•mm* cotton, and rather mure favorabln con- ditions are said to exist inpre and tiiere, liut there is no altprnLion of cousequenca in the general cundition of business. A diffii-uliy in malting uoUetaion!! is Ijegin- The movement for a ten-hour work- tllTTTp PflT flKTV HP HAT' AT 't""^* <"â- •ettlemonta, hut the ear e day and a fair wage waa already i illJli UUilUil 1 UJ! ilJliiUJi j ments are quickly .lofted aga.m om» ing announced in wage waa already i xxlju uujjuxi x ur i.t j:l -x. jxjji i unyuio oic <iuii.i^i^ <ium;ii agaia uau« proLlamalion pubUshed i '^ "'""''* «»=»">» ^^ '^«'» ^^oontry. by the secret printing presa of St. THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. ning to be felt in several directions. At i Petersburg in January last. The strike ' Chiciigo a better feeling exiMU in dry | begau_on May 2U (ituasian style) with i A BRITISH SELF-GOVERNING ^^TATE IN SOUTH AFRICA- .goods, boots ajid shoes. A fair aniouut | the Yekateringof ' Milb, whence .l jof employment oontmues m the boot and j spread rapidly to some score of others shoe inditstry, though the summer de- [ At first only the men went out. but , latereatiag Item* AlMut Our Own Country, mand is falling off, and the advance m ! afterward the women made oommon ' Qreat Briuin, the Unlud State*, and Pri^e attempteil cannot l)e maintained. ' cause with their huslianda and broth-' AH Parts ol the aiobe, Coadenwd and ' Leather is weaker an a lighter de- ers. Women's strikes at cigarette f:ic- I AMortad lor Easy Readlns •"'"!?â- "Â¥ **"'* °^ ^i>^ wool mdustry Lories, etc.. have ot;curred here before. been successful. At the THE DRi.VK THAJ^FIC. CANADA. Sir Bavid Macpherson died on board the steamer Labrador iu midocean. The electric light and waterworks by- law waS carried iu Listowel by a sniall majority. Bancroft, Ont., is negotiating tor the construction of iron smelting norks. The present assessment returns will rive Hamilton a population of over 50,- give WO. Harry Farewell, late of Oahawa, waa burned to death in a fire which de- stroyed his bouse, near Innisfail, N. W. T. * Forty employee* of the Grand Trunk car workii >â- Brantford have lieen discharged. An effort ia now being made to amal- gamate the Toronto Public and High School Boards. Mr. George E. Suffell of St. Tiomaa left an estate of $10(1,000 divided be- tween relatives. The Bank of Montreal now refuses to accept United States bills as well la silver at its head office in Montreal. Tlie Niagara Fruit-Growers' Asso- ciation has decided to stop doing busi- aesb with commission men who refuse to remit weekly. By the explosion of a charge of dynamite at Parr.v Island two men Jamee Smith and Arthur Hill, bloivn to pieces. The owners of the steamship Van- couver are taking action against the Lake Ontario for damages arising out of the recent collision. It is reported that President Beckley mand. The stale of the wool industry is disappointing. GENERAL. The death rate has doubled In south- ern Russia OS a result of the intense beat. The RussLin Government has de- spatched engineers to make Vladivo- stock a commercial port. The new roller steamer, the invention of M. Bajinawa, has l)een launched at St. Denis, France. Merchants in St. John's, Nfld.. will not accept American coin and are dis- counting -American bills. An American missionary uameil Sny- der has reported at Liverpool the dis- covery of a large lake in the Congo Free State. Vittorio Emanuele eldest SOD and heir- of Italy, is betrothed' to Princess Hel ene of Montenegro. It is a sad eoninmntary on oiviiiz*. tion, that with the appearance of Ett- . ... _.- _ _., Iroiieans amongst the i^uius. the Iatte> Lameljr lataubiird by £ula»-Tke7 *•â- «« i gjjj,yjj ,^ cursed with a craving for Aaainki ihr Brtii»h Bui ire >io«T Urppjt spirituous liquor. Their own native and <'uu(eulrdâ€" Tile Zulu Yliirriase t'u*- beverage is a comparatively mild mix- lan>-Mrons Uriuk Pluyiuu Hiiror nlik ture of which a Zulu might drink a the \BtlTcii. gallon and not turn a haur. Unacru- pulous Europeans, however, sell potato Natal is a self-governing colony in oil to the natives. This is simply and is introducing tlM ure decay and lieath acks. tnfortuuately not know how to prao- . --- -_ „. '; and when he geta peciations by the quiet and orderly bet^^'een the sea and the Drakenlierg l>o»sessiou of a bottle of rum, or other manner m which they behaved. ,„„„„ „„ ;,„ ,..