yUsb^rt0tt Jlirirana, « wr â- » â- â- w^m i TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MSN. VOL. XVI, NO 818 FLBSHERTON, ONT., THDBSDAT, OCTOBER 29, 1896 t.iffitusroiN, =^'^°?i,p«,.Tc. X I'M 5L0W I'M FAST.. OR WLeii a man luoks at his "r fut if lie carritis uue of In an rxpre*sii)D nflen hrard •ratcli. He'i' ixjt b>] sluw AriuHtn'm:':! wiitrbeA, but he wilt be juat ou time alwityb. Uur lino of goud tim« kiirpcrs ia ezieiuuve, ail at reaikiu- abla prii!«9. SILVERWARE A Lvn:? coiiii;:nmenC uf tieautuuiljr desiji««d Silverware just t<i haiul. Ftir the quality of these ;<><Kla the prices aru excedUiii.'lv l-w, in fact the chifapeat that w« hare ever iihown Y"U iiny hUt have another such acliauoe to buy giMid Silverwaie at su Iiiw a price. Examine theui. Give us Your Repairing to do #^rt Law (3ttr ^uziriQzz ^irectorxf AB. VASDtSEN, J. P. Clark Stta l>i* Court, Co Grajr I«aa«r ut Uarriaea LlceoMS, Commisaiocar in Uf C. of Jukuca, Aaettoacar, ate. FLasnBRToH P. O. "TySBTS COLLECTED. The uncl«r»i)inod ia praparad to ondartaka tba cuIlvvtiuQ ut all kiiida of debts. Notaa bongbt. accounts coUectad, ct{' «. N. HBMUKRSOM • FutaBKBTOK TCHISLETT < Flusbartoa StntloD Voatniaster, Coiuniiiiaiotcr ia H. C. J., Con- Tejrancor; dsads, mort((a««s. laaaaa and will* 4raipn. Mouay to \«a\ at 4| par cpnt.aod ui>~ 'warda. DobU collactjd. Cbargaa ao larats. Jrntismi. WCUUiOUOH * TOUNQ, Haa^ora. Markiala^ ds a Kanaral banking baa- <DMa. Uoaer loauod at a raaaoaabia rata. Call j iriaakartaaâ€" Kaah trip eo tha 4aT c^wWui*. tniiiv P. MASSBALL. L. D. S., M. I>. 8 . D«atist. Iba lat and Srd Wadneaday TIsits Markdala of aach BKm'.ki, r Q. CAilPBKLL, I' D 3, DD 8, Daiital Surgooa, Uarkdala. OSlcoovsr MoCuIlou^fh A Younis's bauk. Hours â€" S.oO a.ai to 6 p. ni. Visita FUslisrtoa tbe aaconil and fonrtb Tburaday ot each month. Offica at Muushaw â- bote). Tnm OMT cwit Cvrreiponciant. Mr. William Blackburn, of Sunidale, has b«^a visiting frieiida in this l<.'«ality during the past week. Mr. Ge-j. ThuUJpaon, Jr , had a very successful bee a week aijo Friviay, raising bis new hou.^e and st»re, which ia wed UB the way at present. We wish Ue*. «vury aucCcaa in hia ucw encer}itise. A* his healih has very greatly inipmred duriii'.! tka [last thcer weeks we hope to •ee biaKMynyiiw his usual health again^ Ujb. Ber, of Kialx-rley, deliv«r«<l « larg»1k«d of tarn m Mr. Geo. Tliufu(>- inn's laat Katur^^; and seema te be hiitldy |ilfeau«d miA the aucccHs Mr, Thonipeoii hu had iu aelling his floor. Ur. JiMHuh Watsnn and Amos Doup«, who have bten traveliinf; in .\lgiinia dia- trtct with a new of aettling there, haT« returued home again. They d» not se«m tu he very faTt<rat>ly iaafreased wirb th« appearance i>f the ci>imtry. Mr. Watson says he can conic hum« >m<l itu to work contented now as t;a thinks Aliionia ia the roa^hvHt country he ever saw. As f"r Mr. D> upe, he thinks it would be tu his advantakie ti> take up pniperty pru- vidinit he can vti >c ou the Imlian reaerve, within four miles of Theasalon, wheie