THI rilSEltTON ' ADViNGS â- BTABLI8BEB 1881 f rVBLMUKU WBKKLY AT TUB OKFICB. 8YD- â- aUAM HTUEET, rLKHlIEKTuN, UNT. , BV W. H. TUIUHTOS. $1 per aunuiu.strlctly in advance Advertising Kates: HBHR 'j^m* •• Column, 1 year, tSO ; half col., 1 year, quarter cul., one year, SI6. •27 Transient aitvertitement charged at the rata of I cent* per line (or ftnt iosertiou aad 1 centt •aoh Babiioquent loKertioo. ABBE PROULX- MISSION of this year to make payments. With the prices where they are this 18 found impossible, and many a man cannot realize from his crops this year sufli* cient to raise the iudcbtodness incurred last. Those who are in a position tu hold for better prices will no doubt reap the reward of their patience, but there are others, and very many, who are aboolutely obliged to sell at what- ever figure they can get. Takiii{{ the country aii a whole, ho'vever, there are signs that the lowest ebb has been reached, and we can as a whole people look for brighter tliuigs. Great Britam ij again after the dervishes on the upper Nile, and the announcement is made that a blood loss victory has been gained. No very great. duf^ree of enthusiasm has been awakened by the information. Now if it had occurred in Turkey â€" Abbo Pronlx of Quebec has been oommissioncd by tiie Premier of this Dominion, Mr. Lauiier, to proceed to Rome and pray that His Holiness the Pope may be pleased to prevent in future his clergy in this country from taking any active part in politics. The Globe's jtistilicatiou of this act is eicecdiugiy lanio It says this is a matter for the French Roman Catho- lics to settle among themselves. We differ. What business has the prem- ier of this country to refer any of its public alTuirs to any foreign potentate? ^ i are a powet within ourselves and only the Queen of England Las any ri^jLt whatcvur to dictate in any way our public acts. If it is a wrong for the clergy to interfere in politics are V9 iio( capable ourselves of dealing with the clergy ? Arc oor laws of no account ? If the laws we have are not sufficient to cover the case, as Mr. Laurier apparently admits, cannot our lawmakers make others more satis- (actory f Would a proiestaut premier ever have drcameJ of requesting an Anglican or a Methodint bishop to in- («ifcr« in any action the clergy of those denominations might take in public matters ? The absurdity of Buuh a pursibility as the latter is too apparent to require an answer. Yet wo find the Globe excusing (in alamo vay to bo sure) this mission of Abbo Froulz. This country wants no mis~ Btons to Rome outside of private mis- •ious. Wo boheve Mr. Laurier has Las made a fatal, *liough natural, Cnar in putting on fuot this uiisvion. lie did notsufllcieutly weigh the prob- able elloct it would have upon the people outside his own province. Ha ia not likely to remain long in doubt as to the gravity of it. And still the Armenian massacres go on, and still llie powers ? are powor- l«Ba. The United Blatoa is too ab- sorbed in election chaos to think over the matter of joiniiif; forces with Bri- tain. Italy and B;-itain could do no- thing because action on their part would involve a European war. Ruasia is apparontly hopefully await- ing such a move. While this state of sflairs exists the slaughter of men, women and children of the Christian f»iili continues. If mattera do not adjust themselves shortly the inassa- eres will cease for want of material. It is loo awful to contemplate. If Russia is in the position stated she is a national ghoul ; and wiiat of the other countries who stand idly by and gaze at the martyrdom with indif ferent eyes ? The World went through the whole- sale houses lust Hatuiday and di; . C )vered that trade throughout the Do. m'nion has a decidedly more cheering aipect and "concludes that the gloom o( the haid times that have himg over all (ouutries like a pall for tl e last few years it certainly, if slowly, (issppear. i 1^." This is certainly sLeeriug news if true. Ths eridence, huwever, his not yet reached this pari of On- tario to any ^rotpliblo extent^ ]^st year oropa ««r« a failure and n)f jljtey had to b« iMirn'wsd by many fo^ our- A Challens:* To the Editor of The Advance. Dkak Hiu : â€" FUaso allow nie apace in your pu|>er to make au uifur tliat may jiriire heuvticial to nieand may alao give Borne poor suul a chanue to ^ive rent to hit foeliii(!H,soeini{ tbey preaa him lu liard. Now sir I find while I aui going around tha' there ii one or two native* of Osprey livinj; very close to the village of MaxwvU who nie trying if [UNiaiblo, and tryim; ill vain, to do mo an