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Flesherton Advance, 27 Aug 1896, p. 8

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> THE FLSSH8RT0M IDViUBl D. HcTavish FLESHEI^TON KEEPS ON HAND rs For llasscy-Harria, and ttoxon, Fleary and Wilkinson farm implements. Fleury and Vcritj plows on band all the time, also all kinds of repairs for tlio same. Wo mannfacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. bpecial attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on liand. r :^Jk. SUMriER SALES ^T^ ^•^ II '^^^^ NOW RUSHING ! '^^^ This is the Reason of year wlien you want to l)uy a nice buggy or cart. I have theui â€" buAuties â€" and will sell on your own teniiBâ€" if they are not all one-HideA. Painting and re-triinniing done to order. Don't buy without looking in upon my aaniplos and getting prices. . R. T. WHITTEN iSL-- ^ %^^^/«^%^%^%%%%'%/%%^^^V%^^k^%^%%^k«^^%'%^ Winter Wheat. r^'^'.^^':7-j:ii:i^':!:ii^;:?T?/j^^^ GO TO J.H.HEARD FOR THE BEST â€" -^ «i*SrnOIES, Wa<{i{'>n«, Carts, Spring Tooth and Iron Harrows- r~\ Frosts and Wootls' liindors, Mowers, Home Kiikes a-nd Ploughs. J^J Fleury Pksut'lm, Scufflers and Turnip Seed Drills. Dick's PldUtths and Land lloilirs. Shares for all kinds of Plouj/hs. Slioeiriv and all kimd^ of lilacksmiihing. a. id Shingles. H )rs8 Wood, Lumber, Cedar Posts 525S55^TAr>\-H«;j^r^v5^-5r,j2,r-i!^.^^ ^M i COME THIS WAY FOR YOUR The Best in Town The Western Fair AU'i BANANAS, ORANnKS, LE. MONS, CONFKCTIONEKY and eTcry- thiiig in Uie Grocery line always on haiid •lid at cbsapotA prices. A trial solicited. WM. BARMOUSE Eugenia Mills _ AND Carriage Works. Oarrlages made and Repaired, also Planing and Matching, Band Saw- Ing, Wood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Gram Chop ping done â- while you wait, for th«< Beaver turns the wheel, T, W. W1LH4»N Mnnaxor OAVIATt, TRADB MARKS, OKSIQN PATINTS. OOPYRIQHTS, ato. Fer Informntlnn An<l tn-n llan<1lKM>k wrlto lo MU.N.S ft CO., 361 linrviBWAV, Ntw York. OIiloBt IjHreau for BTctirlnR i>ntcnu In Aniorloa. Kvcry lifth'iit tahfll out liy uh id LroUKtit befom tiio piiblli; by a iiotiuo aivvii free ot charge In Ui« Lanetl cIrculAtInn of anj K-lonttflo papor In th« wurlil. Spli'iiilldlir MluatraU'il. No nucniRrnC â- nan iboulil iiu wlMiuut It. Wevklr, aa.OOa Kiritl-l^ialxmnnthl. A<ldn>M, MUNN ft CO., â- uaaua, SSI luoadway. Muw York CUx. , Sept. ]fl to 19, Canada's Favorite Live Stock Eihlbltlon. Oldest far In CanBda-EsUbllshcd 1868 QolnR einr p-irico. Kxhibitom flnl It pan to Kbowbtiro. KntritisuloHu Kept .trt. »ao,Oii<ii>i- poilduJ uii iidw biiil(liiii,M; boatoti thu colitilmnt. F.viiiy imro hniofl riiprusoiilpil in the live ttock. Kvei y iiMprovuiiK.nt to »(,'rlLulturiil imiilrmoulH ijrinibiliiti..n. Tbo ciiiltro of (InlrvlnK. The be»t m^w LtiiMlritjH to kIiow ill. A perfurt ni^jht aud Kill «-,!ll repay a viiiit to thu Fuir. ^awnoit Siiil's WHd litest JXndVffoxi'can J^ippo<irome NO actors. (Vlmiiiimlii and ft villuKi of .V) tuiitB ; the f{i-t^iitoi*t fair iitti-acliun in Ainorica tu-day. Sie B&ssan Ben All's Moorish Acrobats TWI'.I.Vi: IN NUMBl'K. Send for prixo lint and iiiako your entrioB. OAPT. A. \V. I'OK IK, THOa. A. HKDWNK, I'lusiiloiit Hocrutary TO IT m m\\ NOTICK U hartiby Rivan that I will not b* reKpoiMiblt) for any dobtii contractual for iiio or in my name, without express ftutliorlty iu writing. JOBIAH (lAMKY, TowDsLiip of