TBI FL88H11T0N ADVAllflE ESTABLISHED 1881 ^Ae ^dvance i^.'BLIHllBlr WSBKLY AT THR OFKICK. SYD- ENHAM STBBET, rLEHHEBTON, ONT., BV W. U. TUUBSTOl*. 91 per anniiiii,strlctly in advance Adveitising Bates: na Column, 1 yeu, $S0 ; hftlf col., 1 jrear, quarter col., one year, tlS. •«7 Transient advertintiiuent charged at the rate 1^ 8 cents yerliuefor ftrat iiiaertion and 3 cents •aob aubsequent luaertlon. Harvey, treasnreirof tlie city of ^uelpli, stole Boniething over teu tiiousand dollars and received last week a sentence of three months in jail for the ofi'eusc. All cruoks should take notice and govern their steps Uuelphwards accordingly. At the late Bronuaii murder trial at iJarrie the juiy broujjht iu a verdict of guilty with a stroiifj recoiumeudatiou to mercy on the gronud that they TS'ete not sure as to the umouut of provocation that Btrathy had given Brcnnau. This is tantamount to saying that the jury vras not certain V whether it was murder or naau- alaughter. If the latter it should not carry with it capital puuisliuieut. In cur opinion the ends of juslice wou.d libve been attaiued by life incarcer- ation, and probably the governor- general will take cognizance of tlic recommendation and deal witii it iu tl)W liglit. pupil had bt!un njHde a piychi 'logical Htudy by Ik* BKidorn and much iu>- proved teacher. Not long since a trustee told nie that an application had been received from a aeooud claw teacher, but seeing about that time his illiterate and rude cunipusitltin in a public paper, would leave hlui out aa a possible candi- date for the sitoetion, tiot yet vaca>*t Mo one competent to decide the question, can afiiriu that the average child in the average achuol is ureatly in advanco â€" much less " phenumenally " to â€" ot the child of 20 years ago. Some intelligent ones in the community think the vulvar acquirements of reatlint! and spelling are not so well tauglit as furmerly. I cun give examples that favor this concluHio.i, but forbear. I am afraid that the teacliora' conventions sometimes du.send to Honifthint.' like a uiutudl " admiration society." Tlie so much and frequently lauded school system of Oainida liati defects, (1) I regard the omission of Derivation in public Bobools as one ; a few elemeut-i give the enquirnig pupils a much fuller and more practical idea of our composite Diolher tonxue, than he can (tet by any means within liia reach in the present curriculum. (2) A i{re»6 number of tax- payera^ who do not luid cuimot avail themselves of the hiKluT seats of learii- nig, think, and justly, that they have to pay for their own aa well as for part I'f tlie education of their more successful ueigliburs, (hat the well to do classes should liear more of the expuii.se of liiglier education. Piincipal Grant is no doubt ri^'hl, PHlriotisiH of ti.e bintaiit kind is of doulitfitl aixl iii^rious quality, and so are public or semi-puUio estays which hold our teachers up to the looking-glass of self admiration. Ez-Tkacuee. Osprcy Council true reproduction of the oHuinal water- color painting, which was selected be- cause of its excellence of design and charm of color and tone. The size of each of the four foldiiii; pages is 10^ by 6 inches. It is by fur the best piece of color work the Ccmpaniun haa ever offered. Both aa a calender and usa gem of the litlKitfraphep'aart, it is so attractive that it becomes a valualile addition to the mantel or centre-table of any room. It is given free to all new aucseribers send- ing'$1.76 to the Companion for the year 1897, who receive also the paper free from the lime the subscripli<in i.s receiv- ed till January 1, 1897. Celebrating in 1897 its seventy-firnt birthday, the Companion offers its readers many excep- tionally brilliant features. Fully tw« hundred of the most famous men and women of the continents have contribut- ed to the next year's volume of the paper. For free illuKtrated pmspectus address, T kk Youth s Companion, 20.5 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. Clubbing: List Advance and ihiily World ?2 80 " " News...