^mmmm â- "'''''"â- ""^"iHMIilW^'nMlliHIiillililMP^ THS riSHIITOM ADVAtfOE «ji '4 >w>* g . '" -!. ' .. ' - ,I ' .-1L I "fiTittinity Ohips. Vbarautcristics ef ttic Past Week 4;art'rn!iy Culled for the Curiooa. tf'uiit««8 iiiinoiis iinumg Incalt wiU be churjKil at the rate of 10a per line for each insertiun. A redudion mil be made on cmtracts for 100 line* or over. Advertise slouk in The Advai.ce. Kotioe'^PArtle* b.Bviiiir fowl to market I Miidid»te for this Dirtrioti beliuviiig, will pIttHse l)iing Chum iu iH't later thnn : f uni my (uist •xpuriuncu of four yuan \e* Wuiliittsday nftwrnoon, by ubservmg this & uiunilwr of the uld County Couiiuil, that thay will HicUie luurkutu'l hwer in ardiHHi & Co. h«tter prices ibaii if tlia week. M, kiuli- Mr. Smellier nf Ci>lliiii(wuod t^iwnahip will le ft oiiii'lidiite for Ci>uiity CouDuilior io tlicCDlithiiiation ofOKpri'y,0iillingwiiud and Thnrnhiiry. Mr. Preston of Osprey is the 8oiiiliurii caiidiiiHCe. Mr. Neil McCohnaB 8 name is also tuuutioiuMl in this ounnectioii. lean be I if service to the ooinniunity in that capacity. I respectfully suliuit your vote and interest ua oue of your represeul»tives for the ooininKyear. Youra truly, i/L. RicHABmoN. - Fleshertnu, Nov. 9tli, 1806. Comins to Plesherton I Rubbors, Oi'erxiioes, LcKijiiius. A full Htiick, lirst <iu»lity, selliiii; cheap at ClaytiinS. Mr. S. MuCulliuisili h:M withdrawn fr Mil tiie Flc'lierton grain market and row it IS the Boyd Bros ai'd (Jole fiir it M'-'n"s Hi)me-ina<le Felt Boots. AUo Ijidifh' Felt Boots, ni.d a)l kinds of Fo'ilwt-ar stdl'nii cheap at Clayton's. R»v. Mr. FoUi.i of Dimdalk picachrd a ni'st e.iriii-st aiul [iractical sermon in t'le Melhod:6t church on Sunday inorniin;. He waa linteiied to with much pleaauru Thy party who took a lirdlu from the bnrn of Mr. L. llrauliury would do w.-!l t) return ii without I'.ciay A hi i should be .â- iutlicient. Mr. A. S VaiiDusen liaa removed his UiviBion Court • fti;:e to the new brick huililng erected ihi.' full on his o»n pretniaej* iipjiosito the Town liall. Mr. D. McTuvlsli Was moved into his i-ew bUckanii h and cirri ige shop on the <ite of the oid one, burned down a few yeaniR'^o, The now [iremi:>e» are roomy ai;d ule-'nttt. Thu lirat sk-i^h w:ii ruahinu the season on our streets iloiiday iuqniin<;. There w.-u only h.-ilf an ineli of snow to slide on l)Ut that w;i3 sufficient to satisfy pe^iile nn.Yious for a sleigh ride. Mr. JoH. Sherv/o.id, Eu:,!enin, h.os secured the contract of cariyiiin t'le mail between Fleshe.ton and Eppiiii:. We believe the coitruct carries with it a magnilicent salary of %'Sih. The Thombury Standaid has treated itself to a new headgear â€" now fall bonnet as it wereâ€" and looks cliarmii>g. The old girl is s^eltitij; b?tter looking as she advunces in yours, and is nice enough now to have her picture " took." If you have anything to sell kt the people know it through our columns. Vko advertisements in this paper arc read because they arc lire issues aud all interested readers know it. Keep your name before the public and you will keep thu public before your counter. For sale cheapâ€" One cabinet Sunday School organ, four large (bronzed) six lamp chandeliers with 24 lamp.< complete and ten laT);e guthic chuich windows >Yith stained glass niaigin. Apply to Wni. Clayton, or to M. Richardsoi', Flesherton. U. J. Middaui;h ex hotel keeper of Durham, died at his residence in that tttwn on Tuebday muruing at ':lio ago of 78 The funeral will take place to-day. Mr. Middaugh waa long and favorably known in this riding. His health has been gradually failing for the past few years. Mr. J:m Sanson uuuouiic>:d a few weeks n<;o that ho had killed a young bear aud the item found its way into these columns. It now transj^iivs that the bear was a big poicupine, imd Jim was not the hero