„„,„..„ ..„,, „„„h ....... intoxicating liquor he drinks until ha tones, etc and have height of It must lie rememlwred tba range on its western and north-west- drops like a log. On the coast, where or known influ£'nce among their fellows, fe«t, and presents many varieties of including many who taught i:i the climate soU and st-enery" Articles pro- worKmen s s<-hools and eveninir classes i i â- j â- For over six months at all tL iSlbi '*""'"* ""'' exported are wool, raw there have l)een niunbers of sham work- sugar, hides, ivory, butter, ostrich, men. spies from the police. Other feaihers.arrowrool, cured meat, straw, I evading the law. How to oope with the evil which is rajjidly growing, ia a problem which statesmen, and phil. anthropisls, are endeavoring to solve. de. Prince of Naples, f'''';"!^ of the Government, correspond- cotton, and grain. Fea is also raised -apparent of the King \lt,^^" J';; L'"*""'^ ^tgenti pruy<K.a- ^^ eximrted from the countrv v.3i tr. Fvir....^. R..!- I '*"". . nave been constantly striving . exported irom mt country. I to gel individuals to commit themselves. The climate is pronounced pleasant and A desnatch from Berlin savs that the I wliri;li' '''*^ '"'""'"''''â„¢' '^""^ '^" ^'"' '»^''"^f^- ^° the neife-hlxirhood of .1 ues^aitu "^om oerim says cnat ine workmen s own organization are now .i. . ii. . .i- â- '*"-""" '^"' """ the coast the temjieraiure on the aver- CUTTING MAHOGANY. to gel individuals to commit themselves. The climate is pronounced pleasant and I''*" Wark or Hantlllni; a tilamt Tree p>Dwers liave all agreed upon the adop- tion of a policy which will compel Tur- key to grant autonomy to Crete. -A Tangiers despatch says that a plot has been discovered aiming at the de- tiironejuent of the Suluin of Morocco in favour of his elder brother, Muley MJahomet. It is reported that a bill is being drafted at the request (if Emperor WUii^tm. to be submitted to the Reich- were stag, asking for $20,000,000 for naval purposes. Dr. Nansen will not again attempt to reach the North Pole in a ship, but may lead a sledge exi>ediUon from Franz Joseph Land, the only way he now believes it can be reaclu'd. st> well known that during the strike the \yurkmen themseU-ew awwaled to age is 74 degrees in summer and 63 the Troplral Junslr. While the camp is being made tha 'hunter" is off exploring. The preoU the spies an I agents to leave them and degrees in \vinter. It is much cooler °"^ swieienia mahogani does not grow cease mole jting them ! The h.-rdshipa to which the factory hands were exposed during the strike may l)e Ix-st im;igine<l when it is known that ihe locjil branch of the Socialist. League only disposed of a sum of 4000 rubles as a strike fund, to which was added 3000 rubles subscribed in St. Petersburg among their sympathizers, who are nearly all very iwor. There were cones among the latter of sacri- ficing A MONTH'S WAGiES for the goo»l cauae. The workmen were in the elevated districts. Pielermaritz- burg is the capital of llie colony, THE TOWN OF DURBAN* Durban, the chief colonial port, is .situated on the north side of Port Natal, a circular basin 10 miles in cir- cumference, communicating wiLh the sea by a narrmv channel. It ia an enterprising and rapidly growing place. In 1869 the impulation numliered only 5,708. Now it has grown to 35,000. of who is in England negotiating for the j f„ro«< in Th!. T sale of Toronto, Hamilton, and Buffalo ^'f^j}" :'."'' , railway bonds, ia meeting with great "f' ' "» °" It is reported ia Lonlion that the ! l^'',f:^:L''*tf:.4ii '^J' «!»,« strike to sc-ll whom two-thirds are Euro,*ans, the iiucceas. Senator Ferguson, who for the post few months has been confined to his borne in Ri«edale, Toronto, suffering from Bri((bl's disease, is