THE FLS8HERT0N IDVANei D. ricTavish KLESHEI^TON KEEPS ON HAND â- J^efiaiTS For Massoy-Harriij.aiid Noxon, Floury and WilUinsou farm iraplemcnta. Fleury aud Verity plows on band all tlio time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. \Ve manufacturo Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Ilorscshooiiig promptly attended to. bpecial attention to tender, con- tracted feot. Logging and Tlow Chains constantly on hand. â-º^V%^'%/%^%^/V^/%%%/%/V%^%%'V^^%^^^i^'*^%''%^%^* *<^ ^V^ SUMHER SALES ^If I '^^^^^ NOW RUSHING I "^^"^ This is the season of year when you want to buy a nice buggy or ciu-t. I hiive them â€" beauties â€" and will Boll on your own toruis â€" if they are not nil one-sided. Painting and re-trinnning donu to order. I)on't buy without looking in upon my samplea and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN ? ' ^ ' ^''rf- 'l4^'-f^\ . ^ . . » » vwiv^v;-^^ J. H. HEARDI oo ro OK XHE DEST-^" GIES, Wnu'Kons, Carta, roitsand Woods' Bindum, rv Ploii'.diH, ScuttK'rH Spring Tiicith and Iron IlarmwH. Mowers, Ilorne Rakes and Ploughs. ami Turiiil) Soed Drills. Dick's ., , „„.^,... _.... „, ~ .-. all kinds of Ploughs. Hjrsn ^ Shori'i;; and all kiiiJs of Ulacksmitliing. Wood, Lumber, Ci-dar Posts |.^>i^ a. 1.1 Shiii-tlcs. 'Mr ^yi Plou!;li8 Slid Land lli«l|ni-s. Shares for \ipJS'^;:! :^^!SS^^j^t^^^y,i^^^^ ''l^ ^^ COMK THIS UAY FOR YOUR The Best in Town Als.. I1ANAV.\S, ORANiSKS, LE MONS, (^i^NKKOTKt.NKUY and tv.ry- thihj,' III 'lio <iro"rry lino iilwiiys on liiiiid uud at uU«a|».'sl Jiricts. A trial sulicited. WM. BARKHOUSE Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. â- Oarria;^09 made a:id Kepalrod, alFO Planing aud Matching, Band Saw- lag, Woosl Turning of every des- onptiuu. Planing aud Grain Chop pingdoDO while you wait, for th«* Boavor turns the -wheel, T.W.WILSON illniingcr OAVBATt, TRADB MARKS, DESION PATENTS, C0PVRIOHT8, «tO< Tor Infornintlf^n and freo flaiiillMrok >viltn to lUl.NN A <;(!.. 161 IJUUAUWAY. NKW Vr)HK. Oltli'itt ttUii'AU for aocurliiK patenu In AtiM>rt( V«-ut*«^ tnL'dk^ rm^ ItV llu i-± Itp^tiirvlit l^j-i/.i UKii'itt ituii'AU for socunuH liatenifl in Atncnoa Every imi/nt taUtn out by usU broiiKlit boforo the jtuulic hy a uotlcd glvvn Uuo ot ubargo iu tbtt LarirMt clrralntlon of any n.lonUflc rup" tn tlio world. ^|ll«Ilclldly IlluntruUid, No liikilllgnni man sliouM Iw without It. Week It, gs.OOa rear; tLWBlxmunths. AiMnm, HnilN « CO., FvsusttUia, S61 Bruadway, Now Yoxk Olty, .^r'^-<%,.. Hopeless Case. M â- mm â- â- Mi >HIIIII1â€" ^â€"iâ€" ^^MIM^W^^^M^M^M A 'juev:!b;o Corah. Ko Eoat Nlclit nor Dar. Olven up by Doctors. A life 's AVED |J(^ GhjERRY "Srvfral yc,iv)njro. I c.a.iRht i»noTorocol(l, •lte:iileil v.ilti n t^.'rri:>lo Coiiph lliat p.Uuweil me iio rent, el'.h.r i^.y n iiir'.it. Tlic diic- t'lra, afur woikms cv"r mo to tho fcn?t of t!u'lr aijlllty, proii'ninca.l my cr»o liopeii'ci, n:»l B.iM Uicy rouM do no r.ioro '.ir mo. A frlc;iil, lo.irnliii; ft r y troiil In, eeiit do nbotl'.o of A."ir:i Clurry rcetoral, wlilch I I'ctnn to ta!;c, niul vory iio.m I v,a3 prB.-.lIy rtlh'Vi'.I. I'y t!,i tlM-.fl {'liAl nsori (lie w'.v la I' I'.tlo, 1 V.I ; cini'!''et"ly cnreil. I Invo novrr I ul niroli ( f a e,:v,[',\\ shico (Inttlnin, nml I fimly bplle'o tiiit Ayi's O'.invty IVctoral davcd my I'fu."â€" "A'. IX. V.'AUD, 8 Quiinby Av'-., loivuil, Ma ,3. HIGHFST AWA".S AT VVOi^LO'S Wl Proton Council dttcr 'j I'ilU the j;ci.« t'nml'u Vhyiiot HIelan hroKii* n('<r turned the heel. Ketreat la not In our vocabulary. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, la tHe very Best Pf.AOR IN OANAUA TO CIRT A Tlioieiigli BQsiness EduGation. Take a Round Trip Xrllr.ri„o\'i â€" OolluKua ami Commeroikl nepartiueiiti InOaiiaila.tlion vinit tba Nortliern DueiueaaColleite ; oxamlna avery- thiiig thorouxlily. If we fail tn (jrodiice Mi<i mnit thorougli,oom|j|ote, iiraclii'al and oxteii tire oourne of ittiidy ; the baRt collduo preniluc? »o<S tbo holt and most oomplotti and moat auit- kbiafuruituruaiid aiiIiaiioa>,w» will Rlye you % till ooorto FKIilR. Vnt Aniinal Aiinouiioe- ^••tiglTinituU partlcuIarB free, addrea C, A. FLEMING, rrlacipftl. VWITlLIi filled at llendorsou'H in Sproule's IJIock wi' A I ONfi «"â- '« f"""'>' I'^Loun ^^â- -•^-'l^^J at $,(.4.5 per bid. Wo liHva K<jmo v.alci iLjiulo TKA and SlKJAIt and other (iROOKillKS. Our Sweotios are rale gude, so tlie folks say. Wu havo some (,'iido Itaiianas, Itl'k Cnrns and PiiacliBN at lovfast living iiricea. Our TRUNKS nnd VALIHMS nro away donn' ill price. \Vm are Agent for Modowsn s No. 1 HAltlJ MANITOBA FLOUR. Try it. An early cull Holieiled. WM, HENDERSON CLRmm Miave put tlio I'rinoyille carding mill iato ArKt dacB repair and am •niploylug a good rardar. Qood wuik dune promptly. .. , ... J*. MoGowBB, FrioeTllI«,jBbe8,'W. Proton Council met «t Btdl's Corners on Wednesday, 15ili insi . Members all prsaent. Tho following lusiness was Iraiisacted : SliBw â€" Wilsonâ€" That the Treasurer's half yearly report b» recorded fyled with the Clerk and laid on tho table next Council uieetint;. Watsonâ€" WiUou â€" That the cenimis- aioiier of Div. 4 be authorized to have road repaired o)>poait8 lot 15, con. C. Mackenzis â€" Wauon â€" That J as. Smith be paid 812 for dania;;es sustained at bridge on con. 4, lot 12. Wilson â€" Watson â€" That a grant of SIO bo given to Div. 4, con. 9, lot 41. Is. W. Campbell, P.S.L, be paid »10.70, Pmtou's share of cost of arbilratmn re U.S.S. 15, Arteuiesia and I'roton, the Clerk to notify the parties cnncirned to psv Bsid amount to towiiRhip treasurer buforo next Bioetiue, Aug. Ifi. Shsw â€" Wilson â€" That the CoancU re- ceive two days' pay, 84 each. Mackenzie â€" Watsonâ€" That Johu Ellis be paid 8C.05 for gravel for Div. 1. Shaw â€" Mackenzie â€" That the cUrk no- tify haac Traynor, fowinliip engineer, to attend and hare all parties concerned remove driftwood out (if river between lots 17 and 24, eon. 8 ami 9. That Jidin .lackicin be paid 811.15 for woik, Div. 2. And whereas the amount of Htatute labor performed ou townliue by East Luther has not been as large as that done by Proton, tliocleik notify that Council to roiiii'dy. Watsonâ€" AVilsonâ€" That the billof Jas. Kail bairn re taxes agaima Ua 41, Ci>n. G, l>u left uvor till next nu'e'liig, and tho colleotor be nolilied regaiding the sanio. Wilaon -Shaw â€" That iho following be paid for woik Div. 4 and 5 : Joseph (Joliecn, gravel, Div. 4 and 5, 82.bO ; Thoi. MoAuley, 81.70; .bn. McCartney 81.20, Johu Gott 84.30, Cha... Vanal- stine ?10, Goiir;{e Lcppard 810.05, Art. Robii;son 8207, Jas. Rnbinson 820.04, Frank Rennie 80.40, Thus. Robinson 82.52, Johu (loodfellow 81", Treas. Dun- uidk, travel 82 W, John Iteid .«i3, Chas. McAilhur, crant 810.70, Wm. Mitchell, townline Proton and Arteniesia, 8^5.75. The fidlowin^ be paid for Div. 1 : Edw. Iloibeiii 810, Jos. Beiitliy, plank for bridg«, 82 ; John Ilamillun 85, Wni. Irwm, gravel, 811.25 ; Jus. Challeii;,'cr 810, D. Meiizies 82.50, H Arnatt 82. Vlfatson â€" Wilson â€" That the following lie p.nid for work Div. .'f : A. Dow 86 00, a. Stone 810.15, Juhu Porter 81. 25, II. Anderson S'5.40, R. Ferris 83.31., D. (Jilbrailh $22.05, 11. Wils-.n 81. tieorge ltlack85. R. J. Porter 810, Thos Mc Aulay 82 40, 0. Wright and ThonmsMc- Aulay, buryini; aninnil, 8L Shaw â€" SIackrnzie--Tbat the followine be piid for work Div. 2 : P. McMurdo .