OHprey, Farmer Dalarl Kt Klosherton this IHtb day of Ju iiu A. D. IMyO. House and lot For Sale. Vox Halo clump ami on easy tornin In FIohIh-v- hoii. Kpluixlid Ini'fjin Holid brick dwolliiiK. with Muo'l Htoiiii eollfir, Hiiinnior kitrhuii iin<l wood- hotiHi), al^o ^ooil ft H.ii)o ptahle, hiick liiinl. l'n*"iii'i*rH contiiluh twi) lar^o lots ami ^ftxnl younf.; onliiinl, t)(iariii(j. House and oittliuiUlii*KH avp uxci'ptionnlly Viull tUiiH)iu<.t and very convuui- ently laid out. Apply to K.J. SrBOULB.Fleiherton. Hlelon brogue ne'er turned the htcl. Mctreat I0 not in our vocabulary OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tKe ^vepy Best PLACE IN CANADA TO OET A TlioroQgli BQsiness Elycation. Take a Round Trip sriLVCnoK! â€" (>olloiioii and Uoinmorolat Departniont* in Canada, tbuii vinit tlie Northern Ittidueast^olltvo ; oiaiiiine ovnry- thing tliorougbly. If wu fail to prodiioe the Biost thoronsb,coiiU)1(dQ, practj(;al and oxton- â- ire course ui'tiidy : tlm hniit coIIoko proiuUoi ABd tliii best and inoib uoniplotu and most stiit- Mblefurnitnru and nlllluncuH, wu will (jItu you A (all oourse ITHIiif.. Kor Annual Aniiouuoo- H)§al,(iTlD((Bll partlenlars fioo, addres 0. A. FLEMING, Prlaeipal. COME And got your bajjn lillt^il at lIuiiilorHoii'N ill Sinotilo'H lilotk wi' /\L.Vyl>IVJ ut8:!.4,'i|ii!rbl.l. Wu Imvii fiiiiKMiilc 1,'uilu TKA and SlKJAll mid othur (illOCKUlKS. dm- Swiuitiiis nio lalo j^iido, Sd tlm folk.s say. Wo Imvu Koniu ^iidu ItiuianaH, lU'k C'lnna and I'ciiclioH nt liiwust liviiij; |ii'ii;eH. Our TIU'NKK Mild \'.\LISKS aru away tloiiii' ill iirioo. Wii ail) .\gi'nt fur Mo(i(>wann N... 1 llAKl) MANlTOllA FLOUK. Try it. An early cull milicittd. VJy\. HENDERSON CARDlNa I bnvo put thu rrlRnvIlIe onrdlnK mill into Arntidnss rniiair and nin employing a Rood csi'dui', Uooti wink dune piomtdlv. U, MoUaWBM. ftloevllle.Jubo:, '(W, Within the past serrn ycnra 133 rarie- ties of winter wh«M have been very care- fuily tested iu the sxperimeiital depart- nivnt uf the igricullural Culle);«,Guelph. Basidas ascertaiiiint; the coniparatire yields of grain aud atrair of the different Tariwties, the whtats hare be«n closely eiarnined each year for their quality of (irain, time of maturity, strength of straw, freedom from ruit, vtc, in order Iu deteruiino which kinds will .give the moat satisfactory results whan grown under unifurm condiliuiis. After the Tarioua vurietiea have been carefully tested for a few years, those which hare given the best aatisfaction are selected for distribution throughout Ontario. Tliia ayttom of cooperative experimental work enables the tarniers ts delcrinine for themselves which ef the leading vari- stice will i;ive the best resalts upon their own particular farms. As a practical re- sult from obtaining iofornuitiou in this way, hundreds of farmers are now grow- ing Tarielies in their regular farm practice which were entirely unkaown to them a slwjrt time ago. For instance, the Daw- son'a Golden Chuff variety of winter wheat, which haa recently given such high average yield* ef (inin per acre, both at '.he collef;e and throughout Ontario, was scarcely known except iu one neigh- borhood of tiuelph, until it wa* sown in our experimental grounds in 1891, and afterwards distributed for co-operative experimental work. This is now one of the m>>st popular winter nheute in this Province. In the fall of 1895 nine leading