-. ] 80 " Montrcil Herald 1 80 " " Witness 1.80 " Youths' CompimioM 2.35 " WoeUly Globe 1.50 An Owen Soutid wife beater named Webb got a well-deseivcd sentence of fourteen days in jiil for his inhuman conduct. Prof. Coleman's report upon the Hi- covory of » hat v«.T« supposed to be ci'hI in Balfonr T>'wuchip has been issued. The substance id called anthraxolite, and the opinion is expressed tliat it may have a considiiiable ecotiomic value as fuel for local use. It is now the fashion in Un'ario to discover "sepcut mounds" or moniids built iu the form of a serpent by the ancient and unknown tribo of aborigines known to untiqaiians as the Mound I'uilders. One was dis- sovcrod some time ago on an island in iCice Lake, and last week was Hpcnt LyjMr. D. IJoyle of the Canadian iiistilntte in unearthing a mound in the township ollnuisiil, mar Bariiu. Now an Uiillia man claims to liavu discovered one near that placo 2^ miles long. This, however, can •oaicely be genuine. We were in- formed the other day by a gcntleiiiaii living a f !W miloa from this town that ha lu'heved lie hud such a forinatioii ou I h tiivtqj, £ilionld-thi3 be correct ii will pr.ivc of great mtoft'st and we will l;avc pomethui^- nioio to say nbout it. The saitM) grntlcmnii has pickfd tip Several iiitonisiing mid oui'inus Indian relics on liis place, some of tliem forms not usually found i^mouug the best known succimous. National Patriotism To the Editor of The Advancs. Have ju.st rend the condcur.od e.s.nay on "National Patriotisoi" by Principal Lrwin th.it appeared in The .^dranco re cently. There is one stateniant uliicli seems t't iiie a little strong, that " Uur K'luciitioiial advancement " is M plieiiomeunl " and this comes from (jlie improved or more enliyli'ened leach- ing, which, doea not reg.ird the child ns merely "a passive recipient." I cnii assure the Piiiici'|ial that hoiiiu of llio young ino'i i>f 'M years ago, iu our noi((h- borimod, have B«t been repeated, (hie I know, now a nihii.ster at a salary nf about 92500, who afHims that the in- tellectual quic'iening hu received in the old log school house, was never sur- passed in his experience. Not long ago, at a teacher's convention in Mttrkdalu, a uompetent teacher (a silver medaliat I believe) aaid that so fnr as grammar was coocerned, the teaching of our public Hfhools was useless or worse ; it was ou a wrong principle. The pupils had to liegin with rHiracing tirriniuous steps. Bitt parhapa a amall dtlhculty of this The council of Osprey mot in Mc- Lean's Hall,^ Mclntyre, on October 19th last according adji'Urmnent from August 17lh last. Membei'H present : D. K. Preston, .Jno. Clark, Wni. J. Monnghan, .lohn Sixers and Win. D. Allen. Minutes of last meeting read and conhnucd. Comiiii|^uicatioiiN were read from Ch'rk of toHnsliip of CoUingwcHHl, copy of resolu- tion- of Colliiijjwoixl council, in reference to money Kpent on townline. From County treasurer tax sale list, and list of arrears on occupied lamU. From Arch'd McTeggart, hill 83, repairing culvert on townline C. and 0. From Clerk of lownsliip of .\i'tenieKia, copy of resolu- tions of Arteinosia council, in reference to money cx])eiuled on townline. From Malcolm Cameron re aid to Mrs. Mc.Vr- thur, im indigent. Froiu Wm. Elliott, bill $b.'M) for gravel taken from lot 37, coll. 4. Bylaw No. 331 to pay to the several school see ions the am< nut of school levies for IS'.Ki received the necessary number of readings and imssed. M<maghan~8poer.<â€" That Mrs. McAr- tliur, an Indigent, be granted $3 per month and that tlie Keevo i.ssue his order for JIj, being liiBl two months' allow- ance. CJarricd. SpeeiR â€" Allen â€" That the Reeve issue order in favor of P. Ottewell for ^10 for work on 6Hi sideroad, cor> 13, and that the commi.ssioner of Div. 3 hold the oriler till the contract is comi>lctcd. Carried. Clark â€" Spoors â€" Tliat the Reeve issue his order in favor of A. McTeggart for ^ for repairing culvert ou townline O. and C Cnnied. Clark â€" Monnghan â€" That the Reeve i.sNUo his order in favor of the treasurer of township of ColUngwood for $10, being OspfBy's sharn of money spent on town- line C. and 0. Carrie;!. Allen â€" Moiiaghanâ€" That