in a very cri- tical condition. GREAT BRITAIN. John Daly, the Irish dynamiter, has been released from Portland Prison. The funeral of Sir. John Millais took olace in St. Pauls Cathedral, London. Th«> steamer Fort Salisbury returned to London after the crew fighting a fire on board the vessel for ten days. The egg season is 0|iening early in England this year. Already 2,:;50 cases of Canadian e^gs have lieen received at Liverpool, against 75 caaes at the same period last year. It is officially <i.npuunced that Sir Ed- mund Monson, uritL'' Vmbassador at Vienna, has been appointeil British Am- bassador at Paris in succession to the Marquis of Dufferin. The Queen has had a aui cial medal rtruck at the royal mint tor presenta- tion to the ijeople of IJsbir.t for their ireneroaity and kindness lu coiinecliua with the loss of the Uruuiniond Castle. It is probable that Dr. 'Jallagher. the Iriah dynamiter, Ufjon hij release from Port laud prison, will proceetl at once to the I'nited States, and make his home in Buflalo with faia cousin, Mrs. George H. 1Um«. The Loudon Sun says that John Daly, the dynamiter, released on Thursday from Portland prison, will lie able to prove that the Iriah dyuamil.ers have been subjected to indignities and pun- ishments that the vilest prisoners in her Majesty's prisons have e.scaped. Mr. Chamberlain has invited Mr. Ce- cil Rhodee to come to England next January for the purimoe of testifying before the Committee of Enquiry into the British South Africa Company. He has also requested President Kruper to tubmii to the committee any evidence which he may possess relative to the origin and execution of the raids con- ducted by Dr. Jame^wu and his associ/- ates. UNITED STATES. A freight rate war baa been begun in Chicago. AnoiJier advance in freights on an- thracite coal is announced. I , I 111 many ransvaal are arming, and ixx>ts not improlMible that they ' cases even their co:its and may make an att;mpt. to overthrow i i,,^^* of''''vi^innr',"wh*'''"\' ''â- *'':^ the tn.aty obligations towards Eng- 1 :,'i,^'^ri^/,^,,rfh^g„^:/„t,«,':^:;rra! land. remainder consisting of natives and cooliea. The town can l>oast of some very fine public buildings, one of the most notable being the Town Hall. The main streels are very spacious and well laid out. Paraffin lauiis have hitherto afforded light to the â„¢ , ^ . . . ,, , '^*''"' ^ ^^ '"^'^> ^^^ Minister of Finance, two members of the :>pBnish cortea. who waa appealed to in the matter and General E. Stelxmez, the ex-Miniater of the preaent Minister of the Interior de- Uar. and fifteen others have been or- claxed that this could not be allowed - rested at Barcalona for comiilicity in a ' in the face of the Ulegal behavior of town, but arr.imrements are on foot conspiracy to create disorder in con- the workmen. It should be remem- for the introduction of nect.ou with the coming embarkation bere<l that, according to a principle of ,, '°tr"ducUon o of re-mforceuient8 for the army iu Russian law. combination to affect '**"• '^°'^ ^'"' "nportani step wUl Cui>a. prices among workmen or mooters is *""" ^ oompleted. Durban has a In consequence of the frontier dis- ' »'<l"'»l'.v illegal, but. while tlie former pretty good harbour, but a sandbar pule bt;tweeai Bulgaria and Turkey, the' fre heavily punUhed in such cases, the at the entrance has proved a great Bulg^irian Government hsm notilied the tatter combine every day to corner var- , , . . ^ Turkish Government that unleas the >""« articles of consumption and rob "'»'^"-'"-' *•" navigation. Many im- latler appoints delegates to a frontier '^1>«-' consumer without any evil couse- provements have been carried out, commission by a certain date, the Bui- quences for themselves. however, so that vessels of 24 feet garian troops will be ordered bo reoc- ''" """^'^ '" cupy the positions recently occupied by . >*' in clumps and groves like our pine and walnut, but each monarch stands aloua in solitary state amidst a dense growth of other huge trees, its trunk concealed by a wild tangle of vine^, orchids and