*2, John Jackson 8".o0, D. Campbell 81.50, Jas. McDonald 83, Jas. McKay &8, Thos. McLaren 2.20, Jas Anderson jiJO, (jce. Sagunian, giavol 80, 11. E. Ulendiiinin);< priuling and stationery, 84.'».82. Watsonâ€" Shawâ€" That the Clerk notify truRtei 8 of school Bsctioiis that 8150, in- otciid of 8100, will bo pnid this yt-ar, and to leave estimati-s with the Clerk for levy (III or before ni xt ineuting of Council. That tho fiillowing i,'r.viils to townline Pniton and Arleiueaia be paid : D. (Jalbrailh 810.59. Chas Lyons $48.50, Itiehard llodgins 820.7C. Watson â€" Wilsonâ€" That ihu Clerk no tify Jnhn Kelly, pitlinmstur heat 4, Div. 1, to havo the statute labor porfornied this your on townline Proton and West Luther. Tlie coniinissioner of Div. 1 to gravel equivalmt to uinouot of graiis labor performed on 37tli sideroad, con. 3. For wiiik Div. 4, Siinuiol Gamblo, 81.40. John Mct,Ui,iriiB 82, Thos. Watters, re- pairing Bciapcr, 75c. Maokenziuâ€" Wilson- -That a grant of 810 extra to 850 alieady granted bo^ivon on townline Pioton and West Luthor. Watsonâ€" Wilsonâ€" That the bill of John Luliau for enpensos in connection with visit of coinniittee Prov. Board of lleallli, 1895, bo referred to local Board of Health to deal wiih the same. Shaw -Wutaoii- That Ihu Council now adjourn to meet in llope\ille on Aujj. 10 at 10 a. Ill, Jas. Oavanaoh, Clerk. Herit Rewarded and Patronage Appreciated Tho direct.ois of the Western Fair, London, are the set of men in, this couiury, and fuel that tluir efibns have been sppreeiatod by the people of Ontario and adjoining States. There ap- pears la be greater things still In Btoro for tlioin. The now lire stock buildings they ilaiin te be the best on the conti- nent for exhibition luirposes, being built fiom pikus carefully prepared after visit- ing th« principal fairs of America. They are so arranged that visitori can start at the main building and go the entire rounds, wo might say, under cover, and it will niakelitl la or no difference whether it rains or not after you once get there. This expenditure of money will no doubt be a big drawing card, and increase both the exhibits aud patrons this year. Notwithstinding this great outlay the prize list has been increased some with She understanding that next year will find considerable advance in this liirection. Pawnou Bill's â- *Vild West and Mexican flippodrome has been engaged aud will make a first class special feature, Leiuj; one of, if not tho very best, fair attrac- tion in Aincrica at present. Sie Ifassen Ben All's Moorish Acrobats are aleo going to be there, and others are beiiit; arraiijjed for. Together they will n;ake a rousing day's aport, and fill the new double decked grandstand to its utmost c.ipacily. There is no place one can get as uiuch value for his money a.s at tho fair ; let there be a Ur^fo delegation from this neighborhood. 4'ounty nnd District James Lynn of Caughnawaga captured two white squirrels. J(diu Marlatt, Shelburne, juioped 20 feet off a frame builvling and broke some bones in liis ankle: Cows are devastating; Chats-rorth gar- dens. This town is not the only one to suffer in this respect. \ H.W. Croker, a Bumardo boy aged 13, was'jSeii'; to jail at Owen Sr.und for thiitom days for stealing 81C from a Sydenham farmer. Vaustune's dry goods store, Oweu Sound, caught fire Saturday eveuini:. Tho tlainca were extinguished but 85,000 daniai^e was done by 6re, water and sniuko. Jaiuci Mullen of Princeton, Out , was bitten by a huge rattlesnake. Ha cut out a piece of the fit.: and look stimu- lants, which saved his life. The reptile was killed and measjred C7in.long and 5 incbe« in circumference. It had 8 rattles. Miss Campbell, of Riverside, near Teeswater, lost her watch. Peter Bcs- seau fuund it, but denied the fact. He started for Rogina, bat he was arrested in Toronto, and taken back. Saiid> Symons, J. P., conimitte<l him for trial and Judge Klein sentenced him to three months in jail. A cottager at Stony lake had an excit- ing experience lately. While lying ou the grass a black snake ran up his pauta Inons \tg. One can only imagine the howl that escaped the gentleman when he felt the clammy thing. In his ensM ing gymnastic exorcise the snake