the Reeve issuo hia order in favor of .John Speors, for j! 1.50 for a truss for P. Ottewell, an udigent. Carried. .Speers -â- Miinaghan â€" That Jijscph Ir- win be paid JliO, for repairing washout on Fovershaiu bride. Carried. Clark â€" Monaghan -That the Reeve and Assessor be p.iid 93 each for service Hclecting jurors. Carried. MonaghaU" SpeciH -That this council do now adjourn to meet at Maxwell on December 15lh next. Carried. Council adjourned. TnoMAS Scott, Clork. BOAR FOR SERVICE Tborouglibre<1 Berksblre boar for servior on lot ItCâ€" 1C7, Toronto and Sydeiibnin Road, ArtoiuoHia. Torins : 7^ oeuts. Pedigree ou aopllcatlou. FHANK CHAhD. Kletbcrton P. O., Nowinber 9th. Remember noy. the Date I ^^^^ Tboiiu wbo liavu Oatarih au<l wbo nail on tlio »1jovo <lato, will tio RiviMi a Gmrjikkle inhaler, and ir.editfjne, for the cure of that diueatie, wiiliunt haviiiK to pay uno cunt iu advaucn. Alter a fair trial at jour own houie. and the riinidy provf» ^ucce8^<ful 6:1 can bo remitted us to pay the same. LI not eatisfac- tory iu every respect, the LitbrJei' cau be returned at our espiiiHP, and no eharite will bo luftde. We bavo tbousandii of letters from all sorts nril conditionit rf men and women, telling of < ureH, uot oiitv remarkable, but in many cases niiraculou.s. IlrinR no money witb you, just loave your nsuie.ancl addrewn. and our ropretontatlve will nive' you tbo r^uicily on above liberal turniR, by callln;^ at A Dialogue (Mrs. B) Good inoming J<^Q^ tihero Bi e you off to-day ? (John) Why this is a Bargain Day and I am going to Fli'8hert(,n. (Mrs. B) Bargain Da.y ! What like a thing do yon call that ?' (John) It is a d!«y sot nik-irt from the rest when you are sujipii-ied to get good.s cheaper than any utlier day. (Mrs. B) Well, I do not care about that as I can go to the man on the hill and get l>argaiiis every day in the week, anff besides, I am no scholar and my memory is very bad at times and I cannot re- member the exact day to go but it makes no dilference in tli.it htorc. They are selling dirt cheap and yoa aiiMiid eee the sugar they aro selling ,tB ITSs. for Sf 00 every day in the week. On your way home call iu and I w;ll vive a cap of tea that will do your heart yootl. I alw.ays buy my teas at Mac's They kc(![) the beat. I bnui{lit complexion sojip fr in them at 10c per box and my old man says I look better now than he ever s.w me look in all the days of his life. Here is $1.00, go to the store on the liiil and bring me the worth of it in Flaiimllette. They h.ive i' there 32 inches wide for 6ie per yanl, the same as they sell other places for 10c» I tell you .(ohn, as lony ai* that man is hi FLsheiton I will buy iu tlutt store. S^argains . at B. MCDONALD'S R ICHARDSON'S Drugstore, Flesherton, Nov. 21st Tills offer pood on alMvo date only. Companion Calendar It is said that iiliQ expdusus of making the Companion Art Calendar for 1807 was ao great that had it been published in the usual quantity it could not be sold for less than one dollar. Four beautiful female figure are rejiroduced on fuut folding pages. Each figure is kj^iid ift^of no , oensoquonco ahea IIm ' lithographed in twelve culora, being a Notice to Creditors In the flatter of the Estate of Jeremiah Piper, late of the Township of Artemesia^Qrey County, Deceased. Notice ifllicrcby Kivciii. purKuant to It. B O- I8tt7, chapter 110, Fcctioii H6, aud ameudnieuts theroto, tliat all oraditore aud otlior purnDiM havtna claimR UKaiuHt ttie oatate of tlio Raid J--ruui!ah Fipor. (Icooased. whocMei on or about ttic iwontiutli day of October A. D., 18(W. aitire- qutrod'to t*end by poHt, prepaid, or doHvir to theuiiderntgHHd, SolicUors fur Honry Fipur, RHqiiirH, tho oxucnter for Raldontuto, on or bj* foretho 12th day of Oecoinhar, A. 1)., 181X3, tht^ir oUriatiau and Burnaui^ii. addrt s^tcs. and doRcription.and full pvrticulars and atattitnpiitti of their claims, dumuiidH aud auccmnts, and tho nature of tbfl Rocuriuty, If any, bold bv thoni. And notice la berebv further ifivuu that aftor tlio Haid l£tb day of Dccomber next, t'.e haid Kxocutor will prooeod todistributn the atttisattt of tliu Slid iu' oftPoJ aniorg tlie partieR therutn ontitlud, haviuL! reifardonly to thotoclaimn of which i.ottcn BhalT thuii havo been ruoeived, and the Raid exfoutor will not bo liable for the saidafRetflOi any part thoroof, sf dir.trlbutel hv bini aB aforosai 1, tn any ppr»on or purnotih of whoRe olalniRor dcuiandR no tihall not have hud notice at tb^kiuuiuf t^uch diati ibution. JDatud this4lh day of November A. O. IHM FROST A HAISON. SfiTonlutt Bt. Eaflt. Owou Bound Bolioitor for the Executor. 