injury. One uf thexf in particular ia a man with whom, on account of lom* of his alack doings is very well known, and if I receive a half fair chaucu the paople can have an elegant ^how to know hiiu still bnttur. ile is go- ing around, I am told (not like a roaring lion) hut lather in the form uf a thief in the ni^ht, and if he can run any one in a curnsr and tell them some little thing, anH then wind up with the assertion " do not tell him for mind I cannot prove it," then he is all rit(ht. Now air I have betu litlaniug and feeling around for some time and did come to the concluaiou at one time that I would treat these partins to a littlo shoe leather, but have now cume to another conclusion, viz. as follows : If any person, man, woman, child, backbiter or snHak, and theie iiHinau include all the parties, can say and prove anything about me I want them to come richt out with <t in thin papvr or any other Canadian paper, eigii their name and then 1 proceed to busiiicSH. PIsane do not send what you hare to say to some fori);n paper "for fear any purann should sue it." Now renieinbur 1 defy tlie forgoing to come out and do aa 1 httve aaked harutofore in my lettur, and I want tlium to cither put up or «hut up at once. Such people of course are not helii-ved unlens by a few like themselvc-n, and thene iirx, I am piraied tu say, like hens' teeth few and far l>etween. My olTvr is a very fair one as I am nut afraid to inei't nnything I have ever done, eitliur through ttie press or in any other fonn. I uiii oF the opinion that I am prett/ well knowu and I can give these parlies Ik lint of the places 1 have been clui'in;^ my lifu and if they can tiud any- thing 111 any form anywheru let thuni puljlinh it. Now come on Mr. mnii who ha.s been wlii«pering ami let uh hear you tiilk rii(ht oui loud no that you can he heard or else dry upiit once and thuii bu made a niineiable liar. Thanking yuu Mr. Editor for your Rpace . I Remain Yours Respectfully, J. L. W()OI). Maxwell, Sept. 20, 18tH5. Voantynnd District Cieuerai News A hypnotist at L«xiii-,{lon, Kentucky, buried a man for two days, then had him taken up and restored to his natural con- dition. The Governor General has been recoro- ineiiUed tu cominutu the capital sentence on the buy Kearney, sentenced to be hanged on October 1 at Liiiduay. He will be sent to the Kingxton Penitentiary for life. Mr. Ainsley Mxgraw, proprietor of the VViarloii Canadian, five or six years H'io invested nearly all the mwney be had in miniiii; property in Briiish Celumbia. When the gold boom atruck the country, Megraw was right in it, and the other day was offered $36,000 for his claim. Before Bcceptin(> the oSer he deiided to pay a personal visit to the (;old fields, and he is there by this time. Credit Auction Sale -OFâ€" SHORTHORNS AT DURHAM ON Mill Ic^oliBr ^Htli; less AT I OCLOfK V. U. THIRTY-FIVE HEAD luciiiiting Cow*, Heifers and YeuDg Bulls. TeruiB of Bale :â€" Twelve nioutbi' crtdit ou approved Joiut uoteH, ordiBcoutit at the ratu of Cper caui. lor cmIi. Cataloguenwill be ready about tbe Ist of Octuhor. H. PARKER. UurUsm, Sept. ia*.U TEACHER WANTED By order of truKtoeBaiiplications will be re- ceived by the underiiKnel up till Oolobor iUtli for Viid or 3rd clasi axperienved teacher to toacli 8. B.No. H, Arti-ineaia, for tbe year IBUO When spplyiiiit italuaiilary audaipHrience und qualincatiuQii. NuLe but au aipurieocud t<:&cbcr iie«d apply tiso. TuuMrtoN, Bac, S. S. No. 8, I\>rt Law, F. O.. Out. Dated Sept. 21st, 1886. House to Rent Oood brick houie and lot to rent in tbe vll- Uso of riesbertou. Apply to Wm.H. Bap. 17 IIalks. Fleaherton T.O Court of Revision Notice is horoby Riven that a Court will bo held, purHUaut to the Ontario Voters' LlHt .\ct, IHW, by hit Honor the Judge ot tho Couutr Court of tbe County of Cirey, at the tJoivn Jfall, ^.'osAerton O.N Friday. :ind day of Octoher, 1896 at 9.30 o'clock a. ni, to lioaV and ('etoiniine the nevoral coinplaintH aixl iiiiilitsjiollH in the Votors' l.li4t (ortlie uiuiiicipality of ArtoinoHia for iseiv Ail perHoiiH Imviiii^ buHinuHw At kho ('ourt are rwiuired to attend at thoHaid tiiueaud place. Dated the 15th day uf iivptviuber, lliOli. \Y. J. »KU.AUY,Clork. riortgage Sale I â€"OK- - VilltA^c Property â€"IN THE â€" Village of Flesherton A new cliair factory is to be started in Hanover. lion. Mr. Paieasoii has made a dona- tion of his first sessional allowance to the widow of Mr. Clark. A Chesley merchant refused to take an American 9^ Bold piece at par, placin^r it on the same footiUK as silver. It was an ultra loyalty case, perhaps. .James