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Flesherton Advance, 6 Aug 1896, p. 8

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THE FLSSHBRTOM iD^iNei iJiS D. ricTavish FLESMEr^TON KEEPS ON HAND ''^o'pai TS or Massey-Harrit), and Noxon, Fleiiry and Wilkinson farm implements. Itiiiy and Verity plows on hand all tlie time, also all kiuda of repairs for tli« same. VVe manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cnlters, Sleiglis, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. ,,, SUMHER SALES ,,, ^^^"^ NOW RUSHING! ^^^^ This U tho Reason of yu;ir when you want to buy a nice buggy or cart. I have themâ€" bofiutioH â€" iin<l will soil on your own tunnsâ€" if tliey aro not all one-siciud. Painting and re-trimming done to order. Don't buy without looking in upon my samples and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN '^ J. H. HEARD! FOK XHE BEST UOOIES, Was^gnns, Carls, Spring Tooth and Iron Harrows. Frosts and Woods' Uimlrrs, Mowers, Horse Hakes and I'loiij;ha. Floury Ploughs, Scufflris and Tuniip Soid Drills. Dick's I'louglis and LhikI U'i|1.m-.s. Shares for all kinds of Ploughs. H)rs8 kindi of lilacksmitliing. Wood, Linuljcr, Cedar Po«t.s IS ^f, I'loughs and J ft Slioei'it! and all Ji ^ hiliingles. }^ %^^ .^k *i ^^ .^^ .^k ^^ .^h- .^k ^^ d^b- -dflib ^^^- *<^ «^ifc 1^^ -^^ 'V 4_ ^^k. ^^. ^k ^^. ..JW- 'w 51 COME THIS WAY Foil YOUR The Best in Town Als'i lUNAN.VS, ()U\N(!K.5, LE- MO.V.S, CONf-'ECTIONEltY and every- thing io 'lis 'Jrocery Hue always on h»ijU and at oli«apesl prices. Atrial solicited. WI. BARWHOUSE Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. 0<vrriage8 mado and Kepalred, also Plauiugand Matching, Daud Saw. tng, Wood Tnrning of every des- cription. Planing and Grain Chop piU),'(lofle while you wail, for th<« Hoaver turns the wlioel. T. W. WILSON Manager 8oIentli)a Amerloan Agency for OAVBATS* TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATKMTS, OOPVRIOHT8, «to. F«r InfiirmMIonand frio llnTi.nxnili writn to wr.vN a CO., siii imoAi.wAr, Naw Vomt. OldtKt liiirt'aii fnr KocurliiK [>at4'nt« iti AinurloiL Kriry rmli-nt Ukon out liy u« li Ijroiinlit bffimi Iho pufillu by a nutlc« glvtir. Icae of cliareo la tba ItrcMt olrrnilnllon of any ii^li>ntinn ran(>r tn the wurl.l. ^I,l^lmlilUy niustralu.l. Nii liiu iii,;hii( man thuuM be without It. Wocltly, «3.(N»a Mari »l.!il)»limoiitha. AJilrKsn, BUNV^ft CX>.. rcuLiaiiuui, aoi Oroadway, Haw Yark City, OWEN SOUND, ONTAHIO, Is i;H.e iurex*y Seat Pr.AflL: IN CANADA 'l()(ll:T A TlioioDgli \m\% \im\m. Take a Round Trip ^[,?,r v;;;:,,,^.'! i;iilloR«s and Oommerolal Dopaitmont* In Canaila.thon visit tb« Nortliorn lliniiioss (Jcille),'o ; examine every- • hini,' tliorouKlily. If we fall tci prcliico tlic Most tlioi'ouKli.GoinplHta, practical imil txtuu- • iTO . bourne of " ; thii IniKt ec)|l,.(;(, prenllarF • nr) thubuitaml moat oniiiplxlu iiiicl must auit- .•blefurnitureaiu! anlianooj, wu will lilvo vou A full ctmrie FIIKOI. Kor AniMi.ii Annocnico Msat.giTingruUpartloulara frmi, aiMrcn C, A. FLEMING, Principal. ir. n. nor* Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrlb!e Ccug^h. No Kaat Nlffht nor Suy. Qlveu up \>7 Doctors. A LIFE~SAVED DY TAKINQ CHERRY PECTORAL "Several years ago, I c.iiiKlit a severe cold, kitenileil wiUiatcrrililo ccmgh that allowed mo no icit, either tiay or nlglit. Tlio cloo- tiirs, after working over mo to tho best ot their ability, proii I'lncoil my case hopeless, and said tlicy coiiM do no more for nio. A friend, loarnliit? of my troid)le, sent mo n bottle of Ayer's Clicrry IVctoral, which I l>OKsn to t.iUe, niid very soon I was preatly reli'^vcd. l:y itit; t!nie 1 liml used tlio whole b>;ltlo, I waa(;ompIetolyciiri'(l. Ihajonover had mneli of a rouftli hImco that time, and I firmly beliovo that Ayer's Cherry Tectoral aaved n,y Hid."â€" W. It, 'Waiid, 8 Qulmliy Ave., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Ctierrjf Pectoral HIGHEST AWflnnS ,17 WORLD'S FAIR. Mifcr'a ruu tho Heat i'amitt/ X'hytiem HI eUn brogi-e aa 'tr turned the he*!. Uelreat is not In our vncubulary And got your hag.'* lilltd at IleiulerBon's in Spniuks'rt Plmk wi' COME A I ONri Kud'J fatnily FLOUlt rVL,V/l>VJl at«!;!.45i,orbl.l. \V„ hnvo soiiuMiilo !j\ule 'I'EA and StlGAR and other GHOOKRTEH. Our SweotioB are rale gnde, bo tho folks say. We havo some frr.ile liaiuinaa, lU'k Curns auit PcHchcM at lonost living priceH. Our TliUNKH ami VALISKH aro away douii' in pricu. Wo are Agent for MutiowanR Xo. J IIAUI) MANITOllA FLOUIt. Try it. An early call solicited. WM. HENDERSON CARDINQ I.linro put t)u\ I'll.-o ills cirdinj:; mill into flmt claia r,Ji «ir nu;l am tmplojrljig a good cftidoi'. Goud v/urk ilono prouiptly" „, . >*â-  MoCipWBN. i'l'ioSTllla, Juua f, '94, Prom Victoria to Grey by Wiieel There was « time in tho history of tho wheel when it was considered a rarity and a groat luxury. Now that ♦i>ie has pitssed and it boconies a necessity. Av a means of cheap, and at the samo time speedy transit, the bicycle is unsurpas- sed, and one so determined can make it profitable as well as pleasant. Travelling at the rate of from eight to ten miles an hour on a fairly level road, one has ample opportunity to examine nature in her various i<arbs as slie appears at different ()Utces and seasons of year. On July ly Mr. C. E. Kelly, principal of the jmblic scliool at Manilla, in com- pany with iny.self, whose duty it is to maintain the reputation and honors of .S..S. No. 5 Brock, started out from Ma- nilla m roi^o for Eugenia Falls ami Sloaford. On the township lino between Brock and Mariposa, partly in the County of Victoria and partly in Ontario, as if di- vided a;;ainst itself, is situated tho little village of Manilla, once famous as tin- centre of tialfic to the front counties be- fore railways brought it to its fall. rii.Ur ordinary conditions of boat and nioixturo these two townships, as far as farm |iiednce is concerned, may well be called an E<len of Ontario. Throughout the parts of Victoria and Ontario p!i,s.sed ov«r by us the crops presented an ex- ceedingly good appearance, giving pnj- mise <<i a great yield. Barley, fall wheal and oats could scarcely appear better. Alsiko, while short, will tive a good re- turn. (>wing to tho absence of rain in the early part of tho season tho hay crop was light. Tho crops in Y'ork wen- hai'lly up to those of Ontiirio, partieu- larly as we i'.pproaclied tho i.orthwest of T(jr>.nto ; lack of rain causing the grain to appear thin and short. The road from Urampton to Orangevillo was very rougli and hilly, but these 22 miles were as fair a sight im over rejoiced the heart of man. "City and solitude, valley and mountain, forest and water, blended into forms of .ilmost ideal beauty." As I stoo<l on the crest of one of these Caledon hills (for so I believe thoy are named) my heart leaped witliin meat the sight. It appeared like a great amphitheatre, the arena beinj: ^upplanled by scuiies from nature jKissiny in panoramic order before me, swayed and coiitroUud only by tho magic hand of their author and finisher, even Uod. 1 fitoixl In rapt tilence and wonderat the scene asinspiraii..n Uroalhcd music on my soul, I )ii the tops of tliepo hills one can see for thirty Hides, and at night it is pleaiant, 1 w.os told, to watch the flicker of Toronto'^ illumination as the lights danglo and llaiinl at a (listanco of lio miles. At niy foet below lay a valky with its green swards of new mown hay, the green pas- ture, a living carpet in its verdant beauty; tho swaying guidon grain, and the flowery fragrance of a patch of Ijuckwheat. These at a di.stanco seemed to glide together and each other's sunny ridgea, form- ing a tcKselated pavement more beautiful than the most skilled workman couhl ever dream of designing. This pretty sight is fringed about by sentinels and guards of all sizes and forms, on nearly every side . At the font tho little juniper roars its head, next the poplar, shiToring with emotions of, tho balsiim and pino with their quiet, pretty green dresses and regular conical forms, making them conspicuous in the landscaiie ; then the mapleâ€" audit would appear as wo see their outstretched arms that in their hands they bear leaves of their own weaving. And as the balmy zephyrs phiy nniid their branches wo fancy we hear the sweet tones of "The Mapl. Leaf Forever." As if arranged by ciiie- fnl, doiinit* plan, next conies tho giant oak. He swaya his groat arms above them all, but especially tho maple. How they link their arms and feet together in tho R.'.vio air and soil and, swayed by the wind of fortune, fondly embrace and kiss as tho days go on. Each of these chooses bis own liastion, and there, with ever silent and watchful eyes, keeps his vigil bolow. As f nature could not be coin- plolo without man, seated at tho feet of o.ici of Iho nK.uiitains is ii littlo villagn, the name of wbieli 1 bavo now forgotten. I s.iy seated, for in the noonday sun it did look tired. At a distance tho only indication of iifo was tho bolehing from a great (-awmill en-ine and tho doleful, tired hum of tho saw as it labored tlirongh the !• g. But one is awakcnud from tliis day-dream by the (luiet murmur of a little stream as it wends its way around tho foot of tho hill, whispering lovo in an under- t' ne, the voice of which was lost amid tho fascination of its surroundings. It •eKtne<l to say : " Men may conio and men may go, but I go on forever." " Hole," I said, "no inNinuatioiis," as I reluctantly headed my wheel for Oiwngo- J. J. Cai;tek, Manilla. A Meaford youngster tried to walk a colthesline. He is uow nursing a broken arm for a change. Mt. Forest Methodists are building a new brick parsuDage. Chaa. Thurapsoii had his head crushed in at the Mono stone quarries and died from the eflfects. Deceased was a native of Orangoville. Cliatswortb News : About midnight on Friday last Elijah Marcjuis, wh<» re- sides on the 5ih con. of Holland, was awakened by a noise which at first was mistaken for rain, but proved to be the crackling of firo, the barn, a short di»- tince from the house, being enveloped in flames. The fire had gained such head- way before discovery that any attempt to save the contents of the building was impossible. Besides the building, a crop of hay, wagons, buggioa, harness and all the implements Mr. Mar((ui8 possesstd were consumed. The lost is a very heavy one, the insurance bein^ only a small tmount. The urigia of the firs is a Diya tery as neither lantern nor any other light had been used in tho barn for aouie considerable time. O. S. Advertiser : Tuesday afternoon in the cemetery at thu ()uiet little vil'age of Big Bay all that was mortal of the late .bjhn Clark, the recently elected member to the Houss of Commons for the Nerth Riding of Grey, was laid to rest. Ser- vices were hold at the house at 1.30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Mr. McLarei , Kemble, and Ker. Dr. Armstreng of Oitawa, who at somo length eulogized (he deceased and spoke comfortinir words fo the bereaved ones. There was a large number in attendance, irrespective of ;iarty, from Owen Sound, Meaford, Wi arton, Tara, Hepworth, Parkhead and the surrouudingcooiitry to pay their last respects to the deceased. The funeral cortege was a long one, there being some two hundred vehicles, containing kad n ; Uerormer* and Conservatives. Among tho nuinareui wreaths on the casket was one, the gift of Owen Sound Liberals, with this inscription : " North Grey mourns her rcpreseutatire." County and District The Western Fair , Sept. 10 to 19, Canada's FavorlU Live Stock Exhibition. Oldest far In Canada-established 1868 Uoing evor Piiiee. Bxhibitora find it pays to Ahow horo. KntricR closo Kept. liri). *;JO,OiX) ox- pende'l on new builtliii^:^; bedt on tho coutitiout. Kvbiy ()uro bmoj roprcBon.od in tho Uvw ntouk, Ilvoty iniprovement toa^'iicultural iniplunients on exhibition. Tho centro of dairying. Tho be^Ht iirw builditiKBtu itliuw iu. A perfect sight and will 'woll repay u Tisit to the Fair, ^awneo S3iN'a Wild Wast J^nd'fffexican jVippodroTno so actors, GO aniuiala and a village of 50 tanta ; the cruatetit fair attraeliun in America to-day. Sie Hassan Ben All's Moorish Acrobats TWKLVll IN NUMBEB. ^•iid for prize list and uiaka your autrles. €ArT. A, W. rORTK. THOS. A. BROWNR. Prusldcut tiecrutary FARM FOR SALE T.Ota US, Uil and 150, con. 3. K. of Toronto and Kydoiiham Uoart, 100 acres, W) cleared ; (^Dod orchard and well watered. Will bo solil on easy tornis. For fuitber particulars apply to Kluslieiton, July :<J, ISOO. IIKECKOFT A TALBOT. TO weoH I! m mm NOTIOK ia hereby Rlvon that I will not be rcapooaiblo forauy dubtn contracted for mo or in my name, without express authority iu wrltiue. JOSIAH ClAMKY, Township of Osprey, Farmer rated at Fleshertou 18th d ay of June A. I). IHUB. Lot For Sale. villo. For ^'ale choap and on oiiay tonnq in Fle^hcr- tiui. Kplondid larjio. solid brick dwelling, with 'A>y^i\ Mtuno cullav, aununoi' kitchen and wood- honae, also ^jood fvaino stable, brick linod. r oniiHos con tains two I ar(.jo lots and Rood young on:liard, boarlnti. Hnnae and ou^buildinys are ixtpptioniiily wtjll finiHhcd and very couveul- bntly laid out. Apply to H.J. SpsouLE,Flo3horton. FltSDEBTOH STEJB LJOSDBy. I have opnnod lip a. couiploto steam lanndry in Floshoi ton, and am propated totakoiuauy i)Uat tiby of laundry work nt lower pricoB um chavj^'ul tdspwhere. I liavo put tn thela' nst Mild most improved machinury to that ond. Kindly fjtvo me a call. Kutiro satiBfaction ^uaraiite0d,and prices low. Ubs. aao. MooAKBOUsa The Markets. Carcfnlly Corrected Eaoli Weetc Flour 1^3 80 to $4 40 Oats 18 to 18 Peas . 45 to 45 Butter 10 to II Eggs, fresh 9 co 9 Potatoes bag 20 to 25 Pork 4 50 to 4 50 Hay per ton 10 00 to 11 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepskins 25 to 50 Geese 5 to 5 Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair :i0 to 25 Ducks per pair 40 t» 60 Wool 17 to 80 TIME TABLE fiOING SOUTH. Markdaleâ€" 6.40 a. in. Fleshertouâ€" 6.53 a. ni. 4.40 p. 4.53 p. m. in. OOING XORTH. Fleshertonâ€" 11.48 a. m. Markdaleâ€" 12.04 p. ni. 0.17 p. li.oO p. m. ni. Jftv* Jfov */oAn«on. Ayer's Pills *' I would like to aild my testimony to that of others who have ii.sed Ayer"s PUle. and to say that I havo taken them for many years, and always derired Vba best results (rem their use. For Stomach and liver troubles, and for the cure of headiiche caused by these deraiiKcments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled: When my friends ask me what Is the best remedy tor disorders ot the stomach. Liver, or Bowels, my Invariable answer is, Avar's Pills. Taken In season they will break up a cold, prevent la Rrlppe, check fever, and regulate thu diKestfvo organs. XUey aro easy to take, and Are the best kll-round family modlcino I have ever known."-Mr8. aIav Juunsom, sos Rider Ave., New York City. AYER'S PILLS M>ghe«t Awards at World's Fair. Jiyr'» Stir»apurilluforth« blooU, I Photos -^1 1 â€"TAKEN ^ â€"AT TilE I Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery 2 are done in first-class style and at ^ lowest rales. Special attention given to copying. Babies' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULMER I? Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills The iindersigned art' placing iu po- aitiou a first class sawmill for custom sawing, wliicli will be ready for opera- tion in Jamiaiy. We liavc also added A CHOPPING MILL For the convenience of farmers. Clioppiiip; done at any tiuic at 5 cents per 100 Ib.s. The sash and door faoloiy, band and acroll sawing business coutinned as uaual. Pile in your orders. BEECROFT & TALBOT m'timi

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