7l/e Uouch Jjhe Spot. FOR PRICBS On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS, RUBBER DASH APRONS, BINDER WHIPS, RIDING SADDLES, S\VE.\T PADS, AXLE GREASE. I Something- Interesting; A Special Invitation We extend a special and c(irdi:iV invitation to readers of Tlia Ac>- vanee to e<.nie and visit ctir storf. At this seasou oar stock is un- usually full, couiplcte aiid well aa- soiled in every department, and cannot fail to interest yon iu some piutiiiu'ar. VVt bny in lurije fpianli^ HC8, at the closes' fif^urcs-, iuii;Q»t direct and always aim to give oni' cuatomers the litst possiijlo val:ie for tlieir money. Brieiiy â€" our luicea and \ allies aie RIGHT I We are fiiliy alive to the value of adverlising but a personal inspcctio.-* of our slack will be more jwnvinciii-j tjjan a whole column of cold ligures. Coiue ill. wa slinil be pleased to fca- yon, siiow yon j^nods and quote p'ict'S- wliellier you .vant lo buy or not. We arc offering special values this week iu -5IAKTLE» -MAXTLE TLOTaS â€" t'LOTIilNG -OVERCOATS -VXDESnE.lR All new aud ecasouable goods. Roiiie iii and Exaniine Harnessmaker, Flesherton SHEEP LOST Rtrftvo'l from tho |ironiiso!i of tho under- Bigiieil, iioar Kltiahortoii.oi) i>r abou^.Oct. 2A. ouu LciOL'Htur ram. Inforuiation aa to bis wtasruaboutawill be thaoktully recaivoil. Gr.o. Stewart [S ii MAILJONTRACT Sl'.AI.Fn TKNDKUfi, nddrosso.l to tlio Post- niA-ttur (ioiiorni, will ba reuuived at Ottawa until iioou, on for the couvevaiice nf Hor MnjeFty'a ruails, ou and Travertton, iiioiioHod ooiitrauts for (our yuarn from the lat January next. 1. llotwuBn Markdolo tinieH pur nook each way. 'i. Between I'onioi^a And Prlceville, 2 timoH per wook oacli way, Frinted notices containinR further Informa- tion at) to conditiuna of propnaed cuntraots. may be aeon and blank (oiuia of tender may lio obtained at (be Post Offlcaa along tb« refpuotive routes and at tbis olHoo. H. O. HOPKIKK, PostOiOoe luaiicotot' Poat oeSca luipoctwr'i Office, Stratford, I To Creditors RE ESTATE OF HARY BURNS BARGAIN DAY! Our Friday Bargniu D«.y is an m> qualided Rucccss. Since its iutroduc- « tion, out Friday sales Have adv-jnced by leaps and bonn(fs, and our only regret i»that wccau't wait ou all th« people who come to bay. We don't confine our BARGAINS solely lo Ba.r^ain Days â€" we're offer- ing bargfihis every day -^ but we DO give some special inducements ou Fridays. Come in Next Friday And see one ot tlie best displays of goods anywhere not th of Toronto. Come, aud Come Early » HardAArare Dep't Notice Is boreby (,'iveii purBi-,a,!it to Chap. 110, K, H. 0,, tbat all porHuuB >iaviuf; cIhIuis a.;.aitiMt tbu QHtatu of Mary Hum , late of tlio TowuHbip of OKprey, Couuty of Gvov, wi<li>w. who died ou or about Ihu 2iid aay of August, leufi, are royuirod to dolivor their oloinia and full partiuiilara of Hiiuli claims frojiorlv rortiflod to the unilersignod Admluiatvator oi to bia Holicitore biiforo tho Wih day of Nov., 7896 And that after raid 16th flay of November 11*6, tho Administrator will lii^tlibllte the aHsetx of tho said deceased among the porllea, tutltlal thereto, havliiR regard o&ly to tbo olaima of which they have had notico. I'ATKICK nUUNS, Feveisbam, Administrator. »y UHUOB 4 F.\IK, ColllDgwood bia Bolioitors herein. Qated at UoUingwcoa the tcth day of Oct., . . OUR . . Fall Stock Cow Chains Rope Ties X-Cut Saws and Axes HAVE ARRIVED AND ARIi SELLING CHEAP BARGAIN FRIDAY 1 We intend making this day one t(f be remembered. We have not room to numerate the snaps we will offer, but COriE and you will see for yourself. W& Sell Oood OF ALL KINDS CHEAP, SEE THEM I â- J^ w