;-sr: Jftelrtrto ^iriratta. TRUTH BEFORE FAYOR," â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. YOL. XVI, SO 810 FLBSHERTON, ONT., THDBSDAT, SEPTEMBER 3, 1896 W-ETHUBSrON, EDITOR l> PROPRIETY* ^^35^ special Lines . / ,*.*_ fe^^ For the Ladies Engeuia. "N. Suinethin;^ vury nobby in BELT BUCKLES and BLOCSE SETTS, Tery cheap ami "fetching." Cull and Kee thoiii. BROOCHES ! in endless variety. An elegimt line of WEDDING RINGS jast in. Ndw is the time to invest. Never buy to-morrow what you can buy ciieaper to-day. Yil. ARIVISXRLONO Jeweller 0UT ^usirtQss ^ireciorx^ §tMt\$mj, UCUUiOUQH A TOUMO. BanVom, Mark<l&l«. do a Renanl banking ban- (OMs. Uom»y loaiMd at a reasonabla rata. Call •nas. AS. VANDUBKS. J. P. Clark 5th Uiv Court. Co Grey Issuer of Uarriaga LicuuBas, CommissioQar la B. C. of Jostio*, Anctionuar, etc. Flsbhbbton p. 0. TJKBTS COLLECTED. Tbo uudersignad is preparad to nadartaka the collection of all binds of debts. Notes bought, accounts collected, et«' Bf N. HENDERSON •â- ri-KSBKJiTOJi TCHISLETT •«, * Flesbartoa Stntioa Postuiastar, Commissioner In H. C. J., Con- veyancer; deeds, mortgages, leases and wills drawn. Charges moderate. Builuess letters srriUao. dcl9 n J. SPBOULK, Postmaster, Flesbertou, Commissioner in B. B., Licensed iuctiouuer, Conveyancer, A • praiser and Money Lender, Real Hlstato and Insurance Agent. Uoods, Mortgages, Leasen, and Wills drawn up ati'! Valuations made ou shortest notice. Auction sales attended to in any part of the County, .^!ouey to loan at low ast ratea of iuterjst. Collections attended to Kith promutuoss aul despatch Charges low. Age.it for the Dominion Steamship Company. cheap tickets from Flesbertou to Liverpool, Gla-sgow, London or any of the British ports. Parties intending to visit England, Scotland or Ireland, will Pkuase ask rates before purchasing tbair tickets eUewbera <^od?tifisi. AO.U.W.â€" meets every first and third Mon â- day in each niontli, in their lodge room Strain's Block, KleBbortoo, at 8 p.m. W. II. Walker, M \V.; W..I. HoUamy, ttuanc'ar W. Irwin Buoordor. Visiting Krctlikoru invited, ROYAL TKMPLARS OF TEMPEB.4NCE. â€" Kcgular Council meets every first and th'rd Tues.lav uvoning in each month, in Sproulo's block at 8 p. m. Select degree Insurance) meets luonthly. the Wednesday preceding the 2l2ud of each month. SONS OF TKMPKRANCE.â€" This sotlety meets in Dr. Chvistoe' Hall first Wed- nesday iu each month at H p.m. Visiting brotheron invited. Ijiouraucc in connection. UP. B. A., meet in their ball, Christoa's Block everi second Thuraday in each mouth. I. G. Brown, W. M., T. Clayton, Sec- retury. PRINCE ARTHUIl LODGE. No aw, A F A A M, meet in the Maaouic Hall, Strain's Block, Floshoiton, every Frilay on or before the fulliUioon. lioo. Mitchell, W M, W J Sollaniy , secretary ^^ DUPFEUIN LODGE, No 18<1. I O O F, meets in Clayton's Hall every Tuca- • lnv evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brathreucordiAlly invited A3 VanDi'shn, N G Wh Uoobe. Sod J P. U.UtSHALL, L. D.B..M.D. 8, Dentist. Visits Markdale btaa 1st and !trd Wadnesday of each month, riasbertoQâ€" Each trip on the dav loi.uwiag. G. CAMPBBLL, L D 8, DD 8, Dental Surgeon, Uarkdale. Office ovar UcCul lough Jt Toung's bank . Hoursâ€" 8.W a.m. to S p. m. Visits Fleshnrtoneverv second Thursday as followsâ€" June 11 and29. .lulv 9 aod XI, Au<. 13 and S7. Uthor dates will follow. Tl BENDRBSON D D S. M D 6, Dentist of Toronto (gold mecialitit) will visit Flesherton protession- aily the first Wednesday of each mouth and DuQdalk tba day following (Thursday.) JVjift our own correijwndent. A meuting of the EuiieuiiiPreibytariaa Congregation was held ia tha Orange Hall ou Friday evening. Mr. Madill meted as chairmaa and Mr. Uug^ as Ncretary. A resolution was f)asBed expreasiog tha sincere regret which all feel at the resijjnation uf their pallor, the Ray. Mr. Wells, whe fur thrt piist five yeara worked so faithfully among them. They all fetil' that bis leaving | them at this time is an irreparable loss In every way. The reaohitioMS « 3.