underbrush, requiring the closest atten- tion of the experienced woodsman to detect it. In a tr(4>ical wildernesa, where the trees are so thick that one can hardly force his way between them, the whole bung with an impenetrable mojis of verdure .as wiiJi a curtain^ their mingled tops a solid wall whicll makes eternal twilight below, and every trunk turned round and round with creepers â€" it is not an eas>' matter to distinguish sjiecies. The hunter climba the tallest trees that he can find con>- para "vely clear, and from its top his practiced eyes detect the foliage of the the electric A"*'**^*^ mahogany. He then counts tha trees in line, notes carefully the direo- tion, distance and every landmark, slides down i,-om his leafy observatory and proceeds to CUT AND BLAZE A TRAIL to his "find." This done he marks tha trees with his machete and ruturus to h!!^s^*li!l1.'*',U~If '*'.nf^'*""'''°'^'^'' ^a'tigbt'can n"ow enter"" the "harbour' '^^'^V- Ea^ man in a company is as- ners, ixjth men_ and women, who ,. ._ , _, , ,. . ,. . , .. , signed fell the trees others to cut t ruck-rooda Turkish "aobliers on the inVritory aought to get information for 'the ^' "^ hoped shortly that by means of signM his particular work some to which Bulgaria claims lielongs to her. a'rikers and lo help their families, were dredging there will soon lie sufficient In the course of artillery practice ?5„'"'*I'^''' •'"'' '^H*L *'''^''' '*tr''»« region depth of water lo euable the largest by the shipa of the French" Siediter- !'J^„ ^Z-r'"t T*-^ »Pie«,.who made it ^ very dillicult to communicate with tl» ranean squ;idron near Toulon, the guns gtriWm of the cruiser V'antour were turned on V, H,„ l.„,,l....u;.. n Ti, __:__ to su the battleship Brennus. The conning „"â- ", '!""' "P' notwiihatanding the tower, where Admiral Gervais an.l hS ^'^".^^''^ provocation often ol a most offici-rs were stationed, w.ui l«dlv in- "^''''"""r,""?'*' l^y. P''''"*, agents, and jured but the olficers were not ^ hurt, i 8^'^f^'*^"ri^'"«A "'>«. '*i':i'i«" maintain The helmsman of the Brennus was Ser- • iti ^°,V^^ therein the direction of ioUBly wounded. *â- ?" '«^'='^,'^'- Leugue, the most exem- ' I plary order. Although meet of the I workmeir have now returned to work ocean vessels to enter the harbour without imiiediment. A FLNE HACK OF PEOPLE. through the jungle, others to collect and haul the wood and water, etc. The i cutters turn out from camp as soon as , it is light enough to seeâ€" which iu tha tall, dense woods means a iiiuivh later There are about .')t>0,000 Zulus in the , , . , i , i .,„ Colony of Natal. I'hey are a people hour than m the regions where the sun of remarkable physical development has a better chance to show itwslf; and DTTQQT A 'Q PDin k T OTDTFTP ! ",' ""esponse to very small concessions on ilUlJIjlAlJ IJIlillAi O I llil M^l. ; ^^'' f*"' "f 'be employers and soma prouuseis of doubtful value, the great â€" strike of June. 18%. will not be soon for- STARVATION PAY AND LONG HOURS (f""«"- "^<" heavy punishment fall- OF RUSSIAN WORKMEN. "•"* "" ^'"'' I'""'<''^"'1« "'" workmen and and, to great streuglh is added, in the case of hoih men and women, consid- erable symmetry of limb. Although naliu-ally a peaceable (wopltt, iboy rt of the emplovero and soma I""""-' , Jiuitje'""" uppoueuis when ' â- . - • • . -...i iiim 44 as c. early aroused. shown in generally by noon tree cutting tor the day is finished. All wx)rk is done by the task system, wliuh Is said lo bo the only way of handling native labor; tltit is, one man's "stent " is to cut two Quakers of the United States and I goods bv the RuBso-Germ.iu couuner- tanada are m bieunuil conference in UCecU •r Ike strike Ha> lt<- or fullilrnl aa Well aa ol' iCi-ononilf-al Iniporianreâ€" Tke Worknaea Were 4|nlrl and Urderlj â€" Tke Votrrnuirul .M<lr-i >« Ilk Ike .Huslera and linprUonrd Hundred* of tke Work Feoplc. A great strike among the weavers of St. Petersburg, which lasted for a fortnight, and exceeded in extent and severity every previous movement of the kind in Uussi.i, deserves the atten- lion of all students of the workmen's ^.