dropped out and was orentually killed by a friend of the exhausted victim. A cynic says : Drink, and tho gang goes with you; swear off, and you go alone; fur tho barroum bum who drinks your rum has a quenchless of his owu. Feast, and your friends are many ; fast, and they cut you dead ; they'll not L'et mad if you treat ihem bad so lun^ as thoir stomachs are fed. An exchange says that every news- paper treanures up in its memory the names of its friends and its enemies, it seldom if ever overlooks an opportunity to Ksaist the fermor, but never goes out of its way to boost tho latter. Human nature is pretty much the same every- where. People who show the newspaper man kindness never made a better iiivt st- meiit or one that inoro surely psys ihem a hundred fold, sooner or later. As has hoen truly said there couits a time in the lifo of every man when a word said by a newspaper either makes or unmakes the individual mentioned. Henry Willjsm Croker w»t before the pidioo Magistrate at Owen Sound on re- mand, charged with stealing 810 from a farmer in Hydunhani, Ho had been liv- ing with Miss Findlay and ran away previous to her receiving the late young (ircun, fur contributing to vthoso death she is now serving a year's imprisonniunt. It is alleged that he aftornards returned and btolo tho dead boy's clothes, went down to Brooke and crossed on the ice to Sydenliatii, where he hired with a farmer, and finding an opportunity etulc the 01(1 and loft. He was found at Parry Sound and taken to Owen Sound by a conslable, when the magistrate remand- ed him and asled the Children's Aid So ciety to take him in charge. They, how- ever, declined on the ground that he was under the guardianship of the Bariiarde home. He was again remanded and the Barnardo authorities eommunicatud with, requesting that they tak* faim bacV. The Markets. CarefuHr Corrected Each Week Flour 83 80 to ft 40 Oats 18 CO 18 Peas 45 to 45 Butter 11 t(j 12 Eggs, fresh 9 co 9 Potatoes bag 20 to 35 Pork 4 50 to 4 50 Hay per ton . .. 10 00 to 1100 Hides 4 00 to 5 (10 Shoep-skiiis 25 to 50 (jooso . 5 to 5 Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair 20 to 25 Ducks per pair 40 t« 50 Wool 17 to £0 TIME TABLE C-'OI.Sli SOITH. IVIarkdale â€" 6.40 a. m. 4.40 p. m, Fleshc'on â€" (i.53 a. ni. 4.53 p. ni. OOIXO NORTH. Fleshertim â€" 11.48 a. m. 9.17 p. m. Markdaleâ€" 12.04 p. m. !».30 p. m. Jtfi-*. Jtoy JbAtwoH. Ayer's Pills " I would like to add my testimony to that of others who have use ' Aver's 1111s, and to say tliat I hiive t.ikeii ihem for many years, and alw.ays derived the best results from their use. For Stomach and Uvcr tronbles. .ind for the cure ot lioadaclio caused by tlicso doraneoments, Ayer's IMIls cannot bo equaled. Wheu my friends as:, roe what is the best remedy for disorders of the stomach. Liver, or Bowels, my Invarliblo answer Is, Aycr's Plllii. Taken In season they will break up a cold, prevent la prliipe, cbe('k lever, and reRulattt tho dlnestivu organs. Xhey aro easy to iako, aud Are the best all-round family medicine I have ever known."â€" Mrs. May Johnson, 368 Bldec Are., New York City. AVER'S PILLS Highest Awards at World's Fair. Av»r'»Sar3apariUaforth« blood. Photos Â¥00 m â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph | Gallery | are done in first-class style and at ») lowest rates. Special attention ^ given to copying. Babioa' photos. & a specially. Pictures framed. £ MRS. BULMER | Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills ^ The undersigned aro placing in po- sition a first class sawmill for custom sawing, which will be ready for opera- tion iu January. We have also added A CHOPPINQ MILL For the convenieuco of farmera. Chopping done at any time at 5 ceats per 100 lbs. Tho sa8h aud door factory, band aud scroll sawing business cootiuacd as usual. Pile in your orders. BEECEOFT & TALBOT