the land is tiut sCuny and the soil setrius :» be heavy cUy, but he would I iiot ^o back uny furibur ou auy cwusider- acion as the land ia so ~tuiiy and r-ugh. The home uf klr. and Urs. W. J. While lias bern made happy by the ad- 'iition of a young dAu^hter to tbcir family. We anderaiand that Mr. Joseph Haney had a vvry serious rniasli u^i in his bugj^ uii Sunday uizht by ruonini; into a tie- pt^'SC at Mount Ziou cliurvh. Mr. Joi>e(>h Boweruiaii and family in- trnd nioTiiiii up to MA<iiti>«liu Islaud tbia falL We wiah you every Macceaa, J.«. We are uUd tu bear that Mrs. Henry Huliniin, who h&s b««u coutiued lu the iteoeral li««{>ital, Ttiruiuo, ia uu a teir way to reco\cry. VV« were very surry to hear that one of our eM ueif{hboM. Mr Jacob PaiJia- lasnt, Jr., i;<it bis skull very badty fnic ur«d by the kick of a horse while skidding lug* iu Mu.skoka, but are glad lo know thai the iluctora hare souie hope uf hia rucorery. SSest Soods '"^ iQest Workmanship j€s that C»mgittmtM SBeai Values MERCHANT TAILO« HoHBt Hob. •p HBNDKB80N D D 8. U D S, Dentist of Toronto Uold RKKialist) aill visit Fioabertoapraifrasue a>ly th« flrst WtHlneaday of -vach luoatb aud Uuudalk the >la> fuUowiu^ iTtiuiiHla>.) ffOal. R. i. SPBOULE, Poatiiiaster, Fleshartow. Comtaiaaioaer la B. B., LacouB«d ^uctioaear, Coovayancar, A â- praiior and Mauey Loader, Raal Rstata au'l laaorauee .%(eot. Di'eda, Uartga«;ea, Leaaea. aud Wills draws ivp and Valuations mada ou shortest uuticu. Auction aalas attaudwl tu ia any part ot the Cauuty. Monay to loan at low eat rates ut iutocsat. CollMtioas atteudod to witb prountuasa and despatch Chargea low. Agent for ifh« Dominion StuauisbipCouipauy, ebaap tickets (loiu Pleahertou to Liverpool, Ulaagow, LoudoD or any of tha Itritiah porta, farttes iuteudlUK to visit liugland. Scotland or iralaud. will plaaae ank rataa batora piuohaaiug ibair tickets elaenbete ^^ocittifjL A OUWâ€" meets every (Irat anil third Mon- dav iu each mouth, iu their loilKS room Ktrodu's Kluck. KloHhortou, at 8 p. m. W. H. Walker. M.W.: W.J. Hallamy, finaec'er W. Irwin Recorder. Vialtiug Uretberu iuvitad. ROYA lOYAIi TKMPL.VR8 OF TEMl'EB.\NCE. -Kegular Council meato every first and th*rd TueitJay avauiiiK in each uiuiiih. in Bproule'a block at tl P ui. Select detirea iuBurauce) uieatii monthly, the Wedueaday preceding the aiud ot each month. SONS OF TKMPKRANCE.-Thi« society meeU in Dr. Chrietov' Hall tlret Wed neaday iu eaoli mouth at «>p.m ViaitiLg brstbarau iuvitad. Inauranoe in couueotioa. UF. B. A., meet lu their ball. Chrlstoa's Block aver\ second Thumday in each uioutb. I. Q. Brown, W. M., T. Clayton, rotary. Bm- niUKCG ARTHint TiOD<)B.No333. A F * Y' A M. meet lu the Masoiic Hall, Strain's Dluck. Flesburtou, every FriJay on or before the tulbuiooo. Ooo. Mitchell, W U WJ Ballam) , aeoietary ^ DUFFERIN LODGE. No IMB, I O O F. meets iu Claytou'a Hall every Tnoa dav cveuiuK at 8 o'clock. Visiting biellireHoortliaily invited AS VANDuaBN, N e Wm Moors. See â- a pUOST * BATBON Barristers. Solicitors, Coovayancen, ate. OScaâ€" Next topoa oOlce. Spruula'a block FUsbarton. every Thursdiy until further notice. C. A. BATSON J. W. FKOST UI,. M> M. B. â€"Owen Sound ofUca, Kroat'a block Poulett St. Eatt. 1 VCAS a WRIOHT, Barristers, So'icitors, Conveyancers, etc.. Owen jouud. Out • • liarkdale, Ont. W. H. WKiuur. I. n. Li-CAs. M. B.