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Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1896, p. 1

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Jfksbtrtiin ^iiiana. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." VOL XVI, NO 817 FLBSHERTON, OHT., THORSDAY, 0CT8BER 22, 1896 W. fl. THDBSTON, EOITOM k I'M SLOW I'M FAST.. OR I Is an •xpr'-saion often haard whsii a mail looks at hi* watch. Uo'll not b* alow or fait if ha cirries on* of Arinttrotig'it witchea, but be will b« just nn tims alwityb. Our liiiH of good tim« keepars is exteuaive, all at reason- ahlt prices. Silverware X Urz* coii*i|>niiieiit of beautifully dwai/ned Silvsrware just to lianii. Vox tliu quality of these gnoda tlio prices are exceediiii.-lv l<>w, in fact the chrn|>est that we hare eier ithonii Y"U nur not liA?e anothar such achauce to buy good .^ilv«rwiiie at an low a price. Examine them. jt^ S-uU and 2i^9il Jiasortad Stock "uArouyAout Give us Your Repairing to do 2l/. J{. Jirmstrong, Caanty and District 0ur ^M^inozQ J^ircctory JLTCULLOUaH *YOUSO, naokars. Mark»lal». do a Roaeral banking biu- laoss. Mouej loaned aSarss in ash l o rate. Call AS.VANDUflEN. J. P. flsrk 6th Oi» Court, Co Qroy tasuor of MarringB L.i««OM«. Commlsaionar in H. C. of Juallca, Auctiouoer, etc. KLBaHBBTaR P.O. TkBIiTS COUiBCTBO. TUe omWrrfiftwd H proparad to aBdartake tb« collection of all klnda of dabta. MotM bought, aoc'iiints collactad, etc B. N. HEI1DBR80M » Fi-FaHaaTOK OH18LETT • Klatuar' ..atioa l'oatnia».«r, ' .Isaiocar in H. C. J., Cou- vayancai; daaila, Diortgagoi. laasaa and wills drawu Charges modetata. Bualuaaa lottsrs •rltton. ">•>» Setttii$tÂ¥i|. T P- IkOSSKlSU L. D.8..1I.D. 8., Dantlit Tlslti MarkdaU the 1st and Sid Vradnasday of sacb month, Plasbartoaâ€" Baab «alp sa the dar tbi..<wiDg. r a. CAMPBELL, L D B, DD S, Dental Surgeoa, Uarkdale. Offloeovar lloCullougb A Young's bank. Hoursâ€" S.%a.3i. to S p. ni. Visits Flasharton the accond and fourth Tbursday uleacb moDtb. Ufflce at Muushow's hotel. Tl HBNDBBSOM DOS. M D S, Dentist of Toronto (goI<) mei(alist) will visit Flesherton prolassion- ally the flr«t Wadneaday of oaub month and Duudalk the dajr following (Thaisday.) Â¥f9«l. T> J. 8PB0ULB, Postmaster, Flesherton, Commlsaioaer In B. a., Ljcoiisfd /uotionaar, CouTsyancer, A - praisor aad Mcuey Lender, Real Ustata and Insurnuce Agent. Deeds, Mortga«os, Leases, aud Wills drawn op aud Valuations made on ahortest notico. Auction sales attended to in any part uf the l^onttty. Uosoy t« loau a* low est rabes of liiterts*. OelleeUoas attonded to with promntuesa aud despatch Charges low. Agent for the Doiiiialon ijtoamship Company, ahoap tiukots from Flesherton to Liverpool, OlaBgow, London or any of the British iwrts. Pttrtlas iiitoudiog to visit England, Scotland or Ireland, will please ask ratas before purchasing Ibelr tickets clsawbers J'odJtifU. AO U W.â€" meets every first and third Mon â-  day ill each mouth, in their lodge room Strain's Block, Flesherton, at 8 p. m. W. H.Walker, M.W.; W..J. Bellamy, Oiiaoclor W. Irwlu Eeoorder. Vlaiting Brethero invited. ROYAL TKMPIiARS OF TEMPERANCR. â€"Regular Couucil moetii every first and tb'rd Tueslay evening in each iiionih. in SproulB's block at 8 p. ui. Select degree luaoraiK'e) meets monthly, the Wednesday praeedlng tboKihid ol each mouth. SONS OF TEMPBRANCK.