that be would have made us consider him. (Jur local nimroda have not had phenomenal success killing deer iu this Section this fidl. A couple bivo been killed in Proton and a few out in Colling- Wood lowiisliip, but tho slaughter has nut been great thus far. A letter from the Mu»koka men atiU' iinces that they are havitig good succeai there. Mr. Telfer, of AlcMaster Hall, preach- ed in tho Baptist church on Sunday. I'ev.' Mr. Diirra^h will prencU licxt Sabbath, and Mr. McLeati Hie fnllowiiiu .Sabb'itli. Ti esegentloiiipn havoboenset apMt for the winter to take the service herd on alternate Sundays, Amite boxcontaiuiir.; something li!;o two dollars was stolen fioin the Bapti i church recently, and the officials say that the edifice has been broken into on several occasions. It in thought certain boys are the guilty p. rtics. A sharp lookout will in future be kept and we would advise the boys t<i give thieving and trespass a wide berth before an example is made of some of them, which will certainly havo Ut • b« done i(. their ^eprecUtioas con^iuAie. A couple of log buildings on the farm of Mr, Frank Chard, 2^ miles south of the village, and occupii d by Mr. Alfred Tliist'uwait, Were burned to the ground about 6 o'ekiuk Saturday evening. The buildiiig.s Contained Mr. Thinllewait's winter's feed, a<|uantity of grain, fann ing mill, ot^:. The farm had been pur- chased by Mr. Chard only two weeks ago from Dr Cliristoe. There was no in- surance on thu building, but tint contenis ivi ro fnlly coveied. Tho origin of the fire in not known. A .terious runaway oecuriodiu to«"n on f':iil.ay whereby Mr. Hector Kennedy of il.i.'i towiisliip nearly lost his life. Mr Kennedy was retuinini; home from town, and when near the Presbyterian church his horse took fright and ran away. At Mr. Richard Smirh's corner the cart was overturned and Mr. Kennedy «ascauv'li' in the vehicle in some manner and dragg- ed more than a block, when the animal managed to free itself from the carl' otherwise Mr. Kennedy's life was a forfeit. As it was he waa picked up unconscious, with a couple of ribs broken and biuised from head to foot. Ho was c.uried into Mr. Tlios Parks' residence and a physician summoned. Afterwards he was conveyed^to his home near Salem, and is, ws understand, recovorini: as Will a? cmild be expected in a man of his years, but it was a ulosocall. Principal Irwin Resigns Ha will Enter the Fourth estats ou Jaa. l«t Next Readers of Tho Ailvancu will bo suri>risud to learn that Principal Irwin of the P'lesherton public school has tendered his rtsignation to the trustees, after eleven years of fnilhful service here. He was offered last week the principal of Harriston public schools at a consider- able advt.nce on his present salary, but dec-ined to accept because there was, he thought, some! Iiing bettor in the wind, lie has di'cided to eiUor the list of news- paper publishers, and with that cndtin view purchased en Saturday lust the Durham Clii-oniole from Mr. W. J. Mitchell, the present proprietor, and will take possession on Jan. l.st next. Many of Mr. Irwin's friends here will learn the usws with extreino reirret. Wo are snrry to part with him. Durham will get an acquisition in Mr. Irwin, and The A<lvaiice wishen him great prosperity in his new t'enlnre. Tho politics uf the Chronicle will nut suffer nt the new proprietor's hands as he is a staunch Conservative. Remember the date I If you have catarrh nr catarrhal deafness and desire to be cured without riak of losing your money, call on the data named below, and you will be given a Germicide In- haler and nisdiciiie fur the cure of that disease wiibout having to pay anything iu advance. After you have given this (â- rand remedy a fair trial at your own home, and you tind it genuine in every respect, you can send us $3 to pay for same. If the treatment should n-il prove successful you can return the inhaler at our expense and need not pay one cent. Could anything be more fair ? You have eveythiiig to gain and nothing to lose. If the remedy is not all we claim, we are tho losers, not you. This uraiid reme.'