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Flesherton Advance, 27 Aug 1896, p. 5

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fHf flsshIiton ADVANGI iriMB LAbk^^r Ificiiiifir Chills. ChararterLstirs of the Past Week Carefully Called for the Canons. ^*wii»«iM not»«<M among loeali tcUl 6< charjed at the rate of 10c per line for each insertion. A reduction iciU Jw made on etnUracta fur 100 lines or «wr. 'â-  Meaford'i iiittii of tsi&tioa i* 25 milli on the dollar. Tbare was a uls last week of about 3000 Ibi. of chfeta, July male*, from Fle*hert«n cheeu factory. Th* Cgurs rs-ilized waa 8c. In the racaut 31tt battalion rifla matchea tha Laith Cw. succasdad ia hold- ing til* Cli^iand cap with a Kore of 308, Durham baing iecood with 295 and Mea- furd third with a acora of 294. Saturday night was not faTorabla for tha adipaa. It did rain 1 Dr. T. Bttndarson, deiitiat, will ba in Fleahartou an WedAatday, S«pk 2. Ha haalvia standing card in thia papn giring bia re2uUr ordrr of Tiiitg. Militia ordcra have Txen isnued frem Ottawa f(«r the annual C3iup. The 31st' 35tb, 37th and 39lh batulion will go into camp at Niagara un Sept. 15. The new pipe ur^an for tha Methodist church arrived an Monday and hxt now be«n placed in p.iaition ready fur the church opening on Sunday next. East Grey fall prize tl«t wilt be iuued thia week. It is a large contract, making a pamphlet of aome forty p<ges and 800 copies will be printed and diatributed througl.out the riding. The managenaent of tha Grand Valley Tribune hai been changed, Meura. J. M. Skelton stepping out and Mesara. Batho & Morriaoa taking tha helm. The Tribune ia a apicy local paper. Rav. John Stafford, of Chicago, oc- cupied the pulpit of the Baptiat church laat Sunii.'iy evening and will alas officiate next Suiidty m»rn!ng. The evening aer- Tice will be withdrawn. The Advance ia extremely anrry te i«am of the death of an old achool mate add eateemetl friend in the peraon of Mr. Jamea M. Cirruthera of Lake Couaty, Ohio, who succumbed to a fever lately. Mr. Carruthera had been a reatdent of ()hio for the pant eight years. The C(>IIingwo«d Enterpriee waa some- what cecond-hand last week. It clipped its Fevrrftham and Eugenia news from The Advance, holns bolus, without crtdit; its Sunnidale, Stayner aad a lot more intra other papers. Verily Brother Brady's past pot had to work laat week while his brain tocik a rest. Mr. D. McTavish has purchaaed tha old planing mill factory from Mr. J. P. Ottnwell and has given Mr. Sloan the contract of removing it to a good stone foundation on the site of the old Black- smith shop, burned down a few yaarsa^. Mr. MoTavi«h will use the lower story as a blacksmith shop, and the upper for a carriage shop. We are thinking uf baying a cow or a goat to eat up the supply of cornstilk* aubniitted for the editorial tape line. Mr. Au.stin SbacklefoJd brought in one last week cut in sections for convenience, and it made an armful. But sny, can't we switch this off onto apples ? Fur instance, who can bring us in a dozen weighing' 25 ounces, or two ounce each ! NVe expect of course to supply our apple Mu for a year in this way. Curnitalki are altogether tou rank. Mr. Wni. Strain of this place wrote to the Agricultural Colie<;e, Uuelph. making iiiiiuiries as to whether rusted straw was iujurioas when fed to aniftaU. The re- ply which ht received was to the effect that no injury had ever been observed from that cau^e. As there is a large quantity of rusted straw in this district it will be a sonrce of satisfaction for farm- ers to learn the above. Wu are infornivd that cattle will eat rusted straw with nion»EcIi!th than olran, there apparej^tly being a s:tline taste to it which suits their pallets. Miss Ethel Croosley met with a serious accident on Thursday of last week. While driving dowa Whitelaw'a hill near Meaford in company with her little br.tJicrand another little girl, the horse !;yt its hind foot over the shaft andhuL'^y, horseandi'ccpants were thrown into H heap, lu extricating herself Miss Crossley was seriously kicked in the groin. Noiwith- standiiig the pam she bravely took the horse by the head and held it while it kicked loose fro:* the buijcy. She then lied the aiiinial in a fenca comer and walked over two uiiles-to a friem'.s house. It was found necessary to orU in the service ef a physician. Miss Crossley was brouviht home un Monday and is now doing nicely. Ethel is pure ((rit, m the •LhoT* facts prove. The stock of J. W. Shwre, Epping, waa sold at auction at the otBce of Assignee VaiiDusen on Wednesday of last weak, and brought 66 cents en the dollar. The Stloek was purahaaed by J. D. Brown, Priceville. Mr. Gso. Mitchell purchaaed the book debta at 20 cenu. Aaaual Drill All old members of Ka. 6 Co. who wish to attend the annual drill in Septenber, and all who wiah to join the company, will apply to R. J. Sproule without delayâ€" C. S. Sprocle, Cautain. Church Rs-Oponiag Bills have been issued announcing the re-opening ef Flesherton Methodist church on Sabbath nsit, 30th inst , when sermons will ba pr(sch«d at 10.30 and 7 by Rev. S. G. Stone, D.D., of Shelbnrne, and at 2 30 by the Rev. Alfred Brnwn. chairman of the 0#on Sound district. Collections and contributions la sid ef improvement fund. On Monday evsning following a grand tea will be serred in the Uctura room, sfter which a platform meeting will be held in the church, to be addreued by Dr. Stone and Rev. Alfred Brown and other ministers of the district. The choir and foreign talent will supply music. Misa Buchaa, organist of the Scrope street Methodict church, Owen Siund, has, we understand, been en- guged to preside at the tine new pipe organ that hoa just been pieced in posi- tion. AdmisaioD 15c to tea and enter- tainment. »>ERS0«AL3 Miss Nettie Brown, of Durham, is the guest of Mrs. Qadd Mr. Goo. Wickeas of Fleaherton visit- ed friends in Collingwood last week. Mra. Somers and daughter of Scarboro are thegueata of Mrs. A. M. Gibaon. Mr. Geo. LeGard returned on Wednes- day to bis honaa in Chicago. Miss Allie Gridiths and Miss Edith Redftrn of Owen Sound are guests of Miss Minnie Munshaw this week. Miss Maud Handbury, deputy post- oiistress 'jf Dundalk, is the guest of Miss Christena Richsrdton. Mr. Caspar Sproule, now of Port Rowan, was renewing acquaintances in town last Wkek. Rev. R. Keefer of Linwood is .spend- ing a week's racation with hia psreota here. The Misseaa Firnaon and Mr. Geo. Brooks, of Thornbury, visited friends in town on Sunday. Mr. J. D. Clark of the London Advertiser is spending his usual summer holidays in tuwn. We usglsctsd mentioning last week that Mr. J. W. Heiidsrsou and family had ret irn«d to their home iu tn^city. Mr. W. Keefer, w'fs and children, of Chicago, arrived en Saturday on aviaitto the former's parents. Mr. A. R. Kawcett of the Toronto Junction Leader and Recorder speiif Sunday and Monday with his parents in town. Mr. T. Aikenhead, Toronto, wheeled up last week and spent Sunday with rela- tiTcs in tuwn. Mr. Aikenhead, sr., is also visiting friends here. Mr. J. B. Richards, merchant and postmaster of Rocklyn, called in on Wediiealay of last week. He was after the Shore Slock but did not succeed iu baying. Dr. E K. Richardson returned on Tuesday from Teronto,where ho has been taking a course at tHs Royal School of Infantry, from which he now holds a tirst class military certificate iMiss Lizzie Armstrong of Toronto is the yuest of friends in this vicinity. Miss Armstrong has been t resident ef the Northwest for seme years since removing fr(»;i» Flesherton, returning east last winter. Mr. Andrew Sharp of Clearwater, Man., isipendiiigs few wesks with friends in Ontario. Mr. Sharp saye limes are fnirly gu.d in hii d.i»tict and crops promise well. Mr. J. C, GritBih Mrs. Grilfiths and two children visited frisndj in town over Sunday. It is over eiKhteeu years since Mr. Griffiths was iu business here, but he still likes to come back and visit us cciwienally. In fact Mr. G.ji4t» be ha hved ia Walkertou, Wisrton and Owen Sound since leaving here, has also travelled around a good deal, and has utTsr found a place he w^iuld rather live in than right here in Klrsherton. We were much pleased t« bav« a cbst with Mr. G. Mr. W. Baruhouse returned on Thurs- diy laat after an extremely enjoyable visit to the pUce of hia birth in Devon.ihire, old England. Hia trip throughout was very pleasant in every way, and included bye-excursions ti> the following places : London, Liverpool, Bristol, Ilfracombr, Clovelly, a popular summer resort on the Bristol chanasl ; Cardilf, Wales ; Ports- mouth, Cowes, Isle of Wight ; Southamp- ton, Saliabnry, Swansea, etc. While at the latter place he witnessed a handsome yacht race m which Valkyrie and the German Kaiser's yacht. Meteor, were coutestauU along wiih others. A 10<)- guinea cup was the prize and it was won by the Ailsa, over a 50 mile course. Mr. Baruhouse says Clo/elly is the meet pio- taresque spot he ever saw, being built on the face of the rocks with naly one street epwards and that built in steps, the buildings being erected on terracea one above the other. Donkeys with panniers do all the carrying. Horses do not flour- ish there, neither ia it considered good bicycling. Mr. B. also attended a dne art exhibition at Cardiff, and altogether bad a magnificent sime. His many friends here were glad to welcome hiiu back and gUd to know that his visit to the scenes of hia youth were of so pleas- ant a nature. . . NOTHING TO DO. .. But sell and repair SHOES. We are right at home in the shoe business, and we make it iiiter- estini; by selling the best sort of shoes cheap. We have good lines in Men's wear, s<jme fine, some heavy, also a choice lot of Ladies' Oxfords, also Button and Bals, ALL PRICES. Children's shoes, all sizes and S4irt.8. ^V* Custom work and repairing done promptly J i . . . AT CLAYTON'S . . . ys''' A man caauot io two things at a time. A woman will broil a steak sad see that the coffee does not b<jil over, and watch the cat that she does not steal the remnant of the meat on thekitchoBtabla, and dress the youngest boy, and set the table, aod see to the toast, and stir the oatmeal, and give the order to the butch- er, and she can do it all at once and not halfry. Man has done wonders since he came before the public. He haa navi- gated the ocean, he has penetrated the mysteries of the starry heavens, he has harnessed the lightning and made ic pull street cars and light the great cities of the world. But he can't find a spool of red thread in his wifo'« work basket ; he can't discover her pocket in a drsss hanging in the closet, he cannot haag out clothes and get them on the line right endup. He cannot hold clothes pins in his mouth while he is doin^ it either. He cannot be polite tosomebody he hates. He cannot sit in a rockiogchair without banging the rockers into the baseboards. He can't put the tidy on the sofa pillow right side out. He cannot sew on a button. In short, he cannot d* a hundred things that women do almost tinotiviv'y. ^kose Qoods We want to sell them to you. I crate ot Iron Stone China White Ware Cups and Saucers, Tea Plates, Jugs, Bowls, etc., 35 per cent, less than regular prices Milk Pans, Cream Crocks, Butter Crocks. Special line Women's Glove Grain \ Boots at li.oo Loucks' Xo. 1 Flour always on hand. Also Germa for Porridge. Try it. T. HILL JM. jit .»«. Jf- Jf^ -itfe ^ife ^ v'K-TJfc â- it^]f' -iM. •>!«. Jf. â- jit, â- i'j. M. ^/^:i<ei^V£Sif:jii'£.£\fi:^ ^ ^^SiiSSSSS V/yf<^/ â- tu. Still Ahead ALWAYS LEADING IN Quality, Quantity and Prices '4? I We cannot and will not be beat in otir own businesi. Our facilities for buying and handling FURNITURE were never so good as at present time. \Ve hare a pride in beiu;^: able to say our slock La« been bought with a thorough know- ledge gained in experience of the mar kets. the times, and our P customers needs. Buying and selhng Furniture at the best f values and on the closest possibla margius ia our one study «; Be sure to see us it you need anything in HOUSE F URN 11 U BE line. J, E. MOORE, Furnisher & I'ndertaker Flesherton Furniture Warerooms. Residence at Store. ^'Sf'VS M» '!>. »t!. ..V4. .!'(. v>'<. -i'r, .}'«. sit. Sit. vM'. v^lfei^l^^!^lJ«l^^!&^^iiSii^''44^&^: •rtf FLESHERTON ^ FREE ! FREE I I WOOLLEN MILLS Open again and are paying more than the highest price for WOOL. Thomas A. JbAiwb A Common Affliction PfraaDenlti Cured by Taktag parilla AYERS A cAB-sanrzs's stost. â- I was afflicted (or elsht rears with )Ralt Klieuni. DurluK ttiat time. I tried a great many modlcinos which were highlv r»«. ommeiided. but none gave me relief. I W!i3 at liist advised to try Ayer's Sarna- parllk), by a (rieiul who tola me that I must purchase six bottles, aud use them aev.'orulnK to directions. I yielded to his ror3u:ision. huuEbt the six bottlos, rimI look the contents of l^.rooo( these l>o^ ties without noticing any direct benoflt Before I bad Unlshed the luurlli bottit, By hands were as Free from Eruptions as ever they were. My bnslness. whioh is that of a calMlrtver, requires tno to b* out lit cold and \r^t we.ither. often without gloves, and the trouble baa sever returned."â€" TuosLia A. Joiuss, StratiorU, Ont. The Sarsaparilla m Admitted at the World's Fair, Will give tc extxa for- black sheep wooi . And are in a better position to meet the wants of the public than ever before. Notice our e.xtroincly low prices for cu.-itum work ; M^ 4 Cariing Bolls, 5c 16 [arJlaj S SpimiiBg, Hfc Ik Au, Kisi's or Wbavujo ln Froportio.n Cash For Wool NUHN Cash : for : Hides? Sheepskins and all kinds of fuis pur- cha-'ed, for- which highest in.-xrket price will be paid. Tlomein.ndc sauaages on hand, also alt kinds of meats. 1«. WILSON, LES'IKRTOX MEAT EMPORIUM TBSTIIVIG Preserve your eyesixht by having ih6t& ' proiM rly tested by >V. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAN Farm and Mill Site for Sale F'>r 9a1e very cboap ami on vt^rr easy tcrm^. Timber fnrui, 150 acres, two ini'.fs (roiu KIbbU ertoit. known a^ the VVi'.i. Hoi;u sawiuiW pro- perty, and oil ^vbich iaau oscultuut writer puwor. loum'.ation of saw mill, iltim aii<) poiiil aod water wheel iu place aud all rea«.1y fur puttioK mill on. About 16 acres cleared. 'M acri>s timber, uiottt off. *.)aIanoo well tiiubereil. mixed tituber. Thitt farm will be 91'ld at a bargain if sold a& once. Small pay tuont down, balaocu on Tary eL.»y tei-mtt. Apply to R.J. Sproui.r, Klflsberton.On Carpet Weaving^ The uudersignod hss placed in position a • first class loom for carpet and flaunal wcsving : and is |Mo|iorixl to Kiv« satisfaction. Uringio â-  your KA(iS or YAUN to A. T. HRBON. Floshertoa, April 'T, '96. ' Good Farm for sale or Rent Lot 87, con. S, Arteniaoia, eontaininij H« sores mors or lo.s.M acres cleared, about 4* mils* from Kloflliorton, Tbore aro a good lo~i» ham au.l stabU on the prvusises. Oood rnauing. water. Voifatbor partlcslars apply to W, A, ARMSTIlOMa riesbertwr-i 1

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