- ••uc to the presbytery oieetiiigst Orange- 1 viile un Monday. Miss Aunie Nixuit of Toronto spent the past two weeks visiting her muther, Mrs. Peter Sbitrwood, of Euiienia. Miss May Murphy of Osprey is the suent uf Miss Minnie Carr at present. Harvesting will sood be a tliini; uf the |iaat for another year. Our farmers will now have plenty of time to viait the Toronto Exhibit on and return the visit of thei ' ci ty friends. Mr. John Whitten of Flesheiton hasj erected for &lr. Thooipsun Wilson a I beautiful bow bridge over the Beaver | River a abort distance above the fall. It 1 opens the way frum his place right onto I the mountain. The scenery from there is uiiHurpaJisud for benury and romantic >(randeur iu any part of Canada. A harvest home festival will be h,ild at the Or»ni(e Hall ou the evening of Fri- day Sept. 18, fur the beiietit of the Presbyterian churcli. A good program will be rendered. Speaking by the pistor, the Rev. Mr. Wells, Revs. Mr. B.klfour, Darragh uid Huuter, Admis- sion 35 cents, fur furthur particulars see bills. Mr. Albeit Latimer of Toronto ia spending his holidays with bis parents at Eugania. A SUIT ? Then h>e sure arid see as fine a line of Worsted. Goods as you ever looked at and at Prices impossible to beat. We have some special values in Blue 5 and Black Sergres. See ttjem. ! \ C. J. LEITCH Merchant Tailor ftpi. PUOST A BATSON Barristers, Solicitors, Coaveyancers, etc. Officeâ€" Next to pos olBco. Sproule'a block Flesherton, every Thursday until further notice. C. A. BATSON J. W. FKOST LL. B. M. B. â€"Owen Bound office. Frost's block Ponlett St. East. TUCAS* WRIGHT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc., Owen fiouiid. Out. - - Markdale, Out. W. H. WmoHT. I. B. Lucas. N. B.â€" Flesherton office, Mitchell's Bank every Wednesday. TUCKER 4 PATTERSON. Barristeis, solicitors, etc. Molsou's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry 0. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson glcdirat. T\K BUTTON UDCM, M PP&S Ont, Priceville Ofilco next door to Brown's store; residence one door west ot MotUodist church, Kinross St. Office duyn, Tuesdays and Saturday T\K CARTER M C P <& S Cot., Fbyslciaa, Surgeon, etc Flesherton offlo^ â€" Strains b'ock. Residence â€" Munshaw'a Hotel JOHN A SCOTT M B Member College Physic* Bnrgeons.Ontarlo Graduate in Medicine of Torof* i University Fellows! ip Diploma, Post Oiaduato .Medical School and Hospital, Chicago. Diseaaosof eve, ear, nose and throat specially treated, Uosi- deuce, Maxwell, visits Feversbam Tiiurs'lav'sl i J P OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontaiio V*eter/uary College. Re&ideuco â€" Nokt door south ot Moota's planing factory. pRl ICKVILLB AND DURHAM BTAGB. Durham stOi^e leax'os Flesherton Station at 7.1.-> a.m., returns 4.4o p.m. Priooville staffs leaves the same place at 12.IW. rotu: niiiK at 4. 13. Karo toPricevilleand return, 50 cents; Durham, *1.50 for return. 75c. slnRle fsio. Livery in con- ncctiou. Orders ma bo loft at either hotel. A-UoCAULEY Pro Maxwell From, oftr utcn correspotKifnt. The Rev. Mr. Wells from Flesherton took charge uf the service in the Presby- terian church Sunday week. Mrs. Uaniey from here left last Tues- day for Manitoba, where alie intends to st'ty tome time Mr. CuUeu from .\rtemesia gsre ua a call lost Friday. The Omngenien had a business meet- ing in Dr. Sctitt's otfice on Monday evening to see about getting a piece add- ed Ic their hall. Mr. Milton Brownridge left a week a;;o last Tuesday for Manitoba, where he 'Dtends to put in tlie harvest season. Mrs Bohaii from Buffalo visitad her friends here last wsuk. Mrs. Jacob and family from P.irry Soui.d passed thioui^h our town lately. A. Mr. Julian tuok cbaree of the league a week ago last Tuesday evenins;. Mr. Kenny from Parry Sound spent last Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs. T. Brownrideo and Mrs. Wm. Guy were visiting friends in Thorn- bury lately. There was a business meeting in con- nection with the St. Mary's church on Monday evenin}7. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Field spent â- couple of days with friends \x> Homing's Mills lately. Mr. Full. Heron is busy woiking at the Methodist church shed. Eppiiig From Chir (hrn Cvrrespotulefit As every one is tiiking holidays your scribe though to take one to, and we h.'xve b'.'en enjoying ' it immensely. Probably every one else has, too. The harveslino; is dravviii!:! to a clo-so, but has been delayed by tl'o frequent rsiiis. Oats are very light in Ihi.s vicinity. Plums were an excellent crop about hero thia scamm. Mi'. H.