.y is (.rompt, pleasant and pirmanent. Our re)iieseutative will be ai Richardson's . drugs! ore, Flesherton, S.iturday Nov. 2l8t, and will give all applicants 1.1118 remedy on above liberal terms. Remember the dale ! A Qlenelg Man in Trouble Mr. O'Haiiley, of Glcnel^, is in a heap of trouble, and a despatch from Oraiigo- villo ^i^ et the rea-son tl>ereof. This is tlie despatch, dated Nov. 7 : 'An inter estiiig case for brunch of promise of marriage ivill 1h! triod at the As.sizes here next »e»k. Tho plaintiff is Mary A. McDonalil, of Oiaiii/cvillc, and the de- fendant is one O'llsnley, a wealthy fanner of CJlouelg Townihip. He denies having given his promitie, and sets out that ill any event the plaintiff relca.^ed him from any promise he in ly have made. He also puts up the.defeiiec that ho and tho pliaiitilTare cousins ai.d Roman Ca- tliokcs, that marrta'{C8 between cousins is fotbiddcn by tho Catholic Chutch, that his ( *"""^s'^ "f marriage w-\s up n the condition that his eluiivh would sanction the 'Union, that the chuich has ncvor given such sfiiiction, and that eoii»c(|ueiit- ly the prorai.se to marry is void." Mr. Richardson in tlie Field Mr. M. Richardwni, niorohaiit for for County Councillor, and has placed bcfofo the doctorate tho following letter: Tolhc Electors of CoutUy Council, Divinon No. 5, Vuunty nf Grey: Fkllow Eitx'TORs : Under Ihe new Constitution of County Councils coining into operation at thu close of this year, you will have the privilege of choosing your representatives for )he District comprising the Municipalitiea of, Mark- dale, Duudalk, Proton and Artemesia.. I have coiisonted at the request of a large uvuahi^rof rotegt^eo to ofi&tr stjMif at a,. PERS0t<IAL5 Read M. Richai-dson & Cu.'sadvertiaa- ment this week. Miss Maud Richardson is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. T. Loitch leaves this week to visit friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. Leiich returned homo from tho Sound last week. Mr. W. P. Cronsley and Miss Ethel visited friends in Ruchestrr recently. Mr. B. Hislop visited .the (Mrental homo at Thombury during tho past week. Mr Charles Stafford left Wednesday to lake up his abode for the winter with his brother John, near Chicago. Mr. Fled Lyman, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. Mark Wilson. Small game is sutforing. Mis. Hartleyand son of Wiarton is tho guest of lior father, Mr. J. McCormick, cooper. Miss Aggie Lever and Miss Aguiu Gibson returned last week from an oxtimded visit to friends in Buffalo and elesuwliero. W, B. RusRol, iiif-peclor for the British Can. Loan Co., spiMit a couple of days in town nud «tasa welcome caller at this oflice. Master Ernest ArD.stmng left for Toronto this week. Ern. is interested in oluctricty and purposes making it a life study. He lakes a situatioii in thu city with that end in view. Mr. W. Guy, knight of the forge. Maxwell, was a wotcomo call«r on Thurs- day luwt Mr. Guy does not visit town very often, but when he does come his smiilitig face is always a pisspurl to the fiietidship of all with whom he conioi in contact. School Inspector Campbell was in town a co'iplo of times during the p-.ist week. Mr. Campbell likes this town, hu likes the people, and the place might bo cal'ed a "disiribuiirvg point" fur h's duties which accounts for the frequency of his visits. The genial inspector sh.iild niako his abiding place hore. Ho would tind the atinos|iherc oongenial, nud ewy- thiiig pleasant. Toronto Saturd.iy Night of last week published an excellent picture of Miis Annie Richardson along with the nc company ing note. : " Miss Annie Rich- ardson, whoso portrait appears on this page, sailed in Wednesd.