varie- ties of winter whe«.t were distributed in this way. They were divided into two seta with fire varieties in each. The Dawson's Gulden ChalT was used in both setts to form a basis by which the results of all the Tsrieties could he compared with ene another. Each person who wanted to conduct an experiment stated in bis application which sat he desired, and the fire varieties in the set selected were sent to his address, with full instruc- tions fur conducting the experiment. The grain was sown at the rate of one and one-third bushel* per acre, upon plots exactly uniform iu size and shape. The yields per acre have been calculated from the actual retults obtained from the plots. Ninety reports of carefully conducted experiments hare been receired this sea- son up to the time of writini;. As these came from 27 uf the counties of Ontario, tho results should be of real practical value to the farmers of the province. Tho fulluwing table givca the compnrmtiva re- sults of straw and grain per acre ef the winter wheat varieties tested during the past seasen un 9U Ontario farms : Straw per acre, llrain per ac. TOSS BU.-COlbl 1 DaWEon'a Qolden Chafl 1 99 St.!) i Jonea' Wintur Fife !«.. S6.4 J Pride of (ieiniae 1.30 B5.0 I Karly Ued Clawson... IM 84 9 5 Kuipriae 1.27 83 8 American Bronr.c IJl 8:1.7 7 i:arly(iuuoii)etliant....l.iaS 83.1 RUnlgailan ISO 81.3 •J Jouca' Square Heal .. l.H 80.8 CONl-LVJSlO!!. 1. In tho arerage yield of winter wheat per acie, Dawson's Golden Chaff stood highest iinioiiR eleven rarieties tested over Ontario in 1893, uiiie varieties iu 1894, nine varieties iu lB9r>, and nine mrietifs in ISiMi, iilae among lifty-thiee varieties giuwn ut the Agricultural col- li'ge for livu years in successiidi. '2. In the co-operative experiments for 18',M1, Dawiou's tJolden Oliaff, Jones' Winter Fife, and I'ride of (ieneseo gave llio best yiukli on heavy soils, and Junes' Wintttr Fife, Diiwa'iii's UoUen Chnlf, and Surpriae on li^ht soils. .1. Pride of Oenenee, Dawson's Golden C'hutl', and ,1oii«>i Winter Fife made the licfil appi'arnnco in tho sprnii; of 18!>6. 4 Early tltnesoo Giant, Karly Ued Clawaon, Danson's Golden Chatf and Ainnrican Hniiize {lussetsed the atiH'est Hliaw ill 1800. 5. Pride «f (ionasee, Jones Winter Fife, lliil^nrinn and American ISronzo produced the greatest loiiiith of straw. I'l. Dawson's Golden (,'hutT, Bulgarian and Pride of (leuf see were the le.iat, and Suiprlao, Early Genesee Giant and Anieiiuan llron/.e were tho most affected by rust. 7 Early Rod Clawson and Dawson's GoUUin ChatT were (he first to nia'.ure, and the I'ride of Genssae, Early Genese* Gisiit and Hulgarinn weie the last to mat urn. H Dawson's Gulden Chaff, Surprise and Early lioj Clawson produced the |ihim{:eHt grain, and Jones' Winter Fife anil American Ihonze the ino^t Hhruiiken grain. Dawson's Oolde* Chaff was decid ediy tho moat pojuilar variety with the i<xpuritnenters, in each uf the past four years, and in 18% it was ehosen by about 50 per cent, of the farmers who sent in full reports, as being the best among the varietin tested. 10. Six varieties of winter wheat have been ttsted ever Ontario for three years in succession with the following arerage results in bushels of grain per acre : Dawson's Golden Chaff 31.8, Jones' Win:er Fife 20.1, Early Genese* Giant 28.5, Early Red Clawsoa 28 4, Araericaa Bronze 278, Surprise 27.8, and Bulgar- ian 27.2. 