^.^^.i him. The re«ull mav not im- queetion, says a St. Petersbuig letter, probably be not merely of economical. The immediate cause of the strike out of political importance, must be sought in the (very slight) competition to which Russian mauufac-- turers have been exposed by the low- ering of the duties on foreign textile the war with Ihe British, when the tre«"8 from 8 to 10 feel in oUcuiuferenoej desperate valour of the Zulus was two men are given three targe trees to only oveicoiue by i lie sujierior arms bring down, or four men are detailed their svmpalhizers among The educat" i "'"' weajions of the Queens soldiers. to lay low some forest giant, [lerhupa ed classes will only servo to accentuate 1 ^''*'' ' hesi; galliuii blacks are quite 25 feei in circaiufereme. its im|>ort;uice. happy and contented under British To the teuderfoot that «-ems a task I'he Council of .Ministers, summoned ''""-' which is not oppressive, luid impossible of accompliidimeui. Owing for the purptee. is discussing the laixir tfuarantet^s them every privilege which to its enormous buttj-esses the trunk question in Russia and the unexpect- j " ''''-''-' '"'*" i^ould desire. can not be cut near ihf ground, .so the e<l growth of Soiialism. Labor legis- I ^^^ '^^'^^ »''" retxjtfnize the author- axmen are obliged to rig up a platform, lation, already long iwojecied, will un- i ''? "' their chiefs wuo are invested 10, 15, M or as man,)- iwt high .as iha doubtedly be "now pushed forward rap- l^iih majjjsleriol powers in the case of buttress extends. These platlorms are idly, but" this will noL be the end of it. ui"i"r oitences committed by ihose called "barl>ecues," iJiough how that Industrial Russia is entering on a new '"Jider them. .Some of the cbieis are of word applies nolx)dy Imt an Englislk. phase. The Riu^sian workman is now Falstaffian proportions. They become man who pridtw himself on correct us* orgiuiizing in all seriousness; he will i v^y obese owing to the iuactive life of the language can sav, The "l>arbe- .soon attract a greater share of alien- ' •''^'y ^ead, and the vast quautil ies of " ' ' ' 'â- -' *" tion than the iwternal Russian Gov- • "•"'*''' ^mt-'r or mead which they cou- eriiinent was. until latelv, willing to j siuub- Cetawayo, the Zulu chief who ' 'â- â- "â- â- " led the British surh a dance, " man of enormuus size. A WONDERFUL CITY. Plhiladelphia. Ihe next annual convention of Am- erican Florists will be held in Provi- dence. R. 1. Mrs. Eunice Beecher, widow of the late Henry Ward Beecher, is very ill in Brooklyn, N. Y. cial treaty of 18i)3. The masters, who still made from 10 to 30 per cent on their capital, seized upon this as an excuse to lower wages and increase houi.i, thus reducing the workmiui to •ver a Thousiind Hrn. Itonirn and t'klld- reo Ll>e 1 uUrr t;rouafl cue" is made of slim poles, one on eaoh hide of the tree, on supports, and two .*^iPr poles lai«l .-icross them; also, ons on- each side of the tree.. The axmaa mounts the platform, with one foot on I'he Zulus are a very moral race, ani each pole, two men to a tree, on op- in this respect they offer a goo<l ex- . posit e .siiles and rapidly fell tlie trees, ample lo more civUi/.ed [leoples. The I ,„ ,,, . vi4ij\-i.'r men usually marry at the ages of i5 j LI Ito A jviAli.v K,i.. years, and Ihe women at 23i A Zulu how men can stand on tliesa slender would think himself very poorly off jH)les and chop down enormous trees; indeed who did iioi have at least two but they do it, and quickly, too.' In an incredibly short lime the st.ilely J, â- Hi.- ,.,-.., . [- •»• â€" --f â- , â€" .