^Gilray shipped one Ihouaiind la.skcts, tliu prico lealiicd beinst rather low. Master Percy P>;ill <:f Toronto, who has h.'vs been visiting his sister, Mrs. J. Malhowson, for some weeks, left for i houw Friday. Master llub. Douglas of Gait left for home Friday after spending a month with his grandmother. Mrs. Henry Shore of Duluth is visit- iag her brother in law, J. W. Shore. There was no service in the church Sunday morning owing to the rain. GET YOUR School PricevUle From ou/ own Correapmidetit. Tlie lecture on Mexico last Wednesday evening in the Presb} terisn church by the Rev. Mr. Dodds waa thoroughly ap- preciated by the large audience which waa praiutnt. Tha Wliirar k»pt , bis listeners intensely- interested from be- ginning to end. On Tuesday evening Mr. Dodds addressed the C. E. on Christian work iu Mexico. The village was greatly shocked yester- day morning to learn of the terribly sudden death uf Mr. Alex. Taylor of Dremore, who dropped dead yesterday shortly after eating his breakfast. The deceased was well known here. We sympathize with the bereaved family in their unlocked foratfliciion. (Rev.) Mrs. Humphreys who has been very ill, has takeu a change for the better. Mrs. Dietz, of Detroit, and Miss Mc- Kinnon, of Caledon, are the guests of Mrs. G. Tryon. Miss Bertha James returned home last week after an extended visit among friends in Woodstock, Ayr, Metz and other places. Our eneruetic contracter, Mr. Hector i McLean, looks as if he had just recently come through the war. The cause of his dilapidated appearance was simple. He â- vas iu the act of putting the tiiii'ihing touches on thn ceiling uf a room iu Mr. Vanzant's domicile, Flefchertuu, when a large lump uf piaster uf paris dropped square into his left eye causiug most excruciating pain. llectcr has been wearing a bandage over his visual organ for a few days and enjoying (7) a day or two of rest and recreation. Rov. Mr. Stafford, ef Chicago, oc- cupied the pulpit of the Baptist church last Sunday. The Rov. gentleman de- livered a thoughtful and instructive address. Mr. and Mrs. Payne, of Toroute, weroi the guests this week ot the latter 's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Simpson. Principiil Blakeston feels ([uito elated over ths success of his pupils at tliH recent exaiu. The following candidates were successful in pa.ssmg Form 1 of the Primary from Priceville P. S., viz: Peter MArthur. Donald McLeod, Tlioe. McDouyal, Annie Hogarth, Kdilh James and Leo Orier. Mr. and Mrs. R J. Wntsun, of Waller's Falls, vislto<l friends in llii.s buig lately. We congratulate Mr. John McLecd on his !)uccess in obtaining a Junior Leaving eel titicate and Mr. R. Scott in succes.stully passiug the Primary oxain. last July. Mr. R. Gvior returned hist week from a pleasant ontir.g among tho rocks and vales surrouudijiu Wiait07i. Books â€" AND- School - Supplies OF EVERY KIND W.E.Richardson's NORTH GREY Fall - Exhibition I rrime Table TUESDAY, Sep. 15--CliiI(lreii's Day. 1--Proces8ion of 10,000 children from Market Square to j^rounds at 1.30 p.m., ted by four brass bands. 2â€" Calisthenio F'.ercises. 3 â€" Open ttot or pace, 1st heat. 4â€" Formal opening of Exhibition. Ad- dresses by James D. Hughes, Public School inspector ; Hon. Wm Paterson, Minister of Customs ; Hon. L. H. D.'wies, Minister of Mariue and Fisheries : Hon. Dr. Montague, ex Minister of Agricul- ture ; Hon. .1, I. Tarte, Minister of Pubhc Works; Hon. S. Fisher, Minister of .\griculture. .5 -Viewing piscatorial, curio and miii- oral exhibit. () â€" Green Run, 1st heat. 7â€" Open trot or pace. 2nd heat. 8~ Aerial perfonoance by the world- renowned wizards of the air, tho St. Beliuos. 9-Green Run, 2nd heat. 10â€" Special performances by other artists. 11â€" Conclusion of Trot and Run. Programme for Tuesday evening and following days can be secured on the grounds. Membership tickets ?1. En- trios close Sept. 8tk, after which 25 cents must accompany each entry. For rates by boat and mil enquire of your local agent. For further particulars seo bills posters, hangers, lahos, prize li.'st.s, or apply to A. G. McK.\Y, Sec. H. B. Harrison. Pres ; J. D. Speers, M,in.; W. A. Grier, Trens. 0. S, Times : Last Sunday, shortly after midnight. Murphy's sawmills at Murphy's siding, about five miles from here, wore struck by liglitiiino. v hioh started tho mills on lire. The mills, a iiiilliim and a half feet of »««n lumbtr, numerous logs, ties and slab.', aI.<<o a board'iig house, were t )tally destroyed. About 100 yards .f Grand Trunk t: ack were burnt out. Eiiiht cars «h ch wore ill danger were pushed to the in:iin lino and saved. Li'.ss, iu fh"? iioit;hboi! oCtI of |20,00O ; insured for *70C0. 1 --^" â- '^ i^HtttiM^iMlilMb liifeh