-Thls society meets in Dr. Uhrlatoe' Hall flrst Wed- nesday in each mouth at 8 p.m. Visiting brethereu iavited. losurauos in oonuectiun. UP. B. A., meet in their ball, Chrtatos's Block evor> second Tliursda> in each month. I. O. Brown, W. M., T. Clayton, Sec- retary. pBOBT * BAT80N Barristers, Solicitors, Convayancera, etc. OfBceâ€" Kelt to poa office. Sproula's block Flaaberton.evary Thursday nntil further notice. a A. BAT80N J. W. FHOST U-. B. N. B. â€"Owen Bound offlca, Frost's block Poulett St. Kast. T UCA8 it WEIGHT, Barristers, 8olloitors, Conveyancers, etc.. Owen dound. Out. - Markdalo, Out. W. H. MfKioHT. I. B. LcciS. N. B.â€" Fletberton efflos, MltcheU'a Bank every Wednesday. TUCKER ik PATTKRSON. Uarristeis, solioitors, etc. Molson's Bank, Owen Bounf*. Harry O. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson ^ACKAY it HATTON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Ofllcesâ€" MPoulette St.. Owen Bonnd ; and Uaiu St. Dundalk, every Saturday. N.K.â€" .Mwa^s iu attondauco at Fleaberton aud Duitdalk Division Courts. A, a. MAcKikY, M. A.. W. .7. Hattom County Crown Attorusy. ^etUral rjK HUTTOM MDCM, UPP&S Out, Prlcevilla Oflllce next duor to Brown's store; residence one door west of Methodist church, Kluross St. Ofilae days, Tucsdaya aud Saturday TJK CARTE* M C P & 8 Ont., Physician, Burgeon, etc Flesherton oflloe â€" Strains b'ook. Resldeuceâ€" Munshaw's Hotel PBINCB ARTHUR LODGE, No S8S, A F * A M, nisot in the MaaoLic Hall, Strain's Block, Fkisherton, every Kri.'lay on or belore tke fotiluwtM. Oeo. Mltcbsll, W M, W J BellaiU) , secretary ^ Y\VFn!|Bm LODGE, No A' 18S,iOOF, meets in Clayton's Kst] every Tiiss. day evening at A o'olooh. Visiting bratbreueerdialiy invited ABTAxDaaaN, NO Wm Uoobb.S«(i JOHN A SCOTT M B Aleiuber College Pbyslcft Surgeons,Ontario Graduate In Modloine of Toroi> â-  University Fellowship Diploma, Post Giaduate Medical School and Hospital, Chicago. Diseases of eve, ear, ooaeand tluroat specially treated. Rosl- denoo, klaxwoU, visits Feversham Thursilavsl S J P OTTBWBLr. Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Kstidenaeâ€" Meat door souti: of Ueota't planins laeteiy. Win. McDonald, Sullivan, was killed by a large pule failiiiK aud atrikinK Imib OD the head. An attempt waa made to set fire to tba preinisea of George KinKabury, Chats- worth, last week, but waa vnsuccessful. Rev. Joha Littile of Dornoch has re- ceived a uuamiimua call from the Prea- hytt-rian caiiKrtf^iion ofDuttim.a thrir- init tuwD on tho Michigan Central R. R., Ht a salary »f 81100 a year and a month's holidaya. H« will accept. It hail been cuatuinary for tho Euph- rasia Auricultural S iciety to offer a prise lo the haiidDomest ijirl ou the );roanda on the day of their show, aud the judging Was always doue by parties unknown, who go through the ciowds aud select the winner. Thia year th« ^onitd aucretarv, Mr J. L. Wilson, waa nearly knocked uflfhia seat by surorise, when a yiiung and handsi'Uiu sample of Euph- rssia's daughters oanie up to him to enter in the " liandatiiue lady class.'' â€" Re- dactor. The estimated expenditure of Owen Sound Coll Inst, for 1897 is «ll, 812.50 of which t9600 is for teacliers' salaries. The estimated governn^ent and county ' grant is 96440 leaving