-Fleshsrton efllco, Uilcbell'a Bank every Weduesday. TUCKEB * PATTERSON. Barrinteia, solicitors, ate. MoIsod's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry O. Tucker Qeo. W. Pattaraon UACKAY ft HATTON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Offleeaâ€" 30 PouUtte St. Oweu Souud : and Main St. Dundalk, every Satur>1av. N K.â€" .\lwav» iu atceuilancoat Fleakertun aud Dundalk Divisiou Courta. A. O. MacKav. M. a.. W. J. IUtto!) Couuty Crowu Attoruey. Ilriltral r\R BUTTON MDCU, UPP*S Out, Prlcevillo tlcstarrlea Statioa Frvm uur oen* Correspinuient. I Threabing has for stime time been c»- 1 ing on here but U Kettinit pretty well | wound up DOW. Although the yieM uf vraiii la much 'bel«w ihe averaxe, as prices are advan7tti<.i the fai BMrs are not leeliag so vluiu. Miss Annie McXevin has returned home fn>n> Toronto iti rot her frail health, however, we hope the c»uoCry air will suea recruit her. Mr. Dkave Whil« paid a short visit la his aiaiat. Mrs. ThiNiias Taylor, Jr., while uu hia way tu Turjnta uuivaraity lately. Mr. Hacpai A. Datuhbum is here oo a visit with old ac-qoaiutancea f»r his beulrh's sake Will and W'alter Taylor, accompanied by their sister. Tillis, paid a viait tu friends near Rocklyn last week. Klmheritj. SEE THE NEW Pa.x*lox* Oajxie AND MANT IVTHERS WHICH «AVE JtST ^:k>< receivkd. QUAJmriES OF KK^- UOOD6 JIST OPENED OUT THIS WIKK. Fntm our otcn CVrm^iMient. The harvest- huiue festival held in con- iKCtion with the English church here, on • , i I Wednesday evening, was a decided auc- '^ eeas. A very elaburate supfwr whieh was We have to chronicle this week the ' prepared by tha tadiea and friends of the death uf Miss MM<y Sabiuu.'! Snell, of thi* ' church, was followed by an excellent wvat back line. She had been ailirg | prugmm. The c only a few days with that dreadful { postmaster Hammond who filled it in a diatase, typhoid frvcr. She departed ; very acceptable luaanor. Able addrsssea this life on Saturday at the ttt* of | were given by the following geatleuien : sixteen years and seven mouths. She I Rev G. C Balfour, Eugenia ; Kev Mr. was a member uf our Sabbath scb.ool and Cimlell, Heathcute ; Kev. Mr. Murphy^ wa.s beloved Hy ull who knew her and ' Wal'er's Falls, and Rev. Mr. Uoldberg, will be iiiiissed by her class mates. The | Markdale. These addreesee were iuter- Rev. Mr. ktcLeod. uf Priceville, preach | spersed by reeitationa and music. Among ed a very iuietc.«ting senusu ut the i tiie elocutionists were Mias While, Mr. house. Iho funeral t'u.k place to Richards of Rocklyu and Mr. W. Car-i (â- 'lesherton ceiueter/ attended by a lar.:o ' ruthers of Wodehouse. The selectiotis The Automatic BUTTON Is the finest thing out for bachelors. No needle ur sewing required. Toys, Stationery, and Omauiental Goods in GREAT QIANTITIES. CaH ....