Curti/i is tho owner of an over induatriuus goose that in the spring per- formed ihe usual duties expected of her kind, and she is now busily engaged in laying another lot ol eggs. â€" Chatsworth Banner. Miss Florence McNevin ofOweuSound has entered au action against tho Rev. A. H. Hopji, pMtur of the Church of Christ in Hilbburg, |t>r breach of promise of marriftga. Hiss ItcNavin estimate* (ha danutg* t* Kes l««erated heart at 96,000. Th« vm* ^f •«rT«d by Depaty aberiff . L^PSBI of Or4ii|(«viU» TTtiflt'r aiad bv rlrtno of a power of siile con tiiiiKMi in a certniii iiiortf^atjo inadfi by Hti^h McKtx-hiiitf et ux, to the vuiidor which will lie prixliuU'd at tiiiiu of hale, th»rd will be utfui-fad fur saU) by public auction on Frilay, the !tli lay of 01, '55 nUNSHAW'S HOTEL Fleobortoti, at f>no u'clonU p. in., villaRe lot number onu, N. K, aUtti of Mary Htroot, Mui'Hhaw's Survt y, of the village of Flosbor- ton, contaluiuK ohu roo(*., tuu ]iorcliti8 more or ItiKB. Oil tho proiu-rty are urocteU a brick dwullint! anil irainu utable. TKRMH : 10 pur cunt, to bo paid to tbe vendors tiaeut on day <.<! »alo and the balance in cash within ten dayn. For furthur larttciilarB apply to W. J. UFia.AMY. Fleaherton Agent for Vendor BIG SACRIFICE Cleci.i:>in^ Sale As my WHOLE STOCK must bo sold before IhI November, current buy- ers will SAVE MONEY by calling upon me before going anywhere else. . . GREAT BARQAINi . . Will be given for Caah or Trade. iS^ CALL EARLY "^ S. M.OmRNE €quai \<% * <'<.s IM Jtouse M 1^ m The Japs are intirested in our t <i tradtt. Our import consiijnmeiir of Japan Tea has just arrived. It ia (jood vnlue at 30c, hut wo are yoiiii; to sell it at 25c per lb. Small pmti'H and (juick return iseur motto. Flannellettes The ereat cuttinu in prict-a of Can adian Flaiinullettts anioin^st .some of the manufactures, did not cca.'o until wo had a dab at them. NVu are bent ing the record for cheapness. GOLF CLOTH For Capes or Coata is just the thing for full and winter wear. This cloth does nut refjuire any liniii'! as it is check on one side and phtin on th other.which adds greatly to the olicap ncRS of the making up of these i^'ood.s 1 We havt: them 54 inches wide at ?!>1.'25 per yani and upwards. A!ao [Slack, Navy Blue, fioaver, Aatrachnu nnd Tweed effects, etc. Boots,Shoes(S Rubbers A good supply is alvvsys kept in stock. NVe are mivkina a speci.iltv of Hand Made, Grain Leather Ijoni; Uoots. It will pay you to buy good Boots that will keep your feet dry. L Gall and Examine Our Fall Goods « S^. T/fc'Donaid wmm^^'^^m We TJouch Uhe Spot/ FOR PRICSS On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DCSTEliS, lU llIiEK DASH APRONS, IHNDEU WHIPS, RIDING SADDLES, SWEAT PADS, AXLE GREASE. r^oii^e in and Exaiiiiiie Harncssmaker, Flesherton 'â- U-L Tja Tj/ie !Pubiie THE BEST OF â€" ^ Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO Brar), Shorts, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. FOK THE •AT^ i iiii I m. Choice stock of Groceries, Lemons and Oranges. 2 bottles IPickJes for 25câ€" beet brand. Don't buy aivything but the LEADER CHURN, it ift the best. I sell it. A choice line of HARDWARE and GLAS^WjiJRE. In Clothing V.'u vrill offer values such as will A<;rett.' ably surprise cuistoiner?. Our riinyo of Tweed Suits for men at 9^. 'JO, of good oloth, well made, stylish cut. are real Vurgains. Boys' Suits .\t $1, $"2, ?.'!, are riijht. We have s»n>» hi^diei' {rices. Overcoats Is it early for Overcoats } We have some crackers for early b<iyers. Y. tt should see tLe:n. Boots and Shoes Oats are decidedly low in price and f iiiiythin'4 can ina'ch tlum in price it is our Uoots and yiiors. Come and see wliat we are otferiug in that line, it will do you g'lod. Dress Goods and Tiimmings I.iidies vi^iiiu;^ the F.iir are resjiectfully iir. i'.ed tu vibit our Fair and .ice our new Dress Goods and Trimmings. Wo s'low tho choicest stock of tho New Boucle Materials in very rich oiivbinations of color and best of all at wholesalers' prices. In Dress Trimmings We have tho newest thiuijs. in Sequiit Braids and oruainents. Tweed Suitings Our all wool Tweed Suitings at 40 cent* should attract some attention. These goods were made tu eell nt CO cent.*, mill prices. Sugar We have anotlur CHi'load of Sudar on the way. CotUM in on Fair day and ijet the bijigest dollar':! Worth of Su^ar you ever carried from a store. M.RICHARDSON a CO. R, PEDLAR Harci\?vare 2 Dep't. (i I'eat Bargains On Fair Days. Call And See Tliem i iHniii I ( ClOUEBT I IllJIIUi ^ t ^ 0; V J.* >â- / if- J n iiff-TfiiirSffSBrTS ssr "y mm '^w^li^i