a balance of $5,- | 372.60 to be pnid by tka town The public sehu-d estiuiatrs f»r next jear are 811,830 of which 8925U la for teach- ers' salaries ; estimated government re- ceipts 81276. leaving 910,555 to be paid bylhettwD. Takiitg the Cull. Inat. and public scliuul together the cose for 1897 will bo $28,(142.50. Of thisamonni $1.?,- 927.50 will ciiaie directly out of the Owen Soiiud iatq>ay«ra' pockets. Owen \ ISound haa a Hrst class Call. Inat. and public scbeol but it takfs an inimonso amount of money to run these in- slituiioiu.~Ex. K rery std ttory oomea from Clavar- ing, Keppul t'tvnship. A fvw weeks ago a man uaiuud Fullerton, who was work- in the saivniill thets, took sick of typhoid fever. His wife after a few days also be- came ill, and a few nuiKhbors cims in and waited nn ihom as they O'luld spare the time from their own bnusthold cart>s. In a short time the roan die4 and WHS reniovud tu a neighbering house, from which the fuioial left, as tho wife WHS too ill lo bo made awara what was going ou Mrs. Fullertoii was on a fair way til recovery, but taking a relapse died rather suddenly. Mrs. Fullertoii 's father had be«<i dead but two weeka when his sun became ill, making three | dfatliH ill the family within a month. I Mrs Richard SclioflSuld, the mother of Mrs. Fullurton, has taken the two orphan children to raise. Shallow Lake is the seat nf the great portllaud cement works, and is a busy place these days. However, its denizens give ear to a Sfusulioa occasionally, nud a recent one furnished considerable talk in that conimuniiy. Mr. Gee. McKague left here about three months ago for the Soo to fill sn ongageineiit there, leaving hie wito at hnnie slung with one Burton, who had been and continued lo remain a boarder in the household. A fortnight age the absent husband returned to his home to 6iid that the house bad bean deserred and the effecta â€" cuDtiatii>g of a cluck, sidelxiard, bod, c»ok and box stoves, etc.â€" had gone also. The dis- tracted husbauJ. on c<-ming to Owen S<iund, found that the nffi-cts bad boon ship[>cd fioin here to Brampton, and de- livered nt th«t slatiou. Naxt he visited Mr. Price, J. P., with a view to lodping an information ai(aiuBt Burton in the matter, but changed his mind on decid- ing ko go to Brain |>ton in person, which ho did one day last week. On depart- ing, we understand, he declared he had no intention of inskiiig up with his wife again, though he watf determined to ra- onver pvsaessien of hiw huuaebuld effects if possible.â€" 0. S. Star. Here is a fish (y) story from tlie Orangevilla Advertiser : t>eputy-rcav« Chapman want up to tlw reservoir on a jtoiirefmapwitioa on Fridagr woniing. lilll iSest Soods ""'^ iSest Workmam^hip jis that Constitutes a^eat Values C. J. r^EIITCK, MERCHANT TAILOR III the creek below the reservoir he saw tome fine trout and undertook to catch one of them with hia hands. He grabbed a ten- inch beauty by the tail and the tish promptly retaliated by biting Mr. Chapman's baud. The "nip" waa such a severe one that it caused a copioua 6ow of blood and induced Mr. Chapman to abandon his iishing expedition. The family of Robert Bell, of the 3rd tine, Euphrasia, haa been sadly affloted. One after another the family were taken down with diphtheria, uiitd the father, mother, and