„„ -» ...^...„. "" """^ •"• ^^""^ right away. These W 1^ jceupied byJK"*'^ »™ cheaper than ever. W, E. RICHARDSOM ORL'OaiST number of sorrow ing friends. The par-: rnts h;tvc the heartfelt sympathy af all. | Mr and Mrs. J. B. E^an spent Suit- day ill Duudaik. | Mr. and .Miss Egnn, of Voiitry, are | visiiiu>( their brother, Mr. Egsu, of ll place. given by Miss White were " Mary, Queen' uf Scots " aud " The Aiaatuur Elocution- I ists." These were rendered iu Miss' White's usual cheumiing manner and mat | with much applause from the audience. ' I Mr Kiclianl's st>lection was also weH | i given and favorxbly received. Mr. Car- J. D. Morgan, of Dundalk, was lead- luthers gave a Scutch reading which de> in); polos tlie past week. -, lighted the audieuct) The church choir, K. Cook shipped a carload uf potatoes ! assisted by Mr. Best of Duncan, furnished this week. | the uiusictd part of the program. Mr. Miss Oushois attended the teachers' j Best always meets with a warm reception convention ill Duudaik last wvela 'when he appears iu our midst. The en- Tlie xruiu buyers made things ijuite tcrtaiuuieut wasalsii a fiaaiicial success, interesting last work but have settled . as the proceeds were $42. down lliis week. | Mr. A. Bn.)wu met with quite a seriou.s Mr. UcCullough was up attending to ascident last ThurvnUy. While attending <7(uction Oa/e / - OF â€" Valuable Farm Property â€" IN THK- IswBsU; q! li\mi\i business on Saturday. Ialsti«HC« l^rtttn Oht Oirit tV»rrr»p«»'lr«< t>n TucBilav of last trcek Mr. J. Gid- Offlce next dcor to Browu'a atoro; residence I braith Inul his farm stock and inipWnieuts onedoor west ot Methoilist churc'ii, Kiurosssi. Igpld by public auction. Mostly erery- OtDce (lays, Tuoiidays and Saturday ' - - D^ CAHTKIt MOP* S Ont., Phyaiciou. Surficon. etc Floahertou officeâ€" Strains b'ock. Itesideuce Muushaw'B Hotel JOHN A SCOTT M B Member CoUeRC Physic. * 8urgeons.OHtarlo Graduate in Medicine of Toro** i Vnivt-rsity FclloW8bii> Diploma. Poet Otaduate >ledic;U School and tlOKpital.Cbicatfu. Diseases of avo, ear, nui>e and throat 8iH>cially treatetl. Keai- deaca. Maxwe.l, viails Faversham Thursiavs 1-4 ail. Mrs. Lawrence sustaiiui g tiling W'uut at u fair figure. taiicn aa an excellent hoetesa. A large tuimi'cr of the luistiugo i)ei.<ple ' VJr. .Jas. Wallace, who has been at tend- divve to Dundalk in S'.uitlay eveiiuig to ing iuckUI *;hool iu Meaford, has been VNDKlt and by virtna uf tba power of sat* ia a certaiu uiortgaira from WUliaut Suitth to aha Vwudoia, which will Im prodiicetl at timaot sale, aud ou duf<«ult tMini; iiM.le tu payment o( tbe cwoaeya thereby secureil. there will be uflereii ^er sale bv Public .\uccioa, by A. S, Va-nDcsBx. .Vuct*i.'ii«or, at MUNSaAWS HOTEL â€"IN TH« â€" Village of Eugenia - o.'< - Tuesday, tin 3rd daj of Nov., t896 At J o'ck-ck -p, to, Tha'followiiiK property, ualuely: Lot number forty in the tenth vouceesion of the said town* ship of .