11. Reports uf successful experiments with winter wheat have been received this season from 27 counties in Ontario, IU of which are situated esHt and 11 west of the city of Gnelph. 12. The principal failnres in the winter wheat experiments not included in this report were caused by winter killing, grasshoppers, accidents, etc., and in some instances by the experimenters not con ducting the tests in exact aeeordanc* with the instructions given. 13. Of the 284 experimenters who have reported the reaults of their toKts for 1895, only three speak of wishing to dis- continue the CO operative experimental work, and much interest has been mani- fested throughout. 14. Varieties which have given good average results in the experinients at the college for a few years have also givea gooB satisfaction throuthont Ontario. DISmiBt'TIOIl OK SEED FOR TESTISO ri'RFO.SU. In the follr.wing table will be found three setsnf winter wheat varieties, which will be SQMt free by mail, in half peund lots of each variety, to farmers applying to them whe will carefully test the three kinds iu the sei which they choose, and will report the resalts after harvest n*xt year. The seed will be sent nut in the order in which the applications are re- ceived as hmg as the supply lasts. Sot No. 1â€" Dawson's Golden Chaff Early Genesee Giast Early Red Clawson Set No. 2â€" Dawson's Golden Chaff Pride of Gentsse Fo<de Set No. 3â€" Dawson's Golden Chaff Stewart's Champion Siberian Each person wishing one of these s*la should write to the Experimentalist, Agricultural College, Guelph, mentioning which set he desires, and the grain, with inski uctioiiB for testinir and blank fomta on which to report, will be furnished free of cost to his address, until the supply of (•rain for distributing becomes exhausted. C. A. Zavitz, Experimentalist. Agricultural College, Guelph, Aug. 14. General B(c«v8 The Victoria Cross Mr. Kiibert Purdy, a well-to-uoUruier of Erncsttown Township, committed sui- cide by cutting his throat wath n razer. A short while ago deceased received a sunstroke, which affected his braia. Sir Darid Macpheraon, millionaireeon- tractor, senator, aud politician, died on the high seas while returning from Eug*' land hist week. The body was brou((bt to Toronto fur interment. Lady Mac- phfitoH died about a year ago. News of th* great success of the UuiverNity of Pennsylvani-i's expedition to Babylonia has been received her*. The most notable reuslt of the excava- tion is that th* history of the Babylonian pe*ple, as recorded in cuueilfurin writin g on tablets, is carried back at leask 2,250 yearfurther than yet known. There is now abundant written evidence that tb« Babylonian people existed and were civilized enough to be abl* to writs at least 7,000 B. C. Prof. Hilprccht is at present in Constantinople, arranging for the classibcalion of the in.scriptions on subjects of priceless value which, under the conditions uf the Cruian, become the property of the Imperal Miiqeuin there. FARM FOR SALE Every man whoso name appears on that honored roll, and who woara ou liis breast the simple adornment of the Yietoria Cross is a hero, and any one of the actions for which it was conferred, would, if the recipient had been botu iu Ancient Greece cr Rome, have won for him the applause of the ages, aud his deeds would have breu extolled in dramas or in woik of art, or iu odes written to his honor. Hut of