„ monarch of centuries totters and falls, II 13 generally l)elieved that light .and 'sick swam, having lietm fascinated by ' ^ wives. The method of couitship and marriage is very simple. The love- " . crashing its way through the crowd ot fresh air are alisolute necessities to, 'he charms of some dusky belle, seta smaller trees, fhe trunks and branches human existance, and that if the nor- "" '"'" "'" ^''"' "^ """ '""«''* ^»^'^'" are t lien sqiiaretl, an.l are really for transgwrtatioii. In felling a valuable tree every precaution is taken against mal supply of either lie cut off man ATTIRED LN HIS BEST. The Western Union Telegraph Com- ,, *, , my h;us secured a controlling iuler- 1 "f *'"'''' stiirvation limit, about 92 50 a week ""f"*' ^°"* exist. I It appears, how- .Bis woolly crop is oncirclud with a band breaking or splitting it and thus spoil, bemg the ma.viiuum pay for twelve iiig luler-l-;-" â- •--. per da.yl the Americ<an UcU Telephone I ^he posiiiou of ihe Company . pany sat m workman was I reudered still more intolerable by the The Whitten Gyc'fl Co., of Providence, | irregularity with which his wages were R. I., has assigned w :th labilities and ' rvii.i „.,^ .i, u /â- â- 7 , â- asjet.s n,Mnm,iTly »50,i, â- '<, "" ^ paid, and the heavy fines and deduc- Gi-eat destruction ana lo«. of life i» ' "'"^, ^"^. °^'«»"<"^'^'- â- "<» ^'^^ "'"•"k, in reported from St. Louie County, .Mo., ;«» ^"^ levying of which the masters and a un- Ihe ivsult of Saturday's oyclcne. A Kn'omotive plant capable of build- ling 200 engines in a year iu to bs shipped from Philadelphia to Ru.ssia. Flora Finlayson, who waa at ona time i>ne of the liesL known singers in j the United States, died iu San Fran- cisco. An elalxMTite programme for the re- :«ption and entertainment of Li Hung Chan^ baa lieen prepared at Phila- delphia. 1 George Ellwell. a Philadelphia boy, smoked twenty cigaivilea in half uu hour tor a wager. He hours afterwards. miuiagers were the sole judges. Further the^'truck" or "pluck" syjttem of fac- tory shops, where thl^ men are unmerci- fully fleeced, was not unknown. It is not wonderful, then, that in ot tiger skin, and sirips of tlie s^iuie luatci lal depend from his neck, and gird his loins. -Vrmed uith a long stall lie sets out iu the best of spirits on his ma- trimunial mission. But all his person- al attractions count for nothing if he is not endowed with sufficient worldly goods to purchase the prizej If he ia accompanied iu his mission by several sleek, well-fe<l cows, the Zulu papa is but no Ix'tter way has yet been devised, Mines," which is situated several hun- sure to say yes, and he at once lakes Three hundred trees are considered a dred feet Iwlinv the surface at liosscssiou of the blushing beauty, good season's work for one camp, eaoh i \v. i:. i,„ i- i; •. Tu- 1 <• 1 I I'liere may be oilier coiin>etitor8 in tlie trw vielding 2,lllh) feet of tinil>er, on a I W lehcska, Gahcia. This wonderful .sulv fj,,,,, however, in whiih case the , mo,lest estimate of the average. i terranean city has a popuhition of over 'man who has the most cows gets the When the morning's stent is complet- a thousand men, women and children, maiden. 'Che simplicity of this system | ed, the men art* free the rest of the scores of whom have never seen the ' "f '""''ship will c:oiiimeiid irself to day to hunt fish, sleep or g -ible, to ever, that there is at least one spot on the glol)e, or, rather, in the globe, where a civilized community of human liein^ifs not only manage to exist, but which live in a. flourishing condition in place where sunlight is totally known. We refer to Ihe "City of the Salt iiig the lumber. This manner of cut- ting on a platform seems very waste- ful. .IS it leaves in the slump an average of 400 feel, of the best part of the tre« so far .as lieauly of grain is concerned â€"to say nothing of the gnarled and twisted" roots, which liear the s;ime pro- portionate additional value that our walnut roofs do to the rest of the tree; September last the men sent their' .. ..' , , ., n,- r i 'hose whose love making has Iweii one sivirch on their own accotuit for Indl- wivea to beg in the streets Added to' ^. *"^ . '"''â- '•° ' surface I [u„g period of biiyuig bouquets and op- an rubber, s<us:iparilla and other mark- n,„ „„„ 1 •• r ' ., 1 This remarkable city has its town; era tickets culminating in the purchase et able products of the woods, or to the general question of wages andhours i h,„ , fh.,„,„,. ,„„, ;,, „„,„.