-trteitti>,.ia. cuntiLiuiug lOU acres more .- , ,. . . . , , -, . , , or leea, about tiixtv aaid tu be cleared and Methodist choir at her home tost !â- nday i oultiv&twk Ou the pveuiisea are »»id to ba a eieuiug. .\ nleasaiit time wasrspeuk by i b«»ed lo« house and baru. also au orchard. .--^-' ,.-- ,•* '^ The pntperty 13 eitTtat4-t1 lu afiist class di!4trtct. Awrtucc suBtaimig her repu- _ ' „' . ' ^, __.., .. ... I to aonio work in his barn he hail occasion I to climb into the loft, aa he was walking across a (Kile he li.>8t his balance and fell I a distance uf 12 ft., breaking his right leg just above the ankle. We believe he I is prvigressiug as favorably as possible. Mrs. Geo. Lawrence entertaiiie«l the ^POTTBWKLL hearUev. J. i.'. Spoor of Tor«>ntu. Mi.'w W. .\rnistrung, who hai b*.»n visiting friends at l>i,t lUiy and othir pLiccs for leugtli uf time, ha» returiie<.l homo. Mrs, McCJhtte, of Uornvug's Mills, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. *.'. U-it- ledgo. Mr. Henry Jackson spent last Sabbath 'at the hc'iue of Mr. H. Uidlaghor. j I Miss McAuley has been visiting for a icuuple of weoks at tha home of Mr. J. I Pattin. I Owing to the quarterly meeting in ! Duudaik next Sabbath, there will be no Veterinary Surgeon, graduate ot Ontario Tj**.*;'^'"* ^^ '" "»•, •f'erm'^'n- Mr. tun»ofh«y home for a week on accvmnt uf illness. On Wtxlnesil.iy last our townsman, Mr. .\lox. Fawccit, was married to Mft. Cai-olino Thurston of Autun, (.»nt. Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett are expectdl ^onie this week. Yoiu'cor. nxtotnls consfratulations. Mr. Kay ainl sou, of MitnKv, returned to their hojue on Satirfilay, after spend- ing a we«k hunting. A baru belonging fi Win. Sherry, Dirby, was burned hwt week. The building ct>niaii:e<.l the entire season's cn.>i>, st>n;« tiiutnjii h>atls uf peas, acveral loads X)f oars *ik1 fall wheat, five or six usitrly all of bis fartu iniple Vetsrfuary Collage. Re«ideoa»-K«x* outk »t Moore's planing taolor/. <)s<ar \V. Haines will occupy the pulpit at seven ments ami a lot of poultry. Sttpposedly , iu the eveaing. incendiary^ TERMS '. Tl> tar cent, at tiiua ot sale, and for tne balauce terms will tie liberal, aud will be wtulo kuown at tiuio of Rale. For fnrtiier particular-i apply to Maters. f<KU..\MY Jk HIJNDKRSON FtasUBSroS, or lo MOSS, B.VRWtTK * FPv^NKS Vendors Solicitors, Toronto. Dated Bth day of October. IWO. Farm and Mill Site lor Safe For sale vf r\ cheap and ou verv easy terms. Timber (arm, 150 acro^. two uiilen from Fleah ertDii, known aa tlia Wm. How: sawmill pro- i>e«tv, Riul oil whieh is mu excellent water i>o»*i, lounilHtioii of saw mill, dam auil iiund aiiu Water wheel iu p'ace and alt ready for puKing mill on. .,tbou«l}acroaole«red,30»cri-» tiiubgr, most off. 'wlauca well timtwied, mixed tiuibw. This (arui will be aold at a barijain il auld at ouoe. Small uayiueut down, balanoa ou v«*y e,wv tarmS. Avv'O' to ft. J. Svaoi-LB, FlMhertwav M ,^