th» three children were bedfast. One of the children died some fnw weeks auo, and yesterday morning the mother waaoalled. Tho condition of the other members uf the fau.ily is ciitical. Two professiwnal nursea were aainmoned from Toronto by the Town- ship Board of Hoalth, and are now in at- tendance at the sick bed. â€" Standard. SEE THE NEW Pctplop Ga.xne (5 mmk 9 AND MANY OTHERS WHICH HAVE JIST BEEN RECEIVEIX QUANTITIES OF NEW GOODS JUST OPENED OUT THIS WBEK. Price ville .Freia em oxen Corrrspofuiefit. The cattle fair last Monday was largely attended. A fine lot of cattle was udcred for sale and a considerable number changed hands. Mr. Stonehouse, of Hamilton, was the principal buyer. Last Monday, treasurer Brudie of the Artemesia Agricultural Society, was re- lieved of the greater part of the society's funds. The principal prize winner waa Mr. Alexander Muir, who also capture<l a number of red and blue tickets at Dun- dalk, Durham. Fleaherton and Murk- dale. Mr. and Mrs. William Conkey, oi Guelph, are visiting friends in thit . village at present. Mr. Bert Ross, who was attending the funeral of his mother, returned to Troy, j N. Y. this week. The Rev. Mr. Berry, of Walter's Falls, occupied tho pulpit of the Muthc- dist church last Sunday, and gave a very practical address. Messrs. J. D. Brown and R. T. Grier of Dundalk, spent Sunday in our town. Magistrate Nichol waa kept busy last Thursday adjusting the fines, &c. of those who disturbed our usually peaceful burg on Fair day. Something over $78 was handed over by the delituiusnts as the price of their fun. Died. â€" On Oct. 17th after a lingorirg illness, Mrs. Ross, wife of Mr. J. W. Ross, aged 59 years. The deceased was of a quiet aud retiring deaposition and highly respected by her friends and neighbors. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved family. The Automatic BUTTON la the finest thing out for bachelors. No needle or sewing required. Toys, Stationery, and Omamantal Goods in GREAT QUANTITIES. CaU in and soe them right away. These gnods are cheaper than ever. jy. r. RICHARDSON DRUGQIST • free: I FREC 1 1 TKSTIIffG Preserve your eyesight by having til properly tested by W. A. ARMSTRONa, Optician Don't forget the aiiecial mantle and clothing sale on nt Richardson's, 22, 23, 24. A rare opportunity to secure stylish soasunable geeda at wboletale prices. A rough-cast house, comer Baker and Sccope street, Owen Sound, used as a boarding house, was destroyed by fire Monday uoming. Loss $1100 exclusive of insnrano*. Carpet Weaving Tha undersigned has placed in position a first class loom for carpet and flannel weaving and is prepared to Rive satisfaction. Bring in your RA«8 or YARN to A. T. BBBOII. FleshartOB, iit<rl1 f , 'M, ttorn. BCSKINâ€" III Artaniosiaon Monday, 19th inet., to Mr. and Mrs- Weslay Baaklu, a daugbtsr MoDoNAiJJâ€" In yiosherton, on Wadnesda.'-, 14th iaat., to Mr. and Mrir. B. McDonald, a daaghter. â€" i Married. Ntcboi, -McA'ti.JtTBl*â€" At tha resiJionoo of the bride's parents, Colfingwood, on Wednesday, Sept. aO, Mr. Thaa. Niobol, Artemesia, to Mias Rosa Mc.VlUster. McOi.ocKi.isâ€" Bblxâ€" In Durham on Wsdnes- nasday, by the Rev. A. G. Jau«en, Mr. JasMc- Clocklinto Mary A., daogbter of Mr, A*tx Ball, ot«Bel(.

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