many of tho hundreds who now wear the Cross, little is known by us, tlinii^h the men are in our midst. Yet men of all ranks and classes, and the noble and wealthy no less than the obscure and humble cheriili that mark of distinctiou as the highest the world can give. And it is significant, too, that though honors are thick npou the heads of some, aud though tlioy are privileged to attach lo their names letters indi- cating distinguished titles, the iuitials that stand foiniost are Y. C, and in courtly parade the adornment which is most conspicuous is the simple bronzo Maltese Cross, tlie same adorn- ment that is woru by the humble man whoso lionse is a garret, aud whose family arc cliildreu uf the soil. And so tills ci'OSB links all meu together, it stands ns a symbol of the highest that man as man can attain, it places the hearts anj the generous impulses of all men on a common level, and the words " For Valor " are as dear to the noble diike as they are to the unlet- tered private. This coveted diatiuc- tion, as its name implios, was insti- tuted during tho reign of our Queen, by whom tho cross is conferred per- sonally. The first occasion was in 1857, when 62 men iu both services, who had served iu tlio Crimea, were decorated with the cross. â€" Heroes of Britain iu peace aud war. . â-  I le n * • Thos. Moiidy of Melancthon was sent to Orangerille jail because he had a cancer in his face and had ao on* to care for him. Dr. Naiiso 'a Arctic exploring steamtr Fram hsH safely arrired at Skjervoe, a fishing post in Norway. Lots US. 11!) mi) I'pO, c'.n. 3. K. of Tironto and >>ydeub^iii K.u I. loo acros, "a cS«ared ; good orihurri ai .! wil wutitied. W'll )>.* «ol<l OD easy tui iii«. t'>i iu.tb.jr puiicLilBra ap,>ly lo Fleibeitou, July '.'â- ), ItiM. IIKHCKOFT & TAldlOf. FLESHEBTOII STEIK UBliDBT. I baro opi*ned jp a coniplcte liteain lauudry in Fleeherton, an.l am prrpa ed totakeioai^y quantity of lauu>b-y vrork at lower pn\^*!!t than arocbarged elb^whertt. [ have put iu the latest and moat iiuprovcd ma<;biu«ry to that end. Kiudly give me a call. Kutira satisfaction Cuarautead, aud p. ices low. Mas. Obo. MooaBBDCftb The Markets. Carefnliy Corrected Earli W«^ Flour $3 BO to |4 40 Oats 18 to 18 Peas 45 to ^ Butter 10 to 10 Eggs, fresh 8 lo 8 Potatoes bag 20 lo W Pork 4 60 to 4 W Hay per ton 10 00 to 11 00 Hides .. 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepakins 25 to CO Geese 5 to 6 Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair 20 to 96 Ducks per pair. 40 te SO Wool 17 to 20 TIME TABLE COISQ .SOUTH. Markda!e^6.40 a. m. Fleshertonâ€" C.53 a. m. 4.40 pk.m. 4.53 p. ai. aOINO NORTH. Fleshertonâ€" 11.48 a. in. Markdale-12.01 p. m. 9.17 p» in. 9.30 p-m. >N /IS /TV/ Photos â€"TAKEN â€" AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first-clnsa style and at ^ lowest rates. Special attention given to copyinp. Babies' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. I MRS. BULMER Flesherton 5aw & Planing Mills The vmdersigned are placing iu po- sition a first class sawmill for custom sawing, which will be ready for opera- tion in January. We have also added A CHOPPINQ MILL For the coiivenicuco of farmers. Chopping done at any time at 6 cents per 100 lbs. Tlic sash and door factory, band and Horoll sawing business continued as usual. Pile iu your orders. BEECKOFT & TALBOT

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