„,,,„ ^^^^^ | of a diamon.l ring. I'he Zulu marriage make camx's, i«ddles, bowls, etc.. from he iiiahngajiy stumps for their own use „,„„ ., . , hall, a theater and its assembly , . was the recent grievance that the men | ,, i„.,,,tif„i ,.i,„r.i. i«^ „ , i festivities consist ot aUmt two ilavs eai- wore forced to staiid idle for three davs u.. nw fu??^ '"• <» *'''' "''i'" "'"7 reiurn to the durinit the caronition in,l r-civ..,) m. ' "' "^ ''^'^^^^- "" **'"« f'lshioned from of which like a gay Lochinvar, the haunts of man. The logs are hauled to V ^, ""*"""• J""*, y'V^'^^" "" pure crystallized rock .salt. It has well bridegroom bears tJie futute partaier of the camp at night, sto as to avoid the wages. As they reniiirked, TheCxars graded streets and spacious squares, his joys and sorrows off to his kraal, intense heat of Ihe day. Whore the da^d a few i holid.ay means hunger for us and our ' all well lighted with electricity. .Vs From that linio forward the wife's place is not too remote, oxen do this families." i mentioned in I he foregoing, there are duties coii.sist in hueiug the mealie i»,irt of the work. However A WaltJiam, M.^sB., man, who was initiated into un Orange lodge, took > t .i, i â- legal action against the officers for as- j wr*''J«'n. the main interest ot the pres- ' or four successive generations has ever j which always need attention in a well situll during the ceremony. Six of | ent strike is not that it adds one more ' seen Ihe sun or h.as any idea ot how 'regulated Zulu hous«>holdj When chil- u.rai h I I) f *i isolated cases in this underground city, patch, or grinding corn, cooking, and wreicneu ine case ol tne ^here not a single individual in three 'performing other little o<ld.s and ends the officei'H were tiued 835 each. Mi^. Fannie Polbvk, afte.r a 16- months' Bearch. found her runaway husband. Alex. Polbwk, in Chicago, anil had him jailed tor 1 igamy and deser- tion. Pollock deserted hw wife and two chiKlre-n while they were changing oars in Ottawa. Therti Ls uo chan^ for the better in our commercial advices from the I'nited fijtatea and trade is almost entirely con page to the martyrology of labor, but that it preseiit.s the first instance in Russia of organized resistance to the GREED AND TYRANNY of the masters, which is supported by the whole force of the Government. The organization displayed must fill every impartial observer with admiration, as, oo the other hand, it hu.s caused no- people live on the outside of the earth I 'dren arrive, the care of th«m is an- fmed to »rta pie lines. Keported miury I ,. â- i , i- â- â- , ,, . to growmg croi» li.a,s cau.s,.d a slight, I """« «!>"rt of dismay in Government Increase during the week in grain and j sphere*. other duty which devolves upon the I wife. 'I'he attire ot the Zulu m.oidou is of the scantiest jiossible characterA She is adorned with many strings of beads, but preserves a pixiper regard for de- oorimi by wearing a sort of loin cloth worked in lieatLs iu a collection ot fell I hers.' Immodesty is not one of Sir. your son's iierform.ance on the her failing.s, however, and there is Ftencb" horn ia execrable. It will drive nothing in her Ixdiavior in public to evervbcdy fionn my house. You told j offend th»! eye. Both males and fe- me he was a teacher. males are required to put on other I did Aut, I said Im was a footer. I clothing when they enter the European Their rock siilt houses are said to be porfeot sanitariums, and the average longevity of the denizens of the "Cit.v of the Salt Mines" is said to exceed tha"t of the surface inhabitants of Galicia. A MISUNDERSTANDING. TOBACCO KILLS GERMS. TobaciK) and tolwicoo smoke are anti- septics :uid germicides ot considerable ix)w<<r lunl their action is u.-*'ful iu re- lievinur or preventing any tendency to chronic congestion of the lungs. Many doctors have remarked the coiiiimrative immunity from eonsuiiiption and other plmuoiiary diseases enjoyed by workers in tolxicoo factories. SOME AVERAGES. The pouplation of the world averages lOi) wtimen to every 100 men. Eight- ninths ot the sudden deaths are thuw of males. â- "<< f: