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Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1896, p. 5

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THI fLSSHSITON AD7ANGfi Vicinitj^ Ghi-ps. Olinracteristics oi the P;tst Wccm Carefully Culled for the Curious. S'Mi/iesJi iiohcos amung tocdls will he cfi'irjed at the rutii of 10c per tine, fur mch inner t toil. A reduction icill be tnade oii C'lntravta for lOi) linen or owr. Freslily liuined lime for »ale, J. H. Dacktjif, Eum'nia. I It Eludes ni< Qrup. Dr. Kolstiii was r.ot fluccewfu! in luo 1 4.i;t agiinst f I'.o Hurx -rid Ontiri-i P-iil- way Co. fliB motion was denied at Ob- goude Riill last weeli, and if he wishes to " clasp in iuud embrace" that ?2000 he will have to try other tactics. In ilie moaiuime the inoney is being pDid lUt in iieces.iary ex[eniliture, and by tlio tiiiie the ambitious Dr. getii ready to Rrasp it the proverbial pea will be under the other shell. The Norwood lieijister takes two week*' holidays. 8«vtr;d of the vi'laga young people picnicked 'it BeU'.s Luke l»sl FriJ-.iy. Servuut gill ifaiittU, from 12 to fa yeavs of neo. Api'ly afthi.s i ffioe. The Flt^ihirtoa U. P. P.. A. ioJiin of this pIsco culebnited yeiiteid*y in Duii- dalk. â- â- ^:=^'' Fiiui.d, Iftdica coal, between Flashe; ion »nJ Miikd.ile, alout July 15. App'j at this ufiice.' The Arleiiiesia vu'ors' luts is n.)w in the hacds .f the Clerk. The legii advorlisunieiit Hppears elsewhere. Aro you piling to the Sunil.iy scho'l exuursion to day 7 This is tl:e popular >|uection anked on all stiles, and the an- nvrT in nearly Bvcry ca-ie i* "I't coumc." The a»rate i.f J. W. 8hore, E^ping, win be otfere:! tor sala at the office of A. S. V.induscn, !wsi.;uee, F'eshertoM, on Wednoiday, Au;^. 11). See advt f.r par- ticulars. Inspector Campbell infontssus that the BHral Kt'Looli will rt'opeii on the third ISomlsky iu August as li<»tt.'f.>rv!f n<.t Sept 1 as ikiue have been thinking. â€" (iC'y R'.'view. Mere 1'sil Corn Tlie day after this paper was ifisued List week M.istcr Merviu Vauzaiit of this villajje brought in a corn ctalk nieasuriiig 8 ft. 11 in., jagt one foot better than Mr. Unsttc'llt', not"d Inst wi ek. It wh.i plant- ed at the same time and ri'presen'ed two inoii'hs' grtHYlli Van foar days. Mr. J. I. Gvaham of Vandeleur followed the same day with a stalk ft. 1 in , but we did Uut harn what perii.d of urowtb was rtpri«ei:ted ill tlii.s recordbeatBr. The P'eseiit hit and nioist weather seem>« very faroialile to the devrhipmenc of foddttrcc.rn Hii'l r;o!a. At a nieotiiif; of East aiid Centra Groy Con.iervativc Executive, held in Jtaik- dale la-st wv. k. SicrL-tary W. McLi>u;,hrey teiidred his resignation, which was accepted. John Lyons was appointed in his stead. We have received 59 Vic. Dominion Htatuted. The work is nut unusually exciting and the volume is a small one. There are some peoplo who think tlieae v-iluines should all lnj^ str.all ono«, and that we havs too many Acts and Bills aud things for a small country liko ours. Ailvcrtiainj Stray CattU It d^-es not [u.y lo travel all over the 01 uutiy for dajs hunting up stray cattle when fur a uOc a'ivertisement in this p.i[)er you candiseovi'Tllieir whereabouts. Mr. .lohii Winters of Hathoitoii lost hve head ai:d spent dollars worth of valuablti time looking for tlam He w.-ii then advised to try an ad. iu Thu Adva.icc and here is what he says : Hatherkon, Aui;ust lOt'.i. S!r. W. H Tuvkstosâ€" I wish to in- furii. you til it 1 Ifiv.' g.>t 3 h.3ad of cactle that you ai'vei'd iot;t in yi/ur paper, at Kimborli-y. Mr. Stt-wa; t saw tile ad. ill tlie [lapiT ami hont me a card. YouiS Uespoctfally. JtjHX WlXTEl'^S. The aVvo is only one of many situiliar ccses. It suldoni fails. Rev. Mr. Ilurcison,^ of Dund.ilk, will take Mik. Wells' services on this char;;e next Sunday. At these servicts he will, by appoii.tnifut of tho Oraiiaeville Pies bytery, road the edict citing the con gresations of Fleslierton and Eugenia to appear before this presbytery in con- nection with Uev. Sfr., Wells' rtoiiiuation Mr. B. Hish'p eecnrod the other day DOme very tine Indian relics, including a beantiful bone spear, a Iar(re boiu bjvl, handsome skinuing knives, pipe, arrow liea<is, and a few other things of v.hicli i»»do nut know the use. Those Mr. Hislcp has kindly placed in our 'â- museum" and they aro now on f.\hibi- tijiu for our friuuds t.) *i.<Laniine. The Fleslierton U. P. B. A. lodge has ticttled itself to a very haid.sonie iier. Tho w^rk was do:ie i:i Toronto, aud is one of the neatest pieces in its lino we have ever seen. On one .side is the Canadian coat of armsaud on tho other the emblems of the urdjr â€" a star, bible, and cross swords, and approprialo lottf r ing. The meitibors of the order should feel pr^uid to inarch under so beautiful a ti'>g. The young man Britton, sent from Kugenia to tho Owen Sound hospital a few weeks ajjo, will spo-ul the next throe mouths in jail because he is not able to earu a living. No one nould pay his hospital fees and he was discharged from that institution last week and taken be- fore the magistrate, who gave hiui tho above term at his own r<<iU88t. Tho Ad vertiser avys he "certainly deserves pity and careful attention," neither of which lie is likely to be embarrased with where he has gone. Injured In a Runaway. Mr, Mark Murphy, lot 3, con 9,0sproy, was thrown from a wagon on Monday of last week hy his hirses running away on the Heaver hill, near Maxwell. A young man who was with him jumped and es- caped injury, but Mr. Murphy's h«ad wa« badly cut. He was convoyed back to Maxwell and Dr. Soott found it neces- sary to put in thirteen stitcher. H» was subsequently taken home, where he now lies in a rather dangerous condition. The accident was caused by his team becoin- iuj{ fri){kt.«Qed at a dog.^^ Church ImprovtBieats Thu Advance took a peep into the Methodist church on Monday, whcie hammer and saw, paiot and sand paper arts. niovia;^ at a lively rate. Wo found the ;iastor. Rev. Mahan, and Mr. -M. Uichardson with their coats o.f aud laboring like Turks at the ne^w platform wliich is beim; erected. Wt3 do not propose to tell ev«rythiug we saw, be- cause a bBtt'.ir description ca:i be giveu when everytliiiig is completed ; but w» saw suthcitiiit to caiH»- u» to believe implicify that tho pnator was not e.Ya.'i.'uratin-.! one iota when lie claimed that this edilice will be one of tiie very handsomest north of Toronto when completed. Mr. Fhsher, tho contractor, has been under the weather himself for a few days, but his assistant, Mr. Beatly, is busily at it, and Mr. J. E. Moore is assi^'ting at the civrpentering. Thuhand- souxly de.iier.vd wiiidowa will arrive this wrvk, as also will the new pipe organ, and the opening has been definite- ly arrauijed for the laat Sabbath in this month, when a ijraiid time is expected. That the church will bo beautiful and chaste ill design aud a pleasure to the eye til rest upon xt assured. It will be a poeni in artistic workmanship and will rufiect very great credit ou committee and workmen. The storm that vi.-ited western On- tario on Saturday, Sunday and Monday did threat damage. The lightning was particularly severe, causing many lires. Tho wind unroofed some buildings aud tho hail ill places destroyed crops. The editor of tho Chesley Free Press visited Wiartou the othur day and while thero was set upon by a rowdv who attempted to give him a tlirnsliiii". The thrashing went the wrong way and his rowdyship got badly used up. The editor is receiving congratulations. Shelburno Fraa Press : Robt. Small of Lot 29, towiiliue Mono and Amaranth, had bin barn and stables destroyed by tire on Tuesday iiisht. The barn con- tained seven tons uf hay, a v-^uantity of oats, a reaper, a seed drill, sulky inke, democrat and a lot of oMier articles. The fire was no doubt caussd by lii;htning, as there was a .severe thunder storm during the night. The buildings were insured for $000. .\n cxchnnyn tails a Sitoiy o£ a boy who went, to market with a sack of rabbits and lingered around town all day. When asked by hi.s mother why he had not s<dd thu riibbita, he said no one had asked what was in the sack. Uow many merch- ants are like tliis boy ? They have plenty of goods for sale, but fail to tell the peo- ple " what is in the sack." If you expect to sell goods in this day and age of the world you must open your sack and keep shoufcinK the merits of your stock iu trad«. . PERSO?<AL5 M.r». W. A. Arinstroii;; is visiting with relatives its Dundalk. Capt. Baasott of the City of CoUiiig- ttijod was in town 511 Tuesday. Mr. C. .1. Leitch is attending Grand Lndgo I. 0. (). F. at Sainia thia week. Mrs. Gaudin, Long Island, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Tliuratoii. Air. Geo. Hawk, Linwood, was in town on Saturday. Miss Lillie Gladys and Miss Malle Sl;evenj, of Paisley, are the guests of Miss B'lora and Josie Richardson. Ex Alderman Dodds, <.f Toronto, was ill town on Saturday, combining business and pluasuw. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gibson returned last we-?k from a Tisit to friends in Buffalo and elsewhere. Mr. S. E. Hall, Toronto, and .Miss Hall, were giissts of .Mrs Legard. Miss Uall reniuiius fur a few weeks visit. Mr. Sypher, who is well known in this part as a travelier, has removed from Hanover with his i^niily to Sloidenr Man Mrs. J . Bradley and Miistcr Percy B:adley of Orangeville paid The Advance a Hying visit on Tuesday while on their way to visit friends in St. Vincent. Messrs. Tucker and Sparling took in a Ma.soiiic excursion from Thornbury to Wiarlon last week, playing with the Thornbury band. Mr. W. P. Crossley also made one of the party. Mr. Wesley Smith, Toronto, is visiting the [arenlal home. Wus has been at- tending the shorthand academy, and is (piiti! proficient ill wieldiniitho pencil. Mrs. Win. Hortoii, of Swiuton Park, was a culler on Ml lid.iy. Mr aid .Mrs Hortun have lately removed from Owen Sound to the hub of Proton, where they have taken up farmii^g. Mr. A. C. Palersi.ii, of Blautyre, was a caller at this nlfice on Tuesday. Mr. Paterson is now agent fur the Sydenham .Mutual Fire Insurance Co. iu place of Mr. W. A« Dnyniaii. resigned. Mrs. \V. BaridH)u.-i; left for Montreal on Monday v^heFU she will visit with fiieiids for a wejk and re^urn with her huiband, whik is n-iw crossing the ocean (111 his return trip from the old land. Mr. Sydney B. Sykes, secretary of the North of Scotland Mi'rtga^e Co., wb.s in town on Saturday, paying his lespects to Mr. J. W. lieiiderson, in.ipector of tho company, who is enjojing a few weeks rest here. Mr. R. Henderson, late of the Temper aiR-e ai'd General Insurance Co. was renewing acnuaiiitunces li re this week. Uob. is at present engaged with a Lion- don clothing hrni, but has been ill with tT|ihoid fever and is now recupor.atiust. He look in a Mackinaw last week. Mr. \Vm. El.ier of Fleslu'r'on is visit- ing his brother, Mr. Geo Elder, at the old homestead in Holland. V«'e wore pleased to meet our old friend William, but sorry to see him in such a delicate stale of health, although, as u.sual, in excellent spirits. The twenty five years since ho left the old home in Holland and wont to I've lu Fleshorton, where his health failed about fi.urtgen years ato since which time he has tiavtlled over th" gniatost part of this conliueiit, with out att.iiniii!; the desired re.nilt â€" better lioulih.â€" C'hatsffoith New. Binder Twine Vf# IF YOU ARE THINKING OF GETTING A PAIR OF ^it Boots or Shoes for Summer | II2lCLAYTON'5 We have in LADIES' OXFORDSâ€" BEAUTIESâ€" as fine an assortment as you can get at from ?1 per pair and upwards â€" Black or Tan. Also MEN'S BALS, OXFORDS and PLOUGH BOOTS from $1 per pair. Repairing Promptly Attended to ^ ^ TO ill DSEiS OP BffiDSF. TWLNB GKNrr.K5f*:s.~V*'o aio pi-oi>are.' to supply von with No. 1 TWINK at rook boitt-iii | iicoa Loavo your ovdcr t-wly wi h Mr. Tliorp Wright our Ajiuiit. l''lei*hcrt(Mi. Tho Farruors' Hindur Twino Co.,, liKANTFOHD. THOS. HALENTINR, PruHiJuiit E0US8 and Lot For Sale Kor ofle ch.-ap. on u(tH\ tornis that comfort* able ii'f'iiloiico on Mary St. Ficflhortoii, toiit.ifciii- ii.R M vooips aijfl wood dbud, witli hawl niid ^oft, wiiinr puiiipB, both iiuclur covor, btinntiful gai»N*n Riiti otx-liavd iKo woU flni^huii stablu and <hivr houBO aHx'M rt. Apply to J. K. MOO KK Furniture Ucalui'. STRAYED Oh or p.>out tbnjstof May strixyod from the piutniHos of Jobi) Crawford, kit 9, con. U, OKjiroy, four honl of yearHnps ; oiio white li«if<»r ftiJii ono I oan. or greyibh, with i iitht c*ar« clipjmd ; ono red nteor witk wiiitf? nbout the lluiik, and ouu ruaii or groyish bull. JOHN UAWFOKD Fovorshaiu P.O.. August llth. inJB. Notice to the Public Uavini; ocasod to work in tho 'IOmUj J uf auoiit for tlio SyilHuliMii Mutual Kirn TIHlMDcu Co., Ml-. A. C I'ttlorson. of BlaiityioTr»r O.. Kupbrnaia, has bauu Sppoiiitfld inv Hticcsiif^or. 1 ha\a pleaBuro in rDComuieiiiliii^i tir. I'lttsisou to i>«oiil« throagliout tho district. W. A, Daymax- WjJtoc*' Fall*, .\uguit gtU 18S)a t^^^^ H ELLO ! What's AH The Noise ^^ HELLO ! ^^""^ ^^ HILL'S? A Great .Slaughter is talking place. Good.s ;ire cut and torn aud prices are away down. Print", (i and 7c.. now 5e. Prints, 'J and lOc, now 7c. Prints, 10 and 12.U-.. now 8c. Crinkle Goods. 25c., ninstgoat 15c. Ceylon Flannels, 13c.. present price, I'Jc. Black Dress GooiLs, 2i>c., to §1.10 per yard. Lace Curiaiins very low. Cuitain Poles, 25c. We Always Keep the Best Groceries in the Market Pure Lawt, 10c. Hi. 4 cjins Beans. 25c. Corn St.ireli 8c. Long Clear Bacon always on hand. Also Bbl. Salt. t3^ Any ((Uantity of Butter, Eggs, Hides, A-c. wanted in exchange for goods. We keep P. Loucke's Ni>. 1 Manitoba Flour on hand. . . . Try It ! T HILL .}'«. ^1'- v^"^ i"^ -f'r^ »^'^. siu .^".. â- i<f- â- {"' v^'?. -'';• v^o- j.ij. j'<jiM'ii!'ii"ii""i <"4iV«ii."ii'^i"-: ; ^tf ~nf' ,i- '„?'/.v-"/t«^ '/t?'/t? w^/i«='/iv^w '/<? '" ;• '/i*- ''I*" '^t^ 'â- "^ '"<• '"<• '"<" ""*' "*â-  "'â- ' ; ^1^ .ji<. Still Ahead ALWAYS LEADING IN Quality, Quantity and Prices ^0 h We cannot and will not be boat in our own business. Our facilities for biijing and handling FL'UNirURE were never so good as al present time. Wo Lave a pride in being able lo say our stock lins bcc-n bought with a tliorotigh know- ?i? W ledge gained in experience of the mar kets, the times, and our ^^ I cnslonici-3 needs. Buying aud selling Furniture a|i the best values and on the closest possible margins is our one study- â-  Ik sure to see us if you need anything in HOUSE HKNIIUISE Hue. House FurnislKT & riitlortahcr Fleslierton Furniture Warciooms. Hesiilence ut .Store. "(if '(if •!» S!f. .!'.•.. .J»«. J>'«. iK- -'"> â- Â»Â«â€¢ vM'* .»!/> v^l/.. i^''-s\''ivM«.i!&;^^:^V4;»t^ vV«.^W,;J»«. J^I^. J Jl«. Aft, w .{IS. •iiO .5"!. i'r. i'LESHERTON ^ IFRES! F-REIS!! W09LLEN MILLS open again and are laying more than tho liiglicst price for W0< >L. Will give Ic extra for.- black sheop wool . And .iro in a better position to meet the wants of the public than ever before. Notice our extremely low prices for custuni work : Hi} 4 [anlins Balls, !g 11 [arilsg & lpA% lOc W Ai.i. KiNus ov We.vvi.mi I.N Proi'ortion Cash For Wool NUHN Cash : for : Hides! Preserve your eyesiglit by having them propt rly tested by W. A. ARMSTUONG, - OPTICIAN Farm and Mill Site for Sale For pnlo vory cheap auil on very oasy luruis. Timber fnnn. ITx) fttjies. x.y\o iiiilitrt from >"k'«U drtuii, known aa tho Wni. Hoj^cnawinill pro- }>erty, ami oii which isnn cxonUuiit water power, uitiidatioii of saw mill, ilaiii itnrl poixl and watoi* wht^ei iu placu ami »!! rtiady for piiUing iiiitl on. About linicros ak'iiroil.St) acrwH tiinhor, niOBt oiT, ^mlaiicu wull tiiubureil, uiixuO tiinhor. 'I'hiHfann will t>u Hold at a bargain if f<uld at once. Hiiiall payment ilowu, balaucu ou vary y.ksy terniH, Apply to U.J. SPiiovLr:. I'leBhertou-Cn Sheepskins and aH kind.s (if futs pur- cl\u8ocl, for wliicli highest market price will be piiid. Homemadtf saufeages on hi^nd-^ alHo all kinds i>f nieuts. EJUESIIKRTON MKAl EMPORIUM. Carpet Weaving: Tho luidtirRignod bas pl:ieod iu position a first class loom for cnrpot nnil flanuul wohtIdk anil is iiroparoil to Kive satisfaction, llriiigia your U.VOB' or YAKN to A. T. HBBON. Piosherton, April T, 'an. Qood Farm for sale or Rent Lot27 oon.O, Artoineiiia, oontftining 146 aor«8 iiior.1 or lo i>,10 acren cleared, about 'Ai milM from Flonliorton. Tbero aro a RooU lOR barn tnil »t»bl« on tlie premises. Oood ronaiag : wntor. For fathsr particulars apply to W. h, ABMsrnoMa Hill IlifflMii •riiM^iiiiir

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