-iy of hst week from New York to .spend a year in Eng- land. Miss Richardson is a well known elocutionist, and has been nssislant teacher of elocution in the Toionto College of Music School of Elocution. She goes abroad to study with some of the best tcacliera in LonduH, and next suiuiner will Miiike a grand tour with a party nf English relative.!. Miss Richai'dsoit^B home is in Flesherton, Out., b.ut she is woil known in Toronto, and those who have h:td tho pleasure of hearing some of her readings regard her as an elocutit.oiiai uf singular promise. In her trip to London Misa Richardson is accompanied by her aunt, Mrs, (Dr.) Washiugton of McCaul street, Toronto." Rob Roy public school havbeen closed on account uL the pEovaifHi^f. of diph- theria^, AT THIS SEASON . . . Of the year iioalth and eoiufort deiuands that yoii should be well shod. No one can supply you better auJ cheaper than we can. We have a lot of BOOTS for fail that we are selling cheap. Also RUBBERS and all FOOTWEAR. Cuatom work aud repairing promptly done at CLAYTON'S Agent for Dominion Express Money Ordors # Last week we sold Crockery, Cu|m and Saucers, Plates, etc., »k»| 30% less than regular prices. Customers, who bought them, were iV^ highly pleased. There is some left at same price. This week we ffiSkY are selling *fi?>J* Just what you want. Children's m iM Tobacco at 35c per Pound Also in stock Men's, Women's, Misses and HEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING | -^t ''S'" prices. ^^ J^ CasH. or T^radle for Kides c5^ ^^i^ -T. HILL m Hâ€"f I Special Bargain Sale for November Wo have a fow linos that have occupieil our floor space a little longer than we think thoy should, so we fall gracefully into lino with the laitjer ineith- ants of tho town and offer special bargains of theso goods. See theee as a iiaiiijilu of what we are doing : No. 1. LOUNGES, good, well made up-to-date, at $U, good viduo at #7.60. 2. SIDEBOARDS, walnut finish, feet inches high, 2 drawers, 2 cupboard doors, 12x20, ate mirror, regular price $8.50, selling for S7. SIDEBOARD without gla'^s, price #7.76, reduced to IjKi.aO. usual Parnltur* Dealer sad Uodertaksr >' I l! t > ^ si^j^2 ' jft^!^^ffli ! ^l^ ' ^^ ^r^r^. TO THE PUBLIC f« % % ''A We liave now opened our new store opposite Cairn's Hotel, FLESHERTON STATION And have a choico stock of Wo have also a select stock of Boots and Shoes and Dry Goods Of all liiiids, wliicl' we are pi-eparcd to sell at tho lowcsli price.s. Small pr.)tit.H .'ind quick returns is our motto. Call and tNainine stock and bo convinaed. 'Ml kinds of farm produce taken iu ex- change. Highest uiurket prices paid. • TRY THE NEiar STORED i R. Cook, = Flesherton Station Vi ._ ._ . CARDINa Ihftvo puttlio Vricgville i^BidlnR mill into flistclaa.i ropsir nud am oiupliiviiiij ft sooil carder. Good work (lonj promwlly. K, MoGoWEN. friceville. .luLS a, '90. FARM FOR SALE riOti 148, HO and !», oon. 9. K. nf Toronto ftiid tiydoiihftin TtoAilj 1(K1 acres, RO cleared ; «ooil orchard and well wntorud. Will be soW nn oMjr teruio. For (nrthur siartioalam apply to ElOSbortAD, .'ul; It, IHWl. BBBCSOFT ^ TALBOOL. House to Rent Good brick lioiine nnd lot to rent iu Ilia vil< . hlge of PlOBUorlau. Applv to Wm. H. Hale Sop. 17 Flesherton P.O CATTLE LOST Lost from tlio immjiaes of tlio uudersigofid ' lota 58 and, W, as. B. R.. Qaprey township, on or Rbont JiiiinUOIaHt.fOur llMdof cattle, all vOarllnRii. Ouo Krey ateor, one rod Rtoer, one heifer, rod and irblte, aud nue hoifor straw-, berry color, white and black. Information as to their whereabouta will be thankfully ra- oelvsJ. JtOBM RANNON, U«tlOth, M B*d|«nM PlOkK .-.-Ik.: