiiia. Mo , will send samii'e fin- LStwo cent stamps, wrlto for â- oue, I got my start from bim. Qkoboe B. MOW THE DIPPER SAVEOTHE PARrt Father was siok and the mortgatls on tIM farm was ooniingdiKs, i saw in \,\xa Uhristhtn Advocate where Miss A. M. Fritz ef Station A, tH. Louis, Mo., would send a sample ujuiblua- tian di, i)^.r (or IS two oeut stuiopa. >Dii I order- ed Olio, i saw the dipper could lj« used a-i a fruit jurnilori « plain dipper; a Doa sti-aiuer; a fnunei ; a strainer (uuue. ; a i-ick room warinii>,{ pan and a pint meaistire- Tu.we elKbt dilleieiit iisos makes tiir (iijjper suoli a iieco»s«ry attleles tbati went to work wiiii it and it sells at vary near every house. Aiidia tour uioiithsli oJd cH tho mortgage. I think I can elearasinueh as iJOO u luuDth. Ifion need work you can do wa.l by niviiiR this a trial. M 11.8 A. W. Friti,, Statiou A, St. Loni.i, Mo, will seiiJyou a samplo for 18 two cent stampsâ€" write at once. ,;ohn O N - â€" â- • i»ii ^ - The Markets. iJareruIlr Corrected E;»ch WeeU l-'lour $3 80 to S4 ^'.) <>•"» 20 CO 20 Wheat 75 to ft) Bsrley 20 to 30 Peas 42 to Kl Butter 12 to 12 BgtiR, fresh , law" 16 Potatoes bag .. 30 uo â- ' 9(1 P'lrk 4 50 to aO Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 OO Hides 4 00 to 5 (Kt Sheepskins 25 to SO (•eesB 5 to fi Turkeys 7 tc 7 Chickens per pair .'0 to ' 2i Ducks per pair .... 40 to 60 \Vo.)l 17 to £0 Tl E TABLE OOIJfO SOUTH, Markdateâ€" G 40 a. in. 4.40 p. m. Fleshertonâ€" 6.53 a. ni. 4.03 p. ui. OOINU IfOKTH. Kleshcrtonâ€" 11.48 r. in. Maikduloâ€" 12.04 p. in. 9.17 p. m. 0.30 p. m. FKEE ! FREE ! X TBSTIItfG Preserve y.iur eyeeijjht by having th«oi -properly tested by W. A. ARMSTRONG, Optician Farm and Mill Site for Sale For salo very cheap and on very rasy tertni. Tinibor farm. 150 acrti^, Iwo luiluH ftoiu Kletih erton, known a-* the Wni. Ho^'t; sawmill pro- pt>rtv, ami uu which i>t an t-xcelleut water powoi â- foinidatiun of saw null, daiu uti'l pond auu wiiUir wheel in place and all ready for putting tiiiti uu. About 1 ) rit;ib8 cleured, ^0 acreH tiiubor, tiioKt otr, ^jaianct w il tiiubercd, mixed timber, rhiitfarin will b< -.Id at a bargain if Holdat oiico. bruall pavtiHut down, balauoe ou very o^ay teruiB. Apply to R.J. Sphi'T-LK, Flesiiertoa. On Carpet Weaving The utidersignod lias pi iced in position a first class loom for carpet and Uantiel weaving and is proparwl to Kive satisfaction. Bring in yonr RA08 or YAUN to A. T. HERON. Fleshorton, April 7, '08. FLE3EEBT0II STEAD LiD!'DBY. I havn opened tip ft uompleto Htoam lanndry In Kltftlierton, ami am prep;i ud tutHkuinany [|uautity of lannilrv woi k at lower prices tliaii uie ehfti't^ed eU^'whore. I bavoputln the latent aud moHt Unproved Machinery to that end. Kindly ^vo uie a call. Kutire satisfaction yiiaraiiteed.and piluen low. Mas. OkO. MoOBBHOUftB Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills Tbe undersigned are placing in t)0- BJtion a first class sawmill for custoii) sawing, wbioli will be ready for opera- tion in Jonuary. We have also added A CHOPPING ILL. For the coiivenieucc of farmers. Clioppiug done at any time at 5 centH per 100 lbs. The sash and door factory, band and scroll sawing business contiimed as usual. Pile in your orders. BEECROFTATALBOl M»initrT i i